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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
ggggBmmmmmimmmmmmmKmmmmammmmmanjmmmrmtamaammmmmtmammmmmnm ; i i '1 i i 1 ' FIRE ' INSURANCE POLICY 7A ttoyjmxtrA&tt'j w- DON'T DELAY ORDERING a llu insurance policy from us -inflo tiny. Kin- Nu'l going '" st iy away because u aio not in ured. In find, it M-i-aix to pick nut t!.c limn I'll-.' -li i. ''i;:'' l" ','' without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us Ishiic ou a pnlh'y to-diiy. Donl hesitate about t lio mutter. Thf 11 -v lli'inl nm.V have J'""1' house iIkimi mi tin- list fr a visit tlits Miy night MARK WHAT I GAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. W. C. T. I). ITEMS. (Till Spare lli-loind Ui llii' W. (' T. t . OrluuMl, Iowa, the home of (iriniiell college, lias no saloon, iiowr had one and never will haw. A general Height manager cinploi illg ',' 1 1 clerks sujus " ! cent or the mistakes were tnadii by .'W clgiiietto smoker. riu. muftiiiK tr tin? v. c. t l.. at Mrs. 11. 14. Ilowaid'H lasL Wi'iJiiewluj was very profitable A reading upon thf work being dniio tor lumbermen .....u.tivm. hi' Mm. Albrltfllt. Mr. C .1. Pope gave fruiii n loiter wnltoii l y our MinurluU-li u'lif. of Inmperniieo legislation at Washington, Mni. .Mar garet 1). KlIlHt luformiitloit eoiiccrntfi hills introduced in Congress i thj' line of our work. A in "iiiorl .1 " rvli. In honor of Mis-. Willunl ww. uImi phiuuL'il which will '' -"' '' lh0 Congregational church Keb. iTth Bn f wyb VAIL rr $' HZS til hP&& V JR. .J BJpj&&Lr- & .. if J H J 1 ,r$ v aS w 1 w H SJVi At 2 pin.. at Smith & Kirkpatricis rale paviKon, Hotel Royal, ti the high est bidder, the well-know: t oroup.W rod Relrian -Stallion Millcc To ii'illtor- lu tin-County Court. Col. J. H. Ellinger AUCTIONEER Does llvi'stoi'lt and general alio tionoi'ritiK. KatisfnetlonBiiunm ti'i'd in every enho. I'ndorstands peili(,'ri'us' and 'stock values. Miuiv yeat.s esnerionoi'. 1'hono htm nnythno Red Cloud, Nebr. i 1VAWa Ao'V i siatt ol N'i'liriiska. ii'itiHtir Count i In tliu iimlli-r of tin: I'slati- of .hiroli H. Iti'lKlf Dceunseil. Notluf Is lioreliy Klvi'iilu nil iirrsousliiuliiK olulins aiiiliK'niiinilsiiuiiliisl-liU'iili &. Hehtle, lule of Wi-tihler County, duci'iisril, thai the time llxeil for lllliaf claims uualnst said estate IsMx niutithi trum the :ird itay of iinruary lull). All Mioli persons are n-fiiilreu to tuusent their elalms, with the louchcrs, to the County JuUue or sulil eotinty. athlsolllee therein, on or before Die "n! day of Auuuxt 1 1)1 o; ami all elalms so tiled will he heard before the said ludKC on the tilt day of Auitust, 1010; at one o'clock P. in; and Unit the administratrix U allowed one year from the tlth day of .Iiuni. nry I'JIO, lu which to pay the debts allowid uutilnst said estate and settle the same. (si:ai.) I. W. i:son .1 County .IiiiIku Wanted Salesmnn Wo ivant a reliable energotle aKetit to tepreseut tn in Ked Cloud have an uttractivn proposition to niuhc the right man. Address - United Wireless Telegraph Co., (iJJ Iteo Uldg , Omaha, Nebr. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, I in tliu County Court. Webster County. ( In the matter of the istate of Thomas II. (JultiKle, Deceased. Notice Is hereby Riven to till persons nav liiK clnliiiHimil demands nRalnst Thomas II. HulKKle, late of Webster county, deceased, that the time tlxed forllllni; elalms against eatd estate Is six months from the 3rd day of I'cbruary 1UI0. All such persons are required to present their claims, with the vouchers, to the County .Indue of said county, at his olllce therein, on or before tlio 3rd day of uust I'jil); and all claims so tiled will beheaid hi- foietlieKildJiidito on the 1th day of uusl lino, ft t two o'clock p. in.; mid that the ad ministrator Is allowed one year from the ltth day of January I'.UO, lu which to pay the debts allowed aualnst said estate and settle the same. st:.i 1 I. W. Biiso.n j County .lude. Porte Vein y yhyf 21502 Churcli Services. H(UllStir,SI':HVKT. ATM. i:. Clll'ltCII Saiiiiviii siaivii'Ks. S'liulay richuid IDA. M. 1'rcachlni; II A.M. Claw iiiietlnit li M. IIVKMMI Vpw'orth Icaittie 7 P. M. Vreaclilni; h P. M. I rajer mcctlui; Weduisday cvi nltii; 8 P. M l.ullisAld l-'ilday 'J P. M. our pi est net Is it ipii lnl and a (urdlal day at 8 p. in. ttiMt'ithiii 1st Meudi.l to all. A cordial Imitation IseMendil to all. . M.T. sen i i.Ktt Pastor. Hkv. A. A. Cukssm v Pastor, UOI'ISS UK SKUVICi: T CONtMtl'.CA TIO.VALCIIUltUII. Saiiiiviii Sr.avici. PrcachliiK ... ... 10:1") a. in. Illble school 1- m I'reaeliliiB sen Ices . S p. m. Prayer and Cinference meeting Wdnes- This horse is royally bred, ri-d was imrorJrr' hv R .b.. Burgess & Sur, of Winona, 111., for the Crooked Creek Horse Co., of Red Cloud. Having ucucied to quit the business is OUR reason for selling this val uable horse. He is all O. K. and is the sire of all good colts. He is chestnut in color, is 18 hands high, he is a ton horse, was foaled May 1899, and was sired by Pequavoine 7564, he by Mercure 714, out of Mauresquie 1765, dam, Boulede Tourrinness 8482. TERMS Cash, or 12 months time, purchaser giving note and approved security, with 8 per cent interest. Col. J. H. Ellinger, Auctioneer. LYMAN ESS5G, Mgr. Crooked Creek Horse Co., Red Cloud, Neb LIST OF LANDS IN SHERIDAN CO., KANSAS. FOR SALE by A. H. CARPENTER, RED CLOUD, NEB. No. I --IWO acres lying adjacent to the town site of Seidell, high ochool Is built on a portion of tills land, the laud is all smooth, level, rich black soil, two hundred and forty acres under the plow, ono hundred and seventy acres of winter wheat, all fenced and cross fenced, a big snap at $'M per acre. No 12 -lb'0 acres adjacent to the town of Seidell on the oast, all good level laud, 70 acres of winter wheat, IBS acres under cultivation, the balance in pas ture, all fenced, and good well and mill, price Sll.'i pur acre. No. it UK) acres ', mllo from Seldeu, 1 10 acres under the plow, all smooth i?ood improvements, new s-quare house, all foneed, a snap at 8ln0j. No 1 -10 acres :t miles from Seidell, small 2 room house, running water and limber, and IU0 acres under the plow, and the same in pasture, Co acres of good bottom land, which is great for alfalfa, price S1000. No. ; UJil acres U miles from lloxie, the county seat ot Sheridan county, 1 10 Price SiloOn, terms S. J. GIHWINGHAR9 DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. l:tIGII At the old stand over the State Bank. Phonefl3f. Widow's Pension. The lecent act of April luth. l'i"S givos to all soldiers" widows a pension ofrJper month. Find M.iurer. the attornev. has all necessary blanks. acics broke, ail good level farm laud, no sand on the place half cash and the balance left on the place. No. iiUK) acres 7 miles north west of lloxie, all gooil level farm, I !." acres broke, part of which is in winter wheat, fenced, 80 roils from school house and church. Price Srll'JoO, terms half cash and balance to suit purchase'. No. 7 !I-0 acres 1 miles south east of Soldon, 70 acres in the bottom along the Solomon, most of this is in alfalfa, balance good farm land, about "J70 acres broke, good new S loom house, good barn, hog houses, granaries and er.hb, scales and scale house, all fenced and cross fenced, well and mill. This place is a snap at the price of S.'l'.oii per acre, terms to suit. No 8 SO acres of goial black laud which slopes to the north, within '200 yards of the Solomon, all fenced and cross fenced. ilU acres broke, most of which is good alfalfa land, at) foet to water. This placo can be bought tor n short time for $K.OO half of which may be left run on the place. No. 0-U!0 acres 7 miles north west of Hoxie, all fetieed, 100 acres broke. 1'rleu illriUf, terms to suit the purchaser. No. 10 VM acres of e-ood farm land II miles north west of lloxie. 0 milts Miuth of Seldon. -ehool on the adjoining quarter, all fenced and cross fenced, aaO acres under the pt.ju an 1 into crops, 'veil improved. Owner will give pur chaser ', of the crop, delivered to market if sold before tit days. This Is tho best bargain on the list Price SSOOO. Purchaser will be able to make his own terms. This is in a good Herman settlement. No. It U',0 actus li miles south east of Seidell. IK) acres broke, sod house, barn for 11 head of horses, fenced and cross fenced, granary and crib, well and tnlll, 1U roils to school house. Prho S'i-'OO All cash excepting $800. No. Ui !W(l acres it '., miles south oast of Seidell, all level land excepting 1 draw, ','10 acres broke. 170 acres In winter wheat, all fenced and cross fenced, well and mill. Lies across the road from school. If sold before May 1st, buy er Is to receive ' ol" the crop delivered to market. Price Jsooo. No. I.i-l(i0 acres ti miles from Sehlen, l.r)0 acres broke. I'J." acres in winter wheat, ',,' of the crop to be delivered for purchaser in Itoxfoid if sold soon. All fenced. Price $3M)0. No. 1 1100 acres 0 miles south east of Seidell, 2." acros broke, fenced ami uross fenced, sod house, Miihlu 10 21, granary, corn crib, well and mill, hog houses Biilorc. 2: acres of good alfalfa, ',,' ol tho crop delivered to purchaser. This Is tho finest farm In the vicinity. Prlue (1000. No. IT) 1UU acres .' tulles south east of S.ldon, 100 acres broke, 70 acres In winturwheut, fenced and cros3 fenced, btnall house, fulr barn, well and mill, corn orlb, granary etc., )& of the crop' dell vored to market IT bold before April tst. Ctui buy nil of crop if purchaser desires. Price $4800, Uavo agrcit many other bargains too uutnerous to mention. 4 Few of the Good Things Dill Pickles loc per doz Sour Pickles 10c Sweet Pickles 10c ' Itulk Olives 10c " " Horse lladlsh Ulc perbottle Catsup l"i Celery Relish 10c " Mustard Ulc "J glass Olemarget'ine Unttor. . .20 A 2:c per lb O vsters "'! A t)0c per qt G. A. SGHUuTZ GO. For Sale or Trade. A 1 1 room brick holt e sultal-le foi keeping minuets and Imai-Uis if li sired. Size of building J It -t i y and n half hiyh, IS lots and i- fiaetli.n ot'U lot. t.j, elrle light-and water m house. For further iiifoiiuatioo in quire at. Child' ollice. vn t A froslunilehcow. Inquire at Noivhutiso Uros Store. TARRH n now located lu tin UP YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avenue Meat Market Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. .JL .vvdnffi ; . V X lt l.'TJ 'lH. U . ry l.'flr Nfniw' dh. d.,:u: 1 UUCl UUUUlIlg STAIRS WXV7.'l Insurance e WnteJ surety llnls WRI 1 i Farm Loans e Make ; VAvMv ,., WCll i Ueal Kstate e oell ; pianos Ui We want your patronage We make No CI1AIU5H for listing your properly ITNI.KSS VK SELL AT VOUK P'UK'K. Wi: ADVKKTISK listed pronettv WITIIOI'T A t'KNT OF LNPLNSL TO YOl'. Our now quarters are eos and comfortable. Come in and chat with us, C. A. Schultz & Co Red Cloud, Neb. BHMMHaMMMM.BMMnBBMBMIWMMHal I GA Elys Cream Balm This Romody Is a Specific. Suro to Civo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE ft cleanses, Boothcs, heals, and protects tho dl-eased membrano. it cures Catarrh and lrivesnway a Cold in the Head quickly. Uottores the .Souses of Taste, and Smell. Pasy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. pidiud into tho nostrils and absorbod. Largo Size, TiO cents at DruBists or by mail ; Trial Slzo, 10 cents by mail, t ELY OliOTHERS. G6 Warren St.. New York. That Lame Back Means Kidney Disease i'.i ui" m Fresh and Salt Meats o( All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Market Report As Furnished by Hanson ft Trine Hens (fat) 10 per lb Springs 10 " " Cos :i " " Ducks rt " Geese 7 " Untter 10 I" ' Eggs (rots out) 'J9 ' " UflDERTAKWG ' Carry l;uncral l;urnishiiiKS in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services oHJAlbright Hrothers on Short Notice withoutjlixtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WELLS COWLES, NEBR. And to Relieve the Lame and Aching Back, You Must First Relieve the Kidneys n Thcro is no question nbout that at nil for tho lnnio and nchlng back is caused by a diseased con dition of tho kidneys and bladder. It is only common sense, any way that you must euro a condition by removing tho causo ot tho con dition. And lamo and nchlng back nro not by any moans tho only symptoms of derangement of tho kldnoys and bladder. Thero aro a multitudo of well-known nnd tin mistaknblo indications of a raoro or less dangerous condition. Somo of theso nro, for instance: Extreme and unnatural lassltttdo nnd weari ness, nervous irritability, heart Ir regularity, "nerves on edge," sleep lessness nnd inability to securo rest, scalding sensation nnd sedi ment in tho urine, inflammation of tho bladder nnd passages, etc. DoWItt's KIduoy nnd Dladder rills nro an exceptionally meritori ous remedy for any and nil nffee tlous or dlsenscd conditions of theso organs. Theso Pills operate directly nnd promptly and their beneficial results aro at onco felt. They regulate, purify, nnd effec tually heal nnd rostore the kid neys, bladder and liver, to perfect and healthy condition even In some of tho most adTanccd cases. ITS "TO - Df Jy- ' 49 1 WilTlfrliT,ri Mlmmi K. C. DeWltt & Co., Chicago, 111., want every man and woman who havo tho least suspicion that they are afflicted with kidney and blad der diseases to at onco write them, and a trial box of these Pills will bo sent free by return mall postpaid.- FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS i vm