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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
K r I t V u WORTH KNOWING. Simple Remedy That Anyone Can Pre paro at Home. Most peoplo nro tnoro or leas sub ject coughs and cokK A slmplo remedy that will break tip a cold quickly mitl euro nny cough that is curable la made by mixing two ouncos of Glycerine, a half-ounce or Virgin Oil or Pino compound pure nnd eight ouncc.t of pure Whisky. You can got thene In uny good drug More und eas ily mix then In a largo bottle. The mixture Is highly recommended by tho Loach Chemical Co. of Cincinnati, who prop.iro tho genuine Virgin Oil ot Pine compound puro for dispensing. ENCOURAGING SIGNS' OF LIFE Ub;ral Contribution In United Ctatcn and Canada tor Work of tho Foreign Missions. I In spite of the financial depression t lie orfuringa of tho United States and Canada for foreign missions increased List year CH::,0U0. The Ineremio of In- i.n fiom Uio torelgn Held was cn itioio remarkable, being $l,;!t!t,00D The total gltta on the foreign Hold v..i3 $1,811,000, and till.- amount was IS per cent, of the total amount con tributed for lorelgn missions by the VroieMuiit chinches of North America T!io increase ot native converts last i!ir was 101,071, or over 150 a day. The cumulative effects of the for-lgn mission enterprise Is shown by the fact that It took 100 years to gain the tlrsl million converts. The second Million were secured in li! years, and fhey are now being added at the rate of a million In six years. Tho percent age or the Increase ot tho church membership of America was one and one-half, while the Increase of Amer ican mlsBlons abroad was 12 per cent. Two members were added In Ameilca lor each ordained minister, while 11 were added In the foreign Held for eacJi ordained American missionary. Hie Missionary Review of the World. Ed rly CorulDi ra cie They Win. "Do you look lor a favorable out come to your lawsuit?" "No, but tho lawyers do "--Houston Post. The Tellow who says he could never lovo a woman with money may dis cover that ho can't successfully lovo a woman If he hasn't any Important to Mothers. Examine caretully every bottle of OABTOUIA, u t-afe aud sure remedy for Infanta ana ciiuuren, ami see uini u Boara tho & S$7k-Zu Signature GtC&aXJffi&Zc&M In Ubo I'or Over ;H Years. The Kind You Ilavo Alwaya IlouskL His Broad Charity, lmogono I know papa Is cross aud surly sometimes und says things that are unjust, hut you should judge him. Philip, by his best. ' Philip Oh, I do, dear You're his best. Impolite Papa. 'Mamma, what makes papa mako that funny noise?" "He's snoring, dear." Hut you always toll mo It ain't po ito to blow my noise out loud " When ono woman has a grudge against nnother Bho tells the neigh bors how sorry she feels for tho wom an's husband. Woik Is the grand cure for all tho maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind honest work, which you In I tend getting done ThomnH Carlylo. Quaker Oats is the world's food Eaten in every country;' eaten by infants, athletes, young and old. Recognized as the great strength builder. 52 Delicious and economical. m ma? fiWM w m m m mm e, naw am i t ' rx:-? afi ff mMm$m$mmmm wiii. v m ,. u yhsxMt m tVSlria vo jyj.W" vK2rtJw tysjM H Iff -" 1k3aA. vjrbfiiffvJPKW t I wiwuiiiiKHOrT aie middle of && WP 8 W WP.& II 11 August. isg2, com- dBmssEiga JJ& imt&w I R V", SSVJV II I I nnnr K of tho One J hmfi$&l IV V'H Mtf IB I I hundred nnd fifth 2$&Xs!t0ffiil& Wk ifK7J-m fl I iv . jmSk II .rugg3s&mBmi&mxj&TAi Xhar. wrtfff II W Tl t0tirH kK)WI1 nH t,in WVwRfl TOMWRffl M? -fc, II mm&imffi&Xkm which 1 was a private. W,JiWl 5 MM l'!l(lw &rl tbJi. .'" v I tvi'fBir -a . ... . - trsMir wraiiin "Jimnn Avinn.TfkCiB nitawn. . . , . jul was uoiniieu "s . 'Jnyjlff lan7AljrTOWUVl!vV TJSW7 ?"?" rrT ""V I ited one. f roS 1 ( ' 2&-dlifillHKr'N. M F-J ofthupapefdc I I rxPfiClgfS ntobuy I I zcciuc-o lhin? ftjver. I UeJ in in columni hould injiit upon I I having what they ask (or. reiuung ll I I eulflitute or imitations. I Bkonckial Troches A. ronvjnUnt aivl tlfctlv. ttmtdy lot Cousin ajvl "Sn?.WiWra aM :ipiktr. lot c!.-t nt tte voice. KnllItM9 (! pUlMOranvharmlul HjrftdUnl. ffHM t. BROWN soW' Tto"' '''"' M Children Coughs ctuo.,fc' One Much Uunecauiry Sufferlnt J s o's CURE tttt VLSI WWII T0 JG4SDS Cift itaat itErf-d and haU lh Lal .l ..J - -t nuvA imoui IDani. Chudrtll Lloitlno npIetMsllo Ulus and doea ool unl tliattotoadi. All DrugguU, 23 coat. HOl'T the middle of August. lSfi'2, Com pany K of tho One hundred nnd fifth PennBlvanla volun teers, known as tho "Uucktuil" regiment, of which 1 was a private, was detailed as a bodyguard of 1'rcsi dent Lincoln and continued In that ca paclty until his assassination In the spring of ISC". During the three yeais of my stay In Washington, tho most critical period of the nation's history, I saw and henrd many things that hnve never found their way Into the public prints. Somo or the Iwdyguaid were constantly with the president and bin family, whether at fushlonablo levees receptions to foreign legations or pri vnto Interviews At all ouch functions we were silent spectators of all that took placo. Wo were always treated with the high eat respect by tho Lincoln family, who re garded us as a pait of the household Kvory prlvato of the guaid received the name ntten tlftiiB of courtesy ns tho mopt famous states man or diplomat nt tho capital. We all formed a Btrotig personal attachment for the presl dent nnd when the grand old man laid down his lifo In bt'hnlf of the. cause thnt had been his life work wo felt as IT we had lost the dearest friend we over nnd. During tho Mist two years of our term of service tho most rigid discipline was enforced. Sometimes wo would be ordered to use ex traordinary vigilance und to let no ono enter tho grounds of the White Houne without the proper passes and to be voiy particular as to who approached the president. Often tho or dor would come for the guards on duty to be doubled. It wus seldom that he knew the direct cause of those extra precautions, but we supposed thnt tho otllcers of the hecret service were in possession of Information of some plot thnt brooded linrm to the presl dent. U; to 1801. owliu; to our vlgllntice aud ttin protecting hand of I'lovldcuce, our beloved chief bad enrnped tho hand of iole.nee The back of the confederacy was broken, a good feeling pervaded all Washington and conue qucntly the strict watchfulness that hnil pro vailed giew Into laxity. This wus the fatal period, for It was at this time that conspira cies were hatched mid confederates overran the city, comparatUely unmolested. The pros Ident nnd tanilly upent the summer at tho sol dier's homo, situated ahout three mlloa north of tho city, and thither the, bodyguaid always uccomjmnlcd them It was in tho sumiuei of ISIM, while we were up at the home, that an iucldeut hap pcued thnt emtio very near culminating In Just such an awful tragedy as followed only a few months Inter at Ford's theatot It was tho custom of the prc&Ident to remain late ut the war department when anything of gioat Impoitaucu was happening li the army, con suiting with tho hocretury of war nnd trans mitt lug nnd tecelving dispatches, and after his work wus llnlkhod bo would ride out to tho soldiers' home That summer he had pei slstently infused an ofcort. Imagining himself perfectly secure One night ahout the middle of August I was doing sentiy dut at the large gate thiougli which entrance was had Into the grounds at the home. Tho place Is situated about a quarter of a mile off the IlladensbuiK road and Is renched by a dovlotts driveway About ono o'clock I henrd o rlflo shot In the direction of the city nnd ohorllv afterward could hear approaching hoofbeatu. in two oi thrco minutes the horse came ucu. enough so that In the dim moonlight 1 recognized th rldei us the belated president. The homo, cry spl belonging to Lamon the murshal of the District of Coluni hiii. was Mr. Lin coln's favorite sad die animal and when he was In the White House sta bles he always ehofie hi in As horse and rid er approached the gate I noticed that the president was harelieaded. After I had iissslled him In checking his bleed the presl dent mild to mo: "He cume pretty near Retting nwnj with me didn't lie? Ho took the hit in his teeth before I could draw the roliiB." J then nsked htm where hln hat wat and he it piled that somebody had lired a gun off down at the fool of tho hill, which scared his horse, nnd the lurch of the animal toppled his hat off I led the horse to the cottage where the presl dent and his tanilly wan Mn lug There ho din mounted und went In Thinking tho proceeding a little strange, a toiporal and I started In the direction from which tho report of the gun had been heard, to InveKtlgate When wo came to the place whop' i he driveway meets tho main road wo found the president's hat -a plain silk hat and on examln lug It found a bullet hole through the corner of the crown The Bhot had been fired upward nnd It was evident that tho perron who bnd fired It , had secreted himself close to tho roadbido We listened nnd uenrcbed the locality thoroughly, but to no avail The next day I gave Mr Lincoln his hat and railed bin attention to the bullet hole He uncoil uTnedly reniarkod that it was put Iheie by some foolish gunner and was not Intended for hint. He mid, however, that he wanted the matter kepi unlet and admonished us to say nothing about It Tho next fall, after we had taken up our win ter qunitera at tho White lloune, a conspiracy to Mdnr.p the president wnt unknowingly frustrated liy us. Had tho truth of the affair leaked out at the time It doubtless would havi? floated great excitement. Our quartern wore Immediately In Mont of the south porch of tho Kxocutivo Man hIoii, a position which placed tin at about equal distance from tho tieasury building on the east and the war nnd navy building on the west. For reasons nt the tlmo unknown to ut; we writ ordered to move oui guard tent and place ii at tho weal end of the gravel walk, directly In the rear of tho war department. While we dtajed there nothing occurred to nroueo suspi cion. Shortly afterward we lenrned, however, that on tho very night after we hud moved the tent the confederates had a plan laid to capture the president. Tho conspirator were to hldo In the shrubbery aud when tho president came along WANTS HER LETTER PUBLISHED For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis, Minn." I w.xt a great Bttfluror from tomato trouble.'! which caused ;i wixiiuiesi nntl brokou down condition of tho ByHiem. I road so inuchofwliatLydia JO. rinkliam'fl Vojr otablo UompounJ bad dono for other Hufl'crin? wouiun I folfc imrij It would rt5:f'svi Iitslp me. and I must ViW, m say II did holp mo UV X. wonderfully. My V' I miiis nil loft mo, I EroiVBtronrer.iiml within tlircomoutha 1 wan a perfectly well woman. "I want thia loHor mado public to show tho lienellt women may dorlvo from Lydla 14. rinklnim's VoKolablo Compound." Mrs. .Joiik (1. Homiak, 2115 Heconil 3t., .North, Minneapolis, Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and poim. iuo testimonials llko tho ubovo provo tho cllicieney of Lydla E. J'lnkiiam'a Vegetable Compound, which la mado exclusively from roots and herbs. Women who stilTer from tlioso dis tressing" ills peculiar to thotrBux should not lose night of thes;o facta or doubt tho ability of Lydia 33. Pinkham'a Vepetublo Compound to reatoro thoir health. If you -want special mlvlco wrlto to Mrs. IMiikliuin, nt Lynn, MasM. SliQU'illtrcutynut'lutforuHsLTlcUy conlidentlul. For " years slio Iuls lietMt lu-lpiiijr Hick wouion In this way, freo of charge Won't hesitate wito ut once. "CR0PE THROUGH A CRACK" Uncle Eph Had at Least Ono Idea of Hov Hln Hogs Might Have Got Away. Uncle Hphi-ilm had two hoga, which ho kept In a pen nt the tear und of his little lot. They wore of tho razor back" variety, and although thoy wero fed bountifully with kitchen waste, It seemed Impossible to put and fat on their attenuated I'minon. Ono morn ing when he wont out to feed them thoy wore not there. Thoy bad iIIb appealed, leaving no clew as to tho manned In which they had mado tholr oscapo. "What's the matter, Undo Kpli?" Inquired u neighbor, noticing tho deep dejection with which Uio old man was looking down Into tho empty pon. "My hawgs is dono gone, sab," ho answered. "Stolen?" "No, sub. I don't soo no Htgns dat anybody tuck 'em." "Did thoy climb out over tho top?" "No, doy couldn't 'a dono dat." "How do you think thoy got away?" "Well, sah," said Undo Ephralm. "my 'pinion is dnt dem bawgB kind o' raised delrsolves up on nldgo an' cropo through a crack." Youth'a Com panion. An Educational Problem. Little Margery has Just begun to go to tho kindergarten, nnd Is lllled with a due bouso of tho Importanco of her studies thero and tho solemn value of tho attainments that huvo thus been put within her roach. Tho othor aft einoon, after coming homo from school, she romalned in a brown study for a tlmo, nnd then Said: "Mamma, do I know as much now as I don't know?" the walk they wore to seize, gag and carry him ncrosH the river Into Virginia. Thonco ho wna to bo taken to Ulchinond or some other confed erate slroiiKbold. where he wna to bo held as a hostage The memberh oi tho bodyguard always Hiipj.oHed thnt the conspirators wero frightened away when thoy saw our guard tent and abandoned tho plan of kidnapping. Not long after the uttempted kidnapping an other episode took place, which afterward was found to bne been planned by n band of assas sins who made theli hendquarters in the city. Uourko, the veteran coachniaii. who bnd served ut tho While House tluough l'ierco'H and Buchan an's administrations and tliuu far Into Lincoln's, was taken ick and com nulled to bo off d ity Immediately a ftianger, who represented him self as an eporltncd eoachninn fiom Ualtlmore. applied at the Whlto House and was employed as coachman From tho first he was domineer ing and nfiet a few weeks became so Important Una he was lilHchaip.ed and Uourko reinstated. One night hhortly afterward, Just about dusk, the discharged coachman was seen sneaking around the Mables by some of the guard. The Ktables hnd been locked for the night and It was not Mipi.oi:cd that he could do nny dumage and eoiifccqiienlly the men who saw him did not go to the ntnbles I'lorentiy the whole Interior of tho bains was found to he on fire. Tho guard was culled out and by dint of grent exertion wo Mived the pi cedent's coach aud team, but Tad Lincoln's ponies and Col. Hay's carriage team perished in the llamcs. The plan was tq have this man fire tho stables und thus to distract our attention. Dur ing the incitement some of the conspirators wero ready to nnh into the White Houso and murder tho ptcHidont. but Instead of remaining In tho house Mr Lincoln ran out among us and thus In all probability frustrated another attempt ut absnhslnatiou. What makes this appear more likely now la tho fact that, after tho lnceitdlniy wus arrested ho produced i-everal witnesses, who later found employment at Ford's theater, to testify that ho was down in tho city during tho whole of the 1 evening. Thero wore tho persona who doubtless planned the final conspiracy that brought tho grout benefactor to the tcravo. Ho who given better homoa, better books, bottor tools, a fnlrer outlook and n better hope, blm wtu wo crown with laurels. Kuu-on. HARD TO DROP Out Many Drop It A young Calif, wifo talks about coffee: MIt wna hard to drop Mocha and Java and give Posturu a trial, but my norvea wore so shattered that I waa a nervous wreck and of courso that means all kinds of alls. "At first I thought bicycle riding caused it and I gavo it up, but my con dition romainod unchanged. I did not want to acknowledge coffeo caused tho trouble for I was very fond of it At that time a friond camo to live with us, and I noticed thnt after be had been with us a week ho would not drink hla coffeo any more I naked him the reason. Ho roplied. 'I havo not had a hcudnche since I loft off drlnklug cof feo, Pome mctlia ago, till Inst week, when 1 berya again, boro ut your table. I don't soo how unyono can llko coffee, anyway, after drinking Postuin!' "I said nothing, but at onco ordered a package of Postum. That was flvo months ngo, and wo havo drank no coffee since, oxcept on two occasions when wo had company, and tho roault each tlmo wuo that my husband could not sleep, but lay nwnko and tossed nnd talked hnlf tho night. Wo wero convinced that coffeo caused his suffer ing, eo ho roturned to Postum, con vinced that coffeo was au enomy, In stead or a friend, and ho is troubled no more with Insomnia, "I, myself, have gained 8 pounds In weight, and my norves havo ccasod to quiver. It seomo so onsy now to quit coffeo that cnusod our aches and alia nnd tnko up Postum." Head tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wollville," In pkga. "Thcra'a a Reason." Rrrr rl ttin ntxvi lettrrT A new one Br" from time to tUur. They re jtrnulne, true, and full of human latere'. K "WWA.i-u,q.-3 giT. mmumimnmimmmmmm jtrjw ii tmgmmmmm tcpttxtx m0QmpmmmwMsm )g-p.gillgjggjlggyrp irr rrr fiMgM-T i