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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1909)
- n-im nwiimnn nix. .i in .i.p. . .n--,-. nin m ji.,t I t r b , V 5 f ft A r i V' E6e CHIEF Red Cloud - - Nebraska. PUBLISHED BVKKV THURSDAY. Entered In the I'onlulflru t Hid I'lniicl.Neli.. Hi" fccond (,'lHft Mntlor. . U. HAIjK I'liiu, Till: ONLY JU.MOrllATlr I'AI'fll IN Vi:ilSTi:H '()f NT Y Sunday morning Old Sol who bus been in hiding t hese mimy la.v beheld N'ebrasUa miigiiilifetit In her robes i)f Himw and Mulled. Ilmv tlmt Mnile pleased tuir )C(i)l' wln have It ii1 euniiuli of I'iiilmli weiitlier. 'I'lu beautiful snow uliieh uieeted lln ejo was in strange eontriist to the green livery of summer so iniliceable last Friday. Nebraska lends I la- world not only for her sudden eliuiiges of tern Iierattiro bill also for her nbiiniliineo of ideal weather. Such energy as displayed by C H. Lowls is worthy ofcommendation. Ho needed work to supply Ills houBobold with the necessities of life. Tho street crossings wore muddy and hardly pass able therefore ho importuned ttio council to appoint him commissioner of crossings with the result that tho crossings are In excellent condition and his larder is overflowing with good tilings to cat. This but shows what may bo dono by any one who really wants to work Wo aro muklug nrrangomoHts to publish an enlarged edition of the Chief for our Christmas number. This edition will contain several breezy nrticles portment to the occasion as well as display advertisements of re sponsible business houses of this city. Wc will print several hundred extra copies, but from present indications those will bo exhausted in a day or two therefore wo ask that you soud in your orders early so that you may not bo disappointed. Wo aro sending out to our subscrib ers this Avcek letters showing bow their accounts stand with this paper no that they may bo able to take ad vantage of the old rate which will be in cfTcct until Jauuary 1st. If you want the Chief do not neglect tosoe ua as the subscription price will absolute Jy be $1.C0 to all on and after that date. We may be a bit prejudiced but we fully believe that wo are giving you a dollar and a half paper right now. Advertisements arc index to a paper's growth and standing and an index to business foresight and we ask you to examine the columns of this paper and satisfy your selves of the efficiency of the Chief in this respect. When you rocelvo your notice act at once. When tho workmen, in charge of tho construction of the north annex to tho court house, removed the boards under the floor they found several full grown cornstalks preserved In perfect condition. These bac been under the Jloor for .T.I jetirs. ever since the magni ilelcut stiiicluio was envied. Koine believe the building was elected in a coin Held at that early dale and thus account Tor. the cornstalks but the residents who weie heie at tlm time believe that the cornstalks must have been placid thereby the team sters who hauled the lumber trotn Hastings, coin fodder at that time being a favorite food for horses. However they got there they have unquestionably been therefor 'Myears which verities the contention that the old hulk contained hidden treasures. I'M! tor IIhit l' the Campbell I'ilicn is much displeased because some Initios of llladen have orgnni.eil u cult ut e club for the i pros pmpo-c ol im proving thi'ir intellect ualattiiinments. l'or oni'M-hes we would be pleased to bae such un oiguniation in every city and town in Nelmihka. To those who have In en depiivcd in their early years of an intimateiicqimliitaiico with the nniMei . the gicat i-WMitMf history or those who disirn to supplement We pay interest on lime deposits, and endeavor in every way possible to ac quaint our customers with the ninny ac commodations affordccTby an up-to-date banking institution. inierest,raia on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NIZB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. R Mizer, President, S. R. Flbranco, Cashier. DIRECTORS: .BJ FJ Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Win. M. Crabill, Wra. W. Thomas, S. R. florance. lliolr store of knowiedgo with modrrn investigations, such organizations otter an excellent opportunity for develop ment. We contend that It indieau's a deslie for better tilings mid Is In pel fee! hnnnonv with the trend of pres ent day progress towaid v. higher level of livinir. Mnnv of us have foil the need of an organisation of this character but the ever present pocket booh with nothing In It has hindered us from gratifying a thirst for more know ledge. We feel like lending our full encouragement to thosn who are so situated us to be able to grow, at any period of their lives, and have the will to eatry out their early aspiration. Lecture, The net number of the lA'tuio course will bo a ledum ly Dr. .lames Medley, Monday Dee l.'l. Subject. "The Suniiv Side or Life." Says A. K.'Tay lor late l'icsldeiit of tho Kansas State Normal School "For innocent fun, for graceful tributes to make manhood and womanhood, for exquisite pathos, for sublime diseriptlon, we have seldom hoard him equaled, never excelled." Tho lecture is suited to all ngos and conditions and ought to bo board by very youth of America. To The Public Tho Merchant Delivery will com mence Dec. 1st 11)09. In order that your orders can be dcllvored promptly you must have your orders In Promptly bv 8 A. M., 10 A. M., 2 P. M. and 4 P M. L. M. Crablll. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab stract Co. for tho week ending Wed nesday, December 8 1000. John B. llluin to James Mo Bride lots 7, 8, V Blk. 21 Cowles w. d Lofton H. Fort Ueferoo to C. F. (iund s w 10 .'J 10 rofe d . . 200 8:io0 885.10 Mortgages tiled, ('.'077 Mortgages release,)!, S.'J3fil) One Million Dtllars for a Good Stomach. This Offer Should be a WaralRate Every Mai aid Wenaa. The newspapers and medical journals have had much to say relative to a famous millionaire's offer of a million dollars for a new stomach. This great multl-millionairo was too busy to worry about the condition of his stomach. He allowed his dyspep sia to run from bad to wor&e until in tho end it became incurable. His mis fortune should servo as u warning to others. Every one who suffers with dyspepsia for a few years will givo everything he owns for a new stomach. Dyspepsia is caused by an abnormal state of tho gastric juices. There is one element missing Pepsin. The ab.seneo of this destroys tho function of the gastric fluids They lose their power to digest food. Wo are now ublo to supply tho pep sin in a form almost identical to that naturally created by the system when in normal health, so that it restores to t he gastric juices t heir digestive power, and thus makes the stomach strong and well Wo want every one tioubled with indigestion iiinl dyspepsia to come to our stoie and obtain a box of Kcxull Dyspepsia Tablets They contain His-inuth-Subnitrato and Pepsin picparcd by a process which develops their greatest power to overcome digestive disturbance. Uexull Dyspepsia Tablets lire very pleasant to take. They soothe the ir ritable, weak stomach, strengthen and invigorate tho digestlvoorgans, relieve nausea and indigestion, promote nutri tion iiml bring about a feeling of coin fort.' if you give Hex. til Dyspepsia Tablets n reasonable trial wi' will return your money if you uro not stilislled with the lesult. Three sizes 31 cents, SO cents and 81. lioiiu'Uibei1 ou can obtain ItcMill Itemcdies in Kid Cloud only at utir store. The tlesail store. Tho II. K. (iriee Drug I jEK $1 r-i.!!!!; MO, uu -1-1- ggpteaga St There is no better time for selecting your Christmas picseiits than now and having them laid away so as to avoid tho regular Christmas tush. Three Dolls given away. on 1-1 t.i Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs with all over Em broidery in very charming effect, dainty designs in eyelet, and new light effects some with scalloped edges, others with narrow H. S. hem, one of the best lines we have ever shown at 50c. Embroidered Handkerchiefs in fine soft India Linen, some with narrow H. S. edges and some with elaborate scalloped and embroidered edges, at 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c. Ladies and Gents Hemstitched all Linen Handkerchiefs at 5c, 7c, 124c and 25c. Children's picture Handkerchiefs at 2c and 5c a piece. lilBMitll WrWimii'i'imUS'V ttYMnfiWHk , and Store UERE S an overcoat made primarily for use of auto mobilists; but you can easily see that it's suitable for any wearer who wants a -,". I fte. ji k.yr rk i J l f- uv-. ' .'s n Copyright 1909 by flait SclulTncr & Mju lira IS 1 wte'feM t PAUL STOREY RED CLOUD. F. Newhouse With every 50c purchase you get a ticket entitling you lo a chance . the 3 Dolls. Dolls on display in our window. Christmas Handkerchiefs Our Holiday Assortment of Fine Lawn and Linen Handkerchiefs is now prac tically completei Nothing nicer or more useful for a Christmas present thnn n Wool or Silh Scarf Have them in a variety of styles and colors. Yarn Scarfs 214 yds long and '20 inchos wide at S1.2,", others not so large from 35c to 7fc all worth more monoy. Silk Scarfs Iff yds long and 27 Inches wide with the new Persian design and colors at fl.75, same size in figured silk at JI.TjO and smaller ones in all shades at GO and 7f)c. CHRISTMAS GLOVES. Their is no one article more widdy given at Christmas time than Kid Gloves. Have a carefully selected assortment urge early shopping while tho assortments arc at their best. Ladies 2 clasp black, brown, navy blue, tan and greys at Open Evenings Until Christmas. -" $r -siJ3(isMlal mwmwtgss&uzwvm Make Christmas Tliintrs of Fleisher Yarns. The rapidly growing popularit; of knitu tl and crochet ed garments and the interest our custotm is are taking in this branch of needlework has led us lo in. ike more than usual preparations to supply them with the best material. Most important is the yarn, and, as you probably know, the Fleisher Yarns are known everywhere as the stand ard. Whether it be a stylish and serviceable sweater, a pretty shawl or a dainty bit of baby wear, it will look best and wear longest if made of the Fleisher Yams. And it is well to remember that the Fleisher Yarns contain more yards to the pound than lower grades that means a sav ing on first cost. SILKS! SILKS!! SILKS!!! Nothing is nicer or more appropriate for a Christmas present than a nice Silk waist or chess. Taffeta silk 27 inches wide at $1 a yd Messeline silk in fancy stripes, coin dots and plain, 27 in. wide at $1 a yd Plain black taffeta silk 36 in. wide guaranteed $1 & $1.25 Peau De Soie silk, 36 inches wide at $1.50 a yd Sl.OO and f 1 GO long, roomy, comfortable gar ment for riding or any other use. Hart Schaf f ner & Marx make these for us, and there's one here for you if you want it. You see the smart styles it shows; nothing to equal this anywhere else; it's made as all their clothes are made; of strictly all-wool fabrics, and wears as only such fabrics wear. We'd1 be glad to put you in one of these; you can get the auto to go with it later if you choose. Fine overcoats and suits in all models and fabrics. This store is the home of Hart - f -Schaffncr & Marx clothes rTOREY&FOWL , COWLES. Tlie pi vi lege of leservlng ,otir 'lnist mas purchase olTois the special advan tage of choiig gills fiotn complete assortments. MVflMUMM Kid Gloves, Paris point stitching, in. ER i&