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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1909)
i h? I 3 ' 9 S 9 -i S 3 a a a a i 4 1 a 9 a (41 '.l 14-i 14 . ,.' C if ' i aaarM,ratt t ARBLE & GRANITE ONUMEMTS It o" y S OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, ? Are durable, attractive and mechanically correct. I Red Cloud, itfAY-TOCT All of My PIANOS MIST MOVE Your Price is My Price Cash or Credit Christmas is Coming Bit ro More New PIANOS for 1909. NUF SAID ARGABR1GHT liifcifckhibtfcijtibifcilitfciti'?"!." SAY, riJSTERI L)o you know that it will pay VOU, us well ns US, to buy your Building Ma terial and Coal at ouryiwls? Not only that our prices avehaok lower, or at least as low, as those of our uoiupotit ors, ImtUEOADSE wo take especial care of and protect all can be olassod a R B KULAK OUSTO M R K K . PLATT fr Coal. a 9 a BTTT''T'TT'' T1 T1 Hl?11,'",, 1lt,1,V"','r,1,,t"',1',,'"',,1"'"',','''',','Pl, AIFAIFA WANIEP I J Will buy your hay in Slack or on Car. Highest market prices Paid. Will he crlad to look at your hay any time. Address Alma Alfalfa Mill Co Alma, Nebraska- I Nebraska. 1 .--- UiUniiwii'"(iiiii,iillif tfraiviivfc FREES CO. Lumber. FORT IN AN OLD VOLCANO Extinct Crater of Diamond Head, nl Honolulu, 13 Center of Govern ment Operations. Tin- I'tilti'd States iiniiy In rortliy IiiK tlit city of Honolulu, Hawaii, am) Hit- extinct cratu- ol llic kh-iK I)I:i iiioinl llcail oleano Is tin center of the operations This crater lies to tin cast of the clt, and lis bowl, hoiuc 1!0 U'lV In area. Is Inclosed lij abrupt cliffs from CO to :.MK feet In height TluotiRli thin ilin of cliffs, on the side furtherest lj'oiu the ocean, our army engineers are boring (wo large tun - mls which lead from the ureal IMneli mortar battel les on tin.' outer slope the meat cally within the b vol cano Inside the Mountain will W con Htiucti'd ammunition magazines which Hltiuilil he exceptionally secure from the chance of explosion. Uroslon has deposited a lajer of itbimt six feet of earth oer the Hour of the crater,' while a small lake forms at one Hldo during the greater pari ol tile year Piob.ibly barraelis for troops will be built in this inclosiire and a garden to fm iilli an adequate supply of vege tables lor the soldiers might easily be planted in the fertile soil. The strength of this novel scheme nl lot (Mentions may be recognized when we icaile that the Dla uion Head stands between the batter ies ami the sea and would render el fectlve battleship the in an attack al most Impossible. Since the mortars simply drop their shells upon the oh Having given our reasons for the In ject of attack the necessity of llrlng cu'ase in the siibsciiplion pi ice nf this over the mountain does not Interfere in the slightest with their accuracy. Klcctrlc Indlcntms situated at some suitable point ol observation will ill reel the alining or the mortars. Har per's Wiykl.v. Armadillo Once Lived In Texas. "I (hin't suppose that there are many of them lelt, but In the old days, wiien I lived In western Texas, tie armaillllo was one of the commonest nnlinals or the plains," remarked Col V. V. Putnnni of KansiiH City to a Hnltlmore American reporter. "Civ ilization, no doubt, has caimed his dis appearance, Just as it has extinguished many a species that used to be like the sands of tho seashore. I "The arnmdlllo is a funny-looking little creature that looks for all the ' world like an opossum with a shell on ' his back. How did he come by that1 shell which is also a shield or piece of prootectlve armor? In the prettiest way Imaginable. According to tho ' old Mexican legend the armadillo was J sent in direct answer to tho prayers ' of the devout people who long ago ' resided In a part of Mexico which ' was nnilly infested with venomous snakes. The Inhabitants so beseeched tho Almighty for relief that suddenly all the serpents seemed to have van-' ioiii-u limn nil- eariii in going nunut the region once so badly plagued the names euiiiu iiiki no more possums, but instead an animal that seemed fo be one except that on his hack was a shell Tilt -t wis Ids armor which brought ftuniunit, irom 'the bite ol a snake and thenceforth the armadillo began to make unrelenting warfare on all poisonous reptiles, lie Is still trim to his reputation, and wherever found is on the job of snake killing-, as he was centuries ago In old Mexico That Cold Bath. 1 ')0,1,K Cllt 1" H'o lmck. The scabbard "One or the crlo , 1 ' ennected ' ,H a ftralglit taper from end to end Willi tin r .ctv. 01 the cold bath in '""" nin,,p "r Htt'('1' Tll olKlit or the the n.ornlng," said an eminent spec- -W0,I R 'out two pounds, II ounces, lalist the other da. "is that so many ;'uul lll(- M'Mlibnril one iiotind six of lis votaries declare that they enjov 0Mces. it. I contend that they cannot, and' Historically the adoption of a thrust do not enjoy It I 'ne BWOru" 's )f Interest as being a re- "Contemplate, some broiling Aug- ' v,er8lon of tho single-edged rapier of ust forenoon, the man who tells you ' th seventeenth century, the period that he fairly revels In the cold bath . whfn according to some of our most on winter mornings as he gingerly m11"cnt authorities, tho auiUIUea of a steers hla bare feet' through the rip- fl8tlng sword were best understood, pies that are lazily 1m)1k the beach . armor havl"B Practically gone out of at a seaside resort, and believe In him ' e and firearms being still rery lm and trust him If you can. I'! .' "Watch blm adyaoce as If he were ! "8uch n utbority as Cpt. Ilutton going to meet his doom, hesitate, P ntw to object to a sword glance shoreward longingly, retreat, ' spocUllted for UiruBtlng, on the Immersing himself slowly, reluctantly, ground thRt a man cannot fight his Inch by Inch. Suddenly he rcmem- wy "l,t of,a crowd ,th u- u raay bcrs that he must wet his head If be t0- bo objected that the sword Is would avoid a chill, and he pauses to comparatively heavy, but that may bo shampoo his hair In the sad lake ' due t0 the '' trooper's we I- waves this hero of a thousand frigid baths on a thousand Ings!" frozen morn- Diplomatic Objection. "My dear," says the cigar manufac turer to his wife, "whjlo it would bo very pleasing to you fo have a Paris gown, have you stopped to think of the criticisms and jests such proced ure would Insure from my coinpotl- tors? It would hurt my business, really." "Nonsense! How could It?" asks tho wife. "Why, they would point me out as the man who didn't know the business nny better than to allow a domestic filler to bo put into an Imported wrap per." Life. Just Like a Woman. Mrs. Scribbler (Impressively) Whatever you do, never marry a 1 newspaper man." School Chum Why not? "I married 0110 and I know. Every night my husband brings homo a big bundle of newspapers from nil over tho country and they almost drive mo crazy." "Tho nowspapors?" "Indeed, they do. They aro Just crammed with the most astonishing bargains In stores a thousand miles away." Towel for Baby's Bath, Place a Turkish towel In tho tub when bathing baby, tucking tho ends under tlie tub, and he will not slip. tit mil mi iikim I X ( M HIT I I I X III III II I I IM I "I'll lllllll M'lllHll ll i limn Mini ruiiiMiuiiliiii n lnMl.ui l.iuli'iiiii ii in I'm in lilnit 7 m I'ihji rs mill ptaiv. tluisii,'i) 7 :n vim ir'i. iicioil uumr. iiiiui. i '.Hilt , trii mis nnit sfiiiiil i in it. I,. ll. Ill im, MiiH-Ii r 111 IT iI'MMTOl'AI . IIIUIK II !!.. I. M! Ilntci, l'nstnr. TrMcc tlic llrM two niuhIiijs In i h li month. Itiil.. riiiiiiiiimtuu nl iiiuiiiiiitf khMii- on tin Hint .Sunday. suiulny srlinii) tidl'io'clniU 1,11,1 simin, :r.' lMi, siniiii, siipiriiiiiiiitnit! Itntus dl' SHUVtiP At mii.ji. TlONAli (lit Hill Snn jru fi in n t -rii hum . .. . n i . mi llltilf binol i in ITvachlny si. t In h , ,, M I'rnyir nil'' 'uiifi ii iin. iink w -, Jn MM' rorilliil Inxllnllnii U i ii inli .1 in all. Ill V . . . I III ""! X ll-.l,i Wltlow's Pension. The rci'iMil act nf p'il Mill. l'oS gives to all solilieis" widows u pension ' of "JIU per month. Fled Maurer, the ul toi iicn has all in ssnry blanks, Lest We Forget. paper we wish to make plain when the new rale lakes ell'ect On iiuil afler .lauuary lirst the pi ice of this paper will lie" I o per vcur in advance However any one siiIim-iIIi ing liefoie ilituuary 1st. c.ia take ml Mintage of the old late nf it (in per". Ni rcne.vals wnl be ieccicii '" ""' "',' "r ,M) l"'1' v'a' '"' '''in lt Vou can pa as iiiiiii. euis m ad vaiice as ou jilease O II. II w i Hditor .;M;iJ-fcMiillTTwlvfl rmm. .h IehgravihgIO lV cuts yj KARIL l'lvlJAorni BRITISH CAVALRY $WDRD t 7 t ' - plow' Pattern Had Straight Blade to Facilitate Thrusting and Better Cuard. The pattern of the new HritWh cav alry sword has la en appioMd for , manufacture. It (llffers Irom those of previous patterns chlelly la bi-lng lltted with a straight, tapering blade to facilitate thrusting. The guanl is shaped to nlford more protection on J tho left side, and the grip Is formed I to fit tho hand, a recess for the thumb n"uw" 1".ejuu Le '" ""or ol, .V rT amount of weight. Pall Mall Gazette. That Treacherous Ice. Ice Is now listed as "perishable" In tho household of one young family mnn of Philadelphia. During tho re- cent hot spell ho arrived homo at ton i:iui;i ill infill. 11m nuu iiiiuiiuuu him that the supply of Ico hnd melted ' and sho was thirsty for cold lemonade, ' doing to his club n few blocks away, the man got from the stoward a fair I sized bit of Ice, well wrapped and with a string by which to carry It home. Ab ho turned to leavo tho bar a friend enmo nlong, and Invited him to have "Just one." Ho did and re turned tho compliment. On tho street he met nnother friend and had "ono more," to whlcli ho also responded in kind. They wore Joined by two more friends and tho party discussed tho weather and many mnro "Inst drinks." Suddenly remembering his errand he hado a hurried good-night, grasped tho bundle ho had set at his feet near the bar rail and made his way home. "Got It," ho said as ho met his wife. "Had to go all over town, but 1 got It," and ho handed her tho package. Adjourning to tho kitchen she got ready tho material for tho lemonade, for which sho had united so long whllo ho cut tho cord that hold to gether Just a cube-linped wad of pa 1 per that held water, tho remains of I the ice. ' Nor did ho "squaro" the story of "all over town," even though hu brought more Ico In a few minutes. WMWMTWW niiil tint u !m f.lT W nlllu tllu.r ttlmlrt n lite., ... . .... . ....,,. ,.,.., , i.murnoio nnil Char icml Iron -oullntt tlirro nnlinnrv rnncr. - iI.iii I lucnk (.1.-I..I l.lllllu Itl n ,1 A 1 lr , ,t. I .. "',' Y IIII IIHUI . . ,....-.,,. .,,.,, ,lv ,,,, ,,,,r C'llllllllKll tvltll Uoecnilublo cnokrr, o pel feci bUcr - every ilny. TIip MAJKSTtC li cuii'tipnl will) a H .. , ni ,,. rcecnvit - it luuihcs the tl hut fitc m.d lieu Lil, m , Uc Great and Grand Majestic Malleable end Charcoal Iron tilM nnnv, nilrr ttllrtiurl'Miilriitit , f U,uc,j,t,,:,;l;",;;,,,,n7,,;i;."i,.::,1i Itierp rwiYvn Tc moro J..?,! I- "',' KM SOLD RED CI.OUD "' ' : ttl wntor (renin If 'mini for i'rcuuio " other liollcn wyaww iw,i The Range w 'ift With A Reputation V m The Home Grocery 9) i a air . i bv . i E fl 1 carry a complete line ol strictly iresn Groceries, i lf and my prices are such that it will pay you to do l) ') your lni in in this line of ns. Only the first-class ) W brands of canned and package goods carried. j -) All staple Groceries in bulk at Hed-rock Prices. Uf W Pi i-iltnrr ' " " ' ' '"'''''y in uiuauiiucbb fl viiuuiiiiumjj bujeis shoulil iletiiauil Abi-olute rioaiiliiic-s IfX 'lm cannot lui.v (Jineeiies in n dirty, ill-kept place ami be sine u f& pure goods Cleanliness ami sanitation ate mir hoblilcs. ; 9 fb at C: C: SLi & fc & - a G. fl. SGHlMZ CO. Real Estate Brokers Red Cloud, Nebraska. Huy n piece of land at Wray, Colorado. Where wheat and corn Is plenty. 640 Acres of Land (Jood frame house, barn, windmill, well, fenced, cross fenced, on which about 40 stacks of line wheat was raised tills year. Price $12.50 per acre, If taken at once. 160 acres at $1500 good level land. This investment is safer than a bank I liavo personally inspected tills county and I can recommend it to my fricudh. Si.r us at once. We K ovory Mondav night on 1".. 'ut in lino. Market Report As Furnished by Hanson Xt Trine liens (fat) . . Springs Cox Ducks Gcose Butter Kbks (rots out).. per lb. .Ul Church Services, ii()i'jt.Mrsi:uvi( i:atm. i: S Mill VI II SlUtVICK-v Sunday .School I'rcnchliiK Class iiuutlim IIVUMMI Kpworth luiKiie l'riiicllllli: Ill'IKII . 10 . M. . 11A.M. . 12 M. 7 f. M. .. HP. M. Prayer incctiiu! WciliuwliiyMi'iiliiuHl'.-M I,a)lc8 Aid l'rlilay - ' V. M Your prchcnco Ih reciucfctut ami a cordial Invitation Ih extended to all. M. 'J'. SiUTi.Kii Pamor. 1 Alircr. ... ..,"V,-li ., . J ."" WLZlr""" ""-' "V "lnkr tl,( ' n,,"tc n'orc ''P1""1 UV Hdw. & Imp. co - ra' - i' - v&'Vri, iK1j-vj- A Fusl Savor I Perfect 11 Baker It lS35STrH3? Should Be In Your Kitchen r? VVMIVIVTAh rop. verythfng IN arables M .1 in il) ii iti ik'i htolv llliil'O I llllll ill ally thing eKi & & St & C; C; & &. SL : - i & & Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Kaon Red Cloud, Nebr. Land Bargain. 010 acres sq. see. .'I lo !Jt Lincoln Co., Neb. PrleoSSpor acre. This is A 1, grass, corn, alfalfa, potatoe and beet land Inqulro of Kditor of this paper. Col. J. SI. Elllnger AUCTIONEER Docs livestock and general auc tioneering. Satisfaction guaran teed in every case. Understands pedigrees' and stock values. .Many years experience Phone him anytime. tted Cloud, Nebr. t'W''WW''W'',Wly 'V-W''W'W 'W-'W- -J.. J p . '.,