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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1909)
Smic HK'ovleil SuKty ftt-j-n m m --r-w 2.MU 1 Hii'tK ' ,iiTifo: ' i' -1 "W':-,,-, . .,.M)K . . .feAf. jfitMK- - a & - ;, "wwesih"' jsk " -,: :r-' '4fcT"'vN rvasC ,jtfJW w. M-wiawstSftss i'pwa A-'.'ru' ii?,afe?- ;V rrY-.T1 . - i V sirfi. r Jr: - - - -.." -3 CV J. I--" fr'VW ; S ;tl ",, a vHL -sl WH H. B U 1 B Bk l. uH .J.W H V V-j ?" rfi" "taiy-.. -r. A- AM vHiH H U -;-1 x & i K'jfxfVm H W nH fc " as-" r -7rrs5s!l5i vm - H 'inv b hi ! ,rt. mi ln-aTk?' nfc L HI HH ni MPHBul --'-JF5353' 2j ; l s ' r - .r .! .i.iij.,. M ' B, :&,1 W3i -VA'- -. ia in B I i BW R T v i' jEaL. .- - .vs3iWKtA.,r':'iP.jiis ." .,r ij3L"sr . r . - v-. 'V - s. - ' -s.- . -?.,..-- -- . --. rx-sy'. "'tpi.w---. firvfhgp-' ,t - 'n: "" '.. -.: v ;- ; '. - 'ZZ.r . - f' ' rfr K Ncwsjmpur Hint ilvs The Nws Wfly-tws Weeks Caclj Year Per One Dollar. VOLUJIK xxxvn. .':D !f.tUJn. NEBRASKA, SEl'TKM HBU l. 1001). 'TiKl? 8m We don't "just think" we can make it worth your while to do busi ness with us; we know we can. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, Picsident, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Win. M. CroWll. Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. r inl ii h rii " SISSS9SS ?S OHWBI8aiSSlfiBSBSS2 H Miner Bro 4 o iv'Xo are now showing the Kf JBL- argesi o nnrJ.lA A ' OF that have eves been brought to RED CLOUS). flLarge and Complete Lines of Dry Goods Wniens Cloaks, Suits and Furnishings, Notions, Shoes and Groceries also a fine assortment of Children's Cloaks. : : : : : The Miner Bros. Co, (Inc) General Merchants H. A. LKTSON. Myr. M m tifiutWm Kiinninteeil. Snli.-ii i'ii- I"! tin- Cl.Ut Hoi Wanted- Hale. Hie U. S. Nuvy "llVrt. cxocptloiiiil llH-irtullli to yonntf men IT to W y. urs nUl; nifu with tnuk'8 up to .la ,CBih old. llooil opportunity lr cluwitUm ami promotion. Must In Amovicun olttzeiih. Minors imut hnvo pureufb ee.UIU-.ito of no. Pay from $17.00 to over 677 ler month, with praetle.tlly no expense Visit or ml ,lrev U. S. Navy KecrnltliiB .Station. Post Oftloo HulUHnR, Hastings. Nobr. Si&HESTEESFiiLl DND iC7L BRAND DIAMOND rfi' v A C0V- LADins J "'& A'w ymii- Ururnl.t for CHICIIJ!R TKR'S A IjIAMONU IIKANI 1'II.I.H ill Kill niulAX Box.ii metallie Iiuxm, Hcaleil Willi Ulue( Kiblion. Taru mi onicn. Ilur oFyour V llriiirul.t nil.! L .'III.('lll!H.Ti:it H v III.MIllM) ItltAMt I'U.I.H, for tweuty.fivo years regarded a He- t.HnWft, Always Keiiaulu. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 83ft EVERYWHERE Sl?i N f ..'' iil!'lll BP -.-.icLivftrVftKW i."Liv,i---'Tr.' t hii X.1W4 jf-7:w,."sjw.".L.i'i'f .r v: fc.y,i. vjti n p..-:TTji."iBniWi' """ " -s-cqeai-v 'l 1 -:: -ii -3 ua - ; .! 1 ; Hlf-1133'1?lTfi Air FTjUA t AlFA- WANIED 1 fl Will buy your hay in Slack or on Car. Highest market prices- Paid. Will be olad to look at your hay any time. Address Alma Alfalfa Mill Co. Alma, Nebrasha- r-js TIo PIow Lincoln School Iltiiklln). Tin iiluivo islin ex.ift pii'luiv of I lie m-w l.i:u . In lniiMiii It i, a orvilit to .Uiy lot- ility ntul the pi"plf of lli-d Cloud hii mi mi in ins intlnir jn-iiisc of tlii-. imii'uifh.'ii'iil, bifilillnir Tlio fuiliuliitioii wall nre - iuolu's tlnelt atiil arc made of I'iiIhi-ikIo IU'1 S;iiiNtuiii' thtm wliiuli tliiM'i U no lu'ttt-r inutorhil for the purpose nuMirli'il from the tri-numl. The hrlek ui"el Is the Onrihu hyilralic pr.-.-.o.l l.rH'k wl.'eh is iiuiiiSci' oiii in overy i-Dspret. The ImfT color of thts- liiielv walls nuikfs n pl:tsiii liuiui ny with the foundation atul tli- lictlfonl sloin- with which the ImililhiK Is ortianionluil. 'I'ho bulloiiijx . t prost nts many hofirs of laUn mul in Its inclpieticy many hours of strtipKh' ami anxiety. Aftor it stronoua oumpititni lifiuly throf yi-iirs ajro thin oMsltiet 'otetl homls in tin- amount of S'25.(ino hut licforo they coull hn sold an injunction was Bi-r-vei upon tin; hoard Kecking to prohibit tliPin from sclllnjf tho wiinc. While this was pending in ciii.rt. the panic enmu on and removed all possibility of m.-tUingany disfio-ltion of Ihe bonds. However th next clcvtlon which was held amomlod the slate constitution pefiniltiiia the Mute troiiKiirer to make investments of school moneys in distrirt bonds. The injuuetioti suit was disminowl upou iho agreement of Uie board fo Mib ralt tiie riitttsiioi! of loii'itKni" fo the ote!.. The lt oprm(vhleh UiK building t't-sts.wiis ehosen t.ud the bonds sold to the tale. The for construe' ing the building wn awnnied bobrer iJr.W. of I Falls (,'it.v, N'ebr.. and tho plumbing Mini hcutiug to Frank Pet ci son of this j city. Considerable delay was xpi-riem ed in the Kfring n aei'niinl of tho e.- i trauie rainy weather. Iliiwever nftMt many ststhnels tho butlding was vomiieted an 1 i-tv credit t ; the coil raptor Ihc district ai.J the city The olai. rooms arc nil larj.e and roomy and are llui-iod in oni with maple ; floors. Wc ha vs reason to be proud of tills magnificent structure und th-fe is no, reiison why it should not stand for1 a hundred yvMr or more, t As Mm time untwi near for the b!-1 which, will add much to glutting of another school year the oonifoitts and safety thc hne not lost time it opportune for n few word relit fclght Of the iiimi important piobleui five t our schools. imiuelr. "the ft.uisc of study.' Xcvi v tiefore in tho history of- ouj- For more than a ipiarter e. niuiy city ha- tliere h'en ku much time. Ited ('ioud puisned an ciiucitioiinl energy ami mouoy spent to promote policy uot her own but. prescribe! i. the edueatlonul Interests of thin com- a cotofie of cultured gcntlenicii whieM muiilty us there has been during the mental horizon wan bounded by uui past summer. Th vear liHH is epoek vcrsitr walls. For more thin a Uir n.iiUlng for the lied (loud schools. It r of u, century, wo as well as every After many years of limited und in- other city, town und hamlet in tliia MUfbcit nt hi liool faclliiii'S uml the list state have saerltie-d tho i.eods of the two yeui'itof viinus vvhluh will always many, to promote tin interests of tho he iv.nombcrod by those elosoly as- few, tho very fuw. Tis true we have soiiatcd with oni'Kohools as thu 'dark dono thl not without heating an tic age.'- will rejoice b.yot.d expression cussionnl protest or a muimur of dls wilh th ailvout of a now year, when .soul, lint, It hits devolved upon tho conditions nro not only better hut tho 'presont Hoard of Mdueatlon to break host wo hive ever oxporlHticed and itK.awiiy from these inconsistences and good as the statu of Nebraska uiford-. past errors and inauiiurato an educ.i- Tim Lincoln school rcpniHtnts more tional ystcin which has for it- cirri than a merit koliool house such as you jiulum. a course of study based on coin- ' lliul in nine tetithh of our (owns but it tnoti aetisc tnul omnium ueedv H is represents tlu most modern type in not our Intention to minitul.o the school Htehitci'tnre.i.c., in style, pluuM, , value of clnsH)cil iraji.iug bat for the flu U h ami i piippinect A few years majority of stident - wjiomj wdiieutlon- , ago little atteniiou wait given tou.'chb, al opportunities Hie limited t.. Mich us j style and none wbateser to our high -chooN otrer it iiei'berl ventilation, light, heat and getiertl j (iraotical nor adt lvalue, sanitary comlition of which the old' InduMrial training, tratle traiiiug, : Houtli ami an Hi .'ats btillilings r. prt-eiitatiie i pos, 'J'lic old north ward, roi'hrlstentd the Va-liiigtoii school bis Mudoigone such trai.sforiiinilou u. to place it heroafter in tha list a niottcrti vchool building (old craeked walls excepted) The widening of the halls, stair way, the installation of a stmm heating plant-, mi assembly mum of double Its former capacity, 'l Wl-'H Hglitwl lubara tory eipiipped with wntr and veuti Intloii shaft, a winiUiry fountain, a now otlii-o and book room, a double coat of paint nud varnish tlitisu and other changes too uiiinerous to mention have metamorphosed u durlc, glooiuj', ill ar ranged school house. Into a compara tively modern struoture While tho Hoard of Kduuution has givon much attention to provide our boys and girls with sohool facility IS IT A HEW JTOVE,jOR W'v hi- tin d oil. ki-it.' ttiluT, -iir stock of rifss, I , Hh,h-. mtl l;arm Machiticry s Cot?i)l-t'! .it all titm-s. :::::' : : : : : Wl- pll S" ( 1 VI itten' i.i i litmc t Prices. U:sioi vm'i U. -ill I nil Kinds of li i ivlyiug Hitllder's iliird vare at the W- am also In position to do ltumldng (hitli .g a id lr,ttiii. ::-.::; ( f i. f x f Wc will Imiv in n Line l AUTOUOML f.S .Soon. V d'B ' ,; Red Gioud Harden & Implement: Go. I A . - s ' 4J , v,. v, . .A-, ..A.-,v. - s? xi M i I ;' Sir li; I ' m W Coi'llis til '. I C. I'.. Z.i, n.f rmau C- IS were, vocational traiiilig h tho slogan of I . school revi.Moiii U mei lu accord wlih A, i .... . t jk .. i . UHS sent llll'-in our unnniui iaoie,iiioii lias taken (in initial -tep in the tight direction. The new course of tud bi cornea only partially operative this year, grade 9 may schct mecliauicai drawing and manual training, grade 10 may select ooiomercjal arithiuetlc, buslnesM ebrrcspoudtmce aril spoiling in place of latin the co'itinuation of this course K-ads to book keeping and stenography In the 11th yeanind type writing and t'liintneecial law in Ihe ltHh year. Tho Commercial subjects in grade 11 do not go lutoeiVoot fill lUlOtind grade 1", in lOll! For the pre.ient grades 11 and III ale privileged to select subjects as herotoforo In Normal Training I.atln or (Junnan courses, Uolow we (Continued to page four) an iDAi. mm Is not only possible in every home, but il is possible to have every room idea!. This May be effected by proper furniture and arrangement. Most al! stuffed rooms are Staffed from the fact thai the furniture does not harmonize. Haven't you been in a house that has an atmosphere of Comfort and pleasantness and harmony which made you fee! very different? There is nothing So important in fitting up a homo as discrimination in Selection Your Furniture. Come in and let ifs prove this to you. You can readily see for your Jelf, how if some of our nice furniture or rugs were installed in your house they would Complete your assortment and transform the apperance of your home. W0 Hang your th.ide, lay your carpata & maho picture frames. f.----. nwr-4M Wn" wm ini i 1 1 3 ALBRIGHT Dnc Diwyo F uneral Director andiEmbalmer. THE GHIEF $1.00 A YEAR. -ar-jaa ". ".fr'.'tflMfrwyttWftpJiC'iifr ' f." o-' T-ifriy wry