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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1909)
i''BBBBHHHHMBMiiHHHHHHHHIIHHHIHMHNMHNHillMHHflHHiHJIIHH gutn llislorlcnt S elcty -c.ji.v Fv ; .m ; -. Rf ..,-. Jir. ; w u ffi ...",Tr.. '- .'.; A .. v, 3V - ' ' . " . . 1- ;. o. . . . V?Wi , ,'al; w y i.'itrfrTfi.; -srtf"'-5'' v -j( rni fl, .vilriuyr;; -,. tiwv -j-'k . . i lmJtv, ?.. y . !H - i al S - :--.' --'1' 1 1 t i, - . - Z.'. S-SaSIfe!H 'f'ljSg .'-"' - -" '" J-'i 3 .VyJLft 1. ' A J7V - 9Bi w - - - - y i.Mm J-g" JfcI--J. " AlMVaifrfllUJI O.NU -- AS3HKS7 1 -'-' W "-Bw 2 - - a fiLHR . s'l - .." -5?- - . w?ify- ' ."J K . - - !1mr'' I ' '" . i?5S3K, Sifvv ' sCt 'v5F QiM G1IM :i- " a yFffl8MfiK?K.ia ". . : 'I .vwffijE'aMfc HjB ;oiur'p MmTsaifeiWf i r .TSik1 .- . ja 1." ' t - - ikAifHBiliHrT VlliaEffiaB Md1ilHr -.MWi:!'.. & rf-.'l-' ! LiP" rfe"? 'JJk-" '"'"'. --I '-- . '' ' "JFBhM. " "" "r ' """ ','" ' ",'- -- --jTI - 'Pw '" xiWl:y''.. '' k NtiKsuaunr That fllves "Sim News Plfiy-lwo H'etKs Enclt Xm Pot- om tlcllar, VOLUME XX XV 11. 7 When you pay - - pay by check. You will be safe and sure always. Carry your check ac count at this bank. Interst paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEH. CAPITAL $25,C00 B. F. Mizer, President. S. R. Flornnce. Cashier. DIRECTORS: 13. F. Mixer. C. J. Pope. Wm. M. Qabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Flornnce. fc w- E"l.JL Ly I j H ft ifi CUIDK ROCK. MCUttASKA. SliPTMMUUlf U. lfM;. m y.FA :jt - , SMl3SSasa5B3SB!g!B2S O trrii'SSJLi&J-OaSSfflSSISE The most becoming w w 7 ? . TfT . At -. thing a Woman can nf&f vOii al Ail uu 11 w w a &fcS ras to wear is a wen- w ias tailored Suit. There's a simplicity in a strictly-tailored suit that enhances a woman's charms. With suit a suit, a tailored waist and a simple hat. even a voman who paysRe attention to lh an cf j;re:v will Ivj-jk :' hesi. :::::: itgaafcLxaiU jsmatfjwi m wxamaflSKPaoaaa V. A. Sluvley wni n slatf rail' r. Mrs Pansier lias hocn (juito poorly ri'fiMitly. i:ll Sawyer ami wife of Ilavclnul are visiting here. Mr. (Reason's new lioum is lieliiff plastered this week. .7. 13. Frost and wife are home from their wedding trip. Mrs. Wm. Sawyer was at I.ituioln the latter part of last week. Itev. I! W. Pool ami Mr. Itobuitson went, to Omaha Monday. (ieorije Crow was ill last week, lie lu'l!aii work nj:aiii Monday. .Mrs. (i. M. Simpson ba- hocn on the sielc list for a couple of weeks. A munler of our jieople attended the statu fair at Lincoln tins week. ; 'I'lm ileudrlekson ami Ids assist nitis are doinjr carpenter work at IUfl wick. I Mrs. D. Kailey viilod luM weU w it It lir ditiuliter Alr.. Bcott AhIcIii at N'elson. Miss ii nova Uohlnsoii had charge l' tin' ill iitf store while her father was nl 1 lie stuiv.. fuir. J Mi-. Am. Ely and children of ISer- traui! are visiting relatives hero and a. North iiraneli. A line daughter wie burn September .'ml l'.Mt to Mr. and .Mrs. Win. .Me Phersoii of Uostwiuk. Wm. Loier arrived this morning I'roiii Colorado to see his mollier .Mis, I "red Miller who is very ill Tin' I'aptlst. hewing Mtuietv willmeoi with Mrs. A. .1. Ilnyes Thursday after noon Sept. HJth. All are iuvlteil. Mrs. Sights has retui lied to her luuiie in Illinois She Is a daughter of .Mrs. I., lioisalt ivho lives north of town. Mis. Cross hns returned home in Kansas after a visit with her eon Ar mour Cross and Ikt daughter Mrs. K. .'. Parker. 'Kr.;-hivn run r ' . a.; Mi-s Lh iii a !. iim r,i,.' i-i !. '1 ! ':i : ,! . .1 1 lie'.! .. an I lu'i iinpli. w 'iinday from In- vi-it.'d U.r, (Civ il. The M;.l qi?Jiiv - v-"vv detaii -1 WOOLTEX from the style to the fiawh proves that. IWII lllllllll'HWW ''"! T-T ilBIIMMH'B""" I7AA Tl O rM n R W JJL- j ryi-i r ri A iw4.A. Xiu. MHMM- The Wooltex label is the maker's unqualified guarantee of pure wool, oi two season's satisfact ory service a&d of faultless styles. The Miner Bros, Co. (Inc) General Merchants " H. A. LCTSON. Mgr. a ' ...- Dr. Stockman for cyeglnsso. s'atM'ui't'.on gunraiiteed. Hel Vtantml-Stole. The U. S. Ktwy oirers eseeptU-tial ,.p.ortiinitleb to young men 17 to 'i' youisold: men with trades up to ?,: vonis old. (iood opportunity for I'llueatioii and promotion. Must '. Ameriean citizens. .Minors must have parent's eertiileato of ago. Pay from ?17.(!0to over 677 per month, with vmiotleallv no expense. Visit or ad dress U. S. Navy Reeruiting Station. Post Otllco milldlng, Hastings. Xebr. I SllllM'lll..' f )V til-' ' 'll'l'l' SHlGHEfTEB SPILLS BRAND ,(-"V ! niAMnwn f i( f! -'A ' fPf S.- AkU jour I'rui-itl.t for CIU-CttHS-TKR'S A , DtAMUNU 1IKANI) 1'IX.I.S 111 Rl l nmlA ' r.oi.o mrlnlllo boxes, ecalcil wlih Ulue) , Ultllinn. TAKK NO OTIICR. Pur oflnnrW ii...-i. . .... r.. din '1..1 I .'ihhiii.. nM mr iiiiviii.niiiiin - DIAMOND IlllAND I'H.I.S, for twcnty.flva ycnri rcKardeil ns Itcnt.Sifcit, Always Kelfable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS S EVERYWHERE "i , i - i' !lll l'l. Hi..!.:. I!, S' ! -iiii' iiii til' u . .pure. : Wl.l - Ill 1 full on unit ion Hoard Instructed Niipl. Morit to s,.id clretilnr letter, to Ilimiils of illd'eronl dUltleis of the I'ontity nf material on hand that U for sale. Curt led. It was moved and seconded that all students desiring to take Manual i be reiiiired to pur chase their own tools. Carried. It was moved ami seconded that Hoard furnish one of the rooms in basement of Lincoln school building for use of Kindergarten pupils. Yeas and uajs being culled for. lesult as follows: (iverlng no. Xewhoiise yes, Stiidebaker yew, Horen yes, lleckwith yes, Fulton no Motion cairied. On motion warrant was ordered drawn on (iencral I'und in favor of !'. W. Sliiilcbuher for payment of labor and material at Washington school. Curried. Moved mill sec unlcd that I muni ail- joiirn. V. II. I'ulliin, Secictiiri . A Kilowatt and What II Will Do. lilci tiic'ty is mc.'isuri'il by the kilo watt hour. The rates for lulling cur rent i'l'oni.t he electric light, plant for power, light or heal, or for elrirging the electric runabout, arc always so much for each kilowatt hour nf elec tricity consiimi d. This is just so much Greek to the average man and if you tell hiiiia kilowatt isotie iind-one-third horse-power he will only gt a taint idea of what, it is all about. To explain the term need". Hist, a i leal' delluitioii. and t'.icn a comp:iil Min. I ; very otio will uiidersliind that a certain amount of force urisl beusrd to drive electric current Ihiotigh ueir cult This force is measured by voll: thus we have 110-Volt currciithund ,.".'o-voltcnrrent-. the one expiv-slng just twico the force of the other; but the iiinnllt.y of current pushing through ;: circuit depe: ds upon til force ntid the r"si'.tuiiee. aiil so t'' qiiuiiitv i' i'v- s' eil bv ii oiffi li nt term, v i on p'l-es." N'f.W I'h ellli'iercj nl tin'' iii t ' i i i -."its upon IJ'iwl tore- i-.uil iiri'iii ; -li t'l.,'. M !! .'i.-lH- 1, i. I ' 'II. n. IV loscpli. Mis C. , ,,i i-s ';. Jloll.i.- I ill, ul'd (.oiid sit. 1.. iii eu tiiere for : nine lime earing for h-r mother Mr, iicnrj MeCune who hns bean very iii. Two Utvt'B from Michigan at tunest of Mr. I.ouis i SAliin. The three Indie spoilt 'A eilnesduy at the home of JJrs. Sabin'i.i1nughtor Miv. .1. W Hughes Mr. .1. ii. Jtoltuid iu vUitlMK her daughter Mrs. Will Kei.ur at Palmyra. She IntoiulH to Liilte a treatmont at a Lincoln snuitariuin bo fore her return to (J aide Rode. School SJortril Keois. Ill i"('l.ot (, Nk., spt. 0, llJoli. Ilourd met In regular scbisjimi, Mem bers piosent (irvrlng, Nun house, Mtivii baker. Qmon, Jleekith and J-'u;-Utn, Minnies of picviotn meeting r.-ml and approved. August, ilJth.. Ob. Jiepoit of HuIId iUSf Cjimiilttec iictiiig. for tho School District of IN Uloijtl city nuiJ liohrer ItrcH. contra, tois hitvv agreed to tho following ciian.rt'n in the pbuis and upeeilieitioii,. .if f)u, (Jncoiiii school now in proc-ss ol e.HisuMiction to. wit; All ceiliiigN on ncond hton, to be oiled with slifp lupluRdiiiliou tofcpeei (ieutinn t u cost of 1J. one hundred sixty dollars extra. A glass and wood viKtibulo partition to be Installed at a cost or slltl, one hundred forty hlx dol lar cxlrti. North nud south entnitiee door to bo eijulnpud with VonDuprin patent lire latch and door cheeks in place of common looks at a cost of Stfl.flo, eighty one and sixty hundredths dollars extra Signed IJolirer llros. Ily ( M. Ilohrer. K. II. Xewhouse ) S. lleckwith l Studebakor On motion action of committee on Uulldings and (irounds, In rogard to additional work, was approved. f I 111 l'l r 1. -re In I . 's 1 "i ,if lilts i:i . . ts il.i . bj .'. auiperi -I' - n III t.ip! irii I.;. A kilowatt i-, wliieli is the hoi-vc power. Ilnilding Com. :i 1 1 -1 . . 'i.t i '.'Kllil't I ' it , I. p u - -iinl - '.;! i ' Thus ij'i .il' ,i. !; i- Tiir vhM -, if 2: ) ) amperes '.,- lloow.itt of OotllHe, M;(ll s.ltl equivalent of iiboiit I Til iitiut-irlmr li llllttt.ll- tl... li.rlit i t.rr I coiiip. Hiies' bit', for the use of ho many watts for so many hours thu. IHIHi watts for 10 hours would be eliargeii us 10 kilowiitt hoiiiri, which, ut 5 cents a kilowatt, hour, won! I he .iO cents, n uliaifcO Ihitt hi cms little enough for It) liouiV use of I ' hoitip-jipwer. Hut what a kilowatt hour is worth muv be judged by what, if vid do Thus a. kilowatt hour, lijiirek mi engi , tieer of the Oen rul Electric Coin puny, will lisrht twenty pl-eiiidle power in- euuileMM'tii lamps or two stiuuiarii arc -lainpi fotvme hou.i; It e.i'l pump bin, gull.titH of water to a height of v left; , uoiuiireMs 47U cibio li-et of lice uic 11K i i puinds. driw- hii 'irliiouy pns.-.enger elevator I7"i fe-t; prlnf "J .'.i' liieulara' on a IT) x -I Jill pre -.s, or iiy sheets' on u V! x (7 cylinder pre,-,- run a sew ing machine for J hou' : supply ttir for a churcli oiv.i'i )' r one service; mix j 3I eilble y n! ot com rcte; heat a V plnt efi.tllii" lUsh I'm 'our hoiii'-; mix1 sutfioieut dough t'jr l."iOLiiveSof luoid, : and grind IOt poutHls of coif e; a will drive a runabout 4'a miles or n :;-ion truck one mile, l.MM.AMMA'i'OKY HllKl'MATjSM l'l Ul II IN : IAV8. Morton L Hill, of Lebanon, liul., says: "My wife had Intlamuiatory ilhoiiiimtism In overy muscle and joint; her sulVoring was terrible and herjhody and face were swollen almost beyond iecogultlon;had bceuinbedt'orsix weeks and had eight physicians, but received no benefit until she tried Dr. Detclion's Keliuf lor llhuuiiiutisni. It gave her immediate relief and she was able to walk about In three days. I am sure it saved her life." Sold by The K. K. Orlce Drug Co , Ited Cloud, Xebr. ALFALFA Will buy your hay in Stack or on Car. Highest market prices Paid. Will be glad to look at your hay any time. Address Alma Alfalfa Mill Co Alma, Nebraska- -vv'' -j " IS IT A HEW STOVE 0R I -1 VWN1 AWe3vBAy.0r.. Farm Machinery '' h.ivi tin m .ill. UrincmliiT, ntir stin I; of 1 1 ar ncss, Harilw.'in , Hnics ;uid Complete at all times. : : : ntir arm ? GALL AND GEE US Wc will have inn Lint- of AUTOMOlilU-S Snon. V Wi ,i Lowe iy s.,i ,i ii. ,iM !i:i,,n l - ippl,iu.r llu'.liler's II(imaui-c t tl t Prices. Ibsr gonls. Wi. uic also in niMiltloii to do Pluuiliiii! wnrlt. mid all Kinds i.i Pipn Ciittiiik.' ami I-'illiug. :::::: s s Machinefv s J 5 .; Red Gloud HardairtFe & Implement Go, l j n i'a o j xt .v jo, juui uiai y. 0V"v..s WM -y ,.. ..o-j- v r - v j ; .-. -;-,ftjJ 'j:-'NMll g, CopreiiM r. Ii C I" 2 mrtr 130 C- --'to. t a i!LiMl Nil N Si i yLm Let us plac with you, as to room Changing and New peices of furniture, Carpets and draperies. Come in, talk it over, look around, and see what you real)' Do need. You'll find that we have a Splendid stock of New, durable furniture, Carpets, Rugs and Draperies. We are careful buyers, and We have been in the furniture business a good many years, but as yet we Don't dare buy frpm Cataloguer. May be if you get the import of this you'll realize how badly lost you'll be amid the Maze of illustrations and vague descrip tive matter of Mail order houses. Besides, there's not the real pleasure of buying when you buy away, from home. You are always buying promises of economy; nd you'll find wliea you inspect the artic les, that you do get cheapness; but nothing else. Wc harifiyour slindcs, lay your carpets & make picture frames. ALBRIGHT BROS. Funeral Director andEmbalmer. Fty .