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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1909)
15he CHIEF Red Cloud - - Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered In Hie I'oilolTire M Ited Olnml.Ncti . a Second CIhm Matter 0. 11. HALE l'L'itt.isirr.n Till: ONLY KKMOCIIATIC I'AH'.lt IN WKIISTI'-ltCOlNTV Oily Officers. Mnjror UlLTk TrcnMiriT ... Cniii-clliiii-n, M Hivi'l C'ulltirlliiK'ii 2ml vviiril I'.lirtih-llulit A wall r I'mn Mimlml. ilii MnrMinl, ultflit subscribe for llu1 l'l ('. II. I'otti r . (i. ('. I Ml I.O llnllrr llllV (Milium Ml I f'ltlol tlltT ,J. A MeUlliiir .(.II. Illlllc.t ,ii. . ltlltlllM .. .K. M. John ICIiim-I Political Advertising 'II . (''llllltls of till) Cltll I llll' "''H lor li'Kitim ito iidwitlseuu Ills nl" all I. Can li'liili-. ny u db-ssn: pill t nlllliatioti, .hi wclcotin- t) Use these Column- 11 iff of iitllioiltl.'ctlli'tlttriOO. i , , , ,,,,1! an ip ii a-aaM4 von suvauiv. I hereby nnnuiiinv mvsolf a eandi (lute for Ilii- nomination of Slu-rllf of Webster comity subject to the will or the Democrat ami Peoples independent electors at tin1 Prliniiiy election Aug. 17th., Wo!), ami most respectfully solicit your support. V. W Col't.i n Foil SHI.IUl''l' Wo ure Authoilcd to auouuee that Win. Kills patrick will be a candidate for tho noinineu of Sheriff by the Democrat mill Peoples Independent parties at Primary election August 17th I'.iOK. VOR TKEASI'IJEK. o litivo been Aullioiiod to an nounce tho Candidacy or V. II. Cramer, for tlio ollieo of County Treasurer, mibjoet to the will nf the Democrat anil Peoples lmlepi mlent parties at the primary election August 17th. IH'iSl We ate. pleased to loarn that our efforts it) regard to establishing a rest room in this city have met with ap proval by a( least a few of the farmers adjacent to lied Cloud. Wo print in Mil-. isMie the views of n well known dinner in regard to this question and doubtless many other fanners will take the Mime sensible position. The room so generously provided by Tur iiuro llros.. is a long step in the. right diicctlou but the city nee l a room for evening use alter the stores have closed. A room where the young men can spend llielr time in reading II' they so desire. Wo should wake up to the sltiiat ion mid ii'miiiki the responsibility which certainly is ours This city needs a park. Already the land, which could have Leon putclmv oil a few years ago at o nominal Mini. is so high iti value that it is out of tile pn-st ioti now to inquire and i'eps should bo taken Ht oUoa lo buy n site MiMablc for pm k purpose 'I ho Chan tumpm Is now almost mi u-stirod at trurtiou for nil time t i come HUd an uiiittloi iitm should be built for the purp'jse. This should go ill the park where it would be access ihlu for all hinds uf big days. We piopno that a stock company bo formed for Iho pur pose of obtaining a pari: and an audi torium. A few ye its ui'iii .f delay and ii site liii a paiK will lie lievoud ur ineiiiis. Now is the time to lie. every day In the weelt. And not only develop you spiritually, butphsicilly, and mentally. Who could estimate the good that might have been done had Ited Cloud had a Y. M. ('. A and our present ball team gone out as the lied Cloud Y. M. C A. team. This would have Insured them proper bond quartets, and if one was to loolt only at the business, and advertising side of the question, would it not have given our city mini of an up-to-date, metropolitan preslage.' Yours Very Truly. Dr. E.A. Thomas. Corresp Sec. von!ku. Wo have been Authorized to An iiuunco Ilii' Cmnlldney of It. W. Knout' for tlio ollieo of County Tioiisiiror. subject to the will of Hepiiblicnn voters to be expressed at the primary election AugiBt 17th. HM. Knit THE sr unit. I will be a Candidate for Treasurer id Webster County Nebraska, subject to the will of the llepiiblleuil Electors :il the Primary elect ion August I'th llio'.i. Hespeotfully. J. TMliitMi s. r'Olt TUEASl'UEU. Wo arc authorized to aliUuUtU'e the name uf Dr. 11. P. Haines as a candi date for the nomination for the ollieo of Treasurer of Webster County, sub ject to the will of the Republican olcctor.s at the tuimary election to bo held Angus! 17. lilu'.i. Hint Ucaillnft liooni. 1 see the run r has not give up the lloa ing Koom idea, as the newspaper is the popular educator it is a good medium for a question. Thai lied t loud needs u rest room and l.ibruiy is evident when you loolt around at the people on the street. Some who sit about on tho benches now would enjoy a room and good read ing if it was m.ide possible be I hey old or young. The l.ady customers Irmii tho country "and they spend the most" would appieciute s'une such a pl'ice to iirriuige tlielr tdlet and rest roml or islt after their purchase. There is also a groal many men em ployed by the day or week, who have tm permanent home but board some where who do not cure to frequent tho saloon or pool hull but wonid'like some place to meet Hnd pass away a social hour. Til" saloons will soon closo at eight o'clock, then the pool halls will bo ct-owib'd more than usual. The question now Is shall we provide a place for our girlH and bujs, give them the opportunity or not. The people tributary to Hod Cloud will help provldo or support a read big room and rest room that their sons mid daughters may have a place be sides the open street its temptations mid other tendencies. ()no to help lilt, jip is a Fanner. Calamity howlers aie now predict ing to much lain. Yesterday it was to dry. No one knows what will be the matter tomoirow. In tlio meantime we are eel tain to produce the tegular bumper crop of every thing from onions to cattle. The people id Alma, according to the Uceoid, ate contemplating build ing a jail for the housing of their law hrukers. It must lie of considerable expense to Iho people of llarlmi comity to carry their prisoners bnek mid forth to other i Mint Us In order to tlud jail room. Then there is milage bath ways besides feoB for the sheriff and other espouses. Surily Harlan county is pursueing a poor business policy. We might help Ihcin out by doubling our jail fees hero. The moie they pay the quicker they will have a jail ot their own. Whilo other towns around in. me making elaborate pivpemllons for cele brating the 1th. of July we believe that the pioplo of lied Cloud, me con tent to contine their ticliretic to wards mukiug tho Chaiitnuqua an un qualified success tills year, bet us dividc our celebration crowd between llluo Hill, Alma Campbell, l-Ytinhlln mid Hlooiiiington and ask those cities to emtio and enjoy our ehautnuqun. In till - way wo can nil have all hinds of pleasure and enjoyment. Wo offer to tliObe places our hem ty good will and wish tliein unbounded success on Independence day. There are but few country editors who have not made a vjgotous and continuous light against tho city mail order house. This lias boon dono in tho interest of the home merchant, and without money and without price. If tho editors of tho laud had received regular advertising rates for all they have said against these enemies of the country iiieiehnut tliey could now bo wearing diamonds. Now the depart inont store man appreciates advertis ing space and is willing to take tho average country editor has for sale, and at a good pi Ice What other class of business or men would rofuse business to help their friends, especially as many of said friends never seoiu in tho least disposed to it turn tho compliment or oven appiccluio It. Denver City, Times Tribune. Y. M. C A. To i in: Editor oi'tiii. Cuii.u Dear Sir: As per your request for in V opinion as to tho Y. M. C. A., its good and our need of one here. Will say I have been closely associated with Its work thru the state lor ten jcnis. mid local corresponding mem ber for tho past four years Willie it, like the churches, has lis faults, yd the good is so great that its faults arc iusignilicaut. Looking over the church rolls we tiud tiie names of but tow of our poling men, and the per cent of active workers among I hem are still less. The question is asked, why is this'.' There has never been ii great reforma tion accomplished in it da v. It has al ways come about slowly, and we call not expect oiiug men to beeomoea ril es! progtvsNlve church workers at once. The space from the life the average , cuing man is living to the ideal that he believes tlio church ro qulros is too great, so lliero must be uti organization, if we snvo tlio young man from the pit fulls uf life, to llll in this gap mid no duuomluiitionnl young peoples organization will so nicely and clllclentlv llll in this gup as tho Y. -M. C. A. It nets at tho heart of the nuiitr man. It is his nature to want iiuiu&o iiioitt. and what kind of amusement do wo have for thcin bore'.' None, but thoe that Invite niennness, and mean lioss is a false giowth. We are the heritage of ycats of progress, ami owe much, tor we nre enriched by the coons ui oiuers. ino greatest pur pose of life is to dovelopchuraetor. not to acquire wealth. The most power lid living thing on earth is a young man. ami tho most important part of tlio Y. M. C. A., is to make men alive to ilosus t hrlst. The Y. M. C. A., fur nishes a lontlng place for young men while in tho city, where they nre under christian inllueiice. How forcibly is this brot to notice whilo wo have our athletic sports ami games. Numbers of young men mo in the city with no place to congregate but street corners, saloons, and pool halls, all of these have open doors mid Invite them in. What church bus a place for them to sit down to rest, or to wash, or bathe, or rcfiosh themselves, or to have u iiaiiiiiess game 10 pass tin- time away. The iinliudiinl business rest ruouisare couimetiilablo but thoy Uo nut l each I far enough The churclus mi when ' Sinn. In si'i Tl,,. l r A ... u I ................ . .... ,, ... v ... miii i I will coino to you young man" when'.' ' A Letter from H. .1 Maurcr. MiHinwAM. Isnivsv. .June is. 'Oil. Hello lied Cloud Chief. I told .oti 1 wo..l I vrite but have been on tbe go all most constantly. Pid not got the lime before got through In Kansas lily afe. took 111 the city ." days and then look a run south '.'nO miles. They have a line country down here, It his been to cold mid wot for com. The bottom lands are all under water. No crops for iIipui tjiissutniiier. lleon llshiiig several times. I never sav so many w IM flowers growing every wheie, I fell like gathering an urtnful of them and send them back to you. Took in nil there was to bo soon here. I took the train for Chicagoand found that a llotlis'iiug little city. lYotu theie I e.inio ilowu to my old home .South llend. I was completely lost having not seen the city for over forty years it made some ditVerence I meet a good many of tlio old boys but most of tlu in ate dead or have moved a way toother parts. I am going over to the lakes for a week, the boys tell me llshing is good. 1 have had a chance several times to pick wild strawberries mnt they are much sweeter than tlio tamo ones. I he crops are looking good ttvery where I have been but they are late. After I come back lioin the lukis I intend to run up to EIU hait. Indiana, "to see .Jake Miller' one of Wed Coml's early settlers. Mr. ited Cloud Chief us I left 1 pin mined I would write you. 1 havo seen so much 1 hardly know what would interest you most. I thovo up tho M. .Joseph liver to see oue of thuv large eonciete dutus It wits a sight to hoc. it was built ot cement mid they fur llish power for the cities for 'M miles on cither side oil them The iliiiu is '.' feet in height und bucks the wuler for 12 miles ut the livor sj toil cm etnagltie how large It is. It foiuis i, hue lake for boat riding. The stste has planted all kinds of tish in tin- lake. From there 1 took tho ti aiu an J run '.q into Misliing to a laigc lake cull. 1 1 distal lake. Say Mr. Chid there I hud some Hue sport, t'ouud all kinds of lake llsh. too' ayiitch and rode nut u mile to try my luck. I caught u hue string of perch ami black bus, thought of Charley Uobinson whilo llshing. Charley would call that nhit. You Und all of the coiiveinccs at the lake that you Unit in I he city. Tho rich people go up to Hie lake once or twice during Hie summer to havo an outing mid nio.-t of them own their own cottages. From there 1 drove over to Notre Dauicuud also St. Mary's academy. Students come lieie l'lotn all over the United Mates. It is con sidered one ol the best universities ot its kind in Indiana. I also went tin u Studebakur's large factory anil was h.- tercsteil most to see tlicm lit work on the auto. Worn there I wont over to the river to take a look tit a large rub ber plant that was most interesting. Thoy make everything here that can bo matte of rubber. I intend going through nil of the different plants be fore leaviug. My old home South Ileiitl has grown so I did uot recognize any of tho oht land muilf. Km ty ,ear is a long time you know to by a way from homo. The weather still stajs cold but for nil of that the ciops of all kinds are looking well. Miy Mr. Chief n word on the sido with you the ladies of Ked Cloud mid country aro fully as handsome us thoy aro up thl way so I would advise till of those fel lows back there to patronUe homo Ited Cloud and Webstet county Is good enough tor me. Now Mr. C hief bo sure and burn this lettor. 11. .1. M.U'uin. EES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AN3 DRUCS LAW. An Improvement over mnnv Cotmh. Lung .vv' P.ronchinl Remedies, because It rids the system of n cold by acting ns a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to tflvt satisfaction or money refunded. PrcDnr"C v HNEUI.E MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U.S. A- Poll SALE AT COOK'S DUIC St'OP.E. I f 1 I ft ,;fflfll Ts"J J1'-".-'': 1 WZSi63a2EasaBEEnSHIK3K Unless you have seen the d r i fimsne composition, you can nave no id :h nenness an ea o d beauty f the of lysine Siik 45c yd JWhen made into ding gown, dance party frock. a dress we d- or tjjAlwnys wilh the name SUES1NE SILK marked plainly on the edge of every yard of the genuine. F. NEWHOUSE l RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. ;.yjvrrwr; aBSMBesresrczsss&SE 7 1 ; J Mill I V I w. .' -n 'l i t .!. iTrr i"'l t. .' "wrft: I -- Letter List. List of loltera reinainliiK uncalled lor at postolllcoat Hod Cloud, Nob. for tho week eliding dune. 'Jll: llKXl August. Martin. Win. (). Connor.. March (). Urymil. .J.M.Stokes. C. R Saunders, Clayton Smith. (J) Mr. and Mrs. Phil Shore. .J. S. Warren. Those will bo sent to tho tload letter ollieo .July 1st, WOn, If uncalled for before. Whon calliiiK for abovo please say "advertised." T. C. H.vcKi:n, Postinastor l.M'I.AMMAIOIII KlILl'MA-rfSM Cl III H IN ;t l).vn. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Intl., says: "My wife hud Inllaniinatory Ithtuinatlsin in every muscle mid Joint; her sulVtriiiK was terrible and lier.body anil face were swollen almost beyond recof?uitlon;liad boeninbeilfofbix wooUb and had eiflit physicians, but received no bcnvtlt until she trlodJDr. IX'tehon'fi Helicf for llheuumtiain. It o;iivo her iiuniedliile relief and she wius able to walk alio it 'n three thiys. 1 tun sure It saved her life.' Kohl by Tho II K. (Irlco Dnie; Co , Ited Cloud, Nobr. Harlliuljlc Willi!.. on Wednesday at 1 i clock p.m. at the resideucrt of lieu. Murtilidnlo on Lo-tiHt Street occitred the in ii" i U-'o of Miss Clara A Mirtimlale to Mr. Ira Willis of t'oloiudo Spiiims. Colo. Tlie ecit inoiiy vvio. by .Jiitlo Ktlson aid was veiy l)i-i"f, but specially im piO'sive nliil upproniiato A diiinly limeheoii was served to those in attedauee by Mi's. Mnrtludulo and si mo beautiful presenls wort) ic celved by the bride. Miss Martiiubile will lone; lie rc iiteuibered as a very successful Teacher in lied noiul. Mr. Willis has the up pcarance of u iiiaii of alf airs and scnis to Ik- worthy of the oullhnred lady lie has chosen, which is nil it, is iieces sary to say in Ids favor. I hey de parted on No. i:. for their now home. Cast: Ball lluse liull funs thoroly tho three sanies of base bull played lieie last week botvvoon the homo toani ami Seward, Tho two teams- ure very evenly matched Seward belttc tho best viHititiK team to play on this diamond tliU i..iih,iii On Thursday the tii'st yume of the fleries the lied Cloud cap tured tho name to the tune ol I to 1. Piltfiito lossetl the ball for tho hoine tenui antl Stewart for the visitors. Friday's jramo was u pitcher's battle and resulted in a victory for Seward. Score 1 to 0. This was an intcretinK game till the way thru, llotlt pitchers pulliiiK out of tight places repeatedly. C'lcKtr pitched iiiiiwnillciont ball and Foid pitched for the visitors. On Saturday interest in the lesult was Intense. This pimo proved to be u sluKKlnjr match. I'.otli pitchers were lilt freely but received brilliant sup port, .lack Masters covered himself with tflory by tho manner In which ho used his head thru out the pime. At tin end of tlio tlth inninir tlio score stootl '.' to -. Seward went to but in the tenth but failed to score, lied I Cloud determined to win the victory. One iiiaii out and two men on bases when Sovvard chunked pltchors Hut It was no use. Masters won his own game by a safe lilt to right Held bring ing in tlio long looked for run. Musters pitched for tho homo team mid Trimble for the visitors. There Is no question but that wo have one of tlio best semi-professional teams in the state this year. They all seoni to know what tho sticks arc rot und seem to experioiico nodllllculty in gottlng lu contact with tho llttlo white sphere. I'ineules new Kidney remedy-uro for all diseases of the kidneys and bladder They net promptly in all cases of lame back, iheumiitlc pains, liillaiuiniitlou of tlio bladder, urinary disorders and weak kidneys. Sold by llourv Cook. S&f&8 siJaHSS&lSSK SH3m83) CTSS2SSS Vol kOME years ago a famous specialist and expert in nervous lseases made some experiments di what effect subject. clothes had on th i e mincis to see of his Fie found that badly fitting or shabby clothes were more or less depressing; that if he put a man into good clothes, well-fitting, good style, of good quality, the whole man was "toned up;" felt better, worth more lo himself, to his work, to ihe community. It was clearly proved that clothes are an intellectual and moral force. In that case, just think how much the general level of any community is affected and improv ed by such clothes as these Hart Schaffner & Marx suits we're selling. You may not have realized it before, but this store is doing this town a lot of good by bringing such clothes here. Suits $ 1 8 to $40 PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER vfcvviiviVtAvtviti(Uiia(aikaiTiiiraitivivvu,utiviifcviii(i'ii(viU(vivi(tiif ee-tioiiVtiC- SAY, HISTERI Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Uuilding Mil torial and Coal at our yards? Not only that our prices aveiucib lower, or at least as low, as thoso of our competit ors, but nuoACSE wo tnke especial cure of mid protect all can bo classed as It 12 G U L A H CUSTOMB H S . PL ATT & FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. afTT1rTV1XT1il1'TT1i11vTri1viiiVTTTT1VTrT1!e1i1iT!Pa(vVvfcU.1 &- N 1