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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1909)
t V i f. f .1 '. 1 p - r , JK' I v li' V 1 ; j(. i A PROUD PAIR. "What ninkes that peasant ao proud to-day?" "Oh, he hns tho biggest rooster In town nnd his wife tho biggest hat." Fllegcnde Hlnottcr. Not Lacking In Dignity. There was once upon a time a coun try lawyer who was noted for his se date manners nnd his judicial bcnrlng. In the course of tlmo he was olovatcd to the bench, where he conducted him self nnd the court with becoming de meanor, nnd where ho won n reputa tion for sagacity based nearly alto gether upon his solemn accents and his corrugatod brow. One who knew him well was naked by a stranger who 8aw the Judge pass upon the street whether he was really an efllclcnt arbiter. "Well," said tho acquaintance Blow ly, "I think I may say thnt John pre sides with inoro dignity nnd less abil ity than anyone elso I ever knew." Louisville Courier-Journal. Forestalled. "Well, Mrs. Dennis, whnt are you going to glvo Pat for Christmas this year?" inquired the recipient of Mrs. Dennis regulur washday vlsts, 0110 day at tho beginning of tho festal season. ' "'Deed, thin, ma'am, I don't know," replied Mrs. Dennl3. raising herself from tho wnshtub nnd setting,, her dripping arms akimbo. "I did be thlnkin' I'd glvo him n pair of pants, but, Lord bless yo, ma'am, only last night didn't ho come home wld a Pair on." Success Magazine. Laundry work at homo would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neccs Bnry to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric Is hidden behind n paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of tho goods. This trou ble can bo entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much moro thinly because of Its great er strength than other makes. Great Improvement. Tho patlont told tho doctor all his Bymptoms. At tho end of tho recital tho medical man looked severe. "My dear sir," ho said, "you must gradually glvo up whisky and soda." Some months later ho mot the pa tient and inquired whether the advice had been followed. ''To the letter," replied tho patient, beaming. "Why, I'vo already given up coda completely!" Evidence. "His wife married him to reform him." "And Bhe succeeded, didn't she?" "I don't know; I didn't know him before he was married." . "Neither did I; but you can see that ho don't amount to anything now." Nebraska Directory WAREHOUSE FOREMAN WANTED wlio 111 Invent J20UO In biiHlni'HR. Would vim move to Lincoln? AililrcHH LOCK BOX Oil. LINCOLN, NEB. Htferenceu furnltihcd on n indication. VelTrTwrouglit Iron Vehicles Will Not Wrnr Out. Innlst on having tliem iok j our local ilculrr or JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY. Omaha Sioux Falls REBUILT TRACTION nt liart'nln priors. Write I'rl'Kt. LINIGER IMPLE MENT CO., Omaha, Neb. Lightning Rods' t Copper Cable nndlli;Iitnlii(! nr rostora for tele phones. TroteotH forever. The best. W. C. 8HINN, - - Llnooln, Nebraska HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. BROKERS AND DEALERS Grain, Provlto'n, Stocks, Cotton Main Office, 204-205 Fraternity Bldg. Lincoln, Nebraika. Doll Phone file Auto Phono 2050 I.uWHt limine in Ktnto. KODAKS Wo have a complete line of fresh Arna to urn finn. nllon. Our A'mateur irinishinv Di.n.-irt. mentisirUhe hands of experts and equipped for prompt service. Kodak catalogue mailed on request. Lincoln Photo Supply Co. 1217 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. Beatrice Creamery Go. Pnyn the highest price for CREAM GREEN FLAG ROOFING Mmlo eKpeolnlly for the WcHteru cllmato out of the very lioht InnK'tllirn wool-felt, (lonely coated vtlth Trinidad T.aku Ah. phalt, Hpeelully refined nnd treated for tho purpose, will not curl nnd rot like the cheap gradcis. Anyone, van lay It on iuu rooi. We Guaranleo tho Life of this Roofing. If your dealer doett not handle "GREEN FLAG ROOFING" write F.W. BROWN LUMBER CO. LINCOLN, NEBRA8KA xp-T' FROMTHTH IOrnEMDTWWIjB Career of Bogus NEW YORK. Tho wooing of MIhs Isnhclla (larwood, tho wealthy New York spinster, hy "Count Hut tint dl Molse," which has met a sud den halt lu Paris owIiir to diplomatic Intervention, has hrought to light the nmnzlng enreor of the wooer. This Kallant of GO, who sought tho hand of MIrs Garwood, nnd Incidentally the settlement upon himself of nn Income of $40,000 a year, has failed to qualify In the marriage stakes In which he wns making such a tine running for several various reasons. FlrHt, he hns n wife living. Secondly, ho Is not nn Italian count. Thirdly, he 1b not oven nn Italian. Fourthly, he is not even a Dl Molse. Fifthly, he has not oven tho right to tho name nottlnl. Ho begun by being bom in nn ou scur,e Dalmatian 'village, tho son of a humblo though respectable family named Moses. young Modes was sent t6-th6 Unl verslty of I'adua to study medicine. His dearest chum was onco Giovanni H. nottlnl. When young Hettinl died, and after Dr. Moses had practice a bit In the Hnlknns, ho came to this city and be gan practicing medlclno under tho nauio of Dr. Giovanni Hettinl. In fact, ho exhibited a diploma from tho Uni versity of I'adua In the name of Gio vanni IJ. Dettlnl. Now It happened thnt this samo diploma had boon buried with Its owner, and when his parents learned Pat Sheedy, Noted Sport and Art Expert PAT SHEEDY, America's most fa mous sport, one-time gambler king and In later yearB art sharp, is close to death. Fatty degeneration of the henrt Is what is taking tho noted sporting man out of tho game, but even now, with one foot in tho grnve, he Is gambling with death with the aamo old coolness and nplomb that marked tho busier days when ho flirt od with chnnco in every quarter of tho globe. Tho doctors Hay his death may be expected nt any tlmo without a moment's warning. America has nevor Been tho equal of Pnt Sheedy as a nervy gambler for high stakes and as n man who knew nil about tho game that any human may know. In his pnlmy dnys he was not a welcomo visitor at the gaming places, for when ho sat down "Heckling" Popular ":.ov RCKLING" promises to become 11 one of New York's popular sum mer diversions. A month ngo heckling wns unknown. Now it is in n fair way to suporsedo Marathon races In gen eral favor, nrioiiy, tho new sport somewhat resembles bull halting, and Is a popular form of the lino nrt of cross-examination. Tho object of the gnmo Is to put query after query to the heckled one and then to deny tho truth of all answers, Tho result does not count. The now pastime wna Introduced by District Attorney Jeromo, who nllowed himself to bo heckled by 1,700 persons recently, when at a public mooting thoy fired evory conceivable question at him, from thoso donllng with his personal habits to thoso having to do j "L s-s&fX 7 . r.y t3 Mrs. Sage Gives Away $25,000 a Day MRS. RUSSELL SAGE Is giving away tho fortune that her hus band amassed through yearB of toll and parsimony, nt tho rato of $25,000 a day, and has nlroady succeeded lu getting away with $25,000,000, but sho Is still far behind Andrew Carnegie lu tho matter of munificent donations to the public. Mr. Carncglo hns invest ed $51,590,002 in public libraries alone, having built 1,800 of them In this country and nbroad. Mrs. Sago has been more catholic In hor munlflcenco, her chnrltlos taking a wide range. Though she hoa glvon r , I,, I j,W ,jm I M I &&. r 'sAVi'SiWWVVVKAiWWWWVVWSi'WWWWW Count is Unmasked from friends in this country that n brilliant young pbyslclnn named Dr. Giovanni V. Hettinl was practicing nnd had n diploma In that imino, his relatives wondered If a miracle had been wrought. To tellevo their anx iety on this score the body of young Hettinl was disinterred. When the cofllu was opened the body was that of Hettinl. However, tho diploma was missing. It wns a rather pleasant yam, nnd Dr. Moses did not long after retain the name of Dr. Hettinl. He had met In the Hnlknns n Count and Countess Dl Molse and made love to the countess. Ho was a mnu of slugulnr attraction nt thnt time nnd the countess loved him. Tho count died and relntlves sent for the countess to come to this city. She was hero when Dr. Moses enmo over, nnd they discovered thnt their love for each other was even stronger thun before tho death of the count. They lived togother and when Dr. Moses became nncomfortnble under tho name of Hettinl ho solved the annoynnce by taking tho namo of his friend, the countess. That's how he became tho Count Dl Molso. Still clinging to the name Hettinl, he tucked that in front nnd thercaftur continued to be known us Hettinl dl Molso, with "count" for a handle when ho, thought It safe to employ It. .hiht what tho fato of the real Countess dl Molso was after that Is veiled In mystery. She disappeared from view to bo replaced by a slim, blende "countess," an American girl. She was Miss Hattlo Hurchell, Blstor of Thomas II. Hurchell, a wealthy merchant of 500 Hroadway. Tho American woman is living In Now York, and her son, calling him self Count dl Molse, Is n student nt Columbia university. nt a table It was almost an oven bet whether ho would romnln there until he owned the house or drove the pro prietor to tho woods. Ho hns owned gambling establishments In practically every cnpltal of Europe. In his later years he Is now 59 In yearB and 90 In physical condition ami In experience Sheedy turned to nrt. His gnllery occupied most of his house hero and included many of tho most striking workB of noted pnlnt ers, especially the French, Dutch nnd Holglnn nrtlsts. HIb recovery of tho celebrated Gainsborough painting nfter It had been cut from its frnmo lu n London gnllery and carried half way round the world by tho thlof, Is well remembered. Again lu 190G Sheedy lonmed that tho Moorish bandit, Ralsull, was in possession of n noted pnnel by Cor reggio. He went to Zeomtt, tho tmn drts own vlllagu, and finally dickered to a price, returning to Paris with tho masterpiece. For a couple of years Sheedy has boon living quietly In Now York, no longer veiy wealthy, but in no immedi uto danger of want. Summer Diversion with his conduct of office nnd his be liefs as to the future life. For the (list time on record n public officer gnvo a public accounting of his stew ardship, and though tho accounting mny not have amounted to much, na one of tho 1,700 hecklers Insisted that Mr. Jerome wns not telling the truth during tho wholo ovenlnir. nornn.ia i.,. terested in political reforms hopo thnt this unique accounting mnrks tho dawn of nn era of real political re sponsibility to the people. Unfortunately, however, heckling has wrought dlro resultB in other fields. Only two days after Mr. Jeromo introduced tho pastime a man brought suit for divorce on tho ground that his wlfo heckled him, specifying that she hnd asked him nn nvorago of 431 foolish questions evory dny for a month. Likewise n policeman re signed from his place, a busy Hroad way corner, giving as his reason that tho qowds in senrch of Information heckled him to nn unbonrablo extent. So at present it seems to bo a ques tion whether this city will benefit from the new diversion. tho public far less thnn linn Mr nr negle, It is becnuso Bho got startod so much lator. It took Mr. Sago 50 years to accumulate his fortune of $G5,000. 000, and If his widow contlnuos to give it nway at tho rato she has for tho last three years, all will ta gone In five, years more. Statisticians have figured out that Mr. Sage's estato rep resented $3,S00 a day for tho nctlve yearB of tho financier's life. When Mrs. Sago, after tho death of hor husband, set about distributing hor wealth the causes of education and rollglon nnd tho amelioration of human misery appealed most strongly to hor. To educational Institutions e has recontly given nearly $5,000,000, to rollglQus work somothlng like $2,500,000, to tho Sago Foundation $10,000,000. while tho romainodr has gone to works of seml-rollglous and educational character, I ,v . ..w. r- - .,, I JOB WOULD KEEP HIM BUSY Greenhorn Sailor Realized the Captain Had Given Him a Dig Contract. In tho height of the recent wheat tu mult Hrokor Patten, discussing tho government's wheat estimates with a reporter, said calmly: "Hut some of the men the govern ment lakes Its figures from are green horns Perfect greenhorns As bad as the Dutch sailor, you know "The captain said to the sailor, when the ship came to port: " 'Take a boat, run ashore nnd buy two dollars' worth of vegetables.' "The sailor didn't know what vege tables were, so ns soon iih ho struck laud ho snld to a 'longshoreman: " "What Is vegetables, mate'.' "'Oh, dried peas, for Instance,' tho 'longshoreman nnsu ered "So the Dutch sailor spent his two dollars on a huge sack of dried peas. "When ho drew near the ship again with his load tho captain called him from tho bridge: " 'Well, have you got thoso vege tables?' " 'A jo, aye, sir.' said tho sailor. " 'Then,' said tho captain, 'hand them up to rookie one at a time.' '"Shiver my timbers!' said tho sailor, 'I've got n Job before mo now, and no mistake!" SORE EYES CURED. Eye-Dallo and Lids Became Terribly Inflamed Was Unablo to Go About All Other Treatments Failed, But Cutlcura Proved Successful. "About two years ago my oyos got in Buch a condition that 1 was unablo to go about. Thoy wero terribly In flamed, both the balls nnd lids. I tried homo remedies without relief Thou I decided to go to our family physician, but ho didn't help them Then I tried two moro of our most prominent physicians, but my eyes grow continually worse. At this tlmo a fHend of initio ndvlsed mo to try Cutlcura Ointment, und after using It nbout one week my eyes were con siderably Improved, and lu two weeks they wero almost well. Thoy lmvo never given mo nny trouble since and I am now sixty-flvo years old. I shall nlwnys praise Cutlcura. G. H. Halsey, Mouth of Wilson, Vn Apr. 4. IfiOS' Totter I)ruB A Cbcin. Corp., Nolo J'ropj., Boston ACCENT ON THE "PUS." Teacher Now, Jimmy Green, can you tell mo what an octopus is? Jimmy Green Yes, sir; It's an eight-sided cat. A Rich Error. "Printers' errors are always funnj'," snld Gon. P. P. Parker of the Arizona G. A. R., "und I'll never forget ono that was made over a Memorial day Bcrmon some years ago In Phoonlx. "Tho Monday morning report of this sermon begnn: " 'The Rev. Dr. John Hlnnk greased tho pulpit on the occasion' and so on. " 'Graced,' of course, Is what was meant." Absent All Around. Tho nbsent minded professor re turned homo ono evening, nnd, after ringing his front doorbell for some tlmo to no effect, heard the maid's volco from tho second story window: "Tho professor 1b not In." "All right," quietly answered the professor; "I'll call again." And ho hobbled down tho stono steps. Lip plncott'B. WON'T MIX Bad Food and Good Health Won't Mix. Tho human stomach standB much abuse but It won't return good health if you give It bad food. If you feed right you will fool right, for proper food and n good mind is tho sure road to health. "A year ago Ibecamo much alarmed nbout my health for I began to suffer nfter each meal no matter how llttlo I ate," says n Denver womnn. "I lost my nppetlto nnd tho very thought of food grew distasteful, with the result that I wns not nourished and got weak and thin. "My homo cnreB wore very heavy, for besides a largo family of my own I havo also to look out for my aged mothor. There was no one to shoul der ray household burdens, nnd como what might, I must bear thorn, and this thought nearly drove mo frantic when I realized thnt my health was breaking down. "I rend nn article In the paper nbout Borne ono with troublo Just llko mlno bo Ing cured on Grnpe-Nutn food nnd act ing on UiIh Huggestlon I gnvo Grape NutB n trial. Tho first dish of this delicious food proved that I had Btruck tho right thing. "My uncomfortable feelings Jn stom ach and brain disappeared aa If by magic and In nn Incredibly short spaco of tlmo I was mj'solf again. SInco then I hnvo gained 12 pounds In wolght through n summer of hard work and reullzo I am a vory different woman, all duo to tho splendid food, Grape-Nuts." "Thoro's a Reason." Trial will prove. Rend tho fambtiB llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. Kver rnil itie above lettrrf A new one npprnrM from (Unn to lime, Thry ore ireuulne, true, and full of buuiaii Interest. frtragaafcufr,H ! '. W Mi t'a K ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVeSdaulc Preparation for As aimitaling itieFoodatKlRcgula ling Ihc Stomachs nnd Dowels of B 5S lilCK Promotes DIgcslion.Chccrful ncssandRcst.Conlains ncllher Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic Wy efOM DrSAMVSlfrrtrSf & ISunpitH Sit J' Six Sfna iMtthS'Ki . ii SfJ hyfrmi'i fiiCvinttUStJUi hirtn Stti CmfSitti JbyTP ttiityrrm 'Aimr to .i 'jii A perfect Remedy forConsllpa lion . Sour Stornach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncssand LOSS OF SLEEP c Ho r. h foe Simile Signature of-' The CKNTAUit Company,, NEW YORK. a m i Guaranteed under tho Foodanfl Exact Copy of Wrapper The Novel Type. In n lnte innnnzlno ntnry a perfectly lovely girl Ih ilcHrrlbed iih follnwtt: "Sho wiih very Hinall and dark, and very active, with hair like the color of eight o'clock daylight and dnrkncBS nnd lamplight all Kiiared up together nnd llpn like nil crude scarlet, and eycB as absurdly big and round an a child's good-by kiss." How do you like It? Would a girl who answered thnt description bo worth shucks In everyday experi ences? Atchison (Jlobe. Sheer white goods, In fact, nny flno wnHh goods when new, owo much of their attrnctlveness to tho way they nro laundered, thin being dono In a manner to enhnnco their textile benu ty. Home laundering would bo equal ly satisfactory If proper attention was given to sturchlng, tho first ossentlnl being good Starch, which has Hiifllclent strength to stiffen, without thickening tho goods. Try Doflnnce Starch and you will bo pleasantly surprised at tho Improved nppearanco of your work. A Reflection. "To my annoynnce," she said, "I found he hnd n lock of my hair. How bo got It I can't Imagine" Tho oldor girl smiled oddly. "When you wero out of the room, perhaps?" sho hazarded. Economy. Some women's Idea of economy Ih doing without the things thnt hor husband likes best to eat. Mri. IVInilntv'H Hootlilnu' Syrup, for children tectlilni;, itoflrim tliu Kiim, rrilurcn In flummallun, tllu) b jiulu, curen u lmUullc. iio n Untie. And occasionally n man tells lies by keeping his mouth shut. T.evih' Sinpli. Hinder, the fnmoun ttrniulit 5c cigar annual wlc 0,000,000, After breaking u $5 bill tho plecoB nro soon Iqst. Interesting Facts The only eflective and reliable remedy known for Gout, Dyspep sia, Jaundice, Kidney and Blad der troubles, Constipation, Head ache, Biliousness and all disor der of the bowels is DR.D.JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS For several fenerations jj,ey have been a household necessity for reliev ing and curing complaints of this kind, They are safe and sure in every In stance, As a laxative, purgative and cathartic they are unexcelled. Sold by Jrugglth tveri)tchere In 25c and 10c boxes LAND IUHHlATi:i LAND, IVrrerual fullnrn unknown; Wltm. wheat pfrunri-i SWUifttona I alrnlra; liealthfn) cllmutoi f r trnibcn ia' Icrnni , wrlWDUW. UXMUOU USD tV,, Kick flUj., (l;al. GUA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 26-1909. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. CARTERS mm I 'iiiry mho relievo Uli- H ITnriF I trrxH f mm DyrtpopHln, In- Hi lRn MlWHllniinnilToollrnrty WM I Ur II I Kutliiff. A perfect rein- qii A r',y tor DI"lm'hH- Nml Wm "I H.O Uc-n, DronHlni'HM, Had W MB iTftHtr In the. Mouth, CoiU- HBIHH I oi Toiikiii), I'hIii th M '''", TUItl'lD MVltR. They rcgulato tuu UowcIh. l'urely Vt-yetnble SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-SimileSignaturo REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. TOILET ANTISEPTIC NOTHING LIKE IT FOR TUP XFFTII Pax''nc exceli any drntifrkw I nt I hC I II Jn cleaniing, whitening ttii removing tartar from the te:th, beiidet deitioyinf all permi of decay and diicaie which ordinary tooth preparation! cannot do. TUP Mffll ITU Paxtine used ai a mouth' inb itlUUin vmh duinfecu the mouth and throat, puriGei the breath, and lulls the permi which collect in the mouth, cauiing lore throat, bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickneii. TUC FYETQ 'when inflamed, lirrd, ache nt 1 1 tO nd burn, may be inttanlly relieved and lengthened by Paxtine. fATADDU Paxtino will deitroy the germs UH I Hnnn that cauie catarrh, heal the in flammation and atop the discharge. It it a sura remedy for uterine catarrh. Paxtine is a harmless vet powerful ermicide,dtunf eflant and dcodotuer. I Used in bathing it destroys odors and leave the body anlueptically clean. FOR SALE AT DRUO STORES, GOc. On POSTPAID DY MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. POBTON. MASS. Your Livens Your Life A dead liver means awful sick nessdon't let it come when it can be prevented. Cascarets keep the liver lively and bowels regular and ward off serious, fatal illness. xi CASCARRTS-toc box week's treat, went. All druRRists. Biggest seller in the world. Million boxes a month. DAISYFLY KILLER K?S?u"SrKK in mm. .Neil, clmn.oriiiiinentAl, CUIlTeillfllt.UtiMp, lAhi tll . cn nut illl or tip oTr. will no I toll nrlnJur(AHyttiln. Ouamnteeil fffe tlvn. IllallJolm, or itnt prtrmltlfar '.'Or. Illrtilrfnoafr., ltOU.ialliSf.M Uni.kljufw Irk. The Only Perfect Razor NO STROPPING NO HONINC 5E8lMSfi KNOWN THE WORLD OVEIl PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CltaiiMS and txnutlflta th hall. iTomoK a luxuriant growth. Merer rail to nettoro Oray Hair to its Youthful Color Cuna aralp dliriMa khalr ffUUciv o,aomUal DniiiUU ",r!;.Vuio I Thompson's Eye Water Xfllu AW y For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TxiotKTunoaMiir. niwraraorrr. ! carteSs iTTlE . BIVER &4&ne 1 H--t . "' "jA miLLZulSHm H9 BMMBPfjpXMifMjwtY?M'l h- t i