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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1908)
Sfgs , Ulwiy i,frr-tHryritHi tjw TfeMJif JWW'fcWW' m 1 111 I 11 ' la: W u i at J r if II The Chief E. B. DeWOLF, Publisher RED CLOUD, NEBR OF CONDENSATION OF THE MOST IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS. BOTH AT HOME AND ABROAD General, Political, Religious, 8portlng, Foreign and Other Evento Re corded Here and There. Political. It was tinnouncoil nt Hot Springs that Chairman Hitchcock of the re publican national committee will bo postmaster general In the Tnft cabi net. Treasurer Sheldon's report bIiowb that funds of flvo or six millions, such as were- used In rccont campaigns, aro proved to have been wasteful If not a source of corruption. Only two parties, the republican and tho democratic, will participate In tho next primary election In Iown, In Juno, 1910 i William Hnyward of Nebraska City, secretary or tho nntlonal republican oommlttoc, attended tho banquot given Chairman Frank Hitchcock in Washington. Warning notos continue to como from Hot Springs that Presidentelect Taft will not stand for shufrilng, ovn nlon and porfunctory performance on tariff revision. Indications are that Governor Shel don will not fill several vacant offlclal positions, but will leavo them for Ills successor. President Van Cloac of tho Nation al Association of Manufacturers In a formal Btatomcnt charges that tho tariff hearings aro lit chargo of stand patters and that the committee Is necking evidence of this kind. Public Printer Lcoch resigned nml President Roosevelt appointed Sninuol D. Donnelly of Brooklyn. Judgo Tnft nttended rollglous ser vices on Thanksgiving day. Andrew Carnoglo writes a letter giv ing his roaBons for not appearing be fore tho ways and means commlttoo Investigating tho tariff. General. Chairman layno In .his answer to President Van Cleavo's stricture of tho tariff committees motbods says tho bill reported will bo Jpdged by tho peoplo on Its merits and not on what advance critics think It may contain. Japan and to United StntOB havo agreed to preserve status quo In tho Pacific and open door for tho Chinese empire. A $20,000,000 Inmbor deal 1b In pro cess of formation, by which tho white plno Interests will bo consolidated. Mrs. Eleanor Cowpor, n Now York actress, took nor llfo by Bonding a bullot through her heart. Diplomatic rolatlons between Tur key and Austria aro strained over tho Balkan situation. Soreno Payno calls down J. W. Van Clcavo for his refusal to testify bo foro ways and means committee Ohio will soon elect a United StatcB senntor. Chas. P. Taft, n brother ol tho president, Is a candidate. Conditions In Hnltl have about re sumed their normal status. John Gardnor Coolldgo, the Amor lean minister to Nicaragua, tondorcd Lis resignation. It Is roported that Mr. Coolldgo took this step becauso of disapproval of his government In meddling with tho Internal affairs of Nicaragua. j Eastern Iowa, Bouthorn Illinois and southwestern Missouri were visited by destructive storms. Tho South Dakota, land dopnrtmout completed a deal by which all tho remaining capital building landB east of tho Missouri havo been disposed oft Thoy comprise 4,846 acres in tho counties of Faulk, Hyde and Pottor, and will net tho fund about $30,000. Governor Cummins of Iown was1 clocted United Statos senator by tho legislature, to succeed W. 11. Allison for hlB unoxplred term. Sovernl now enses of foot and mouth dlsonso were discovered nmong cattlo In Pennsylvania. State nnd fedornl authorities aro mak ing BtrencouB efforts to prevent tho spread of tho epidemic. Sixteen persons were killed and twenty-threo Injured by a tornado In Arkansas. Speaker Cannon In a formul state ment says tho noxt congress will re vise tho tariff In accordanco with In structions from tho people. Tho speaker Bays ho will bo olected by tho republicans of tho next congess. Over 9,000,000 bnlos of cotton woro produced according to tho Depart ment of Agriculture, In 1908. Tho Becrotary of ngrlculturo has is oued a quarantine against tho entire state of Michigan for tho foot and mouth dlsfiaso. Mrs. Barbara Bllllk, mothor of Her man 131111k, condemned to hang Do , comber 11, at Chicago, rocolvcd a letter from him bidding her farowoll. President Roosevelt made tho prin cipal nddross at tho laying of tho cor norstono of tho now colored Young Men's Christian association building 1 In Washington. Louis Winner, In a flat car, won tho grand prize automobiio race over tho course at Savannah, Go. 1MB NW Tho forlioth anniversary of tho Ne braska Jodgo No. 1, Knights of Pythlai was eelobrated In Omaha with a largo attondnnco of prominent members of tho ordor from all over tho country. Prlnco Tang Shno Yl and retinue arrived nt San Franslsco. Ho will remain until March. Admlrnl Sporry has written nn or der thnt tho men of tho battleship ilcct bo not allowed to land at Manila on account of cholera. ' First Lieutenant JamcB S. Konncdy, medical reserve corps, hns been do tallod as a member of tho army re tiring bonrd at Omaha, vlco Captain James W. VanduHcn, medical corps relieved. Prosecutor Hency of San Franslsco is regarded as out of danger. Payment of $150,000 to Itosohud Sioux Indinns has commenced. Chief Wllkio of tho secret sorvlco renounced that a now counterfeit $5 certificate (Indian head) linn been de tected In circulation, having first mndo its appearance in Providenco, n. i. Tho popular voto for president in Indiana was: Taft, 349,993; Bryan, 338,262; Chafln, 19.04G; Watson, 1,384; Dobs, 12,470; Broslon, G13; Hlsgcn, G14. Washington. Former Senator MaHdorson Is re covering and hopes soon to bo ublo to present the ense involving Irrigation contract to tho Interior department. Tho houso commltteo has asked An drew Cnrnoglo to testify about con ditions In iron and steel trado and needed changes In tho tariff. Cattlo breedors of tho slate of Ponn sylvanla and Now York will not bo permitted to exhibit any cattlo at tho International Stock show, to bo held in Chicago, owing to the violent pro valonco of tho foot and mouth dlscano In theHo states. This decision was reached at a mooting held nt tho Whlto house. Atlornoy General Bonnparto peti tioned tho United States supremo court for a writ granting the roview of tho Standard Oil case involving tho Lnndls fine. Another sweeping decision benr lug on the registration of labels, haB been rendered by tho clmmlssioner of patents, In which ho holds that tho protection of tho law will not bo given to any manufacturer who includes in IiIb trademnrk tho arms of the United Stntes or those of tho various ntatea or cities of tho country. Senntor Brown has been assigned tho desk of Senntor Long on tho re publican Bido, one of tho most do Blrablo locutions on tho Hour of tho upper branch of congress. It Is learned that Senator Brown hns some dobut about Senator Long's return to congress, nnd looking over tho list fined on Lon's sent. II. W. Borger, ono of tho cbomlsts of tho Agricultural department, will leavo Washington enrly this weok for Omaha to take charge of the de natured alchol plant which Is now be ing installed In tho building to bo used for tho com exposition. Mh. Bergor will rellovo Dr. H. E. Sawyer, who Is now In Omaha superintending tho Installation of tho still, nnd will remain In Omaha during the corn ex position and havo chargo of tho gov' ernraciit'tf exhibit of its mlnuturo still. Foreign. Tho nrrcst of Madamo Stelnhcll In Paris in connection with charges growing out of tho death of her hus band caused a sensation. It is al leged that the crlmo was political and that men high In nubile life aro in volved. Itussinn TerrorlbtH aro alleged to have mndo a plo to kill the dowager empress of Russia. A British pasrenger steumr burned during n storm while leaving the port of Vnletta, Malta, nnd more than 109 persons woro diowncd. President Castro of Venezuela sailed for Boidcaux, where ho will undergo a surgical operation. Manila is making extensive prepara tions to entertain tho men of tho At lantic Hoot. Speaking In tho houso of lords, Flold Marshal Lord Roborts expressed the conviction that tho lack of a military force Bufllclent to ninko hopeless tho nttompt of tin Invasion would, In all probability, bo tho cause of the- loss of Great Britain's sunrcmncy nt sen. Lord Roborts in a sensational speech in tho Houso of Lords said that thero is imminent dnngor of In vasion of Grcnt Britain by Germany nnd urged that tho army bo Increased to 1,000,000 men. A dispatch from Vienna says thnt a band of Servians, whilo crossing the Bosnian frontier near Sovornlk, was repulsed by Austrian troops. Tho Servians lost soventeon mon killed, and tho AtiRtrlans threo killed. Personal. Tho republican national committee mado public tho list or contributors to tho fund of tho campaign. Spenkor Cannon In a Btatemont mado In Chicago says ho Is in favor of prompt rovlsion of tho tariff In accord ance with promises In tho repub llcnn platform, Tho Nobraska Bar association will probably recommend ten names to tho governor from which to select live supremo judges. Alfred II. Curtis, former bnnk presi dent, had a long conference with Pro motor Morso through bars of tho Tombs In Now York. Governor Folk has doclded thnt the republican elector was chosen in the Sixteenth Missouri district which was claimed by tho democratic candidate, O. It. Dickenson, nssistant superin tendent of transportation of western lines of tho Burlington has been pro moted and goes to Chlcuso N B BE NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTION8. ALL SUBJECTS TODGHEDDPON Religious, 8oclal, Agricultural, Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. Albion Is soon to havo Its third bank. Corn around Dickens Is turning out much hotter than expected. "Undo Jako" Wolfo of Lincoln, well known throughout tho state, is said to bo 'dangerously ill at his homo. Tho First National bank of Grand Island 1b to bo re-organlzcd, becoming a much larger Institution than hereto fore. At tho Casbers' public sale in Gngo county four head of horses sold for. $760, an average of ovor $191 per head, while six cows sold for from $35 to $45 each. William MaBon, the 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mason, llvlns west of Tccumsoh, was kicked In tho head by a horso and terribly Injured. Ills skull was crushed. Sheriff Ehlers has offered a roward of $200 for tho apprehension of David Horner, who broke jail at Osceola. Tho shorlff and his deputies aro on tho go most of the tlmo to catch the fellow. William Essor and John dunmoht killed a large gray wolf at tho edgo of Nebraska City. This Is tho first that has been seen around thero for somo time. It wob as largo as a Newfoundland dog. Salem Lutheran church at Fremont Is to havo a now ptpo organ In tho near future. It will bo a handsomo Instrument that will cost $1,050 at tho factory at Burlington, la. It will have CG2 speaking pipes and nino stops. Qeorgo C. Boyer, who killed Her man Porloy near Bayard last August by striking lilm over tho head with a tamplug bnr, was sentenced by Judgo H. M. Grimes' to tho ponituntlary for threo years. A motion for a now trial was donlcd. William Melnsuor, aged 20, was scalded by boiling beet julco at the sugar factory In Grand Island. Ho was employed nt tho carbonatlon tanks, ono of which boiled ovor, throw ing the fluid about his bauds and limbs. Recovery, howovcr, Is expected. A flro in tho hay meadow's on tho Manvlllo farm, threo miles cast of Fremon", destroyed nine stacks of hay belonging to Egberg & Thornbald. Tho flames aro thought to havo orig inated from tho embers of a flro that had been burning on tho roadway. Saloma Stevens, tho 11-year old daughter of R. Stevonn of Boatrlco, received n serlouB wound in tho foot by tho accidental discharge of a 22 calibor rifle In the handB of her broth er. Tho boy "didn't tknow It was loaded," and twice lovolcd tho rlflo nt his slstor and pulled the trigger beforo It was discharged. Considerable excitement reigned at Wood River over tho burning of i barn. Contents nnd building wero de stroyed and tho flro is bellovcd to havo been of Incendiary origin. Tho owner and tho renter had, on tho day pre vious hud a quarrel. Dogs wero put on tho scent about the building nnd led, to a place whero n man had cnterod a buggy, In the roadways and then como through a wheat flold. So far thoro havo been no arrests. This Is the law on tho longth of lcglslatlvo sessions: "Each session, except special sessions, shall not bo less than sixty days. After tho ex piration of forty days of tho session no bills or joint resolutions of tho naturo of bills shall bo Introduced, unless the governor shall by special message call tho attention of tho legislature to tho necosslty of passing a law on tho subject mnttcr embraced in tho mossago, nnd tho Introduction of bills shall bo restricted thoroto." Orvlllo Harrington, arrested In York' at tho request of Chicago ofllcers for a atntutory crime commlttod in Chicago, was released after a hubens corpus proceeding In tho county court. Ho was Immediately ro-arrcsted for be ing a fugitive from Justlco nnd hud his hearing In tho county court. Ho gavo bond In tho sum of $C0O pend ing tho arrival or tho Chicago offi cers to substantiate the charges against him and was released from jail. Tho Merrick County Corn show hold in Contrnl City was n most successful affair, both from tho standpoint of at tendance and tho quantity nnd quality of tho exhibits. Tho exhibits wore displayed In tho academy of music, while ftio speaking nnd other exercises woro held In tho opora houso. Tho prize list was well cempoted for, there being entries for about ovory Itom on tho list, and In tho corn do paitmcnt tho competition was very spirited. The prlzo winners will bo In Omaha at tho National Corn Show. Tho requisition Issued by tho gover nor of Wyoming for tho return of Sid Scott from Lincoln to Glllotto, Wyo was honored. Scott is charged with criminal intimacy with Ills stop daughtor. His wife made tho chargo against him two years ago but did not InBtituto proceedings till Scott loft tholr homo near Bollo Fourcho and camo to Lincoln. Prof. R. E. Hyatt, former suporln tondont of Bchools nt Elk Crook, dlod In Auburn, Now York, of tuberculosis. Tbloves and homo broakcrs hnvo boon very active In Grand Island of lato. NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of Greater or Lesser Impor. tance Over the State. Both aro Disgusted. Ropubllcans nnd democrats allko cannot help being disgusted with the lying their hidebound party organs havo dono during tho past campaign. A papor whoso proprietor either holds a fodcral job or Is looking for ono, cannot bo deponded upon to toll tho unbiased truth about politics and oven Sometimes about other things. Why should your roport about dally affairs bo colored to suit tho selfish Interests or desires or tho man who happens to havo IiIb money invested n nowspaper machlnory? You havo a right to havo pure news as well as puro food, And nlso, why not puro advertising? Tho paper goes Into tho homo and Is rc3d by your children. You are trying to kcop their minds clean and would ralso a row if you found an immoral or Impuro book in tho houso. Why not gunrd What thoy read In dally papers as carefully? Tho Lincoln State Journal columns aro tho best ovldenco of Its cleanness. A wholo lot of advertising Is found In other dallies thnt In kept out of tho Lincoln Journal. When you take tho Journal you pay only for your own paper as It has no deadbcats; no bad bills. Everybody pays in advance and ovory paper is Btopped when the tlmo Is out. It's a co oporatlvo plan, every Item of wasto being eliminated and you get tho benefit. Lincoln 1b your capital and Tho Journal your papor. "Nebraska Notes Ponoa citizens pulled off a wolf hunt an Thanksgiving day. Rov. Mr. Guernsey pastor of tho Baptist church at Wymoro, has ten dered his resignation, to tako effect Decomber 1. Gcorgo W. Hawke, one of tho oldest and best known residents of Nobraska City, died last week. Ho was born near Malvern, Carroll county, Ohio. Thoro will bo a meeting of tho Com morclnl'cluli In Hastings to consider a proposition for tho establishment of n Catholic girls' academy In that city. Within a fow days all trains be twoon North Platte and Sldnoy will bo dispatched by telephone. This will be tho first attempt of tho kind on the Union Pacific. Tho Merrick County Corn Show, held In Central City, was a most suc cessful affair, both from tho stand point of attondnnco nnd tho quantity and quality of tho exhibits. Evory member of tho Custer County bar, regardless of party, is petitioning Governor Sheldon to appoint J. R. Dean of Broken Bow to one of tho vacancies on tho supremo bench. "Near Cushlng, Howard county, Wil liam Johnson was riding a wild horse, which was Buddonly scared, throwing Mr. Johnson, who In falling fractured his skull In such a manner that he died soon after. Tho government, suys a Valentine dispatch, Is paying tho Rosebud Indians $150,000. Tho payment began some tlmo Friday and will continue until about tho 25th. Each Indian re ceives $29.75 this time. While burning rubbish, Miss Sophie Muellch, a well known young woman of Schuyler, had her dress catch flro. Sho was badly burned on her arms and body. He- dress was almost com pletely burned off her back. Horman F. Llmback, who commlttod suicide In tho Commercial hotel at Wathcna, Kan., was a former rcsldont of Beatrice, having been engaged In tho mercantile business In that city in 1885 before removing to Lincoln. The preliminary hearing in the mur der enso of tho Stato of Nebraska vs. Emery Matthews, charged with killing David Fisher on tho night of Novem ber 7, was hold at tho court house in Lexington, and tho defendant was hold to tho district court In a bond of $2,500. Charles Grote, a woll-known farmer living twelvo miles northeast of Hunt ley, was killed by a vicious bull. Ho loaves a wlfo and nino children. A despornto light had evidently ensued, ns Mr. Groto had carried a wagon rod with him, and It was near him when ho was found dead. It was badly bent. This Is tho second accldont of this kind in the county in tho laBt six months. Whilo tho Burlington train was standing nt tho station of Milford at noon, nnd whilo tho station agont was on tho depot platform, somoono broke in tho door of t .i station ofllco nnd took $80 in mnoy. Arter tho train had gono tho loss was discovered and tho train wa3 mot at Soward by tho sheriff, who searched tno passengers, but nono was found with tho money In his pos session. A man was found dead In the undor growth along the north chnnnol of the Platto river, about n quarter of a mllo northeast of whoro tho main bridge crosses tho main river at Gothenburg. Tho body was that of a Japanese laborer, who must havo been mur dorcd and hauled to the spot and thrown Into tho undergrowth, whero fow peoplo over go, unless for wild grapes or plums. In tho case of tho State against Rngan, charged with assaulting Ror, Frank Miller of Lincoln on tho stroots of Utlca Inst March tho jury at Sew ard returned a verdict of guilty and Judgo Good will sontonco Rngan at tho noxt session of tho court, Decem ber 3? The Nance county farmers Instituto will conveno In Fullerton December 3 and 4. To promoto intorcst In tho ovont tho merchants of tho city, undor tho nusplces of the Commercial club, aro offering prizes for various corn jx hlblts, Tho Instructors of tho instituto w'll act as judges. FINDS A BIG DEFICIT POSTOFFICE REVENUES ARE RUN NING BEHIND. EXPENSE MORE THAN USUAL Postmaster General Makes His An nual Report, Telling of Improve, ments In 'Department Dur ing Year. In his nnnunl roport for tho fiscal year ended June 30, 1908, Postmastor General Meyer gives tho total receipts for tho year us $191,478,063, and ex penditures $208,351,886, thereby allow ing a doflclt of $16,873,222, the largest in tho history of tho department, with nn additional losn from fire, burglnry, etc, of $37,056. Tho deficit of 1909 it la estimated again will exceed $16, 000,000. Attcntlo'n is particularly called to a number of Improvements In business methods or tho department ns tending to its advantage nnd tho Having of considerable amounts. Recommenda tion is ngain mado for tho creating or tho position or director or posts, nt a high salary, and who shall hold office during good behavior, tho object be ing to havo a continuity or policies for tho boncflt of tho postal sorvlco and tho peoplo of the United fctutes. Tho necessity for good roadB Is pointed out In connection with tho development of tho rural free delivery service. It is suggested that should congress grant tho department author ity to ullllzo rural routes still further by the establishment or limited par cels post confined entirely to rurnl de livery routes, It would then be pos Blblo to earn additional rovenuo amounting to millions or dollars at the same tlmo benefitting tho farmer by enabling him to havo merchandise de livered when ordered by telephono or postal card, which otherwiso would not be purchased. "Tho special parcel post," Bays tho postmaster general, "will cnablo tho farmers to havo small parcels delivered at their gates, to Hvo better, and to obtain easily tho necessaries or life." Permission Is re quested to establish experimentally a limited parcel post In not to exceed four counties in ordor to domonstrnto tho practicability of the plan. Chinese Commissioner Welcomed. Bringing tho thanks or n grateful peoplo ror tho remittance by the Amor lean government or n lnrgo part or tho Boxer Indemnity, Tang Shao YI, presi dent or tho Chincso board, and created a special ambassador ror this occa sion, arrived In Washington Monday. Accompanied by Prlnco Tsnl Fu, a member or tho Chincso royal family, and a distinguished group of attaches, the party was accorded tho high honor of being met by Huntington Wilson, third assistant secretary of state, num erous other officials of tho stato de partment nnd soveral aides or Presi dent Roosevelt. There wero no formal HIcb at tho station other than tho ox chango of greetings. Arter that the party was escorted to two residences in an excellent section or tho city where tho visitors will bo domiciled during their atay or three or four months. Railroads to be Paid Monthly. A rilling of vnst imporlnnco to the railroads carrying United Staten mtillB has boon made by tho second nssistant postmastor general. Here tofore It has been tho prnctlco or the postomco department to make quar terly paymonts for such service, but tho railroads contend thnt as a mat ter of right and justice, settlement should bo mndo monthly. For somo time past tho Rock Island system haB negotiated with tho department to this end with the result that notifica tion waB received Saturday that be ginning Jnnunry 1 next, monthly pay monts would bo mndo. Tho aggrogato amount Involved each year Is moro than $48,000,000 and tho now ruling will havo tho effect of putting In circu lation n considerable sum each month Reforms In Interest of Farmers. Bettor roads, n hotter systom of edu cation in rural schools, a postal sav ing bank, a limited pnrcclB post. Those are tho most important recommenda tions, according to Mr. Wnllaco of tho commission tuat will bo mado to Pres ident Roosevelt, by his commission on country Hie, which Is now In San Fran cisco. The commissioners will go to No vuda nnd from thoro to Orogon and Washington and return to Washing ton, D. C, by Decomber 19 to mnko its roport. "President Roosovolt," said Mr. Wallace "will send a special message to Congress;- urging the legislation along the lines demanded by tho farm ers. Fatal Wreck of Freight Train. Ono man was killed, flvo others were seriously Injured and many pnssengors Bhakon up when train No. C, known ns tho Chicago Limited, on tho IJlttsburg & Western branch of tho Baltlmoro & Ohio railroad crnho.l into u "buckled" freight train near Valencia, Pn., about 20 miles north of Pittsburg, Pa., enrly Monday. Tho wreck was duo to tho breaking or n long freight train on tho grado near tho sceno of tho accident. Ono of tho cars on tho end or tho rear port of the disconnected freight lurched out ovor tho north bound track BBBHH)bV fttov '' V ' 'sB rHKiBBSteL'VV - ? $wS .? BBBHP ' 'S'llte 'ssftLsBBBn ''''' ''vaBBnl' tf?J -- SWw. oP sSH MISS. J50PHIA WTTLE5ENr HEALTH VERY POOR RESTORED BY PE-RU-NA. Catarrh Twenty-five Years Had a Bad Cough Miss Sophia Kittlcscn, Evanston, 11L, writes: "I havo been troubled with catarrh for nearly twenty-live years and lmvo tried many curcjt for it, bub obtained vory Httlo help. "Then my brother advised mo to try Perunn, and I did. "My hosilth was very poor at tho tlmo I began taking Peruna. My throat was very soro and I had a bad cough. "Peruna hns cured me. The chronic catarrh Is gone and my health Is very much improved. "I recommend Peruna to all my friends who aro troubled ns 1 was." PERUNA TABLETS : Somo people pre fer tablets, rather than medicino in a fluid form. Such people can obtain Pern xia tablets, which represent tho medici nal ingredients of Peruna, Each tablet equals ono average- dose of Peruna. Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative. Ask your Druggist for a Frco Peruna Almanac for 1909. If You WorK Outdoors Any cold you contract should be cured without delay, and driven entirely out of the sys temunless you wish to in vite an attack of Pleurisy or Pneumonia. Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant is known ai the most success ful preparation ever discovered for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Lungs or Chest, Pleurisy, Asthma and diseases of similar nature. This famous remedy has been dispensed for over 78 years, and is sold by all druggists, in three size bottles, $1.00, 50o and 25c. Dr. D. Jayae's Tonic VermU tut la a splendid bulldlng-up tonle for systems weakened by Cough or Colds. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by thcao Llttlo Pills. CARTERS pMpj i wt.urj nisu relieve AJia- ;B TT1 F I tress from Dyspepsia, In- l3flWan IdlgeatlonaiHlTooIIearty III I VER lEntlng. A perfect rem- mi I C ledy ior D1"lne98 Nau- 9 rlLlaOs sea, Drowsiness, Dad I WM iBl I Timto In tho Mouth, Coat- led Tontrtic, Fain In tho ai- TORPID LIVEB. They regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simllo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. DK. aicINTOSII celebrated NATURAL UTERINE SUPPORTER elTelmraedIito relief. Sold brail surgical Itiitrn uienldealeraandlrAdliiRdnigslMslnUiu ted mates k Canada. CatalogA prirelUtaonton application. TUH UABTlNfitT & MrUfTOHH TUUHB CO SH Walnut HU, Philadelphia, Ia., raann facta rers of truumi and aolo makers of the gonuino slaiamd "MCINTOHU" Supporter. "3 Stroke Self Feed Hay Press" Two men can run It. Beconl, S tons In one hour. Ens 'draft. HATI8ITA6. STIONCJUAItAN. 5- TKUD. Ask for catalog Mo. 7V. THE AUTO-FEDAN HAY rflKSS CO. 1531 W. 13th Street. Kansas Oitt. Ma w-MF!QIHMSBBBBBBflRSK $' 4&!9CBBBBH?fSi bbbbbbbbbbHbVbbbbH CARTERS PirrtE YlVER PILLS. dflHet WrfSHEKifKiriHrKxfllP Heat Couxh Syrup. Tutit Good. H t E U8 In time. Sold by rurrlati. B ' I " 41 "-. i ;ja - rt W& Sdif'.&.J!&JU. ..uUl.lMij2 - Uw , !&, ,K ' . . j J tbh