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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1908)
SWloUono vfJWM JflW n'i.'Tj4KMfwLjV I I. V THE CLOUD CHIEF 9: A NewiNcr That (lives The News FIfty-twe Weeks Each Year Fer One Dtllar. VOLUME XXXVI. C KED CLOUD, :NEBKASKA, DECEMBER 1908. NUMBER 49 ',! REE) 4, Nw- w "" ' ib iki V. Fa,' - k R J k F K f B t,; 8 if I If 41 If 0 i IL k k t ib i ii) j . . T? ? - 1 t 'Pr MtM 0 t0 mri 0m t.. MP p. r WT m " FEmrTWiEWFrE' ( CfrMST-MS-fHMJS ME! And here are gift suggestions. . You will agree with us when we say, "Whatever you want is here." Such a choice of Christmas gifts as we show has never been offered here before. Things useful, beautiful and appropriate for every member of the family. : : : : : : : . , : : : : : An appropriate yifi for Father, Mother, Son or Daughter is one of our reliable watches. : : : We are showing an exceedingly well selected line in the various sizes and quali ties, ranging in price from the $i.oo boys watch to finest qualities for men and wo- men. .". All our watches are sold under a written guarantee. Our buying of dependable Watches, Clocks and Jew elry at prices less than- us ual began last June in one of the dullest, months. : : Special lots and quantity orders have brought us ex tra values. : : : : : Plain figure prices and pur cash system save you 10 to 20 per cent. : : : Jewelry of the right kind at light prices for quality. An extra well assorted line of Ladies'i and Gents watch chain neclc chains cuff buttons brooches sti c k pi n s and emblem oroods. : : o Vl . , ." ..f ;.:l:r i Something here for every member of the farhilv or friend or sweetheart. : : : w miMtMm.vmnmiaa.mar YM n3' xmrrr$&f . -"111 . I . iV l &. V . - .. i , Our line of rings afford you ample opportunity.! for the selection of ail pleasing gift for any one. A well selected !:.,,. C clrrnol- t.lnill UliU Ul out, illgiivi j....... or engraved .rings inj many styles and pat-, terns. : : : : . Baby rings, rings for( boy or girl, young man; i i f !.K1n -1 .- 1 s n r i n rr frr or young may, in iacc a rmy buuaum anu (.Miasms . (l nnv one. :::::::::::: : : : i ALL SOLID GOLD THROUGHOUT, no plated or filled rings. Plain figure prices. : : : : : . : Rill by'' T W9HH i IS fill UIS.JWWBW ' lii i The line of Silver ' goods for every use i so varied that we can tnot .enumerate them here. , ; : : : : : lit is sufficient, fto. say i that wq have the most j'extensiye line in the atv , . i1 Articles for Table use, Decorative purposes, or fancy piecci ipr the Toilet arc all here in great variety. Solid Sterling Silver or Silver plated of the better qualities, give choice for an appropriate gift. : : As a gift for the entire family nothing equals an Edison Phonograph. This invention of the Wizard Edison.brought to its present state of perfection by his master mind, furnishes unlimited en tertainment and amusement for all. It reproduces the human voice with all EDIS rr A'. rVM ,v. I nt9 x' 1 ' varatfons, reproduces the tones oft any instrument or a full band. 'Twill cheer you when you need it or will sing for you the familiar tunes of days gone by. Prices $12.50, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 and up. Sold on the easy pay ment plan if you wish. ::':::: IfSfe ! Tmr rzr- f An easy solution of the gift qu(fctibn for boy or girl is the purchase of a Kodak. They fuYriish amusement and pleas ure the year round. The expense need not be great as prices range from $1.00 up. Picture making with a Kodak is daylight all the way, no stuffy dark room, and the pro cesses easily learned. The KODAK BOX, $4.00 furnishes aef-orfr 3Lcil t L We cannot in the space at our command give you a fair idea of our line, only a per personal visit of inspection can do that. We will be pleased to show or to sell. You are welcome to look and price or to buy. Come early, make your selections while stocks are fresh. We will lay aside for you anything you wish. Pay for it when you take it. Everything sold under our guarantee of SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK NEWHOUSE BROTHERS W m m m m m m m m m i m m m m a () e?j ) m m (n m m & (?) (?) (0 () (?) (p (n () (?) (?) () (t) m (i) (D (f) (D m (f m (i) m (f) d) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) m (!) m m (i) (?) (f) (?) (?) ' (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) '?) ( PIANO CONTEST OPEN TO ANY LADY IN WEBSTER OR ADJOINING COUNTIES;- -. $550 in Valuable Prizes Following are the names of the contestants and their standing this week: Miss Frankie Ward, Red Cloud .-vj ... 25,175 Mrs. Miles Doyle, Red Cloud ;4'..j 24, too Miss Ruth Warren, Red Cloud .' iS,8oo Miss Vera Crabill, Red Cloud '. L..t 15,500 Miss Beruice Potter, Red Cloud .,. 1 . . . ,$. 12,850 Miss Mary Francis, Cowlcs :K . . ; j 0,300 Miss Edna Watt, Guide Rock '. 10,600 Remember that with every dollar paid on subscription you are entitled to 300 votes in the content. If you wish anyone entered in the contest just senn in their name. Vot ing and subscription1 blanks will be furnished-anyone making :mnliffitirm. iiwi A Letter From J. J. illlldsciicr ' Nolson, and L'almyra. jti'iutum, mii im)v. .... mus Tliolil time jltornrv irtvun hv Mm Kdltor Of Chlor. Dear Sir: Uoi by 11 ,st it sin jut I tft on tuxes 1iil' liy mc to Wepstcr county and Slate, that protjiurlly lias como ImmciHutely after uloi-tlou, hut it seeniH to bn ''Kraftors prosporoty" Whon everyone Iciiown that WoKslei county lias the least worked roads ever hineo thellvo coimui-hioner Hys- tem ciiine into vogue of any county in Nebraska tliat no bonds have been voted of Into, that the old suporvhurn had refunded tliu old r.iilroid bonds' ofl7,no0.00 into Tour different pay- nloiitH ot 8 10,0) for SWi,KH), $10,000 to be paid each fifth year, and the .last bonil (Ivy yoar.s after of S1?',5U0. of whiuh S.'I0,00 ought to be paid up this eoniiugN'ow Year. IIul'vu llnd that this vyus not compiled wHli in tlte last p.iyinont, Only f7,u00 vas paid, and on my questioning Kovoral of the old board of a year ago and several of thcjH'esctit board why it was not paid iu lull, the $10,000 bond, no one gavo iii3 any otlies answer(but) "God Knows It Is always supposed that it the valuation Is doubled iu assessing that the per centum is reduced, but behold we find the per cent is also "doubled and nothing whatever to show for it. Degree of Holier Tuesday evening Not 21 who well attended, ten cents was chnrgod at the door which paid for the oiitertainiuo it and lunch of pumpkin pie, iloughtiuts and cou"eo The pro grain consisted of music, songs, read ings, recitations, a debate, a diMogne and a paper. SL',70 were roeolvod. Excursion to Corn lixnssltlon- Ono of the largest excursion .trains, that will come to Omaha for tliu Nat ional Ooru Exposition will bo that bearing 4C0 Indiana farmer.'). It will reach the imposition ou tho soootid day Agriculture Day. These fanners will be gathered from various portions of' Hooslur State and will meet at Indian apolis from which Hi,) social train will slirl. for Omiha. If. is not at all Improbable that many of lhese prosperous Indiana farmers will take side excursions out Intb Neb raska with a view or invotlgutiug con lltlons In this st-ito, and it would notsurprlso the corn show rnunugemen if many of then (uvestod in Nebraska farm laud. Though they have farms i 1 the highest stato of cultivation in' their homo state a number of fanners of those states east of the Mississippi I hope the commissioners yvill build are. waiting fqreter opportunities-, us a 150,000 court housts"aiso street out west THey have" accumulated car Hues on overy township lino and rango line so the public can go to the county seat on cars to pay taxes, as there seems to be no roads worked. I prcsumo that Is the idea'The schemers succeeded lu fooling the farmors to take tho power out of the piiblie's'liaiul and centralize it into a few hands. Tho seventeen members undor the supervls orsystum cost the county 8050 per year oxeept tho two years when the Inavale and (ititile Il")ok bridges were put ill. Tlioy have much money in a series of prosperous years and are looking for maiden land of less cost.though equal fortuity. Exactly such lands available in Neb raska, and while It Is by no means the speolil function of the National Corn Exposltlol to advertise lundorsnperin. duco immigration, tho mtiuagomon t would be highly gratillcd If such result wpul.Ulow from this groit enterprise for after all the' upbuilding ot Neb raska is, of courso 0110 of tho chief .Since too live commissioners are on it , objo.t sought, l has cost tho county SImK) a year. favorable nlait- will all probability be olfered tfiego We also received from interest on Ilrtllul a flirnilJPh ,,duuy others socking mity funds 89M) a year. Did anyone . mch opportunlthw, to look over the farming Interests of Nebraska. ;SS3a933a33333d93a con over see a report of county interest since? Perhaps there might be the last year or so, but I have uover saw any account in commissioners proceedings. We can realize tho saying of liarnurn und Puck much better after wo aro 'Humbugged". '.Yours very Respectfully, .T.J. Klndsokcr. GUIDE ROCK. Miss Helen Pool has resigned her school, Ira Sldos has boen quite heveroly ill but is reported better. U. M, Aim 11 and family aro ontor tilnlng his brotl cr and wife from Iowa The Revival Services at tho Baptist church conducted by Kev. C, II. Hill ovaugolUt, aro still In progross. The Martial Hand assisted by major Pcmhlctou und daughter of York gavo 11 second concert Saturday evening. uov. .1. vr rooi prcaciieu me sor mou 'rimrsday mor Head The Ghief $1.00 Per Year The I4m Christmas Gift Fr Mm r Key. There is up more suitable or appro priate present than a famous Stevens riile, shotgun or pistol These well known at ins have been on the market since 180 i are guaranteed in every way nnd universally conceded to be abso lutely tho best at popular prices. Out-of-doorB with a Stovons is the 11 nest developer for a growing boj Lcaring tq shoot well and aequrlng qualities pf solf-control, doclsion und manliness, are the invariable results of a Stovons Firearm education. Progressive Hardware and Sportlug (loods Merchants carry Stovons Arras, iu Stock and can supply individuals at attractive pricoB. Iuslst ou Stevoua when purchasing--there arc no substitutes. These meritorious w cap ons aro manufaotiired lu all dv.nn prcaciieu me sor-i ,,, , , t nlng at tho Union &..", wrtffl lehgths, etc. Thankbglvliig Sorvioo There wero savoral family dluuors served. The temperance rally at tho church last Sunday uttomoon was well attend dod tho program consisted of music, recitations reading and talks etc, Mrs. Palmer, mother of Mrs, Cassell Is here visiting. She is keeping houso for her daughter wbllo that lady takes' 9 J w 1 i, ': bend live cenw ip stamp to tho J. Stcveus Arms and Tool Co., Chtcopee Falls, Mass., for 100 page illustrated catalog, ombodlos detailed doscrjptiou, auu luruisues tlio most complete number of man. snifirncHnnu i..- 4 1. ..,'. i flrnnrms 1 iu. '.V. i5?! ltomembor wheu soourlug 'your W Biiu ui mu luerry 1 UIC-IIUO SGasonii w S' J Stevens Rids or ahntfrmi m.i,. - ' rV' h i ,-,.-..... ..v m tflW little Tlait ffUU relative at Ong of ydar boj bq oUTcodJ. VI l M ,j V f !"- -j'i. i. j W u j r