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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
,lw'i(fiw WTiwisasf ii I STEVENS 1 Generations of live, witlc awnko American Uoya liavo obtained tho right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION by being equipped with tho unerring, time-honored STEVENS All pnumwlo Hardware aftd Pportlnir (IoihH Mcixbants handle HTKVRNH. If yon cannot obtain, we wllUhlnrilrcct.cxprctt prepaid upon receipt of Catalog I'ricc. Pond A ccntt In tnmp for Ifioranc illustrated (.ataiosr. ittnieie wun 8TBVHNB nnil Kcnenu (lrcunn In. formation. HfrlklniccoTcr In color. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P.O.B4M9 aUtp.tFUi,M. The Cause of Colds. Goid AdvlcilReftarDlnftl ThciPrctcntloi o? Goujtlis and Colds. If people wotiHI only . i" oporly fortify ami strengthen J their about Ui per. of oougliV.colds and nneuiiiooilu tululit j nvoltlod. j These troubles ate simply tho.restilt of wouk miH. whioh nroduces u catiirrhul condition the mucous mcnibruuo, which Is an internal skin of the body Wlmti this Rkln Is weakened, it beoomss infected l.wlth germs which are carried through the system by tho blood. Those- parasites attack and break thoso delicate tissues and set up soreness which produuoswhat ;ls in reality an external Hcrofula. Tho only thing that will ctuo cough and colds and jirovont pneumonia Is a medication .wliloli Is absorbed Knud earrlod by the blood so. thatJ-ttho diseased membrane isjdlsliifeeted, cleaned, .soothed, audlioulod. Wchavo aremoly which wohnnstly believe Infallablu nndj msurpassablo or the prevention aud emu of.coughs, colds uml all.catarrhal condition. It Is tho prescription of a fumous physician who hasjan.. enviable reputation of :0 years of.cures gamed through the use of this medicine. , We promlsej to cather effocta euro In every case or make no .charge for the niedloiuo. Wo urge everybody in It cd Cloutljwho hns neod of such med icine .to try Uexall Mucu Tone, q ' It aUiuis to4 ro'ion.that we J could not afford, to make such a statement and give our own ;guarautcc to ' this ro incdy'ifvelwcre "Qt absolutely posltlve.tlmt wooould substantiate our claim In every particular, and wo see uo roasou why. nnyono should hesitate to accopt our offer und try it We have two sires of Roxall Mucu- Tono. Trice 50c. and 81.00. Somotlmos a 500. bottlo is sufllccnt for a euro. "AsgoneraljtElug, the most cliroulo case is cured with an average of throe large bottles. Kcmcmbor, tho m edlclnc will cost you nothing if you are not satlsfid in every way. Tho II. E. Grlco Drug Co., Red Cloud Nebr. A treat tTTcr. Tin. CmiisriAN Hkuai.ii (u weekly iiit t 'bo nrmv recipient thli Saaalltv) is this year elvlug ftce to iMiij i.w 'ii. .inn ,; aubscrlber a moht attrueilvn gift, which Is very appropriately called "Tho Art Gallery Do Luxe." It contains of six famous paintings, superbly reproduced in fmutecn colors, aggregating 1 000 squat u Inches Tho urtlst catches the glint of the sunbeams thiough oichurd trees nnd make them dance and gleam on oauvas. But how can we paint In wore words the boauty of these six equlslto pictures? A handsomer premium wa novcr offered by any tf&gazino Pr obaby uo comment is necessary oncoming Tiik Ciiuirtian Hkhai.d, "The Magazino that Fully Satisfies" ea only the lost in llteraturo and art v prcicuted and every one of Its 25 issues, the whole year around, ejeUklcs with gems from cover to free. The Hkuai.d con Mobs 1,200 large pages and 1,000 illus feratloiiu ycrrly-aa much as any four 91 magaalnes., Tho subscription prlco Is 11.50 por year, but every new subscriber ho sends 91 SO to Tiik Christian IlKrai.n 444 Itillo House, New York, will receive Tub Chuibtiah IlKrAul overy weelc from date of order until Jauuary 1, 1910. and in addition tho incompar ablo " Art Gallery Do Luxe" froo. You must act qucklv, as this splendid olfer expires December 10, 1008 . The Yeutk's Companion for 1019. ,Tlio amount of good reading given to subscribers to the Youth's Compan ion duriug tho year Is indicated by the following summary ofuontouUs forlM: 50:star:Ar1lc!cs IT I ItFj K.(- h ' i a: L..i -.J 3ltiT 250 Capital Stories ' ftO Utttdate Kites 2f tteKlNte StwlM ASCRIBED VISIT TO PRAYER. Father Evidently Had Faith In Daugh ter's Supplications. Among my esteemed neighbors thcro Is a family known for tho piety of Its members and their Implicit confldonco In tho efficacy of prayer. Ono of tho daughters, Miss Kato B , has nl- most reached tho ago when sbo could bo referred to gallantly as an old maid. Sho Is tho targot for many a good natured quip pertaining to her alleged hopes and endeavors in the direction of matrimony. Not long ago a certain society of young men which had interested itself in tho campaign for higher saloon II censo sent a commltteo to visit tho homes of tho district and obtain signa tures to a high-license petition. When this committee, numbering a half dozen members, ascended the steps at the B homo my friend's wife was the first to see it through tho front win dow. , "Laws, John!" sho exclaimed to her husband. "Sco all thoso young men coming to visit usl" Mr. D glanced out of tho win dow, noted tho number of tho invading force and remarked, with an air of conviction: "Humph! Kato's been praying again." San Francisco Call. BEAUTY OF PHYSICAL HEALTH. No Attractiveness for Women Without Good Digestion. "To look young and keep your beau ty you must havo a good digestion," says n beauty culturlst. "Wo feed our patrons upon herbs; wo glvo them greens, and wo adviso them to take acid fruits. When a gypsy woman gets out of sorts sho lives upon dandelion greens; sho mixes sweet herbs; she doctors horsclt with tho fruits of tho earth, and sho recovers. "Outdoor Hfo is everything for tho woman who wants to keep young. "Her walk gives away tho woman who docs not want pcoplo to know how old sho is. Usually sho loses her elasticity. And sho takes to high heels and a stilted walk. Wear convention al clothing and be clastic In your gait; In that way you .will look younger. "I advise women gonerally to Join a dancing class. By taking the steps ono can keep up one's elasticity winter nnd summer. I have a class of four women who come thrco times a week to learn tho gpsy fnndnugncs and tho Spanish dances. They llud that thoy breathe better, fool better nnd aro moro henlthy generally from this ex ercise." Penitent and Resourceful. Ono of tho prison mlssloncrs of the Church Army tells a story of a man who came undor the lnflucnco of tho society at a mission hold at York, Eng-1 land. Tho man, a notorious pickpock et, was so improssed by what he heard that he felt he must do somothlng to show his determination to lend a now life. Ho considered the beat way to do this was to put something into tho collection, but unfortunately ho had no money In his pocket. Then a bright idea struck him; he picked tho pocket of tho man sitting next him, and thus was ablo to contribute to the good work. It is said tho man has been re claimed definitely. Reads Like a Fairy Tale. An Atchison girl had always heard of the impoliteness of women in fall ing to thank men for giving up a seat In the street car, and decided that she would be an exception. A man gave her a seat Saturday night in a crowded car, affording her the opportunity for which she had been looking. "Oh, thank you a thousand times," she said. "It Is Just what I wanted, and how did you ever guess it? It Is so thought ful of you, and I do apperclate It so much." Then, as sho sank Into tho soat: "And such a comfortable seat! It is tho most comfortublo seat I evor sat in! Oh, thank ou again so much!" Atchison Globe. Death-Bed Statistics. When a great man dies, no ono is in terested in learning who surrounded his deathbed, but tho news Is always sent out. Pcoplo caro no moro to know, than to hear if ho were laid out in tho parlor or bedroom, or If he wero attired in a shroud or his regular clothes. But an Atchison iaqulrer has measured his bed, and finds that with out unseemly crowding it will accom modate 16. How, then, can 39 and 40 surround tho deathbeds of tho great men, as told in the telegraph? Atch ison Qlobo. Suspicious. "I wish," said the hard-henrtod land lord, "thai you would watch the ten ants la No. 3S1. Be sure that taey pay promptly in advance." "Very well," raplied the clerk. "Have you heard anything to mak yea suspicious of them?" "No; but they haven't asked for aay repairs for aearly six weeks mow. It doesn't look right." His Serious Interruptions. "I s'pose John is still takln' life easy," said tho woman in tho spring wagon. "Yes," answered the woman who was carrying an armful of wood. "John has only two regrets In life. One is that ho has to wako up to eat, an' the other Is that ho has to quit eatln' to sleep " Classified. "Who was that fool you bowed to?" "My husband." "On! I er I humbly apologize. I-" "Novor mind; I'm net angry. But wkt keen obscrrer yvu am!" Swift's SllSfei Premium Hams iEod Bacon WINTER TOURIST BATES Dally low excursion rates after November 20th to Southern and C.ibnn resorts. Daily now In effect to Southern California. Lower yet, homeseokers, excursion rates,' first and third Tuesday, to the South and Southwest. CORN SHOW. OMAHA December ii to ;U). Visit this interesting osposltlon; of the bust corn products and their use.j Attractive program with moving pictures, electrlal, Illumination, sensational prl.a for the best ex hibits. Consult tho ageut or local papers. SECURE AN 1RRI6ATEDFARH We conduct you on tho first and third-Tuesday of each month to the Big Horn Basin nnd Yellow stono Valley, assisting jou in taking up government irrigated lands with n never-failing water supply under government Irrlgn tlonplnnts. Onlyone-tonth pny- ineutdown. No charge for ser vices ' Wilte fo D. Clem Deaver, General AtrenttLandseekers' Information Bn reau, Omaha.Jor It. E. Foe, Ticket Agent.JRcd Cloud, Nebr. L. W. Wakki.kv, O. l A., Omaha. Wood's (Liver Medicine in llqul form for malaria, chills and fever, regulates the liver, kidneys and blad der, brings quick relief to biliousness, sick-headache, constipation, ricasant to take. The 81.00 bottle contains 2Vt times the quantity of the 50c size. First dose) brings relief. Its tonic efiects felt at once. Sold by nenry Uook. IIEKK IS KBLICP FOK WOMEN. Mother Only, a nurse In New York (Uncovered nn nromntlo. iiluiuHiit licrh euro for women's Ills. (-Alloa AU.SP KALIAN LEAK. It In Hip only certain regulator Ciiich femnle Mcalnemes und Imrkiu'lie, Udne. Ileilder hikI miliary troubles At all ilrugKlnlH or ly mull .7) cents Hiimple KItKK. Aililrem, The Mutlicr Urn)' Co., Le Hoy, N. Y we name ItoTUMitlnft limes Tho Rreat thinir in big gamerifleaisBureness to work under oil condltlonc Mtartut rifles are built with this idea foremost. Tht mechanlim It ImpW.itronff, per fectly adjutttd.qulck and easy in optratlon. The THarltl aolld top and aide ejector keep a proteclnir wall of metal between your head and the cartridge, prevent powder and gntes blowlntr bnck, throw the shells ij' from you and nllow Instant, accurate, elTcctlve repeat shots. The Specltl Smokeleaa Sltat barrels ere hard and stroiiK, specially ninde for hlsh power cartridges and to retiGt the wear of Jacketed bullets, They are rifled drcp on tho BulUnt system lor greatest occuracy end litlllnc pover. MadelnMoJcly,03and 'D5, ceJIbttj .U to M, und fully described und Illustrated (with all other 2Hcxisi peutcrs) In our 136 paue catalocr. Frco lor 3 stamps postase, 42 Willow Street HEW HAVEN. CONN. PVLYlf m : . tw it w itMf Hk tt i a I lSl M H 99M 99M Fresh gtt Meats (otE Wm. ym Koon JPI Red Cloud. T?Qnl Nebraska. 238 Biffin fl Winter Journeys 1 1 BT WHHT IS NU VENEER? wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimimim IT IS K PIANO POLISH Of the HIGHEST GRADE and is the only polish you should use on your piano. STANDARD PIANOS AND ORGANS By the way, if you have not yet purchased a piano for your home why not call and examine the finest line ever shown in the city and which you can buy very close to the factory price as I PAY NO COMMISSIONS except to the PURCHASER. See the "AtFTOPIANO", the only instrument of its kind given public recognition by HIS HOLINESS, POPE PIUS X, who has recently caused Two Tob e presented l am exclusive O. V. POTTER BLOCK UPSTAIRS, HARNESS i Our stock of harness is complete and up-to-date in every department. If you are in need of any thing in the harness line, from a tie strap to the best hand-made work or buggy harness, call on us. We can satisfy you. JOB FOGEL North of Damercll Block. CATARRH M STmbW $ mm s zm JrwaaSBsfiE m Elvs Cream Balm This Remedy la a Speolflo, Sure to Oive Satlsfaotlon. OIVIS RILIIC AT ONOK It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cares Catarrh and drives away a Gold in the Head quickly. Restores tho Senses of Taste and BmelL Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Large Biro, CO conts at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY MOTHERS. 66 Warren St.. New York, nmmntlv oM.lnrd in an ronmnrs. or SID rss. I TNAOCMRKS, I'uvint. and Coijrlgbts reitl. I tered. Mml HWilili, Model or l'Uulo, for (real reiiori on paiumaituiiT. alu nuiint., STRIOTLV CONFIDINTUL. Talent practice 1 CXI IllMTPIT, nuri'lllKlciriril,-cli. u'i.tMWfiVii Itivmitnr. .liotitd liavflonr nana- lioottoultDwiooiiiamnnupeiipiutiiii.iiiwiin. enttonswlltpaT.llovYloirftajwirtnrmlpthrr Taiuawo iniormaiiun. rem iri; tu iuj buuich. D. SWIFT & GO. .501 Seventh St., WaihlBgton, D. C. Gold Medals to tne AU lUriALNU '--oa agent for the Autopiano in this Territory. ARO A BRIGHT fcoa.iiraifca.a.i.arfcifca(Aa.a(aika(,ltfcit SAY, niSTERl Do you know that it will pay YOU as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terlal and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices AVEBAqic lower, or at least as low, as those of onroompotit pre, out because wo take especial care of and protect all can be olassod as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. 9 ; PL ATT & I Coat, We appreciate A share of your Bulsness and Strive to Rlease. WHEN IN OUR CITY WAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS. Moon Amack 8 Chaney Saunders Bros. Lumber ft Coal Dealers RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Wo hitvo in htook at all times a comploto lino of Uuildiug Mutorlnl nnd Good Coal. Our prices aro ronsonnblo. Wo soliolt your patron age. Dell Tel. GO. Farmors Ind. 71 99 LUMHANY RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. FRBBS CO. Lumber, Bock AaaVvVV- Don't Buy Lind nor loan Money on Rel Estate without getting one of Teel's perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and most reliable set ol Abstract books in Webster Co. 9 10,000 bond filed and approved. Koprcsonts six of the beat In surance companies doing busi ness In tho state. WANS MADE m CITY PROPERTIES o. c. Red Cloud, Nebr. Office In Over tig Block. Phones: Bell 99, rarmers39 TEEL. . J I Vl ihh-mwi.i. . .