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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1908)
ovitio Historical Society i THE RED CLOUD CHIEF A NmNler That filvM IV ftws FN ty-twt Weekt Each Year Br m Ddlar. ... . . i . . i.i, . i ' I,,, i i . - - r- .11 - bbd quoyv, Nebraska, November 20, ioos. r fc' vOLUME XXXVI, NUMBER 47 Kf " f i U. r k V m 2Z t 1 I have nothing but the best and Newest to Offer you I have dis posed of all the odds and Ends of my stock and have the clean est newest stock of clothing in Nebraska. H. S. & M. Clothes Crawford Shoes Munsing Underwear every thing new and up to-date. PAUL STOREY COMMISSIONERS PROCEDINGS. Hoard of County Commissioners met o legator scsfioi , members present, Ovci man, Andcison, Chaplin, Hummel itid Olmstede On motion committee on Poor Farm vas in tructed to assist Manager Ojpleu in tho puretiase of a through lired Durham bull to place at head of 3 arm herd. On motion it was decided to put in the nccowiry oulvoits to straighten .itowls on section lino between eetion 12 and 11, Itatiu township. Now comes Fred Weliuer and in remembered for taxes to tlio 4HIIOU t or 0.05 paid under protest in l!)i7 m. aeet of improvements that we assessed to Htm neing on s l , being :t.V3 11 asliisland tho sel 3.V1-11 lias jm 'eipiovemonts. , On motion it was ordered Unit Chair- ( iim:i Overman be instructed topurelias supplies for insane pationts at Hast ings Asylum, who aro under tho juris diction of Webster County. On motion claim of V. A. Anderson lor damage to thresher sepetator on acct of dofectlvo bridgo, was rejected. On motion Treasurer was instructed to refund taxes of 1007. John A. Coon oh n2 mvl 1S-1-10 assessed at $18.01 -paid under protest. Treasurer directed to refund 80.32 as same was tuked twice. In tho mattor of road potitoin of A J. Krout et al, tho commltio appointed at tho last meeting having reported favorably on tho oponing of tho road and that the damages as fixed hy the appraisers aro adequate and tho board having considered tho petition. The report of the commissioner 'Turner, the romonstrancB of Harvey Fiiranam 0t al, the clam for damages illed by M. C. Fulton and J. Sorenson the report of the commissioner there on, and all the evidence and proceed ings had, finds and decides as follows: That the road prayrd for, to wit: commencing at the northeast corner of section 31 in township 1 north, range 32 west of tho 0th p, m. and running -thenco south on the' section line be tween Bald sco 31 and 32 in said town ship a distance of one mile to the southwest corner of said section 31 thenco running west on the section line between the states of Kansas and Nebraska about one-forth mllo to the placo where It intersects u public road running south in Smith county, Kan sas, should bo established and opened as a public road 40 ft in width. That cousont has been given and damages on account of the establish ment of said road have been waived as follows: by Pat (iouplo owner of so 4 31-1-12 and E C Gates owner of wwf 32-1-2S; that claim for damages have bpon filed by M C. Fulton as owutr of nw4 32-1-12 and by J, Soren son as owner of net .'Jl-1-1'.' which whould ho allowed as follows: To wild. M. C Fulton owner olc, on accouut of damage moving fence and land takon $18.75. To said J, Sorenson as owner,oto. on account of damage nd land taken 37 50. "" I l It is there fore upon motion duly made and carried, considered, ordered, and adjudged by the- board that said road as above described bo ,in,ut is nearby allowed, established I and ordered open and tho clerk is directed to plat and record tile same and direct tho road overseer to have the sarao opened and worked. The ulntm of M. C. Fulton for dam age on account of said road and for land taken from the mvl 32-1-lS is allowed in said of sum of $18.7.5 and wan nut ordered drawn on tho general fund for same. The claim of J. Sorenson for damage on uccoul of said road and for land takou Irom tho nol 31 MS is allowed in said sum if.'lT.oO and warrant ordered drawn on tho geneial fund for tho same. Tho clerk was instructed to notify said claimants of tjio action on their claims. It was moved and seconded that the road overseer of district No 10 be in Instructed to servo notice upon G. B. Throne, not to obstruct road running on tho south side of his place, by fencing same, until lino has beou legally estab ished. Carried. Chairman appointed a committee composed of commissioners Hummel and Anderson, to investigate condition of Mrs. (iiitllu a county charge, and report to board Chairman appointed committee com posed of commissioners Anderson Chaplin and Olmstede to' settle with the Western Bridgo and Construction Co. On motion it wns ordered that warrant bo drawn in favor of West ern Bridge and Construction Company for S1200 to apply on tholr claim leaving a balance due them of 82009.20 On motion tho following bills were audited and allowed and warrants drawn on the general fund as follows: John McGuIre, labor $ 2 50 Dr. I. Thompson M. D. services 14 00 " 15 00 L. E. Tait, printing 95 00 W. C. Frahm, transportation for poor. v 4 50 Klapp & Bartlott Co , supplies 18 50 " " " 40 75 " " " 88 50 " " " 58 45 " " 31 65 " " " 121 08 32 75 .t 47B8 " " " 30 00 " " 42 95 Hammond & Stephens Co., G 25 4 15 " ' 49 00 4 85 11 " 30 90 1 70 . 75 48 70 41 ( 3 25 74 CO 3 23 74 CO uarvey Vincent, papering and plastering 13 50 J. Robinson & Son, meals far '$ jury , 6 50 Coml. Advertiser, print Ing 17 00 "" " 122 50 m 8 00 Rufus Meksch, 10 75 M. Dunlin, constnblc foea 10 50 W. R. Anderson, services 28 50 Robert Dntncrcll phy, fees insane case Uoskins 8 00 L. II. Blacklcdgo atty. fees insane case Hnskins 3 00 Dr. Stockman, witness fees in- snnc ense Hoskins 2 10 Rob't Damorell, phy. fees in- Hano case Cultes S 00 E. U. Overman, ntt'y fees 'in sane case Cultes 3 00 Sylvester Frisbie, witness fees insane case Cultes 2 40 Mrs. Sylvester Frisbie, witness fees insane case Cultes .... 2 10 L. II. Blackledge, att'y fees in sane case Kopcsch 3 00 Rob't Damorell phy fees insane caso Kopcsch 8 CO Dr. C. Wegman witness fees insane caso Kopesch 2 00 M. Dunlin witness fees insane case Kopcsch z 00 City Red Cloud, water service 11 33 Blue Hill Leader, printing 31 50 L. H. Fort, City Clerk, election expense 15 00 School District No. 2G election expense 10 00 Isaac B.Colvin election expense 3 50 State Journal Co supplies 102 50 Louisa Haney, service Brown 3 00 J. II. Ellingcr, election expense 6. 55 F. A. Brown, Bervice Griffin. . . 25 50 Mrs. Hettic Jackson, service Griffin 9 00 Johnson & Boner, supplies.... 1 97 L. E. Tait, printing 127 70 M. Durdin, constable fees Dr. C. F. Moranvillo, service E. 'Britton Mary Mcintosh, service Griffin 1 .10 3 00 14 00 O. D. Hedge, sherifT, oflico ex pence 14 O. D. Hedge, sheriff, mileage Go 1 qr 99 00 0. D. Hedge, sherrifT insane ca3e 57 46 W. P. Fulton, supplies 5 55 T. J. Chaplin, services 53 10 W. R. Anderson, services 52 20 Geo. W. Hutchison, office ex pense and fec3 103 70 Geo. W. Hutchison, fees insano case Wobborman D 75 Geo. W. Hutchison, foes insane cases Cultes and Hoskins 22 20 Geo. W. Hutchison, fees insane caso Kopsich 1 1 20 Rob't Damorell, phy fees in sane case Wobbermnn 1 1 00 J. C. Mitchell, fees insane case Wobberman 2 10 Fred Maurcr, lees insano case Wobberman , . . 2 10 O. D. Hedge, fees insane caso Wobberman Geo. Harris,' fees insano case Wobberman 2 10 E. W. Ross, expense road case A. J. Kraut et al 10 75 Jus. Burdon, supplies 3 15 C. W. Cowley, supplies 12 25 G. W. Hummel, service GO 25 J. G. Overman, service 3G 80 Piatt & Frees Co., supplies. . . . S7 23 C E Vaughn $100 1' W Rowland $4 00 E Peters I B Colvin A J Bragg M De Tour 4 00 W M Minor 9 70 E J Co:c 7 30 S Farqunhr 4 00 John Konzack 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 400 400 400 400 6 70 7 30 400 820 J H Greenhalgh 4 00 J F Kneggc O Meents 4 00 J J Schunner J R Crozeir 8 20 Leor Wright Dick Hoppen 4 00 Joe Trine W C Nelson 8 20 W C Laird Chas. Ailea 4 00 S G Slouser F Houchin 6 50 Grant Shidler A A Parson 4 00 J J Storey S W Friabie 4 00 T R Hall J R Morse 4 00 O J Co C R Harnfleld 4 00 Geo. Beltler W B Prather 4 00 E V Paul Fred Huppert 4 00 W A Barcus P. P. Nerlmey 4 00 S K Login F T Hopka 4 00 H Schmedt Chas Zalman 4 00 Alex Bentley Wm Vandyke 4 00 Len WHmot 400 400 400 060 H Zalman W B Househol der A B Crabill J L McCall W II Thomas Sam Lind Bey E W Coplen II Ereckson J F Buckles I II Thomas 4,00 W A Carpenter 4 00 J P Eglington 4 00 4 00 David Hill 4 00 H Deisley 4 00 H Holdridgo 4 00 R L Orchard 0 20 Frank Knrl 1 00 A R Larrick 7 00 C Brulu 4 00 E M F Grnbb 4 00 Otto Skiolver 4 00 4 00 4 00 0 70 4 00 4 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 8 40 4 00 II FRumbaughl 00 O.A Kuutnon W G Hoffman 4 00 W Worlov LESnenciT 4 00 WH Patterson 4 00 8 10 T J Ward (1 10 00 C F Evans 4 00 4 00 HNiiorburg 4 00 4 00 II N Rutledge 1 00 4 00 I) F Blankon 7 10 buker 4 00 4 00 Jan Burdu " 4.00, SWHogato p Fussier A Franco V B McCall DL'Uroat J F Vandyke '"cjWRinker 4 00 H Letsou 4 00 4 00 L A Anita 0 10 4 00 J Rath jen 4 00 4 00 T W White 4 00 0 10 Frank Amack 4 CO (( 10 Frank Alios CO 4 00OHverMcNutt4 00 I 00 C .1 Cox 4 00 4 00 J I) Storey 4 00 4 00 C Ilrubaker 4 00 7l0Bk5Harrlngton(iS0 4 00 F S Frlnbio 4 00 4 00 lleo Butler 7 510 7 !10 H Conley 4 00 4 00 . 1 M' Mills 400 i 00 Pel o-Butler 4 00 8 10. lolm Benl 4 00 4 00 Ed Hilton 4 00 I 00 M Wilson 4 00 KIOFC BiimcIiow tOO 4 00 FP Hull 8 20 4 00 R Armstrong 4 00 8 40 Clias Zalman 4 00 4 00 Alex Bent ley 4 00 240 GW Blanken- 4 00 baker 4 00 Cluw Molley 1) F Hudson M M cents F Y Schroedor , Levi Wright ' W F Kinase W IJ Hhoeloy I W 11 Leetsch E G Deitman j Joe Saladen F M Barlow G E Mountford 4 00 Charley Stoner 4 00 Richard Bowen 4 00 D E Cloud 4 00 G W Davis 4 00 E O Garner 0 70 O W Rluker 4 00 Dan Garbor 0 20 C A Smelser 4 00 Frank IlutTer 4 00 H H Holdrege 4 00 Win H Thomas 4 00 Charley Banks 4 00 G M Pierce A R Larrick 4 00 F Vavriek 4 00 4 00 4 00 J B Karl O Bergman L Sorenson G W Hite G R Scott Ben Oberg 4 00 Troy Mills 4 00 Jos Havel 7 70 Jud White 4 00 Vence Zojie 4 00 WL Bennett 4 00 T F Duffy 0 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 100 400 4 00 8 20 4 00 4 00 7 40 4 00 W H Patterson 8 00 J A Denton J B Eglington 4 00 J S Moore W D Edson 4 00 O E Peterson II Diedrick 4 00 J W Mitchell W K Geer 2 00 II E nerst Ernest Welsch 4 00 M H Farnhain T J Wurd 0 10 Win Engels W G Wnrren 4 00 O C Teel C CumminiugH (1 10 Jns Burden A D Womlerly 4 00 C D Robinson 4 00 4 00 0 00 G W Hutchison 0 00 The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on tho bridgo fund. Lee Errott, culverts if 81 00 Leo Errott, culverts 00 00 Chicago Lumber Co., Blue Hill 473 .'.0 S B Connor, bridgo 72 20 Cross ift Johnson, lumber 101 00 Citizens Lumber Co., lumber Si 40 Frank Boom, hldg. bridges 2o f0 Michael BlNs lo 00 i Ed. Fry, hldg, bridges 1 45 00 ' Western Btidgo& Con, Co., . l'JOO 00 ! On motion adjournment was taken j to Dec l.V M)0S i E. W. Ross, County Clork. Heal Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab stract Co. for the week ending Wed nesday, Nov. 18, 1!K)3. , .lamia ltoso to Louis Cure, lot 1, uik J-, Koseiiioni, oeu, 1 W U Frahm, Co Treas. to W W Rltchoy, ntnel uv4, l-2-l0,td W C Frahm, Co Treas, to C II Frisbie, lot J, bile IS, Amboy, td 83 CI Harm Roso to James W Moody lots l-s-H-KVO, blk 1, Tyler's , sub-div to Blue Hill, vd.... 'JOOO Olher I) Hedge, sheriff, to- Bernard McNeny, u'nds nel S'J-2-0, Ml '.. 72o Charles SnoiTco to Leroy E Spence, uud'2 lots 9 and 10, blk 10, Bladen, wd.... l'.TiO 837i 50 Mortgages Hied, IG5C.50 . h Mortgages released tlOOO.Ot) A . . i : : ' The Ytuth's CMpaita far Cferlstnas. There are three good reasons why Tho Youth's Companion makes orie of the best gift for -Christmas t linos for birthday; for any occasion when a present is in order. There is something in every issue of The Companian for every mombor of the family. Tho children never pass It by, and the parents are restless until tho children reluctantly put It down to go to bed. You need not go' through the vexation of Christmas shopping to make a present of Tho Companion. . Sit c'own in tho quiot of your own house, aim soud the subscription. Tho Companion will bo dollvcrod whenever you say, on Christmas morning. Nino out of ton Christmas presents have lost their novelty by Xow Ycih'h. Tho G'ompahiou provides 11 continual pleasure, for1 it is renewed AS times until Christmas coinos again, Is thoro auother present equal to it that cost so littlo 81.75V Tho now subsciiber receives free tho double Holiday Xnmbois and Tho Coiupuuiou Calendar for JtiO'.i, "In WraudmothorVi (jiirdon," lithographed Ln l.'l colors. " Full illustrated. Aunouneomoiit cf the new volume for looo will bu sout. with sample copies of tho paper to any nddres, frees ' Tim Yoirnis . Cour.VNiyvt 14.4 Bkrkklct Street, "BoitM, 51as R E Mitchell Cluis. Htouor C D Robinson J C Saylor L II Fort OCTeel A J Hodges P W Roland J F Watt I B Colvin II F Cooper Elmer Parson A Ferguson A J Urngg M Do Tour PIANO CONTEST OPEN TO ANY LADY IN WEBSTER OR ADJOINING COUNTIES. $550 in Valuable Prizes We are conducting a Popular Lady. Piano contest which is open to any lady in Webster or adjoining counties. Owing to the intense interest in the political campaign which has just ended, the contest has been overshadowed to some extent, but during toe last week there has been something do ing and some of the contestants are going to make great gains in the next few weeks. There has been some change in the list this week, Miss Frankie Ward taking first place and Miss Vera Crabill goes to fouith place. Following are the names of the contestants and their standing this week: Miss Frankie Ward, Red Cloud 22,775 Mrs. Miles Doyle, Red Cloud 21,400 Miss Ruth Warren, Red Cloud 18,800 Miss Vera Crabill, Red Ootid " i c.200 Miss Bernice Potter, Red Goud r. 12,850 Miss Mary Francis, Cowlcs 10,300 Miss Edna Watt, Guide Rock 10,300 Remember that with every dollar paid on subscription you are entitled to 300 votes in the contest. If you wish anyone entered in the contest just senn in their name. Vot ing.and subscription blanks will be furnished anyone making application, GENERAL lJ-Anuouncomoiit This Piano and Popular Lady voting contest will bo conducted 011 strictly honest hiisluog principles, with perfect justice mid fairness to all concerned. 2 Prizes Tho first, prize shall bo 11 Chickoring Bros, upright piano valued at e.iUU. Tlio second prize will bo 11 Lifdios' lino cold watch valued at M0. Tho third prize will bo a handsome' silver toa service valued nt jli2X)l. Bo-1 sides these, other special prizes will ' bo olfered from I lino to time. I 1 3 Candidates -Any lady, muriied1 No contestant will bo allowed to or iiik'le, in this and adjoining conn- compete for nunc than one of tho ties is eligible (.0 a place in the con-' additional special pi izes. test. Tho ino'.t popular lady is tho1 ... , 0110 who shall receive the most votes, 1 " publisher will not tell whom and to her shall ho given this hifjh 1 n3'no volos for, u.i-upt 111 im-o of al grade piano. Other candidates WH1 1 luged error or irregularity. receive pi izosdn order, according tot' inuu Manning in viiiuh. 5 Classes of Votes Thee are is sued in eonpons as Cnllowiux: Now subscriptions, 1100 votes for S1.00 ReiiownlP, 300 votes for 81.00 Back subscriptions, 300 votes tor s?1.00 RULES: (i -Cieuoral Iiistructions-Namos of contestants will bo printed in ordor according to standing and the amount of their votes published regular after tho first count Is made. -Hi Votes wll not bo allowed on sub scriptions at less than regular price of tlio papor. Votes emeu deposited in the ballot box cannot be triuslVred to another. Agents' commissions aro to be sus pended during contest, k!U., contestant is requested to send 1 us a cabinet size photograph for pub. l ucation as soon as convenient. Makeup your mind who you want to vote for before coming to tho ollloo as the editor will positively not decide tho mutter for you. 4 il in M f - S2 S o S J k I (3 S m S 3 - Q-) H"SSgi3ft Oh A 2 15 V oj o g - J-f I oj -i-4 U :- bj (8 Tl O . J5 rj crj Jis J G -2 D T2 r5 ZZ S ta ". v.l 3 M T . 4 ' i. it - HU. 'tsfivta ! ft J - v i." ,."1