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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1908)
VUV S THE RED CLOUD CHIEF t Af(ew8Nr That (lives The News Flfty-tw Weeks Each Year Br One Dtllar. "JBWSMSV fiKOiLTJME XXXVI. , . , ,.T"7" RED CLOTJD, JiEBRASKA, NOVEMBER , 1908. iMIT"- NUMBER 45 :iifSMr ., , i SZ 3S Si ai . III Mil SiT fNE mistake men often i ""b. vy . MUsM" VX liW UBm.n. ".iv "W i f l r' jfl , N&?V Copright 1908 by 4r xSSwHart SchafTntr & Marx yyZT make V I V is in not having clothes enough. They seem to think two suits of clothes bought at one time, or two over coats, would be extravagant. The fact is, if you buy our Hart Schaffiier & Marx clothes, two suits or two overcoats at a lime would be economy. A raincoat, shown here, or a fancy fabric overcoat for daily wear; and a black or oxford overcoat for dress occasions; a 'fancy weave suit of some new color and pattern for business, and a black or blue serge for changing occasion ally, and for dressier limes; every man ought to have such an outfit. ( You'd find it economy; and the clothes will all last longer if you dont wear them continuously; get them pressed occasionly. We want to see our cusromcrs dressed right. We'll lake care of it for you if you'll let us. This store is the home oi Hart Schaffncr & Marx Clothes PAUL STOREY H. Taf t Is Elected President .v .'. Probably Has 298 Votes Electoral College. in Th( is I the "Exhibits Go To Omaha Free Baggage curs will bo furnished by i e railroads comiug into Omaha to ' De,Jc', briugexhlblts to the National corn Imposition, free of charge aud those who de9iro to send exhibits will be notified as to the days these cars will bo carried by the railroads. This arrangement was announced Wednesday by the corn show manage ment, which has had the matter up with various railroads for some time. The first railroads to agree to fur nish the cars was the Chicago Great Western, General Passenger Agent, J P. Elmer, vrltlng as follows: "We are pormlttod by law to move .exhibits for fair and exposition, and we shall therefore take great pleasure in arranging baggage cars us you request " Other railroads hare been quick to follow and before the end of the week all roads aro expected so furnish the cars which means much to both ex hibitors and the com exposition. The plan is to have cars at all coun ty seats in the state which will exhlb it at the show In Omaha. Exhibitors noed only express their corn, wheat, csat9f alfalfa or other exhibit to the noarost point whero the baggage ar stops to have the oxhlblts brought to Omaha with out charge. The exposition will furnish an attendant with each baggage oar who will be in oharge from the start ing place of tho car until it gets to Omaha, seeing that the exhibits are properly handled. This Insures the exhibits nrtivlng in Omaha in the Best possible condition and in good time. GUIDE ROCK. Robb. Garrison's residence is neti'ly finished V Free T far SskMritors "We will be glad to have ever reader of our paper take 'Advantage of the following offer: If you will send your name and address to the Pino ule Med icine Co., 380 La Salle Ave., Ghlcugo, 111, they will promply mall you post paid a full week's trial of thoir most excellent preparation. "Finoulcs,, The preparation Is put up In littlo gelatin globules, easy und plesant to take and are truely remark able iu their quick effect on nil Buck A'cho, LamoBack, Rheumatism, and all Klduoy and Bladder affootlou. In writing them It will bo necessary to mftntlOu this paper. Pleaso do so. Wo hope any of our ruiulors who are buffering from any such complain ts will tako iidvuntuiro of this offer at ouco,as wo know tho preparation is t'juost higly reuomutondud. E.B. Crary is home from Hot Springs much improved in health. Albert Horn and wife aro visticg at Benkleman with relatives. The Baptist Choir met Tuesday evenlug for pratio at the home of W. S' Lambert. Rev. P. T. Martin and family are al ready settling In their new home north of Unas Ely,s. Alonzo Baity and family are home from a weeks visit with John Baity and family of Leavenworth Kansas. M. Lovitt's new residence Is having the roof put on this week, and will when complete be a very neat dwell ing. Tho M. E. oHicial board of Guide Bock will hold It's next meeting at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. W Richard, Monday cveniug, Nov. 0. Mrs. W. T. Crowell and daughter Mildred arrived home Wednesday morning after spending several days with relatives north of Red Cloud. Wilbur Hamilton and wife of Red Cloud and Miss Irene Ferguson of St. Edwards were hero to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Carl Cone Friday afternoon Oct, 83. There was a very large gathering of ladles at the Christian aid society tea given by Mrs J H. Crary at her pleasant homo Wednesday. A very nice lunoh was served inoluding sand" wlches, salads, cake, and coffee. A very plesant business mooting of the W. C T. U. was held Wednesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Carrie Moranvllle. There was a good attend auco. The next meoting will be hold Wednesday evening, Nov. 11 at the homo of J. M. Roland, and It will bo a aoolal affair, Thursday afternoon Oct. 33 M.E. aid society mot at tho Church. After tying two comforts, they hold their oloctlou of offlcors, tho old onos wcro unauamlously ro-olected, thoy aro Prosidont, Mrs. Q. M. Alblu, Vice President, Mrs I). Jones, Secrotary, Mrs. W. M. Miner, Treasurer, JMrs. Claranco Guy, Tho Degroo of Honor colebrated Tuesday oveuing, Oct. 27 at tho close of lodgo iu honor of tho seven weddings of lodge members which huvo occurod during tho past your, Tin committco iu charge were Mrs. Anna Crary, Mrs. Knium Schot-ourg, Mrs. Susie Hugen. Hose-pink being tho lodgo color, the lunch was in pink and white. Over soventy persons weao iu attendance. The couples present In whoso holier tho afair was givou wero: Mr. and Mrs. James F. Slmpsou. Mr. and Mrs". Lee Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hendrickson. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watfc. One of tho brides, Mra.Currol Willi ban moved to New Mexico so she and her husband could not be present, aud the other Mrs. Lena Largent Foust was called to the Great Beyond in January, thus there was sorrow min gled with the rejoicing. Miss Mamie Tompkins joined lodge aud the team drilled for the visitors. Tho funeral of Carl L. Cone whoso deah occurod Oct. 21, at Summoriield Kansas, was conducted at the M. E. church iu Guido Rock at 2 o,clock Friday, Oct. 22 by the pastor, Rev. U. W. Pool. Ho was born in Murray Iowa, in the year 1875, coming here in 1883. Ho was 33 years 2 months 10 days of age. lie was married to Miss Mao Ferguson June 2 1890. To thorn woro born 2 son9 and a daughter. no was princlal of school at Summer flold and bod been teaching several years. Ho was member of the Metho dist church and the Masonic and Woodman lodges. The Mason s con daoted the ceremonies at the ceme tery. He leaves besides bis family his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C Cone and ono brother, Guy Cone. m m Mrs. W. M. Sawyer is home from a visit at Lincoln. The Baptist Ladles market, Saturday netted them ten 'dollars. Mrs. Julia Stratton is in from tho country visiting with, boveral famlicB in towu this wetk. The Christian aid socioty received sixty-one dollars for their dlnuer and supper election day. The Buplst sowing society will meet with Mrs. Maggie Robinson Thursday afternoon Nov. 12 There Is work. There was a lurgo attendance at tho coffee borved for the M. E. aid soolety by Mrs. F.W. Miller Thursday nfter noou. All A. O, If. W, mombcrs are invited to attend tho uoxt regular meeting Tuesday evoning , Novoimlor 17, 1908. At close of lodge there will be a amok-er. All the Guide Rock teachers, Prof and Mrs,. Perrigo, Mrs. Pat more. Miss Tomkins, Miss Cinndoll, and Miss Yung mo attondlng State teachers association in Lincoln. The schools here have vacation for three days to allow the teachers to go. William Howard Taft of Ohio, republican, has been elected twenty-seventh president of the United States, and James S. Sherman of New York, has been chosen vice pres ident. This marks the close of one of the most remarkable campaigns in the history of I he country. Democrats Elect Governor. A. C, Sliallcnburger Bs Elected Governor and Probably the Entire State Ticket With Him. Ashton C. ShallfMiberyer of Alma is elected the next gov ernor ,of Nebraska by a majority niri-jinjj between S,ooo and i From the returns already in it is expected that the ,f entire democratic ticket of the state will be elected. Democrats Elect Five Chessmen. M aGuIre In First, Hltclicek in Second, Latta In. the Third, Ashton In Fifth and Westover In Sixth District Indications, backed up by fairly complete and accurate returns, point to the fact that Nebraska has administered a stern and scathing rebuke to Cannon and Cannonism. In the Fifth district the election is claimed by Mr. Ash ton by not less than 500 majority. In every county in the district he cut heavily in on the past majorities of Congress man Norris. Returns from all but four counties in the dis trict put Ashton over Soo ahead. It is expected that he will break even with Norris in the four counties yet to be heard from. . STILLWATER Election is over at lost. Fine weather for corn husking. Frank VanZant is working, for W. Li. Denny. The Halne,s thresher is working la the Prairie Center neighborhood. The road overseer of Stillwater pre cinct, Mr. Henfeldt, Is working the highwuys at present. ' An old man selling a new kind of solder for repairing tinware passed through Stillwater Saturday. Clyde Albin recently purchased Dave Johnson's threshing outfit. He will do his owu threshing after this. Chus. Blanehard, who worked for Martin Meents iu the euly summer, is husking corn for Emory Howard. Lecture I Rev O. W. Gorden will lecture on ,"Hls Observation of the City of Wash ington" at the Eckley ,M. . church UTiday, November 13,1003. Admission, 10 and 15 cents. C. R. Besse Wins Out. is Elected Stmt Benmtor from the 26th District. Charles R. Besse, democratic candidate, was elected state senator by a good majority. I, H. BLAGKIEDOE FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. L. H. Blackledge was re-elected county attorney of Webster county by 489 majority. Mr. Blackledge carried fourteen of the eighteen precincts in the county. Dr. H. 1 Rains, republican, was elected representative from the 44th district. Commissioners1 Overman and Chaplin were both re elected to office. mI irtaft TraMf mi. Transfers reported by the Fort Ab stract Co. for the week ending- Wed nesday, Nov. 4, 1008. Hugh Chilly td Jacob O. Bottfl- ford w3 n3 nw and pt w3 e3 nw4 19-4-12., ,.. ' Anna Bent to S Mayner lot 2, blk 3, Sweezys add to Bluo Illll, wd $300 00 State of Nebraska to Q. S Parks so, 30-1-10, deed 1500 00 Adalaldo E.Fulton etal to Willis P. Fulton, pt blk 7, Smith and Moores add to Red Cloud, wd. 300 00 83100 00 Mortgages tiled, 920200 Mortgages released $2513 SO Tho concert to bo given at the opera houso Thanksgiving evening, will bo a musical treat to everyone. Pur bund has boon workiug hard for some time on a strictly standard program and you will be surprised tit tho wondorful itnprovment made. Popular Price. ?! Kigirc Zsy"' w. -i i y , it- jrs " Get at the 1l J m m p m m riifld 9KN bottom ot the Baking MMgSnM Powder Question. wijmM mm Buy a can of Calumet today. Put it through the most rigid baking test that you know. If it does not fully come up to your standard; if the baking ii not just as good orbettcr lighter, more evenly raised, more delicious and whole some, take it back to the grocer and get your money. C. Calumet is the only strictly high grade baking powder selling at a moderate cost. Don't accept a substitute. Insist upon Calumet and get it. JII 1 1 Ml E"T Baking i. Powder tr Received Highest Award World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago, 1907. i""! T .ffl V 14 .. fl i' ti 4, , '- vl u i -J?h:v&h.tjliijfJL te