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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
mk- mm- :y 'V Dr. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER Made from healthful grape eream of tartar Will make twice as much good bread, biscuit and cake, pound for pound, as the low priced imitations made from alum, and alum phos phates, and will make the food appetizing and healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is not only economical but makes the food more wholesome. 94-l44ftttCE 10CAIETTES Jt Rev. Dcakin was down from Cowlcs Tuesday. r Turn urc was in Chester Wed nesday. Mrs. Henry McCunc went to Guide Rock Sunday. Wanted A few loads of cobs on sub scription at this olDcc Soo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Frank Cowdcn and daughtor went to Lincoln Sunday morning. Fon Sai.k Six room nouhe, b lots. Inquire at Ncwhousc's store. tf If a going to be greatl What? The band couccrt nt the opera-house Thanksgiving ninght. Popular Prices. Miss Edna Williams roturncd home from Lincoln the last of the week, where she attended the Nebraska state teachers' association. Pincsalvo carbollzcd acts like a poul tice. Quick relief for bites and sting of insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns and 6ores, tan and sunburn. Sold by Henry Cook. The concert to begivenat the opera house Thanksgiving evening, will be a musical treat to everyone. Our band has been working hard for some time on a strictly standard program and you will be surprised at the wonderful improvment made, popular rrices. Pineulesfor the Kidneys, 30 days' trial S1.00. Hundreds of people testify to the merit of this preparation in the relief of kidney troudlc, rheumatism, lumbago, backache. Pineules act di rectly on the kidneys, purify the Wood and make you feel like a new porson. They tone the system. Sold by Henry Cook. Wanted Succoss Mngaziuc requires the services of a man in Red Cloud, to look after expiring subscriptions and to secure now business by moons of spec ial methods unusually cfrcctlvefpositon pormanent; prefer one with cxperlenco but would consider any applicant 'with good natural qualification; oilury gl.r.o per day, with commission option. Address, with references, It .C.Poncock Room l02,SucC'Css Magazine lildg..New York. John Storey was down from Cowlcs Thursday! Ray Palmer was down from Inavalc Wcdnosday. George Volland was here from Riv er ton, Sunday. Wanted A good, frosh milch cow, E. H. Ncwhouse. Rccso Thompson was down from Cowlos Thursday. The Junior whist club met with Miss Clarn Abel, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Charles Robinson's mother re turned to Jlltic Hill Thursday. W. W. Wright and wife were here from Hebron the first of the week. Mrs. C. 11. Crone, of York, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Peterson. Mrs. George Morhart and children returned from Guide Rock Sunday. Mrs. J. It. Hodges held the lucky number at the Tepee drawing, Monday. Dining-car-conductor Buck and fam ily went to New York Thursday for a visit. Mrs. C.'lJ. Hale is visiting her mother, Mrs. Fred Wlttwer, in Kansas, this week. Miss Edith McKeighan if visiting friends in Grand Island and Hasting this week. Patronise home industry. Special prices on 3 to 5 hundred pound lots of old wheat flour at Red Cloud Mills. Ring's Little Liver Pills for bllious- ness.slck headache, muddy complexion. They tone the liver; do not gripe. They keep you well. 2Sc. Sold by Henry Cook. Dont miss thefino vocal solos by Mrs. Snapp and Mr. DeWolf to be given at tho opera-house Tbanksglvcing eve ning along with the band concert. Popular Prices. Sales Aokntk Wanted SJO.oO per week or 400 per cent profit. All samp les, stationary, and art catalogue free. We want one pormanncnt agent in this locality for tho largest picture and frame house in America. Ex perience unnecessary. Wo instruct yon how to soil our goods and furnish tho capital. If you want a permanent, houortib o and profitable position, writo us today for particulars, cata logue and samples. Khank Williams Comi'AM", 1211 W. Taylor St., Chicago, 111. Miss Hernlco Marker was down from Catherton Saturday. Don Hartwell was down from Inn valo, Saturday. Mrs. Alden Ely is here from McCook visiting relntlvcs. Dr. Thomas nnd family wero iu Cowles last Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Caster returned from Lincoln, Saturday. Mrs Morltz and children returned from Blue Hill Saturday. Mrs. C. M. Wright returned to her homo iu Hebron Monday. Charles Kellogg was homo from Kearney over Sunday. Mrs. L. H. Fort is homo from Peru where she vlsttod relatives. Mrs. Jcsso Brooks, of Cathcrton.was iu Red Cloud Wcdnosday. Ed Walters arrived here this week from Nevada nnd has accepted a posi tion at the Royal. Mr. Mandcrvlllc returned to Seward Thursday, after visiting his sou, Fred Mandorvillo, nnd family. Mr, and Mrs. Hoy Hutchinson, of Norton, Kas , are visiting his brother (Jcorgo and family, this week. For Sale Improved farm 7 miles south of Inavnlc. O. M. Noblo, route 3, Inavalo, on Womor phono lino. Get my rates, tonus nnd options nnd and I will make you a Farm Loan. No wait, money always on hand. J. U. Bailey, Red Cloud, Ncbr. If you want a fountain pen that will not leak in any position buy one of Cotting the druggsit, gurantecd satis faction. For Sale A stock of general mer chandise, two store buildings and a residence property. Write or call on S. O.JNull, Womcr, Kans. At tho opera-house Thankscrivins night you will havo a chance- to hoa r two.of the best clarinetists in tho west Mr. Alvin Snapp and Mr. James Gaunt, in a grind fantasia Duott. Popular Prices. Hands cracked and bruised from husking, skin diseases, tan freckles, cuts relieved nt onco with Plnesalve Curbolized (acts like a poultice). Draws out inflammation. Price 2,'ie. Sold by Henry Cook. To those aullcted with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheuma tism, Pineules for the Kidneys bring relief in the first dose. Hundreds of people today testify to their remark able healing and tonic properties. 30 days' trial S1.00. They purify the blood. Sold by Henry Cook. Wanted At once, ys or 30 young men and women to take a course in Multigraphing. Course can be com pleted in from one month to six' weeks. We have a position waiting for you as soon asjyou are read3, Salary's run from 815 to 820 per week for beginners. Who will bo the first to enroll? Tuition for complete course 825. For further particulars address tho Hebron Busi ness College, HcbronNeb. Seal Estate Trawler. Transfers reported by the Fort Ab stract Co. for the week ending Wed nesday, Nor. 8, 1008. Joseph Sidlo to Adolph Bidlo, nw23, 3, ll.wd 1000 Marie F Olsento Andrew San derson, c2sw4 5, 3, 10, wd.... 2200 Andrew Anderson to C F Gund e3sw5, 3, 10, wd 2300 Lcroy E Talt to A G Coulson, pt It 5&n5 It 6, blk 9, Smith & Moore's add Red Cloud.wd, W C Frahm, Co treas to C H Potter, Its 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C, blk 2, Case & McNeny's add to Kcd Cloud, tux .deed 800 30 30 Mortgages Hied, $10785 Mortgages released $14105 8.1030 30 Glothes For The Young Wan AT A &&rv JjRRMa &VS Iv ? sW Mm tRHRRRRRRRRHlR H jJ pi 4S. xSmmWmT HIMl' I iWJmWmmmV if ttJPTLKAiW: I . fJ 'W RnRRHnii&l"V F 1 lwKvL I IJfE&BBmis&mJ.i mm RRRRJBM . , RB f jrx Js mmmmmmmrltm&Gmmm$mY$mm9.mmT 1 1H WM mmmmmWmmWK$JBmT RRKRRHKv Hi I a If RRRRV'VRRRR WmmmmmVtM'WMmmmTmM$&mmT n$mw?IMmmmmmmmmmW Edcrhcimcr, Stein & Co. U A K K R 1 WcJJiayc long pant Suits for, Young Men of the Hour". The? making of Clothes for thcsc'Smart Young Dressers has become an art, We know exactly what Young Fellows desire and require in a Suit and wc sec that they get it when they come here. The Fall Models have every new dash of style work ed into the cut and tailoring. The fabrics arc new col or ings of Browns, Olives, Grays and many choice and fancy mixtures in Tweeds and Cheviots. SUITS AT $10, $15, $20 to $25. 1 1 the thing" Is what many a Young Fellow says when looking at our Suits. Cowden-lialey Clothing go. Always Rcloable First Door North of Postofficc r M 1 H ' , c , WATCH FROZEN IN ICE PARE PREPARED To fill your wants in what ever you may want in thfto-rocerv line.. We are getting a nice New line of Evaporated Fruits, this years crop. They are fine, the flavor rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet pickles, "Ask to try em" We are also head quarters for Snyders Pork and Beans. Snyders catsup ect. And Falger's Golden gate Coffee, Teas and Extracts ect. Our Bast Brand of Caned goods. Call for Tito White House Brand. Bell Phone 4 Rural Phone 63 .lolnlni torn Asseclallcn. Hundreds of fnrniors in all parts of the United Ktutcs are shouinf thoir inleiost iu the movement to produce more and hotter corn and in the National Com Exposition, by sending in memberships ts tho National Corn Growers, association. This association inspired tho Nntiomal Corn Show. It Is composed of corn growers in all parts of tho United States, who sond 81 member ship fee to tho Secretary J. Wilkcns Jones at Omaha, which is used to aid in furthering the work of the association. During the last week almost tbreo hundred have mailed application for membership and the 81 fee to tho 600rctary,aand this year they receive an admission to the corn show at Omaha on the memberships ticket. Corn growers from tho following states have sent in membership recont ly Missourla, Mississippi, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. Sovcral membership hare been received from Engla n,d Mexico Canada and other foreign countries. Many view Strange Test of timekeep- ingThis Week. Frozen Solid But Still Keeps Perfect Time. What is probly the most unique and altogether remarkable exhibition of timekeeping' quality in a watch, will take place next week at the store of Newhouse Brothers, Jewelers and Watchmakers. This is nothing more nor less than a standard South. Bend Watch taken out of stock and frozen in a solid cake of ice. As though it were an animate thing, it seems almost a cruelty to subject so delicate a piece of mechanism as a modern watchto this severe test, but tho watch docs notseemjto mind it as much as the sympathetic looker-on. This test is simply a forcible and convincing demonstration of the fact that the movements of the South Bend Watches are adjusted' to heat and cold in the most perfect If manner ever acheived in the science of watchmaking. While the test is not entirely new, having previously been made at South Bend and other places, we believe, it is seen for the first time in Red Cloud. This test is statedto be the most severe that a delicate timepiece can be subjected to and it speaks volumes for American enterprise and the skill of American watch makers' that it has been possible to produce a watch so perfect in construction and adjustment that not even freezing it up can effect its timekeeping. Indeed, so remarkable is the test that foreign watch makers who have so longboasted of their supremecy can not even now realize that it can be done. One of the leading Paris jewelers' journals, "Revue de L'Horlogerie-Bijouterie," expressed surprise and disbelief even yet in the possibility of this test upon hearing of its having been made in a recent jewelers' convention in Chicrgo, It is to proVe its possibility that 10.000 leading jewelers' throughout the country are- making this exhibition this week. The fame of "the watch in the ice", has spread all over the world and it can be seen next week at the establishment of Ncwhouse Brothers. The superior timekeeping qualities of the South Bend Watch lie in its wonderful balance wheel which automatically adjusts it to heat and cold, and its perfect adjustment and construction. The "watch In ice" will b on exhibition all next week, Nov. 13-21. i i q m I Ijohnson a boner: PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cltum and Wulifl tht btit. PromotM m loturUnt fruwth. Mnw Toll to IlMtor Qtj NEWHOUSE BROTHERS r run to UMiort una Ir to iu Youthful ColorT 1 Mai dlmot jTWr bUlsfr B,tdtm,,tT)niffUa Cuim Jtf r J0B,td ,u."s -& A'.S k1