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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1908)
-v wwrcwfli'-.r-i -.WWIPHII'WIEIWSE'IM lJII'WwJW"".''7'"''-' fr-"- w tiKWimiliiWwll'W,"' 'ii WJIfWi 'W t-VJWJ V HE NEW STORE YOHIV H "S I: POTTER BLOCK RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA h kt30s&ww-vnmntanmxmren&. -t - i-TT-wrwr'T" w- - - ' ' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 i t We commence a Seven Days' Special Bargain Sale. Special bargains in Ladies', Misses' and Children's cloaks, special bargains in Ladies' skirts and suits, special bargains in dress goods, calicoes, flannelettes, outing flannels, table linenss, blankets, etc. Special bargain sale of underwear, special bargain sale of furs, special bargain sale in our millinery department. . M i Special Shoe Sale 3SDur Entire Stock of Ladies', Boys and Children's Shoes on sale at Special Money Saving rices. u-auies 2.ooi.vicj imci anocs, saie price .t 0 0 . (i (i ii it " 2. SO " " " " " . 00 " " " " " ; . . Special Underwear Sale Special Glassware Sale We have a new special Glassware assortment that we place on sale at extraordinary 2.25 ni Snpr.ial Waist Snip 3.00 Pat. leather shoes at ...... 2.25 m " " " . . n Ac c; qui, i:,i mi wv.,:.! ,,.!.. : OfJ J Willi IIUI.VI I 1V.I Ut?ldj 3U1U li it.v; t Boys Potni.ic Shoes at special prices. This is the best 6 " " " Sine of boys shoes for wear eveir sold in this city. Every' 5 Silk Waists " pairwarrantecl. ' 6 " ," JBoys 1.75 Pontine Shoes "" H ' 2.00 2.25 2.5b . " Swisses $1.35 shoes at ?I.I5 " 1.59 " 1.20 ' All the Ladies' fall and winter underwear on sale at SPE- CIBL PRICES. All the Mens fall and winter underwear on sale at SPECIAL PRICES. S1.45 All the Misses, Uovs and Children's underwear on sale at 1 .r-. enen a 1 nui'vc 1 ,'.qs - - BARGAIN PRldES. Your choice of any piece in the en- Hire lot at loc. 1 his includes large pitchers, water bottles, laryn covered dishes, etc.. in fact the entire lot is placed on $2.95 sa'e at t)nL' I'rice loc. This is without question one of the .2 jc .most special deals in tlm liiv we have ever offrred. 2.95: , J 3.45; '35' Also special values in other Waists at 50c, 75c, $1.20, $1.25,! . t- ,, : "-V$l .50 and $1.75. '0 " '-95 Misses $1.85 shoes at 51.45 2.00 " 1.55 Special Sale of all Dress Goods Bargains in little folks shoes at .15c. 55 6Sc and ySc. MMI.kniM j 1 5c, 1 8c and 20c fancy and plaid dress fabrics placed on sale 1 0c yd. 1 50c wool dress goods, sale price 25c 65 and 75c wool dress goods, sale price , $1, 1.15, 1.25 imported wool dress goods, sale price 1 1.45 36 'inch black Silks, sale price 1 .75 36 inch black Silks, sale price A the Ctton Batts SI .O -1 D. 1.50 36 inch Belding Bros. Satins, sale price ale at OpeCial r riCeS j LOO Silk Velvets, sale price ,..... n.. . ' in i Special lot ot I Uc Mannelcttcs, sale price 1 5c Majestic Cotton Batts at ' 0c ' 1 2 1 -2 Flannelettes, sale nricc Special Blanket . Sale Cotton and Wool Blankets on Sale at Bargain Prices It will pay you to buy these at once as after they are 48c gone they will not be cuplicated ayain this season. jo pair 50c gray cotton blankets at 39c 38c Melrose 25c " 30c Perfection B5c 3 lb. $1.00 4 lb. 12c 12c 20c 58c C8c 1 8c Surratt Flannelettes, sale price All the best 7c calicoes and percales, sale price American Thread Cos Best Thread sale price 4c DVC $1.00 1.45 LOO 75c 6c 9c 12 l-2c 5c; 20 20 20 35 45 20 20 20 S 65C 75C tan $1 tan , -rny " 1.35 ta .d gray "' 1.50 and Si. 60 cotton blankets. 1.S5 tan and gray " 2.25 50c 60c 75C $1.00 '25 '35 1.50 1 75 Buolls wool blankets on sale at $2.25, $-'.50, $2.75 and up to $5.50. At Opera fcSou& Saturday, October 31, 1908 Sumner-Davis C m i a n y CONCER AND MALE QUARTETTE iiHnnfinMBiH AVk BntNO You Vaiuetv In Oon: Mftlo Quartet, String Quartet, Cornet ind Trombono Duots, Ilarp unit Violin Duets, Mandolin Duets, Mandolin, Vloll" und Hnrp Trios Violin, Cornet, Trom- bono und Harp Q lartet, Harp Solo, Cornet nnd Trombono Soloa, Violin and Mundolln Solos. Ticket on sale at Fair Store-35, 25 and 15c. Free Free Free Free;! A Liberal (MTer, T ic K. 31 tSi! lrui Co. Ou.rr.tco, (o , ;ureU)Si:ps:.i IT Tlioy Fall. The S::dicini: costs Nothing . To u(mstioiiiibl prove to the people 'of Koeliu-ter tliatlndluestoti nnd dys 1 pepsia U curable und Mint Rexall Dys 1 papain Tablets will effect the euro 1 we will furnish the modlolce absoluty' free if it fails to glvo complete sati fac tion to anyone giving it a trial. The reniakable success of Rexall Dy spepia Tablets is largely dua to the new and successful uethod of manu facture whereby the well-known prop erties of BUnvtb Subnltrate and Pep sin have beu combined with carmina tives and their agents. Illsmuth Subnlrato and Pepsin are rcoognizod by the entire medical pro fession as specifics for acute indiges tion and dyspepsia. The Pepsin used in Rexel Dyspepsia Tablets In manufactured by a now I process which developes its greatest c fllcicncy. Pepsin supply to tho diges tive apparatus one of tho most impor tant elements of Ihu (llgostivo mmi, nud exerts a toulu luiluenco upon nil the glands which supply all the other olements necessary to proper assimila tion aud digestion. Tho carmanatlvo add properties which promptly relieves tho disturbances and pnln caused by undigested food. The perfect combination of these In gredients mako a remedy absolutely incomparable and iuvaluablo for tho ! complete euro of indigestion and dys pepsia I We aroso positively certlan of this that wo sell Rexall Dyspepsia Tab 1 Wk mi nnp own nersonal uuarantco 11. ..A- II..... ...Ill ..IMw.t. rtttvn .mil m nuf I1I11L IIIUJT lll VllUOl iUIU J " .- ii u nothing. " Tho H. E, Grico Drug Co, Red Cloud, Nebraska. ffy etJctflK. BL3B jtfiyn N73ftk lHB jBEStP s'SKkw V Every day that you let go by without a piano in the house means a loss in many ways. The musical part of your daughters education is an absolute necessity i a the presant age. She Is Handicapped for life if she lacks the ability to play piano, arid she can not learn this beautiful and Necessary accomplishment in a day, nor a year. The earlier she begins to practice, the more proficient she will become. We Spend Money Starting Monday, Oct, 12, 1908 The Tenee Theatre WlnneT Set Contest to All lucky individuals SS'K3 "".rtS Why Are We So Hard? Tho following motto was on tho wall of a woman's bodroom: "Lot us tako hands and help each other to-day bo causo wo nro allvo together." Slio Is n brldo of n year, and that Is tho sontlmont with which elio fur- To procure a collage education, but without the Musical accomplishment it is not a success. "All beginnings are are difficult' and the beginning should be made while young. Soon the study ot music becomes a pleasure as the "work" is accompanied by sweet harmony, and thereafter it is "Recreation". But the hard beginning must be encountered and it ought to be done NOW. My Line of Pianos 10 ta EffS 1 Jivon away ABSOLUTELY FKKE, to the one holding tho lucky number wo glvo with n word, tho menu thought j or harsh judgment recoils on our solvos. No woman who is hard, and critical Is happy. "TaUo hands and help each other , to-day" Is tho Biire load to content ment und hnppluc3S. The DEPENDABLE kind is very complete, and the prices are right Pay cash if you wish, or buy on payements, but in any event do not put the matter off another year. If you wish a piano that any one can play buy the famous "AUTOPIANO" . V. POTTER HLOCK UPSTAI US, o ARGABR1GHT RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. '4 r ( .s r f . i ty UU -ni-,,,. -ri aWMMMMffhi" i ij,ii nfVtw A- JV yn- V" $ oJyr -w-f'-y - -tit-ii r . ...,.a ,.