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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1908)
K J "THE PIANO CONTEST. Our Popular Lady Voting Contest has started off In pretty fair shape nnd we expect it to bo one of tlie biggest events tliut ever happened In this part of the country. The vote Friday was: Mrs. Miles Doyle 21,110 Miss Frank le Ward 14.573 Miss Until Warren IIJ.IUH) Miss Itornlcu Potter 12.S50 M Iss Vera Crnb'ill 1 1 ,"00 Miss Mary Francis ,100 1 AnnouncementThis Piano and Popular .Uidy voting contest will bo conducted on si i idly honest litislnof principles, with perfect justice and fairness to all coiu'crned, i! -Prizes The Ilrt prize shall bo h Chioker.itig Bros, upright, piano valued lit 3.1U0. The second prize will bo a Radios' lltio ifnlil wnfi'li vnliinil ii. .:m. Tho third prize will bo n liandsomo silver tea service valued at 622.00. lie-1 sides these, other special prizes will oo onerea irotn lime to time. .'1 Candidates Any lady, married or tingle, in this and adjoining coun ties is eligible to a placo in tho con test. Tho most popular lady is tho ono who shall.receivo the most votos, nud to her shall bo given this high grndo piano. Other, caudldatos will receive prizes in order, according to their standing of votes. 1 Tle in Votes In caso of a tie, tho value of tho prizes will bo equally divided or u like prize granted to thoso tying. 5 Classes of Votes Thoso mo is sued in coupons as following: Now subscriptions, 100 votes for 61.00 Renewals, IJ00 votos for 81.00 Hack subscriptions, 1100 votos for 61.00 C General Instructions Names of contestants will bo priutoil in ordor according to standing and tho amount of tholr votes published regular after tho first count is made. Votos will not bo allowed on sub scriptions nt less than regular prlco of tho paper. Votes onco deposited in tho ballot box cannot bo transfered to another. Agents' commissions aro to bo sus pended during contest, ' No contestant will be allowed to compoto for more than ono of tho additional spocial prizes. Tho publisher will not tell whom anyone votos for, except in caso of al leged error or irregularity. Each contestant is requested to send i us a cabiuot sizo photograph for pub ' llcatiou as soon as convenient. Makeup your mind who you want, to vote for before coming to tho olllco as tho editor will positively not decide the matter for you. Contestants should keep a record ot ' their votes turned in each week, ami see that our figures verify it. All coupons must havo tho amount of subscription paid, number of votes cast, name of couteitant voted for and uamoof person voting written legibly thereon. ""Ail-award tig eomnilttodof fhreo to llablo business men will bo appointed to maku tho llnal count and' distribu tion of prizes. Contest to run not loss than ninety days; date of closing to Tjo announced about thirty days in advance. Tho contest shall oloso at 1 o'clock p. tn. on tho date to bo announced later. Two weeks prior to tho dato of j closing, tho Judges mo to take the) ballot box, carefully locked and sealed, to the bank announced, whoro it will be kept ou a tablo in tho front window during business hours, and in tho vault at night until tho close of tho contest, when the Awarding Commit tee will take chargo and make final count. Subscription blanks aud voting coupons will bo furnished upon appli cation at this olllco. All votes must be accompanied by subscription money. Sales Aqknts Wanted $10.00 per week or 400 per cent profit. All samp les, stationary, and art catalogue free. "We want ono pormannent agent in this locality for the largest picture aud frame house in America. Ex" purionco unnecessary. Wo instruct you how to sell our goods and furnish the capital. If you want a permanent, honornb'o and profitable position, write us today for particulars, cata logue and samples. Fiiank Williams Comi-anv, 1314 W. Taylor St., Chicago, 111. Pinesalve acts lue a poultice rJilZZiiZL2a ouivii all VtCtrDOilZeCl rOMUOJKUl DI8EA1E We appreciate A share of your Buisness and Strive to Please. WHEN IN OUR CITY AAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS. Moon Block naGK M AVryvvjvVxvvsUvAvVvsV' VvvvnAnaA' Saunders Bros. Lumber & Coal Dealers G&3K3ME39MB) Ulil) CLOUD, NKHKASKA. I Wo have In block at. all times a complote lino of Building .Nuiluiinl aud Clood Coal. Our prices aro reasonable. We solicit your patron age. Bell Tel. 00. Farmers Ind. 71 Don't Buy Land nor Loan Money on Real Estate without getting one. of Tool's perfect Abstracts of Title. The oldest and nfost reliable set of Abstract books In Webster Co. S10,0C0 bond died and approved. Represents six of tlie best In surance companies doing busi ness in the state. LOANS MADE on CITY PIl&PEUTIES O. C- TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Office In Ovorlng Block. Phonos: Bell 98, Farmcrs36 CATARRH m&& mpm. VJt. HAY-FEVER && r &k zn Ely's Cream Balm This Romody Is a Spoclflc, Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. CIVCS RELIEF AT ONCE It cleanses, soothes, lumls, aud protects tlie diseased luoinbrnuo. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in tho 1 lend quickly. Itostorcs tho Reuses of Tusto and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. ipplied into tho nostrils and absorbed, jargo Slzo, CO conts at Druggists or by rnnil; Trial Sizo, 10 conts by mail, t ELY BROTHERS. 68 Wtrren St.. New York. HARNESS Our stock of harness is complete and up-to-date in every department. If you are in need of any thing in the harness line, from a tie strap to the best hand-made work or buggy harness, call on us. We can satisfy you. JOE FOGEL North of Damerell Block. uianey MACK SEES VICTORY DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CHAIR MAN DECLARES THAT BRYAN WILL CARRY EAST AND WEST. REPORTS SHOW RISING TIDE Great States of Ohio, Indiana and New Yark Safely In tlie Demo cratic Column. Norman K. Mack, chairman of tho Democratic national committee, Is confident of tho election of Mr. Bryan as president. In a statement Ruminjiig up tho situation he said: "Three weeks ago It was apparent that the title had turned toward De mocracy, and that every outward evi dence pointed to a Democratic victory In November. Tho situation is far bet ter now than then, and I am confident m tho belief that Mr. Bryan will bo elected president. In fact, tho cam paign, from tho Democratic viewpoint, has steadily Improved with each suc ceeding week. As Mr. Bryan has pre seated the issuos In various sections of tho country, the peoplo have be como more and more convinced, that his election Is for tho permanent pros perity and host Interests of the na tion. "Of tho many ronorts I havo re ceived from the various states there .has not been one discouraging to our .cause. On tho other hand, nil of our information has Indicated that there will bo a roniarkahlo doci'easo in tho Republican voto. and this statement "applies alike to tho banner Republi can state of Pennsylvania as well as ,to states like New York, Ohio and Indiana. Mr. Hryan will not only ro .eelve tho majority of thp electoral vote, but ono of the greatest popular votes ever given a candidate. ' Says Fight Is Won. "The fight Is won, but wo must keep everlastingly at It for tho remaining two weeks of tho campaign. Our re ports have been of such an encourag ing nature- that I have at times had fears lest some of thoso on duty would, In their enthusiasm, let up In tho light, and my parting word to thoso at headquarters Is that they continue their efforts Just as aggres sively as If tho contest had to be won In tho declining days of the cam paign. "The Democratic party has a greater membership than the Republican party. Tho only question with ns In recent years has been to get our folks to gether In harmonious and united pha lanx. I do uot believe there Is a Dem ocrat In tho entire country who Is out side of the breastworks In this cam paign, nnd that Is the greatest reason to my mind why Mr. Hryan will bo inaugurated president on March 4 next. I will not attempt to glvo JIruics, but I will say now that Now York, Ohio, and Indiana aro Democratic this year, and my prediction does not tako Into con sideration a number of other slates that will swing from the Republican to the Democratic column on election day." STRAUS GIVES REASONS The New York Merchant and Philan thropist Declares Election of Bryan fcans Business Prosperity. Nathan Straus, tho great. New York merchant and philanthropist, in an nouncing his leasous for supporting Mr. Hryan, said: "I feel cure that he will be elected, and I say, as a business man, one who Is as much interested perhaps as any In the general prosperity of the coun try, as one who Is bound to feel per sonally any lack of prosperity among the masses, that I believe his election will be a benefit to all the country, and to all of the people. Those that talk otherwise, those that predict panic and disaster, as the result of the election of an honest man, chosen by an honest majority of the people, are narrow-minded and short-sighted, or pretend to believa that which they know Is not true, or they are seeking to obscure the raal and vital Issues of tha campaign. Mr. Bryan will make, a safe, reliable, conscientious president, a president for all of the people, the rich and the poor, the big man and the little. He will represent the American people, not any class, and for that reason I shall work for him until election and vote for him on election day." THE GREAT EXPLAINER. Hero Is a copy of a poster, headed "Laboring Men Attention!" which has been circulated In advance of Judge Taft's appearanco In a numbor ot cities: Come and hear HON. WILLIAM H. TAFT Republican candidate for ProBldont HE WILL EXPLAIN how ho secured his appointment as United States Judge through the lnfluenco of Senator For aker. tho attorney ot tho Stand ard Oil Company. HE WILL EXPLAIN why, as United States Judge, he put railroad men and mechanics In Jail by means of his INJUNC TION process. HE WILL EXPLAIN why he is opposed to giving the laboring man a trial by a Jury. HE WILL EXPLAIN to you why tho capitalistic class and tho tnu s and tho syndl " cates of Wall stroot aro support ing htm, whllo the laboring men are opposed to him, almost to a man. By Ordor of tho Committee. Of Course .He Favors Taft, Henry Clews, tho Wall stroot pub licity agent, has taken tho stump for Taft. This typical representative of Wall street dcclnros that Bryan Is nn safo and that Judge Taft will make nn Ideal president. A fe-w days ago ho ad dicssfd a big crowd of eastern bank era and, of course, opposed tho guar anty of bank depcaUa. Mr. Clews doi dared that tho guaranty bank plank, la "soclnl'r.tlc In J'u tendency and a far cry from trno democratic: princi ples, which oppdso oxces3lvo centrali zation ot power," p3SscxssijKK&t SPECIAL INTERESTS VERSUS EQUAL RIQHT8. In every utterance and every statement made so far Mr. Taft has shown great concern for tho welfare of the TRUSTS and 8PE CIAL INTERE3TS. He Is afraid that the guaranty of bank deposits will be a burden on n few big bankers. That thou sands of email depositors may lose everything dees not worry him. He Is afraid that a reduction of the tariff may hurt protected In dustries. He does not worry for the consumer, who bears the bur den of the heavy tax. He Is afraid to oppose tho TRUSTS, for ho considers them a benefit. Ho docs not mind the extortion they practice upon the Ml M! , l u . Ho Is opposed to a Jury trial in contempt and Injunction cases be cause the SPECIAL INTERESTS want the unfair Injunction process continued. The "Father of the Injunction" does not worry be cause the laborer may not get a square deal. The Republican candidate be lleves In an Income tax only when the present oppressive means of taxation fall to furnish enough revenue. In other words, he be lieves that the wealthy should not be taxed until the resources of the masses are exhausted. Not a word from Mr. Taft because the masses bear an unjust share of the bur den of taxation. Mr. Taft stands for the favored FEW and SPECIAL INTERESTS. Mr. Bryan stands for the PEO PLE as opposed to the INTER ESTS. , Mr. Taft stands for PLUTOC RACY as opposed to DEMOC RACY. Mr. Bryan stands for EQUAL RIGHTS as opposed to SPECIAL PRIVILEGES. WITH WHICH DO YOU STAND? WORKINGMEN NOT ALARMEE Tactics of the Sharpies Separator Com pany Fall A Republican Bluff Called by President Maroh. Tho efforts made by certain cm ployers to Intlmldato their employei to vole for Mr. Taft aro not suceed ing in the way the Republicans do sire. Somu time ago tho Sharploi Separator Company, an eastern con cem, In a desperato attempt to forc Its workmen to voto tho Republican ticket, threatened them with tlio Iobs of employment by closing down It! shops in tho event of Mr. Bryan's elec tion. The threat was merely n blnfl on tho part of tho company to aid the trust ticket and has been called by Mr. W. W. Marsh, president of thf Iowa Dairy Separator Company, ol Waterloo, Iowa. Mr. Marsh believes that Instead of business depression following the election of Mr. Hryan, there will bo business prosperity, Should tho Sharpies Company close Its uhops following Mr. Bryan's elec tion, and thus throw Its employes out of work, ho promises to give every man who loses his Job with tho Sharpies Company employment nt his own plant. In this connection ho has nddrcsaed tho following letter to Chairman Mack of tho Democratic na tional committee: Waterloo, lown, Oct. 11, 1008. Norman B. Mack, Chairman, Democratic National Committee, Chicago, 111. Dear Sir: I have soon' the throat of tho Sharpies Separator Company to close down their shops In tho ovent of Mr. Bryan's oloctlon. We, as tho largest manufacturers of cream separators In the United Statos, will ngreo, In the event of tho election of Mr. Bryan and tho throat of tho Sharpies Company being put into effect, to take the men Into our employ. In view of tho fact that 'tho finished product of tho steel trust Is tho raw material ot a separa tor factory, and under the present tariff the steel trust Is permitted to charge us 60 per cent more, and does charge .us 60 per cent, more than wo could purchase ln-the world's market, the' Sharpies Company must be talk ing as shareholders in tho United States Steel corporation rather than as soparator manufacturers. (Signed) IOWA DAIRY SEPARATOR CO. By W. W. Marsh, President. A University In Politics. JosophUB Daniels, chairman of tho Democratic speakers bureau, com mented as follows on tho appearance of Prof. J. Laurence Lauehlln of tho University of Chicago as a stump ' speaker attacking tho guaranty of bank doposlts: "It is not surprising," said ho, "to see a professor of tho University ot Chicago on tho stump opposing a measuro bo benoflclal to tho poor man as tho guaranty of bank deposits. John D. Rockettllsr and tho other Standard ,011 manufacturers can not be expect ed to favor Mr. Bryan's plans. "Doubtless Mr. Rockefeller has com municated to tho university which bis money supports and has Indicated that ho would bo gratified, to havo tho uni versity do effective work for the can dldato he favors In this campaign." The Cry of Politicians. Tho best sorvico that can bo ren dered for permanent prosperity is to rebuke tho assumption which certain politicians continually aro seeking to create In the public mind, that con tinued prosperity doponds on tho suc cess of a particular political party. Our form-of government contem plates changes from tlmo to time, and nothing Is so disastrous as to Instill in tho people's minds tho bcllof that there Is danger to business In chang ing a portion ot tho officers of our gov ernment. it tho people cannot chango their ofllcers without creating a panic, thon tho logical step Is to go to a mon archy, which, of course, nono advocates, A Dllllon-Dollnr Beast. The Klepjinnt i ats all night, The Klephant cats nil day; Eats apd eats with all his might. Strive how wo will His nuiw to fill Ills hunger wu cannot slay. Philadelphia Record. TTTttal 7VH?-. WHERE DO YOU STAND? Among other propositions be- foro tho public and worthy of W consideration, arc: $ 1. The guarantee of bank de- -:ft posits. $ 2. The election of United States senators by direct vote of the people, and 3. An Income tax levied on W large Incomes to help pay the expenses of the general gov- , ernment. Those propositions commend themselves to three-fourths of the voters of Nebraska. Bryan stands pledged to everyono of them. Taft and hlo party are against them. Where do you stand. $ To those atllictcd with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheuma tism, rineules for the Kidneys bring relief In the dose. Hundred of people today testify to their remark able healing and tonic properties. 30 days trial Si. 00. They purify tho blood. Sold by lh'iiry Cook. uromMlv oMnlnKl In all conntrlen. or NO ME. TRADC-MARKB, CnvrnU nuil UlyilKlUrt)(l tcred. H'licl Skrtrli, .Model or I'lioto, fur frrfl report on piurmniuuiT. ali. ousinkss STRICTLY OONriDKrlTiAL. I'ntcnl practice ext-luttTclr. MirixiMlnit rrf rrrnrr. iupawuxo invcniom pimiitu nnreonr uanu tiook on l!m to olilnln mid hf II alrnln,WliAt In. Vf-ntlniiHWlU tmv.llowlo iH-t nttnrtnrrjinilothfr Ymiuuuu iniorniAuon. nwu m o 10 any naurcaa. D. SWIFT & CO. L50I Seventh St., Wnshlnnton, D. C. Wood's Liver Medicine in li(,ui form for malarl.i, chills and fever, regulates the liver, kidneys and bind derbrpifM quick relief to biliousness, hluV.-fic'nuacliT, constipation. Pleasant to take. The 81.00 bottle contains 'J'j , times the- quantity of the ,0e size. First dose brings relief. Its tonic ( (.fleets felt at once. Sold by Henry . Cook. I MiiiiXun Pile Remedy comes ready to use with no..lo attached. Soothes, heals, reduces Itching mid liilliuiiuiii tioti. An operation for piles will not bo neeessarv if von use MniiZiin. Pi-leu ."Oc. Money refunded If not satisfied, Sold by Henry Cook. Free Free Starting Monday, Oct. 12, 1908 1 The leoee theatre Dinner Set Contest to All Lucky Individuals ,. 10 SETS Given away ABSOLUTELY PUKE, to the one holding the lucky number 1 SET GIVEN AWAY EACH SATURDAY EVENING Each dinner set comprises 48 pieces of the Eamous Sema-porcelain make that retail regularly at 87 50 per set. Dishes fiirnlshcd by Turnure l)ros and on display in their window Saturday, Oct. 10th 1908. Owing to an error on coupons the winner will not be required to bo in theatre at.tlrae of drawing. Only ono number drawn every Saturday and winner will have ONK WEEK to show tho lucky coupon. Start your accumulation of coupons aud win' one" of these beautiful sotu of dinner china. Remember contest opens Oct. 12 and continues ten weeks. Try Your Luck and be a winner. One coupon given away with each paid admission ticket of THE TEPEE THEATRE. SAY, niSTERI a 9 4 f -3 1 -a s -J i Do you know that It will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Hulldlng Ma torlal aud Coal at our yards? Not ouly that our prices aveiuoe lower, or at least as low, as thoso of our o6mpetit ors, btituKOAUSU wo tako ospeolal caro of and protect all can bo classed as R 13 UULAR CUS T O M E R S . PL ATT & Coal. . tMji-nminfpn'muMpnnKnnw" ,rm'ni!'i'rivirvtvVT''r(i!'n'niV'r'ri!it!r9,ri Winter in Ljiaat-.a California no in orio i n whllo the low (olmilat rules are iti' elTcet D.iih through tourist; slocpora via Denver, scente Colorado and Walt liake. Co ahead of the rush at the end Of tho month. H0HI SFI IIEUS RATES FIiNt and third Tuesday each mouth to tliu far west, northwest and smith west. These malm very low rate winter tours, SECURE AN IRRIGATED FARM The best chances ot the day In the Sty Hern Basin and Yellowstone Valley. (loveriimetit Irrigated lands'one-tonth down, remainder pro-rata in ten years without Interest. Corporation irrega ted lands equally cheap and favorable, A paritmo'inl and ruling fact In this rogon In the never falling water supply. Do not make your now home in any irrigated region without a full rtudy of tho water supply. Write fo 1). Clem Denver, tleneral Agent Landsecker.s' Information Bu reau, Omaha, or U. 13. Foe, Ticket Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr. L. W. Vaki:i.i:v, 11. P. A., Omaha. W.T Ring's Little Liver Pills for bilious ness, sick headache, muddy complexion;. They tone the liver; do not gripe. Thoy' keep you well. Sac. Sold by Henry Conic. Swift's Premium t Hams and Bacon Fresh Meats Wm. Koon Red Cloud. Nebraska. Free Free 10 FREES CO, Lumber. Kjvy f m wm '' )?y i frw t Hu 7r Si u. - n Sjg .j Ml ll' Ml JH'. ,v4 v w.