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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1907)
nr . !"ET -AnsVS. ii.j "fc-j NEWS OF NEBRASKA. &&&. t wmmmm tm 1 9' LAUNCH BRYAN BOOM AT OMAHA. Dahlman Democracy Gives Its First Annual Dollar Dinner. Omaha, Dec. 9. William J. Aryan's candidacy for the Democratic nomina tion was launched by the Dahlman Democratic club at u "dollar dinner" at tla1 Auditorium. Each and every ono of the speakers voiced the senti ment in tmenulvocnl to; inn. Tlio as Homliled crowd gave the honor jntcst, W. .1. Hrau. a hearty welcome .oen he cufeiv.'tho hall, and when, us the lnt of l!iu sj.calurs, he hiom the cheering was mo.-t vigorous and pro longed. Not contented with having him 3tand on the floor, the guests Iti-s:-tet on h;s mounting the table, whore all could see as well as hear. Soats wor'' provided at the tnbloa tor i.-jna and the audience numbered nearly 5 ')u0. Independents Cross River. IWalr Nth., Deo 9. The Hialr Indc per.aent Telephone company has sue i ceded In closing the tinnl arrange n.eiit3 with the Interstate Telephone company cf Iowa by which a wire will he put HCioss the Mlssouii liver at tin.-, point and near tlie present rail load bridge. Two seventy-loot steel lowers have been erected, one on each hide of the rlvrr, and the wire will be r'in stress at once. Tills will put WiUr In direct ronnection with all points In iowa reached by the Iowa l.m.s. Permission was ashed to placo yardarms from the bridge to sup pott, the wire across the river, but the Tfuliuad company refused'. & A I al i 1 Warden Ceemer Reports, fiiiroin, Dec. 7. The semi-annual report of Warden A. D. llcemcr, filed with the governor, shows that lor six months ending Nov. 150, 1007, convicts of the penitentiary earned $tS,15f!.99, of which 5t),0S2.ot Is unpaid by the pi Hon contractor. Tho total cost for this period for mnlntennneo was $27, f.atUa. The total per capita cost for (ho six months was $93.72; per capita earnings lor the samo period was $50.03, making an nctual net per cap ita cost to tho state of $48.09. Crawls Mile With Broken Leg. ' Ilyannis, Dec. 10. While riding on the Coblo ranch," Bert Mucin's horse foil jbroaking Deem s leg below tho knee. He crawled nearly a mile on hands and knees betore becoming ex- ( haunted. He then put in several hours in ahoutlng, suttcring keenly most of the time. Finally he sot lire to the range, thus attracting ranchmen, who discovered him while- squelching the llames. Want Insurance License Revoked. dincoln. Dec. 10. Representatives of eight lift Insurance companies wont befoto the state auditor and asked to have the license ol the Great Wosotrn ljfo Insurance company of Kansas City reoked. Thy charge that tho company giant rebates and issues spe cial contracts. Tho auditor asked 1 lint they make their complaints In 4he shape of n formal protest. Man Stabbed at South Bend. Smith Bond, Ne')., Dec. 7. Homer Foster was lound lying on tho street hero with numerous cuts on his per-1 Kn, ono of which, on his temple, bled tji profusely that ho was nearly dead from loss of blood when round. Ho has been working for Dan Phelps, a farmer. The authorities are looking jer his assailant, Lawrence Smith. Omaha Bankers Are Sued. Omaha, Dec. 10. Suit Involving the -ale of 8,100 acres of land In Washing ton and Yuma counties, Colorado, was started in district court hero Monday by Charles A. Sllford for himself, and as administrator of the estate of John Anderson, and E. P. Dalanler against Dnnlel M. Utter, Charles T. Kountze. V. II. Davis and tho First National bank. Suspected of Fifteen Burglaries. Omaha, Doc. 7. Ben Thomas and Iflrnost Duncan, two young boys, wore arrested and charged with the burg lary of several shops. From the varl rty of goods found In tho hoys' pock ots and at their homes and from the confession of ono of the lads, it Is thought they must havo boon Interest v.i in fifteen recent burglarlos. Buckingham Elected General Manager South Omaha, Dec. 10 At the an nual meeting of tho stockholders of tlte Union Stock Yards at South CJinaha tho following officers were elected: President, Robert .1. Dun ham, Chicago; vlco president, John D. Ooighton; secretary and treasurer, J. C. Sharp; general manager Everett Buckingham. Pumphrey Is Found Guilty. Omaha, Dec. 9. Charles Pumphrey, tho nineteen-year-old hellTioy, must be confined in tho ponltentlary for tho Tcmnindor of his life for tlie murder tf Han Pak, proprietor of a Chinoso restaurant at 130G Douglas street, last July. Belndorf Succeeds Abbott, Omaha, Dec. 10. Louis Boindorf iias been nppolntod city passenger nd tlkot agent of tho Union Pacific to succeed George E. Abbott, who goes to the Union station. Some Good Offers in Seasonable ill ULlLkj ilMMkMWl f1v AT m mm m QTa ar mss MIbf lf warm? mi m mjw m tmW ww f MM ftfW xtSREoJ ? fllf h' iiKSa! 3BS sua mm W rass 3 infsits9 War ' ' &AJ&zP Nothing nicer for a Christ- , mas present llian a nice dress. While I. haven't tlie largest stock ( of Dress Goods, have taken great pains in selecting my stock and would be pleased to show you before buying elsewhere. A nice line of Suitings in plain or plaids from 2J inches wide to 32 inches wide ; some of these are are part wool, at I5c to 30c A better grade than the above, 36 inches wide, from 30c to 50c All wools in 36, 44 and 54 inches wide, from, per yard, 50c to $1.25 nice line of Infa ' r -glis'i Bedford C ul Lrnj Coats, lined, Cape mi so i is embroidered. Long Coals with Cape, trimmed with silk braid and Cluny lace, prices from $1.25 to $3 50 Infants' Long Skirt with insertion and lace around bot tom at Mi wa 50c to 75c Art Linens A nice line of art linens, consisting of centerpieces in round or square. Pure Linen Mexican drawn work at remarkably low prices in DOILIES, TRAY CLOTHS, SCARFS, CEN TERPIECES, LUNCH CLOTHS. All new imported goods. Also a nice line of Infants' Long Dresses made of a good grade of long cloth and India linen lace, trimmed with lace and embroidery insertion around bottom, each 75c to $3.50 Infants' Bear Skin Hood, Cro cheted Hood, Baby Jackets, Bootees, Rubber Diapers, Wool Hose and Wool or Cotton Vests. dBmtifam &w.r v aft Wbl k' : f'' 5y w ni?n w?i . n "'i Sft ' ml Outings A full line of Outings in all weights from 8 l-3c to 15c Hand Bags Children's Leather Hand Bags with the "3 lucky signs painted in colors at 25c. Ladies' Imitation Leather Hand Bags at 25c. Ladies' Imitation Leather Hand Bags with coin purse, card case and looking glass, 50c to $1.25. Ladies' Genuine All-Leather Hand Bags with coin purse and card case, from $1.00 to $3.50. Gloves Golf Gloves in all colors and weights at 25 and 50c Wool Jersey Gloves, self fleeced or silk lined at 50c Ladies' Mittens with fancy back and ribbon bow at wrist at 50c. Yarns I have the largest, cheapest and most complete stock of Yarns in the city. Kleisher's Shetland Floss in all colors at 10c per skein, 3 for 25c. Saxony at 8c. FMsher's Imported Zephyr at 12AC per skein. A large line of Fleislier's Knitting Worsted and F'leisher's Spanish Yarns always on hand. Knit Goods In Scarfs, Fascinators, Hoods, Baby Jackets and Slippers. Collars We have all the newest styles in Collars. Planen Lace Berthas, Planen Collars, Silk Embroidered Col lars. Oriental Lace Collars. Handkerchiefs Children's Picture Handkerchiefs Ladies' hand kerchiefs with hemstitched border from 5c to 25c. Ladies' Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs with lace and hemstitched and embroidery borders, from 20c to 50c Christmas Suggestions THREE DOLLS GIVEN AWAY. With every 2Sc purchase we give you a number. The one holding- the most tickets gets the largest doll. The one holding the first draw gets the next largest doll. The second lucky number gets the next doll. L XF HAF an established reputation for co r- - 1 v ryinrr the largest and most com plete line of LACES AND EMBROIDERIES in Webster county. This month's Butter ick Patterns 10c and 15c none higher. H B HIIMIIHnretAU i arc I I I I I