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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1907)
rIJ!lHnMW'iMrv AKtotCfo-tGKXXfWGM-tfifTrX, Ha , THE RED CLOU) CHIEF Ml 1 Subscription Eight Pages All Home Print 3i o. i ear in Advaunce ? 9tW!JlCCTVi,.K JiRtVHM SIOBieV W T; VOLUME XXXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER (', 1907. NUMBER !!! ," k M w r s I) ' V Ge Ready for Christmas Our full line of Holiday Goods is now here ready for your in spection. Seeing it while it is complete will suggest suitable gifts for everyone on your list. We urge you to come as soon as possible and as often there after as your time will permit. Chas. L. Cotting DRUGGIST Red Cloud Nebraska A California Utter. Wiltowbrook. Oil.. Nov. Is. I'.iOT. );ir Chief: 1 want to tell you :i little snore about southern California. We are having very pleasant weather. There were House rains in Oetoher anil tin grass is quite green siow. The roses anil ger aniums anil many other llowers aro in liloom. We have hail no frost anil everything is lovely. W" osove to Long ISeaeh our day last week. There are four huge war siiy anchored there not lar from the pier The.v use lately from the Philip pines There were suitors everywhere in the city. They have some of the Filipinos ith them The ships -ne the arinured crsiisei-. West Sirgiuia. Penn sylvania. Mai'laud sind Coloi-ado. We stayed in the evening t see the elec trical disj)lay. The auditorium and I'io iiH'iiiiii tin pier were e lit trrl.i out lined with what looked like huge gold beans, also t.he largo bsrth house, the hand stand and sonic other buildings, nun tlie -hip-at sea were lighted up. It. a grand sight. Long Mcach is jt vi.ry interesting )laee. a good jilaee to live 5: a person has pleni, ot money or paVin business. This i- a great cnunts'.v for automobile-. The roads are rood. On our ay home twenty-four automobiles passed us, besides as many snotoreyeles. They have a very pleasant enstom here in Comptou of entertaining theold people at what they rail a ".sunset so trial '" A eotnsnittee is appointed of the younger women of the ehurehes to make the preparations ami all the men and women in the town anil vicin ity that are seventy or upward are in vited That just look me in last No vember and agiiin this month. All the put-tors and their wives wesv present. We snet isi the Hible class s'omsi of the Methodist ehureh. lter visiting awhile, we were, called out on thesleps to hstve our picture taken. In the front room wee Mr. anil Mrs. Secly, former ly residents of Kod Cloud. His age is ninetvtwii and hers eighty-one. There w.Miin' old lady in that roons who was ninety-three, and osie who was eighty five, and a gentleman of eighty-nine. The otheis were ol all ages down io noventy, I'Neept one lady who said she was sixty-eight, but she came to bring her husband, who was much older. There were thirty-thive ol the old peo ple, none of them native Califorsiiaus. but people take a new lease of life when they come here to live. Afles a boiiutitul dinner it good program was well rendered and the faiewells were Hpoken. all hoping to be present at the mooting next year. We all enjoy life very much here. There are sio cold snowy days to divad isi the winter, anil no hot days and nights m the stiisjmer. K. M. K moist. "Picking From Puck." "Pickings froiss Puck," Diibinsky Hi-others' big spectacular psoductioss. which ran for uesirly a whole season isi New York assd hsis had big engage ments in other eities, comes to lted Cloud opera house Friilny, December lltth. "Pickings from Puck" is said to be one. of the most gorgeous ami ela borate presentations of this class of entertainment over exploited in Amer ica. The opera house inauagcinciil personally guarantees this to be tin original company and will be present ed here with the same cast and com pleteness as when seen recently in .New York and Chicago. ffBirASl(Vi((k,t&i( Deaths and Funerals. JffFlSmmT3ff-'i ficorftc Hcaton. (ieorge Hcaton was born isi HadolilV. l.sincashire, Kngland, May :iO, lS'lSiind died of cancer at his home in Walnut Creek township. Webster county, Ne braska, Dec. 1st, l'.H)7. Funeral services wore held at the late home, conducted by Rev. Mahlon Points of the Tinted Hsvthron ehureh and interment was in the Walnut Crook cemetery. At the grave Mr. Cooper, an old noighhor, isiado a short talk in which be told of souse of the many kind doeils performed by the deceased. Mr. Hcaton caisic to America in KM with his parents, who lirst settled isi Somerset county, Pennsylvania. There wesv in all ten boys its this family, of whom only two survive hisss .lames, living isi Schuylkill county. Pennsyl vania, and Samuel, living three miles east of Ited Cloud, lie was married to Miss Anna Huston November ". I S.V.I, in Tovertosi, Pa. In ls'ii.", he moved with his family to lllissois and in MT1 to what is now Webster county. Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending Tuesday. Dee. :t, fus'ti'shod by the Fort Abstract Co.. 1. II. Fort. Manager. (ieoriro S. Hwalt to .lennie S. Kwett, wd. pt sio i!T pt no so se -.'s-l-r.' (ieorge Hcaton to William Ilea- ton et al. wd. s sw 'Jil-l-IV nnie llesitou to aron llealon et ill, wd. s se lie .'I.'-l-l'.' unii' Hcaton to William llesi tou . t al. wd. uw .'. se '.'M-IV. . . L. A. Mittthios to August Piing stoss. wd. I I b I Uu-chow's sidd. Him- Hill State of Nebraska to (ieorge W. King. wd. uw no y-l-l(i .... State if Nebi-ssska to (ieorge W. King, wd, n nw IM-I-IO Sarah M. Potter to Kdwiml llan-m, wd. Is 10-IL1 b lit II. C. . . L. 11. Kust to Albert K. Smith, wd. Is iM-.".' b H It. It. add. I!. C. . Albert K. Smith to Silas A. Fin eher. wd. .same (ieorge L. Columbia to Fs'jsnees Al. Clark, wd. sw se US-l-'l Laurence L. Huron to William K. White, wd. ssw sw W-'MO ... 1 1011 I .'so .Mil) I COO .Ml .'100 .00(1 Columbia toOmerCs'owell. wd, Is '.HO in l'M-10 ii'Oi) 1'osa L. Chiimbes's et al to L. K. 'Tail. wd. Is 17-18 b 1.1 Smith A Moore's add. 1!. C Abrasss K si ley to David Watson wd. Is 10-1 '. .same H. K. Hrubakor to Charles S .Mill ,i)l . Norrisetal. wd. pt nw M-'.'-lu , 11)011 flTOIt.'ii Mortgages tiled. Sail) I. Mortgages released, ?'.'S:i0. . Sears. Roebuck tt Reindicted for Fraud. I The I'nitoil Stsite.s cousts have in dicted Sears, Roebuck ,v Co., the large jniiiil order house, for using the I'niteil 1 States snails for fraudulent purposes. They must now answer in court same as sissy criminal. 1'nele Sam is siow busy protecting the public from deception assd fraud through the advertising of such concerns, I Scars, KochucktCo. have been indict- , ed on three counts, but this does ssot j issean that they are not guilty in many oilier instances. Much more evidence is already in the luiiuls of the govern- incut oillcials. A mtsrriod womsin applying for life in Niiraiiee in a t'uteriiiil Imm-lil Kiwli.t v lli.-i t issues policies on the lives of married women Is held in Mcrrbna.i v. lirand Lodge 1). of II. (Neb.) 8 L. It. A. (N. S.) 1W.1. not to be required to inform the society of evidence of pregnancy diseov- ered subsequently to her application and physical examination. Denver bank recent 1 y recoi veil the following note signed by one of their lady patrons whose birthplace was the emerald isle; Mr. Cashier: -Please stop payment on the check I wrote out todav as 1 aecidentall v hiirneil it. nn it was snade payable to myself assd had been endorsed by me.'' K.. Business College Notes i . m. sri w.Mtn, i'iirsiiu;M. The siornusl departinent opencilup in nice shape Monday iuo.tning. Prof. C. M. Wrignt spent Thanksgiv ing with one of the students. I). A. limine of Lawrence Nebr. ent ered the IliisiiiessilcnartiucitU his morn ing. Music students should hurry and en roll. Muse. Ilsssideriip, principal music department. Notice to Bidders. Scaled proposals will be received at the otllce of the County Clerk of Web ster County for furnishing supplies to said County duringtheyear llius. to-wit: I.ASS . l.Sl HOOKS. vquiro Plain Kccorils.inodiuni. per book ' printed head i coords prisstcd page records " "' " ta lists, double-demy. " " double-cap " " Patent backs, per book. Canvas covers, per bonk. All records to be. inside of Myron Wes ton's best Ijineii Lodger paper, extra hound. . Tax I.Vceipts for Minjif Tax lleceipts for P.MW for carbon. Kvtrsi for printing year in red. Chattel mortgage llle-. ..s(.Nin-s" scliedules. n -r HUH). Assessors' seiiedille lib . Lithographed wuvrsiuS. per luiiu. Meres-sjble document iiivelophs. per too I I. II TloX StyMM.II s Poll books for elcetio i I'.itjs. per 100. Poll book envelopes, per do.en. Ilallot las for vote east per Instructions t r voteis per doen. Flection peneils per doen. Il,-s n. 1. 1. n l. III.WUs. Whole sheet cap bltpi.ks. pur HHi. IPilf sheet cap bias.., T pe.- I'M) (Quarter sheet csip bliinks. per 100. Kighth sheet cap blanks, per Kill, i t..s r. iiri'K'i: si viioxr.isv. I iilc. Diamond. Carter's. StalVords or equal, per iii:iit. Pens, (ilucineuin Spcnccriass. per gross: M. V. Uroiuid Point Pens, per gross-. Ksterbrook's or (iillet.te's, per gross. Pencils. Perfection Xos. '.' to I. per gross: Faber Nos. . to l. per gross: Hai'iltmuth Koh-i-noor, per do.en: llsirdtmuth Koh-i-noin copying, per doen. Hai'dtissuth Mephisto copying, per iloen. Penholders. Tower's Malik No. 'l(it). per do.en: Faber's cork-tipiicd, per iloen: plain polished ceilssr (swell). per gross. Fs-asers. Uubber No. III'.', per do.en: 1,'ubbcr No 101, per dozen. ri,.ss i. i.i:rri:uiit:.ns. mi. Letterheads, I'.'-lb. I'l-anklin or eipial. per I (KM): iiotoheails. 7-lb Fraiiklin or ciual. per 100; envelopes. No, jNo.l rsig. per 1000: euvidopi'.s. No. 10 No. I rag, per 1000. All of said supplies to be liist-elass isi every respect asnl to be furnished in 'accordance with the ivipihviuonts oft the various county ollicers. Said bid r . " ,"m'1' '" n"' s,"u "' ' w,t ' housami , Dollars, must be filed with the CouuU Clerk on or before I',' o'clock, noon the "list day of December. I'.MtT. on Dated Red Cloud. Nebr. Deeembei :'d. I'.tOT. l,i:i DiToiit. ( ounts ( I. rk Notice to Bidders. Notice is hereby given, that the Hoard , : of County Coisimissiossoi.s of Webster Countv, Nebraska, w ill on .Isismui", l'. ' I'.Mls. open bids tor the hislhliisg.-tsiil re pairing all wood and steel bridges re quired, lor the period ot one year All bids must be made according to plans and spccillcsitiosis 011 llle in the eoussty clerk's otllce ami shall specify separately, the sum bid forsiipe.rstriu tuie per linear foot: piliugsiud tubular P-i's per Uneiu; l....t; lumber in caps. sVV"-Vh i,n" -'.' P' -"-usau,l in , l,,u,,"! ,,n "iwr sl,,', in -"b-triii.turt. ; ,,,,m' 'u'1' '" l,U,,,,, l!,,is fnl' "ltr-j ; .g work to be bid per unit quantity So fur us known the follow ing bridges will bo hiiilt: One steel spstis bridge .'IO ft. long, sieross Willow Creek and others as may be determined b.v the County Hoard at eoiitraet price for the j year HMW, and such other business as isiay be ordered by the Moai'd. All bids must be accompanied by 11 eertilled check for t.Vio and filed with the County Clerk by P. o'clock, noon, December t'Ttli, 1U07: said check to bo forfeited to Webster County in case successful bidders fail to sign contract within ten (10) days fs-om date of award ing ssiid contract. The Hoard reserves! the right to reject any or all bids. Li:i: DkToiii. County Clerk. rj:XA:-:::?:?:-:t2::tc:-:ri'f:r::s'; 'A m mr . tj ft OCriOOl INOtCS J SK. . ... . ,,. ,'?, dC--K&MuWnX.AXJ Miss McCiitcbcn the lngli school prin- clpal spent her Tlianksglving vacation in Hastings. A Stsite Normal instructor visited the high -chool last Monday and gave si very interesting talk to the scholars. Carl .Icrnberg who w'as accidentally shot in the right leg while out hunting 'V "lnesday siftornoon of last week, ' recovered to siioh anoxtent thatlio is .igain able to attend school. Professor Moritz has borrowed Mr. Overing's surveying instruinent and is giving the Trigonometry class lessons in practical survey ii.g. He is teaching them how to use the instrument and take observations, also how to com pute results after the observations are taken. Nih I'omiiiI uulluu;. M'lic following regulation; have been issucil by the third assistant postniastei genet al: Post i-'sirds and postal cajds mail ed nudes' covet of scaled envelopes tr.iiispiireut or uthervise ) aio cliaigeable with postage at the fust ol.iss'iate two cents an ounre ol fi action thereof. If enclosed in tiii Stfiiled envelopes, they are subject to postage uncording to thelchatacter of tlie message at the fust class rates if wholly or partly in writing, ot the thitd class rate one cent for e.tch two ounces oi fmetion thereof, if entiiely in print, and the postage should be affixed to the envelopes covering the same. Postage stamps affixed to such cards inclosed in envelopes having an opening exposing the stamps can not be lecogni.ed in payment of postage thereon. However, when such cards, properly addressed ami prepaid, bearing no matter tender -ing them unmailable under post mas ter general's orders Nos. .d, para graph 5, and 539, paragraph .), when sei.t openly in the mails, are inclos ed in cnvelopts, it will be assumed that they were inadvertantly placed under cover, and they may be le inoved therefrom and dispatched without additional payment of post . !,We lillllllllllllllllililllinillilliiiiiiiillililiMiinimiiiiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiiinmiiii l , ZZ Hmummjj u u ! 1 n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiftiiiiiiifiiiiitiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 iMigyyyyg A Pure, Wholesome, Reliable Cream of Tartar The cream of tartar used In Dr. Price's Baking Powder is derived from grapes in the exact form and composi tion in which it occurs in that luscious, healthful fruit j Improves the To !he Healthfulness of the Food Its Use -a. Protection and 8l Guarantee Against Alvim AMERICA AT SEA A Scries of Articles Dcstrih Inp , In the U. S. JVinj No. :i PAVL I'. nt.ACK'm-RN, Unveil, V. .S. N.iv.. The American Man-o'-Wnrsman at WorX That the Atnerieau tiavy is intend d to do serious task- wliou tlm ofiu.ioti arises is evident to the isitur aboard 0M f lUr muI1 u. WH lur1K ll(rklnit linut'H. At f o'clock in the murium.' tie bugler blows the "rnveillo" and "nil hands" turn out of their hummocks. Cotl'ee is served and there- is flu for a smoke before the boatswain's unites pipe "tin n to." The salt watei for scrubbing down decks Is turned or., and witli trousers rollc I up and send bing blushes in haiid, the dock fore pioocods to clean up the ship. At7c clock (.by which time I hey have worked up a good appetite) the decks are drv, and at 7:110 the workers go to brent fast. At 8:15 t ho call to shine bright work is sounded. All the brass wos gets its morning polish, the dookn ate swept and everything Is inside tidy fc r inspection. At 8:.'t0".siok call" issound ed and the sick, Initio and lav.y report to l he doctor for treatment. Then at !l:l.r the whole ship's company musters at. quarters for inspection. For the next hour one of the general drills, such us 'lire quartern.'' "general epiar tors," ' collision drill," "abandon shin drill," etc , will takeupthotinie. From lDt.'totill 1I..".U there will be gun drill, "ping-pong' or ".Morris tube" practice, loading and sighting drill. At 11:';" woi k ceases, the decks mo swept and th men prepare for dinner. At noon there is an hour for dinner and then mine drill till ."..:t0. Willi llfteeti min sites for quarters and sotting up drill in the lute aft rnoon, tlip regular day's work ih completed. Supj'wr h SWVt J at (i:00 p. in., and "taps" is sounded at :0.l p. m. The drills are varied so Micro will be no monotonous repetition of the same exercises. Wednesday is "rope yarn Sunday'' and the men devote the drill period in tiro afternoon to repairing and putting irr order their clothing. .Saturday the ship is cleaned from truck to keol in the forenoon and the afternoon is n holiday. Sunday uo un necessary work is done. The captain inspects the ship and where there is a chaplain divine sorvico is held. Not content with tho regular work, the am bitious member's of the crew dovotu their leisure hours to study and thus lit themselves for promotion to higher rank. A Concordia man who had ftllA) in a local bank in that city roased so much that the banker finally gave him his money, but paid hisss .silver, lie had to get a wheelbarrow to take it home, and now he has to lie awake slights for fear that someone may oarr. itoiT while lie sleeps. Kxchaugc. Baking Powder Flavor and Adds Food