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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1907)
n. Jt Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care fully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A We publish our formulas Wo banish alcohol from our modlelnoa Wo urge you to consult your dootor yers Netrce to Bidders. Notice is hereby given, Unit the Hoard of Comity Commissioners of Webster County, Nebraska, will on January 15, 1008, open bids for the building and re- i pairing all wood and steel bridgeb re quired, for the period of one year. j All bids must be made according to plans and specifications on file in the 'county clerk's oiliee and shall specify i separately, the sum bid forsuperstruc tun per linear font; piling and tubular pli'ih per linear foot; lumber in caps, sways and bricking per thousand in place; all other sUel in substructure pound price in place. Ilid.s for repair in;, work to be bid per unit quantity in place. Si farasknown the following bridges will be built: One steel -pan bridge ltd ft. long, across Willow Creek and Who makes the best liver pills? The others as ma. be determined by the J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell, Mass. Omnly Mount at contract price for the TM .... I . ln 1 1 n n AifnnV Dill, tn .... VICTIM OF fMOOTING DIE m Nethaway Sat in Court With Revolver. Senator Allen Endangered. m Norfolk. Neb., Dec. 7. Mrs. Netha- ftjy way succumbed to her husband's fa shots. It was Nethaway'B wish, In a f letter he left, that the two tragedy fft victims he burled together. It trans- m plred that lormer Senator Allen nap 1L rowly escaped death at Nethaway's f? hands twice this week. Monday ana 1$ Wednesday Nethaway sat in the dls- (k trlct court, just behind his wife, with JL a loaded revolver In his pocket. He resented Senator Allen's efforts to so- ffl cure alimony for tho woman. It Is I'M uettcvcd, nan tne case came 10 inai, & Ml Allen would have been shot. The f? IMPpl WP A R The best silks, the most at- 2; !fSiQf;r S?ph, Ketha"a' wUl ,gcf! J; iIE.LlLEiL.tractive colorings, the neatest to $10,000 Hfo Insurance, Nethaway left lt t . i -i .. i i r i l three death messages, one for the ,E of single boxes that we could find. W daughter and two for his sister, Luly ' fa Nethaway, who Is traveling in the ff) . , . . ..-. . .. , ,, ,-.-. to state with a theatrical troupe Those ffl QH K SI ISPF.NDRRS. Ml FF .F.RS & ifiwnv a " ii THIS YEAR THIS STORE nas made special effort to please Christ mas buyers. m to m to to to to to to to to They have been making Ayer's Pills for over sixty years, ir you nave tne siignt sst doubt about using these pills, ask your doctor. Do a3 he says, always. Alidr by 11 1. J. O. Ayor Co., Lowoll, Mats THE CHIEFS GALE vrv : Kvungelistle Meii1ng- m i J.rethren ehnrch " " gelist I. ampin of Illinois. C -mil' n ctt lust Sunday muni i'g to continue in definitely. Will cm time m-xt week MIOS. iumI such other business as i lie ordeied ny the Hoard. v I l)i(ls iiinsi li ue niipaiiied by a lei din It l'ir s.".n) and filed with unt.i ' l ti 'i o'clock, noon, nber'JTni I'.t'i : iiit check to be i'd to Wfiisii'i I'ounty in case sfulbi f- .it. to sign contract ntiMj( i-t m dutetif award do cum ' l ie Ikiiu'ii ' ves tli right to reject vi nil In I.iji: DisToint, County Clerk. in silk and wool in the new shapes. Catarrh - A Guaranteed Cure One thousand retail druggist, who arc the leaders ot the drug trade of the United States, and that means the world, tatcd by liradstrcct's and Dun's at twenty million dollars and whose retail business aggregates over seventy million dolhvs- annual sales, have agreed to give then name, finan cial backing and endorsement to the guarantee that Rexall Muclv Tone will cure, any disease or A REASON The Rexall Rctntdtes 'deserve confidence. As all these Remedies are grouped under one name they must succeed or fail together. There must be no weak links in tlits chain. One un worthy remedy would trouble anstne lrom catarrh ov they will icfund uie money. We f "'can disaster for the en arc proud of our connection with 'r P- ." S Si . . . .-, , VJVllllllUlt I'Ul 1.1IU31U till. tlic Kcxan Kcmcuics, particularly Rexall Cough Cure and so ot Allien-J one, uccausc a rem edy must bo something out of the ordmai v to get our backing. It is not al' profit that leads us and our one thousand associates into ciMo'iifig this remedy; it is our Jens -jl experience with medi cines :u' our knowledge of them that makes us believe that Rexall lUucu lone is a bona-fidc discov ery i'o- lite cure of all ailments d'to to catarrhal affection. Wc know that it is not a cure v all, but remedy built on scientific line' and not a patent medicine as each one of the one thousand druggists knows its formula and ju alue It has one great addi tional value besides curing consti tutional catarrh that it is a sys tnu builder. No such tonic was ter before designed for the cur ing of inllatnmation of the mu cus membrane nor can it be improved on in the present age. Just stop and reason with your- c1f fnr rnn rtiinutn. Wf nrf fin- ing busines right here in your t2?t&S, linusu v-uum k aiiuiu iu unci ,s at stake. Can you our name and endorsement to UMucu-Tonc as we do if wc did not know that it was an honest medicine? Could wc afford to agree as wc do that wc will re fund every penny paid us for the medicine if it does not benefit. All we ask is the customer's word and the empty bottle and we hand the money back. No signed certificate. We believe the public, especially the sick, are honest, certainly every sick per son who suffers from any of the following ailments should take ad vantage of our ofTcr to-day. Rex all Muctt-Tone cures catarrh of the nose, throat, stomach, intes tines, liver, kidneys or bladder, and any who are convalescing from sickness of any kind should take advantage of our offer and purchase what we recommend as the best tonic ever sold in a drug store. Wc have a large trial size tit Av cents and wc guarantee it or refund vour mnnev. H. E. CRICE, Druggist gtexagg Two-Collar House Coats, Gloves, Mittens, Slippers, Handkerchiefs and all the other little things that go to make the ;L must valued gifts for a man or boy. -J? 1 to to to to to to to to to navu not uecn opened, lu. isetnaway, father of the dead murderer, says tho ' second' shot was undoubtedly Intended "' for Mrs. Fred Harder, who sat with 'f Mrs. Nethaway, and whose hat was (i Eliot off. Mrs. Nethaway died In the L city hall. W to TWELVE THOUSAND IN FINES. i Nearly That Amount Levied Against 'f Men Convicted of Land Frauds. fl) Omaha, Dec. 7. Since the nrosecu- l tion of the land fraud cases In the , federal courts at Omaha during the ' , .1. i ..?.. . ft fines asscsed against the land men ft V I Wk o n H I iXr' r I ( A I " fti Is $11,825. Tho fines In detail are ua rt CXILKJ. V V lil VV- VriL 1 kJ -J- follows: Bartlett Richards. S300 and -'i tbnf rivf cntiQfnrtinti wp nlwnvc b?itrr nnrl fMc ,.o ." $l,fi00; W. G. Comstoclc, ?300 and $1, r00; C. 0. Jameson. $(")00; Aqullla Trlidctt, $500; John and Herman Krauso, $1,300; G. G. Ware. $1,000; It. W. Mahaffey, $00; A. F. Hatch, ;Iv that give satisfaction we always have and this year " to to to more of ihcm than ever to to to to 000; A. D. Todd, $1,000; Fred Hoyt, $1,000, and Harry Welsh, $300. Of the thlrty-ono case thus far tried for vio lation of tho .Jand laws twenty-six convictions have been secured. There yet remains twenty-three cases to be tried. $300; i). m. Goutiey, $300; syhes & ffk 1 would appreciate your business and wiil give you f omiui, ?z-o; i. ai. nununKion, 9i. m satistaction or return ioo cents tor every dollar. ft ' ! to l..l Ci-., 7oA to ram oiwi gjp were not cured by it, how could we expect you to place any faith thereafter in the Rexall Dyspepsia Cure or any other member of the Rexall family? You can understand, therefore, why such anx ious care was given to findiiiK and clioosiiiR the remedies to which the name "Rexall" was given Wc have ad. nutted none to this cir cle until our committee of experts had been con vinced by investigation and test that it was the best remedy known to medical science for the ailment it aimed to re lieve. Who should know bet ter than the leading thousand druggists of this country what are, .and whafare not, effi cient medicines? Remember, the success of our enterprise depends on the merit of each t'- tlividual remedy. Our doubt that in buying a Rexall Remedy you are buying the best that science and experience can give you? For Nervousness Rexall Americanitr Elixir, 7Sc For Constipation Rexall Orderlies. Price, ioc. For Cougbs Rexall Cherry Juice, large bottle, 25c- And- 196 other Rexall Rem edies for 196 other ailments. Balk on Wages of Convicts. Lincoln, Dec. 9. The chances for tho Lee Broom and Duster company to got convicts next year for 50 cents a day to make brooms are pretty slight. Some time ago Treasurer Brian said he would not vote for a contract which only allowed 50 cents a day for tho work of tho convicts and Secre tary of State Junkin said the same thing: Mr. Junkin said he favored putting in a binding twine plant or lotting the convicts do nothing rather than again hire them out to this com- puny for CO cents a day. Clark to Be Granted Hearing. Lincoln, Dec. 9. Governor Sheldon said he would today grant a heating to Harrlhon Clarke, tho Omaha negto, who is under sentence to be hanged next Friday In tho penitentiary. Clnike was convicted of hilling n htreet car conductor. Ilenton Bell, an other Omaha colored man, Is in Lin coln to plead for Clnikc at the hear j Mig. Moicy, and not legal rights, now coiibtituto the plea of Clarke's friends. to (Aft to Clothier A &&&&&&&&&&&&&$& THE BISHOP FUR ROBES Nethaway and Wife Lie Apart. NoiTolk, Neb., Dec. 1) The plan to bury V. R. Nethaway and the wife whom he shot to death on a train here side by side was overruled by Mrs Netlmway's grief stricken par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dally of Ord. The dual funeral was favored by the parents of tho suicide and murderer. Both tragedy, victims wero buried here in Prospect Hill cemetery I THE STORE Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. t It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to tlie kidneys, but now j modem science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. . The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneysnre weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or ' feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon is your kidneys are well they will help ull the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make uo mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary eiieci 01 Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It Hands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent tiid one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle Homaotewaap-itoot. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or , T rT . T J i T - T I A V 'til T "A r- - UZ Best Made Bought direct from factory 48x60, $11.00 54x66, $14.00 These robes are manu factured from whole skins, being the only house in the world that makes this kind of a robe. Call and see them before buying. Joe Fogel Tho Harness Man 441 N. Webster St. Just Received, a Car of FLOUR AT PLUMB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. Read the CHIEF for the latest News INFLAMMATOItY RHEUMATISM CUItED Il 3 DAYS Morton L. Hill, or Lebanon, Ind nays; "M wife bad Inflammatory Rheumatism in over rauiclo and Joint; her nufferltiK was terrible aud bor body and face wero swollen almost be yond rocoKiillion; hud bten In bod six wmki bladder trouble. Mention this paper auU hnd 0gh, m,MviBt , r(ipolv0(1 , when writiiiK' to Dr. Kilmer & Co '; R- ben0flt until aho tried Dr. Detclion'a Relief fo, hamton.N.Y. Don't make any mstakt uheun)atIlinii lt KHVt. llllinwl,Mlp rellot ; hut rftiiiiiili(r thi inline. Swniiin-Root. . ... ' ' but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, lliut-hamton, N. Y on every bottle. she wab ablo to walk iibont In throe dav. 1 ntr mire It kbvmI bur llf " nU) by II. E Orlr-P ' DrugKlBt. Red ('loil . Albright Bros. Undertake! s We cannot afford to do less than satisfy in quality, style, price and give to you our person al service and careful attention. Calls Answered Night or Day Rural and Bell phones at store and residence. 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