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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1907)
te THE RED CLOID CHIEF TRSXmninamxnKffSXmnfm &r Subscription $1 a Year in Advance Eight Pages All Home Print !smcwejmwiwS. VOLUME XXXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. NOVEMRKU 29, 1907. NUMJJER J? k i M V rv .? Get Ready for Christmas Our full line of Holiday Goods is now here ready for your in spection. Seeing it while it is complete will suggest suitable gifts for everyone on your list. We urge you to come as soon as possible and as often there after as your time will permit. Chas. L. Cotting DRUGGIST Red Cloud Nebraska Council Proceedings At a regular adjourned of meeting of the city council helil last Saturday evening in the. otllce of city clerk luirt. Members present Mayor Caldwell and eouncilmeu Wolf, Dicdorioh and Met 'all The report of L. 11. Hlucklodgo in tho matter of the sale of lots l.'t to Ul hlock 7 Harbors addition to lied Cloud wus read uud aeo.nitod. The vote standing Wolfe and Diederieh for and MeCall not voting. The net proceeds wore, ordered turned into the city treasury. ordered the night watch to lirre-!. the propietors of tho gamb ling and pohe.r dives and take them before the police judge ti bo dealt w'.th according to law. The council ordered the mayor to hire Mi-. L. II Hlaekledgo and toheuiu leal ji-oceeding uuninst Air. I.. t'ra liill to compel him to raise the -tree! car trucks li grade ami put in crossings Council adjourned. While hunting on the Hedge farm, north of Hod Cloud one day last week Otis Logget picked up what he at lirst wipp.)-od to be all ordinary icd colored stone but on closer examination proved to be a tomukawk. The stone was very neatly bored and well shaped. .Mr. IJrea Hedge informed us that he. had Frequently .seen such stones while plowing in the Held on this but that as they were so numerous he had laid little attention to them. Commissions' Proceedings (Continued from lu-t week.) November ',".'. I0o7. County commissioners met with .JI nienjbers present The following claim wore illowed from tlio. general fund: Wolfe ti Heardslee W H Anderson . W Rich inls J 0 Overman H ! Sawyer , T.I Chaplin , .fid to :. lo Is uo .V I'm 77 :to :.i on A A lforeu i (10 C Hoed '.'I OS IIKIIXIi: I'l'.Mi .1 M Mills ti 00 John Anbushon ! .' 00 ( leo Chuison 1 :i r.'i Al Turner :;.' 00 Klins Lock hart :si 00 C McCoy . r. :.() Western Hridgc Co tooo 00 (Jhis Hunter :t7 77 tins Novoe.k -'. II .10 Chicago Humbor Co 1SS 1)11 Saunders Hros ;i 10 tft J II Coply ti 00 Fred Lampman '. I') 00 V A Good . .' OsO 1 1 Chls Hierhous ; I :.';. eo(S Holt 7 Or. Melt Michaels 'jn ,,',,i W Johnson ir. 00 .7 VV Knight : ' 17 VO 35 F Hudson ot al V hflull ' .'07 ! Tho notice to bidders for bridges and bridge work was ordered publish ed. This notice will be found in another part of this paper. Tho contract of H. W. Coplen as Hitperiiitendontof the county poor farm was extended from March 1st, loos to 1000 and his salary, was raised from $150.00 to 51100.00 per. year. Hoard adjourcd to meet Deo, !lrd JW)7. The following claims were rejected: 00' 80 00 I 70 ' 00 ;o ftO Stole Same Tools Twice. Last Friday night Ernest Moranville was arrested by SherflT Hedge- on a warrant charging him with having stolen ii grip from Doe Nelson contain ing veterinary tools valued tit SCO. Ho was takon to county jail, where ho confessed to tho theft and told where he had hidden thorn in tho alley back of tho livery barn. At his hearing before County Judge Kdson Saturday morning lio entered a plea of guilty and tho value of the tools hav ing boon reduced to Sill ho was given a lino of 320 and costs. This was tho second time that. lie had taken tho tools, he having taken the same grip the daybel'o-e. A Guaranteed Attraction. Theater parties from all surroiiiuliug towns as in tho city will bo numerous Thursday Uoeomber ."ith, when Fred (1. Conrad's notable revival of the ''Two Orphans" will bo at the opera house, lied Cloud, Nebr. Many have seen this gieat play, but those who have and those who havo not, felt the power of it will be (dually attracted, for Mr. Con- I rail will reveal it. to us just as the auth Jois wrote it and Kate Claston plays it. J I lor own version, with especial author j ity from the one MY. Conrad uses The de-ire to see this play may well bo keen for no play-portrait gallery of the mom ry Is complete without the fam ous blind girl, tho crippled Pierre, the j beautiful sister, the She-wolf Frochard the countess, thu self-sacrificing Mari anne, the Ministnrof Policoand Picard. Money in the Dairy Business. That there is money to be made iu the dairy business is shown by the results obtained by our old friend Sam Liudsoy. He has the cream check, which ho received for the past ten mouths, during seven mouths months of which he sold the cream from live cmv.s and the balance of the time of only throe cows, and at that his chucks foot up to more than three hundred dollars, beside which he has had cream and butter for his own family and the increase from the cows. School Methods. Switzerland, to which many point ti.s having a model government, has ideas in the conduct of public schools which might well be adopted by this country. In the city of lieriie, for instance, a permanent exhibition for school hygiene lias been established. In the city of Hasei the hi bora 1 School union has adopted a resolution doinan ing obligatory instructions in swim ming for upper classes of the public schools, the erection of school sanitar iums and tho completion of an insti tute for school physicians. Much one of those improvements moans that Switzerland is taking care of the bodies, as well as tho minds of the children of that country. Kaeh one means that instead of pushing the childien through their hooks, orov ding them from grades high school as rapid ly as possible and high .school into tilt ing world, care is taken of their physi cal well'aio. of their general health, comfort and safety. Switzerland 'sovi dent purpose is to give to the world young men and women who are well rounded iu something beside algebra and geography The natural hurry up methods of America mark our school work. Too much attention is paid to the. task of making graduates and too little to the infinitely greater and more impnrtaut' duty of making men and women. Perhaps we may borrow some of the Swiss ideas. I5y all means lot u-. absorb a higher re gurd for the boys and gods than we possess now. Unooln Star. Wo. wonder what would happen if tho .school board of lted Cloud should attempt such improvements iu school methods, even if we had plenty of room iu the school building. Would not Some one circulate a "petition protest ing" against the hno.vrio.N. of improve ments, or tint enforced baths? Or would there be found enough public spirited citizens to purchase thu bonds soi that even a much smaller improve, monts muy he made whether the Location suits them or not'.' C K Vaughn SUO 15 V Hudson witness fees H .loft" Caraway cut from S'.'tl 00 to. HJ F J Uerlaoh 3 JHCarr putting up election booths 10 I. KTaiteut from 127 lft to 1!M .1 MM ills putting up election booths 1 The following claims were rcferr to the city of Hod Cloud: John Athcrtou '..... tft Koon Itros ft Itohiuson&Hurdcu IS .1 V Moranville 113 Tohu 11 Osborne 7 To the Lovers and Learners of Good Mu sic of Red Cloud and Vicinity. Tho Ked Cloud Buslnoss Collego has again made a step toward tho advance ment of suocoss by securing tho ser vices of Mrs.Mattlo Hutidorup who is known throughout tho country for her talent as ti musician. Sho is a coruotist, teaching tho same and isa to ichor of tho violin, mandolin, guitar, and piano. Tho music studio is in connection with tho collego and all those wishing instruction on any or the nbovo instru ments will pleaso call at tho college olllce mil mako arrangement e, Hero Is a chance to learn music at homo. FOOTBAIik t'WV Arf'WW'W'W'W'WAWVirJ Crescents, 0; Hlftli School. 0. The Hod Cloud Husincss Collego had arranged for a football game with Smith Center to be played on tho homo grounds Thanksgiving afternoon, but that team backed out after all arrange ments had boon made and tho game ad vertised, and the Hod Cloud high school agreed to take their place. In order to overcome the dilllculty arising from tlio difference in weight between the two tennis, a written agreement wa- ' vn up and signed by the captains i loth team- . the principal ot the hij.-'' hool and tho president of tho busim -- col i.-gr. smuiig uie mies ui-u sii.mi.i j wns p,v,l(.iu.,niV IJi'v. Mr. White: the observed during the mime and pmvid-, ,IllUcd lJrothroii pastor, tn tho Molho uig penalties for their violation. M ,, ,.,. Monday afternoon at I lie nay was rather cold, and the sky clouded, making it an ideal day for a football game. boul three hundred spectators witnessed the game. Music was furnished by tho Citizen's Concert baud. The high school got the Icic'volV and the game commenced. I hiring the tirst half neither side scored, nor made any decided advance, the high school boys surprising everybody by their ability to hold their heavy opponents. Tho second half was much harder fought. ! Some disputed points left the final out come In doubt in the minds of many of this spectators, oven ufter the game was over. The score was ollicially given after the game as .' to 0 in favor of the business college, but this was later amended to 0 to 0, on account of what was at first called a safety play by Henry Pharos fortius high school hnv- ing been a touchback. The game was spoiled for the spectators by an almost continuous rag chewing performance. Carl Jurnberg. the regular center of the high school team, was accidentally shot through the leg while outhiiuting yesterday morning and was unable 'to play. The lineup of both teams was as follows: iifsi.NK.s.s coi. 1. 1:01:. Marsh re It Kill Sl.'IIOOl.. Rob'niMin Walt 01s Johnston Hiiies Burden Smith rt 'HT c Ik It I II Kellogg l.oy Tool Heck with (has iceiiogg m o 1 iu 1, ur Harbor lo Jones quarter Hnrroughs. cap Hi Nelson full Lane Hi Johnson II 1'i.ares, cap Slier Pharos Hedge Phil Sherwood Time of halves, as minutes. Ucforcc, Haines; umpire, Palmer: head linesman Minor; timekeepers: Sherwood mid Low- don; ground olllcer, Miner Sherwood. New Harness Shop Established. Al Slaby has opened up a harness shop iu the building formerly occupied by Win. Latta for a rostiiraut. Ho will carry a full llneof harness of all kinds. Wliile all of his stock has not yet ar rived he is looking for it at any time. He will have a competent man' to do all kinds of harness repairing. We bespeak for him a share of your pat ronage. 1 Accidentally Shot. 1 While. Carl do.rnborg and his cousin, Arvid Anderson, wore out hunting yes terday morning tho former was acci dentally shot through the right leg by the latter The bullet entered outside of his leg between the hipaml the knee and passed through iu front of the bom making only a flesh wound, ami long ingsu Ids clothing. Jernborg was im mediately brought to town and the wound was dressed, and ho is getting along now as well. ms could bo expected, The'injnry is not thought to beserions. Jernborg was the center of the high school football team, and his place was takon iu yesterday's game by Heck with., .Ternbcrg Is saving tho bullet which cansed his Injury as .a souvenir. CORRESPONDENCE Interostintt Items Gathered by Our County R.oportors vWAA''WAAr'W''W'W'W BLADEN Mrs. Minnie llierhausand Miss Clara Hicrhaus departed last Friday evening for Slater, la., where they will spend some time visiting relatives. Fred Watson of Kiverton visited at the homo of his aunt, Mrs. .1. W. Mc Coy, ii few days the tirst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hoffman left Monday morning for Lincoln, where they expect to visit relatives for some time. Herb and Allen McCoy were up from Covvlos Friday night visiting at tho h to of tho former's parents, Mr. and . - .1. W. McCoy. 1211 Collotte wont to Concordia. Ivans.. Monday morning to see his daughter llcatriee, who is attending school at tho convent there. tJoorgo Uoss was a Campbell visitor Monday night. Chas. Spencc and K. !. Soloman wont out to Trenton Monday evening on business. Miss lllauohc Uiggins, formerly of this place, died at MoCook last Satur day evening of tuberculosis and tho liodv was shinned here Monday morn- I :,,,,. ,-.,.. 1,. ,..;.,! MM... f...i..,...l v...n.,.ii 1 ill LI I'll illll llllt Ill, II, 111, 1,1 .-III111W1I 1 o'clock and the body wirs laid to rest in the I'lainview cemetery south of town. Miss Uiggins was nineteen years, ten months ami tiiree oay.s old. IiavJVi u h,Js (f fl.fni,K t() ,,. her loss. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Uiuld went to Omaha Tuesday morning, where Mrs. Itudd will cuter the Mothodisthospitnl to bo operated on for appondioitis. Mrs. August Morkemoyor and little daughter went down to II ickinan Tues day morning to attend the wedding' of her brother. Long Distance Telephone Rates. The state railway commission has ruled against the proposed discontinu ance of the present night schedules of long distance telephone wires. In Kansas and Iowa the companies recently abolished the night rates and made the day rates apply to all long distance service. In those states, it is said, the railway commissioners have no authority over telephone linos. hi Nebraska telephone companies are classed as common carriers ami are mi- dor the jurisdiction of.the railway com mission. f.. ...... ..!... !. .1 . f t ., ,, 1 1 11 iioiioiiiicnig ii.s decision ine .no- j braska commission said that iu cases whore orders are lmvoii before 0 i. m ror connections after that hour the day rate might be charged. , ! hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuMiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiHiiiiiHHiuuiiiunnunirfiisH: S ; I 11 111 TmM tfH 55 I S I EE Hlinmnimilllllllim A Pure, Wholesome, Reliable Cream of Tartar The crcm of Urtar used in Dr. Price's Baking Powder is derived from grapes in the exact form and composi tion in which it occurs in that luscious, healthful fruit Improves the To the Healthfulness of the Food Its Use a. Protection and ec Guarantee Against Alvim Notice to Bidders. Notice is hereby given, that tho Hour.; ! oi louniv i;oininissinncr.H oi woimitr County, Nebraska, will on Jnnusrji X'i, . 11108, open bids for the building and re pairing all wood and stool bridges i. -quired, for the period of one year. All bids must be made according J. plans and specifications on tile in tl county clerk's ollloe and shall snociJj,. separately, the sum bid forsnporstoiM -turo per linear foot; piling and tubub. piers per linear foot: lumber in cap, sways and bricking per thousand b place; all other steel in Nubstriicttrrx pound price in place. Itids for reput ing work to be bid per unit quutitilr. in place. So farasknowu the following briilgv will bo built: One steel span hrilj,n-. .'It) ft. long, across Willow Creek ntvt others as may bo determined by tin. County Hoard at contract price for Urn year 1110s", and such other bnsino.-H j may bo ordered by the Hoard. All bids must bo aocompaniod by ;. certified chock for SS00 and tiled wit tho County Clerk by Hi o'clock, uixu. December ','7th, MI07: said check to Jv forfelted to Webster County in cast successful bidders fail to sign eontrav: within ten (10) days from datoof uwiuc ing said contract. The Hoard reserves the right to rejovX. any or all bids. Lrr. DnToiit. County Clerk- Real Estate Transfers. For tho week ending Tuesday, Nor;-. U0, furnished by the Fort Abstract tji . I.. II. Fort, Manager. Lincoln hand Co In Silas A Fin- ' , eher vvd Is :t I b .". Is IS ft. Ml MO '.' I '.'I b s Is fn 17 '.'0 VI .,l-,.,0 b l U IS ad lied Cloud S liilbort S Uroutt tw Hymn O Hent wd uinl 'j sw sw is-'l-y . Hdith Hryiuit et al to M'ary J Mcintosh vvd Is 1-0 b 10 Lel)uo.-s ail lied Cloud John lirccnhnlgh to A J CraiL vvd pi n no I -'MO. also bs f and tt Covvlos Sidney . Pounds- to Frances Hiieek vvd s ne It-I-O Lincoln Land Co. to ClaasUoMo wd a lot of lots iu lloseiuoiit ... Oscar W Fmiok to WiliianiLane vvd n 11 w :i0 M0 Malissa hunt to Pardon IBFafr tleld wd Is .'Il'.'.V.'ObStfuideltbck (loorge F Hunt to I 'union K. Fairfield vvd Is-,V.".'I blMJnidoICook Joseph Hunter to James Wattr vvd Is 10 pt 1.1 b 0 (hiide Uock... Martha l Horn to James Watt vvd I 1 1 pt IS b ii (luido'Koeki... Laura M. Thome ct al to Pivif erick Homhiigcrqcdpt nw 18-1-1 V L II Fcls to David S Phelps wd I IS I) 17 Hidden Knunu H Hichcndc rfcr to IavId S Phelps Is 1-1 b .1 1st ad Hindoo John H Hlaiue to John N Hnt chins wd s 111: .':.' Hi Lorenzo I) Thomas to John H Hlaino qcd Is S ii b ft Cowlcs .... William llolsworth to Alfnif Decker Is 1-0 b I Lutz ad f.'C .. II C Chevalier to Jemima Jli Collum vvd Is 17 IS b ;t Spence'it. tf ad Hindoo too liillCt tfrcr tmet iivir Tftc-1 Jrl - VUr tJH. V win 4UOO VJKUV 'jr.Kitv Mortgages tiled. Sir.Oiitl.SI. Mortgages released, ?ati00.0O. Baking Powder Flavor and Adds Food