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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1894)
SSgSSS wii iwfci'umiwxmfwtMi mifcriflfl i1Tfllll'Tl'l'"T "''" iii,iiiHi ww i IP- ' ' THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY J (J, 1894. j'jMhiM'.ffa'iUifti (ar,. u. . !N I' i ft h ft 'THE CHIEF SW0R1T CUMULATION 1,300. !ES A. C. IIohmhi, Killtor. I.AiiorTAiT. AsU l-ocnt Kdltor. Ilcptiollcan Convcnllon. The Republican county convention for tUo nomlnnllon of candidates for tho of fices of county' attorney mid rep resentative, for tho choice of dole Rates to Honntorinl, float loprrRon tatlvo, congressional and Htnto conven tions of tho party, and for otlior regular business, Ir called to incut nt the court hbUso in Red Cloud on tho 1th dny of August 181)1 nt 11 a. in. The townBhlps will bo entitled to representation ns fol lows, allowing ono delogato nt largo from oaoh township and ono for onch ton votes nnd major fraction thereof cast for Hon. G.W. Knloy for regent of the Stnto Univorelty ot tho oloction in 1803: Itoavor Crcok fl Dntln H Cntborton .1 Klin Crook 5 Oarllold , R Glonwond '. 8 (lulde Rock..... 12 Hnrmony fi Inavato : . 0 Lino f Ouk Crook 1 Ploasont Hill 7 PotRdnm r 7 Itod Cloud townshii '.' 11 Red Cloud 1st ward 1U Red Cloud 2d wurd - 17 Sttllwutor Walnut Crook 1 Total 12.1 It in recominondod that towneliip cnucusca bo hold not Inter than July 28, 18111. lly order or county central coin- S. K. Cozai), Chairman. R. MoNitt, Secretary. Lincoln foola ub proud over hor now viaduct bb a littlo boy docs ovor hie now red wagon with tho wlicols nil greased with mud. Tin: Bemtlo has piiBHud the bill for the admission ot the' territory of Utah, an a Btate, tluiB adding tho 45th Btar to tho "Flag of tho 'Freo.' Tiik city council should wnsto no timo in pabsing an ordinance oBtnblishing a u iiro limit. They owe it to tho people whoBo proporty is in jeopardy, by all kindfl of combustiblo materials that aro allowed to accumulato around tho busi ness portion of the city. Gov. Altgeld ot Illinois inter feres, 1'rendorgnst will hang today. The culprit should linvo boon dispatched to tho Lhappy hunting grounds Bomotimo ago. lie wiifl aituply ono ot tho most cold bloodod murdorors that has ovor boon pormittod to live in modorn times. Tins week our sanctum tablo was graced with a handsome periodical with tho "Nebraska Editor" emblazoned on tho first pngo in "caps and email caps,'' by Walt Mnsonniid R N. Morwin. Tho magazino is dovotcd to tho interests ot newspaper men in general and especial ly to tho press of Nebraska. It ia neat ly printed and teeming full witli bright Btiyings. Such a mngnzino should tind its way into every well regulated print ehop in tho state. Tub great etriko is still on, although President Cloveland has admonished all good peoplo to refrain from disturb, aucos ot any kind. A great deal of proporty has boon destroyed by the law lessness ot tho mob. Ono thing is cer tain, that thoro must bo n national law that will compel arbitration on tho pnrt of corporation nnd workmen nliko nnd thus euve tho country all ot tho critical nioinonts that they havo been forming through the Inst few days. TitKitK seems to bo no reason why Hon. Jas, MoNony ot this city, should not re ceive tho nomination next month at Holdrogo for congress on tho republican ticket. He is far more ubio, politically and otherwise, than any man that has been mentioned yet for that distin guished position. Ho is a man of ro mnrknblo attainments and a ninn who could not be induced to swerve from , what ho thought was right undor any circumstances. TIiobo are tho men who should bo placed in responsible positions. There has been too much shortsighted ness displaced herotofoio in tho soleo- L L-tiu of candidates for congiesa. Men ought to bo solected, not only for their political ability but for tholr statesman ship, of in other words men who aro ablo to copo intelligently with all of tho great questions oi moony, ntm ir, MeiSony is one ot those men. The imbecility of tho domocrutlc mn- ' jority in congress in its raid on reciproc ity, which its mongrel tariff bill repeals, 1b gradually percolating through the brains ot tho roople, and tho crime ugaiust tho country committed with eo much hilarity will givo ri&o to tho ugliest indictment ot tho imbecile democracy I that will bo presented in tho coming 1 miniiintmi. To ilin font lii.rlinml i.lnirmi so porslstontly miulo by the democratic steororo, which they have oven taken pains to embody In elate loports. The following extract from a late report of J tho British consul general at Havana is a pretty conclusive answer: British trado with Cuba hna almost become n itung or. mo past; nuu u ne'er tho recont reciprocity treaty tho United States practically supplies all the wnula .of tho island nnd receives all Its produce. A ... ... Machinery, which formerly i'Jwuh Inronlv Riinnlled 1)V Hnifliinu. f!ur. lunuoy, Franco and Belgium, now noarjy ill comes from the United States; and e machinery required for tho vast mount of sugar manufactured in Cuba immense and of great value. Xh reciprocity treaty between Spain fl and United States would appear to bo mainly bcnollcitil' to the hitter nation. Articles such iib machinery, iron, steel, coal, etc., which formerly came princi pally from Kuropo, and continue to pny duty when imported from Uiobo coun tries, aro admitted free if duty when coming from America, bo that tlid former trade is fait disappearing, although soino articles of Knglish manufacture and of superior (junlity are stlll.ablo to compoto, notwitliBtanding tho duty. Tho free admission of Cuban Hiigar into tho largo markels of tho United Status is of eo lira', the great inducement for Spain to enter into mi arrangement by which sho sucrillced a considerable portion of hor customs rovenuo. The ef fect of tho recent reciprocity treaty bo twoon thn United States and Spain in regard to hor Went Indian colonies hits boon to throw nenrly tho cntiro Cuban trado into tho hands of tho United States traders, with uhom importors of goods from less favored nations can not compete, having to pay by the terms ot such trentyrhighor import duties. Of courso it is no news that tho solid south nnd British interests aro indlssolunbly wedded in tho war against nationalism, but tho great Higuillcanco of the unholy alliance is perhaps bettor set forth in thn above report than in any previous olllcial document that has been issuud in oithor country, Tho southern brigadiers have dono their pnrt now to give back the trade to Great Britain that tho .genius ot liluino and Harrison wrested from her and tho British government and manu factures will Boon do tho rest. Stato Journal. President Cleveland has at last seen lit to make olllcial communication to tho public on tho subject of tho railway etriko. Ho Iuib issued his proclamation admonishing all good citl.ons of Chica go and Illinois against aiding, counte nancing, encouraging or taking any part in unlawful obstructions, combinations am) assemblages, and warning those al ready thus engaged to disperse and rotlro to tholr rcspeetivo abodes. This warn ing is prefacod by a recital that such unlawful obstructions, combinations nnd assemblages exist, and that tltoy have, in tho president's judgment, mailo it impracticable to enforco for tho ordi nary courso of judicial proceedings tho laws ot tho United Stales within the territory described. Had tho president issued tills procla mation as soon as his judgment was formed that judicial process could not bo carried out by tho civil authorities in the Btate of Illinois, or at least. beforo ho ordered thn troops of tho United States regular army to intorfero to prevent tho interruption of interstate commerce, ho would havo desorved general commenda tion for ills nation and might thereby havo bon spared tho ncccssity-of call ing out tho federal troops at all. Hut the proclamation of this Into day, savors a great doal of shutting tho barn door attor the horse has been ntolen. If such warning ia necessary now to protect and save tho innocent, it was ciiually, if not more necessary a week ago when tho United States soldiers wore first, sent to tho scene of disturbance. It looks like a belated elTort to rectify what tho pres ident now recognizes to havo been a mis' take. As to tho exact itatus in which Hub proclamation places the state of Illinois, and moro particularly the city of Chica go, tho language ot tho document is sin gularly obscure and inexact. Whothor this is designedly bo or not in order to Uavo an avenue of relieat for tho orcsi- dent, no matter what h may do, can only bo inferred. In reality, Chicago is under martini law and Iuib been tor a week, Tho piesident does not declare martini law to exist, but simply says that ho belioves it to bo "impracticable" to enforeo tho laws by the ordinnry course of judicial proceedings. This is substantially an assertion of tho exist ence of iiiBunection or rebellion, for only in such cases is tho president auth orized by the constitution to employ tho military forces to supplement tho unsuc cessful etrortB of tho civil authorities. Tho writ of habeas coinus certainly re mains available bo long as tho courts are open and undisturbed. Tho Wal status of Illinois, then, 'is somowhnt of an anomaly, it lias been so from tho moment tho federal troops wore ordorod to assume control, and tho president's proclamation does not alter it ono iotn. Bee. The following olllcora wore iuslnlled at a regular meeting of Bon Adheui Lodge No. M l. O, O. R; P.O. -Win. Million. N.O. W. B. Uobv. V.O.-W.W. Wright. Perm. Sec. O. C. Bell, R. S. N.O.-L.Crabil. U.S. V. (i.-Oeo. Hendiick. W.-A.J.Caroy. Con.-J. A.TuIImh. The lodge in proi-pciiug lluely and receiving ninny now members. is I ho following lawyers registered nt tho Holland hoiibo this week: A. D. llannoy, A. M. Walters and R A. Sweezy of Blue Hill; P. A. Wells and V S. Morlan of Mct'ook; M. A. ilartigan, John Stoeim and Oon. Bowon of Hast ings; Attorney Wood and J. Fassett of Omaha; II. R ThomiiH, .Joseph Slmlmtn of Crutn; Thus MuCusker or Lawrence: K. I). Fletcher of Franklin. "Uen." Lo gan, tho court reporter was also occupy, ing a place in tho inner circle at the light hand of Judge Beall keeping tab on tho bo)s. tiilhltiK Mruiiiic Intelligent people, who roall.t tho im portant put Hie lilooil holds in kapplng th body in a mrmal nmlitlon, 11 ml nothing alrnngrt in tho number of ills tasoi that Hood's H.tmnparllls Ii nlilo to eon. So many treublcn rtsult from im pnre tiloml thit thn brut way to treat thtm ia through tho blood, anil it in titr bettor to um only liannlenH vogstablo omiBUlula t lint) to iloao to exceau with quinine, cnlcnifl nnd otln r Uiugn, lly treating thn bluud, with Knod'it Barsa pnrilla, BurofnU, xnlt rhuniu ami what at commonly colled "huiuorp;" ityBpupsIn, catarrh, rhnmntlini, neiirnliH,coiiiiinp linn nnd other trenbleN that orlgiimlb in impnriliei of the bloou or impaired cir culation, can nil be cartd, EDUCATIONAL NEWS HAPPENINGS IN OUR SCHOOLS. furiiUliert by County Miporlnlf intent 0. Iff. Ilunlrr. The Webster county teachers' in stitute opened Inst Monday afternoon witli an enrollment of soventy-thrcc, a largo attendnnco for the first day, On Tuesday the enrollment was ninty-Ovo. Tlicro nro moro to bo in attendance, rfuino young peoplo aro attending, not for tho purpose of pre paring to teach this year, but to get ns much benefit from tho instruction given and from tho association with teachers as possible, others will teach their first terms of school next fall, and ato attcntivg. and industrious, gen erally. On Monday evening a teacher's so cial wna held at the school building. All seemed to chj y thetusolvcs; some games were played on tho school grounds in tho cool of tho evening; rofrcJhtnonts consisting of banuanas and oranges wore served, and after singing sonic patriotic songs all went to their homes and boarding places to r?it and preparo for tho duties of the next day. Tho- Song "Patriot is used by the institute in tho opening exercises both morning and afternoon, Tt seems that there has been no time in our country's; histery in which patriotism has bttn moro greatly needed than at tho pre sent. The glco olub consisting of members of tho inslituto lead the singing. Supt. Geo M, Caster is onnducting tho recitations in arithmetic, algebra, grammar, composition, physics and civil government. It is needless to say that thoic olacscs are safo in his hands. Mrs. 0. C. Cast tcaolus tho classes in orthography. U. S. history, botany, physiology and theory and art of teaching. 11 ir work is woll done as UBual. Teachers who were at tho institute two years ago are pleased to havo Mrs. Manvillccf Crete with them this year and all who undtr her instruction arc glad that sho is ono of our teachers. She teaches geometry, geography, pri mary methods, book keeping and draw ing. She does excellent work. Wo hope to have many sohool oflicrs and patrons of our schools visit the institute next week. Some of the visitors this were Messrs. L B Thornc, matt, and Mrs. W. K. Thome of Bla dta; Mr. J. S. Buster of Guido Rock; Mr. 11 B. Pnyno of Otto. Rev. Hull of the M. K. church con ducted the opening exercises on Thursday morning. Dean McBrian of Orleans college will lcoturc this Friday evening at tho Congregational church. Dr. lsaao Crock, ohanoellor cf Wes leyan university, will lecture next Monday evening at the Methodist church. Prof. J. A. Bealtio of Cotnr Uni yersity will lecturo at tho Christian ohurch next Wednesday evening. These lectures aro given in oonncctiou with tho institute and aro frto to all who attend. On Thursday evening tho enroll ment was 01). Notice. Tho Webster County Mutual Protec tion ami Ann iiorso Tiller association moots in Cowlea, tho Inst Saturday of noon month, at 2 p. m, tf Tiios.Houoso.v, Sec. 4.'lllllll I'l'OVlMlllldM. Council met, minutes last meeting rend nnd approved. Moved and ennied thotBtreot commie- sionor bo instructed to inform ull per sons who hnvo dofectivo Bidowalks to llx snmo at oneo, or tho city would tlx walks and chnrgo same to taxes. On motion by Murtin, seconded by Pulsipher, tho following bills wore id lowed and warrants ordorod drawn on tho genoral fund: Minor Bros 6 71) DO LP Albright 30 Do LA Aullz 1 20 Win Million 2.10 P Bnrkley fi 00 (itittn IVrchti Rubber Co f08 H5 C K KvniiH A C llosmer Plait A Frees Co PBarkley Sherwood ,: Albright J II Wegmann Red Cloud Firo Dept (5 K MnKeeby LA Aullz 2 00 10 Oi) :i ii; 8 on 12 20 10 Oil 70 (X) 18 01) ii) Robt Dumoroll (1 00 A 'lompson 1 00 i l Wegmann 14 25 .1 a l'arkcs 8 00 I) J My ora 4 IX) J S Pnrkes 13 72 R M Martin 27 50 Mrs Hnney 14 tK) AUlIoamer 23 00 V A Wlllt..,o l m i ' ....M..w. , i (ni 1 L? Parke it r0 wj-'wemt. 8 n:i A Morhnrt..... n 70 Koley & Blakeeleo i so OW Ilow.'; 1100 .T W Warren 15 00 A 11 Kaloy 10 00 CW Kaloy ,. 2 00 Election Board 20 00 I) . Myers 8 00 CDOatfB 10 00 CM Smith , 0 75 SBayles 7 80 BFMizer....- 2 25 Lll Beck 2 50 Myers iUohor 1.1 05 Grand Lodge I O O F 00 00 John Bnikloy 7 00 .......... 4 40 On motion by Pulsipher, seconded by Martin, tho following bills wero allowed and warrants ordered drawn on wntor Uvy fund: John Jesflon g 5 00 Jerry O'Connor 13 50 ' 13 50 ". " .10 00 .7 N Bent 1 50 Wm Brown , 0 00 J M Sellars 40 00 J Barkloy 7 00 J Bnrkley 2t 00 RH Wilson l 00 A Morhnrt 30 00 H KPoml 3fl 00 KA Douglas 0 75 W Vincent 27 00 T.I Wind : s 00 J h Millor 2 00 J M Sellars 40 00 WBRoa ; 4 r,0 Henry Failor 7 50 On motion of Schntlnit, seconded by Mm tin, tho following bills wero allowed and warrants ordorcd drawn on occupa tion fund: .James Abel ,. r0 TWIIatlield I.. 200 CBKelley & Co 59 63 tico Sinelsor g 75 S W Foo o 00 W l-'WBt ,'Jl 50 V WilliiiniB 2 00 OA .Miller If, 00 Jos CuiiiniingB 75 Council adjourned to meot July 14th. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Wor'd's Pair Highest Award. ' StijcrUrrn' Iruccodlti;a. July 10, 1891, board met, A HHotrman chairman, 12 mombors present. Minutes last mooting read and ap proved. Motion to adjourn to 1 p. m. I o'clock p m, board mot, Hoffman chaiiman, 13 mombors ptesont. Comniittoo on ofllcinl bonds mndo tho following report:. C J Olson, O II R D No 0. Felix Killough, O II R D No 21. A P Hilton, Constablo. M B McNitt, Soldiors Roliof CommiB biou. John H McCallum, Soldiers Relief Commission. W II Patterson, Town Tronsuror. Michael Carl, O II R D No 43. II W Hubbard, Justice of tho Peace. II S Sandors, O II R D No 20. V Detour, " " 1. Stephen Cozad, Deputy ShorifT. S K Conrad, " " W F Kenklo, O II R D No 31. By motion, bonds wore approved. Moved and carriod that chairman ap point a committoo ot three in conjunc tion with tho county attorney or some otlior attorney to look up nil complaints beforo tho board as on assessment, non pay ment of taxes of any year. Chair man appointed Crnbill, Sprnehor and Kaloy. Moved and carried thnt board appoint L H Fort, county clerk, as 11 delecrato to roprcsent Webster county at tho next siaio uoarii 01 equalization. Application of Bonj. Garner asking for appointment of nppraisora on school laud leaso on nel se4 and so 4 bo4 1G-2-10. Chair appointed as committoo to appraise emu ninn, 11111, opracnor ana iNorriB. Moved and carried tlmt board allow J Kindflchor and L II Fort their oxponso for ntteiuting meeting of tho supervisors and clerks under township organization thnt was held in Lincoln. In tnattar of application of Geo. Cur ran to bo admitted to Soldiers and Sail ors Homo at Grand Island. Motion mndo and seconded that appli cation bo granted. Motion to adjourn till 0 o'clock tomor row. Wednesday, July 11, 9 am, board mot, Kindsohor acting chairman, 14 members prosont. Committoo on appraisal ot 11 o4 eel and set eel 10-3-lu report as follows: Nel bo 1 sec 10, town 3, rango 10, 87 00. No4 se 1 sec 10, town 3, range 10, 0 50. Report wiib approved. Report of L 11 Fort, county clerk, for 1st and 2d quarter was read and ap proved. In the matter of annexation of Ethor tou'H addition nnd Outhwalto'e nddition to lied Cloud, papers wero referred to county attorney. Now coined S A Iteddennnd roproeentfl to tho board that his personul taxes for tho year 1887 aro not paid and ia willing to pay said tax, provided tho county will strike oil' the interest. Moved nnd seconded thnt it Roddon pay tnxon intercut bo struck off. Moved and ennied that original mo tion be laid on tho tablo. Now comes J S Oilham on behalf of C (5 Dnrsey, recoivor of tho Red Cloud National bank, and represent that tsx lots 11 and 12, block 5, Red Cloud, was not paid but cold by county treasurer nt private tax sale for yours 18S4 and 188.1, and links county to accept principal on kiild taxes mid strike off interest. Committee on delimiuont taxes on IoIb 11 nnd 12, block 5, Red Cloud, roport as follows: We, your committee, with nBslstonco of county nttornoy, havo examined court lecords of district court ot Web ster county, Nebraska, and commission cm' proceedings for years 1881 and 1885, and tho bcheduleii ot at-sessmonts on theuo yeniH and lind that no change or deduction Iuib been mndo in euidnBScss ment, and that all proceedings thereon appear ingular; that, further, there is no record of any proceedings in court to in terfero with same, and that tho amount as put in treasurer's book ot tuxes against said property appears as voted lien ugaiust the samo. Roport wns approved nnd plnced on lllo. Now at this timo the original motion regarding personal taxes of S. A. Redden camo up for discussion. Vote being called, motion was lost. C, F. Cuthor comes with iietltlon to havo taxes etiicken from district 33. Referred to committoo on school bonds nnd miindamuBCB, Board adjourned to 1 p. m, The Magic Touch OF Hood's Sarsaparilla You smile at the idea. But if you are a sufferer'fr'om Dyspepsia And Indigestion, trvn bottle, and be foro you have taken half adoicndoiei, you will' involuntarily think, and no doubt cxelulm, " That Just Hits It!' "That soothing effect Is a rnaglc touch I" Hood's Sarsaparilla gently tone, ami strengthens'luo Stomach and dlgestlvo organs, invigorates th liver, creates a natural, healthy desire for food, gives refreshing sleep, and In short, raises tho health tone of the entire system. Remember Hood's'wK Cures Hood's Pills curs lhcrllU, constipation, bilious nt si, Jaundice, sick licaduclie, Indigestion "I do not wish to vote," sho said; I hato this suffrngo rant, Out I don't want n horrid man To tell me that I shunt. Cord of Tliunk The undorsigncd wish to express their Bincere thanks nnd grntitudo to thoso who lent their aid during tho tire ot the 27th ult and who havo kindly enrod for them eince. MusM. A. Tait. MissJosik Ioou. COMMON SENSE COMntXATtON UNDERWAIST lor Ladle. Mtuei mid Children. For ealo by G. A. Ducker & Co. thouit See Taken Ui Kight head of cattle four etcors nnd four heifers. Some branded S on right hip. Ownor can ilnd samo by calling at John S Wagonor's placo bo von miles 6outh of Red Cloud. J. M. Harris, of Falrvlow, S. I)., under data of Jan. L'.'i, 181)1, writes: "Your Hel ler's IJarl Wire I.inimont U the best rem edy I htTB svsr used for barb wire oats, collar gnlle, nores and wounds of every deseriptien en hordes. I consider it nn equaled nnd will nso uo other. Oeyo & Oriee sell nnd gnsrnutee this linlsnent. Panamu is enjoying a fnir-slzod build ing boom. A prsflistont pain in the bnok indicates trouble in tho Kldnoy. To stay the pro gress of disease, uho Dr. J. II. MoLsan's Liver & Kidney Dnlm. Unltimoro has moro postponed games than any other club. Thoro nro Bixty applications for tho BUporintendcncy of the city Bchools of Columbus. Tho list of letters remaining at tho postollico uncalled for up to July 12th: Campbell Mary D. Hiinscom T. K. Pnnusso Oliver Willinms Alico 2 The ubovo lcltors will bo sont to the dead letter ofllco on July 2(5, 1804, if not called for. Fkank W. Cowden, post mastor, Red Cloud, Nebraska. When Baby was sick, wo her Costorls, When she was a Child, sho cried for Costorls. When sho became Miss, sho clung to Cnatorla. When she had Children, sho gave them Castorta. rami Loan. It you want a loan on llrst class land 1 can give you a upecial rato. Lowest in terest witli option to pay part or nil nt any yoar. Call or writo to mo. C. F. Catiieu, Rod Cloud, NoD. ei 1 Taken U. Six miles northwest ot Red Cloud, ono dark brown Texas colt. Ownor can havo samo by proving samo und Bottling coBts, oto. Frank Jiskra. market Itcnorl. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat ... Corn Onta Rye Flax 1 Hotrs 45 25(ft:i0 jo&:io 35 1001 15 1 ;jt Fatcowa 1 r,0,1 00 Butter 7 Eggs H Potntoes 1 00&1 0 Chickens Uoz. 2 00 Turkoy-H , lb. 5 Retail price of tho Red Cloud Milling Co., Hours: Monogram 1 rack 1 00 Itoyal patent W nick SK) U.ofH.S.W Back 75 I'arm Loans. For farm loans soo. A. H. Gray. - - ' Ladies wishing a boautifuland roflnod comploxion aro reiiuostcd to call on Mrs, D. A. Frnmo. Free- triuls givon away ovory day. 47 2vv p IS fl Two t,)ivT, 'linitg tiluit liaalsl ftVIHOIUll AQ DIOrf lttllll Ul HiB jninn oinUJ BSrSw vBSSBsVa SBSSSsr'l SBBBBJ - ilkBM 'IbBBBbI ZlftSBTfBBl SSS ""t ?ail I'T Half Itntt's Is) Hot Spring, s. D., vlitltio lltirllnglon Itotilc. Every Friday during July und August tho Rurlingion Routo will s;ej round trip tickotB to Hot Springe, S. IX, at tho ono-way rate. Tickets good for 15 day b This substantial reduction from tnrisj rates brings a trip to this greatest 'of western health resorts within overy one's reach. Consumptives, llicumatics, suf fer from ovory ill that lleeh is heir to, will mnko no mistake if they tako ud vnntogo of this opportunity. Full infor mation upon application to local 1). it M. R. R , agent, or to J. Francis, G. P. & T. A., Burlington route, Omaha, Neb. -- . us" Rlvorton Steam Iyc Works. Frank R. Peck Rivcrton, Nobraska, cleans and dyes clothes, and guarantees satisfaction in ull cases. Shipping chnrgce pain ono way. Quick timo nnd moderato prices, Ladies' dresses, cloaks, capes, jnckots and wraps ot all kinds cleaned and dyed to look liko now. Frank R. Peck. 4w - - - Now comes tho sudden thurder ehowori Their thirst for blood mosquitoes sate, The collnr wilts in bull an iiour, Tho pesky Hies exasperate; Wo slip on the banannn Bkin, Tho beauteous moidon's fnco gets tannod, Green cucumbers their work got in, Jamaica ginger's in domund, The thirsty foaming Ingcr drink, His littlo pilo tho iceman makes, Tho email boy from tho river's brink Kuch day a nudo departure takes. Now York Press. My offor mndo in last week's issuo of The Ciiikf will be continued until July 18th. During thnt period I will give my patrons tho ndvautugo of low prices on photos. I will continuo to mnko fifteen for 2 50. E. Tknnant. I. M. Helmy, leading druggist of Cnn on, S. D., writes nndor dnto of Jan. L'5, 1894, as fellows: "Haller Proprietary Co., GentB: Allow rao to sny thnt your resaedies have given excellent satisfaction with our peeple, and in particular vour Haller's Sort Cure Cough Syrup, Barb Wire Liniment and Sarnnparilla nnd Bar dook. They sell well because they fill the bill nnd my rnstoracrs could net be insueed to take any other." These rem idles can be had at Deyo & Oriee's drag- stare. . . Children Cry for Pitcher' Castoria. J. H. Davis & Son, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. I also make Furm Loans. Office in Moon block, Re'd Cloud, Nob They have some very lino bar gains in land. Parties wishing to buy should call on or address the above Barklky & Co. Do all kinds of ing With Promptness. lvo tlicm your orders. Prices Reasonable. Notice to TcaclicrN. Notico is hereby rnvnn thnt T trill examine all persons who may desire 10 oucr inomsoives us cunuidates for teaohors oftho public schools of this oouuty, at Red Cloud on tho third Saturday of oaoh month. Spooial examinations will bo held on the Friday proceeding tho 3J Sat urday of each month, The atnndinir rcnuired for 9, ,A 3d grade certiGoatcB is tho same no grade below 70 por cent., average 80 jioi cant, tur urui. grauo cortmonto uu gmuo oeiow ou per cent., Hvcraf;e 90 per ocnt. in all branches required by law. D. M. HoNTBn, County Supt. A B C Arnold's Brio-Cgm i&:,i1'L,.'LcV.",.'"'.Wnl fr Ni-rTou.orHIrk fcuirriSSSJ, l rlr"1 ,"' a "ni1 xM- ..1"rul1' CHEMIUAU CO. 1 01 S. Western Avonuo, CHICAGO. I.eKiil Notice. llertlui K, IlelTllt 1 lit r I ier. I Henry (' llellnci VI In tliw ItlNiilct cnnitof Wil.stir Coiinty . ,.Y""r.X. "'''"'I. lufciiil.inl: Von will tiikn .1 ,1"",,.,,",",,l, nt-in. i'ii ier nci linn in "., ..-.. 1, ,.,,!.,,, inn oiiji-i'i 11 in iiimutoI Ullll-ll 11 1. to iiriicimt n (llvou-n riniu ni : hi I for ii, einioilyi.r llieilui'o mlunr cii.tiVii .Ilin f.Vii.i ot Her liiHrrlNtrn In jon. Yn I in . rj. ul fill i, IHt)d July I Ull, mi. Dy JobnM. Clianin, Atty. VU fc' ""TO"' Dray , $s m ) . MV r S . ir i.