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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1894)
TPe?IWt'mWjWT?l'afc'i iVUW"!... rrV ' I THE RED CLOUD CH1EK. RED CLOUD, NEIIRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 13. 1894. H .,-A 4 J5. if', ,- la?- ifr.v PLUNGED INTO A TRAP. Dastardly Work Done to Ditch a Sacramento Train. THE MILS WERE UNSPIKED. Engineer and Tlirco Soldiers Killed and Four lladly Wounded. BOLDIERS ARE iN Atf UGLY MOOD. Anxious to Have a Battle With tint Strlk eri A. R. 17. Men Repudiate ttio lie snonslblllty Claim the Work Wat Dono by Lawless Sympathizer Say It Wilt Ilnrt Their Cause Suspects Arretted. Sacramento, July 13. Shortly aftor 0 o'clock Wednesday morning tho steam cr Alameda, carrying tho regular troojo, steamed up tho river and landed at tho ' loveo. Tlioy were met by 60veral com panies of militia, who had been ordered to keep tho cratwd back, fearing an at tack by tho ntrlkors nnd their sympa thizers. Shortly after 7 o'clock tho reg ular and marines marched to tho depot, headed by Colonel Graham and stair. Tho usual rush of spectators took place, but they wero quietly dispersed. The strikers had nbanduncd the situation and were nowhere to bo seen. Sentries wero nt onco detailed to keep tho crowd at a safo dlstanco and tho Gntling guns wero placed in position. Shortly after I) o'clock Ooneral Hnpor intendent Fillmoro had nconferenco with Colonel Graham, and when it was con cluded tho latto r ordered his officers to drive everyono out of tho depot, includ ing newspaper reporters. Division Superintendent Wright, with tho aid of a switch engine, then cleared tho main track and orders wero Issued to take tho overland train, which has been delayed hero since tho inauguration of tho strike, to San Francisco. Soldiers Accompanied tho Tniln. Samuel Clark, one of tho oldest engi neers in tho employ of tho company, took charge of tho engine, acting under in structions from Colonel Graham. Soldiers belonging to battery L, Fifth United States artillery, accompanied tho train. As tho train pulled out of tho depot thero was a silenco among tho strikers who wero evidently not in a happy mood nnd frequently hinted that tho train would not reach San Francisco. Such proved tho truth. Shortly after tho train loft tho dopot word was received hero that it had been fired upon by tho itrikcrs and ditchod. It was roported that Engiuecr Clark was killed by a bullet and several regulars perished In tho wreck. Later advices, however, show that not a shot was fired. Somo ouo had uuspiked tho rails for a distance of about 100 feet and covered tho das tardly work with sand. Engineer Clark, notwithstanding that ho was on tho alert for such cowardly tactics, plungod into tho trap. Tho englno was overturned aud sev eral cars wero upsot. Engineer Clark was killed and Privates Byrne, Lubberd ing and Clark mot a similar fato. Private Daumlor, who was also in tho engine when it upset, was seriously in jured about tho head. Private Ellis was hurt internally and is likely to dio. Hud no Time to Jump. Tho train consisted of nino cars, fivo of thorn Pullmans. On tho engino word Prlvnten Lubberding, Byrnes, Clark, Duguti, Ellis aud Wilson. Tho engino plunged through tho trestlo and none of tho men had time to jump and save themselves. Thoso of tho men who wero not instantly killed wero weighted down with their heavy accountorments and sank into tho muddy water. Engi neer Clark was pinned under tho engine and his body has not been recovered. The trestlo was about U0 foot long and was completely shattered, Fully ono half of tho filling was torn out. Tho on gino was buried in the mud and water with tho four forward cars. Another car is hanging over the edge of tho em bankment. They were all mail cars and tiono of tho Pullmans wero injured. Shortly after tho roport that tho train bud been derailed, Division Superinten dent Wright ordered tho wrecking crow to tho scene. General Graham also sent a company of cavalry to head off tho strikers. Shortly afterward two mon wore brought to this city and immediately taken to the railroad hospital, whero their injuries wero dressed by Dr. Hunt ington. Regulars In nn Ugly Mood. Tho regulars aro in an ugly mood on account of tho death and injury to their comrades. Many of them claim that General Superintendent Fillmoro as sured Genoral Graham that tho road had been carofully gouo over aud fur ther declared that ho know that tho strik ers would not resort to nny desperato measures to win tho strike. It was not until ho assured General Graham of the supposed good condition of tho road that tho latter consented to send his men to assist tho train to San Francisco. Harry Knox, the loader of tho strikers, has issued tho following: "I desire to ttato in behalf of tho A. R. U. that this order had not tho remotest connection with tho ditching of the train lietweeu Sacramento and Davisvlllc, in which sov cral peoplo lost their lives. We con demn this act us an outrage and barbarous nnd entirely contrary to tho spirit of the A. R. U., which is engaged in an hou orablo stiuggle in tho interest of labor and is opposed to violence or the sacrifice of human life. This act was dono by sympathizers and wo regrot It tho more, as it is calculated to injure rather than help us. Wo sincerely trust that this Hint act of violence will bo tho last." Ordeis wero given in tho evening to extend tho guard lines to E streot, fully a block from the dopot. This is to pro Tent tho strikers from getting near tho company's property, General wttilSB hu detailed troop I, Fourth cavalry, to patrol tho railroad In thu vicinity of tho wreck and to arrest all suspicions characters. Tho men in tho troop are bitter against tho strikers since tho derailing of the train, and their comrades at tho dejiot predict that they will deal severely wlfh any of tho strikers they may encounter. Tho regu lars can lw heard discussing thn affair on nil sides, and it Is evident froln thuir conversation that they aro eager for an engagement with tho enemy. They say they camo hero to do fair fighting and not bo killed liko rats tn a trap, and they do not proposo to submit to that kind of treatment. , Two Men Arretted. An examination of tho brldgo revealed the fact that ono of tho stringers had been cut off nnd n small ploco of wood substituted in such n way that it would fall through as soon as a heavy weight passed over tho rail. Two men havo been arrested on suspicion of having been concerned in tho wreck. They aro now In tho guardhouse Thoy were ar rested near tho sceno of tho wreck by a deputy marshal. Engineer McCoy, who was on tho train, saw tho men just be fore tho train left tho track and pointed them out to tho officers. They wero heavily armed when arrested. Tho picket line now surrounds tho doiot hero nt n djstanco of about a block in all di rections. Thoro havo been rumors of dynamito buried in tho depot and it is to avoid all danger of explosion that tho depot Is guarded. rmctlcnlljr Under Martini Ijw. The city is practically undor martial law. Marshal Baldwin Wednesday afternoon issued a proclamation notify ing nil persons that tho troops wero in tho city and that tho orders of tho com manding general would bo enforced, lie nlso cautioned them against all un lawful assemblages. Sheriff O'Neill has arrested S. D. Worden on suspicion of being implicated in tho derailment of tho train. Worden has boon quito prom inent in lalor circles and was recently sent as n delegate to tho Chicago con vention of railwoy men. Tho sheriff also nrrestcd Grcenwald Willlnm Burt and II. E. Bodnor, alleged strikers, for complicity in the wracking of tho train. Acting under Instructions of General Graham a detachment of soldiers visited tho headquarters of tho strikers aud seized a number of rifles aud alwut 100 Bhotguns. No resistanco was offered by tho strikers. Deadly Duel In Alabama, Birmingham, Ala., July la. News Gomes from Liberty, Blount county, of a deadly duel between two young men who wero rivals for the affections of n country damo. John Spoars, aged 17 years, aud Howell Rainwator, aged 10 years, were tho principals. Thoy decided to settle their differences with pistols. As a result Rainwater was shot through tho heart and instantly killed. Spears was unhurt. He is now in jail on the cbargo of murder. Short In III Account. GnEENViLLK, Miss., July 12. General S. V. Ferguson, secretary and treasurer of tho Mississippi loveo board, is short over $34,000 in his accounts, An in vestigating committee went over his books and made tho startling discovery General Ferguson was a gonoral in the Confederate army and was onco secre tary of tho Mississippi river commission. To Promote Irrigation. Kearney, Neb., July 13. Tho board of supervisors gavo permission to Elm Creek township to hold n special olectlon Aug. 14 for tho purposo of submitting n proposition voting $10,000 10-year liouds in tho interest of irrigation in that town ship. Cienernl I'ryo Is Dead. Newport, R. I., July 13. General J. B. Frye, United States army, retired, died here. Ho was tho author of somo of tho most valuablo military works of modem times. Nebraska Sheriffs In Session. Hastinoss July 13. The State Sheriffs association met in annual session hero with a good attendance of tho officials. ABBREVIATED TELEGRAMS. Flro dlil vllle, O. t.'OO.OOO damagu at St. Clulr- The State liar association at .SpringlU'M, Mo. is in session John Drake killed his wife and himself at Anderson, I ml, The Missouri dentists arc in session at Excelsior Springs. Congressman Oohlzler was renominated by thu Sixth district Illinois Democrats. Ed Wesson, a farmer In the Chickasaw Nation, died from the effects of a hornet's sting. E. T. Noonan was nominated for con gress by the Fifth district Illinois Demo crats. Judgo White of Rockvllle, Ind., has de cided that children must bo vuccluated before entering schools. A boat containing 33 of Hogan's com monwenlcrs was overturned near Atchi son, Kan., and tho men narrowly escaped drowning. Thomas F. Mltchum has been appointed receiver of the Sedolla, Warsaw and Southern railroad, vice J. C. Thompson, resigned. The Republican state convention of North Carolina has beeu called to meet at Itnlclgu Aug. no. Rumors that the pope's condition i alnriiiliig Is denied from the Vatican, The Duke of Cambridge in a speech se verely criticized republican governments for the way they manage social aud econ omic upheavals. Michael Drlscoll was killed aud three others injured by tho collapse of a wharf at Boston. Dana Bowman, n drayman, was shot and Instantly killed at Springfield, O., by Charles McKuy, Ex-Vlee Consul of Mexico William Ed gar has lllcd charters of maladministra tion against Consul Crittenden. W. J. l Leonard, a New Yorker, has invented a bullet-proof coat, which he oIiiIiiih Is superior to II err Dole's. New York's rapid transit coiiiiuIhsIou adopted plans for an uudcrKrouud road iu order to get tho matter before the vot ers next fall. The will of "Napoleon" Ives was filed for probate at New York, It divides lit), 0U0 uettmn the widow and a iliUr. THEXEWS OF KANSAS CRIMES, CASUALTIES AND OTHER IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS. Ilrlrf JVitlnii of Mutters Which Every body iniiilil Knim-About -Kvents of the Week In eirly Sections Accurately ami Concisely Chronicled. More Dentil Irs Sent Ont. Leavenworth, July 0. Deputy Unit ed States Marshal Dolwut left hero on tho Santa Fo with 36 moro deputies to reinforce thow at Argentine. Cavalry Ordered to Kansas City. LEAvr.NWoimi, Kan., July 7. It is reported that two troops of cavalry at Fort Leavenworth havo been put under marching orders, nnd will proceed at onco for duty nt Kansas City. Insurance Itatet liaised. Kansas Cirv, July . W. F. Bettor, chairman of tho local board of flro un derwriters, received an order to increaso mercantilo Insurances.") per cent. Itlssald this will Increaso tho total insurance car ried hero $300,000 a year. Tho compan ies claim to havo been losing money, Telegrapher May II Ordered Out. Emporia, Kan., July 7. Grand Chiof Powell nnd Assistant Grand Chief Dol phin of tho Order of Railway Tele graphers have been holding conferences with tho strikers iu this city. It is claimed by tho strikers that tho tele graphers on nil tho roads will bo or dered out. At Kansas City. Kansas Citv, July 0. Tho Santa Fo got out several freight trains undor guard of deputies. Thero was no oppo sition. Tho other roads remain about tho same as yesterday. Tho Memphis has closed its shops hero and at Spring field, throwing out about 500 men. The road Is practically suspended. Masonlo (lathering lot poned. Topeka, July 13. Tho triennial con vention of tho general grand chapter of tho Royal Arch Masons of tho United States appointed to bo held in Topeka commencing July IB, 1891, has been postponed by order of tho general high priest, Gcorgo L. Cahau of Baltimore, Md., to August 33, 1804, at the same place. Killed by llandlts. Coffeyvilm:, Kan., July . Tho Mis souri Pacific station agent at Nowatn, I. T., was killed by supposed bandits. Tho murdered man was A. L. Richards. Ho was getting express onto tho trnln and carried his revolver in his hand accord ing to custom. Ho was ordored to throw up his hands nnd as a roply raised his revolver. Tho leader of tho supposed robbers fired, killing him instantly, Tho nttacking party fled. Banders Weds a Leavenworth llello. Leavenworth, July 0. "General" John Sherman Sanders of Commonweal fame, and Miss Etta Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bell, wero married here. The bride is 30 years old, accom plished aud good looking. Sanders met her a mouth ago at church in this city. It was a enso of love at first sight. There was strong parental opposition but tho girl declared sho would elopo and tho old folks gavo in. Sanders will now abandon tho commonweal move ment. Fort III ley Troops Go to Chicago. Junction City, Kan., July 0. Sunday was a busy day at Fort Riley. Orders came at J 1:1, 1 a. 111. from department headquarters for troops. Three batter ies of light artillcrj'i four troops of tho Third cavalry, tho signal corps and a de tachment of tho hospital corps left for Chicago over tho Union Pacific, Major Randolyh in command of tho artillery post here iu command. Tho first sec tion, 37 stoik, 10 box aud seven conl cars left at 7 o'clock p. m. and tho second, 14 coaches and ouo Pullman left later, but 40 troops of tho Seventh remain hero. Interstate Iteiliilon. Superior, Neb., July 1 1. For the past week tho interstate reunion committee) has been busy making final preparations for tho sixth annual Nebraska and Kan sas district reunion, July 1)0 to Aug. 4. This reunion will bo held at Cainp Lin coln. A battery of Napoleon and Gntllng guns will bo on tho grounds to help glvo u military appearance. Evory Grand Army of tho Republic iwst in Kansas and Nebraska has been invited to attend, and many of them havo accepted, as well as sovernl in Iowa. Nominated on the l.OoOlh Ilallot. Lawrence, Kan., July 13. On tho 1,050th ballot Judge O. L. Miller of Wyandotte county was nominated for congressman of tho Second district. Ho received 80 votes out of a total of 135 cast. Judgo Miller was a dark horso. Just prior to tho stampede to him, the voto stood: Funston, 40; Howard, Cj Parkor, 1; Rlloy, 41; Buchunan, 0. On tho next ballot Riley withdrew and Miller loomed up for honors. Tho con vention was u romnrkablo ono. It re mained in session in Olatho deadlocked for weeks and reassembled hero Tuesday. Until tho last ballot, there was 110 signs of a break in tho delegations behind the favorites. MORTON CALLED TO WASHINGTON. Important Cabinet Meeting- Said to lie the Cuuse of III Sudden Departure, Neiiraska City, July 13. Secretary of Agriculture Morton loft tho city Tues day evening. His destination is not known, but rumor has it that ho was called to Washington by President Clove land. An imjiortant cabinet meeting, It Is said, Is to bo held, at which Secretary Morton's presenco is needed. Tho secre tary could not Ihi seen, but hU son Carl says ho will return to tho city soon, Circus Men Arretted, St. Joseph, Mo., July 13. William Sullivan, Andrew Fox and Thomas Noy lon, attaches of a circus, wero urrcstcd hero on tho chargo of murdering 13x- 6 ress Messenger Druuu&ond at Holdrege fb,, on Jane 90, SEAT OF WAR CHANGED. Labor Leaders at Washington Working For Arbitration. ASK FOR OLNEY'S IMPEACHMENT. Charged With Kiicniiraglng the Pullman Company In It Stand Against the Arbi tration Act or 1HSH -.Senate Hushing Ap propriation IIIIU Through Mcltra Land flrant Forfeit tiro llll I'nssed. Washington, July 13. Messrs. Hayes, Magulro and French of tho exeoutlvo board of the Knights of Labor wero at tho Capitol Wednesday consulting with tho Populist inembeni, Penco of Colora do, Davis of Kansas aud others. "Tho seat of war has been changed from Chicago to Washington," said Mr. Hayes when asked If they intended going to Chicago. "Instead of our going to Chicago, tho probability Is that tho leaders will bo called hero to Washing ton, whero they nro needed. Sovereign will probably remain to bo arrested. It will bo for tho good of tho rauso to havo him arrested and kept In jail. We think Delis mndo a mlstnko in getting bail. So long as our loaders aro behind tho bars discussion will lw kept up by tho people, "Tho purpose of our presenco hero in Washington Is to bring nil our forces nnd Influence to bear 011 tho government to secure arbitration. Wo will ask tho judiciary committee of the house to re port Senator George's bill for arbitration as soon as possible. Under tho terms of tho bill for arbitration of railway diffi culties, which was passed In 1888, Presi dent Clovelnnd has tho power to institute arbitration proceedings. Tho law was largely the work of our organization. Hero Is the section undor which ho can proceed: 'And tho president tuny, upon his own motion, or upon tho application of ouo of tho parties or upon tho applica tion of tho executive of tho state, tender the services of such n commission.' " ASK FOR OLNEY'3 IMPEACHMENT. Knight of Labor Ofllclals Preparing Me morial to l'resent to Congress. Philadelphia, July 13. A memorial, asking for tho impeachment of Attorney General Olnoy, hns been prepared by tho exeoutlvo lionrd of tho Knights of Labor for presentation to congress. It will bo circulated all over tho country for signa tures. Tho memorial declares that Rich ard Olney has been guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, subjecting him to impeachment nnd removal from office, Tho alleged crimes consist in his advice to tho president to introduce federal troops into Illinois and other states when thoy had not been asked for by stato au thorities and, in fact, against tho earnest protests of certain governors. As n re sult of tills advico "United States sol diers havo fired upon and killed citizens of several states without lawful cause." Mr. Olnoy is charged with encouraging tho Pullman company in tho stand it has taken against tho arbitration act of 1888. For CongrcMlonal Investigation, Washington, July 13. Tho full com merco committee voted to roport to tho house a resolution directing tho commit tco on interstate and foreign commcrco to investigate tho interference and inter ruption of commerce among tho states and tho causes thereof, and impure as to what additional legislation, if nny, is necessary to prevent a recurrenco there of. Tho committoo shall havo tho power to dolegato a subcommittee from its members to visit tho places whero such interferences and interruptions havo occurred. It shall report to tho house nt as early a day as practicable tho result of its investigations and shall mako such recommendations as it may deem proper. It was arranged with tho committee on rules that tho resolution would bo taken up iu tho houso Saturday. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Senato I Disposing of Appropriation IIIIU nt a ltapld Itate. Washington, July 13. Tho sonnt3 is making up for lost time nnd is now dis posing of tho appropriation bills at a rapid rato. Tho record for Wodnosday is three tho diplomatic and consular, tho invalid pension nnd tho military academy appropriation bills, The only one of theso which excited any dobate was tho pension bill nnd on this n dis cussion of tho respective ponslon policies of tho Republican aud Democratic parties was precipitated. This took 'a rather wider rango and nn attack on Commissioner Lochron nnd Secretary Smith broadened to n sharp arraignment of tho policy of tho Democratic party in gonoral. Senators Ciillom nudGalliuger led tho attack, whllo Senator Palmer acted on the defense. Tho strike question again agitated tho senate, although nothing liko tho fiery passion of Tuesday's speeches on tho sub ject marked tho proceedings. After an hour's dobato, in which tho courago and patriotism and firmness of tho president wits commondnd by nil, Sonator Daniel's Hulwtituto indorsing the president's action aud pledging him the sympathy and support of the nation was adopted instead of Sonntor Pcffer's reso lution, An amendment favoring arbitration waH defeated 1 1 to 35. Mcltae Laud (limit 1'nrfeltiiro Hill Famed. Wariiimjton, July 13. By virtuo of tho adoption of a special order tho house was enabled to reach n voto on tho Mc Rao laud grant forfeiture bill Wednes day afternoon nnd It was passed. Tho bill amends tho act of Sept. 30, 1H0O, which iu substance declared tho forfeit ure to tho United States of land hereto fore granted to states and corporations to uid in tho construction of railways to tho extent only of lands opposite to and coterminous with tho portions of such railways us were not completed and ojierated at that time. Tho bill passed extends tho forfeiture to tho portions of tho Boveral railways to aid in tho con struction of which tho grants were mado which wore uncompleted when tho tlmo expired within which tho roads wero re quired to bo completed by law, It Involves portion C the granta of 15 roads, tho piinclpal ono of which is thu Vorlhern Pacific, nnd will restore to thn public domain alKiut 51,000,000 nciea. A proviso won added to tho bill so ns to prevent It from being construed to for feit tho right of way or station ground of nny company, nnd nlso conforms to purchasers from such railways to lands not in excess of 330 acres to oach holdor. An eirort was inado by Mr. llnrtmnn (Mont.) to rcmovo tho 1130-acro limita tion 011 purchase titles, but this was do feated by a voto of 00 to 1 13, Tho senato bill granting right of way through thn White Earth and Fond (lit Lac Indian reservations to the St. Paul, Minneapolis nnd Manitoba railway was passed. . MUST RETURN PEPS' PROPERTY. Attorney General Olney Not Pleased With Action of Government Official. Washington, July 13. Attorney Gen eral Olney Wednesday, aftor reading the accounts of tho seizure of Del' prlvato property as published in tho morning, oxpressed his regrets nt this action of tho government officials and at onco sent tho following telegram to Special United States Attorney Walkers Washington, July 11. Edwin Walker, Chicago! Seizure of Debs' papers is not according to law and should be publicly disavowed and pnpers at oacc returned, If seizure Is strictly and technically lawful, papers should be returned, The government is enforcing tho law, aud cannot afford to bo Itself lawless, not oven If they bo wlthlu Us strict meaniiiK, should measures bo re ported to which are unusual and como dniiKcrously near invasion of personal rights. Ol.NKV, Attorney General, Differ oiiHiigar, Coal and Iron. Washington, July 13 It was stated by ono of tho houso conferees on tho tar iff bill that were tho sugar, coal aim iron differences adjusted there would be llttlo difficulty in reaching an agreement on other matters. The inslsteuco of tho senate, however, is ulouo on theso three largo questions. Tho conferees of tho two houses nro almost deadlocked on tho metal, cotton aud wool schedules. The subject of specific and ad valorem rates may not causo much trouble, and members of both houses agree that such differences will not bo worth wrangling over. Efforts aro being mado to reach an agreement on all points, so as to sim plify and expedite matters when tho con ferees' report is innde. Itelatlre of Gehrgo Washington Dead. Washington, July 13. Colonel Thorn ton A. Washington is dead. Ho was n great grandson of Colonel Sam Wash ington tho oldest brother of tho first president. Colonel Washington was born near Charleston, W. Vii., was graduated from Princeton college aud West Point nnd after service in tho regular uriny, resigned to join tho Con federal army. Hirer and Ilarhor 11111. Washington, July 13. Senator Ran som, chairman of tho committee on com merce, reiKirtcd tho river and harbor bill as agroed upon by tho committee. Tho total amount appropriated is (13,030,180, nn increaso of $1,087,400 over tho houso bill. Ki-OoVernor r.vun's Motion Denied. New Vouk, July 13. Justice Barret, of tho supremo court, has denied a mo tion of ex-Governor John Evuus of Colo rado to bo permitted to como iu as a party plaintiff in nn action brought by Jennie Mnycr against tho Donver, Texas nnd Forth Worth Railway company, iu which Mr. Evans said that an effort was mado to settle tho action to defraud thu I other stockholders who were lying on their arms waiting for tho result of tho action. Uulii.i I'aclfla Ilcorganlxatlon, New Youk, July 13. Tho Union Pacific reorganization committoo has issued a call to tho stockholders nnd bondholders of tho companies comprised iu the Union Pacific system asking for tho deposit of securities under tho pre liminary agreement prepared for tho protection of their iutercsts. Diiutuiue I'ronta liy the Ktrllce. Duiiuque, In., July 13. Ono result of the strike is increased trade to Dubuqno jobliers, who nro receiving orders that would havo gouo to Chicago hud ship ping facilities been as good in that city as they are iu Dubuque, Humphrey' Proposed Waterworks. Humpiikey, Neb., July 13. This city will now push tho building of water works to completion, having engaged the services of Engineer A. A. Richardson of Lincoln to mako plans. Bids will bo askod Aug. 13 for tho construction. Circus Men Arrested. St. Joseph, Mo.. July 13. William Sullivan, Andrew Fox nnd Thomas Noy lon, att aches of a circus, wero urresttd hero on tho ohargo of murdering Ex press Messenger Druminond at Holdrege, Neb., 011 Juno 30. I'liimljurs Will Not Strike. Chicago, July 13. Tho Plumbers' union decided not to strike. It is ouo of tho strongest unions in tho west, having 7,000 members. Winlncidiiy's llascbalt Games. Iitilsvllle, 7j Hninkljii, 'J. Pomiiiln nnd Wctim; Weill and Dullry. Umpire, lliirxt. lliiltliiinri', Ail'illNliuri;, H. Inks and Clarke; fluinlKTt nnd Muck, Umpire, I.yiieli. Cincinnati, 0; Now York, 3. Murphy and Parrel t: Wetilmelt, Clark mill Wilson, Umpire, (InlTncy, Clikiiuo, V'l; lititUm, 1. UrimtU and Kltt rttlk'u; Nlclioll, Weil and ltynn, Umpire, Migimld. Cleveland, 11; Wanlilngtun, II). (JrldHU. L'nppy and Klimncr; Ihmdalo anil Mercer, Umpire, Kuudlu. St. I.011K IU; Plilladvlphln, K. Clnrkson. Hnwley and Miller; Wuylilng, Harper und lluckley, Uni'.ilre, Hurt ley. WKHTUMN I.KAOUR OAM E. Imlluiinpnlli, 7; Kanias City, o. Plillllpi Slid Wcitllitku; Daniel I and Donahue. Um pire, KitIiiu. Detroit, 1; Minneapolis, u; Horclitr and JimiUcii; McFttrluiid and Ilurrol. Umpire, MuDoimld. Grand ItunM, 17; Kinux City, II. Klllon nd Hnlo; Cilimliutliniu uiul lU'uvua. Uin lire, Hlierlduu. WKvnntN association a AUK. Oimilm, II; St. Joseph, 3. JnokoonvlllB, Hi I'curta, 10. Lincoln, 4; V Molns, 7, noon iiism, i vunojr, t, NWS OF NEBRASKA. , BRIEF BUT PITHY MENTION OF TMS HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK. Newt Whleh Tell thn Htory of UTM Days' v . ...... . .. . i unities nun VAstntmo nnu uiiur insen i tant Mutters Arranged Attractively tllven la a l'eT Words. Tito Hoys Drowned. Waiioo, Nob,, July 11, George Jone nnd Clnrouco Jones wore drowned In Wnhoo creek. Nebraska NherlRi In Hessloa. Hahtinuss July IU. Tho Stato Sherlfll association met in annual session herf with a good attendance of the officials. Old Cltlsen Dead. Dbatiucb, Nob., July W. Millard Fill moro, aged 01) yoars and s resident of Bcatrico sines 1871, diodof heart disease. Uniting Man Dies. IlASTtNas, Nob., July II. John H. Coffman, a woll known and respected oitlzan of this city, died of Bright' dis aso, Fair Ground Fire. ScnuVLKit, Nob., July 11. Fire broke out at tho fair grounds burning all the stock stalls, both box nnd open, on the grounds. Demented Man Commit Rnlolda. Kkahnky, Nob., July ll. Joe KUnka cek, who was adjudged insane and com inittod to tho county jail, committed suicldo in his coll. Montana Wealere at Nebraska City. NnniiAHKA City, July 0. Tho Mon tntm contingent of commonwealors ar rived here, MX) strong, undor command of Qoncrol Edwards. Itook Island Onice Closed at Omaha. Omaha, July 8. Tho genoral ofiloea of tho Rock Island in this city wore closed Friday and nil tho clerks suspend ed without pay until further notice. Injured In a Itunaway at Hebron. IlKiutoN, Neb., July . A wagon ap sot, throwing Mr. Curran and his son and tho daughter of John Sawyer to the ground. All were vory badly hnrt. liroke III Neck. Dim Moinkh, July 13. Fred Poorman, aged V5, u married man with ono child, fell in tho Capital City Gas company's plant n dlstanco of 3i foot, breaking his neck. Mneoln Commercial Club OrcanUed. Lincoln, July l. About 300 business men perfected tho organization of tho Lincoln Commorcinl club, with N. S. Ilarwood as presidont and u board of fourteen directors. Thrown From a Carriage. PI.ATTK Cknteh, Nob., July 11. Whllo returning from sorvico, Mrs. P. " T. Mylot, wlfo of Supervisor Mylet, was ' violently thrown from her carriage, re ceiving sovero injuries. Ilewardi for Holdrege Murderer. HoMRi:aK, Nob., July 13. Tho comity lioard met and offered a reward of (800 for tho apprehension of the Drummond murderers. This makes a total reward of $3,000, tho city giving fJl.OuO and the " Btato $200. Usual Hens Egg Hlie. Waixace, Nob., July 0. Tho heaviest hail aud rain storm ovor known passed through this place, doing groat damage to corn and small grain, breaking out all south side window glass. Hull almost as largo as hens' eggs fell. Clerk Convene Hang Himself. Faiuuuuy, Nob., July . Ex-Connty ! Clerk John Convorso committed suicide i by hanging himself in a barn. Ilo has J been ill for sovoral months. Ilo left m v i note saying ho had lost his mind and pre- 1 forred to bo out of tho way. ' ( Wither Water Work Contract Awarded. ' WiLiiKit, Nob., July 0. Tho contract ( for constructing a complcto system of waterworks has been let to Messrs. Promercno & Cooper of Lincoln for $18,- 575. Tho 17,000 bonds were sold to Dalo of Lincoln for f 13(1 premium. Klkhorn Ilrakeman Killed. Sewaui), Neb., July 0. P. W. Mur- pny, uruicemnn on tno uiKnorn, wan instantly killed at Doaver Cross jng. He I was struck by n bridge whllo going ap a lauuer on tno siuo or. tno car. rno ooay -r was taken to his homo in Fremont. Will l'edal From Omaha tn New York. Omaha, July 11. Christian Gantz of Valentine, Nob., left Omaha for New . York on a bicycle provided with a small sail, He claims that ho will rldo from Omaha to Now York in 15 days, going to Chicago ovor tho Northwestom track, To rroinoto Irrigation. Keaiiney, Nob., July IU. Tho board of supervisors gavo permission to Elm Creole township to hold a special election Aug. 14 for tho puriwse of submitting a proposition voting f 10,000 10-year bonds, in the interest of irrigation in that town ship. Distillery Shut Down. Nehkabka City, Nob., July 11. The 'distillery has closed down and will prob-1 uhly not resume operation until Sept. 1 Tho trust has 11,300 barrels of alcohol it the bonded warehouse, which will b withdrawn licforo the increase in tho tai takes effect. Kearney Family Poisoned. Kearney, Nob., July 13. Soon afte eating Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins ant their three sons wero taken violently lick. Tho doctor pronounced it poison ing. It is BtipiHwcd thoy wore poisonei by eating dried beof. Mr. Jenkins is ii a critical condition. .Dickinson Will Take Hack Mrlker. Omaha, July 13. Tho Fedoratw Hoard of Union Pacific employee hold , conforenco with General Manager Did, ,( inson Tuesday in regard to reinstating; tho striking A. R. U. mon. Mr. Dicklt' l son oxpressed a willingness to take bao nil men who had been peaceable and ha! not attompted to olatruot the traffio tL tho road. Notifications were sent t,v agents by Generul Trafflo Manager HLi too to looept freight tat all (Mat l '. r r" f -- amil -i 0 4-e swl H