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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1894)
fBJi i MTtr . ijjl 1 -ft THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, REP CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 0, 1894. v Jt if Lrl k" .v. ft '-. i v t 4 TK OP Onio, ClTV OK Tolkuo, ) Lt'OAa COUNTY ) 1'taj.k J. Ciikhkv makes oath that lie Is tli Bculor partner of tlio firm ot F. J. Cheney & O., tlolujr buines )n the Clly of Toledo, County nml Utile aforesaid and (lint ald iWm vl I pay tin enm ONII I1UKUK12D DOLIjAIia far noli and every oeoo of Catarrh Hint cannot be curd uVthe rise of Fall's Cafnrtli Cure. V FRANK J. CHENEY. Bworuo (o beforo me mid subscribed in my presence, this Gth day of Doeem her, A. I). 1880. HEAL f A. W. OliEASON, Notary 1'ubllc, Hrlt'a Catarrh Cure In take internally nnd nets directly on the blood nnd mneon fiarfiwes of the system. Bend for testi monial?, freo. V, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. CjSoU by Druggists, 7Co. - - . - - Wlicrc Ucullng Witter Flow. Hot Springs, South Dakota, is a place that every one should visit. It'a ft health resort; the best in the west. It's u charming spot where pure air nml healing wntoru put sickness to flight nnd mako everything but perfect health well nigh nn impossibility. Invalids, no mnttor whnt their all ments, ehould glvo Hot Springs a trial. It's euro to benefit them, inoro than likely to cure. How to got there T Why. by tho Hur lington mute of course It'a the line. Ahk tho locnl ngent for full information or writo to tho undersigned for n beau tifully illustrated pamphlet. J. Fiianoip, Gen. Puss. & Tkt. Agt.. Omaha, Neb. Hope is the dream of thoso who are uwuke. i ii Mr?. W. J Fnlicy of LoRoy, N. Y. says; "Havo tried llfly congh Cures, Parks Couuh Syrup is the only ono that helped me. 1 know it if tho best Cough Itemed)' Bold byC. L. Coltlng. Congressman Moiklejohn donated $100 to owcll tho Norfolk thoatro fund. A mother out in Idaho says: "When my bey fvll down stairs I followed him with a bottle of your Haller'a l'ulu Par alyser." 'Ihe emergency wan at hand and she was prepared to effectually meet it. 1 hie peerless remedy rthutild have a plnee in every family to eonibut nil the aehes, pnlne, bruises and for the dead ertain cart ef eratnp eolio in the stemnoh and bowels. A large bottlo caste only 60, and it is sold by Deyo Jt Oris drug, gist. Tho farmers of Deuel county bleed their cuttlo to prevent tho blackleg. W. P. Dnyos of 2405 Jones St., Oma ha, Neb. Rays of Parka' Sure Core "My M?Ifo has been constitntionalty wreoked for yenrs. Tried everything fruitlessly. My druggist's persuasion bnokod by his guarantoe, induced me to bny a bottle of Park's Bare Onre. The results are truly wonderful, Park's Sure Care for the Liver and Kidneys is n positive specific for tho diseases of women. Sold by C. L. Cotting. Chadron is working to eocuro a boot sugur mill and starch faotory. Itucklon'a Ai'nlcu finlvc. The best salvo in the world for outs, bruisos, sores, Ulcers, Salt rheum, fever Borns, lot tor, chapped hands, chillblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tlvoly euros piles, or n pay required. It is gunrauteed to givo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents por box. For sale by Cotting, tf Several etoue buildings aro being erected at Lodgo Polo. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away." Tho truthful, startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guar anteed tobacco-habit cure. If you wunt to quit and can't, u "No-to-bac. Braces up nicotinizod norves, eliminates nicotine poisons, mukos weak mon gain strength, weight and vigor. Positivo cure or monoy rotunded. Sold by O. Lt. Cotting. Book at druggists, or nmilod free. Addross Tho Storling Romody Co., Chicago ofllco, 45 Randolph St., New York, 10 Spruce St. Ponder sold her wator bonds at a small promium. Wliy Do You Cough? Do you not know that Parks' Cough Syrup will enre Ur Wo guaranteed every bottle. There are many Cough Syrups bnt we believe Parks' Is tho best and most reliable. Sold by O. L. Cotting. A born musician has n great advan tage ovor one who is not yot born. i i Cable from tuccu fill. Dear Gresham: Ons moro boon I crave I trust in your nffoction 'TIs not to murder Dole, tho Kuave Or pnt dowu insurrection; 'TIs not my crown, bnt mo to save, I write in deep dejection, And bo a paokago I must have Of Park's Tea for my complexion. Orcslinm's Answer to luccn 1,11, When I received your Cablegram I thought I sure would faint For though 1 often use Parks' Tea 'Tis not for your complaint. I fonrcd that Mrs, O, would think Wrong about our connection 'Till on her dresser there I saw Parks' Tea for her complexion. Bold by 0. L. Coltlng. Undertaking is a muBisipul monopoly in Paris. Diseases nnfrloudly to women arc posi ttvoly cured by Dr. Sawyer's Patllles. Afkyonrdrtiggglst for a f reo samplo pack age, it heals mid sures. fcioldA Urice. Cnlob Godloy, a mulatto, was hanged by a inob ut Bowling Urcon, Ky. Ladle -Dr. Sawyer's Pft6lilles are ef ifetunl for female weakncHH, ian en top of the hoitd und lower part of tho biok. It strengthens nud cures, Deyo & Qrioe. Children Cry foi Pitcher's Castorla. ONLY ONE JUDGMENT. REV. DR. TALMAQE DISCUSSES A CHI MERICAL EXPECTATION. Mo Soys There le No Reversal of Judgment In tho Next World Tho VorJJct Is Uu0 Upon Onr Earthly Llros Tho 1'lual Chance. Bkooklyn, Juno . Rov. Dr. Tab mage, who is now on his round the world Journey, 1ms seloctod as tho sub ject for his 6ennon through tho press to day "Another Chanco," tho text being taken from Eoclesiastcs xl, 8, "If the trco fall toward tho eouth or toward th north, in tho placo whoro tho troo fall eth thcro it shall bo." Thcro is a hovering hopo in tho minds of a vast multitudo that thcro will la an opportunity in tho next world to cor rect tho mistakes of this; that if w( do make complete shipwreck of out earthly lifo it will bo on a ahoro, up which wo may walk to a palaco; thot, as n defendant may loso his caso in tho circuit court and carry it np to tho su premo court or court of chancery nnd get a rovcrsal of Judgment in his bo half, all tho costs being thrown ovot on tho other party, so, if wo fall in th earthly trial, wo may in tho highor Ju risdiction of eternity havo tho judgmont of tho lower court sot aside, all tho costs remitted, and wo may bo victorious do fcudauts forever. My object iu thii Fcrmon is to show that common sense oh well ns my text declares that such au expectation is chimerical. You say that tho impenitent man, having got into the next world and seeing tho disaster, will, as n result of that disaster, turn, thepait, tho causa of his reformation. But 5 du cun find 10,000 instances in this world of men who havo dono wrong, and dis tress overtook thorn suddenly. Did the distress heal them? No; they went right on. That man was flung of dissipations. "Yon must stop drinking," gaid tho doctor, "nud quit tho fast lifo yon arc leading, or it will destroy you." The patient suffers paroxysm after paroxysm, but under skillful medical trcntmont ho begins to sit np, begius to walk nbont tho room, begins to go to business. And, lo, ho goes back to tho same grogshop for his morning dram, and his oveniug dram, and tho drams bo twecn. Flat down again I Samo doc tor I Sniuo physical anguish I Samo medical warning I Now tho illness it moro protracted, tho liver is moro stub born, tho stomach moro irritable, and tho digestivo organs aro moro robollions. But after awhile ho is out again, goes back to tho samo dramshops and goes tho samo round ef sacrilego against kit physioal health. Suffering Does Mot Always Reform. Ho sees that his downward course ii ruining hia household; that his life is a perpotual perjury against his marriage vow; that that brokou hearted woman is so unliko tho rosoato young wlfo whom ho married that her old schoolmatos do not rccognizo her; that his sous aro to bo taunted for a lifotimo by tho father's drunkonnoss; that tho daughters 'aro to pass into lifo tuidor tho scarification of a disrepntablo ancestor. Ho is drinking up thoir happiness, their prospects for this lifo, and perhaps for tho lifo to coino. Sometimes an appreciation of what ho is doiug comes upon him. His nervous systom is nil a-tanglo. From crown of head to solo of foot ho is 0110 aching, raspiug, crucifying, damning torture Whoro is ho? In holl on earth. Does it roform him? After nwhilo ho lias delirium tro uions, with a wholo junglo of hissiug reptiles let ont on his pillow, nud his screams horrify tho noighbors an ho dashes out of his bod, crying, "Tako theso things off mo I" As ho sits palo nnd , convalcsoent tho doctor says: "Now, I want to havo a plain talk with you, my doar follow. Tho noxt attack of this kind yoa havo yon will bo be yond all medical skill, nnd yon will die." Ho gots bettor and goes forth into tho samo round again. This timo modi ciuo takes no effect. Cousnltation of physicians ngroo iu saying thoro is no hope. Death ends tho scono. That process of inebriation, wanting and dissolution is going on within a fitono's throw of you, going on in all tho neighborhoods of Christendom. Pain docs not correct. Suffering does not ro form. What is truo iu ono sonso is truo in all senses nud will forever bo so, and yot mon are expecting in tho next world purgatorial rejuvenation. Tako up tho printed reports of tho prisons of tho United States, and you will find that tho vast majority of tho incarcerated havo been tJiero before, somo of them four, flvo, six tiinos. With 1,000,000 il lustrations all working tho other way in this world, peoplo aro expecting that distress in tho noxt stato will bo salvn tory. You cannot imagino any worso tor turo in any other world than that which somo men havo suffered horo, and with out auy salutary consequence. rrojpccU of ltcform. Furthermore, tho prospect of a refor mation in tho noxt world is moro iin probablo than a reformation hero. In this world tho lifo started with iuuo conco of infancy. In tho caso supposed tho other lifo will open with all tho accumulated bad habits of many years upon him. Suroly it is easier to bnild n strong ship out of now timber thau j out 01 an out nunc time nas been ground up in tho breakers. If with iunocenco to start with iu this lifo a man doos not becomo codly, what prospect is thoro that in tho noxt world, starting ' with siu, thoro would bo a seraph evo luted? Suroly tho sculptor has moro , prospect of making n fine statuo out of , 11 block of pnro whito Puriiui marblo thnu out of an old black rook scamod and cracked with tho storms of a half century. Suroly upon n clean whito fihect of paper it is easier to writo a deed orn will than upon a shoot of pa per nil 'scribbled und blotted and torn from top to bottom. Yot men scemjo think that, thouuh tho lifo that boson horo comparatively perfect tamed oat ' badly, tho next lifo will snecced, though it Rtnrls with n dead fnilum "nut," pots porno one, "I think. wo ought to hnvo n clmnco in tho noxt life, bccatnq tills lifo is so short it allows only small importunity. Wo hnrdly havo timo to tnrn nnmnd between crndlnnnd tomb, M10 wood of tho ono almost touch ing tho inavblo ef tho other." But do you know what mndo tho ancient dolugo n necessity? lt was tho longovity of tho nutodlluvlnus. They woro worso in tho second century of their llfctlmo than iu tho first hundred years, and still worso in tho third century, and still worso all tho way on to 700, 800 and 000 year?, and tho earth had to bo washed aud scrublwd nnd soaked and anchored clear out of sight for moro than a mouth beforo it could bo mado fit for decent peoplo to llvo iu. Longovity never cures impenitonoy. AU tho pictures of Timo roprcsont him with n oytho to cut, but I novcr saw nnypicturo of Timo with a caso of mod iciuo9 to hoal. Seneca says that Nero fox tho first flvo years of his publio lifo was sot up for an cxamplo of clemency and kindness, but his path nil tho way do sconded until at 08 A. D. ho becamo a suicldo. If 800 years did not mako auto diluvians any hotter, but only mado thorn worso, tho ages of eternity could havo no effect oxcopt prolongation of depravity. Many Wrong Do Not MaVo n Might. "But," says somo ono, "in tho future state evil surroundings will bo with drawn, and elovatcd influences substi tuted, and heneo expurgation aud subli mation, aud glorification." But tho righteous, all their sins forgiven, havo passod on into a bcatillo stato, nud con sequently tho Unsaved will bo left nlono. It cannot bo oxpoctcd that Dr. Duff, who exhausted himself in teaching Hin doos tho way to heaven, and Dr. Abcel, who gavo his lifo in tho ovaugolization of China, and Adoniram Judson, who toiled for tho redemption of Borneo, should bo sent dowu by somo celestial mispionary society to cducato thoso who wasted all thoir earthly existence, Evaugclistio and missionary efforts aro ended. Tho cntiro kingdom of tho moral ly bankrupt by themselves, whoro aro tho salvatory influences to como from? Can ono speckled and bad applo in a barrel of diseased apples turn tho other apples good? Can thoso who nro them solves down holp others np? Can thoso who havo thomsolvcs failed in tho busi ness of tho soul pay tho dobta of thoir spiritual insolvents? Can n million wrongs mako 0110 right? Ponoropolis was a city whero King Philip of Thracia put all tho bad peoplo of his kingdom. . If any man had opened a primary school at Ponoropolis, I do not think tho , parents from other cities would havo scut their children there. Instead of amendment in tho other world,' all tho associotlons, now thnt tho good nro evolved, will bo degenerating and down. Yon would not want to scud a man to a cholera or yollow fever hos pital for his health, and tho great laz aretto of tho next world, containing the diseased., and plaguo struck, will bo a poor placo for moral recovery. If tho surroundings' in, this world woro crowd ed of temptation, tho surroundings of tho next world, nf ter tho righteous havo passotl up ami on, will bo a thousand por cent moro crowded of temptation. From Frohinaii to Senior. Tho Count of Chateaubriand mado his littlo sou sleep at night at tho top of a castlo turret, whoro tho winds howled, and whero specters woro suid to haunt tho placo, and whilo tho moth er and sisters almost died with fright tho sou tolls us that tho process gavo him norvos that could not tromblo nnd a courage that novor faltered But 1 don't think that towers of darkness nnd tho spectral world swopt by sirocco and ouroolydon will overflt ono for tho laud of otemal sunshine I wonder what is tho curriculum of that collego of in ferno whore, after proper preparation by tho Rins of this life, tho candidato enters, passing on from freshman class of dopravity to sophomoro of abandon ment, and from sophomoro to junior, and from junior to senior, and day of graduation comos, nud with diploma signed by satan, tho prosidont, aud oth er professorial demoniacs, attesting that tho candidato has been long enough un dor thoir drill, ho passes np to enter heaven 1 Pandemonium a prcparativo courso for heavenly admission I Ah, my frionds, satan and his cohorts havo flttod nucountod millions for ruin, bnt never flttod ono soul for happiness I Furthermore, it would uot bo safo for this world if mon had another clmnco in tho next If it had becu announced that, however wickedly a man might act in this world, ho could fix it up all right iu tho next, society would bo ter ribly demoralized, nud tho human race demolished in a fow years. Tho fear that if wo aro bad nnd uuforgiveu horo lt will not bo woll for us in tho noxt cxistenco is tho chief influence that keeps civilization from rushing back to 6oniibarbarism, nud somibarbarism from rushing into midnight savagery, nnd midnight savagery from extinction, for it is tho astringent impression of nil na tions, Christian and heathen, that thcro is no futuro clmnco for thoso who havo wasted this. Multitudes of men who aro kept with in bounds would say: "Co to, now I Let mo got all out of this lifo thoro is in it, Como, gluttouy aud inebriation and nnoloannoRS and rovengo aud all sensu alities, and wait upon mo! My lifo may bo eomowhat shortened in this world by dissoluteness, but that will only mnko hoavenly indulgouco on a larger scalo tho sooner possible I will ovortnko tho saints at last aud will enter tho heaven ly tomplo ouly n littlo later than thoso who behaved themselves hero. I will on my way to heaven tako a littlo wider excursion than thoso who wero 011 earth pious, and I shall go to heaven via 'go henna und via shcol. " Another chance in tho next world means freo Jiconso nud Wild abandonment iu this. Tho Tout Mortoni. Supposo you wero a party in nu im portant caso nt law, and you know from consultation with judges and attorneys that it would bo tried twice, and tho first trial would bo of littlo Importance, but that tho second would docido every thing, for which trial would you mako tho most preparation, for which retain tho ablest attorneys, for which lw most anxious about tho attendance of wit nesses? You would put nil tho stress upon tho second trial, nil tho anxiety, nil tho expenditure, saying, "Tho first is nothing; tho Inst Is ovory thing." Glvo tho raco nssnranco of a pecond and moro important trlnl in tho subsequent life, and nil tho preparation for eternity would bo "post mortem," post funeral, post sepulchral, and tho world with ono jork bo pitched off into impiety and godlessness. Furthermore, let mo nskwhyachanco should bo given in tho noxt world if wo havo refused iuunmornblo chances in thlsr Supposo yon glvo a banquet, and yon invito a vast number of friends, but ono man declines to como or treats your invitation with iudifforouco. You in tho courso of SO years glvo 20 ban quets, and tho samo man is iuvitod to them all and treats them all in tho samo obnoxious way. After awhllo yon ro movo to another house, larger nnd bet ter, nnd yon again invito your frlouds, but sond no invitation to tho man who declined or negloctod tho other invita tions. Aro you to blamo? 11m ho a right to expect to bo invited after all tho indignities ho has dono you? God in this world has invited ns nil to tho banquet of his graco. Ho Invited us by his providouco nnd his spirit 800 days of ovcry year slnco wo know onr right hand from our loft. If wo declined it every timo or troatod tho invitation with indifference nnd gavo 20 or 40 or GO years of indignity on our part toward tho banquotor, and nt last ho spreads tho banquot in a moro luxurious and kingly place, amid tho heavenly gar dens, havo wo a right to oxpect him to invito us again, and havo wo a right to blamo him if ho does not invito us? Only Ono Offer. If 13 gates of salvation stood opon 30 years or CO years for our admission, aud at tho end of that timo thoy aro olosod, can wo complain of it and say: "Theso gates ought to bo open again. Glvo ns another chance?' ' If tho steamer is to sail for Hamburg, and wo want to got to Germany by that Hue, and wo road iu every ovening nnd ovory morning uows paper that it will snll on n certain day, for two weeks wo havo that advertise ment beforo our eyes, and then wo go down to tho docks 15 minutes nftor it has shoved off into tho stream and say: "Como backl Givo mo another chnncol It is not fair to treat mo in this way I Swing np to tho dock again nud throw out plankB nud let mo como 011 board I" Such behavior would invito arrest as a madman. And if, nftor tho gospel ship has lain at anchor beforo our eyes for years aud years, aud all the benign voices of earth and heaven havo nrged us to get ou board, as bIio might sail away at any moment, and after awhllo sho sails without us, ii it common sonso to ox peot her to como back? Yon might as well go out on tho highlands at Navo sink and call to tho Mnjcstio after sho has boon thrco days out and oxpoct her to return as to call back an opportunity lor Heaven when it ouco has spod away. All heaven offered us as a gratuity, and for a llfetinio wo rcfuso to tako it, and then rush on tho bosses of Jehovah's buckler demanding another chanco. Thoro ought to bo, thero can bo, thcro will be, no such thing as posthumous opportunity. Thus our common sonso ngroca with my text, "If tho troo fall toward tho south or toward tho north, iu tho placo whero tho treo falloth thoro it shall bo." You seo that this idea HftB this world np from an unimportant way station to a platform of stupendous issues nud makes all eternity whirl around this hour. But ono trial for which all tho preparation must bo mado in this world or novor mado at nil. That piles up all tho emphases and all tho climaxes nud nil tho destiuios iuto lifo hero. No oth er chanco! Oh, how that augments tho valnonnd tho importnnco of this chanco I Alexander with his army used to sur round a city and thon would lift a groat light in token to tho peoplo that if thoy snrrreudcrcd beforo thnt light wont ont all would bo woll, but if onco tho light wont ont then tho battering rams would swing against tho wall, and demolition and disaster would follow. Woll, nil wo nocd do for our presont and everlasting safety is to mako sur render to Christ, tho king nud con queror surrender of onr hearts, surren der of our lives, surrender of everything. And ho keops a groat light burning, light of gospel invitation, light kindled with tho wood of tho cross and flaming np against tho dark night of our sin nud sorrow. Surrender whilo that great light continues to burn, for nftor it goes out thoro will bo no other 6pportnnity of mnkin.'f penco with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Talk of another chancel Why, this is amipcrnal chanco I No Chance In tho Nuxt World. In tho timo of Edward VI, nt tho bnttlo of MuBsolburg, a privnto sol dier, seeing that tho Earl of Huntley had lost his helmet, took off his own helmet aud put it opon tho head of tho carl, and tho head of tho private soldier uncovered ho was soon slain, whilo his commander rodo safely ont of tho bnt tlo. But in our case, instead of a pri vnto soldier offering helmet lo nn carl, it is n king putting his crown upon nn unworthy subject, tho king dying that wo might llvo. Tell it to all points of tho compass. Toll It to night and day. Toll it to all earth and heaven. Tell it to all centuries, all ages, all millen niums, that wo havo such a magnificent chanco iu this world thnt wo need no other clmnco iu tho next. I am iu tho burnished judgment hall of tho lust day. A great whito throuo is lifted, but tho judge linn not yot tak en it. Whilo wo nro waiting for his ar rival I hear immortal spirits iu convor-. sntiou. "What aro you waiting hero for?" says a soul that went up from Madagascar to n soul that ascended from America. Tho latter says, "I camn from Ainorlca, whero 40 years I heard tho gospel preached and Biblo read, aud from the prayer that I learned In infanoy nt my mother's knoo until my last hour I lind gospel advantage, bn for somo ronton 1 did not mako tho Clu-istlnu choice, nud I urn hero watting for tho Judgo to givo mo a now trial and another chanco." "Strnngot" nays tho other. "I lind but ono gospol call in Madagascar, nnd I ncceptcd it, nud I do not need another chnuco." Tho Judgment, "Why aro yon hero?" 6nyfl ono who on earth had feeblest intellect to ono who had great brain nnd silvery tongue and scepters of Influence. Tho Inttcr re sponds: "Oh, I know moro than my fol lows. X mastered libraries and had learned titles from colleges, and my nauio was n nynonym for oloquonco and power. And yet I neglected my soul, and I am horo wnltiug for a now trial. " 'Strange, " qays tho ono of tho fcoblo earthly capaolty. "I know but littlo of worldly knowledge, bnt I know ChriBt and mado him my partner, and I havo no nocd of another chance. " Now tho ground troubles with tho approaching chariot. Tho great folding doors of tho hall swing open. ''Stand backl" cry tho colestial ushors. "Stand baok, and lot tho judgo of quick nud dead pass through I" Ho takes tho throne, aud looking ovor tho throng of nations ho Bays, "Como to judgmont, tho last judgment, tho holy Judgment I" By ono flash from tho throuo nil tho his. tory of each ono flames forth to tho vision of himself nud nil others. "Dividol" says tho judgo to tho assem bly. '"'Dlvidol" echo tho walls. "Dividol" cry tho guards angolla And now tho immortals Boparnte, rushing this way and thnt, and after awhllo thero is a great alslo botweon them, and a great vacuum widening and widening, nnd tho judgo, turning to tho throng on ono side, snys, "Ho that Is righteous, let him bo righteous still; and ho that is holy, lot him bo holy still," and then, turning toward tho throng on tho opposite side, ho says, "Ho that is unjust, lot htm bo unjust still; nnd ho that is filthy, lot him bo filthy mill, and thou, lifting ono hand toward oach group, ho declares, "If tho tieo fall toward tho eouth or toward tho north, iu tho placo whoro tho tree fallcth thoro it shall be." Aud then I hear somothtng jar with n great sound. It is tho closing of tho book of judgmont, Tho judgo ascends tho stairs behind tho throuo. Tho hnll of tho last assizo is cleared and shut. Tho high court of eternity is adjourned forovor. Tnrtane, Uarelrgn, Highbinder. Tho first rofcronco to highland cos tumo occurs in tho Saga of Magnus Baro foot, king of Norway, 1003-1103, writ ten by Snorro Sturleson, who was reared with tho children of thnt monarch's daughter. Hero it is stated that Mag nus and his men ou thoir return from n marauding expedition to tho west of Scotland "brought with thorn a great deal of tho habits aud fashions of cloth ing of theso western part. Thoy went about tho stroots with baro legs aud had short kirtles aud ovcrcloaks, and there foro his men called him Magnus Bare foot or Baroleg. " In tho thirteenth century wo soem to havo something Hko a first referenco to actual tartans iu tho statutes of tho church of Aberdeen, which provido that "all ecclesiastics nro to bo suitably ap pareled, nvoidlng red, irrccn and striped clothing, nud thoir garments shall not bo shortor thau tho middlo of tho leg. " But'it should bo noticed thnt tho word "tartar," which occurs in tho fifteenth century, in tho accounts of tho lord high treasurer of Scotland, and which was re garded by both Borthwick nnd Pinker ton ns moaning tartan, really indi cates, as pointed out by Dr. Dickson, n fabrlo of eastern origin, frequently "variant" or shot, tho warp and woof boiugof contrasting colors. Wo And, howover, a truo referenco to tartan in tho sumo accounts in tho following cen tury, for in August, 1C38, thero appears an entry for "iij. olnis of Hcland tar tano to bo hoiss to tho Kingis grace," theso "hoiss" or trows being evidently intended to bo worn with "nno schort Holaud colt," accounted for under tho aamo date. jScottinh Bovlow. Tho Coating of Ironclad. Noboby Is foolish enough to protend thnt wo can coat our ironclads oxtornal ly with sealskin or with porpoiso hido, and undoubtedly wo aro ut a groat dis advantage ns compuredwith nature and hor living forms. Very possibly tho ultimata solution of this quostion may be found iu tho application of somo now material altogether to tho external coat ing of our vessels. Compressed paper, and compressed rameo fiber, which aro now increasingly employed in Ameiica for railway wheels and Btoam pipes, would Hocm promising materials for tho purpose. Thoy admit of being mold ed externally into any mimtto grooves or tiny overlapping plates, like tho scales of n fish. Littlo or no extra oxpenso will there by bo incurred, as nn enormous hy draulic pressure, capable of forming any required surface, is already em ployed in tho regular course of manu facture. Or thoy can just -as easily bo molded into a rough shagreen, which in form cau bo mado a facsimilo pro duction of tho skiu of tho shark. Aud by their tough and strong retentlvo Btruotnro thoy would effectually pro tect tho steel, or real skin of tho vessol, from corrosion by tho Halt water. But all 'this is mere conjecture. Any such suggestions which any man can pro pound will bo nothing more than con jecture, so long as wo nro content to re main in our present doplorablo dark ness and ignoranco of tho real govern ing conditions of tho problem. What wo most require is therefore light. Con touiporury Review. Fulr Vlny, Mrs. Mary Grant Cramer, General Grant's sister, is disgusted with , thu protests nguinst equal rights for women iu New York, in a privnto letter in closing somo subscriptions sho saysi "It is a pity that tho 'autls,' having had thoir way so long, cauuot allow oursido to try something decidedly better, Turn about is fair play." OLDEST and ORIGINAL .WHITTIER W WBST NINTH STREET, (NOVR JUNCTION.) KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Regular graduate authorized by h nteto, and oonced od to bo ilia lead Inn nnd moat auo coeoful Specialist In BLOOD, NK.WV. OUBandUWINAWV DI6IABI8. Nervous Debility With Iu Many Gloomy Symptom! Cured. Lost Vitality Ptrttctly nd I'crmaacatly Rtorrt. Syphilis vunwf nr mm without mutary. Urinary Diseases Quickly Relltvetl and Thoroughly Cunt. Why is Dr. II. J. Whlttlcr Invar Inlriy successful) llocauto ho nialccs nn promleee thnt ho ciinnot fiilllll. Avoid cheap curo-alU and unbilled iihyilotnm, and consult Ur. Whlttlor In person or by lottor (giving symptoms) and reecho tho candid opinion ot a physician of long xprlnrt, unquestioned skill nml Mrrllni; lulcfrrltjr. MKt)iCINi:s from our own laboratory fur- nUhcd at small cnit nud shipped nnywhoro fccruro from olisor niton. TltKATMKNT noicr sent O.O.D. CDEE CONSULTATION. rllEX URINARY ANALYSIS. Ofllco lioun 0 to I and 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to 12. Ossils-k I To llrnlth nnd Kmcrjrvnclcd VAlllUt? I fori) ft. Atuuipe to prepay. Call or ntldrcsa In btrlrt conndenco DR. H. J. WHITTIER, IP Woat Ninth Btroot, Kanana City, MO :J WaMWAY&CO., uawia 5PECIALISTS (ItcKtilnr (Irniluntee.) Aro IliokfullruniiJ moat succcMful specialist! and ulllrho Juulirli.. Young and mid dlo aged men. Itcnmrkal.ln re mits tiawi follow ed our tiiMmuit, Mniiy yi.ur of vnprrlrtico Initio uiiiof oura tlu inithixli mat citlonouwniiil control lor nil !! iinlonufmciiulm ham ncjk, undo iVKlopcd or Uls rmcil oritnun. or wlio arc mrtiTlnir ifmm errors of youth ami hccm uTwuinronerous anil Impotent, tho ftrnin of tlinlr itdlovra nml the cnnicinpi nt mctr frlrntU end com- omilnni. ivmAm na inciinrnuicoinaii pmicni. ir limy run pntiimy dp mliirril, our own exclusive treatment ulll nflbi-U 11 cure. VCOUK.VI, Don't ymi want tORct rure Joftlist enUiin wlilia (rr.itmrnv that rou cn uie at noma itlthmil imtriii'iuiinlr Our wonderful treat ment has ctti'eil otuora, Why not your Try It. CJATAKRIf. and rtUcMCS of the Skin, Wood, Heart, I.Ivor ana Kidneys. BYPHIT.I-Tho tnoiit rnptil, safe and effective rcmrJy. A complete turo ttuaruntccd. HICIj; mnr.ANr.H of all ktnda cured where ma.nyoiucislmve failed. VXVATVRAfj ItinnilAHORSi promptly cured In nfrwr iUih. ijtiick, euro cud safe. Title Includes Ulcet end uonorlnro. TRUTH AND PACTS. Wo Mvn cured cnica of Chronic i")lcsips that navo falU'il tn pet currd nt tho hands ot other special ists sud medical Inmllutps. . enllti:!!! r.linr.Kthstthere Is hop for Yoti.Uoiiamt no other, ni you mny waste valuaUe time. Olitaln our trcutmcut nt once. Knuuronf freo and chenp treatments. Wo aire thnumt andtmnt sclcntino trrntmmt at Moderate prices ns low nt mil In, ilonn for euro snd skillful rcatim-ut. t'UKK consultation at thooulcpor by mall, Tliorouitli rtnmltiatlmi nnd inrcful dfna noM. A homo treatment can hoRlvrn In amsJorlty frnies. (tend for Hymptom lllnnk No. lfmJleni No. .'for Women. Ko. .irorHkln Dlioaics. All corro-ip-iiidrncunniwuri-d promptly. Uuilncts strictly con fldrntlsl. hntlro treatment sent freo from ohnen Hon. ICcfcr to our patlculs, banks and business luca Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., J,ii. Corner Math mid Frits: Hit,, Dooms I aud a (Up Blslrs) UT. .lOMFPIl. MO. .... .. .,. -. v tn. s. c west'o vim ixm ssaij? tseawemt le n..ld undor poftlllyo vrrittt-n irunrm toe, by iintliorlzfd iiKontH only, to unro Wcnlt Memory; .W' Ilrnln nnd Hcrvo JWrt Lott tlnnhood: Unlrktieeei Nfelit Lowims Kyil Urrams; Uckor! (.onliilnncoj Wi-ryonsnoss; Lnwiltiidot nil Drains; lyiss otl'uwcr of tuoUonorntivuOwius in cither sex, rnu-wl hyoTor.r.xortion, Youthful Errors, nr KxcpmIto ohb nr Tobacco. Opium or Liiiuor, which londs to Misnrr. ronstitupUnn, Insanity und Death. Jly mull, Sin box; nix fur $3!wltFi written Bunrntitco to euro or rotund money. We:Vl Ltw rills ruro Hick Hendnrhn. liiliouMirse. Urer Complaint, Hour Klonmrli. Dyspepsia una L'oiibtlpatlt.n. OUAllANTEEa Utucdotdy by For buIo by Doyo & Qriup, Heil Cloud. To Wntcr Coiuuiiici'm. Notieo i horeby givon to the patrons of th city wator eorvico, nf tho city of Red Cloud, that section 21 of ordinnnuo No. 'l.'l liorounto iinncxotl nt fcitidulty will bo Hlriutly enforced hereafter: It Bhull bo unlawful for any porson within paid city to Bpriultlo, eject or throw wutor from prlvato or publin Bprinltlor, wiiRhtr or liydrunt upon any public strcot, luno or alloy, or any yard (,'iirtlon or onclomirt', or permit or cause tho Baino to bo dono, nor upon or against any building upon such street, lane or til ley, oxcopt for the ex tiiij;niHhrnont of ilrcn nnd ordi nary htnibo cleaning except between the bonis of 0 and 7 o'clock u, in., und G and 8 o'clock, p. in., of eiieh duyj und any other pcrwin violutlni; uny of the provi nioiiH of thiHPOftionoliall upon conviction thereof bo lined in any sum not oxcavd iui; ton dollars. und Btuiul committed un til Bucii costs nnd fine nro paid. W. 13, Roiiv, Mayor. II E Pond, Wntor Comieeionor. Dated Mny 1. 1801. 6 TWO -CENT STAMPS we will send you a Brilliant Gem of unusual color, "" and a copy of "V1 "The tirtat Divide, n so you can see what a wonderful journal it is, pro vided you name the paper you saw this in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you. j ADDMM :l Bffl wFtthBBSI smjssss E3 f-j r V V! " 3' A I 1 ( ur A ' v 1 vA w 1 - -t 1 1 TiiWir yiwn 1. . THI GRsTA-TlnViBB, OtnW, siey'W - -.,.,.-,i, ttAtmut, fxJ&u, mhMkaiiM MWJlWu. u"liCr'-c .W.TUJ,A ,