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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1894)
l w I V r I . t 4 4 t i All Home Print. GEN. WASHINGTON EXTENDED HISTORY OF HIS LIFE. Or tho l'lrnl ami Fniiioun l'reldciit ol the Hulled Stolen by nil Karl) WrllcrIiicldonl nnd Adventure or iiin i.irc. CHAPTER III. Gamiaiunop177C. Of tho oporations of General Wank ington in New York and Now Jrdoy. Tho battlo on Long Island. Tho retreat from York Island and through Jersey. The battles of Trenton and Prince ton. Tho email foroo which began this retreat was daily lessening, by the ex piration of the term of service for which thoy were engaged. This ter minated in Novonibcr with many, and in December with nearly two-thirds of tho residue. No persuasions were availing to induco their continuance. Thoy abandoned their Goncral when tho advancing enemy was nearly in in sight. Tho Pennsylvania militia was engaged to the first day of Janu ary, but they deserted in such num bers that it became necessary to place guards at tho ferries to stop them. Two regiments had been ordered from Tieondercga to join Gen. Washington, but their term of scrvico expired on ,tho first of December. They rofusod to re-onlist, and went oil, to a man. Gen. Lee, who commanded the oast cm troops, was ropcatcdly ordered by Washington to cross tho North river and join tho retreating army; but theso orders wcro never obeyed. Whilo at a distanco both from his troops and tho enemy ho was surprised and taki-n prisoner by tho British. This begat suspicions, that, despair ing of tic-success of tho Americans, ho had chosen to abandon their scr vico. Though these apprehonsions wcro- without foundation, thoy pro duced tho same mischievous effects on tbo minds of tho pcoplo as if they wcro realities. About tho same time Oongross thought it expedient to loave Philadelphia and retire to Baltimore. Under all theso trying circum stances, Washington was undismayed, Ho did not despair of tho publio safe ty. With uuconqucrablc firmness and tho most perfect self-possession, he was always tho same, and constantly showed himself to his army with a serono and undisturbed oountenancc. Nothing was omitted by him that oould embarrass tho enemy, or ani mate his army and country, Ho forc ibly pointed out to Congress the do fectivo constitution of thoir army, without cavalry, without artillery and engineers; and enlarged upon tho iin poliey of short enlistinonte, and plac ing conGdcnoo in militia uuddonly called out and frequently changed. Ho urged these matters with great warmth; but to prevent oilenco, add ed "A eharaotcr to loso an estate to forfoit tho incstimablo blessing of liborty at stako and a lifo devoted, must bo my excuse," Ho also hinted at tho propriety of enlarging his pow ers so as to cnablo him to act in cases of urgency, without application to Congress; but apologized for this lib erty by doohriug'thatho felt no lust of powor and wished with tho greatest fervenoy for an opportunity of turning tho swords into a ploughshare;' but added "his feolings as an officer and a man had been such as to forco him to say that no person ever had n greater eholoo of difficulties to con tend with than himself." r1 In this very dungerous oiisls, Wash ington mado every exertion to procure reinforcements to supply tho plaoo of those who wcro daily leaving him. Ho sent Generals Mifllin and Armstrong to rouso tho oitizons of Pennsylvania. Col. P.ccd was dispatched to Gov. Liv ingston to urgo on him iho necessity of calling out tho Jcrsoy militia. Theso exertions wore in a great meas ure unavailing, except in and near the oity of Philadelphia. Fifteen hundred of tho citizens of that met ropolis associated together and march ed to tho aid of Washington. Though most of theso wcro acoustomed to the habits of a oity life, thoy slept in touts, barns, and sometimes in the open air during tho. cold months ef Dcocmbcr and January. On tho capture of Gen. Luc, the command of his army devolved on Gen. Sullivan, who, in obedienco to the orders formerly given, joined Gen. Washington. About tho same timo on addition was mado to his forco by tho arrival of a part of tho northern army. Tho Amorioans now amounted to about 7000 men, though during the retreat through the Jersoys, they wero seldom equal to half that num ber. Tho two armies were separated from each other by the river Delaware. The British, In tho security of con quest, cantoned their troops in Bur lington, Bordcnton, Trenton, and other towns of Now Jersey, in daily xpectation of being enabled to cross into Pennsylvania by moans of ico, whieh is generally formed about that time. On receiving information of their numbers and different canton ments, Washington obsorved "Now is tho timo to olip their wings, when thoy uro so spread." Yielding to hie native spirit of enterprise which had hitherto been roprcsicd, he formed the bold design of re-crossing tho Dela ware and attacking the British posts on its eastern banks, In tho ovoning of Christmas day he made arrangements for passing over in three divisions; at M'Konkoy's forry, at Trenton, and at or near Bor dcnton. Tho troops whioh wcro to havo crossed at the last two places exerted themselves to get over, but failed from the quantity of ico whioh obstructed their passage. The main body, about 2-100 men, began to cross vary early in the evening, but were so retarded by ice that It was nearly four o'clock in tho morning boforo thoy were in a condition to tako up thoir lino of march on the Jersey Bide. They wcro formed in two divisions. Ono was ordered to proceed on the lower or rivor road; tho other on the upper or rcnuington road, These having nearly the same distanco to march, were oidorcd immediately on foroing the out guards, to push direct ly into Trenton, that they might chargo the enemy boforo thoy had time to form. Though they marched different roads, yet they arrived with in threo minutes of each other. The out guards of the Hessian troops at Trenton soon fell back, but kept up a oonstant retreating firo. Their main body being hard pressed by tho Am ericans, who had already got posses sion of half their artillery, attempted to file off by a road leading towards Princeton, but wcro ohecked by a body of troops thrown in their way. Finding they were surroundod, they laid down .their arms. Tho number whioh submitted was 23 oiliocrs and S8G men. Botwcon 30 and -10 of the Hcsiians wero killed and woundod, Col. llahl was among tho former, and seven of his officers among tho Inttor. Captain Washington, of tho Virginia troops, and five or six of tho Amori oans wcro wounded. Two were killed aud two or throe wcro frozen to death, The detachment in Trenton consisted of tho regiments of Buhl, Loiberg Red Cloud, Webster County, and Kniphauscn, amounting in tho whole to about 1500 men, and a treop of British light horse. All theso wcro killed or oapturcd, except about 000, who escaped by tho road leading to Bordonton. Tho British had a strong battalion of light infantry at Princeton, and a forco yet remaining near the Dela ware superior to the American army. Washington, therefore, in the evoning of tho same day, thought it meet pru dent to cross into Pennsylvania with his prisoners. These being secured, he re-crossed tho Delaware and took possession of Trenton. The detach ments whioh had been distributed over New Jersey previous to the cap ture of tho Hessians, immediately af ter that event assembled at Princeton and wcro joined by tho army from Brunswick under Lord Cornwallie. From this position thoy came forward to Trenton in great force, hoping, by a vigorous onset, to repair the injury their cause had sustained by tho late defeat. Truly delicate was the situation of tho feeble American army, To re treat was to hazard tho oity ot Phila delphia, and to destroy every ray of hope which began to dawn from their lato sucocis. To risk an action with a superior force in front, and a river in rear, was dangorous in tho extreme. To get around tho advanced party of the British', and, by pushing forwards, to attack in their rear was deemed preferable to cither. Tho British, on thoir ndvanco from Princeton, at tacked a body of Americans which were posted with four field pieces a little to tho northward of Trenton, and compelled them to retreat. The pursuing British being checked at the bridgo over Sanpink creek by fotne field pieces, fell baok so far as to be out of their rcaoh. Tho Americans wcro drawn Dp on tho opposite sido of tho creek, and in that position re mained till night, cannonading the enomy and receiving their firo. In this critical hour, two armies, on which tho success or failure of the American revolution materially de pended, wcro crowded into tho small village of Trenton, and only sepa rated by a creek, iu many places ford able. Juo. O. Lntton of LoRoy, N. V., n prominent grocor nnd O. A. It. man says; 'I havo been troubled with indigostiou and billiouanesa for years. Tried l'arks Tea and it has onred me. I recommend it to everybody. Sold by C. L. Cotting. McGraw nnd Dim Brouthorn hnvo each struck out but twico thin season. I.ow IlutCH to llio East Residents of territory roaohed by Burlington Bouto lines, will do woll to noto tho following: On July 5th, 0th and 7th round trip tickets to Ash- bury Park, N. J., will bo on Balo at tho one-faro rate, plus two dollars. On July 8th, 9th and 10th round trip tickets to Cleveland, Ohio, will bo on salo at tho one-way rate On July 10 and 17th round trip tickets to Toronto Canada, will bo on salo at tho one way rate. Theso substantial reductions from regular tariff aro mado on aocount of tho National Educational Assooia tion's convention, and tho annual meetings of the Christian Endeavor societies, and tho Baptist Young Peoplos' Union, respectively, for all of which tho Burlington Bouto has bocu mado tho official line. Special trains arranged with a viow to tho comfort and convenicneo of delegates and their friends, will bo run. No one who is planning an eastern trip tuis summer can offord to let theso opportunities slip by, Tickets and full information upon application to local B & M 11 11 Agent, or to J Fran oil, G P & T A,, Omaha, Neb. sfisssssSras'w.tnM.t Neb., Friday, July 13, WEATHElt BULLETIN PROGNOSTICATIONS OF WEATHER. Prepared unit 1'iirnlnticil for Special rubllrntlou lit tlio lied Cloud Chief by W. 1. Fouler. (Copyrighted In 18UI by V. T. Foster. St. Joseph, Mo., July 13. My last bulletin gavo forecasts of tho storm wave to cross tho continent from July 12 to 10, and tho next will reach the Paoific coast about tho 17th, oross tho western mountains by closo of tho 18th, tho great oontral valleys from 10th to 21it, and tho eastern states about tho 22d. Tho principal features of this dis turbance will La tho cxteniivo rains it will cause but it will still leavo many places short on rainfall and poorly prepared to meet tho August drouth. The warm wavo will cross tho west ern mountains about tho 17th, tho great central valleys about tho 10th, and tho eastern states about the 21st. The cool wave will dross tho western mountains about tho 20th, tho great central valloys about the 22d, and tho eastern states about tho 24th. The fifth principal storm wavo of July will reach tho Paoifie coast about tho 23d, cross tho western mountains by close of tho 24,the great central valloys from 25th to 27th, aud the eastern states about tho 28th. This disturbanao will inaugurato a heated term that will bocomo vory oppressive during tho last part of July and tho first part of August. Tho warm wavo will cross the west' orn mountaias about 23d, tho great central valloys about 25th, and tho eastern states about 27th. Tho cool wavo will cross tho western mountains about the 20th, tho groat oontral val leys about the 28th, and tho eastern states about tho 30th. RECURRING PERIODS, Like tho 17 year loousts tho seven teen year weather poriods appear to havo littlo regularity but wnon ocno understood, when one knows how to mcasuro their periods by planetary positions, they provo themselves true to the 17 year rule, establish electro magnetism as a causo and planetary metcrology as the only truo system, As a Bomplo of tho fifteen to soven toon yoar period of recurring weather let uh tako tho temporaturo of Musoa tino, Iowa, for tho month of April 1839-54 50 71-80. For these five years tho month of April never failed to devolop an excess of temporaturo and tho average exoess was over four degrees daily for fivo months or a total exoess of moro than 000 degrees. In somo of tho eastern states wo havo longer weather records and when they havo worked out I will bo able to show moro striking evidences of tho 15-17 yoar weather periods, al though the Muscatino reoord aB shown above is posit ivo proof that suoh a period docs obtain, I havo not yet worked out tho rainfall record for Muscatiuo on tho 17 jcar period or I would give it horo. No further doubt can exist that thcro is a soven year weather period, Tho reason t).at it has eluded the grasp of metcrologisls is that it is a doublo period or rather two seyen years periods but I will not givo the key to it. Tako St. Louis July temporaturo for tho years 1811 12 48-51-55-01-02 08-74-75-81.87-88- Theso thirteen periods givo a daily avorago excess of 2 28 degrees or a total excess of 9,r)9 dogrecs. No ono can deny that this is positivo ovidenoo of this rcour- ring woathor poriod and as July 1894 is tho next recurring dato wo have reason to expect an excess of tempera ture at St, Loud tltis month, 1894. The excess varied greatly, howovor, on account of tho influence of other planets and I have only complotcd tho calculations of this ono planet for July ot St. Louis, thercforo I am not yot able to say whothcr tho excess might bo ovcrcoino by tho iniluencoof other plancty whioh I havo not yet had timo to calculate Now let us tako tho rainfall at Mia mi, Missouri, for August, a critical period in tho corn crop season. For tho yoars 1847-53-59 0000 07-72-73 79-80-80-9293 tho avorago monthly defioionoy for August was ,83 of an inch and somo of tho most sovcro drouths occurred in theso recurring periods. Ten of theso periods aver aged a defliaionoy o( 1.73 inohes for August and only three of them gavo an excess, owing to tho overwhelming iniluonco of tho other planets combin ed' According to this record a forecast for a sovcro drouth for August in con tral Missouri, based on ono planot would provo oorrcot ton times out of thirteen and by learning tho effects tho othor planets havo all errors may possibly bo avoided. I have ono illustration completed for thj eastern state. Tako Now Bedford, Massachusetts, temporaturo for December 1817-25-33-41-49.57-C5 73-81'89-89, and tho average daily ex cess is 3.19 degrees, or a total excess of 989 degrcos. This is tho eight pear period and without an exooption universally caus es a warm Dcocmbcr at Now Bedford, December 1697 will be tho next dato and n wafftiDcoember will bo oxpeoted at that placo and timo. Whon I have oonoludcd my calculations on tho othor planets I confidentially oxpoot to bo ablo to corrcotly forcoast how warm December of 1897 will bo at Now Bedford, Maes. Whilo high and low temperatures usually cover largo aroas thcro aro al ways spots in theso areas that are higher or lower in temperature than tho average cold or warm field and thercforo whilo a warm December at New Bedford would indicate a warm field ovor tho New England states tho reverso of this would bo truo in somo localities bocanso tho earth's olectrio currents are not tho same in all parts of New Euglund. To find tho effect of tho moon or a planet on tho clcetrio currents of a looality and consequently on the weather long weather rceordB are val uable and tedious calculations are necessary. I expect by Jauuary 1895 to begin tho publication, through tho papers that UBe theso bulletins, of long range forecasts of tomperaturo and rainfall that will bo of vastly greator benofits to all interests than any thing ever before attempted in this line. I am not writing books and am not preparing to writo any. Tho news paper is tuo Dcst mcuium iiirougn whioh to reach tho publio and my work will. continue to go out through that medium. Correspondents who oncloso stamped and addressed enve lope will alwajs receive a reply. Cable from queen 1,11. Doar Or'shara: One moro boon I cravo 1 trust in your uffootlon 'Tis not to murder Dole, tho Knave Or put down insurreotiou; 'Tis not my crown, but mo to save, I writo in deep uejootton, And so a package I must have Of Park's Tea for my complexion. Circuit iiiu's Answer to Queen Lil. When 1 recoived your Cablegram I thought I sure would faint For though I often ubo Parks' Tea Tis not for your complaint. I feared that Mrs. O. would think Wrong about our oonncotlou 'Till on her dresser there I saw Parks' Tea for her complexion, Hold by O. L. Cotting, .: Vol.21. No. 51 Bakhh Powder Jltoolixteiy Pure A cream of tartar baking powdor Highest of all in loavoning strength. Latest United States Govornmont Food ltoport, Iloynl Baking Powdor Co. 100 Wall t N. Y. ..............................I."""' Tho August isfluo ot tho Ladies Stand ard Moguziuo, published by tho Stand nrd Fushion Co., West 14th St., Now York. Comes to tho front, full of at trnctivo and Boasonublo mattoi. Tho fashion nnd puttorn dopartmont is es pecially good, tho latest styles being por trait ed by oxcoliont nnd and nrtiBtic en gravings. Fashionable dress decorations nnd millinery havo boon woll elaborated nnd will nid tho homo noodle woman amazingly in tho preparation ot feto, garden party and othor more elegant dresses. IJoBidoa tho usual articles on bicycling for women, nursing in the homo, otiquott, health and beauty, cook ory, artistic' interiors, etc., which aro up to thoir usual high standard, are added two well written skotchcB; ono entitled something nbout summor ontings and tho other, tho training of woman as breadwinners. Theso aro woll worth uaroful reading and will bo found inter esting to many. A charming play by tho Do Witt Pub. Co., u story entitled How Milly Mado Pictures and various othor useful and instructive matter com ploto this delightful numbor, ' Single copies Cc. 50 cents per year. Two Lives SUTCtl. Mrs. Pluube Thomas, of Jnnetion City, III. wni told by her dooters she had eon . umption and that there was net hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and eh any it Raved her life. Mr. Thos. Kggera, i:i'J Florida tit. San Francisco, -offered from a dreadful cold, npproaohlng con sumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. Kings Mew DiBoovery and in two weeks was cured, lie is natarallr thankful. It ia ueh results, of whieh theso are samples, that provo the wonderful etlloaoy of this medlolue in Coughs and Colds, Free trial bottles at O, h. Cotting'e Drugstore. Regular size GOo. and f 1.00. Pustors ot Wayno churches met formed u ministerial association. and Ordinance No. SO. At a regular mooting ot tho council hold at tho Firemen's hull, July 5, 1894. Clork was instructed to draft ordin ance as follows: An ordinunco provid inc for tho lovying of taxes upon all tho taxable property ot tho oity ot Rod Cloud. iNenrasitu (or tuo iiBcal yoar commencing on tho first Tuosday in May lb'Jl. Sr.o. I. Ho It ordained by tho mayor nnd city council of tho city of Rod Cloud, Nobrnskn. that tho following taxes be and tho samo uro hereby lovied upon all tho tnxablo proporty ot said city ot Rod Cloud, Nebraska, tor thotisca1year com. monclng on tho first Tuesduy in May 1801. For gonornl rovonuo purposoB to meet tho uurront expenses und liabilities of said cltv oxcluslvo of interest and liabil ities on outstanding bonds ten (10) mills on tho dollar ot tho assessed valuation ot nil tho tnxublo proporty ot snid city. For tho payment of interest on water bond soven ami ono-nuu hjsj mius on tho dollar of tho assessed valuation ot nil tho tnxablo property ot said city. For tho pnymont ot interest on eleo trio light plant bond two (2) mlllB on lite dollar of tho assessed valuutionpt a.l tho taxable property ot snid city. For oporntlng, oxtondlng and main taining water works eovon (7) 'mills on tho dollar ot tho assessed valuation ot all tho tnxublo proporty ot euid city. Sec, II. And bo it further ordained that tho city clerk ot said oity of Rod Cloud, Nebraska, bound is horoby direct ed to certify under tho seal of the suid cltv ot Rod Cloud, Nebraska, to tho county clerk ot Wobstor county, Nebras ka, tho numbor ot mills on tho dollar of tuxeB levied auhorein boforo onumoratod for all city properties as heroin before sot forth. ..... Sko. III. This ordinance shall take offset and bo in force on and attor its adoption und publication us provided by law. n....1 .1.1. .!.. T..I.. 1001 IXJUtcu tuia mu unj ui umij " W.B.Robv, Mayor, AttMtW.P.Wwt, Oity Clerk. Vdfal eW. MJlAfjam K,' ! Mf H f I m