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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1878)
THE HERALD. j. a. MACsrunnir. .. .Editor PLATTSMOUTn. OCT. 2. l8Vi. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Supreme Judge, AMASA COBE. of Lancaster. MtraWr of Congress (Long Term.) K. K. VALENTINE, of CutulH-j Co. Htnbt.v of Congress (Short Terra and Coat.) THo3. .T. MAJOH3. of Nemaha. Covcrnor, ALBINC3 NANCE, of Tolk. Lieutenant-Governor. E. C. CAKNES, of Seward. Secretary of State. S. J. ALEXANDER, of Thayer. Auditor. JF. V. LILDTKE. of York. Treasurer. M. BARTLETT of Lancaster. O. Superintendent. 8. R. THOMPSON, of lancaeter. Attorney General. C. J. DILLWORTH. of Dawson. Lund I'omii'ifsloner, F. M. DAVIS, of Clay. republic .n count r ticket. Tor State Senator. '"" ORLANDO TEFFT. For Representative.", K. B. WINDHAM. JNO. T. FOLK. ISAAC STONE. For County Commissioner 2d. Dlst. SAMUEL RICHARDSON. For District Attorney 2d Judicial DIst. J. C. WATSON, of Otoe County. Where o'.es ? is our opponent now for Republicans, remember the Mass Meeting on Saturday at Eight Mile Grove. But for factious opposition on the floor of the Convention, Cass county might have hail a candidate for a State office to-day. The State Wool Grower's Associa tion met at Lincoln during the State Fair and decided to hold a grand sheep shearing at Kearney, in the spring at such particular time and with such regulations as the President, Hon. Mo Bes Stocking, may hereafter direct. Suc cess to the sheep-raisers. At the Democratic Convention at Worces'.er, Iass. Ben Butler's men entered the hall and took possession by force. The anti-Butler democrats retired nnd will assemble at Faneuil hall, the coming week from whence they think old Ben cannot diivc them. The mob rule of Butler's gang is going to react and hurt his cause. It lool;3 now hs if conservative Republicans and Democrats x-ill unite to put down Kearnv-is:n and Butlei-isni. HEETINU. At ll?ht Mile Grore, on Saturday, Oct. 12tb, at 2 o'clock m. The Republicans of Cass County are requsted to assemble in mass meeting at Eight Mi'.a Grove, on Saturday, Oct. 12th, 1878, for the purpose of opening and inaugurating the campaign in this county. It i3 desirable that every true Republican turn out to help us to ictory. J no. A. MacMurphy, Ch'n Cent. Com. The Democratic Convention at Lin coln was a curious affair. A- synopsis of the proceedings appears elsewhere. Tire facts are the younger element of the party just deliberately and with malice afore-thought sat down on all old chaps and say they mean to keep them there. The soft money wing won the day entirely, though we do not believe they care one cent about the money question in reality and as soon as they can eliminate those they oppose from power in the party, th party as a party will return to its dog mas on finance. Y ICTORY I Mr. MacMurphy, the candidate from Cass did not get the nomina tion, but was third on the list when during the stampe.lo for Alexander the delegation from Cass asked him to withdraw. The result shows now that had ho held o.i one more ballot he could have ben nominated. A number c.f personal friends would have voted for Mr. MacMurphy on the third ballot, and he had already tnoujh to have prevented a nomina tion on that ballot had ho not with drawn rather ag dnst his better judg ment. Of the light made on him from Cass county when on the floor of the Hojsc, we shall speak hereafter. DELATED. Of course wo arc late thi3 week: The publication of the tax list turned out much larger than we or toe .treasurer expected, ana although we have three extra hands and have crowded everything, it will s'.illbe Saturday before all the paper goe3 to mail. Any extended notice of the convention, all comments on its course, the platform, notice of home politics, candidates, all person al and local notices, correspondence, fcc., must be excluded uutil next week. We did hope that when our electioa was postponed until Novera bar we would have some chance in the fall for notice of fairs, and pub lishing of tax list before the cam paign op&ned, but tha Legislature also changed the time of bnd sales to November and everything comes together again. This year all in two week's jtymft- Nest week we shall discus th.: platform and convention roceocUnjjs 2-ore fully. '' THE STATE CONVENTION. Exciting1 Sessions Tuesday and Wednes day Many Double Headers The Fall Ticket Nominated Glo rious Work. The Republican State Convention met in the Opera House, Lincoln, on Tuesday to nominate a full state tick et. There were about three hundred delegates in town and many visitors, and the hour3 preceding the opening of the convention were occupied by the crowds at the Commercial House in discussing the merits of prospective candidates and the peculiar features of the situation. All agreed however in one respect, namely, that the conven tion would consume considerable time in finishing its work. TIIE CONVENTION opened shortly after 3 o'clock, when J. W. Dawes, Chairman of the State Cen tral Committee, called the meeting to order. Judge M. L. Hay ward, of Otoe county, was unanimously elected tem porary chairman, C. F, Goodman, of Douglas, temporary secretary, and Geo. Brooks, of Knox county, assistant sec retarv. The committee on credentials was appointed as follows: First District A. II. Babcock, of Pawnee county. Second J. II. Stull. of Nemaha. Third J. C. Laughlin, of Burt. Fourth C. L. Lewis, of Seward. Fifth J. II. McCall, of Dawson. Sixth J. B. Barnes, of Dixon. At Large Sam Chapman, of Platts mouth. Mr. Hascall made a statement in re gard to the double-header from Doug las County, and asked that the commit tee explain who the contestants are from Douglas County. The chairman stated that the committee had been di rected to leave the whole matter to the Convention. During the evening session a number of contests and several Counties were settled by the Convention, and the or ganization of the body was made per manent. In the contest of the Doug las County factions Mr. Connell and Mr. Thurston carried on the argument and theresult was that after a bitter debate the Thurston delegation was admitted, receiving 1GD votes, while the Lake wing had but 119 of the 279 votes cast. The Franklin county fight followed, and finally the Valentine voters were admitted. The Gosper county feud was settled by the delega tion themselves, and after an exciting wrangle the Hays delegation were ad mitted at 3 o'clock in the morning as the real representatives of Madison county. BALLOTING. The following ballots were taken on Wednesday night: First informal for Congressman: Cronse, 110; Valentine, 93; Blanch- ard, 43; McBride, 31 ; Mason. 23; Gwy- er, 1. Four formal ballots were taken and the final one stood thus: Valentine, 181; Crounse, 91 ; ard, 29. In Wednesday evenings meeting a ballot for congressman for the short term resulted as follows: Majors, 265; O'Hawes, 33; Major's nomination was made unanimous, and lie w;is then norrinated by acclamation for contin gent. The informal ballot for Governor re sulted: Nance, 81 ; Dawes. 67; Daily, 63; Chase, 34; Abbott, 24; Holmes, 16; Croxton, 13. The third formal ballot resulted in the nomination of Mr. Nance as fol lows: Nance, 1C3; Dawes, 87; Daily, 41 ; Chasf , 7 ; Holmes, 3. On motion of Judge Post the rules were suspended and E. C. Carnes was nominated for liautenant Governor by acclamation. SECRETARY OF STATE. Samuel L. Cannon put in, nomina tion Jr.o. A. .MacMurphy, of Cass; A. D. Siocum, Dr. Sadler of Adams; C. Walker, J. F. Zediker of Frank lin; W. B. Parish. D. B. Slaughter of Lancaster; J. XV. Davidson, Bruno Tzschuck of Sarpy; A. S. Weaver, S. J. Alexander of Thayer; G. C. Reed, T. Harlan of Harlan. Some one whose name could not be ascer tained nominated D. II. Wheeler of Cas3. A formal ballot was taken at once resulting as follows: FIRST BALLOT. J A. MacMurphy 29 S. Sadler. 43 27 J. F. Zediker B. D. Slaughter.. 77 Bruno Tzschuck. 30 50 S. J. Alexander Th03. Harlan D. II. Wheeler. Liedtke Blank 21 18 1 1 Whole vote cast 297 SECOND BALLOT. J. A. MacMurphy 39 S.Sadler 31 J. F Zediker 17 B. D. Slaughter 105 Bruno Tzschuck. . . 15 S. J. Alexander 91 D. II. WlieeW 8 Thomas Harlan 1 Votes cast 307 Seeing that a combination was bc iug formed to elect S. J. Alex ander on the next ballot, Mr. Zediker then withdrew in favor of Alexander, followed by Tzschuck and Sadler. D. II. Wheeler's name was also withdrawn. MacMurptry then withdrew his name, leaving the contest between Alexander and Slaughter. The third ballot was D. B. Slaughter, - - 123 S. J. Alexander, - - 184 Alexander's nomination was then made unanimous. Tzschuck being out of the wa for Secretarj-, Leidtke, the only Ger man candidate in the field, had a fair show for Auditor and was nominated on the third ballot hy a vote of 1S5. It was nearly morning on Thurs day. The balloting on Treasurer was c'ose, resulting in trie nomina tion of Mr. Bartlett, of Lancaster, the present deput. Prof. Thompson,' present incumb ent, was nominated for Superintend ent of Public I ctr action. Gen. Dillworth was nominated for Attorney General. F. M. Davis was nominated for Land Commissioner by acclamation, there being no other candidate. The convention adjourned for breakfast. After that the committee on Platform reported, and a Central Committee was appointed. A disgraceful debate occurred on the adoption of a resolution re garding bridge tolls at Omaha, and the convention was etill wrangling when we left Thursday noon. It is impossible to publish the platform this week. It is a sound money platform and on it we will win the battle. XV. XV. The Judicial District Convention met at Nebraska city on the 23d, and John C. Watson was nominated by ac clamation. Mr. Watson is a young Attorney of Otoe, who has won his way by energy, industry and ability to a high position at the bar, and will no doubt make an excellent District At torney if elected. The ends of the Greenbackers who are fiat money men, who believe that the government can stamp leather, wood, stone or paper, and ca:l it money, could only be attained through revolu tion. It is impossible, under the pres ent constitution, for the government to make, (not coin) money. With the mere demagogue who only hunts an office, and who only cares to create a disturbance and dissatisfaction with the party in power it is useless to ar gue. He neither knows nor cares any thing about the true principles of fi nance, nor the facts in the case. To the hone. t Greenbacker who is deluded with this notion of irredeema ble paper money and oceans of it we say examine the facts and see when and how you can gee what you think you want suppose your theory is cor rect, suppose fox the mere argument that your fiat money was the money we want and need, how will you get it through the gr-enback party? The Congress that meets this winter is not a greenback congress, in your sense of the terra. The congressmen you elect this fall do not take their seats until a year hence, and then the first practi cable thing they could do, (provided it was then a fiat money congress) would be to submit an amendment of the constitution to the people. This must be ratified by two-thirds of the states, which would consume another year al most and does any one of sense sup pose two-thirds of the states would ratify any such amendment? This is the only way under the forms of law that such change could be made, the only other way, as we have s.iid, is by revolution, anarchy and confusion. Long before this could be accom plished the money question of this country will have settled itself, and the conservative forces of either old party will have placed a sound, re deemable uniform currency before the people. There will be no finance question be fore the people in '80 no greenback question. It will be whether bam my Tilden or some other democrat shall be president provided the old Republi can partv i3 not strong enough to elect. That will be the issue. 'I he State Fair. Our space is so limited this week owirg to insertion of the delinquent tax list that we have room for only a few notes of the State Fair, of which we should have been glad to give a much fuller account. The weather for the first day or two was rather unfa vorable being somewhat cold and windy, but it did nut deter people from coming and the last two days being pleasanter the crowd numbered from 5,000 to 6,000, and many were obliged to be content with the most insufficient acommodations or even none at all in tlii way of lodging. The display of farm and orchard pro ducts was a sufficient advertisement of Nebraska to satisfy the most incredu lous and to further advertise our re sources, the U. P. is having samples of the finest specimens of fruits and vegetables packed by Mr. J. T. Allen and sent to the St. Louis fair and from thpnee to the Chicago Exposition. The statistics in regard to tree plant ing in '77 and '78 would almost surpass belief were they not vouched for. For '77 the number of trees planted was more than thirty and one quarter mil lions and for '78 eighty-eiglit millions. There were 64 acres of fruit trees in '77 and 4000 acres in '78 exclusive of firapes. Treeless prairies in Nebrska wiil be a thing of the past soon. G. W. E. Dorseys horse Saturn was awarded the sweepstakes prize over thirty competitors. Nemaha took the premium for the best fruit display. To show that the state north of the Platte is rapidly cat hing up with the south Piatte in fruit culture Hiram Craig oi Washington Co., took prem iums for best collections of autumn apple3 and second best of winter ap ples, and Burt Co., Agricultural Socie ty for the best collection of pears; II. Craig for grapes. Chas. Meyer of Cass county, premium on brooms; L. A. Moore, Plattsmouth, best basket cut flowers, flower wreath, round bouquet, and best collection Begonias; W. J. Ilesser, Plattsmouth, best collection of greenhouse plants, foliage plauts, cala diums, ferns and palms. Races at the Co. Fair. On Saturday, in the foot race. Bud Smith got first money and Geo. Foster (colored) 2d. In the afternoon race Jas. Woodard wins' first and Foster again wins second. HORSE RACES. Friday Kearney's horse Jno. Gantt, won first mouey against Streight's Bronco Jim; owing to the track being so wet Streight's horse could not rrake time. Saturday There were a number of running ra:es, mostly won by Ricke baugh, an Iowa professional, and one trot between Jones' Black' Bess and Pettit's stallion; Jonea won. No On on ay i tb Democratic Convention. The Democratic Convention asseni- ! bled at Lincoln the 25th. and after a hot light and a desperate one, resulted in discomfiture to the i Id Bourbon hard money element, and triumph to the fiat-faction. Henry C. Lett, of Nenia ha was elected permanent chairman. Hon. J. Sterling Morton being called upon to make a speecli, was unmerci fully choked off by the opposition. The platform committee made a ma jority and minority report on the money question, the majority favoring specie resumption and currency con vertible into coin, the minority, repeal of the resumption act, and more green backs. Greenbacks carried by a ma jority of thirteen. The nomination. were; Supreme Judge, Jno. D. Howe; for Congress, short term4 Alex. C. Bear; Congress, long term, Maj. J. W. Davis, for Governor, Gen. XV. II Webster; for Lieutenant-Governor, F. J. Mead ; for Sec. of State, Benj. Parmerton; for Auditor. E. II. Benton ; tor Supt. Pub. Instruction, S. L. Barrett; for Attor ney General, S. II. Calhoun; for Supt. Pub. Lands and Buddings, .las. Mc Cready; for Treasurer, S. II. Cum minajs. The Greenback candidates endorsed by the Convention, were Howe, Su preme Judge; Davis, Congressman; Cummings, Treasurer; Calhoun, At torney General. LOCAL NEWS LOG A L A D V ERTISEM ENT.S. Transient. 23 cents a line. Regular advertis ers. 10 cents per Hub. No advertisement insert -a! for less than 23 cents. Legal notices at Statute rates. Uorneys and officers of the law will be neld responsible for all leal notices they hand in, and all parties demanding a proof of publica tion of any notice will be lie Id for the Duplica tion fee of such notice. COMMUNICATIONS. . As our space is limited, all communications mist be bnef aud to the point, with no waste f words. The paper ts responsible for the correctness according to copy of paid matter and paid Le gals, only. 1. Any person who takes the paper regularly i the pns'-oftlce, whether direeled to his from the iHis' name, nr whether he is a sirscr.ocr or 1101 is responsible for the pay. 2. If anv person ordeis his paper discontin ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish er mav continue to send it until payment is inaue.'nnd collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. 3. 1 lie courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the post office, or removing and leaving thein uncalled for, is prwia facie evidence of intentional Fiurn. Can't some of our subscribers bring " some vegetables? Harry Robinson the man with the "Silver Horns" will give an entertain ment Oct. 8. Patent Risjht Gregory the bys call him. Hu's on the Float, but will never float in. Coming! The renowned Plunkett Dramatic Combination, Oct. 14th. Re member the date. Remember that for boots and shoes Rockwell cannot be beat in price He lias a large assortment. 28tf. We learn from the Omaha p ipers that a temperance audience who had assembled to hear Mrs. Van Cott, but were disappointed by her lion arrival, were very agreeably entertained by Mrs. Spurlock of Plattsmouth who had gone up to hear Mrs. Van Cott. Rockwell has just received nino c bests of choice teas, which he sells at from 25ots to 81 per pound. The best bargain in teas you ever saw. 2Sif. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood lo3t their onlv daughter, little Amelia, age l sir last week. Saturday. The funeral took plaee on Sunday afternoon, and was attended bv a large number of friends. Those who talk so flippantly about heavy taxation, and oppose the present issue of money through the National Bank, we would call attention to the fact that Greenbacks issued direct by the Government are not taxable at all and the rich man could and would ac cumulate his pocket full of them on which no taxes could be collected, un der the present Constitution. Remem ber this. Rockwell keeps hardware and q ieensware. and by Jove lie keeps ma chine oils too.; and I declare, lie keeps pa'ent medicines also, so there is no use of staying sick. 28tf. Dr. Jo. Hall left on Saturday last for another course of lectures at Rush Medical College. We command his preserving effort to fit himself for the profession he has chosen. J. P. Young has established a "sub scription news asrency" in connection with his news depot, where ou can subscribe for any newspaper or maga zine desired and thereby save money. The first sociable of St. Luke's Guild will meet at the house of Mrs. Latham on Thursday, Oct., lOih. All are cordially invited to attend. Remember, if you wish to subscribe for any paper or magazine, go to .1. I Young, the "subscription news agent" and you will save money. Attempts have been made several times to enter the house of Mr. R. C. Cushing, within the past two weeks, and as Mr. Cushing is away from home, Mrs. C. has only succeeded in driving them off by alarming tha neighbors, Mr. Elton and M". Johnson. It is hoped for Mrs. C's peace of mind that the thieves will ba discovered and punished. Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin ished his new store, 23x35, which he has full of new goods. Re. sure and give him a call we know you. will uy if you do, for he sells very cheap. 28if. There will be a Red Ribbon meeting at the Methodist Church, Monday eve., Oct. 7th. The meeting will be address ed by David Tatim, of Cleveland, O. All are invited. Methodist Episcopal Re-Unlou. The raemlers and friends of the M. E. Church will hold their annual re union at Duke's Hall on Tuesday even ing October 8th, for the benefit of Rev. W.S.Blackburn. A grand good time is anticipated. Fresh oysters and sup per will be served by the ladies of the church. A unique and novel Ai t Gal lery will be under the supervision of the young ladies. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to all to participate in this token of esteea. for this Rev erend gentleman and his family -who have so faithfully served us -during th9 p-ist year. Uj rjrrr nS.iim fiiiUe.'.. Personal. Mrs. A. G Hatt left on Thursday last for a visit amongst friends in De troit Michigan Mr. O Gass and Mother from Ohio are visiting their uncle and brother P. P. GaS3 of this city. Mr. S. L. Moser of Albia. Iowa, made the Herald a call Monday last. We omitted to make mention last week of a call f rum Ranger, one of the edicors of the Western Magazine pub lished in Omaha, and whicn by his en ergy in canvassing has attained a con siderable circulation. We regret being absent when he called. Mr. Win. B. Wright, a representative of the Boston Traveller, has been visi ting the Herald for some days. IIj attended the Republican Convention at Lincoln, but what his opinion- of that institution really are we have been unable to draw from bim even with a cork screw. Mr. W. S. Wise, who has for some time been studying law in the olliee. of R. B. Windham, passed an examination on Wednesday and was adaiittel to the bar of this state. He leaves to day for Ann Arbor, and we wish him all due success jn his persevering ef forts to fit himself for the practice of the law. Rockwell has the neatest assortment of lady's dress goods ever brought to town. Be sure and see them before the assortment is broke. They are go ing off fast. 2Stf. The following communication nas been received, as will be seen, by Rev. Mr. Burgess, a member of the school boaid, and as wo are desirous of giving all parties fair play, in the unfortunate complication which has arisen in our school affairs, we pub lish i cheerfully: West Troy, N. Y., ' Sept. 24th, 1873. ( Rev. IT. B. Burgess, Plattsmouth, Neb. Dear Sir: I write you concerning Prof. Ev T. Simons, formerly from this count', who is now engaged in teaching in your city. I have known the gentleman for a number of years. He ranked among the first teachers of Albany county. For two years I came in contact with him in an official ca pacity. I have visited his school, No. 8, always foui d it in first-class working order and know that he taught the higher branches, preparing pupils for admission into college. The fact that he taught the school for four consecu tive years is conclusive evidence that he is a first-class man in respee'. to moral characttr. learning, and ability toimpart instruction, lor no section under my jurisdiction is more exact ing than the locality from which Mr. Siniois resigned when he came to you. I have sent them three good men. and in conversation with one of the officers lately, he said, "they are not E. T. Si mons." You mav state to your board of edu cation that Prof. E. T. Simons is a gentleman, and his scholarship no one will doubt, and as for power to im part instruction, few teachers ate his equals Resp y i ours, XV. J. McMillan. Sup't of Schools, Albany Co.. N. Y J. P. Young will soon distribute cir culars containing a list of the most popular ami leading papers and maga zines published. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. RETORTED lit F. T.. WHITK. Wheat. No. 2 " 3 " rejected Corn Oats Hail v. No. 2 ' S ' rejected Rye 51 TV'S 35 lO.U l.-co Latest new ,.r.r: M.'.r.KKTs Nr.v Hoas, Oil 3. Money.. io! J,. . . l4 LATEST CHICAtiO MARKETS. Ch u aoo. Oct Flour, Wheat - Com Oa's. Rye Bnticv Native C';u!c Texas Cattle Hoes. Just Received At Rock well'b, a very full line of Mil linery goods of the very latest stj les. such as flowers, ribbons, plumes and tips, silks, velvets, lady's ties, bonnets and hats, an'l many other little novel ties that cannot be had at any other place in town. 28tf. Wanted. A good girl for general housework can find steady employment by applying immediately, by mail or in person, "to H. J. Streigiit, 28t3. South Bend, Neb. Rockwell keeps clothing and gent's underwear. 28tf. For Sale. A wire plant s'and wiili trellis, at a bargain. Inquire at the Herald office. Lost On Cass Co. Fair Grounds, a fine linen handkerchief with lace bor der. Leave at this office. Found Left on the Cass Co. Fair Grounds, one shawl and one parasol. The owner can have them by proving property and paying for this notice. Rockwtll has a full line of Grocer ies. 28 tf. Settlement Notice. I shall be found at Fred SLadel manu's Bakery for some time to come for the purpose of settling all my bus iness, collecting my debts and accounts and paying my own. I want my busi ness affairs wound up as speedily as possible and would thank my friends and lati. patrons to come around and help me to square up by settling all our accounts. Ve:y Respectfully. 20tf Wm. Stadelmann. Notary Public. J. C Newberry, Notary Public, and Real Estate Agent, Weeping Wa ter, Cass Co. Neb. Letters answered promptly and all business attended to at ouce. 2C;4 Slippers 53c a pair at Merges. 6tf Good second-hand organs and melo Deons for sale or rent low. Leave ad dress at Mr.O. F. Johnson's Drugstore cor 6th and Maiu Sts. Jakes Pettee, 9tf. Dos lor in ilusioaj Intrumtala. . 3. 83 Xi isi, 4 1 o?'i 2 Toa Ki 2 .TOuiS .15 3 cit4 35 VICTORIOUS AGAIN. Latent Honor l'aris Exhibition or 1S7S -iwa Jiiin-nt iiuld Jiedals Awarded to .tlaau A. tsamliu Oiuu Company. The Mason & Hamlin Organ Com pany have the honor to announce tiiat they have been awarded the first prize gold medal at the Paris Exhibition of 1878, for the -superior excellence of their Cabinet and Parlor Organs. Thirty leading manufacturers of lved organs from all nations were among the competitor, and the various juries who have made and ratified the award were composed of the nio.-.t eminent professionals and exports of their re spective countries. In audition to the above the Mason & lliiiiilin Organ Company re cei veil the dis: ingiiished honor of the award of a separate Gold Medal to the superin endent of their factory, Mr. W. O. Trowbridge, in testimony of the excellence of their work in its detai a and of the completeness of their sys tem and thoroughness of factory ap pointment. This is in accordance with the uni form experience of the Mason fc Ham lin Company who have been awarded First Medals or o. her highest honors at all World's Expositions for elever years, viz: at Paris. 1SG7; and Vienna. 1S73; Santiago. 187.); Philadelphia. 1875; and Paris 1378. Messrs Mason & Hamlin will be hap py to send descriptive circulars to any applicants. Address, Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., 154 Tkemont St., Boston ; 25 Union Sq., New York 230 and 2.12 Wabash Ave., Chicago. James Pettee. University of Nebraska. Instruction given in all the branches of a liberal education. Open to both ladies and gentlemen. Candidates for admission to the Pr-paratory Department must pass a fair examination in Orthography, Reading, Arithmetic. Geography, Eng lish Grammar, and the History of the United States. Instruction is given in r her Arithmetic, English Analysis, and Physical Geography, cash for a single term. tuition free to all. Fall Term begins Tuesday. Sep tember 10, 1878, and ends Friday, De cember 20. Winter Term begins Thursday, January 2, 1879, and ends March 21. Spring Term begins April 1, and closes on the Second Wednesday of June, the day of the annual commence ment. Catalogue, containing full informa tion, can be had upon application to E. B. Fairfield. Chancellor. Lincoln, July 6, 1877. 17in9. Stoves put up and blacked. Pipe cleaned and aTl lix-rd up in apple-pie order by Chas. Brown. Leave orders at Bob. Sherwood's store. 25-tf Goto Schlegel Bros, and get the int tag Lorillaid smoking Tobacco. Go to Rockwell's for all kinds of dry goods and groceries at bed rock prices. -; nnn li fi worth of Farm ritoorcit 0J.Vli.Tf t w alone can be saved by using Centennial Rat Exttrmi vouu). 2of A Schlegel & Bro. have on hand the best rands of Smoking and Chewing tobaccos. 14tf You can save a large per cent of your coin crop by reading"Three Blind Mice," and following advice. 34lf Smoke the B. & M. in gars at Schlegel Bros. Nebraska ci Prints twenty yards Rockwell's. for 6100 at ltf Five pound of best rio coffee for SI at Rockwell's 15tf Send your orders for cigars to A. Sehl.'gej i t6 Bro. they guarantee satis faction in price and quality. lltf Pension Papers. Those wanting pension papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville, has a certificate of the county Clerk filed with the LT. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 52;f Go to Jones & Stroud for a good team just now. lOtf. Thirty of the best organ makers of the World are competitor? at tiie Paris Exposition, a cable dispatch to the Associated lre-s says two highest gold medals have been awarded to the Americau makers. Mason & Hamlin. RAID on RATS. Use Centennial Rat Exterminator. 20tf Go to Rockwell's at Louisville to buy your millinery goods, they have just received a large and well selected stock of ladies hats and trimmings of the latest stvle. 15tf Slippers 35c a pair at Merges'. Stf Horses for Sale. Jons & Stroud have 13 or 20 head of good work and carriage horses for sale. 10if. Mouey to Loan. Wo will negotiate loans, in Cass County on improved farms, on five years time of ten per cent semi annual interest and 1 and h per cent commission each year. Funds obtained promptly, call on or address . Moore & Ocobock, south side Gov't Square, Lincoln, Neb. 20m3. A (Jetlc Hint. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of tempera tire, rain, wind and sunshiHe often intel niingh d in a singie day, u is no woialer that our children, liiends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglect ed colds, half the deaths rcsu'ting di rectly from tlds cause. A lwittle of Bosclue's German Sxrup kept about your home for inuue Jiate. use will pre vent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption. Hemorrhages, Pneumonia Severe Coughs. Croup or any other di, sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc cess is simply wonderful, as your drug gist will tell you. German Syrup is now sold in every town and village on thife continent. Sample bottles for tri- ! !. tCc; rcg'lHrrr,.75c. tRff a'! SPECIAL NOTICES. ETERY FAMILY IN TIIE WEST. Says SIrown's ISlackbcrry and C;iiigc-r is a safe, pleasant and reliable remedy for Diarrha a, Dysozttru. ('fio! era Morbus, and ftnnmcr (.-omjilairit. Procure a bottle of thi Celebrated Family safeguard at once. Delays crv Dangeious. Price, fifty cents per bot tle. Ilrown'g Vegetable I,!vcr I'lIIs are the standard remedy for the Liver and Bilious diseases of this cli mate. A trial tstiblishts them in every Western Family. Hi-own Arnica Naive lias no I equal for removing inflammation and for healing old sores and ulcers. All of Brown's Popular Family Medi cines " For sale by Dr.MV. E. Donelan, Clufpman &" Smith; J. II. Buttery and O. F. Johnson. - lotf Plattsmouth, Neb. ; An Astouishing Fact. A large proportion of the American people are to-day dying from the ef fects of Dyspepsia or disordered liver. The' result of tliTse diseases upon the masses of intelligent and valuable peo ple is moat alarming, making life ac tually a burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. There, is no good reason for this, if you will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of Druggists and your friends, and try one bottle "of Green's August Flowei. Your speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents to try. Three doses will relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all Druggists on the western continent. 281y-eow The At. aula Ua., Constitution, Recently published a long account of the des'truetiveness of the "Sherman Rat winch is c to 4 tunes as large as the Northern Rat. On the 17th of Sep ember. 1877. the Manager of this celebrated paper having tried Centen nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle men your "l'izen Stuff" knocks "Sher man Rats," stiff and cold. Osaoe, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1377. Star Manufacturing Company, Fort Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen tennial rat poison, received last Mon day. We have given three doses. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and we verily believe there is not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill, feed, custom and merchant's mills were full of them, as were also our houses, cooper shops, barns and hog pens. Sii ce giving them the poison they have been running round as "crazy as loons" and the liver bank is line with dead rats, in fact it has created a terrible commotion among Hiem and they have all left, thanks to tho "Centennial Rat Exterminator." each box of which is worth a twenty dollar bill. We will see our druggists and have them send for it. Thanks, thanks. Very respect fully. E. M. Britts. & Co. This great economizer for property holders, farmers, tt al., is for sale by druggists ami general dealers every where. Price 25 cents, large cans SI, 00 20tf. CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Serge Shoes GOcts. " " Slippers...."". .r)0 cts. " " Leather Shoes 75 cts. Shoes and Boots are down to rock TRICES. Mens Buckle Alexis... . ". S 1 .0 " Prince. Alberts 1 5 " Whole stock Rrogans 1 50 These goO' s and others including a large stock of aH kinds of Boots, shoes and Slippers, must be sold. No trust. Ctf Peter Merges. Cautiou to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1878 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainlv labeled: -1 ULI US PEPPEIi BURG, Manufacturer. Plattsmouth. - - Nebraska. White fish at 80 cents a kit at Rock well's. 15tf Consumption Cured. An old physi'-ian. retired from practice, hav i had placed in his hands by an India missonary the formula of a pimple vegetable remedy, tor the speedy and permanent cure for conHiiihption. bronchiti. catarrh, asthma, and all llinuit anil lunjr affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, fter having tested it wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases, ha felt it his duty to make it known for his mi (Term k fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who d-ore it. this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using, in German, French, or English. Sent by nuiil bv addressing w It h stamp, naming this pa per, W. W. Sherar, 14a Powers' Block. Roches ter. New York. 26t4 LEGAL NOTICES. In Bankruptcy. District of Nebraska, ss ; at York the 27th dfy of September. A. li. 1873. The undernigned hereby gives notice of Us appointment a assignee of David R. Cr egan. of Fairmont, in the County of Filmoi e and Slate of Nebraska, within said district, who has beeo akjudged a bankrupt upon hi own petition I y Jno. L. Webstei, Register in C.tiiki Lii uy fcr -aid district. S. V. '.goue. Assignee. Estray Notice. Taken up on the 17th day of September. A. D. 1878, as a stiay in Weeping Water, in township 10 ninth, range 11 east, in Cass County, Nehras ka. by the subscriber, who there reeidrs. one chestnut sorrel horse, with white spot in the forehead, with near hir.a foot white, a small tear on point of right shoulder, also a scar on left fore foot, supported to be about 8 years old. Said horse had on an old saddle and blind bii dle. and a ludier when taken up. The owner of eaid propertv ran have the same by proviug property anil pavi. g expenses. Dated this lbt day of October. A. D. '878. 28li A. L. McDOSALO. Master's Sale. District of Nebraska : Tn the Circuit Conri of the United States, for the District of Nebraska Jeremiah Watermajt vs. vln Chancery William r. Bakbocu etaLi FORECLOSURE OK MORTGAGE. Tublic notice I lierel y given that in pursu ance of a decree eu'ered in the above cause, on the l7tU day of May. 1878. 1 YVatvon li. St.iiih. M. uster In Chancery of said lout t will, on Mon day, the l ttli day of October l7f. at the how of 5 o'clok in tiie afternoon of the said day at the front doer of tht: District Court House in the I'ily of Seward. Seward county Nebraska. ell at public auction, the following described prop erty to-wit: Ihe east half of the noitlicast quarter of section twelve Vi) in township num ber twelve (t2 in range four, east of the 6th I. M., being eighty acres of land in Seward coun ty Nebraska. Watson li. Smith. ',inh-t. ept.irt.irrs. Matei-in Chancery. IiAEWOOD & A1IP3. 2514 Notice of Assignee of his ap pointment in Bankruptcy. District of AebrasJca s; At Lincoln the day of September. A. I).. 1878. Ihe undcrsiued iirrebv tiv-s i. .-.tire ,,j his appointment as assignee of ".linos 11. .Mo Murtryoi Lincoln in the CouiUv of Lancaster, and (State of Nebraska. within said District, who has becu adjudged a Jiar.krupt upon his own petilion, by J. L. W it rater, lyglstcr in Bank ruptcy ior s&irt iiiotnet, .y. f.r. Knoz. ASty'ee.. TiTirfr-'fi.iii In Bankruptcy. In thi Tihtrirt Court of Vir. Cnitrd Xt.i!., H. J -it the ltr':t ' "V'oi.ifct. in thr. m itt n f A. Li ' i iln, ttdi'Hi it;it. United Stales DL'.l.f t Cosi.-f Clerk' Otter. O it A, Sent. , To t'.'!i')!y i' r! . y f'nnrrrn: Notice is hcrei'V piven a ( Union li1 been, to wit. on ilie lth !y t Se::e:nbet, A. I. IP 78. filed fi Said DIM net U' A. l.. Keith, of FaillHonnf, In na'd District, who )i::4 Keith, of Fa'imoniif, lit sa'd District, v been heretofore duly declared twi;!u i llie act of Cdil;;re entitled -'An Act t t UIll'tT to 0f :!'- lish a uniform svsieni 1 ankrnpiev t'.io.iKli out the Unite! Mates," ni'i'iiiw.,; Al ;i,eh 2, 1m:7, and an amended. br a discharge and i ertilicate thereof, fiem all hfs dchu and other claim provable under S..M art. ami Hint Hie i.'th day ot Oi-Iobcr. 1STS. al - oiOCiv p. ft., iti M. nmre J. L. Wel-sier. I. !.., the teisteriii bank mptey lor faid l;.V.ri t at Omaha in vniil Jis tiiU is the time ami plii.-c a"i!iel for ll-e hiMiin nt the fame; n!:"ii hi. I where you may attend, nnl ,iow i'.hiv, tf ,t) vim have, why t he pi ei of the ai'i !o'i .'ioni t cot be Ki-a:-.ted. W.U.-ON H. SU1IH. I.-.I.. Legal Notice. O. A. Cl-.'sV-in. 11 Nebraska, will f.iki the L'olinlV of C; i tit of the ,S'ae cot lee thai J. .!. ;.np, J"'.. in el.l:i.k:i. on the liilli !av of S ni-niiu r. w, .. hi,. pet, -tton in the iM-dnett l'-.iat. of yvi Ci i.f.'y la I lie State, of NeoiMbka. ai-.iiiii-t t 'ir .-.ii.i ;. , . Clehom. defendant, seli.i.i; f .1 " ii t!..a ihf . ..: t 11, n. I irf;ii"i li kin ' .ii.i.'it .n;,. i i.H :.imj J. 1Um, on lots niiml-ered 11:', 4X). tr.l, ;r.,il :: . in the to n of Louisville, in said C:i-s eientv, Nebraska, to scenic the payiaet.t of l0." hi- 1 Interest according to a cert iiii piiniiiso; v t i referred to in sai.l tnoi A nd ni i:t I vi! raid tl. A. t le-ln.rn may pay said Mini ro churned ami iMeicM. fldl'i'the iitll d;i ci J.l.i ;.-!.. 1CS, or that :id pienii-c ni.iy l e !d to the same. and the s iiil C. A. icyhorii not:!.. 1 I hat he is to a open r and a;;-er id pet mou i i or iu-lore the 11th day of Neveiulei . 1 "7. Dated sept. is. ikts. .1. J. l',o-. liy Willi-: rr, h! atl'y. W. Master's Sale. DtMrlct of Nebras:.,-.S5 : In the Circuit " of the tinted Mutts for the District of m b ka. Jkueiuak Watkrman 1 vs. - In Ch;'- ' John MAN;;orrsT. ) rORECI.OSUKE Ol Mn;;r(;.ci:. Ttlbre noti-'e. is hereby (ziven that in p: ance of a drcrei entered in t i-e iitn-i e c yii the lTlli day of May lb7i. I Watsmi It. .v Master in Chancery of ;;iil Court, v luesdav the lfnh day f Octimer. ir-r the hour of 2 o'clock iu Hie afternoon o: day. al the front door of the Io-tiet C House in the City of Lincoln. I :i::c iMcr on. Nebraska fell :ii l'lildi'' A net son, the to! n desi iit ed property to-wit : 'Ah" i:o;;h Ji..l the north east Vjuancr of he. ii.u twenty-six in TownMup number si-vi a ii, 1 ; number seven. e.-st of the -ixth Prlm-lpa: l idian, iiceoioine. to the l J oven incut Sni w the Mate of Ncbicska, in'-tibter c . nit ' I M ill, .:!! ,.T I1 . ti .. .; i ii - v . 1 1 . i : . . 1 r i . . 1 , ( f i : v , Nebraska. Wisi.n it. smi 1 1:. Omaha. Sept 1-Uh. 1T. Master l.i Cham : y, ilAKWiii.D & AMFS, Solicitors for I'ifT. I Legal Notice. To Oeorye TV. Cody, Xnn-rexltlrnt JV'rn. ??.' You are hereby noticed t!irt Mcll-vi !. ' rick, on the llth dav "f s.-i-eii:ber, A. 1 : riled her pet it ion in the D'strict t'ouif r'. and forCasi County, Nebraska, Jieatn t i: '. An. oil, '..iry E. An-4ell, (ieore W. ! inac r and licorte W. Cody, defendant!, senium f, that the said Kdwm Angell and Mai.v I- A -gave a minlSMe to the s.ild .Moil-ra i'.il: : on the north half (tiH) of tin: south-v. (--t ter (sw'j) of section numher thirty-'oi.i township twelve il'l. north of iuh.- iiiii" ,, east of the sixth Ih principal m.-i niun. Ca:-s County. Nebraska, to secure the payme nt sixteen huedli 'l doliai" v.l.r,i.K!.!"i aeroi.'M to four eertain promissory uut rcf.-rr-d t aid tutrigae, a. id that since the giving ..f . . inortjiine tin; other defendant, (e-ori-o ' Codyl and .ieor;e A . ilo;.l.iiid li!e. oi some interest in said premises, under t-n hilwm Anuol! and arv 1". Aii;;e!. praying that the said Edwin Aripel! i.m ; t'.ieHiiioi'i.t claimed to he due on ..'..: i- . , ! wit : 'A he sum (f nine jK.:r!r-d pr.i . -,:r! . dollars and seventeen cent (f-'-t.'T) .ia eresl thereoii at the rate of s.-vi nr. - e-i i. per ai'.lill.ii from Oct. 6th. lr, .", Ill a ! . be named by t he court, or l.i .1 -t o... ;'... ii. that said premise may tie sol.l :i p. . m.' i . and the said Uenre V Co-.:,-, o. f. i-, hereby nol iUr d t hat he !.i reij'itri'd ' and Sill S we I- i .nd petit!) n on or In fe:e t;.- I ihiv ot November, A. I. s'ept. irtii. i;. 1 1.. r.: ::tc;c. B A. if. Wit si-N. tier a' t'y. : Sheriff Sale. T.y vlilue of an-order of s ile is". liam II. Hoover, Clect of the !,. within and tt.y Nmah i Coun'y. to u. e direct rd. I will on Wir 7tn ). A. 1. l?.t. at to o'.-'oi-';. a. in., of . the oui h door of th'' uo: t llou i mouth, in said County, sell ;i pubm' fo!ov. ing Heal IN: de to w :t : T'... (s. of the smith est quarter ' tlon number lontv-'-llit u'X. i number ten i lo) north ol rane omul east containing eighty acres tbL s levied upon and Uiir-ii the,.i-: ml I, l.urdii k and l'..-.r ..el.. '. to h sf V rt Judgment of said Co...i. bvJen:i' W. It. ed Com pan v t':r. riJtts:aout:i, Neb., A 1st S'lh. . j:. V. Mini'. 2it5 c.n. c.. : d l.v v. ii.' e .-I r-t. I .: ' ..lit i i. . 1 ; i II u. .ii e ;- of . . I I. J-. r ' TEE OLD RELIABLE Piii, wi iI1i.ii Hi .nr. rw il CONTIMJOUri ALL-RAIL Icul I Y. I NO CHANGE OF CA lt I ONE ROAD, ONE MANAGKM '"..VI ' l'j oui j:jsix b: m. a PittsliurEli, Barriteg, EnItiEore, WasLiaLtcn, PiiilailelpSia & fio Ysrk. Great s:oi I I.I it t- via rrsw York crrv Rtaf:hes all Point in P('.t '. did Xlv; Jcrs'-y. Pullman Palace Cars ON ALL EXPRESS THAINS! M A O X I F I C E y T C A 7. X EsiVIFl'tD WITH THE CI.LEBK C. M WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKES SD - Janney' Ner Pdtcnt Safety Platform and Couplet. Elegant Eating Houses WITH AMPLE T1V.E fOs MEALS. THEEE EXPRESS TRAINS LEAVE CHICAGO AS I'OI.LO'.V.i fc.OO A. 31. SPECIAL FAST EXfBF- Kt CEPT SUNDAY. Withlhe popular Vestibule trirj : ' Reaches PHthuikt. :3i . tn. ; 1'r:-i'- 11 :K a. tn. ; Philadelphia, 4 :j p. ni. : N J -.; 6 :4o p. in. ; Posiftn, o :15 a. in. ; Halt .ir. r:- C p. m. ; Washington, 9 .00 p. tn., next cay. 5:15 I, fll. Itlnntlc ZZxi. t'lVii With Drawing-Hoam an.1 II del Cur. Reaches PiU'bnrgri, 12:'5 p. M ; lien '. lo:55 p. in. , I' 3 :3i a. in. ;N" v.K r. a, m. ; Special lsiill i.iiphiji. i'.ecpl.c O..." ou this I'r'.n. remains lu depot (.-til a. m.. afioiding l u'ladelphit pasc.'.:n;eii i. i bight's rc&t. 9:1 P.M. Night Exr. Except SaturdV- With Drawirg-Rojm Shying C-zr echrirtburrh 7 :?o p. m. ; Harr'.t..."..'. 3 :5(t a.l. ; Haltlmoic. 7 a. m. ; .;M:iry .' 0:5&.m. ; l'tolladi'lphi'. m- : N- JO :3-'. a. m. : st.-M.. :4-- 1 i:.;'.- .l '-j...-inoie atid -.. .tsn.:.; .-m 5-..eej..i.s Car on m" '1 l.ii j. i a;;i; a ; v, as an v oi iibr J-t" f- tSrTb'Oiirh Ti::;f s fr.r Sale at Ml Pi , --T .-' Points In the W'si sk fir t! '. lata-i'."- VAVNKft; rCNti'iVLVANIA .i NL. F. r j.tvn.5. Ge-i Tick-: ..;., 1 Hi' ".'. Ill