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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1878)
1? IR, .A. : 111 E HERALD. PLATTSMOUTII, OuT. 3. 1878. Let every Republican be on hand at Eight Mile Grove a week from next Saturday. Let all who want to have a good time go to the Methodist festival next Tuesday evening. Hurry up those side-walks, good gentlemen, every stranger who comes here gazes'in astonishment at the holes and waste i laces on our streets. Tiie State Fair drew a great crowd and the display of fine horses and cat tle was very good, also of machinery and wagons. It was not on the whole equal to last year. Our Cass county folks did pretty well Sam Thomas sold five head of Derons to Hon. Guy Barton. Hesser and Moore with plants and our fruit men made a good display We publish the following letter about a matter that some malicious persons have started about Mr. Itich ardson, our nominee for Commissioner. No one who knows Mr. Richardson, or his family will give the same credence for a moment, and here is t he square! evidence and letter of the man himself) who says he was nnver better treated. in his life than by Mr. R. and entire family. Such stories are for c tmpaign Xurposes, purely, and should not bq at all, by sensible, re .ison.t-blemen. Some energetic citizens, we un derstand, have taken the sidewalk ques tion in hand, and by private subscrip tion, will have some of the worst pL.ces fixed. S. F. Rockwell, of Louisville, has a neat and commodious store which he has tilled up with a large supply of goods this fall, and is doing a rushing business. The Republican Central Committee and the candidates are requested to meet at Eight Mile Grove, on Satur day, 12th inst., at 12 o'clock, noon, for consultation. J. A. MacMurphy, Ch'n Cent. Com. T the Frieatls .of PIiysio-AIe licalism ' ' ' and Othei. The Nineteenth Annual Winter term I desue through your. ;,;. will .,r, Wednesday? Octol er 16th,-. 1878, and Eight Milk Grove, Sept. 23. '78. Mit. Editoi paper to correct a false- report which 1 .3 ill 'I lit. Ill.lllt'll 11(JIIIJ1ICTI!V11 i. . I..'... 1- chur ot Mr han.uei Mijchardso., - ,f j, having been chosen to-vwt I wu tiiivehng with my fara- , ch; Therapeutics. Mate- ''I .v.v... T wive a. mi iii'i ROBERT DONNELLY'S BLACKSMITH SHOP. . Wagon, Buygy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing. I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing w. i.iiu uuin nidi lllllTI y . rt3 HICip is a good lathe iu my shop. PETER RA U EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge ot the wagon shop. H is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xew Whsobs ; and Haggle . nade to order. . -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streight's Stable F ARMER, LOOK HERE! y- FRED GORDER IS STILL HERE. O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, AND WALL PAPER, this col lege, will be absent from Louisville Neb., from Oct. 10th to Dec. 31st, 1878. house. The report is that I for admission t their house or barn, .....1 ...... . .,r.. ... 1 .. I.;,. i. i i...... l... i mill v ici l.ri , tltiuil L line .ri a- I 1 1 . -.J , . ,,- , , ... To my tnends who have patronized a3 false. Mrs. Richardson insisted . : . . . r . .' . that she should lie taken in. but we thought there was no danger. We re ceived many acts of kindness from them for which we are very thankful. Joseph McKinney. Flattsnionth Library and Room Association. This Association shall he calrt the Plattsmouiii Library and Reading Room Association. Rii.r.8. me in the lasi tive years, I tentier my most sincere th.mks, and also soliciting a continuance of their patronage, I am verj' respectfully. John M. Waterman, M. D. A s;d evf-nt was announced in these Heading!. , , ,. - the President of Vassar the great school at Poughkeeisi, which largely owes to him, to his wisdom and labors, its suc- ion is again in in order to shall thereupon be entitled to all the privi-j ,, . , , . , , leges of the Association. recall the fact that before he died he 2. The lihrarv "hall be open for the giving!... i .:.. r out and renirr.ii. of books everv afternoon, ex-;Piuu lu ; J"U"S Jilu-V aiie ui uui cept.Mi.iday. own cit v and a daughter of a well- 3. Every member of the Association, and all I - 0 persons 11. t members, shall be entitled to draw known citizen, a Very remarkable Com mit exceeding two volums at a time from the! ,. ,, .... ., -,, library. Midi .ihime or volumes to be returned pllUient. 1 he late President Of V assar Wf Arynmminnta member of the Hssocia-io' fl to Miss Libbie Poppleton, and tion H'.n 1 tor the privileg of the imrai-y F':v she accepted, the Professorship of the twptit v-flve ntttti u iiKtTifll mirl thrill I it k ihipif ' 1. Any person n. v become a member of this!Cfl33 ;lnj its fame. Mellti Ass(M'iation by payslig. into the treat-nry iinnu- a!ly the sum of two dollars in advance, and . made of this lamented Ilia shall thereupon be entitled to all the privi-j .... All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge... Corn Planters, Cultivators, Sulky Plows, are now " off" but I still have the Harrison Wagon, ti p- S ' the best and-cheapest wagon-in the market by all odds. Spring Wagons, Buggies, and Three-Seated Wagons; and the world renowned Courtland Platform Spring Wagon. I HAVE EVERYTHING A FARM ER WANTS. NOW IS THE TIME for nlLiinds of a : Agricultural Implements In every variety, and at Bed Koch Prices. Department of Elocution and English Literature at that institution. Grad uating at the great school with high honors, Miss Poppleton, was called bv in all respect to the name rules as members. 5. No person ehall be allowed to draw addi tional bookx until those previously taken out are returned. 6 Strangers sojourning for days in the town Can have the use of the library tnibject to the name eonditionn as members, by denositmc with the librarian, the value of the book or books 'one who knew her abilities and attain- wnicn oeposii unan ne reunified iv me iinra-i rian on the return of uch hooks, after duduct- ments better than any body else could inn 1 A ...,., .... .. . . 1 . , . F..v Ilia . . .. . . I 1. . . n.n lilt ivirnto irri luiunic ii'i luc iipc VI IIIC Rilllir. ., . ., . 7. All damage!-to books beyond reasonable j know them to fill this high and honor- ear and tear shall be paid by the person draw-L 1. i,nsitinn TIip fnf i nno In ig the same from the library, damage to be oraule POSHlOU. 1 ne lacr, IS one in ... i ALSO ..DEALER ijf.' i Stationery, Magazines, ANT) .. Latest rublications. si Mowers Sulky rakes and all kinds of. Rakes, Forks, etc., etc. Now is the time to Buy. FRED GORDER. 52tf Plattsmouth, Nebraska IrerriptIon4 Carefullj- Compoanded by an I'spf rienced Irnaclit. , L; "REMEMBEK THE TLACE. COR. FIFTH & MAIN itilRBETS f ' ' " ' PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. me assessed bv the librarian 8. All hooks shail be returned to the deek of the librarian who. shall keep a regular account of every book taken out and returned, in a check book kept for that purpose. 9. Persone living at a ditanoe from town maybe allowed to retain books for a period of three weeks, subject however to all thO other rules of the library. 10. Periodical may be taken out subject to the same rules as hooks after having ucuu in the Heading Koom four weeks. which this city, and the State as well, can take a very proper pride, and it is no mere personal compliment to this gifted young lady to say that she will fill the responsible place, on whose duties & he has already entered, with signal ability and success. O.IIerald. F. S. ECKOLS. Dealer In JEWELRY, iff A rw tt . 11' CLOCKS, NOTIONS, CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCOS. At Louisville Neb., call aud exam ine the stock. 171y STKE1GHT & xlIILlE, Harness Manufacturers, , SADDLES ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " - 1 ' BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all khids of harness stock, constantly on hand. FRUIT, CONFECTIONET, AND NUTS, CANDIES, lOBACUOES, FLOUR, AC. Remember the Dlace onnosite R. G. r)fvev'i on Lower Main Street. 21-ly STREIQHT & MILLER.