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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1873)
it 1 i T i ? 1 ! ; - I w it I i t t n l : i i r t i s - s H ? (- i ll i i 11 i : 'i t i - t Ij . i I. . ! . 1 THE HEftALf). PLATTSMOUmXEBUASICA. TirtrnsDAY. sept, n, 18-3. J. A- MACMURniY, "Editor. COREESrONDEXCE Frrm a!l parts of tlie State and country respect fully solicited for the TIerald. ApritmlninJ notes and short articles detailing farmer's experience particularly requested. VFe do not read anonymous letters and com tnrrnications. The name and address cf the writer ore In tfi coses Indispensable oj a guar antee of good faith. A Splendid Chance. We will ser.d the Herald and Pcmorest's Monthly, which 13 83.00 for one year, to r.ny per son who pays ns ?3.V In addition to both at the price Ranted, a choice from a list of extraordinary lYemiums Is civen to each ruLserll-er to Jiemo rest's Monthly. Among tiiec are fine pair of - Cbromo rietnres (Full of Niagara and Yosem Ite Falls), worth $10; or a good Stereoscoj-.e with a series of views ; besides imni'crous other valuable premiums worth from two to ten dol ls r -The best boys' and girls' mnrizine, and the Xebr vska Her.m at gTeclly reduced rates. "We will send the XrmtAPKA Herald and Demorest's Yocxct Amekica, which is for one year, to any person who pays us f coo. Dernorest's Young America Is always sparkling wiih entertaining Stories, Poems, Music, Fuz rles, Games. Travels, and utlier pleasant features is profusely illustrated, and cannot fail to amuse Instruct, eievate, and assist to make the lives ff youthful Americans useful, truthful and happy. The Nebraska Hfrald and the Omaha ItrrcfcLicA!?, to one address ..3.oo per year. Remember our primaries on Satur day next. Sec call for time and place of meeting. The wifofJiidj7lS. Hyde, of Omaha, died on Monday evening, after a short illness. Wool. Andrew Everett, of Logan Valley, Burt county, sold G.003 pounds of -wool at West Point, for Co cents per pound. It foots up S'i.100. It is a pity more of our fanners would not try wool growing. B. F. Stevenson, -Steve" and E. K. Valentine, -Vul" liave formed a law co-partnership at West Point, and hereafter intend to stave round gener ally without recrard to the value of things in particular. KEtJlSTUATION LAW. During the last session of the Legis lature the Registration law was changed so as to do away with regis tration in all the country precincts, and in all villages less than cities of the First class, except Plattsmouth, Lincoln, -Fremont and Nebraska City. The notice of the Registrars will be found in another column, and it is nec- C"sary for every one to come forward and register himself properly in this city. t i mi RECISriJATiuN "NOTICE. Wl r i . 4- i T e arc reqtiested to particularly urp:e all ierson?, who have changed their residence .ince last election, to come forward and rooster tbeir n.imfst ih the now tion nractica It is v.-rv .h-sirable to have a correct and full list mado out this fall. Please 1 attend, all good citizens. The jail at Pleasant Hill, Salina Co., was set on fire last week, by two nr;s- respective wards where thev ! w, i o raonua om anu uimcr ler fruitS( Mr. Allan took along fif- ! c.ntraeu to parties i1(.i,ii- pre-emption cer- reside, liemembrr, our Re-istra- I S1X' L.ila.vel., Lincoln. teen tubs of mountain evergreen j f"r a b-nion oi the , t , . . , ,. . B;st fathom. M L Trestor Enter- , , it IVrsons hol.liiii: such eetCi.atei munhcred 1 law has leen changed, ami this is ; ,J . " ' - JT ireslr' nlcr I fsevt-n varieties, among which was the ; ll(.iWi,Ml , all,, ,, is, , ,M.1WlVU tlllf ut (I:1V i Uv an entire new iii:tr:!tinn 'il - 'J- beautiful silver snriifel am s'nwiitiens ! nf Am-ii :o..i ih.. Tib .'u- ..f tint. ....t- k-i ; oners who endeavored to btit n out the j coJn' )?'i-00-staple, by which their .-ll door was I rtAix, vegetables axd roses. fasteriesl the lire cominuniealing to the I - on class o. h reiorted every uo.iv look-in? nappy. baeMur-j NotiP tn PnilfpV? rest of the build;.,- before thir ob?eet i Allowing award.: j the HeraM also the gentle- iukfl t L'0U"G 10 i,ailtieiS- ' '" ion i.ieir ooet.i i manly foreman, Hathaway, were hard I Mar. hi : rover. Hi. .-hard & spencer. Weil & ! rr..:.o:is for biiihiiinraseho,.! house inii,:s was attained, atid spreadmtr so fast ; ! at work as tisu ll feI"iiii-io'li n" t'.P i t'al1"- s '"t .lou ph Mauiiraeiiiriiu; ou.- : ville fv- cii i vi .! t n-eeived by.:. T. a. Jioov it,,a i.r... ...: i iii ; Rot onp-lrilf IiikIipI of cn-pct riirn V ! u- x. , , . I pauy ami .loim m. arter. non-resilient iriciel- . t r. clerk of t lie se;.... : ,oarI. u,ia; Atisii 'j.'.'.l Ihnt before assistance could be triven i Jj'3t ne-".ui ousnei oi sweet corn, - n at'hman. was also as busv as his hints" . i.; ; .tf i.. ;1. .- that t. u .r .-n n -i oe i. ;..,.' i.. i, ... n f,T.., i,:..(, the ftvur inmates had perished in the flames. The names of the prisoners wt-je ! Mrs. llardescheldt, f'corge Wilcox, j Vincent Doyle and Everett II;dl. j The Court llou-e was lir.tely saved j from the flames by the active efforts of the (itie!is. i j REPURLICAN COUNTY COX VEXTIOX. ; Pursuant to call the Bepublican Cn-! tral Committee met at tlie Court House j Kail in I'lattsmouth, August 14th, and decided to call a Count v Convention at ' Weeping Water Falls on S TrniAY, Sei-t. 20th, 1S73, ftt tlie hour of 1 o'clock p. in., for the j.urpose of putting in nomination the following county oiileers: County Clerk, County Treasurer, .Sheriff, Probate Judge, County Surveyor, County Coroner. Co. Sup't Public Instruction. Co. Commissioner, 1st District. The baMS of representation and t!ic liour and place of holding primary con vention was fixed for? the 13th of Sep- temlr, as follows: The 1.t, 2d, CI and Miller, Lincoln, 84.00. 4th Wards in the city of Plattsmouth, j Best peck of onions, A Bive, Omaha, to meet at the usual place of holding j 82.00. elections, or at some piace to be desig- ' lot 4. nated by the Committeemen of the ! Best twelve cucumbers, W J Hesser, Wards, at the hour of 7!. o'clock: the Plattsmouth, Cass county, 81.00. 1st ward shall be entitled to 4 d-le- Best six heads of cabbage, W J ires gates; the 2d to 0; the CdtoC; the ser, Plattsmouth, C;!? county, 82.00. 4th to C. Eight Mile" Grove to rr.eet at Best twelve stalks of rhubarb, W J Bight Mile Grove school hou?e at Hesser, Plattsmouth, Cass county, o'clock, and shall be entitled to 4 dele- ' 81.00. COles. Elm wood, at Boiling Green j Best three winter squash, A Smith, f-.-l.ooi hou.;.. at -1 o'clock p. in., and cn- I Rock Bluifs, Cass county, 82.00 filled to 3 delegate.'. Liberty, at Tay-! Best. six bunches of' celery, A Smith, lor's school ho u -a at 4 o'clock p. m., and j Bock Bluffs, Cass county, 84.00. entitled to 8 delegates. All other pre-j B-jst' three wateri..el.ns, A Smith, cincts to' meet at the usual place of j Bock Bluffs, Cass county, 82.00. holding elections at the hour of 4 Best display of vegetables, Asylum, o'clock p. rn., and entitled to repre- j Farm, Lincoln, 83.00. aentation as -follows: Plattsmouth ! Best three Egg plant?,, J A Pine, Precinct, 3 delegates; Oreapolts, 2; j Omaha. 81.00. Bock BlulTs, 4; Avoca, 3; Mt. Pleas-j The committee on class No. 12, mis ar.t, 5; Louisville, 4 ; Weeping Water, j eel laneor.s, reported the following 7; Stove Creek. 3; Elm wood, G; South i awards: Pend, Q; Salt Creek, 3; Greeawood, 4; Tipton, C. jno. A. 'MAcrrur.piiY, Cli airman Rep. Central Com. E. A. Kiekpatrick. Sec'y. The RpublicaiiS of the 4th ward vUi meet at Clark & rinnimc-rs IlalL cn Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock sharp, to nominate delegates to the County Convention at Weeping. Water, on the 0th. TIIE STATE FAIB. From Friday's Journal. Itelow we give a nearly complete list Of the awards mado tip to last evening. Many of the committees have not yet completed their reports, but they will be ready to-day. - - The committee on class four made the following awards : LOT 1. Best boar one year old and over, X. L. Simpson, Nebraska City, Otoe coun ty, 630.00. Second best do one year old and over, A. M. Marsh, Lincoln, Lancaster county, $3.00. Best boar six months old and under twelve, N L Simp3on, Nebraska City, $30.00. Second best do, M V Easterly, Te cumsgh, Johnson county, So.00. Best boar two months old and under six, X L Simpson, of Nebraska City, $20.00. Second best do, W. B. Porter, Platts mouth, Cass county, $3.00. Best sow one year old and over, W B. Porter, Plattsmouth, Cass county. $30.00. Second best do, N L Simpson, Ne braska City, $3.00. Best sow six months old and under twelve, Jas M Wood, Factory ville, Cass county, $20.00. Second best do, same, $3.00. Best two months old under six, N L Siinjtsou, Nebraska City, $20.00. Second best do, W B Porter, Platts mouth, Cass county, $3.00. Best sow and sucking pigs, M V Easterlyy, Tecumseh, Johnson county, $30.00 Second best do, II Crawford, Lincoln, $5.00. lot 2. Best boar, one year old and over, Tho3. Doane, Crete, Saline count', $20.00. Second best do, Thomas Thomas, Plattsmouth, Cass connty, $5.00. Best boar, over two and under six months, A J Martin, Lincoln, $20.00. Second best do. J D Moore, Bennet Station, Lancaster county, $3.00. Best sow, one year old and over, Thomas Thomas, Plattsmouth, Cass county, $3,00. Best sow, six months old and under twelve, Thomas Doane, Crete, Saline county, $3.00. Bert sow, two months old and under six, A. K. White, Lincoln, $20.00. Second best do, J D Moore, Bennet station Lancaster county, $3.00. Best boar, over one year old, Mark Morton, Nebraska City, $3.00. .Second best do, M L Trestor, Enter prise, Nebraska, $5.00. Best boar, two months old and under six, W. ('.. Caldwell, Lincoln, 85.00 ; Best boar, two months old and under six. 17 G Caldwell, Lincoln. 8 .00. ! lst sow over one year old, Thomas i Thomas, Plattsmouth, Cass count v, ; r ' V" ' , i , . , , . ! fWLl'est ' Caldwe11' Lm" ! n' " Best 1oar' sweepstakes, XL Simpson, t "X " . 1 ...... i - :... i rn Best sow, sweepstakes. Ja M "Wood, Factoryvilie, Cass county, 810.00. Best pen of hogs, X L Simpson, Xe br;wka City, SiO.00. Best litter of pigs, J V Wolf, Lin- Smith, Buck BlulTs, C;iss connty, 82.00. Best one-half bushel of oats, A Mur- P,lV 'ood Biver, Hall county, 84.00. IVst one-half bushel of red winter wheat, J B Briscol, Lincoln, 8L00. I5est one-half buihel of yellow corn, 3 r' Jirteexd. Lincoln, SL00. Best one-half bushel of red spring wlieat, J M Iloagland, Nebraska Citv, 4.00 '- l,"hcl of xvhite corn, John "Watson, Plattsmouth, Cass county, '-4"00- I5est twelve tomatoes, B F Xiller, Lincoln, 82.00. Best one-h.;!? bushel of pop-corn, C Morse, Lincoln, 84.00. Btst one !:alf bshel of white spring wheat, S. B. Thompson, Lincoln, 81.00. LOT 3. Best one-half bushel of sweet pota toes, W J llesser, Plattsmouth, Cass county, 84.00. Best twelve parsnips, W. J. Hesser, Plattsmouth, Cass cour.y, 82.00. Best peck of peanuts, A Smith, Bock Bluffs, Cass county, 84.00. Best twelve beets, J Theodore, Lin coln, 84.00. Best bushtl of early pHt-ies, Henry LOT 1. Best specimen of vinegar, Azro Smith, Rock IJ1 tiffs, Cass county, $-2.00. Best specimen of Nebraska salt, Sinncer & Bullock, Lincoln, $4.00. Best caso of stuffed birds, Tom Lan caster, Lincoln, 85.00. Barrel of Turkey Creek lime, A D Marshall, Lincoln, Diploma. Corrected lint of Awards will lc Gicm A.7-f Week.) The Sioux Outrage. Sunday Sept, 7. The Commissioner of the Indian Affairs has notified Mr. Saville, Red Cloud's agent, to demand of his Sioux the return of property captured from the slaughtered Pawnees, and to in form them that by this attack they have violated their treaty obligation, and will be allowed no more to hunt buffalo in the Republican Valley, or elsewhere in Nebraska. A slight fire occurred in a private house at Williams burg New York on the 5th inst. the house being occupied by a Mr. Merrigan, and after the lire was put out the body of a Miss Ilamill, was discovered badly burned and with a cord tied round her neck. Mrs. Mer rigan has since confessed to having murdered her for her money and set fire to the house to conceal the deed. The Iowa railway train robbers, who have been flitting about in some of the western counties in this State, are all together again, except McCoy. The detectives have information that a bank robbery is being planned by them, and will be carried out as soon as McCoy joins the gang. All the banks in that part of the State are being closely watched by special officers, and efforts are constantly being made to capture these desperadoes. The Rep ublican has a special from Jefferson City, saying that this gang are now in Clay County, and are threatening to j burn out. certain parties who have been active in efforts to arrest them. Gov ernor Woodson is reported to declare that if the local authorities and citizens do not exhibit a stronger disposition to arrest these outlaws he will send an armed force after them. Monday Sept. 8. Charles II. Roberts, of Xew Jersey, has been appointed agent for the Indians of the Great Nemaha agency, Nebraska. The Burlington and Missouri River railroad freight car which left Lincoln Neb., on the 4th inst, loaded with fruit for the American pomological exhibi- A. I ' . 1 . a -- . iioti v nicti commences at, boston Xhe Heiress in the family, bv Xt s. Dan September 10 has arrived in goodiel; iiss or Mr3.y ,,v ilk'ie Vllins; order. NEUKASKA Fltl'iT. The delegation from the Nebraska horticultural societv to the annual ex hibition of the American pomological society at Boston, are now journeying eastward. Gov. Furnas and lion. J. S. Morton started on Ftiday, and J. T. Allan and J. II. Masters took their departure yesterday. The splendid new car, built by the Burlington and Missouri Biver Bail road in Nebraska, expressly to convey the samples of fruit to Boston, went east on Thursday, in charge of a com petent attendant. The car v.-as letter ed on the outside, "Nebraska fruit for exhibition, American iomologieal society, Boston. Sept. 10th." The contents of the car were twenty-six barrels cf apples, forty boxes of grapes I and pears, and many packages of smal- of wood, with whieh he will decorate i i -v-, i i i t tii the :Nebraska department. These ever- J green were collected in Colorado last i Slrin?r bv Mr. Allan Journal. I From the Hauuders County Uepubliean. "We took ti living trip to the hiz citv of l".ltt3IIiOilth U few davs ago and i found tliintrs about as their "papers i repiesent mem, business lively and ! a . .1 reputation makes him out to be. They all gave us a cordial welcome. We called on VA. BulTner, of the linn of Vail iry it Buff iter, an old acquaint ance, . who was in las usual good spir its, and we could not see how he could be otherwise, as his store was full of customers. At Shannon's tiouular liv- ery stable we procured a rig. winch, by j the Wav, Was the tinest we have had i the nleastire of driving in Vnhr-i.A--i i llie Ut.UMire OI lin Ulg in eor.lsk.1, we perambulated around tlie city for a few hours. The Brooks House keens up its well earned reputation, with the gentlemanly clerk, who is always on hand to attend to the wants of its guests. Although everything was moving in a brisk, business like way, we do not think of exchanging towns with them at present. That fellow has some sense if he docs come from Ashland. A Swedish woman named Sarah Xeilson, came to "Nebraska City, from Lincoln on the 5th inst., in fec-blo health and without money. A mer chant gave her some change to buy food, and in a crazy, half starved con dition, she bought two watermelons and divided with hr little son who was with her. She was taken sick soon after, and died the next day. Her son was adopted by Mr. Levi Walker, who lives about three miles from here. The Distillery at Xubraska City has commenced work.. Tlie Grangers of Otoe county are to have a grand picnic on the lth: The trial of Chief of Police Bustin, cr Omaha, for negligence and ihcom petence, commenced on the bth. THE TEXAS CATTLE DRIVE. the ManJtntte of the Tra'Ic. St. Louis M.. Sept. 7. Tlie Texas cattle drive of this season to the State of Kansas was nearly, if not quite, ."iO0,000 head, of which num ber ? were received at Ellsworth; loO.OoO .-it Wichita; 75,000 at Coffey ville and Chetopa, and the remainder at other points. Sixty thousand have been driven to Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming; 100,000 will be wintered in Kansas, about l Vi.OoO wiil be taken by packers, 20,000 have been marketed at Kansas City; 50,000 more will be driven to the Territories, and tlie re mainder will be wint?red in tlie various Western States. The receipts at Kan sas City sinco January 1 have been 87,000, It is estimated that they will reach 300,000 for the year, 'ajratrut C36.0O0 hist year. Th total value of I y - i i - --i - ---- J - c lttlo driven into Kansas this year will amount to seven and a half millions. Inter Ocean. UNION PACIFIC LAND SALES. Omaha, 1873. The Union Pacific Railroad Compa ny sold during the month of August, 1873, 22,873 and 05-100ths acres of land, at an average price of $5.S0 7-1 Oths per acre, amounting to $157,04.24. ,-, , i nrw r- -in.i Sales averaged 90 MOths acres to each purchaser. Total Sales to Sept. 1st, 1872, 679,- 517.22 acres, at an average price of $4.4(1 per acre, amounting to $:i,4G3, 430.67? 3 This Company has a Land Grant of ; 12,000,000 acres, lying on each side of the track, and extending through one State and three Territories. 3,000,000 acres of choice farming lands on the first 300 miles" qf the road in the State of Nebraska, are now for sale at very low prices, on ten years time with interest at six percent. no interest is renuired in .'idv.mee a - ... uiscount or ten per cent, is aiioweu when full payment is made in cash at the time of purchase. Very respectfully, yours, O. F. Davis, Land Commissioner. Mrs. Stephens'' New Society Novel. Belleiiod axd Bondage, is the ti tle of Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens' New i Society Novel, to be published in a few days by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, of x v" 13 W-VT adapted to gtVO U a correct picture Of 0 . ,, 1 , Society than this well known and pop- ular writer, and we predict for it a gen erous reception. 'Bellehood and Bond age," will be issued in a large duodeci mo Stepl be for ow ma receipt letter to them. Tim iiir n.-ij Jusl published by this well known house, I The CiiliSV's 'V"arninT bv Miss Dunnv mc viii a 'uult.. u .-Uli IMip.lJ The IIeires3 of Sweetwater, by J. T liandolph; Margaret Maitland, by Mrs. Oliphant; The Artists Love, by Mrs. E. D. N. Southworlh, etc., are especial ly good, and are having large sales and should be read bv all. rrrc rr-.Tt-r- o 7' it-r -,- ir t im' j-. 1UL HOW k Sh H A if- MACHINE t iv m ,, . ,, J. Vt.31nitUiS & Co. are the a-euts for the llowe Sevlng Machine in Platismoutli. They have on, nod a sak-sroom and oiliee on Main stre,-!, between Koartit and Tiftli. The Howe Machine is a Lock SI itch, double threaded machine, and r inks No. 1 anions the great sewing Machines of the day. 8-f m J. W. M.Mii His, V. V. Toji. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS OF Ji. & JI. R. R. LANDS. Oftt.-k Land l)i:r.i:rvKM. 1 J.. & M. K. ll. Co.. iv Nki... Lincoln, m.;:., Ju'y 7i, lTa. Having received patents from (he I". S. ("!ov- :m' lu ri hV notified to exchan.w their jii-f-inn tiou ceniticati s for regular contracts, at this of slxlv ,,ays ril)m tIiis (iatc, :isp,oV;d ed in said ccitnicate. CLO. S. IIAIUMS, Ld Cori.. . & M. li. B. Co.. in Neb. Legal Notice. In Iustriet Court. Cud Judicial District, in lluA :,r iTV:::''!''!?;1-... ,. 11. . Jl .i.ip, lllltH. It"! LIMI. I .11 I 1 .1. Hortoa. .Manin ;rover. iiiMi n-.i & s, nc -; on the 1st il-iv of Septenilier. A. 1 . ist.i. lile my j pelitiou in tae olilee ol tlie ( ler.; of the 1 .s- triet Court, in and lor Cass County, Nebraska,) ai;.iint s iiil non-resident defendahts. ;:in( ii- ; lis ,1. Horton. Paulin i A. llorton and C. W. Lv- ! man, resident deten.laiKs the ohieet and i prayer of which i.eii.n.a was to .ilitaiu :, j.,,1-- j ment am-t ibs .1. Iloi , to,, a. Paulina .v. Horti n fu-the siiin of f. .it .s-poil!., and a tie- , 'ree ol f iee:.sii!e upon a certain iiioreratze deed uiveii iy said Willis .1. ll.ii l.i i Pan- ! l.. a r. ,, l-.;t- " ct.ofi 0.0,0"" I ufiZW 1'iafVa 11 I H sit:i prin iial ncridiaii. and tiie S i: 4 of ; s,',ll"n nuiuher twelve, in town lo rar.e 11 I", ! situated in Cass eounlv. Nebraska, to seeure : tae payment of said sum of s,: Mi-Ma. with 111- terest Horn the the 1M tlav of March. ls;o. at the rate of ten cent, i, -r ammm. ami also aski.ui for a funlu-r judKii.ei'.t agaiast said Wil- , lis .1. sin.I P.uMina A. llarton: for the sum of i S:.-,t:7-l.Khs. taxes ami ! estate, which said Willis .Land Paulina A. Hoi tonhad permitted to become a lien and 1,- injuria;; this pinhitill's securit v 11:1011 the M;;me. .....I ;.... i.... ..i .;..;.r I n ... i 1: tint .i-Miu M.ouioi oe .iiiiineo ;i urn '.ijioii said.prcmls.'H for said Mxcs and chafes. ?tl.d THiivnr' luriiicr mat o:ir.i t voii nou Voll noil-resHtelit . I . . r.... l i (.. . . i . i. . " S, 1 orv r. 1 .e' rcl i njion said mortva.ired premises, hv virtue of certain judgments ol.iained lv each of you, in Cass foii'ity. eir;iska. c.amst .said V. iilis ,1. and Paulina A. Horloii. a;i.l plaint ill's said t i-iiiiit i'lin oeiii.oiun imiy oe oeciicu io o;ie priority over the claim of each of said noii-rei-deat defendants. ".... ...... i.. .. .... .il'- ie.'Oien 111 rtlllxrl rv. t .11 II I III ill I'll i.v li..t'..r.. ( ..f a I..I..1 .. t II la-l . - delanlt wi;l lie laken against eti'-h of yon upon j said i eiiUon. it . iii.-.i-iow I by CUAI'M.VN & Maxvt.i.i.. "H hisAttonievs. BARNUM'S HOTEL, i Cor Eroarticay and Tirenthth Street, i NEW YORK. ON POTII AMERICAN & El UOl'KAX IXANS. Complete with a!! modem improvement- ; rooms cn M'ic and single; private parlors, baths, elevators, &e. Intention unsurpassed. I'ciinf in the very cent re of fashion and brilliant -w oi k life. In proximity to Churches and places of Amusement, ami Iord & "J'avior"s, Arnold tS: Constable's and .1. C. .luhnMon's lry Hoods pahici's. 'liie hotel is under the ina'iiaeineiit of A. s. Hanium. formerly of Har iium's Motel. la!tii:iore ; 1. . ireen."of lav lou, tiliio. Jim! recently of New York, an 1 Fret man li'iruuiii, o iSaraum's ilolei, Si. l.uiUs. il-tf. To AtivrimsKiH. All persons who content plate making com racls nitli nesoaieiN for the nscrtion of Advertisements should send to for a Circular, or inclose 25- cents for their one I niiiiiiie,! j.ajre i am".!:et. cooTaltnn'j; Lists el S.OiiO Newr-papers and estiiu.i-.. s. showini; tlnj cost of advertising', also many useful hints to ad vertisers, and some account of the fXMrienccs f men v. ho are known assnccesstid advertisers. This tirmarethe proiric:.ns t.f the American Newspaper Ad crusing Agency. $lark ftow U Y, anil arc possessetl of nneaualled facilities for se curiiiK llie insert ion tif jidvertisemeiits in ail Newspapers and 1'eiio.licals at lowest rates. ON -MARRIAGE. IIAPPV Kelief f r Youns Men. front the ef fects of Frrois and APoses in early life. Man hood restored. I 'iijiediiucnts to "iiiaiTinje re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies, l.oolts and Circulars sent free in scale! enve!oivs. Address. IIOWAKI) ASSOCIATION. Xo 2 South int! Street. Philadelphia. Pa. -an Insii tutjon having a high reputation for Uonorabii conduct nn4 pTrrfitional skiil. volume, Uliltorm With -Mrs. Aim S. : M ti. e is hereliy -iwn. that the undersiiriu-.l. ! ,' ., " ' i'-'-4"'1- J""1 ! tens' twenty other works, and will ku..ViiL ., vin al, ! , ' ;S ,r,:JJfV Sale at all the bookstores at tli ! U;Jth.. "J I U W-'I't streetbetween ti- Mar-' price, of et.73 in cloth, or l.o0 in VWri?" '' .V'VH'' ;H'V 'J. s.-f.erti.Vr. i H and m-snm. St. Is, ,Mo. deea-ly j jer cover; or copies will be sent bv i ' riafisui .ai!i, Nemaska.-;:. r tor puh- I sf LOMI4? e Snilf honiPrn ' - . A net nil. the following noils ;u,.l i-iiati!,.- .... ; -UUU3 ' JOUUlva2lCUI ll, post paid, bv the Publishers on ' it : i t- -i Of the pilCO Of the Wulk 111 a I ;id n the same dav. at 2 o'clock p. the I " k "J i ...An I f . .ah I . ,. .1 . i .......... . . . i . .an... .w, iui ..llllll, , . I ... I 'It Mil 11 I . . Centaur Liniment. There Is no para which the Centaur Liniment will not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which It will not cure. This Is strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not Kone, its effects are marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, Ti lr -1 ri W Tviiuxr cuiviiriti ct sill i tre aip.ijthn ..aKe.l-t.rots,!;!,. Imm-s. saltlrlu-tim. i upon the human frame, und of strains, spavin, tn animals in one year than have fall other pretended remedies since the world Ilt..ran lt is a cotmU.rirrit:int. M aiMK.allg I pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their ! ernU-hes, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren- dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no liuiidmjr. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does just wiwit it pretends to do. Those who now sulfer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve ta suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than Km) certificates of remarkable cures. ineltidiii frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, jrout. running tumours, &c. have been reeeived. AVe will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c. gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapjKT Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered orsweenled hor ses and mules, or for serew-worm in sheep. stork-owners this linhiuiit is worth yourst tention. Xo f.unily sliould be without Centaur ! IJniment J. 15. JIose & Co., New York. 4G-ly Castoiha is more than a substitute for Cits tor Oil. It H the only safe article in existence which Is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic ail produce natural sleep, lt contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 4ii-ly Legal Advertisements. Estray Notice. Taken op bv the sulsenScr on the tli day of ' T..1.. t 1.' ,J-- ...... I ......... .J....... 1. posed to l.o one vear old last sprill-i. in Weeping ! " J recmct, tM to., -ct. ; W.M. 15. Keais. j Sheriffs Sale. John W. Shannon. ) Order of Sale. S. J. llMilt. S i Kami of J. V. I'iiuii, iii Kocfc r.jiins I'recinet. about six or seven miles from Plaf I so.oe: i, ..iT.-r s.l,'"''lic Aucttou,the toiio-.vii.- prop- i lie uinuv-i.ieii one-tniru oi alioiit t-ltv ncres i of corn in the ti-hl. and th undivided one- ! third of about four acres of Potatoes, in Die pound, and one cook-stove vi;li fixture-, ail , j-icrejofore ta:en on jitt.-o diluent, sw the prop- el i; til the sai.I i;eteiiitaut. .ieii uinier my hand, tins the Cstli dav of Auirnst. is;;;. .1. W. JOHN .son," --'--t Slu-iift Oass County. Nei. Legal Notice. AVilliani Ccen. noa-r.'si-.leiit tlefcndant. will noi n-e. mat i i;i.on the -un tlavol ; A. ., s7:5. file lav Petit ton in t he oiilec-of toe j Clerk of the I'iMriet Coui'l. i;i and fur Cass! ' V -eiua-Ka. a-am-t s.i; i !i,,an t.r-.-ii. i I'ef. .-ndant. s- tlini.' tor; h. that- s:.;d In-fend.-.tit ! has been unilty oi extv-j.- erueirv uw.i.-ti i'e- i iioi..r. wit liont nnv ie-.ei:.l.l.. im . r i.n.v..- eatioa wltatever, an'tl has been uil! vof v.iiJui-v j i ,lV,..':V!J!':l'!,nvi,,y' VVS-1:,V.j':lst 'r l;i; '" ' j l eiinoiier he planted a Iioiee fri'!l the : illilJl.lM''. Yi,,!C.:':t ilsr . c:ln"i;:,f j oi .Mat r.uiony, y decree ol i he 1 ist r:ct Court, lit ami lor Cass ouniy. Nebraska, and t hat i; i -less you apM-ar and aiwer said IVthio.i on or In for.- tile S-'ml day of Sejiteinl.e.-. A. Ji., Icr.i. wiil be t.tKen :vz linst von cjiom the same. CHAl'MAN & MA X WKLL. -NJ Uv Atfvs for i:i it-it tireen. Notice. V." i 1 1 : n r a s . ?. v w : f o :!ia. has Uti rnv P.e.l and ooai .1. u n I ; m: t as siiall ay nodelits of h-r com r;ie ncr j.i'tcr tiiisdate. NTKi'lIKN Bl-XTOX. o'it ' 1 1 noi i iieu in it i i f i lit r . ; ' : i. .u ' i: . i . Tn-roN", Au?r.t 1J, 1ST.'). 21-1 Poor Farm Notice. Notice is liereiiy piven that the Icr l cf ' '':! "'r ; TIM i ' iU'U .u are ri s-;i tra... Count v Co!iuiiisiefioi s ot Ca-s Coimtv. Ncbr:us- ! ''"oi:''i ' a :;.-i s on -.-:le and ": . t pe.-;-ka. i'li meet ar ihe County lci ';s oi!;ce. ! he ' i:f' principal -i icket Ohices ia ihe i st l t.l li dav of S -!te!ii!i! i 1-7.;, for the purpose of ; :ir''' Nor;i. ffiitiii'the boor i'.niii. , A.' lor tickets via the "Southeastern Kai!- N i.u ! y acre, of s;n.t farm is r cult tvat i'n. ! Oiie third td tlie crops will be !eiuired lor rent. or the Coi:j! iy Coiuau; .sioi.ers v i!l rent the ai'ii forcnli. Ifve ::-;es t-f i.nml will healloved the i pe on rt-i . rent. the larai for garden Cvc, free ot I ue renters! will lie auiivil t' ' p the P.til- i peis ot t ,is t ooiity tor a price per week s !i.;.y ' oe avjreeo upon. I l'.y order oi iii Board of Count v Coniusission- ; er-, this l."ilh tlav of Au-zuvt. A. f. Is?.:. ! -1-it 1. W. .Mi'KINMt.N, Co. Clerk. and frame, of troo.i material well ouiit and to K- tililstitMl ny Oct. tt. W3. 'O-ift. SnPV'lfi 3 Rolia . ""v"" " t.vw. , . 1)jsl.i,t r(rt. Second Judical Dis- uu.u in .lU(, fl)r ,,,, v. .t.l.raka : ., . . ."..., , J Martha lv. I amtck, 1 iuliiuli, ( ... v- ... " ! A I ' I1, tl.i I .n 1 l..f I.. tt r.v virtue ,.f an tod.-r of :,i. issued to s,, I in th entitled cause, out of said Court. I i will oher for sale, a: o lock p. in. on Monday ! the " i st tlnti of Knt-I)ilir 1 1) 17:3 I ..Y, ,. 't ,n " V,. . V I r l1' .I.,,,!,1' iu" I.M" :. :,t t"- frn door of , J r " " ' SK;l V" 'i.''' . 'r 1:1 , ?' r - .l1 : ,,,"!". ? " ' ' '''Vi.'r. ' WVS,, Nf i.llie ! i'v fV I'l'iV ',. .o n i . ! V"" v . 1 ' '' :";""' V""". Nt'" 1 said block third one i:;iitot!ie norlii line cf i i,, viv , j., ,,.,, ,, ,.., ,1 ''!, r, " , o 1".V . tlie north line ,i . ,i. ... t..i.. six iH inches I thence MUitli to M:iin lieet, thence east to tin ""'l' niW. U-Uu-r it !. the privileges and appurtenances thereto lielonciM. As Cos- i'iiated on tlie recorded plat of i'lattmoiit li el'.y. The aioe ttcscrihed re;il cstiite will li" sold on said day to satisfy the decree of the Court ii favor of 1 he Phiintill i iint the lie- j feielant and as the pronerl y.and real etate of A. C. I.oliiiie. licieliOanl. (.ive;i under my hand this second dayof .Inly, I. .j--, . i I I J. w . .11 111 M).. S .M Af ,. . . lieuu tass t. o., .ru. I'l.titiliifs Altorney. lt-.V.v. McGuire & Co., AViiolesaic and Ketail Dealers ia - Foreign AND Domestic Bourbon, Rye & Monon gahela Whiskeys Constantly on hand. Our connection with the 11 rm of Bindskotf Bros., Distillers, enables us to sell at the lowest market rates. Sole Jl gents For tiie Celebrated Hungarian Main Street, ; platts mo crrr - NEBRASKA. I i A lanre and well selected stock of j i'V J-i- Jason Streight, Dealer in Confectionery, Fruit, Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos and Fancy Groceries. rLATTSMOUTII, NER. New Boot and Shoe Firm. Earclier & Klingbcl, Boot & Shoe Makers, Main Street, opposite Ilatta Valley House, rLATTSMOL'Tir, FIXE CALF SEW CD HOOTS made to order in good style. All kinds of men's boots and shoes made r.r.d repaired. lriees low nr.! wovtc u-in-:iitl fi fri,- cntic. ' T ; . i r m I - . I A S T l I 1-i-Ci. F. KL!N;L::iL. Book for the Million MAHRIAGE; i A private counsellor to the GUI UE. j jMarneit or thoe ahoiil.lotnar , ry on the p!;-1' 'Myste ries and reve!:it ions of the s'evii:,! Kv.e-n to j latest ilisroteiit s in proiluriiiji ;un prevcniiiu! I iitpini. iiov, lo preserve Uie eoinpiexinit, we. j zrzrrrr ' and tv.euf j-four p::;,'es. with iMiiuerous eurav I inu's. and Cuiilaiits v;!uatle inforinat ion foi j 1 !i:;se who are lfi.nii'd.. or oiite?np!;-.tirr.; mar i riaL-f. still, it is it 1 .link i hat ouiilit to lie ketit ! im.ier lock, and key, and not laid carclessl i t ..I 1 Sei!t to any one -'free of po.tas;e) lor .Vi cents. Ad'ircss I;r. ItuJts Iispci:sarj, Xo. 1.', Mil i street, St. Louis, :.1o. i i N.tice to the Alllicted and Unfortunate I I'V L''H. Ill ltl .111 l ll,!" IIMlfiOU 111 ISefore apiyiiitf f ) the notorious quacks who , riiivertue in p-ililic papers, or usiiis any quaek any quaeK no" mattei i " "iK's. p iuse i-. liiii's vorK, n COXSOL1DATED. , "XAS7IVILLE SHORTEST LI YE Aud Lirect Koute to j CtHiralia, r. n. .V7. Nash rife, ChnttitiVrvja, Atlanta, Vhnrhstoicn, Savannah, K n ore Me, Rristnl, Lyw hbiiry. Ei'h mond, Norfolk, i J oints i ,irn ' , , . j ;7. urn' pfoinn, j J-JraytxriUe, I V..v 3f"' f;Ohury, JJobilr, v,., - '" - lr" Or leans. (ralri-di'jn. South and Soiiilieast. 1 )0!) HEASO.NS WHY this is the preferred lUa.tC. j IT Is THK OXf.V LINK rni.nii: Pu!!i.ti : Pa!ae )r;ubiir sleeping '; is ilu.ii:!i i from SI. U to Naslivoie without chanjre. j IT IS TMK ONLY LINK under one manajre : nent lit '.vvicn these Cities. IT IS THK ONLY LINK bv wli'ch pn'e:i i ,;,.rs ,..tI1 save from c. i to "i o ii:;es travel, ud s:k to twi'i,; v-f mt- time. J 1T 1 'J.4,-, CJiF.Al'Klt fi'.'in St. Lotiis to j N'-'-'.vU.'c t!.u;i the circuitous route via. Louis i iiie. OTTO : ! nrr' TTf' ji' - JA J i Ju , ( ''Lf ).; i ONNECTIONS ! Nov.- r.nd . b sr-.v.t dav (cit-hcs eeufinK .1 with the esni;a'.e;use A;r KraUft ;::id li'C Mili. r I " -j y t -t O -n i lualK B. bAVKNTOKf. XSLOW. r. ei. Louis. Cen"i Ticket Ajjeut, St. Loui.-i. LOW EESER70IR fa Suited !o all Cfimaies, ASD TA2IOU3 FOB BEISO BEST TO USE I CHEAPEST TO BUY! I EASIEST TO SELL II I f , Famous for Uoirs latrt sad tA&z BETTER COOKING. k fOy '- Qaioker Med Cheaper FAMOUS FOB CrVTOO Satisfaction 3 Teryvfcirii i-n htti Espfciilly Adapted TO TII mm cf imi mmis. SOLiD J3"3T EXCELSIOU MAX'( COMPANY, .ST. i.ris, MO. AND E. T. Duke & Co rLATTSMOUTII, NEB. 10-ly Tho Best THE CHEAPEST ! F. J. METTEElt i Has a Iar,rc atid good assort incut of l'arm Ma chinerv. The Marsh Harvester, a Heapcr tliat to mcu j can cut ami hum ten acres er iiay. uitn onj man to drive, and the binder j cm 'work in the shade. F. J. METTEER, Main Street, Corner 6th. Phrtro!t .... Nir73t. i mm NEBRASKA HERALD JOB OFFICE, NEWLY FITTED UP. New Tress, New Type, and New 3Iatcrlal. Call and see our new lot of LEGAL ELAHS. All descriptions of work done In the printing line. We a i fully prepared to do Every Kind and Stylo of Printing. Send In your orders for LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, POSTERS, DODGERS, dc wttt -ft Has on hand, one of Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods for Spring and Summer. tV I Invite everybody in want of .ar.ythii: in ray line to cMl M my !or. South Side Main, Beivvesn Fifih and Sixth Streets. And convince themselves f the fact. I have as a st.eclaltv in my Tie.' ail liepnrtrnent asel stock of l'iii Clothing for Men and Hoys to v. i.ich we invite'llioe who want Koods. iS" 1 also keep on hand a lanre and well selected stock of Hats, Caps, Doots and Shoes. 8-10 L. IF1. cTOHlTSOIsr, tW Opposite the Plalte Valley IItiHe, in er's Jewelry Stor. Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. tUZ 1 ST. LOUIS, S-77 r:.--'r:V'i5.SA' DECKER BROS., p:if'-.'A G. A. & GO'S -A ) P 2 A II 0 3. ix. J'irst-tkss Wholcsr:'e and Ib-lail V Ml sical iNSTKf.MKNT.s X and CHOICE TOWN 0 t Mkt into if tew W 4 4t5 Lois can now hi; bovrrht in Duke's Addition ti the C ity of I'in'.t-ii'iouih, at price ranclnc toia to and ou tcrui to c:isy met persons with THE SMALLEST INCOJfE 21 A Y MEET THE 21. or those who want town pioporiy c-ilhor to hold for a s upon, this is a ran eha::ee t ;.-.-t it. Tliese lots ;u' location, and are uotcwd vtr wiih ; Young- and Beaut ilul Growth of Forefct Treea. Which r.dd materially to their value. a I"art!r-s nKii'ii'.' to pnrci. .-e or look at thrv lots. . ill Ue shown ihc:n. or riven any lnf'r lae.iioa tlvsiivii. l.v eaiiiu' on K. i". I'l KKorl.. I. p.iCN.xKl'T, lAn-ut.irs of i nC i'slaie of S. i Wl. or J. II. Vt !!!".!. I. (.;: i ct.. and i-.i. II. MIS i I Ol.l.i Ci, Keul Lstaic Ag. i.U. 1- or cash tae above juices wiii ;e liisemaaid tea percent. Plat tsmoa iii. Nebniska, c;o!er IT-' 1 1-rj. S, BLOOM 3 " ' -rt-J &&&-ZA&A VESTS' VlO'tJ&i i ie. Ac ' T BOYS AXDCHILDRBK'S CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, ROOTS, AND SHOES, Blankets, Rubber .Goods, Trunks, Valises etc. Main Street, Second Door East of Court House, EIIANCII HOUSE Broadway. SPRING AND SU3I MElt GOODS, Down Go the Prices ! I AT SOHMASSS $ 00.'$ Celebrated VO'ftK STmHE raw Southwest Corner Main Street, AND SO THE PEOPLE G ocds, Pr ints, Delaines, Gin?Iiam5, Brown Sheeting, Bleached Cottons, Balmorals, Carpeta, Clark's new Thread, Cotton Yarns Iii the Grocery line we keep the Finest and Best Tea, CofEeo. Surrar. "Molasses, Dried Fruits, In fact for Your Queensware, ''oodn TTare, Glassware, Hats and Caps, CO TO 23-if. the largest stocks of UUHUET SMITH'S AM'N A N D IIOSTO N. OHOAHS. ,nub Organs. itlUvJ ;;rtu 1:1:: cf Musical Merchandise liepr.irvu Satisfaction C.uarantoed. t!-Slf. LOTS FOIl SALE ? fteeula't'on or to LuUd in a ih'li -htful CO. I'lattsnio'tth, Ntbrnhka. Council Bluffs, Iotx I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. THINK WHO BUY Boots and Slioes, Spicc-s, etc., etc. Groceries. Ilardware. Yankee Notions, Boots and Shoe TEHMB. 3- -A . 3L i i V X 4T- V 1 t. 1 V i ' V I 4 X r li O