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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1873)
THE HERA LI). Railroad Time Table. It. & M. Ji. R. IN NEBRASKA. "Westward Eastward No. 5 No. 3 No. 1 STATIONS. No. 2 No. 4 No.C 8.00 C.Ti 11.10 plattsniouth 2.'rf) 7.45 3 10 b.'2o O.WJI.'JS ro;;,o!ls 1.47 7.-" 2.43 6.10 10..WI Omaha. o.4) P. 10 6X0 11. Of) I'.elievim 2.1') 7.:.' 7.10 11.15 La Platte 1..15 7.:o 7.2." ll.'-i-l r-;iiM.l 1.47 fi.iiH 7.U Concord i..)i m S.33 8.11 12.00 l.oui:svi;io 1.K1 C.11 1 :w 9 5" South Bend 12.5'j &..VJ 1.1 Ml.j,,,-. 112.".-. 10.WjJ1 Ashland 12.H-. .'..32(11.05 3 1.2. fl.12 12.." ) Greenwood. 12.2:) f.14 T1.:r 12 05 .M 1 ur Wavevly 12.1'.-, i.r:r 12:-' 0.47 1.17 Newton 1'..".J 4.41 in.;) 12.53 Lincoln l .:." 4.2!) in. w) i 1.2 2.00 LFiipoIii 11.17 H.o-') 2.11 2.2II Denton M..V p 5H 2.4:) No. 7 2. I t Highland !).. " No. S s.22 3. 8.."') 3.00 Crete I.i.-.M 2..".2 S.l'J lO.oH :t.2 Dorchester ;m") 11.20 4.1ti Exeter !'.2I I .or, ll.C-" I'airniount C.V'J 12..T, t 12.1.-, ', ' 1. u r.iw Grafton 8..".') 11.2.) 1.2S 5.1'J Sutton fl.2'i u. on 2. :.7 .v." Harvard 7. .'.7 lo.isj 3.17 6.27 L.hlliU 7.:;2 !).10 3.47 C.l ) j ll;is:::s 7.2) I 8.50 7.0 3 I )7.oof.:to 4.:-t0 7.25 Juniata r,.4" 7.53 r."2 7.4H Kenesaw C.2a 7.1 B.f2 S.lrt Ix)'.v!l 6.00 C.."5 fi.2'J 8.3', Fort Kerirnv r.,4 5..K1 7.12 9.05 Kearny .1 uiic. 5.25 6.20 OMAHA li RANCH. 1-e riaitsmouth, fi.aipm Ar Omaha, 8.10 pm ' 1 15 1 li 2.40 p III At " 11. M a in l.e " loaoam 7. 15 pin " " CIO pin JJ. tO M. R. R. Ie Plaftr. .1.45 nm Le Pacific .Trine, ".on a m I,- Plat Is.. .'1.15am Lc- Paciiie June., 4.-'o III Ar Plain., sixain Ar Facile June.. a m The time Riven above i- that of CM;M:e. which :s -x: Miuu'es f.wu-r th;.:i ;h'.ii of Pia'.ts mo'.ith. LOCAL XEWS. 1 lie i ; i V 1" liTlSIM '"NTS ! n--.... :.. oiM .1. ir.-n'iV.ra.lvertirs . . i Dcents per li - No adveniM-::iout lit-oitcn tor less than R cents. Leal adv-.Uscmerits will he charsed to the pities han-iiiii; tlton in. COMMUNICATIONS. Aso'.ir.f.iac,; i; limit.-d. sill to:ui;)i!r.icat:"i:s inv.: ho brief a:: i to the pohst, Willi no waste t t v :r la. SCRSCUIBEUS no-l t i-tify th If th, papr U , ic:iereu promptly. ; newspati:! DECISIONS. 1 Anv pt-Mon who take-i a pa:tr ivfru.r.rly ; f. -.-l ihe ixisl ofile-. whether directed to Iti i-."i. iirwliftlii-rii"! n savsriber or not I ', i jiiuv, dole for the pay. I -t if .... ...-J .,i ..r. I.1-4 nrincr ("ioTit in- ! T- ) i -ni -it p iv a'l aiT":ir:"ier.or t!i pnhiiMher ; v r vitiiinr t.i''-Tvl if until p:iyi.ent i made. L'li -!;e.,t the v!n!e riin'-r.j t. v.::e:htT the pa- n- i-i taken from the or not. -;. Th- eourts have "e-id-d that n-fiimn:: to J f ' news'i...frs r.n-l pr!-iilir:tS from the f-tst j .:; ' it n-.n-iv and l-iiinfi ihrni niirailed j f... i-J T.iii.ia eviileliee of INIK.xTI.M. f.lAVl. I ( -v''VI, FV'rvrKV IraertahiVim.'' w i!i"nV.d 'It' su 'svH-d hut 1 v-.. "-.aiiot he rei.".isil,;e for what !;i.s l. en t- i . l-vfoie f or lion', Jir f';:" o-i'.'.TH sui.oo-.ed to t.e .: '-,n ly oilier- t otlit r-i. Oi;r loks :i!ne l i-t le ill" I'.iii'.e for all old huhseniitiona. i'!. maeiaher thi :. B;;r?. :.i Hunk S:iW:l's. :.: l I DATES ANNOUNCE?! EXT. Mr.. Upitok: Please announce ny .-s a caniinuiie rar ii.i , 1 r.L A.-' i-.Eit, at th election thi j f:Jl s.iVV t to the dicii-n of the Kepub- i ; P;irtv Convention. ! :.f I.. 1: , here'-v ih'sir; to announce t' e of Edwin Davi as a candidate County Treasurer, subject to ti c .ii:i.tioii of the PepuViir.ui Cun'y v.v-ntion. II" rc-i.lvs in PJatls . Product. :i:id we believe him to a :'Hd man for th nsilii.a. r V Many i'lacvi.:. "..ierm.m Sow tire sc-lling fenc- j !ber at 21w3. j and a l : letter heads. Note h?ad tl-y of Leg .l Blanks, prin'.-.-d an 1 fo ! .it the II:-:i.ALra":'-e. 7 ;; Primary caucus of the Iiepubli-e;-:: f Pi.ittsmouth precinct will meet i- ,'v! ); k p. in.. Saturday. September : t j nominati; d-leg.itei lo tho C -.::.! Convention on the 2'Jth. j :is1.-s Jeans. Co.-n:n:tl2emri. j !!,. It?publioans of tl- Second ward : .:: city of Plattsm .uth will meet j '.lv Sch.; -,l house, on Saturday even- ir.:.: the lath inst.. at 7 o'clock, sharp, j 1 '1 I. I.'- Mill I " .'t . ..-. f-, ' - . . , ' t l ( oimtv t onveiiiion to oe m.:; : at W..-. ping Water, on the 20i.h in?t. P. L. Wisr., Committee. Republicans of the First ward tat the Court House, on Sat- veiling, at 7 'clock, sharp, for iso of nominating delegates to .: .iV Convention. D. II. WiiE!;i.r.i:, Com. li .-publicans of the Third ward t at the ofiice uf F. J. Mettoer, ;r.'. vy evening, at 7 o'clock, for ' oa r.' se of nominating delegates j Co ::ity Convention. ! M. B. Musmv. Com. j f AltrET ViEATlNU. C layton hereby gives notice ; George Fickler will move up in the 2 ii prepared to weave all kinds j Luil(ljnir next tbe Court house, former--:ut.ets ami furnish the chain j ly occul)ie1 hx Morrison & Shannon. same at fair living prices. Call ! We bpspeak a g00tl tnule for Goorge in :..-u opposite Austins Vinegar j Lis new quarters. l'ac i:0 n Li, trim i.oi. DLNLLiT OF ADVECTISINO. L genth-man lost his pocket book on :1 before the bills were fairly i oil the street the pocket I bo-li v,.i and returned to him. Fi::c C; i X. .co at the Post OiEce r.ooU i:f. V."atcr.iit::i & Son are selling all kids of l iuaiing lumber at 823,00. 21w3. V.'e cull attention to the new law firm of & Windham, j-;st opened : ja trade for a first class Piano. In in thio :j vn. Their card will be innir nUlis ttppiti.,.c, 3 i- r I iu.i.:-. il. ii'jii w ees, s iiaiicr. .ir. j Sxi:u Las been long and favorably.! kao-.v:i r.i our people as a partner of Mr. I-I -..:- uc-tt. Mr. Windham is gradu- i:e o ::e Michigan University Law iuiih uli.l a young man ot much ! Co lo the Terry Company for your siunmer's j wood, ijj cents di-y cottonwood for sale, and tciiYe.eauattown. vox .nerraemr that the Herald office is newly :tcd up for Job work, and can do as good a job of work n3 any office Herman 8. Newman has returned borne. Schnasse brought him along all O. TT Call and we I). Rchnassc & Co.'s new floods. Stad el man's new bakery ami eating house will be open for business next week. Fred Stadeknaa is well known bere, and we need not say to our peo ple that the place he keeps will be an A No. 1 place to ilrup in and have some oysters; a good square meal, or a comfortable cosy chat in the corner. Pony for sale, o.lke. Inquire of Herald 24tf .Plattsniouth milliard Hall, opposite the Brooks House, Win. Neville, proprietor. Throe good tables, good bar and bowlii; alley. 24mC An article in the WatcJunan some two weeks ago reflecting on a Method ist minister of this State, appeared im mediately under a personal notice of Senator X. K. Griggs, giving it the ap pearance that Mr. Griggs had tpld the editor of the above paper the story about our Reverend gentleman. Mr. G. desires u to say that he was not in the WatzJunan office that day, nor did he mention one word about this sup posed scandal to any ierson in Platts mouth din ing his stay here. A load of turn or bay wanted at this ofiice on subscription. COMMUNES. Atfi'.in the monster has showed Itself with its l.idf ous rnein In Spain. Atrain the red handed Vandal has full play, hut thanks he to ;od, on- ! lv f'T a shrt time. Anl yet in spite of this sad t news v.o are hai py to record the fact that Peter Merges, the only ezelusive dealer in boots and shoes in Cass County, defies the whole .....-(I. iii Ion- ibtivti rr i'iia 24tf. " ....... ........ Win. Neville, Esq., left us a kind re membranee this week in the shape of a subscrintio:!. There will be a Grand Union Sunday School Picnic at Weeping Water on the ISth inst. All the Sabbath Schools of the county are especially invited. ! T?:-;,i.r li.uL'i.t j -wltlivr.ii iirtfl moot -'"' rZr V ' at uu- .oiiKicjicti.iuuai vnU1...i.H w... r:u and at 11 a. in., march to ttie grove where a table will b set &c, &c. 15v order of the Committee. VIi() KNOWS' I know th.-t Teter Merges, the riattsmonth Sleie Dealer m "s the l. at gmids that are made, at the lowest oa h jrU-e.4. 24tf. NOTICE. There will be a Church Meeting of Cliurch a Socic-ts i their Church on Tuesday Sept. ICth, s. it at o'clock p. in. Iiv order of the Trusteess. F. P. TODD, Church Clerk Ilemmber the l'ost Ofllce Jewelry Stove, Frank Carruth, Clocks, Watchts and Jewelry repaired. Business is business, call and examine for your- i selves. ' 21w2. Mr. S-ilomon. of the firm of Solomon & NTaihan, went cast this morning, to Luv a hMiusi-me stock of goods for their fuil tra" ThU well known firm -how the people of Platt? hiindsor.iet line of fancy mouth 1:'. p e:-.-.:: that have ever been Lo the town, and hope that g) ?5 brwnghl th'ir fall tride will warrant them in . , . tilts otlvi ty. j r M'-res ti.e SimJ man bays his larjre : fr.:.i the riit'ry, and is cei:e- si el. ..e.ii'.. :.'.v;:'.i -1 to sell the bet t'0,"s eheajxr ban ll.e e'. wp. st. Kf. Sehir.iss? lias got home go and sec .. , . . . - his iiv good-; crow out shanghai is nw good-;- . . h ap for cash. THE FAIR. Our County Fair opend yesterday and it number of entries were made. We cannot give any details before go ing to press, but will give them in full next week: NE'tY 5ICSIC. A lot of new sheet music just re ceived at L. F. Johnson's music store. Gail and examine it New sheet music just received at L. j F. Johnson's music store. Songs, j Schottisches, Galops, ail new and good. . Mr. ritrce, of Pleasant Hi-.ige Fends us the l'st watermelon of the season. A variety of music just arrived at L. F. Johnson's Music store, compris- inS songs, both comic and sentimental; schottia'-hes, galei's. tiuadrilles. walt zes, ., ic. Come and look it over. Melodeon for sale. Herald Office. Inquire at the 24tf One Piano for sale cheap. Inquire at the lIuiALD office. 24tf ! WaN'THD. A or..l tf.? I dont sell at cost, but I sell at less tLian tliose who do sell at cost. A meeting of the Hook and Ladder f;n.v will tate place at Firemen's xutauay evening next. . Ge"-Amasa Cobb, ex-United States Senator, from Wisconsin, Banker at Lincoln, and a gentleman generally, called on the Herald, yesterday. ltev. Mr. Burgess will hold services at St. Luke's (Episcopal i Church, on ; Snniar. th Uth inut. THE FIRE COMPANY. ELECTION OP OFFICERS. Firemen's Hall a Jelly Place All the Boys Made Corporals. New Hook and Ladder Company Formed. Tf ind up of the Find Annual Election. Union Fire Comiany met in Fire men's Hall biot evening, for the pur pose of electing officers for the ensuing year. A gayer, better nat ured or jol lier set of fellows never came together. With their red shirts and new hats cocked la m-'xfe on their true tire men's head, they looked the image of the lads that do and dare. - The preliminary business of the meeting over, the ballot for officers took place, resulting as follows: Chief Engineer J. W. Johnson. Assistant do Henry Curtis. President John A. MacMurphy. Secretary A. d'Allemand. Treasurer II. Newman. OEKICEUS OF TOK F.NC.INE COMPANY. Foreman Frank Stadter. 1st Assistant do Wm. Neville. d do do F. J. Metteer. OFFICERS OF THE HOOK AND LADDEU COMPANY. Foreman P. D. Dates. 1st Assistant do King. 2d do do A. Despaine. A Finance Committee for both com panies w.ri3 then appointed, consisting of Dr. Livingston, Fred., and Henry Doeek, for the Engine Com pany; and W. Shryock, King and Stinchcomb for the Hook and Ladder Company. Our Fire Department is now fully organized, and they are a line body of men that the city may be proud to ac knowledge. The Secretary of the State Fairnow and evermore, has returned home to the bosom of his family, safe and sound. Curses roll off his back like mud from a duck's. Clocks for the million at Frank Car ruth's. The new ticket and freight office of the Burlington route, in the Pullman Ilolel, was occupied yesterday. Our limited space this morning forbids an extended notice of this bon ton o:h e of the favorite route eastward, which we will give, however, on cr before th opening cf the, hotel. Oinuha Rep ublican. THE MARKETS. HOME MAUKETrf. Reported by Cutler & White. Wheat , Corn ats IJe H:rley Ls Cutler : hi..:.. Spring per doz Potatoes New ..5 8TZ'-f 2o .. lilS . . a.v-4' . . ') 1" an 2 4" 60 NEW YOKK MAUKETS. Nkw Youk, September f. Moiiev 7 per cent. Hold." ' Vf (joveniinent Quic-i. CHICAtiO MARKETS. Ci!ir.v.o, September 0. Flour V heilt Corn 5 75 1 r.i 41J-i i:e liarley t ivttlo Hot-! iintler E"'s ,. 121127''.5.2- 4,V 4.4.1 22;'.j. 17 ;RANr-E.sT SCHEME EYE1I KNOWN. Fourth Grand Gift Concert ror.TiiE nr.xrnioF tjik rUBLIG LIBRARY OF KY. 12,030 C4SIS CiSFTS lO-O.OOO Tcery Fifth Thkit Drairs a Gift. The Fourth Crand Ciifi Concert authorized by special art of file lAVisiature f(.r the benefit ot tue l'nbhe f.iltiary, f, wiil tahe pia. r in I'uliiir L.'oiaii'lh'.ll, at l.".iis il'.e, Krn-tu'-Ky, iu Wtdnfiirfoy, Iftrtmhtr 3, 18T.1. Only Sixty Tho'isand TicUef; will be sold :utd one-haif of these ;ire intended for the Euro I an .darket. thus leavini: oi:i.. m.k) for the I niied Mates where 1' were iLiMsed of for the Third Concert. The tickets are 'divided into ten ciu;m'!s (,r narts.and have on the luirk ! tlie Seheii e w itli a lull expiatiatUm of the mode ' cf drawing. At this Concert, whieh will be the grandest r.iusiejil r.isphiy ever witnessed in this country, the unprecedented sum of $1,50 0,000, divided into 12.0oa cash j:ifs. will be distributed by lot amiiu. tlie ticket holders. 1 he iiuinliers of tile, tickeis to be drawn from one wheel by blind ctihdrcn iuid the gifts from another. LIST OF UIFT& . ONE GRAND CASH GIFT ONE tillAND CASH CIFT ONK OK AND CASH ( i 1 FT ONE ;rand cash ;ift ON K OKAND CASH GIFT 10 CASH GIFTS SID.000 each... M CASH GIFTS 5.ooi each... : ('AMI i I FTH t.KM) each . .. ho CASH GIF IS fioo each... Hj CASH GIF'IS 4k each... IV) CASH GIFTS ' sou each... '-") CASH lilFTS iK) eucti... 32.5 I'ASH ;i'TS mo each... 11,KH) CASH GIBTS 00 each... .$2".iO0 . M'l.oiM) . Wl.tHK) . 2r,."O0 . lT.-'ioO . 100.0)10 .,: . MI.OIIO . 4l,(l 40.IHK) 45.1 MK) . Nl.lMIO . .TJH) . 5.'H,000 TOTAf 12.00O GIFTS, ALL CASH. aiiiouutia'-c to $1,500,000 The distribution will be positive whether all Oie I u ive..s ;ae Snld or i.ot, ud tha 12,etlO t?t.? all paitl iii (uoiMirtion to the tickets sold all un.ild tl- ketn i iim destroyed !is at tile First and Second Concerts and Lot represented in the drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS : Whole tickets. S.vt ; Halves.' 25 : Tenths, or eaeli iou)Mii. ?5 ; Eleven Whole l'akett f.r fjoo; 22', Tickets for l.ioo; 1 1:1 Whole Tickets br S; ; 227 Whole Tickets for frio.noo. No .'.'.-rounton less tlian ) worth of Tickets at a time. The nnparallelled success of the Tlilrd ;ift Concert as well as the satisfaction given by tlie First and Second, makes it onlv neeessai to announce the Fourth to insure tlie prompt sale t every ticKet. The Fourth Gilt Concert w ill be con.lucled In ail its details like the Third, and foil particulars may be 'learned from circu lars which will t.e sent free from this oiliee to ail w i'l-i'iy ir them. Tickets now ready fur sale and ail orders ac companied by the mouev promptly tilled. Lib eral terms triven to those who buy lo sell aain. THO-i. B. BRA M LETT, Agent Public Library. Ky.. ami Manager Gift Concert. Public Litirarv limlding. Louisville, Kentucky. 21 wis VINEGAK! YIXEGARM At Wholesale and Retail. For the purpose of Introducing my vinegar. I will sell at the following Kx rates at retail. Red V ine A megur by the siuie palbni 30 cents, two or more gallons at 2. cents per gallon ; Genuine t bier Ainegar ao cents per gallon. A literal discount on the above rales made to the trade All vinesar warranted to preserve picPles and free lrom acids. City orders promptly filled and delivered Country patronage solicited. Factory onixwi!) Moore's Flower Gardens wesi of Heisel's Mill. ilckles from the vines 40 cents per hundred put tip In any kind of vinegar desired, 00 cents tier hundred. H. A. AUSTIN, 14-tf. FlartMnouth, Nebraska. SPECIAL XOTICES. Business Is business, aud so are the Clears at the P. O. K.ok Store. 6-tf. Registrar's Notice. Notice is hereby given to the voters of the First Ward, in tlie city of Plat ts mouth, County of ('ass State of Ne braska, that tlie undersigned Registrar of the said ward ill sit' for the pur pose of Registering the voters of said Ward, at his office on the 22d and 2M days of September, 1S73, from !) o'clock a. m., to 5 o'clock p. m., except one hour at noon of each day. And notice is further given, that I will sit at the same phwe on Monday, October th. for the purpose of correct ing the said Registration List. G. H. BLACK, 2iv3. Registrar 1st ward. Registrar's Notice. Notice is hereby given to the voters of the Second Ward, in the city of Plattsniouth, county of Cass, State of Nebraska, that tlie undersigned Regis trar of said Ward will set for the pur pose of Registering the voters of said Ward, at C. Heisel's Mill on tlie 22d and 2od days of September, 1873, Iroui ! o'clock a. iu., to 5 o'clock p. in., except one hour at noon cf each day. And notice is further given that I will sit at the same place on Monday October Jth, for the purpose of correct ing said Registration List. J. li. DLL-LEY. 2-1 w3. Registrar 2d Ward. Registrar's Notice. Notice is herebv given to the voters f the 3d Ward o'f the city of Platts mouth, county of Cass, State of Ne braska, that the undersigned Registrar of said Ward will sit for thepurjiose of Registering the voters of said Ward at the office of Miekelwait & Sharpe, on tlie 22d anl 23d days of September 1873, from ! o'clock a. in., to 3 o'clock p. m., except one hour at noou of each day. And notice is further given that I will sit at the same place on Monday, October Jth for tlie purpose of correct ing said Registration List. P. P. GASS. 21T 3. Registrar 3d Ward. Registrar's Notice. Notice is herebv given to the voters of the 4th Ward in the ciiy of Platts niouth, c junty of Cass state of Nebras ka, that the undersigned Registrar of said Ward will sit for tlie purpose of Registering the voters therein, at the office of Wheeler & Stinchcomb on the 22d and 23d days of September 18T3, from V o'clock a. m., to 5 o'clock p. in., wxcept one hour at noon each day. And notice is further given that I will sit at the same place on Monday, October Oth. for the purpose of correct ing said Registration List. A. L. CHILD, 34 w3. Registrar 4th Ward. Children cftni look. 1'ulc ami Sick from no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury lo the child, being perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injur ious ingredients usually used in worm preparations, CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton street. New York. Sold by Druggists and Chemists and dealers in Medicines at Twenty-Five Cents a Box. 24vly. TSilrly Years Experience of ai M3 Xsirse. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United states, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adidt. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic. regulates the bowels, and gives rest. health and comfort to mother and child. Wo believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the World, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in Children, whether it r rises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accomp any each bottle. None Genuine unless the face-smile of CURTIS & PER KINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 24vly. Tlie Household Panacea, and Fa ml 3' Liiilment is the best remedy in the world for the following complaints, viz.: Cramps in the Limbs and stomach. Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism in all its forms. Bilious Colic, Neu ralgia, Cholera. Dysentery, Golds, Fresh Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills and Fever. For Internal and External use. Its operation is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It penetrates and pervades the hole system, restor ing healthy action to all its parts, and quickening the blood. The Household Panacea is purely Vegetable and all Healing. Prepared by CURTIS & BROWN. No. 213 Fulton Street. New York. For sale by all druggists. 24wly. WOODS WOOD! The. Ferry Company have Five Hundred cords of pood dry eottonwood for sale. 12tf Lad'es, call and examine the nice and cheap Gaiters at the Shoe Store, before yo'i buy else where. No charge for showing them. 5-tf. Pktek FOR RENT. The large and commodious wnrerooni, cellar, ami cilice ou second floor of b:ldin;j formerly occupied by Jacob Yallery, jr.. in M;isonie Block. Enquire of R. R. Livingston or 4S-tf. E. T. Duke. HENRY BCECK, DEALER IN Furniture, Lounge. Safes. Tables. Chairs, Bedsteads, &c, &.c, S.c, &.c. Of all descriptions. Metallic burial Cases. WOODEX COFFINS. OF ALL SIZES. Ready 2!ade and.sote Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for past patronage I Invite allito call and examine my large stock of Fur nimre n4 Coffin!. Ja.n28 t;he best m AUYATS THE CHEAPEST. For your Groceries fro to F. R. Guthmann Corner Third and Main street, Plattsniouth. He keeps on hand a large and well selected t-ck of FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS. SUGAR, SYRUP, BOOTS, SHOES, &c, &c, &c, &o. In connection with the Grocery is a Bakery and Confectionary. f ?7-All kinds ot Country Produce bought and sold. Take notice of the sin EMPIRE BAKERY AND GROCERY." may 161 f. 0. F. JOHNSON. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND WALL PAPER. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARilE. ALSO DEALER IN Books, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an ex perienced Druggist. Remember the place. Corner Fifth and Main Streets. Plattsniouth. Neb. Bonner Stables" FINE LIVERY. BUTTERY & LAZENBY Horses & Carriages to Let. Stock Hoarded by tlie Hay Week or 3Ionth. Good Stock, Good Vehicles Call and Give as a Trial. Stable on Vine Street. PLATTSMOUTH, - - , -Iistf. NEB. A2TD MED ICIJYBS AT J. H. BUTTERY'S On Main street nearly opposite the HERALD ofiice. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In DRCGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. TATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET ARTI CLES, &.C, && L??Pr5BCTiptions carefully eompotiEed at all twr7Cy and nlgtt. ts-iy. T iic llowc Sewing Machine AGENCY, rLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEBRASKA, Canvassing Agents wanted throughout the Staie. Address r. P. TODJ 'h:v.rrcl Agent. . okcTol, WOODS & FLEMING, liF.ALEC I!f Hardware. Tin-ware. Pumps, AgrieuUuri1 iiiip'ments, lryn, Nails. &e., &e. STO vKS. OF ALL KINS. FOR SALE. " - Xew Tin-Shop, just Opened! All orders for makiav or repairing prompt ly -: i'tited. Goods Sold Cheap For Cash!! 10-tf. Weeping Water, Nebraska. Excelsior Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE. . Main street, opposite Brooks House. flair Cntting, Shaving and Sliampooning. Especial utteution given to CUTTING CHILDREN'S 1I.V1R. Call and see BOONE, gent s and tet a boon in a CLEAN SHAVE. n4l-ly. CITY MEAT 3IAKKET. GEO. FICKLER. FrciH'ieior. The best of Frtsh Jleats always on Jiand in their season. ' HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FAT CATTLE. Z3? Highest Cash Price paid for green hides. MAIN SREET, PL ATT3MOUTI I, n-af NEB. FAPOIEirS EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - NEBRASKA. Keeps constantly on hand all Staple Articles such as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES, Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, &:c. In fact, everything usually kept in a Yariety store, which will be sold on .small prolits for CASH. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the Highest JIarJict Prices g icon in Cash for Grain. ' 19 Machine Shop. JVayman Curtis, PLATTSMOCTXI, NEC, Repairers of Steam Engines. Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and S'caiii rittiiiiis. Wrought Iron Pipe. Force and Lift Pumps, steam tiuages. Safety Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery Repaired on short notice. 8-tf. THos. W SHRY0CK- CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, And dealer in a kinds of ! Furniture and Chairs. Maix Stkekt. Next door to Brooks House. FLATTSMOUTII, - NEB. iV Repairimr s'tid Varnishing neatly done Funerals attended on short notice. 8-tf Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short noliee all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash Shingles, fcc., at a reasonable rate, I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of Xails, Hinges, Loeks, Hardware, of all kinds. Those wishing to build will please call and see my stock. E. NO YES, LOUISVILLE, NEB. Dealer in Cigars. Tobacco, Toys, Notions, and a general assortment of j Confectionery. Ice Cream and Lemonade iu lueir scasou. ii-iv sun Good fresh milk delivered dally ftt every Body's home in Platu-niouth, If they want It. by ! J. P. Benumeister. ' Send in your orders and I will try and felve you and serve you regularly. to-Jy. 1.VL ATTSJI0 UTH 31 ILLS. rLATTSMOUTH. xrr.. CONRAD I1EISEL, ... Fropiieto FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, Always on hand, and for ialc at lowest Cash prices. Cs-The Highest pi ices paid for Wheat and Co, a. Particular attention given to Custom work. E. T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of Main Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Hardware and Cutlery, STOVES, TINWARE, IRON, NAILS, HOES, RAKES. SHOVELS, AXES, KNIVES AND FORKS. &c. J.c. All kinds of Tin ware 3Ianu fact ured . 4::l f H. A. WA TEH 31 AN k SOX Whoicsal and Retail Dealers in Pine Zj u mb c r , LATH, SHINGLES, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &r. 5-4t. Nebraska Grocery. under Herald ofiice. Luke Miskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a speciality. Trv them and he satisfied. nlS-ly. GO TO THE Post Office Book Store. II. J. STREIGHT, I'roprictor. Tor Your Books, Stationery, Pictures, Mus'c, Toys, Confectionery, Violin Strings, Newspapers, Novels, Song Books, &c, &e. TOST OFFICE BUILDING, Plattmouth, - - ' - Nebraska. 8-tf. NO YOU DONT ! ! Cet any Goods cheaper, or a better article than is kept at the Store of Jas, Clisbee & Co. Dealers In General Merchandise. We are in receipt of Fresh Goods every week from the East', whichare bought for Cash, and will be sold in any amount. Graug'erSjkeep your eye on your friend We will not he undersold hy any one. JAS. CLIZP.E & CO. Weeping Water July 1st, 1873. 14-4t. U. Y. 3IATIIEWS, Fourth street, north of Platte Valley House. FLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. Dealer In Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, Tinware, Iron, Xails Glass, Locks, Garden City Plows, Hay Rakes, Farming Tools, Farming Machinery, McCorr.ikh's Reaper and Mower, Buck Eye Reaper and Mower, die, da, dc dc, d-c SEED For tlie Garden, For the Orchard, 6-l3t. PHILADELPHIA STORE. , SOLOMON &: NATHAN DEALERS IX j Fancy Dry Goods, Notion, i ! Ladies Furnishing Goods largest. Chei'M'st, fliiet. and Best Assorted' Stock hi the City. Which we are prepared lo sell chev.;-' Hinti thev can he purchased eisew hcie. lve k a tiui auf examine 0111 kocu.h. ;7Storenn Ma:i treet, be; ween Ith lind 6th streets, li.itlsuiovitli Nchrasl.a. ltf. Mothers. Mothers. Mothors. Don't fall to procure Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup for children Teetidog. This valuable preparation has been used vilih. NEVER FAILING M l t'l.SS IN THOUS ANDS OF casks. II not only relieves the child from pain, but invlfjor des" the stomach mid how t Is, coned .0 idil v. u'.id gives tone and energy to the wboltt Kysi.-iit. It v ill al-o instaiilly relieve Clill'IMJ IS Tllh P.oWKL AND W I U Col.1.1. We believe it the best mid surct remedy In the world, in all eases of Dyeuu-ry mid Dinr i hea in ei ihir.-n. whether ari.-iug from teethinj or nr. v oi iier cause. Depend upon it. mothei, it will clv r!.sl l yourselves and Rk.i.ikk ami Hkai.tu to Yot ii Intakt. Be sure and call for "Mils. Wisi.ow's Soorntx.: SyRur." Having the f:ie-slmi of "CURTIS & TEtt-. KINS'' on 1 he outside wrapper. Sold bydruxsUis throii';lo it the world. 10 SV-i v I am r.owr prepared to furnish the best una- U-lieraied milk TWICE EVERY DAY To all parties notifving me PET Kit GOOS. t THE GENUINE PITTS'. THRESHEMS AND HORSE POWERS. These Buperi or TTnchineB, "with out any rivals lor capacity or Quality of work, Fre offered to buyerg thin year with several valuable improvements. De scriptive Pamphlets will be fur niseed on application, and stock will be held in tit. Ijouis for more convenient delivery. Par ties in Missouri, Kansas, South ern Illinois, Texas and the Ter ritories will correspond with Seruple, Birge & Co., 13S0UTHMAINS7REET.ST. LOUIS Fleaae mention in what paper you trail' this edrcrtUement. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, Tootle, Hanna & Clark. John Fitokkami, C. 11. Pahmm.f., President. Vic President. .Toii.v R. Clakk. T. W. Evas. Cashier. Ass t Cu-shler. This L ink Is now open for business at their new room, corner Main and Sixtu streets, ku1 are prepared lo transact a general Eankinir Husincss. Stocks, Bond.. Gold, Government laid Ixjcat Sccurttie Bought and Sold, Deposits Received and Interest allowed On tiin Certlflcata. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the United States and in all the principal lowua and Cities of Europe. TOR. THE CELEBRATED IJYIUAN LINE .AND ALL E IV LINE OF STEAMERS Persons wishing to brln out their friend from Europe can purchase tickets from us through to Plattsmoiith THE OLD RELIABLE A Heavy Stock of Goods on Hand. No Rents and Interest on Borrowed Capited to be made ojf Customers. OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE CITY. North side of Main brtweeu Second and TLlrd streets, takes pleasure in announcing to FARMERS AND MECHANICS That he ha a larga and well selected stock c? Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, aj were ever brought to the City of f lattsuioih. It wfll cost you nothing to look at them hither vou buv or not. Uv examining th prices at the "0"LD liKLIABLE" you "1 te iible to Mil when otLw parties try U.: lcols you. e-ei n