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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1873)
o : CARSUTITS POST OFF&23 JHWEBftY Si$SB-S21 goc&b 13051 et tfte pnSos casfx A vtcU sotetyfcsCi otoeir cST Poce-izjn and AsucsQaa WaKics, IradkaGoId Watches and Chains; eoHd Gold and Btalcd Setts, rjuic, Sr. A large assortment of Clocks, headquarters for. Larehes' Patent Accommodation Spectacles. Repairing done on short notice and all work warranted. Call and examine fpr yourselves; , : ! . . - ' : i TEE HERALD THE HERALD. TO 1'iiblished every Thursday at IaUlTT 3S O 3JTSI, X 2? It.4SKA, '.IDTUXITISISU IIATCSC One square, (in lines .r less) one ltiserllim..H .' Each subsequent insertion to Professional cards, not exceeding six lines. .I0.9 !icohttnn p'-r aiiii'titi 20. rm 'rolniiin jut annum .0.8 'ic-olumn do CO. 11 One column do 100.0 All advertising Mils due quarterly. Transient advertisements uiust lfnMaf&4& advance. PfTi n Main it., Bt. J-ith and Bth. SeconJ Story. ilftfTCIAL PAPER COUNTY. OF CASS J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." TERMS : $2.00 a Year. Terms, in Advance ttte copy, one year $2.00 Ouc copy, six months .oo tne copy, three months 50 Volume 9. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Thursday, September 11, 1873. Number 24. Exirt Conns of tiir IIkrald far nl VL J. M relent, at tho I'otd otllee, and U. 1'. Jwkft- son, comer of Mul u and Fifth M. ATTORNEYS. Tkl" 1?. KEEE. Attorney at l-w, onice on Main Street, over Chapman's Druir Store. Special atlcui ion jriven b collection of "Claims. D. It. AVHKK1.EIS, J. W. STIXCICCOMlt. TVIicelcr Stlutlicumb ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ,49-ly l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. BAH. M. rifAfMXX. It. T. MAXW'F.LI. C'liaiuiiuiJ & 'Iavcll. ATTORN FYS AT TAW and Solicitors in Cb.-itieerv. laieo i:i l'it.-.erald's IUoik, I'latts uioiitii, Nebraska. "If ARQCETT, SMITH & ST A KM KI . Attor nevs at Law. I 'net ice in all t!ie conns of !ie State. Special attention given to collections Mid mat tern of I'roliaf. , Office over the l'ost Olli'-e. l' Neb. PHYSICIANS. J H. I.I VINUSTO.V. l'liyv.'cian and Siiwmi, " Tenders bis professional services t tile it!A'!H "if CifS ciniiiiv. Keddcne.- southeast eoruiiLof Oak and Six:"h streets ; o!:iee on Main street, one d''r we-t of Lyman's Lumber Yard, ElaiiM.iont'i. Nebraska. INSURANCE. "VIIKKI.Kit X' l'.KXN ETT Herd Estate end 'i "aM'avinif A-iits. N.'tnrb -. l'i:t.:ie. Fire fcnd I.if'j Insurance Agents, I'l.itls.noath, Neb. 1IIEM'S PAINE (Jcneral l!i'iralic Asct, Kejir ei;ts st)ine of l lie most icliaM Com aiiics l'i tlie I 'idled States. j.inT-wtf IIOTE.S. BUOOKS HOUSE, JOHN FITZfiEl'.AU), 1'roilietor. Main Street, between Fifth & Sixth. MISCELLANEOUS. Vlaitsmoitti: ."I!5!s. SKI.. Ir.'.r!.etor. Have n ccntly bn-n reoired and pi-jced '.n IboroiiKii ruiinin.!; ntpr. ion ooj i.c.siit'is in ' in hi'1 ii"- ' diately for wlach tiie highest nt.tikct pntc wid be paid. Abstracts cS TI12o. rpnK Nt.'MEi'ICVL SYSTEM Tlie best in use j For descriptive circulars a.:-i ei-s. ALilES. lii.ACKM.Vl: Is C). i'.V.'.iiai;!"!!, low.i. WIEENIIOUSE AND BEDDING I'LANTS. TTn and rnor.ev s-vvmI by ordcrlns of m. I btve the !.i:t;f -l and best ereU-c' '.on of Hits rvvr otTered fur sale i:i the West. CataVsrncs ir... s .vei.t ptdaio. .,abl.u.-. Tomato, :uiu oth er iiantsforsalp in their s'-.son. Addrtss '.V. J . HE.-SE;:. 1 iallsiuoutli. Neb. Agents Yantt. Tor. A liOfiK neeped i;y ALL Tln b-'Sf b-o!;s jni"i:she.l on the IIoisc .-.nd th' Co .v." I.i':ci..l i'eiMis. Mom- i':a ie i,i;i!'t: by utfsi.U Mdliii? tbc looks. Ken, I lor en-.u-ltJfe l-OlMEit X lO.VIK.-s, I' dit rs. l'i'.ihuielpir.a. i'a. yiNE ART GA1-LBRY. ttV"Hv-tn'rvi.lis. Anbrotrp-s am? co; ts from old pictur.-s. plain er c:cr -d. cjiher in ins. , v.ler or :1. All work neatly cxeciite.l iind war- Mued U sive v:'li,')XA1!I-Artis. jO-if Mains;.. I'latLiiaouth, Neb. NEW DRUG STORE. T. L. POTTER, t t f v, - D'JT. MEDICINES. PAINTS, oibS." I;N i'l." U ' d El: Y, STATION t'M V. NO I'll i.N S, CIvJAUS VMJ lU- jIAltb. liitr. L. GOLDING, Peal -r in ofcOTTiix--;. Fi'i:Nis;no gods. hats,; C VPS P.MOTS. MloES. Till N KS, VALISES. C.VKPET HAtiS, S;c. &e.. Ox'--, v.e. nni of the oldest and most Ib-'iablc Houses )m PlatMiuoutii. M..i:i sireci. between fourth jud ElUi. TEE TLACE. S-tf. 2fEV.r STYLES. E. L. ELSTEB, MERCHANT TAILOR. t fat rccli.t of the r.nest and VEST ASSORTMENT aASSIMEKES. CI.OTMs. YESTINOS. SCOTCn liOODS, IKiSll EKIESES. A.C Tn fact the lar.-e-t and bet assortment of Cloths ever bron-ht to t Lis city, which 1 am prepared to make i:p in the Latest iylcs. I ;ul iid exaiuine Coods. apni.ti. Mrs- A. D. Whitcomb, DRESS AND CLOAK MAKER. rora3 threo doors west of Brooks House. CUTTIIfG AND FITTING 2IADE A SPECIALTY. fsT- Patterns of nil kinds constantly on hand 2G-iy. J. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE, ! LIVERY STABLE. llain street. Plattstnoiith, Neb. T ar.i prepared -to accommodate the public with Horses, Carriages, Buu'-b'S. Wagons. . and a No. 1 llparse. Oti short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will run to the steamboat l-audiiii;, Pepot and all parts of the city when desired. janltf. Blacksmith Shop. ciiAS. xTtiffaxy, rT. PLEASANT, NEC. IJes leave to inforra the farmers of Cass County that lie keeps a good No. 1 t :B L A CKS 31 IT II SHOP one mile north of Mt. Pleasant. . : All kinL of Iron Work- attended to. Wagons repaired, -Farm Implements carefully mended. Lowest prices, and all work done on short notice. Grain reeeiYed -4a." payment" Give me a trirrt. QiA. N. Tiffany. Official Directory. C Nt ; KESSIONA L. T. W. Tijdon. ISrow-nviile I. S. Senator. P. W. Hitchcock. niaha L". H. Senator. L. Cruuiisc, Et. Calhoun Kepresentative . EXECUTIVE. It. W. Enrnas. Prownvllle Governor. ,1. .1. Cosncr, Lincoln Scc'y of State. I. 15. Weston, licatiice !.Aul:ior. If. A. Keiiiu, Columljus Treasurer. .1. M. We!itcr. Crete Att'y lm. J. M., Liin-o!n...Sup't Pub. luslruc'u. JEDICIAKV, fJco. n. T?kc. Omaha Chief Justice. SamiiL-I MasweU, I'latts'th, f Ju"1 - I'LATTSMOCTU. II. V.. I.Iir.pton Mayor. Plie!s Paitie City I itrk. Win'. Wiiitersteiii Citv Treasurtr. .1. W. Haita-s Police .liv!. Miles Morgan Marshal. I. N. Johnson Street Coinaiissiouer. ALDEKMAX. rills-" Wi:n. J. Eitz'-'crald. II. S. Newman. Sk.'j'i W Aiti. .1. Wavinan. C. Nichols. Tmiti. W.t;i. 1. C. Ciishiii, 1 !:os. Pollock. Eoc iiin Vai:o. It. Vivian, L. E. Joliusoa. CASS COUNTY. It. V. Ellison an'l '! iejioji W. U Ji .hlts C. W. Wise ,1acol Vallery, T. Clarke. . Lyman .James, ) J. V. Thonias Probate Jtidpe. County Cleric. ..: Treasurer. Sup't Tub. Instruct 'n. . . .County Coiiiuiissioners. Coroner. Churches. LAITIST On the corner of Main and Ninth. Uev. T. J. Arnold. Pastor. Services every Sabbath, at 11 a. in. al.d 7 j. m. Sabbal'i School at 9'i a. r.i. Prayer meeting every Wednesday cvcniiijr. C'lflilSTIAN Service it ConeTcpation Chtircli ' :t II a. ni. and ; : :v l. ni. Coiner of Ioei'-t and sth snvets. Cordial iuvita.tion extended to ail clashes io alicr.d. TPISCOl'AI-Conier Vino and 'Diird streets, Minister. Services every Sunday at 11 :a. ni. and a p. in. Sunday school "at 3 p. la. C'ATHOLH' North side of I'lddie Square. Et v. ' Kaiin-r P.o.:d. First Mass every Sabbath at s-'JO a. in., S,-ei;:d Mass and sermon at 10-an, 'i p.-ts j-id Peia diction at T p.m. Mass at 8 a. in. every wcei: day. TIIt.-sT I I;E E YTE K I A X North r.ide of Mrdn street. i t ti'.U, lie v. W. T. Ear'.le ; Ser vices evrv Sabbath at 11 a. in. ainiT p.m. Sabl:i!h Scliooi i)-:;a a. in. I'rayer lneetins every Y'eil:;esd;iy cveaiie; at 8 o'clock. METHODIST E PI SCO P.V L West f-ide r,f 0th stiv t south of Main. ltev. C. Melvclv iey Pastor. Services every Sabbath, at 10 :. a. vi.. a.iil 7 p. in. I'rayer inee:i!i every Thursday evcniiij.. lass mee'tiiis very Monday evenini:, and iaiiiH-diati Iv after close of Sabbat-li inorti iii'' service.;. Saldath School at z M. E. Iteese, Superiaiclnlal.t. CONT.V: ib n 24 September li lt die T)ensehi I'v. L'iti:. 'leineini'.s in ihreni Sc'.inlbaus rr ia:!t:iiis i;:,i 11 l or c-t'-odiCiit. L'eber'a itipk fltidat dcp-cliie von jctzt s-.n rcj-'cslnaessiT ai'.e 1-i Tare stall. Mi.iistcr. Kev. K II.n:n: .vaid. S.i::- lib sei'.oi-l at 1 p. in., Prof. d'AUeaianJ. Snperinli n dent. I O. O. V . It. T'llar met tirvjs of Platte Lode - No. 7. I. O. o. K. every Thursday evcniitfr at Odd Eeliovs' ilall. Erothers aiv yor Oia'Jy invitcl to visit. E E. CTNXTXCiHAM, N. G. HA'-KX. Srn!.:-:.,FI.. Seeri'tarv. I O. O. K.-l'l ATl'S.MCH TH KXIMMi-MTXTNo. a. Koculnr Co'iv-cat:.;r tho 'M ::nd 5!b ITt. lay's ol' each montii at Odd FeM.i-'.s' lidl coiii' i-ad an I Main street:;. Transient Patri arehs eordiailv iavitcd t viit. 11. J, STKEICIIT, C. P. H. Npvmam, Scribe. "f A SONIC PLATTS;oi"l H LrDf:K No. R. A. V,L E. A. M. '.r ioe- tias a! their Had on tlie first and th'ad Monday veninjrs of each month. Transif r.t brethren invited to visit. U. K. LIYlNliSTON, W. M. A. d'Ai.i.F.MAM), See. "YTACOY LOLOE No. 22. A. T. Si A. M. !to?H - 1 laeeii-.i'.'s at Macoy Hail, first and third Etidvv J. N". WISE, W. M. J. M. i:eai!si.ev, Sec. VEU-IASKA CHAPTEI! No 3, V.. A. M. Ee idar Convocations second and foii'-lh Tues day evening of each month at 74 o'clock p. in. K. K. LlTX(;STON, II. P. II. Xewmax. Sec. T O. C. T. OLIVE P.ltAXCIT. No. 2, II. II. Eedwe'd. W. C. T. ; P.P. Martindale. W. See. ; T. W. S'iryo'-k. Lode peputy. meets at Clark & Pluiii"i r's Hall every Wednesday eve titrivr. Travelling Templars respectfully invited. rpt'EN VEirP.IN. Tlie Tvmer Soei. tv rneeti nt - Tui'iiers" iia.'d in i Ji'tliuym's I'doeV. on tlie first and third '.Vedaesda s f each month. A. Von Sclfvanenbei President; Oeorso Karchcr. Vic:' 1 'resident : li. Newman. Treas urer : W. lireed. Heeoidimi Secretary : Paul P.raidsch. Correspondii' Seeretary : "WPIiam llass'er, Eirst Turn Wan ; John Hons, Second Turn Wart ; Oswald Oulhiaan, Warden. Purissima et Optima. Tlds uiiiivaled M.'dicinc is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any in jurious mineral substance, but is PCEELY VECSATABLE. For forty years it lias proved its Krear value in all diseases of the Liver, P.owels and Kidneys Thousands of the jj-rind and reat in all parts of the country vouch ter its wonderful and peculiar power In purifying the blood. s- imulataii; tho torpid liver and bowels, and impaniiij; now life ana vijror to tiio whole system. Siniinons' lay er Kegulator is acknowledged to have no epaal as a ..-. LIVEK MEDICINE, Tt. contains four medical elements, never unit ed in tlie same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz ; a g title Cathartic, a wonder ful ionic, an iin-excep;;onab! Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the CEEAT VNPAILTNn SPECIFIC, for I.ivrr Complaint and the painful off-iprin; thereof. to-it; Pyspep-da. Constipation, I etiession of Spirits Soar Stomach, lleait Er.hi. &e. &c Kegulate tlie I.i ver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVEM. Trepared only by J. II. ZEILIX & CO. Iriijinists. Macou, fla. Senl f.r a Circular and ;.! Arch street. Price ft. hv mail lar, 1'Iiiiadelphia Pa. Tor Sale by jan4-wly J. H. Buttery, riattsmouth. Neb. - MONEY SAVED BY 1 Buying Your Greenhouse and Bedding Plants AT TIIE JPi cn ic Garden s. "-JONT send East for riants when you can pet just as trood for less money nearer hoiiie. To my numerous friends and p'atraus 1 would say that I have the lar-rest nnd bt stock of plants ever oifercd for sale in the . West, and at reasonable prices. - Be sure auil send for ir.y Xcw Descriptive Catalogue. which will be sent free to all who apply for it. Then j;ive me your orders, and I feel eonfldeut I 1 can satislv you. W.J. HERS FT!, ON WISE'S NEW IJALL00N VOYAGE. WHAT MOTrtEK GOOSB PAYS. There was a man in Yankee Land, Who was so wondrous W'ise, He Jumped Into a big balloon. And mounted totheskies. Eut when he came to England's shore. And found the currents plain, He soared into another drift, , And so came back again 1 II. Eockaby Donaldson, soaring so free ! When the w ind blows you'll go over the sea, When the rope breaks youll get a big fall. And down conies Donaldson, 'Graphic' and all ! III. There was an explorer went up In the 'Graphic,' Forty times as high as the moou ; Y hat to do there nobody could tell, But he sailed in a big balloon. "Wiseacre, Wiseacre, Wiseacre," said I, "Whither, O w hither, O whither so high?" "Tostudy tlie laws of the upper sky ; And I shall b? back apiain by and by." AN EII'f Oil'S WOOING. We love thee Ann Maria Smith, And in thy condecension. We see a future full of joys, Too numerous to mention. Tbere'3 Cupid's arrow in the fiance ; And this, by love's coercion, Has reached our very heart of hearts, And asked for an insertion. With joy we feel the blissful smart, And ere our passion raiiL'ts, We freely place thy love upon The list of our exchanges. There's inusie in thy lowest tone, And silver in thy laughter, And truth but we will rdve the full Particulars hereafter. Oh I w e would tell thee of our plans, AP. obstacles to shatter ! Eut ve are full, Just now, and have A press of other matter. Then let us marry. Queen of Smiths, Without more hesitation ; The very thought doth give oar blood A larger circulation. THE DES .MOINES CONVENTION. Des Moines, Iowa, August 13. The State Convention, called in the name of the farmers by tlie managers of the Democratic party of Iowa, and the Liberal Repupblicans of last year, met here to-day. Twenty three of the 102 counties were represented by regularly accredited delegates, and fifteen by self appointed delegates, leaving seventy-five of the counties, embracing many of the largest coun ties, totally unrepresented. Altogether there were probably a hundred dele rgate3 in attendance. These members were about equally divided as Demo crats and Liberal Republicans, with nearly all the active spirits and most experienced wire pullers among the Democrats. The men who came upon THE OllOCNP EIEST, and laid the preliminary plans yester day, and ran the convention tb-day, were J. li. Grinneil, ex-Congressman and leader of the Iowa Liberals hist year; John I. Irish, chairman of the Democratic .State Committee; E. D. Campbell, a Democratic lawyer of Fairlield, and present member of the Legislature; J. C. fSavery, a leading Literal of Des Moines ; Harvey Dunla vy, a prominent Democrat; Gtn. Tat tle, ex-Democratic candidate for Gov ernor; Samuel Sinnett, ex-Attorney General; M. L. Devin, State Treasurer of the Iowa Grange aud II. It. Ilarbert, Grange Organizing Deputy. Lesser men did the smaller work, but those - named above laid the traps, shaped the course arranged the policy of the convention and controlled its nominations. Ex-Go v. Stone was here yesterday, looking the ground over, and he left this morning, saying it was too small a thing. He had been confidently count ed upon by the managers. The farm ers who did come, and came from hon est motives, as there were a few, were ovei slaughtered by the "wirepullers and the Democratic managers. They could see after they were' here how nicely the trick of calling , the convention in har vest lime had worked. Tho ruso bad gained the movement the farmers' name, while the farmers were too busy to come to it if they had wanted to, and the politicians were left . in full charge of everything. r Quito a good point, that, which the Republican makes on the Times, "that faithful and stubborn champion of Democratic discipline," which not only admits "that the Democratic party in Iowa may 'slide, but that it ought to slide." The Times has had one eye opened to the fact that "any indepen dent action on the part of the Demo cratic party" in that State, "could only serve to endanger ani impede the great object that all form3 of opposition to Republican domination desire to com pass." The RcjnibUmn naturally won ders that it3 other eye is shut to the fact that the Democratic party in the nation is exactly in the lix of the Dem ocratic party in Iowa. If we cannot sympathize with the ardent desire of the litpubli;an to sea the Republican party disbandf-d, we can, at least, sin- j cerely rejoice at its efforts to knock its own party out of existence. It is a fair question, "if the Democratic party is only a public nuisance in Iowa, what else is it elsewhere? Democrat. That tho heathen Chineeis susceptible of civilizing influences is shown by a Celestial gentleman in Detroit, who recently bounced an inebriated person out of a laundry. "When the battle wa3 over, somebody asked John what it was" aUiab'Out when he replied, "Melican man gettee tight foolee around me me put head on him no go to jail dollar a dozen." TIIE STATE FAIR. Monday the first day of the Fair and the first day of the month was mostly spent in getting things ready. The gates were open all day, and free for every one to enter, nevertheless, some of the boys must climb over the fence. It wouldn't be fun, you know, to walk in at the gate. ON TIIE SECCND OA Y There wa3 a much larger attendance, and we copy from the Journal the pro ceedings in full : The second day of the State Fair was ushered in cool and pleasant. The receipts at the gates were very good, and a goodly number of people were on the grounds. Articles kept ar riving all day, there being between l.COO and 1,700 ejitries before evening. Floral Hall is filling up rapidly, but the llower department is yet unfilled on account of an accident happening a car load of flowers coming here. F. YV". Hohmann, our music dealer and agent for Gabbler's pianos and the Mason & Hamlin organs, has several of the latter on exhibition; both Mason & Hamlin and another manufacture. The sewing Machine department is well represented, there being the Sing er, Wheeler & Wilson under feed shut tle, and Domestic. The department of needle work is also one of the fullest to be found there, including bed quilts and spreads, table cloths, worsted work, rugs, car pets, etc. G. Ii. Rathburn has on exhibition some of the handsomest specimens of penmanship we ever saw. There are several figures drawn with a steel pen. and specimens of most elegant pen mauship. L. A. Rerginan & Co., exhibit a line lot of cigars, which have been christen ed the "R. W. Furnas" cigars. There is an endless assortment of hair and leather work, medley pictures and clever work of that kind. Earnest & Ilaberle, and Conover & Druse exhibit, each, a case of hand some boots and shoes. Kingman & Ilalhtrd have a handsome case of choice cutlery and light hard ware, and E. Hallett has a case of silver plated ware, engraving, &c. In the east wing of the building there is still some vacant space, though many of tho empty corners were filled up yesterday. There is a good exhibition of cheese, flour, vegetables, Sec. The show of poultry in this quarter, is rather light. Capt. Silas Garber, of lied Cloud, Webster countv. exhibits a fine col lection of minerals, including chalk from a cliff on this side of the Repub lican river. "Flor spar," petrified bone, mineral paint, Nebraska marble and granite, several petrifications, beside a tine disnlav of grain, corn, oats and wheat, showing that the Republican valley is most prolific in the produc tion of grain, aud ii valuable as a mineral country. Azro Smith of Plattsmouth has on hand a splendid display of vegetables; and the central table exhibits a fair selection of honey, jellies, &c. The north wing is handsomely orna mented by the 17. P. and B. M. railway companies. The former occupies the greater portion of tho west side the wing, where they have on exhibition handsomely framed pictures of scenes along the route of the road from Oma ha to San Francisco, including the Salt Lake regions, the Yosemite "Val ley, &c. They also show jars of all kinds of grain raised in the countries through which the road passes. They also have a fine collection of minerals, a buffalo's head and the spreading ant lers of a deer, several specimens of coal from Rock Springs, Wyoming, some corn-stalk over twelve feet in height, from Dawson county, and grain from the North Platte, in Butler, York, Hamilton and Saunders coun ties. On the other side, the B. & M. land company has a rousing collection of grain, flax seed, timothy, clover, broom corn, &c, in jars and cases. '. From the specimens exhibited here, it does not look as if tlie question of raising tame grass in this State, was very hard to solve. There are also some sections of timber groves in this State, including Cottonwood, elm, cedar, &c.. from two inches to two feet in diameter. The exhibition of these two is among the most interesting on the grounds, inside or out of the buildings. One of the finest articles on exhibi tion is a handsome gold and nickle plated singlo harness, manufactured by Jacob Klcpser of Nebraska City. It is a beauty. The center of the north wing is well filled with fruit. , About one o'clock in the afternoon. Governor Furnas introduced Hon. J. Sterling Morton, who proceeded to de liver a very able and lengthy address. He said, in brief, that it was eighteen years since he first feasted his eyes on these beautiful prairies, and at that time there were no signs of civilization west of the Missouri river. Indians were plenty', and suddenly caused his party, when near the present site of Ashland, to remember . important business at their homes'dn the Missouri.' Scarcely have the embers of the. In dian camp-fires gone out, tban we hear. La the same place, the rumble of the cars and the splash the mill-wheel. Even now it is'difficult to recall the treeless, houseless land seen here in 1835. 1 agricultural growth oi Nebraska, and went into a lengthy discussion of the value of land, showing that, until some labor has been performed to make it valuable, land is valuless. like air and water. He showed that the railways, the C. & N W. first, did more than anything else to enhance the value of Nebraska land The railroads represent an invest ment of over 680,000,000, and it is safe to say that thev have made the land through which they pass worth double that amount. He showed that rail roads enhanced the value of lands by bringing them nearer to markets. He said next to lands we needed la bor, and reviewed the question of labor to a considerable extent. He showed that the day of mere muscular labor had crone bv. and farmers must labor moderately, just as lawyers and physi dans. Capital and labor are really brothers, and there should be no antag onism. He deprecated all special leg islation and auy attempt to prescribe the hours of labor to be performed, and the amount canitcl shall pay for such labor. Illinois has lately illustra ted the folly of enacting laws against railway discriminations. . She attempted to shut Iowa and Ne braska out from the privileges of her market, and consequently has her whole system of railroads to support as she can. He denounced as infamous tho thing of voting interest-bearing bonds to railroads, and said there should be a constitutional provision against it, and there being none, public sentiment should rise up and put a stop to it. He showed that a great road must seme day be built from Lincoln to Gal veston, a distance of less than bOO miles, opening up to us the cotton re gion. He advocated "equality before the law," in regard to our State railways, and denounced the policy that only those who bought and paid for the lands, shall pay the taxes. He thought railroad corporations should bo com pelled to pay taxes. He discussed in full, tho question of monopoly as regarding patent rights, especially upon agricultural imple ments, and thought all extension of pa tents an outrage and swindle upon the people. He thought protective tariils might be studied to advantage, and wanted to know .how one nrticle can be pro tected by legislation without oppress ing another. He noted a change on thi3 question among the people of the east. He clo.ed in beautiful language, his whole address being replete with sound, practical suggestions, clothed in excellent terms. WEDNESDAY. Yesterday brought with it the much expected and welcomed crowd of visi tors to our city. The morning trains were crowded with passengers, and the people came pouring in from every quarter in every kind of vehicle, so that before noon, our streets presented a lively and interesting aspect. Of course this crowd had come to at tend the fair, and there was consequent ly great life and animation cn the grounds. The great number of trains running between the grounds and the city, had all they could do in carrying the crowd. The morning hour was spent in making awards but they are not com plete, and will be announced at some future date. In the afternoon Mrs. Matilda Fletcher delivered a good address in the Floral Hall. She was introduced by Gov. Furnr.3, and for two hours delighted her audience. The burden of her lecture was that no woman could be really and truly happy without beauty in her home. It is essential to her happiness, that her home should be made beautiful, "with flowers and pretty things. She said there were many farmers who disagree with her in this, but they make a great mistake. She was in favor of beautifying their homes until they looked like palaces, and their surroundings like parks. She thought farmers had as good right to wear good clothes as anybody else. She knew- men of political aspirations, who would put on checked shirts and over alls, and then ask for votes because they dressed like farmers. She regard ed this as a direct insult. She drew a happy picture of the farmer who cared nothing for his surroundings, but only for eating and sleeping, in which she spoke in strong language, mixed with cutting sarcasm and humor, of the overworked wives of such men. She drew a contrast to this picture, show ing the happiness that follows where men try to make home happy. Farm ers should be the happiest people on earth. In speaking of the first men tioned clas, which she called "grad grinds," she said to their wives, there can never 1 e another mother to your children, but thf-re may be another wife to your present husband. She thought the people of the West had a higher appreciation of women than those of the East and South, and she hoped there were 'no greater friends among us. She sioke at some length upon the subject of the Grangers, hoping tlxey would not prostitute their order to a political machine, but would make it elevating and ennobling in its chara- i cter. She didn't like to see Grangers too hard upon the merchants who had j He pictured the future come here to live, and who charged a cent a pound more than was charged in Chicago, She hoped to see the order of the Patrons of Husbandry become the nucleus from which libraries and literary societies would be formed, and the Order made valuable m tnis way, at the same time that it is made an engine by which to do justice to the farmer in enabling him to buv and sell upon better terms. Neither Demo crats nor Republicans owned the Order of Grang'ers, and they should under stand it, and if it became a political movement only, she hoped that curses would fall upon it. She mentioned also, a class of farm ers who are traitors in the camp. Those who hold out the idea that they think their work beneath them, and follow it only for a time in order to make monev. They educated their families to believe the life of a farmer degrading, always talked of a time when they had been rich, and threw opprobrium upon the life of the farmer by their contempt of it. Her remarks were well received, be ing made with a clearness of expres sion, and an emphasis that held her hearers in earnest attention. Under all, there was a current of humor and sarcasm, that came to the surface in occasional flashes, and cut to the quick the object it struck. Her lecture was a great success, but the place where it was delivered was uncomfor table for the audience. Floral hall has been pretty well filled up. There is not as good an exhibi tion of vegetables and fruits as there was last year, the season having been less favorable for their growth. A large lot of pot plants and flowers ar rived from Irish Greenhouse lato on Tuesday evening, which having been put in place, make a very beautiful ornamentation of tho centre. A number of other articles which were delaved from some cause or another, have since been put in place, and make this department nearly full. TnCRSDAY was tJ-e day of the fair thus far. A large crowd arrived in the city by morning and noon trains, and in the afternoon there was a very large at tendance on the grounds. We had the pleasure of a more par ticular inspection of the horticultural department, and also of the agricultural department. The exhibition of fruits is very good, notwithstanding the season has not been tho best for this branch of cultivation. O. II. Irish, of Nebraska City, ha3 on exhibition a very fine collection of flowering plants, comprising between 800 and 1,000 varieties. The green house from which these specimens were taken has only been erected about four months. W. J llesser, from the picnic gardens, Plattsmouth, has about 600 varieties on exhibition, among which are some extraordinary fine ones. We noticed a very fine Bagonia, one of the finest specimens of Aloe Americans, or Cen tury Plant, that we ever saw. Mr. Hesser also exhibits a smaller Century Plant with variegated leaves. A Silver Fern, Banana Tree, India Rubber Tree, and some other equally fine plants are noticeable. In fruits, O. II. Irish exhibits twelve varieties of apples. Miss Lizzie Get- more, of Otoe County, exhibits thirteen varieties of apples and six varieties of pears. Mark Morton, of Nebraska City exhibits twenty eight varieties of ap ples and seven of pears, and .Joel Dra per, of Otoe county has on exhibition twenty-eight varieties of pears. J. II. Masters, of ...Nebraska City has iLn heavie-t exhibition- of fruit, being seventy-six varieties of apples, twenty three varieties of pears, one of peaches, one of plums, and one of grapes. These make up fully one-third the space on exhibitions in this department, it will be of interest to state that Mr. Masters in March 1853, set out the first tree at Nebraska City, this being the commen"ement of fruit growing inter ests of the State. S. B. Hobson of Cass County exhibits a very fine col lection of forty-six. varieties of apples. John W. Prey of Lancaster County has 31 varieties of apiles. Mr. J. Love lace of Nemaha County entered four varieties and II. A. Rohwer, of Wash ington County 01 varieties of apples and two of pears. J. II. Robertson of Sarpy Cunty exhibits some beautiful transcendent crabs, which are said to be the nicest to be found, O. Homan of Nebraska City has 13 varieties of pears, and John Gillespie adds to the interest of this department with a col lection of 29 handsome varieties of flowering plants. In grain the exhibition is fair, a great portion being from Lancaster county. Prof. Thompson and W. R. Field both exhibit specimens of white spring wheat. J. Theodore exhibits two lots of wheat and one of oats, and Dr. Maxwell and Rilchey also exhibit good specimens - of wheat. J. Z. Bris col, John Pre-, C. . C Morse, A. K. White and J. II. Will exhibit some choice corn, some of the ears o which are a foot or more in length. A lot of beets from the penitentiary are shown; also by J. Theodore, A. K. White and W. Hunt. The last named gentleman also exhibits some onions. Henry Miller shows some fine pota toes, ?nd Julian Conger iome excellent rhubarb, and soaae very fine tomatoes by Judson Conger. Julian Conger and W. Hunt exhibit some very fins cucum bers, and J. A. Pine some foinatoos, sweet potatoes and onions. The latter are the finest we ever saw anywhere. Wells & Nieman and Cropsey & Son enter some flour of various grades and of their own manufacture; There is also an artistic collection of grain and vegetable?, arranged in a tasteful manner, and nailed to boxes, forming a sort of a pyramid. These are entered by the Insane Asylum, and present a fine appearance. There is also a large collection of vegetables .and grain from Cass and Otoe counties. The collection of pre serves, bread, cakes, pickles, jellies, &c, mainly from these counties. TO BE CONTINUED, NEW KIND OF CHOLERA. Fearful Panic In an Indianapolis Board ing House A Visit Which wasn't from Asia. From the Indianapolis Sentinal, Attest 9. An evening or two ago a young wo man, tho bride of two weeks and a boarder at a South Tenncsce caravan sary, where she and her husband were temporarily staying, felt an unu sual illness creeping over her, which she was totally at a loss to account for. She complained to her husband and described the symptoms, where up on the newly made Benedict became terribly alarmed, and concluded at once that his bride of a fortnight was about to fall a victim to tho fell de stroyer. His wife took the same view of the case, and felt sure that she was experiencing the premonotory twinges of an . attack of cholera in its most virulent form. He immediately set off in great haste for a doctor. His wife was placed in bed in a terrible fright, expeeiing that every moment would be her last. But the patient was not the only one who trembled with fear, for no sooner had the un fortunate victim been stricken down than the news (lew through tho house that Mrs. had the cholera, and was expected to die. Part of the house was occupied as a tenement by several families, and by the time the news got to them she was already dead according to the wild rumor, after having had awful convulsions, and had turned black as ink in the face. The metamorphosis which that tene- ut underwent as the news of " the cholera commenced. to circulate, was truly surprising. The boarders, who had been picking their teeth to dislodge the superfluous pieces of beefsteak remaining from their even ing repast, left as if they had been pro pelled from a catapult, "anil leaned out with a white look on their faces, as if the felt the approach of the deadly 1Uo.iMi in Iheir own system. The hired help in the kitchen and dining room gave warning upon the spot, while tho colored cook set off for Bucktown, where she astonished the dusky denizens of that precinct by hor rible stories of half a dozen people at her late employer's being in the last agonies of death from the cholera; nor was she certain but that two of them had died before she left. The proprie tor very sensibly invested enough money in disinfectants to eat up the profits of his business for the next six months to come. The supply which he laid in would even disinfect a bris tle factory, or the reputation of a Con gressman. The late peaceful hostlcry was soon reeking like a paper mill in a frosty morning, with chloride lime, while there emenated enough other odors to make one believe that a whole apothecary shop had been un corked in the house at once. During thi3 time the doctor had arrived, and commenced by anxiously examining into the symptoms of the supposed cholera case before him, looking grave and owlish all the while. After ask ing a number of questions he began to smile, and giving a half-suppressed whistle, told the husband that he thought that his wife would be all right in half an hour or so. The husband in half an hour by the clock was as much if not more taken back by being shown a bouncing girl, than he had been when told of the at tack of cholera. He had been waltzing around on his ear, to use the terse ex pression of the landlord, "like a frog under the barrow," but when he be held the new arrival he submitted with remarkable suddenness. His ex uberance of fear gave way to a deep study, during which he seemed to come to the conclusion that the affair.though rather sudden, was all right. In this he seemed confirmed by a close inspec tion of the hair and the color of the little stranger's eyes, all of which appeared to be satisfactory, so that by the time he got over his, he became highly jubilant, ;iud when last seen was setting up a liquid re freshment to half a dozen friend-., and remarking that he would take some sugar in Ids, the sam as the last. The news of the new turn in Mrs. 's disease soon spread, though not half so as when she was first taken, and by 10 o'clock all the fleeting boarders had returned except a fearful young chap who has been quite nervous about the cholera, and he has not been heard of since. It was no ticeable that those of the boarders, who had made 'their coat tails stand out at the most acute angle in their flight, were loudest in professions of being afraid of the disease. Tlie colored individual who resides at the kitchen rang reappeared the the next morning, and said she had only gone to see her folks in Bucktown, which the landlord says is quite probable, as a lot of gri ceries disappeared with her in tho confusion. All is now once more sereim on South Tennessee, anil moves on quietly as of yore, with the exception that there nrb more boarders at a house not a thousand squares front Washington street, but the. new-comer takes her meal -5 by herself, and not at the common tablo. WIVES' COLUMN. (JRANDM OTHER HAS ONLY JI0VED TO HEAVEN. "Wouldn't you like to see grandma's flowers, auntie V" asked little Nellie, on the afternoon of my arrival at her father's house. I looked into the child's upturned face inquiringly. Iler grandma, my own dear mother, h id been dead nearly two months; what had sho to do with earthly flowers? "Perhaps you think I havn't any grandma," said the child, apparently comprehending my look; "but I have, she has uuly moved to heaven; she went last spring, before the flowers came, but then, sho has them afl tho time up there;" and her face brighten ed at tho thought, for she knew how grandma loved flowers, and she loved grandma dearly. "Yes, I will go," I said, taking tho proffered hai "Allie go ganma's flowers too," lisped a wee thirer, scarcely two years old, who came toddling toward us, with outstretched arms. So another tiny hand was clasped, and wo three went into the garden. "These are grandma's," said my littlo attendant, pointing to tlie flowers that bordered tlie walk wo were just enter ing. "Site planted them all herself, just before sho went to the 'promised land' to live." These flowers, then, my mother had planted with her own feeble, tremb ling hands. It was her last work, a work she had always loved; but this time she had done it for others, for p ho knew she should not watch their growth, she Bhould not see them bud or blossom. "Don't cr)', auntie," :;aid the child, "for she has all the flowery sho wants. now, and she is never tired, and will never be sick any more." "Who told you all this!" I inquired, stooping down to kiss tlie flowers, and the sweet little faces that looked so sympaihizingly up to mine. "Why, grandma, used to tell us about it every day, until one morning she went to sleep, and they carried her away. And she said we might come iind live with her too, by and by, if wo were good children; and we are going sometime, : i t we, Allie?" And tho two went ('.-. v n the walk, singing, i:i their dear, ssveet voices: "I have a n.-ae.-aa in the promised land ; My gra'i'bea ci'.isme, I must co;" a verse of tin :ir own rendering, which they had a !'ei to the hymn, "I have a father in the promised land." I bad mourned a dead mother. Bit ter tears of anguish of heart had been poured out, as I thought of her dark, cold, dreary-resting. But there was no grave, no dead grandmother to theso trustful, hopeful little ones. I accept ed the lesson. My tears were dried. I have no dead mother, I saiiL Sho has only "moved to heaven.". Sho lives in the "promised land." Thank' ful Traveller. Iowa Republican State Contention. The Republicans of Iowa are truo as steel. It was heralded abroad by tho opposition press that the Repub lican "Patrons of Husbandry" had gone over to the Democracy, and would not be represented in the JiepuUican Statu Convention. So far from this, tho proportion of fanners in, and at, tho convention was far in exe"-.-? of former years. It i i the general declaration of tho Republican press that "the farmer element of the party was never so largely rcpVt.s'.-utE'd in a political con vention in Iowa b fore, and the plat form was, in every sense, tlie choico and the will of the representatives of tho Republican farmers of the State." The convention was held in tho court-house at Des Moines, on the 23th of June. Hon. John 1'. West, of Henry county, presided, and harmony aud enthusiasm pi t veiled throughout each session of the convention. Of the total number of 7:Ji delegates, there wcro but 47 absent. The present Governor of the State, Hon. C. C. Carpenter, was renominated by a unanimous declam ation of sentiment, amid enthusiastic, cheering. Hon. Joseph Dyg.trt, of Tama county, was nominated Lieutenant-Governor on the first formal ballot. The Hon. James M. Beck was renominated Judge of the Supremo Court without opposition, and Colonel Alonzo Absrnethy was nominated Superintendent of Public Instruction by acclamation. The platform of the party was adopt ed in convention without a dissent ing voice. It not only has the genuine ring, but in sentiment and spirit it Is quite up to the line of advanced pub lic opinion, and cannot fail to have an excellent effect within and beyond tho limits of the State of Iow&.-HcpubUe. Hashuqua i:? the name of a town iu NoxwLe'. cvuEi;-, Missiasippi. .