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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1872)
sw VHfJ THE HERALD HQ2I3 MA2SZTS. Wheat, 75S0 ; tarley, 2030 cents corn, 1718 cents. Business is still on the increase in our town. Tho grain keeps rolling in, and 1 v the wav. new trrain buyers seem he rushins in. We don't think there will be much need of private shipments The competition of business men m the days regulates the profits. tlm ,ost Unkind Powder in the a marketTry Dr. Chapman's. 17wtf. The Editor of the "Perhaps" inti mates that ho is a judge of the kind o verses that "adorn' ' &c. , &c. Maybe ho knows how it is himself. J ust like him keao'this. sold at less than cost, fto goods given away, tut good goods at the lowest prices for cash, at . lltf. Clark & Pixmmers. Plattsn:outh, Neb. ILATTSHOUTn A3ATSH7. Scholars are rushing in from the coun try to Prof. d'Allemand'a Academy, and lilling up the house again. You can buy ladies' Gaiters, very neat i. 1 SO at tho Plattsmouth Shoe Store. apr-itf THE STATE FAI3 At Lincoln opens to day, and bids fair to bo a success. Maj. Wheeler informs us that the entries were numerous, and the interest manifested by the people all over the State, gave assurance that it would "be largely attended. Three or four ex tra cars are run out on tho track by our door this morning, and things look as if something was going on up the road towards Lincoln. Dr. O. B. Chapman is now agent for Siint Louis Enameled Paints. The farmor'a favorite. 17wtf HA3317I3 p2e:sntatio:t. Our respected brother and talented Professor, d'AllemaDd was the recipient of a very fine Medal, from his brethren of Plattsinouth Lodge No. 6, A. F. & A. M. The "good words" accompanying the presentation are too long to copy here, but they express the highest regard for Prof. d'Allemand, and wish him some thing better than a Sccretasyship here after. Vivian's is tho place to buy your gro ceries and provisions. 20tf Comment on the nominations of Lin coln at this stage of the game are unne cessary. They have one or two good men, Dcm jocrats, on the ticket. Not a Lib (except John it. Clark) that can carry a respect .able corporals guard, at home even.- Yeu can buy men's shoes ( good) for $2 00 at tbs Plattsmouth Shoe Store. apr4tf E. S. Child, of Glen lak makes the Herald a present of some of the nicest plums of the season, great, rich, luscious fellows, that have had all the pucker taken out of them by a generous sun, .and are just sweet. O'Brien & Merges, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, make to order, at reduced prices, the very best class of French Calf Boots, Shoes, &e., all st3les of ladies' Bronze, Glove and White Kid .Shos aal 6lippers, niade to order. apr4tf Dovey says: "They needn't send Col. Warner to Washington, as most any old woman would go for half pries, and do just as well if not better." This would save the country some money and prevent corruption. Pupils from the county and State are .coming in fast to the school of Prof. A. .d'Allemand. TO3 r.. E. ec:td3 .are def.atcd in Oreopolis and Liberty precincts we arc informed. Iu Platts mouth city, Plattsmouth precinct, and Hock Bluffs they carried without scarce ly a dissenting vote. We rather guess it will be county bonds now or none if the .company do not, as they probably will not, accept the bonds of these three .precincts. SOW ITSTACTS. The Omaha Herald has a long and spiteful editorial calling Hitchcock and Cunningham hard names, and again re iterating his "belief" that Cunningham is a bad, corrupt man. This means that .the Herald is driven to the wall. The raking fire of the Nebraska Herald, has driven it to abandon squibs and quirks and "perpendiculars," and come down on a column and a half editorial. His belief! 1 What's that ? STATE FAHJ. Lincoln, Neb., :ept. 2. Seven hundred and fifty entries for the State Fair up to S r. M. All trains .are loaded with people and articles for exhibition. Extra trains arrived on the .M. P. and other roads. The prospects are that it will be far ahead of any pre vious fair. SA13 EE2S. A New Jersey editor publishes the following '"nctis to the public "No notis will be took fiom this date, hereafterward, ov letters that haint got a postoffice onto them. Don't write only on one side of the manuscript and don't on that. Dorx't send a manuscript unless you" can read it after it gets dry We pay all the way up-hill, from ten cents to one dollar for contributions, ac--cordinar to length; and settlements made promctTv at the end of the next ensuins vear. Poetry and prose pieces are respectfully solicited The highest market prices paid for aw ful railroad smashes and elopements with another man's wife. No swearing aloud in our paper." MARRIED At the residence of the bride s lather, on the evening of the 2Vth, ult., by the Rev. Simon P. Bar rows, Mr. George II. Worms nnrl Miss Eddie C. Clark, all of Weeping vater. Accompanying tho above was a mys terious looking package, which, upon opening was found to contain wedding cake, rich and swtet, and as we eat it, we wish the happy couple all the happi ness that can fall to the lot of mortals on this earth. Married By the Rev. Mr. Presson, at the residence of the bride, Mr. E Kennedy to Miss Almeda Colvin. The license was made out "first hand," by J udge Ellison, with the greatest oT pbasure, and we wish the happy pair a long life and the best of success. rtl'RSERY STOCK ! NURSERY STOCK! OHccoIa Nurseries Get as eir Home ns I'osslble. W. II. Brown, the Agent for these well known Nurseries, is in town, solicit ing orders for Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Flowers, Bulbs, and Green House Plants. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay demanded. W. II. B. 3Sdl w-wtf VE2SE3 THAT "ATCS1T, &c, &c." "Grant Grape Shot." "Political Pilla." "Campaign Texts." ' Henry Wilson's speeches that he nev er made. Capt. Warner's titlo ef Colonel, that he never won. "Dr. Livingstone's Ujiji." " Special telegrams to the Watch- man.i?)" "Too thin hireling a dog with a collar on Grantite Quack!" " Mastication and deglutition," for plain eating grapes. "Ill of old age" For thin talk generally, and awful good grammar, see Watchman any night. For IacC of time and e pace we have been unable to notice the welcome arri val of Deuiorcst'sMd:ith!y Magazine for September, the most enterprising of the magazines devoted to fashion. It con tains a charming penal, "Bec'c at the Farm," an J several shorter stories equal- good. An excellent supplement t, containing a full sized pittcrn of the Yon Radea mantle now so universally worn, and a great varie'y of interesting matter. n addition to the price of subscription to this magazine, two beautiful chriinos re offered of the Yosemite, and Niaga ra, ralls to each subscriber, ror iurther information address W. Jennings Demorest, 83S Broadway, New York City. We acknowledge, with thanks, the following sheet music from the enter prising firm of Mueller & Powell, Coun cil Bluffs : One Good Turn Deserves Another astlurn. The Hero of the Wilderness II. E. A'i vimlall. Kiss Mc, Love, Before I Go Wm. Iuntle?'. Cherrv Ripe C. E. Howe. A Light Possession Raumann. Accompanying these was their August Julletin of New Music, comprising a varied list, hoth of vocal and instrumen tal. Our musical fraternity cannot do better than to give them a trial. C3:tvz::t:o:t. WEEriNU Water, Aug. 01, 1S72. The convention was called. to order by J. II Presson, of Plattsmouth, wto nominated Dr. W. S. Latta, of Rock Bluffs, for temporary Chairman, and L. F. Reed was elected Secretary. On motion, J. II. Presson, D. C. Fleming and Mr. Murphin were appoint ed Committee on Credentials. After a brief Statement of the objects of the convention Messrs Waugh, Fold cn, Kenaston, Jenks and Ruby, were appointed a committee on nominations. Convention then took a recess for one hour, to sive the committee time to re port, and allow some who were members of the Republican convection to attend that convention. At '. o'clock the committee on nomination reported the following for delegates to the Lincoln convention : Arnold, J. II. Presson, D. C. Flem- f IT . a T 11 i i yv 1f ing, i. i'j. oo us, A. Li. roiuen, u. w. Bent, C. M. Shclton, Isaac Wiles, O. Tefft, W. S. Latta and II. E. Ellison. The following rosolution was then pre sented and unanimously adopted. Resolved, That it is the sense of this convention, that the Lincoln convention should present the people of the State a Temperance ticket ; that ticket to be made up of men already nominated by the other parties of this State, provided enough temperance men can be round who will consent to stand i n a temperance platform ; otherwise, to fill the vacan cies from the temperance men of the State. The following were then appointed as members of the Central Committee :- Plattsmouth 1st ward T. W. Shry. ock ; 2nd ward J. W. Barnes; 3rd ward II. E. Ellison. Plattsmouth Precinct W. -G. Wood ruff. Rock Bluffs Dr. W. S. Latta. Liberty N. G. Douge. Avoca Mr. Trumbull. Weeping Water L. F. Reed. Tipton O. W. Bent. Greenwood J. Wesley Barr. Salt Creek G. Mayfield. Oreapolis T. Thomas. Eight Mile Grove-J. D. Ruby. 31 1. Pleasant S. B. Ilobson. Elmwood, South Bend and Louisville, being unrepresented, tho Secretary was authorized to correspond with the tem perance men and fill vacancies. On motion, L. F. Reed was elected Chairman of Central Committee.. Rev. Mr. Arnold moved that we re affirm the principles of the Lincoln Con vention. Carriciv j.r.ajwnausly. The ConveuCfiv ilian uidjo irned, sub ject to to the .cSil .ctf -the Central Com mittee. Da. W. S. LATrA. L. F. Reed, Sec'. ChV G2A17T A1D 7ILS01T HSSTI2T3 AT STOVE C2SS2. . There will be speaking at the Stove Creek School House, in Stove Creek Precinct, Wednesday, Sept. 11th, at 7 r. m. Speakers from Plattsmouth and other placcswill be present. Come and have a good time, all ye that love to hear the truth. LIsT OF LETT KUS Remaining in the Plattsmouth office, September 4th, 1872. Tost- Augustus II Bangus R Bringman'O D Deal F E L Bignell Ed Day J W Downing John Dufoe A II Gumm Wm C Hays Sherman Holmes V. P Jonea G II Keys F E Lytic F. B. Mattson Peter Nielson Jacob Adams G W Bailey D 0 Bittinger John Bouton Chan Day N C Duval Peter Dixon Mrs Frank C Echols F S Gumm A G Ilillman & Burton Ilartsel Leonard Ki'.lburn F E King C W Walonia R A Murry Lucrecia Perkins E Provard Robert Say Miss Lizzie Summers A Sundell John Walker A II ; Wm Parson Emma Sattler Michael Styles Lena Smith W Williams Henry Youni When calling for these letters please say "advertised." J. W. MARSHALL, Post Master. See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis pensary, headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide in another column. It should be read bv all. decldiwly. It will be seen, by notice of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, that we are to have a Teachers' Insti tute, commencing on the 17th of Sep tember. We certainly hope and expect to see a good turnout of the Teac-hcr3 of Cass, and are sure that our county will not stand so low in the scale of Educa tional matters as it did one year ao. "THE 0T7T-CCHE. Personal. P. T. Francis, Esq., of Red Willow county, Nebraska, and who is the Sur veyor of that county, called upon us to day. He informs us that the charges of the Omaha Herald against Surveyor Cunningham are entirely false a Lr. Miller lie. Mr. Francis tells us that they experienced no difficulty in finding the corners. Press & Chronicle. Our Saunders Co. Letter. Eldred, August IS, 1S72. Editor Herald : During the thun der storm of Friday morning. lGth inst. a stack of oats, belonging to Mr. Otto Ostenberaj, residing upon section two, Stocking Precinct, was struck by light ning and totally consumed. Fortunately for Mr. Ostenberg, he succeeded in saving three wheat stacks, standing in close proximity to the fire. Loss, some 300 bushels of o&ts. The Wahoo 3Iills, owned by Messrs. Ray & Flor, which were destroyed last spring by high water, are being rebuilt, on a safer basis, and will be completed and ready for business in a few days. Mr. R?y deserves much praise, for the energy and perseverance displayed, in getting these much needed mills ready for the large crop of wheat which the country has this year produced. Suc cess toJiim. The new mill of J. F. Roll & Co. is now completed, and turning out an ex cellent article of flour. Mr. Roll has been quite unfortunate in losing two par tially completed dams by high waters. But, as usual, perseverance has won. Our farmers are rejoicing over a boun tiful linrvptit nf small trains, the most , , ij. of which has been secured, in exceilcnfc condition, and for which they have a fair prospect of obtaining reinueerative pri ces. Corn, although re2rally late planted, looks well. The la'te hot, dry weather, had begun toiell upon some field?, but the late rains have stopped all of that, and now the prospect of a bountiful crop is excellent. Some few "carpet-baggers," not hav ing the fear of defeat before their eyes, and caring less for the interests of the country than the gratification of their cupidity, are quietly circulating Petitions, asking for a re-location of the seat. Verily ! verily 1 the end is not yet. Our peeple are watching with deep in terest, tho various moves upon the Rail road checker-board of the State, and earnestly hoping that some of them may inure to our benefit. Saunders must have more railroad fa cilities, to enable her to move her im mense surplus crop. Shall her farmers be longer compelled to cross the Platte river in search of a market? Railroad men, we pause for a reply. In political matters there is as yet but little excitement. The Grant and Wil son current, like our own Wahoo, runs clear, deep and strong, sleeping before it the thin film of "Greeleyism," which whilom appeard on the surface. The noble, manly and able letter of that 6tardy old "Democrat," George Becker, of Binghampton, N. Y., is a squelcher on Greeleyism. No honest Democrat, after reading it, could vote for Mr. Gree ley. Of more local interest is the question of a County Commissioner, in the Third District. Mr. A. Johnson, II., the pres ent incumbent, like his great prototype, A. Johnson, Presidential fame, having been peculiarly successful in ren dering himself unpopular. Few men could be more successful in ignoring all law, and crockodile like, taking the bit in his teeth, nd running a fine county to tho verge or bankruptcy, in twelve short months, than he. MeDe ! mcne ! Tekell upharism ! appears to be written ,ta unmistakable characters all over him. hc transit gloria mvndi! Stock inc. THE UCEKSS SYSTELI. We have a law prohibiting the sale o liquor on Sunday yet, do these men who have proved their good moral char acter refrain from selling intoxicating liduors on Sunday? According to the best evidence wo ha,ve, liquor was sold in more places than one on Sunday, the 10th day cf August, A. D. 1872, and m one place they were gambling for the drinks. Shall we vindicate the law, aid punish those who willfully and obstinate ly set at defian:c the law after proving their good moral character. It is pre sumed, at least, that men after they have established their character accord ing to law would not violate tho law by selling or giving liquor to minors, but, is not this done every day? The man who has to prove his good moral character before he can engage in a lawful business, ought to be willing to abide by the law, and not take advan tage of the ten free holders who have shown him great kindness in stepping forward to vindicate his good moral character. We are opposed to the license law. The object of good government is de feated, the intelligence of the people in suited, and the nchts of every cit zon violated. What do we understand by the license law? 1st, it is wrong to sell without license, 2d, governments have a right to prohibit it entirely. Is it not an out rage upon common sense that vice and crime can be restrained by making them the subjects of protection ? But say one of the enthusiastic admirers, there is the revenue. The revenuo from what ? widow's tears, and orphan's groans, and drunkard's blood. To make a revenue out of these is a dreadful commentary upon a christian and civilized country. That which poisons the fountains of all purity, the iniquities which time can not repair. Fresh criminals come forth every day to mourn . over, and punisli, and pray for. Yet, we elevate this prince to the rank of a civil functionary of places of honor, trust, and profit. Our legislators are often the "body guard" of the demon intemperance commissioning him for the publio good to pour the stream of burning lava into society. Against the demon oi intem perance, tliat which is opposed to the best interests of man for time and eter nity, we wage an unceasing warfare. Ohio Law. Mrs. Angic Newman, of the Woman's oreign Missionary Society, will speak at the M. E. Church, Sunday evening next, at half past 7 o'clock. Her sub- ect will be 'the condition of the heathen WOMEN OF INDIA, and what is now being done by tlie So ciety for their amelioration." I trut the friends of this noble enter prise will all be present on that occasion. Mrs Newman will endeavor to organize a Society before she leaves the city, and trust that she will have it to say that her visit to Plattsmouth resulted in great good. To the Ladies of Plattsmouth, we would say, you who are not fully ac quainted with the lost, undone and de graded condition of your sisters in the Iarems of that far of heathen land, come out on Sunday evening and listen to one who for years has been making it a study, and who is now working with head and heart to raise her who is now enshrouded in the darkness of heathen upcrstition, up to that level where the sun of Righteousness shines, illuminating he mind and filling the soul with the glory of God. . J. II. P, A train load of the Baffalo Pitts hrcshing Machines, belonging to F. J. M-ettcer, arrived Tuesday, and are going off lively. If we are any judge, and we think we are, of this kind of machinery, these arc of an excellent quality, and those wishing a threshinjachiuejrould do welL4-?ecure one before they are all A GOOD 121?. -The Vice-President, brought over at one trip eunesday three passenger coaches and about 500 passengers, going to the I air, at Jjincoln, an J thence to various part3 of the State. We are in formed that these passengers were-piin-cipally from Illinois and Michigan. The train west this forenoon, went out with two locomotives and ten passenger coaches, and 800 passengers. From what we learn the Republican Conven tion and State Fair, which are both being held at Lincoln, is the largest gathering of peGple ever had in Nebraska. Mrs. J. N. Hays left the city yester day to join her husband in Cheyenne. VV hue we are sorry to loose Mrs. Hays we are glad that they are to enjoy each others society once more. Fremont Tribune. WANTED. A girl to do general house work. In quire of Mrs. D. II. Wheeler, corner Main and 4th streets. 31d&wtf 170TTCS COTTET ASJ0TON3IEST. In pursuance of the authority ia me vested by the statute in such cases pro vided ; it is ordered that the September term of the District Court for Cas9 county, appointed to bo held on the sec ond Monday in September, do stand ad journed to the first Monday in Novein her next ; at which time jurors and olh ers duly summoned will attend without further order. Witness jtny hand, this 23d day of Au gust, 1S72, at Omaha. - Geo. B. Lake, Judge. 54dlw&w22-3t TEACESSS' CERTIFICATES. Opportunity to procure Teachers' Certificates, in accordance with the pro visions of the Public School Law of Ne- btaska, will be given at the Superintend cnt's Office, in Plattsmouth, cn the first Friday and Saturday of September, October, November, and December, 1S2. Let all applicants be present promptly at 10 o'clock the first day named. . U. W. Wise, j?up't Pub. In. Cass County. TEACHER'S ETSTTrUTZ. By an ap; ointment of the State Super intendent, a Teacher's Institute for Cass county will be held at Plattsmouth, to commence on Tuesday the 17th instant, and to continue through the week. Prof. J. M. McKenzie will be present to join with us in our work. We hope to see the teachers of the county all unite with zeal in giving renewed impulse to the enterest of education in our county, and in no way can this be more effectu all' accomplished than by the inspira tion which springs from united, zealous, enthusiastic action. Come, teachers, let us make common stock of the best ideas and most improved methods in our possession for the successful prosecution cf our profession. Let it not be said of us that we arc absent ffecause we are afraid of the light, or cf the exposure of our ignorance. If we enter into the work with the proper spirit with a desire to arm ourselves most thoroughly for the efficient discharge of the responsibilities which we assume, we shall all be fouud in our places on the 17th instant to take an active part in the proceedings of the Institute. Come, let us have a good so cial and cordial interchange of sentiment and professional sympathy. Wo may add, that the citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity will kindly open their houses for the hospitable en tertainment of all teachers who may at tend the session of the Institute. U. W. WISE, Sup't Pub. Inst. Cass Co. 23 w2. Sheriff Salt Electa O. Hasty A'lmini-tratri.T of the Estae of Charles llaty deccHeit. v. fmincrson 11. Katon. JJy virtue of sir order of ale issued out. of the District Court in and for Cass Co., Neb., nnd to mo directed. I will on', the lOih day of September. A. 1). 1872, atlU o'clock a. m., of said day at the front door of tho Court House in the City of Plit.ttnjouth in paid county, oiler for sale ut public auction tho following (ieferibed real estate, to-wit : Lots No. 7. H. 'J, li). 11 and YX ia l.lock io. sixU'i m the City ot I'lartsmouth. Cats county, Nebraska Al o the southeast quarter (Jt of Section No twenty-four VZi) in Township No. twelve (12) North of lianze No. twelve (12) East of the sixth p. M. Also one hundred acres effof the Northeast quarter ('-i) of Section twenty-five (25 i: Town-hip No. welve(12) North of Ranste No. twelve (12) E.-ist of the sixth P. M., all situated in Ca-a county. Neb. To be sold to satisfy a ludirment and order rfjfsaU under an attachment rendered at the November term A. 1). 170. of the sai I District Court in favor of tlua sail f laintiQT an 1 against the said defendant. - Civen under my hand tins t:h rtny of August 18T2. S. W. JOHNSON. fcherilt Lass Co., Nuraoka. rotteneer. Fox & Wheeler. Attorneys fur 'laintifl's. 20 -w-5 Legal fc'otice. J.Iatthias Spohn vs. Christian Schluntz. N OTICE is hereby triven, that we will offer at public sale, at the front door of the Conrt House, in Plattimouth. Cass Countv. Nebraska. on Monday the tuh day of September. 1S72, at Jl) o'clock A. M., on said day, the following real estate, to wit: Lots oco, two. three, ten. elev en an 1 tw-dve. in block No. six west, one south, iu tho town of Rock bluffs. Cass county Nebras ka, with all tho buildings and appurtenances tnereuuto belonging, to bo sold unuer an order of sale in pa tition made by the District Court. of the 2i Judicial District, in and for Cass coun- Nebraka. on the 12th day of February. A. I. 1S72- Terms of sale: One-third cash, one thirl in one year, an. I one-third in two year. witn interest on deterred payments at 10 per cent, J amks il. Fattersos, Conrad Hkihf.l, ami Oeorgk E. Draper, By Maxwell & Chapman. Rcfercea Aus;7-5w Attorneys fur Plaintiff. Probate Notice, I hereby cive notice to all concerned that a Will purporting to be the last will and testament of Shepherd Duke, deceased, late of Cass county and State ot Nebraska, has been hied in the olhce of the Probate Court of said county and that a hearing will be had at my omce n the city of Plattsmouth, in said coun ty on the 21st day of September, at one o'clock i M., ot said day on the appli cation, to prove and admit said Will to robate, at which time and place all persons interested in ?aid estate arc re quested to appear and if thfy see fit con test a Jmittmij said Vv ill to Probate. Given under my hand and seal at my oft ce this 2Sth day of August, A. D., 872 II. I'j. Ellison, n22v3t Probate Judge. XVIoiiGSf Saved. BY Buying Ycur Green-house and Bedding Plants. AT Tns JPicn ic Garde ns. DON'T send East for Plants when you ec.n get just ail good for less money nearer home. To my numerous friends and patrons I would Fay that I have the largest and be.-t stock of plants ever offered for sale in tne west and propose to sell them ut reasonable prices. lie sure am' send lor my New Descriptive Catalogue, which will bo sent free to all who apply for it Then give me your orders, and I feel confident 1 can satisly you. Address. W. J. IIESSER. reb. 13 di-wtf riattsmouth. Neb. Plantation Bitters. S. T. 1860-x. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial for th aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women are es pecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or lngicl, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Doc. 23. diw lyr. Beautiful Women! HAGAN'S MAGNOOlA BALM gives to the Com plexion the Freshness of Youth. Hagan'3 magnolia Balm overcomes the flushed ippearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement, li makes the lady -of forty appear but twenty.'acd 0 natural and perfect that no perron can detect its application. i!y its use tho roughest rkin la made to rival the pare radiant t jture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that wlU injure tho skin the least. Magnolia Balm is used by all fashionable ladies in New York. London and Paris. l"t costs only 75 cents per Bottle, and i- sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. T)ee,2t;. d iwlyr c? l w. ' nsiu'iinrc (topimii of Dew ? Continental gnilbing, Bos. 24, 26 28 Nassau ft. B J JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. J. T. ItOG UUS, Secretary. Enterprising Economical, Itibcral, and &afc Number Policies issued to Jan. 1. 1872 Number Policies issued and revived iu 1S71.. A i: SETTS, Jan. 1. 1S72 This Company is Purely Mutual ir its operations, dividing Its fcrrtiro surplus among its Poli cy holders, iinnuallv, on the "Contrihutinn Plan." and has a larger business and a lower ratio of expense to income, than have ever been attained by any other Company at a Corresponding period in its history. Its total Assets are sufficient to discharge a'l Ii.ibilif'os. n du lin? re-inur;inoi. p:iy back all its stock capi al, and leave as a b.ilunue mure th in n MILLION ''S earned surplus. Iiis Company Issued. IVIoc PolicI . I1ST 1S71 TI-I ILxiy Of 2icz? Company in tlio Tor-i S. A. TAYLOR & CO., C?ciicral jnnlOdiwtf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. 1872, 1872 1872. GREAT RUSH ! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too, are going to D. SOHHASSB & CO, To buy their DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. AT 3ST E "W YOEK STORE- Tt.e best and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- Are bow on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly r coined prices. We call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELA1NS, GINGHAMS. BROWN SHEETING, hLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YAR iS, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kinds and pi ices to suit our numerous customers. 4 large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QIjEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, ATS AND CAPS, TSIIS OLD lh fe ll vk .yssssa A Heavy Stick of Goods on Hand. No Rent nnd No Interest on IJorroiffl Capi tal to te Made Vjj futtomerg 1 1 OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE ClIY. e, g, mtzt North side Main between Second and Third tte. Takes pleasure iu announcing to Farmers and Mechanics, That he has as larf,e and well selected stock -of i3ry Uoods, Groceries, Provisions, as wero ever brought to thj city of Plattsmouth It will cost you nothinjr to look at them whether you buy or not. By examining the pricds at the "OLr RELIA HLE" you will bo able to tell when other parties try to swindle you 71-wtf-25dtf. LYON'S KATHA1R0N, For Pref erving'and Beautifying the Human Hair To Prevent its Falling Ct and Turning Gray. A well-preserved Head bf Hair, in a person of middle age, at once bespeaks refinement, elo eance, health and beauty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not insensible to its advantages and charms. Few things are more disgusting than thin, frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat cevered with Dandruff. Visit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. "This is what LYON'S KATIIAIRON will do all the time. Tho charm which lies in well placed Hair, Glossy Curls, Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Head, is noticeable and irresistable. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. Jan, 2d. dw lw every 3w cv&k Jos Sch later. Sg-&gfe3L S3TABLIS3KD JX 1SC1. DEALER IN IVATC EI ES, C O CKS JEWELRY SILVER A SI) PLATED WARE, GOLD PENS M'CTACLES. VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY UOODS. Watch e. Clocksand Jewelry repaired neatly in l with dispatch. Removed to orronite Tlatte Valley House Mian Street. nov. Dw f rc3 n o I'2.37 ..... 7.303,a3.,.-it Agents, for Bfcbrasksi THS BIDS Foil FOUAK. Oef:cb Ch. Qit. f r. Drpt. Phttk, Omaha. Nkb.. Sept. 2, SEALKD EIUS. in duplicate, with guarantee signed by two responsible parties, not bid ders will bo received at this oflice until eleven o'clock a. m., on Thursday, October 3, 1872, for the delivery at Omaha Depot, Nebraska, from time to time as required, of 60,000 bushels of Oats, 70,000 bushels of Com, or any part thereof. Bils to be endorsed on the envelope, "Bids lor forage." The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Blozik bids furnished, and general conditions wade knwwn ou application at this otUce. ALKX. J. p;kry. 23w-4t Ch.. Qr.. Mr . Dept. Platte. DOCTOR WIIITTIESt; 617 St. Charles Street. r oneer located in St. Louis than any Chron- 1 J ie Physician, o successfully treats Simple ind Ccmplicated Venereal Disease as to bring paiicnts iroin every state, jus hospital op oprtunities. a life time experience, with dut- est drugs prepared in the establishment, cures cases given up by others, no matter who fail ed ; tell yoi,r private troubles. Consultation free. Send two stamps for medical eujs. T . .. ir i mail. 15 cent3 each, both for 25 cts, 100 pages ,11.1 ..I J L.r i wish to know all about Self-pollution Preven tion. Marriage. Kvery young man and wo man ought to read it as a warning The ner vous debilitate! o partially iiapotentent, scientifically adrised.wu dcy2i .-vji iiiav luo curious, uouuliui or inouisiL.T TI. J. STBEIGHT, BOOK-SELLER, Stationery i JVeivs AND PAPER DEAL ER. lBsl Office IStiiliiiug. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. eScpts"t. d OLmband wtf. Lumber! Lumber The Ud lersisned has on hand and is mflawaf ticturiny All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER At his Mills atthe Ferry Landing at riattsmouth Orders Promptly Filled.! , William Edoirtom. June3ddwti University of Nebraska, isimcorv, :veb. lioiol! 3Tho nexttirm of the University will open SEPTEMBER 12TH. 1372. A full Corps of Professors is provi led. The Apparatus. Library and Cabinet are uw and couip'ete. The Agricultural College Will opea tljis fall. Tuition Irec, and books at cost. 1'or furUicr information scud for a cata logue. Rooms for self boarding furnished at i-mall cost to the itudeuLt. A. R. BENTON. Chaucellor. . nI5 d!w-?0 w Cm Lincoln, Ntib i. Wnui, Propri.lor. R. II. MrDnatio C., Dracrlauj MILLIONS Hear Testimony to tkelf Wonderful Caratlvo ErrT. Thsy are not a vile Fancy Ilrlnk, U.vle of roof Ram, Whlikcy, Proof Kplrlta and Ilernae Liquors doctoral, spiced and sweetened to please tho taste,called "Tonics," "Appetisers," "EcHtorers.-itC., that lead tho tippler oil to drunkenness nnd ruln.bntare true Medicine. Diudo from the Native Hoots and IIrb ef California, free from nil Alcoholic HMnno. Innts. They aro tho j; It EAT ULOOI) PtUl. ! IE It nnd A LIFE iIVIN Fill SCUTE.' a perfect Itenovs-tor and Invigorntur of the SynUiui, carry lug off all xlsonous matter and restoring theMood to a healthy condition. No person csn take these Uifc- tcrs according to directions and remain long un well. , provided their bones arc not destroyed by mineral poison or other aneans, ah J the vital oratUi wstod beyond tho point of repair. . TUcy are a Gcntlo 1'urcntl ve wit asj Tonic, possessing, albo, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful ORcnt lu relieving CungttpUnn or lutlanit Huttton of tho I.lrcr, and alj llisVlscerol Organs. FOR FEMALE CO 31 FLA I S TS, In young or old, luurriod or single, at tho dawn ot womanhood or at Uia turn cf life, these Tonic Bitters bare no equal. For InOnmraat ory nud C'hronla Uheuian tlsin nnd Gout, Dyspepsia or Indication, Illllona, Uemittent and Intermittent Fe ver, llisensra of thr fllood, Llvpr, Kid oevs nnd Illndder, thoso IJlttera have bucn most uoccssful. Hucli ) I sen sea aro caused by Vitiated Illoott, which is generally produced by derangement yt tho Dlgcative Oran. . . lVHFEFtIA Oil INDIGESTION. Hd-, Velio, Tain la the Shoulders, Couch. Tightness of too Client, Dizziness, Bour ErsctjitiMis cf the Stomach," liad Taste lu tho Mouth, UiJIous Attacks, rsjpllatiooaf' I ho Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, 1'sln in the re gions of the BJduers, and a hundred other painful srmiH (cms, or the ofliprincs of Dyspepsia. , 4 They lnicorato the Stomach and itlmnlstetbatorrU Liver and Dowels, which roudcr them of unequalled tfBcacy in cleansing the blood of all linpurltlos, and ln jartlojr new lifo and visor te the whole srntcm. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter. CaU Rbcum, IMotebes, Spots, Piiuplse, I'uotuloo, Dolls, Csr pnncles. King-Worms. Beahl Hes1. Bore Eyu, Krynlpr M, I tch. fccurdt. Discolors lions ot the Kkln. flu mora sn.l . lhxeanes of the hkiu. of wbater-r name or nature, ate llteraliv dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by th useot these Ditters. One bottle in surl, eases will convince the most incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Olood whenever you And Its 1m purities burst log through the skin In I'iinples, Erup tions or Sores; cleanse it when you Ond It obstructed nd alaselirti In tha veins; cleanse It whuq it Is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood sure, and tho health of the srstem will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking In tho , iTRtem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Ssra a diptlnguUhed pbystnlnrUt, there is scarcely an individual upon the faoa of tha ' earth whose body is exempt from the prmiefvw of worm. It is not inn the healthy rleiuvnte of tha body that worms oslst, but upon Uinrsiiaaed humors 3nd slimy deposits Mist breed tluue llviug mnuatars of , iseose. No Bysti-m of Medicine, no vermifus, no anthelmintics will freo the system from worms Like these Bitters. 3. WALKXK, Proprietor. R. n. McDONALD tk CO, ' Prugglsts and Gen. Agent. Pan frsnclsco. California, ' ajad 31 and 34 Commerce Htroet, New Turk. WSOLD BY ALL DRUUUIST3 AND DEALKK3. Mothers, Mothers Mothers. D on'tfnil to prornre Mm Wintlov't Sue-thing Syrup for Children Teething. This valuable preparation lias been urd, with .NEVKit FAILING SUCCESS IN THOU SANDS OF CASEs. It not only relieves the child from puli), but invigorates the sloin.ich and bowel, currents acidity, nnd giv tone and energy to tho wholo system. It wiil also instantly relieve Griping in the lizietlt -uul Wind Ct Ice. Wo believe jt the beat 40 1 surest remedy In the world. iu;tU citnenxif lyuiry liiar rliita in children, whether arruting from tet th in;? i r any oilier cause. Depend up.n it mothers, it will give refct to yourselves, and Relief and Health to Your nf unit.' Be sure and call for ' ".Vr, Witwlvw'jt Sootning Sirup." Having thef.ic-iii.ilo of "CURTIS & PER a.1 NSJ cn the out.ide wrapper, i Sold by Drugits thxouKhobt the world. 10 THE BEST IS TIig Glicapcst. fill be found at h!s dd rtand on Main where he will be pleaded to reo hii lor' mer customers und friends. II e has a large and good assortment of farm machinery such as the The Marsh harvester, areaper that two mer., can cut and bind ten acres per day with', One nan to drive, and the binders cau work in the shade. MLbura and Studmbuker Wagons, fbam-. pion Keaperik Mower Massillon Thrash-, er, and HuUnlo Pit thrnsher. anl Ex'tLsior' Reaper and Mower F. J. METTEEh; Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. L. S. Blair. Traveling Ajcnt." Feb. 29 wtf. nook Tar the Tlilli n ! MARRIAGE GUIDE. I A privato counselor . to tho Married or thoFe al-out to tnar irv on the i,hy5io!oi:icalirter-. ies and revelations of the exu.U U.ii, the. latest d icsoveries in producing and Preventing offspring, how to preswvaihe complexion V' ', This is an interesting work of two hundred, and tWiiht -four fmgts, with numerous engravr . ioga. and contains valuable iufor;nitio;j for those who are married, or pi art mar riage. Still, it is a book that ouirht to be kept under lock and key. and not laid carelessly about the house. iSent to any one (free of postage) f-r V) ccnti. r , Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary. No. 12 N Eighth street, St. Louis. Mo. Notice to the Afflicted and Uiiforturirtfe.' Before applying to the notorious quacts who advertise ia public papers, or using any rack". remedies, peruse Dr. liutu' work no matter, what your destase li cr i.o',7 deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by' mail, on the diseases mentioned in hi.i work.t Olfice. No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Markel BnlChcnut. St. Louis. Mo. durjdawlv ON MARRIAGE. HAPPY Relic fox Young Jljn, from the effects of . Errors and Abuses in early life. Man-, hood rejt red. Impediments to Marriage re moved. New ruethoi'of rituiot. New und' rema.-iia.hle rcoiedies. . liookd und iCCcuulafj bowl free, in sealed e . ciope;'. - Addrecs, HMWAitD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 . South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, l'- an I n .M'tu son having a huh reputation for honora ble conduct and professional tkill. UOw 6m Lo.k to Your Children The Great Soothing Iteuiedy.' MRS. Cures c-iis and gr;i te i Prc Whitcomb's the bowels, and f .itititWi Svrurt. the prootsd of toe-thin ,. Cents. . MRS. I Subdues eoivvuL.'ioii. and iuci- Price yVhi.tcomb's overcomes aJl dlcea.- Svrun. Mont to inf.ij'ts. and hi a. Cents.', Price Cents.' idren. . MRS. ! Curoa Diarrhovu Dr? ?hitcorob's ry andfcuuiiuercomplai eoto- ut byrup. icnildreu oi ail aes. It is the. eat Infant' and Child rcii'snSooth- i:ig Keuifdy. in all disorders urn ipttlhinsr or rjiv other cause. uUt on by Prepared by the Grafton Madkine Co., S! ' Louis Mo. .... rold by drugsi.'U and dciltri m Me everywhere- d-,'.l,