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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1872)
rjm-fcajssarsiitcc THE HERALD, COXMTITUTIOV, BT-LAWII AMD JPBEXICM UST Of TAB SIXTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Cass Co. Agricult'l Society, 10 EC BZLD AT Plattsmouth, Xeb., Sept em ber24, 25, and 20, 1872. Keep thi Premiom Liet, aai iris it t tie Fair. Officers for 1872. D. H. WHEELER, Pladtmouth. Vice President at Large, EXJAC Sage, riaiUmouth. vice r&zdiDEirrs. W. W. Wolf, lit. FIeaant, Jab. W. Pattekson, Hook Bluffs; Pz&KT Walkks, Plattsuoutb Preet. T. Thomas, Oreopolis; II. B. Mcubt, PktUaiauth; Uztnoldc, Avoea. Lyman James, Greenwood; Jas. Thompson. Stove Cfk; Price E. Cunningham,-Elaiwood; Jas. Hall, 8 Mild Grove; Frank Standee, LoaUville, 6. 0. Bxthel, Salt Creek; M. J. Jonxs, Liberty, E. Poei, Tipton; Timotbt Clark, Weeping Water; Geo. Mattison, South Bead. sbcbetart: C. II. Kim a, Eight Mile Grove. TMASTJRZR. JACOB VALLEBY, Plttmoth. General Superintendent: J. C. CUMMINS, Assistant Superintendents : A. B. TAYLOR LEVI POLLARD. Chief of Polioe : M. W; MORGAN, Plattsmouth. Directors : Uptox, Sheldon, Mctz, Notes, Bown, Woodruff, ani Jones. CONSTITUTION. Ac. Tf e. the nadersigaed, residents of Cash coun ty, Nebraska, for tbe purpose of mutual benefit, hereby enter into an Association which shall be known as the Casts Cocsty Agrictlto t il mo Mechanical Associ atiox, and do hereby adopt tbe following Constitution aai Ey-Laws for the government cf tbe Society. CONSTITUTION. Asticli 1. The object of this Society fha.ll be to encourage improvement in all things per taining to tbe interest of the Agriculturist tbe Mechanic, the Merebant, or citizen of any call ing, by ailing such iuteres ts as most conduce to public good. ait. z. i ne omcer or this society snail con sist of a Preeident, Vice Pres dent, Secretary, Treasurer, and seven Directors, who, together with the officers ef the Bociety shall constitute a rsoara or directors lor tbe general'ig-- ment of tbe affairs of the Eoaiety, and ail of whom shall be elected annually. Aar. S. There shall be one Vice President for each precinct, tj be eleetel aunnuaJy at the une time as the other oScere. Act. . All persona over the a e of eighteen may beeome members of this Society, by pay ing the earn 1 1 tt dollar iLto tbe Treasury an nually, or may boome a life member by paying the sum of twenty-five dollars into the Trea3- nry. Abt. 5. Amenlmenls or ss fit-ions may be xaade to tbe Constitution at any regular meet ing of the Society by a majority of two-tbirds of the members preeent at said meeting, previous notice having been given of tbe propose ! clause ' by notice in seine newspaper of tbe coun'y. BY-LAWS. SacTiOK This Society shall bold at leat two meetings in each year: one on the first Saturday ia March, aad oae oa tbe last day of the annual Fair. IS EC-2. The aanaal election of officer of the So ciety shall take p a.'e at the meeting on the first Saturday in March, and the officers then chosen shall held their several officers act I their successors are chosen and qaalifiei. Sec. S. Itshallbetbe duty cf the President to preside at all meetings ef the society ; to call special meetings ; to select the place of holding meetings ; to decide ail points of crier tba may arise subject to tbe customary rules; to bare a geeeral supervision over tbe affairs of tbe Society, aad to caa-e Che directions given by the Board ef Directors to be eiecuted. Sao. 4. It shall be tbe duty of the Vice Presi dent at large to perform all the duties of tbe President during tbe absence of tbe Prsaileut and to assist the President when desired. ac. 5. If, at any meeting of tbe Society, it shall appear that neither tbe Prasideut nor Vice President are present, then the meeting may choose a Preiidentpro tern ; as also in the absence of the Secretary, a Secretary pro tern may be chosen Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of tbe Secreta-y to reoord the proceedings ot tbe meeting of the So ciety. and to take charge of all doeumea:s and papers usually belonging to bis office as Secre tary: aai alse to audit the aeeooats of tbe Treasurer, and certify to the correctness thereof. and to present the same to the Board of Direo tors annually on tbe fir t Saturday in March to draw all orders en the Treasurer lvr money belonging to the Seeiety. Sac. 7. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and receipt for all moneys paid into tbe fund af tbe Society, aad hold tbe s une subject to the order of the Seoretsry, oouater- cigned by the President ; to open an office on the Fair Grounds during the continuance of the Aanaal Fair of the Society; t.nd collect all money due the Society for alinittauae. booth- rent. Ac, under the supervision cf tbe Pre.-i dent. Previous to entering upon the discharge of his duties as Treasurer, be shall give a bond in the sum of firethouiand dollars to the Society the faithful appl cation of all mon y coming m- -lo h s hands by virtue of bis office ; sa: 1 bond to be filed with the Secretary of th Society with sureties to be approved by the President. And it shall further be the duty of Treasurer to submit his account with proper vouchers, in writing; annually, at least two days previous to tbe first Saturday ia March, to the Secretary, to be aadited and approved by bim. TheTieus- urer shall be pa:d not lees than one djl.Ar ptr annum for bis services Sc. Itshallbetbe duty of the Bsard of Directors to have a genual supervision of tee rn.Wa.iru of the Society, sabieot to the Constitu tion and these By-Laws, end to proviJe such rules and regulations additional as may Com time to time be deemed requisite. Rmn. 0. S.t n members ehall eoaetitate a quorum for tba transaction of business at any meeting of the focietv: but so motion for the disposal of any lands or property of the Socie ty, shall be eutertaiosd eicept at a regular meeting. ao. 10. Fifteen ru eeatusn of all 1'xeaiiaais awarded by theSocietr in eaxb shall be retain ed by the Secretary in drawing ord.ra Pa the Treasurer for the premiums. Sbc. 11. No person can enter articles or ani mals for exhibition, or compete for premiams, unless they are members of the Hoeiety, or min or children of a member's family, except as provided by regulations. at. 12. AH anrnials. implements. utcKsils and machines, must be owned by the exhibitor. All agTkaltaral said horticultural produotions must be raided by the exhibitor, and be the pro ductiaa of the preeent ya,r. All a. tioles of do- uieetic aiaaufketure must be made Ly the ex- bibUer. Preserved frxiu or vegetables suust be put up by tbe exhibitor. 6kC. IS. Ail eutrief at tbe Annual Fair mast be made en the first day, and mut specify tbe ante aad res ideoee tit the exhibitor and the elaea and number of the premium lor which he er she cempetes- The books for entries shall be pan for ene week previoas to tbe Fair- Per- aoas living at a distance can. If they prefer. make their entries by leg tor addressed to the Secretary, staging tbe articles, aai tbe class. As-, ia which thvy with to compete. Sac. 14. f oae entry nbjli ceiapete for more tbaa one prevaiam, exoMpt lr sweepstakes, he aide bett display on prise. Sac. Li. Wbesi tbe eatry at the article cr ani mal is record e J ia tbe books of the Keuretary, cards will be famished with tLe aatuber and class marked tbereon, whieh are to be placed a the aniiaai er article, and which will admit them to the groanda. . tuc. 16. When there is but one exhibitor com peting for a preuiam. eomaattees will award first t leaond premiaats. aaeurdiag to merit. 2o aremiaai will be allowed naleaj the aaimal cr article is deemed meritorious. Sac. 17. AU animals and artfelea must remain ia the eaclorure during tbe Fair, except, by pariuiasion af tha President of the Society. Ego. IS. The reports of ce in mi! tees for award ing premiams must be male in writing and signed by tbe majority of the committee, and be aaaied immediately to the Secretary. Sac. 19. Awarding Committees mast eomply with the provisions of tbe law requiring com petitors for premiums on crops and improve ments, to furnish full and correct statements in writiag at tbe process aai expense of culture. productien, Ac. which statements shall be in accordance with the following rules, and v el ite d by affidavit. The land shall be measured ey some competent pa.soa. The applicant shall make afiidari-to the quantity of ground aad grain raise thereon, and entered an the Irs i.ium list, which affidavit iaut accompany me appueauon ur premium, tcgetber with a sample of tbe graia. gc. 2U. TUie By-Lawa may be altered or uuiiirg oy a vote or two-tbiriu of te mem bers present at aay regular meeting of the So ciety. REGULATIONS. " Membership Ticket. fl.OO; which eonptitutes the contributor a member of the Society forone year, and entities all tbe bona fide family under eighteen years of age to admission to the Fair dariag the seasoa. Single a Imig-iun, Si'j; single horse, er sin gle horse and earri.tge, 25 cts ; two hones and carriage, 0 cts ; bauks or carriages per day, (1. The ticket sellers are instructed not to receive any bills over five dollars. No checks will be given at the gates. Parties with finale a 1 mis sion tick eta going cut snnst pay en return. The fee lor sicgls bores, or s ngle horse and carriage two borscg aad carriage and omnibuses and hacks, are in ad Jiticn to single admission fees GENERAL AKEAXdEMESTS. Iha Z-xhibitiaa will commence on the lth of September, 1472, and close on the 2G:U Gates will be ojen at S a, a., and at that time every officer is required to be at his post. Ko disorderly conduct of any kind will be per mitted. A police will be upon the grounds suf ficient to prevent the same and ta ace that all rules shall be observed. ANIMALS. No animal will be permitted to run at large on tbe grounds. Until after the award has been made, marks of any kind or other inlication of ownership will not be allowed. Every article or animal up on tho grounds, shall, during 'he Fair, be ander the control of the Superintendent and Board of Directors, and while every poss bid precaution will be taken fur the safe keeping of the same, the Association will in no case be responsible for any load or damage that may occur. KXHIiilTORS. Alt stock will be she i in the arena. No persons but the awarding committee on duty, and tae officers of the Board or Society wiil be allowed inside of tbe a -ena w!iit the Exhibi tion is going on. At the time of making the eutry of th-jrongh-ared stock of any kind, the party api'lyiug will be inquired to furnish tt "C'.rKiar tt im BUllieiiliC t'euigrcts, WU:Cil kjri oo liawi upon Dy me diUcreat com -siltees i it be ai'.'ertiiccJ that any exhibitor has, or caused to bs made, ai.y fa.'re statement in re gard to any an.mal or article exhibited, r if any exhibitcr Attempt to io'erftre with th judges in the performance of thcrr duties by let i-'tor otnerwise, ne enali be excluued trout competition. Tbe exhibition of stock will commence at tha ti:ne and proceed ia the order specified in the programme. Aui mill not ready at the proper time and i.lace ill be ruled out of competition. Apprentices entering articles of their own production for comretitiou, must furnish, at the time of eatry a certificate from t'a' ir employers, statiug their ages, and the time they have served in tho buj- inci-s. Persons desiring space for the exibition of articles or machinery, tot entered for competi tion, mutt make became known to the Secre tary at as early a day as possible, and give the niiae cf tbe article, of the exhibit ;r, his place of residence, and specify the amount of space required. Heavy machinery, or even other ar ticles, may be taken on the grounds at any time before tij commencement of the Fair. ENTRIES. rsoperion whatever will be allowed to see the entries until afier the award has been made fc. a tries an be made at any time be ore the Fair, by application to the Secretary or Pres ident at PiatUinouth, by letter or in person Iuriug tbe first day entries wdl only be re ceived at tbe office ot tbe Secretary on tbe Fair grouuds. When an entry is made of any article, the Secretary will give to the party oard. wbicn will contain tne number of entry and class, aod which mmt be attached to tho article. Exhibitors will cenfer a great favor on tbe officers of the Board by making their entries at as early a day as possible. Persons living abroad cia mike their entries by letter; but in such cases 11 the entry be of live stock. the applicant inu-t give tho name and age of the animhJ, the name and age of the sire, the came aad resiJeuce of (he owner, atid the class in which he wuhos to enter. If the entry be of machinery, implements, etc., the applicant muet give the name and residence of maker. name of patentee and name or designation of the article. No article shall bo entered in more than one department. All entries will be ma le in striet compliance with the offered pre.niuoi list, and awards made in accordance. Parties must, therefore, take particular patns to have stock and articles entered just as they want h em. Thoe who purpose entries wi 1 very much oblige the Secretary and bis clerks, it they wiil, before leaving home, make a list of aU the articles they wish to enter, and the clas to which they belong, and sign their names in full at the bottom. This will enable the clerks to get their names correct on tbe books. AWARDING COMMITTEES. Committers are ps.rticuik.rlv requested not to give encouragemeat to over fed ahiuials in the breedicg cla-ses. In judging ef blooded stock. regvd will be had to tbe purity of blood as es tablished Ly the pedigree, size, form, action nd general ccaracterisucs of tbe various breed, making proper allowance for age. feeding, ani other circujisiana.'s. A premium will not be awardd if tbe article or animal be not tbouebt worthy. thoub there be ne competition. Awt ri iog ccicniirteee wiil only award premiums to articles regularly entered ia their rc-pectie ela?es; but they are requested to examiae all all articles ectered in tbe msc!!aneou' cia.- report. Judgca are particularly requ'sUnl f j St o-l their i eports to the becret iry as s on at the decui,n is iside; snd, as it i the object tf the Society to collect ail the informati on p-.s ible from the exhibitor in their claisea, and go make their report a f u 1 as time and circum- staaceswillp rinit. Persons inviud to serve OB Awarding Committees will badges from the tsuperintendent of tbe depart ment is which thy are to serve. The award ii4r Coiiit:itttes will be selected from the va rious scations of the county with rreat ewt. Ne one will be allowed, while be ia an exhib- it-jjr, to ast as Judge. INVITED GUESTS. The officer of all Agricultural and Mechan ical -Associations, and ail tbe members of the Press, everywhere, are invited to attend our Fair with'.nt further notice. The invitedsueata can obtain free tickets of admseion by making apptfsaU'oa t9 the Searetarr er Presideat. at the office of the Fociety. and identifying then -selves by responsible parries. ' REFKESUMENTS All persons furnishing rcfreebment" are rc q lired to lay in tbe r supplies before o'clock a. u.. each day. aad for that purpose tickets o" a j ic Union will be givtn for themselves and w.igoBs. But preeisely at tH o'clock .be grouuds will be clewed of persons not entitled to remain. Persons renting rel'rhment booUis ill not be permitted to sell intoxicating d u.k.4- Refreshments booths, showmen, pedlers. hucksters, Ac, will apply to the President, Secretary or Treasurer for terms upon which they can enter upon the grounds Juribg tbe Fair. PREMIUM LIST 4rth Csas C sonly Agrricaltaral and Mechanical Aaaoelatloa. CLAS4 1-Cxttlb, Lot 1 Shobt UouKd. Best bull. 2 years old and ovsr t 5 00 21 do do 2 50 liet bull. 1 year old and ander 2 5 00 21 do do 2 50 Best bail calf, 5 00 2d do 2 SO Best cow cvcrS years 5 00 2d do do 2 50 Best beifer 2 years old 5 00 2d do do 2 50 Best beifer 1 year old 1 "0 21 do do 2 50 Best beifer calf " - 2 50 2d do do 1 00 LOT 2 Diyoxb, Galawayb. Alderkt. Xi TIVKS AWD GBADF. Same as Short Horns, only half the premium, LOT 3 SwrrraiAEM. Best bull of any age or breed 6 00 Best cow do 5 00 Best herd of cattle of any age or breed compos ed of not lefs than 5 head of cattle 5 CO Best herd of grade cattle not less than five bead 5 00 Paperintendent of cattle Joseph C. Gilmour, Judges P. W. Cunningham, Henry Eiken- bury, John Gilmour. (Ml animals contending for a premium in Class No. 1 must show a reliable pedigree, as recorded in the American Herd Book.) CEAfeS 2 LOTl HORBXfl TnOKOCGBBBED. Best stallion 2d do Bett mare 21 do 5 00 2 50 5 00 2 50 LOT 2 Bo ads r? as. Best stallion 2d do Best mare 2d do Best pair of mares or horses 2d do E?et single horse, mare or gMing. 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 00 50 00 50 LOT 3 Horses kou Gznebal Uiilitt. Best stallion 2 years old and over 5 2d do do 2 Best mare 2 years old and over 5 2d do do 2 Best colt, mare or horse, one year old and under two 2d do 5 00 2 50 6 00 2 50 Best brood mare, with one colt 5 2d' do 2 LOT 4 SWKEPBT KES Best stallion of any age or breed 5 Best mare do 5 Best colt, mare or horse under one year old 5 2d do do 2 50 All abimals to be c!asoed as thoroughbred must show an authenticated pedigree. LOT 5 I'mroHT Horses. Best stallion 2 years old and over 21 do do Best n??re 2d do do Scperictendf nt of Horses E. W, 5 00 2 50 5 00 2 50 Birnutn, JcKuer Charles Holmes, E. L. Heed, E E. Wf!-ey. 'No aniir.h! in this class shall be entered for ranr than one premium, except for Sweep stakes.) EOT 6 Donkeys and Mcles. Best jack over 2 years old 2 60 2d . do do 1 00 Best Jennett do 2 58 21 do do 1 00 Best taule colt unler 1 year oil 2 TO 2d do do 1 00 CLASS 3 Shkkf. EOT 1 Shebp. Best Buck of any age 1 00 21 do do Dip. Best Ewe of any ae 1 00 2d do do Dip. Superintendent Win. Gilmour. Sr.. Judgs J. M. Patterson, J. F. Doud, W in. Ashman. CLASS 4 Lot 4 Swiss:. Smal Breeds Brrroias, Essex, u Cui.a. Best Boar one year old aad over 2d do dt Best do under one year 21 do Best Sow one year old and over 5 00 2 00 3 00 1 (X) 5 0 2d do do 2 00 Best do ondsr on yer.r ol 1 3 00 Jjdges Mrs Uattie Drost. Mrs." Isaac Pol- 21 do "do 1 00 Jar I. Mrs. Wil;i.n .?nks. Lot 2 Larue Breeds Poland, Maoee a Best Specimen of w..rk .irnie by sW;ns Moore. Machine, to be d:ne on the Best Boar two years old and over 5 00 grounds 50ct- or Dip 2d do do 2 00 do Specimen silk ernhroidory do Best do ona do and under two 5 00 do French noed e work do 2d do do 2 00 do Otto-nan Cover do Best Boar under one year old 3'W d Tal.le cover, nee 11 work do 2d do do 1 00 do Si eciim n of worsted work do Best Sow one year eld and over 5 f'O do Fancy work with needio for chair do 21 do do 2 00 do Woikcd Cushion and Back do Best Sow under one year 3 W do Lamp Mat do 2d do do 1 00 do Ornamental Shell Work do LOT 3 Ber.x?n BE3. do d Lea'ber Work do Best Boar 2 years old and over 5 00 do Specimen Wax Flowers do 2d do do 2 00 do Specimen Artificial Flowers do Best do one year old and under two 3 0') do Collection of Furs do 21 do do 1 00 do II. m-stich work by hand do Best do under one year old 3 00 do Tatting Edging, 1 yard do 2d do do 1 CO do do Insertir,g do do Bost Sow one year old and over 5 00 do Collection of Hair Work do 21 do do .2 0") do Crochet Edging 1 yard do Bet Sow under one yaas 2 00 do d-j Inserting do 2d do do 1 00 do Transferred Work do LOT 4 do Seed Work do Best Boar of any breed or age 5 00 - Feather Flowers do Best Sow do 5 00 Burr or Cone Work do Superintendent-Lawson Sheldon. d Variety of Crochet Work do Judges-Timothy Clark, A. C. Majfield. do d Worsted Crochet James Hall. Embroidery dj CLASS 5 Orsr to the World. do Wors'ed Work in Frame do Best Reaper and Mower Dip do Two-Horse Plow do Fuperiatenlent Conrad Hcisel. Judges Benj. Austin, C. H. Parma'.ee, Wm Dip do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do B. Porter. Best One-Horse Plow do Harrow do Two-Horse Wagon dp On-Hcrs Wagon do Waon or Carriage Brake do Two-Hore Carriage do One-Horae Carriage do Double Shovel Plow d) Coru Cultivator do Horse Hay Rake do V nnii'g Mill do Farai Onte do Portable Fence do t burn do vVasbing Machine do Clothes Dryer Jo Clothes Wringer do School Desk do Corn Planter do OLe-half Dozen Brooms do Double Barreled Shot Gun do Display cf Farm Machinery and Imple menu by one exhibitor. do CLASS 6 Com?ei itiov is this Clasb opes TO EVERTBODT. Best Plow for Old Ground do Breaking P.'ow dc Gang Plow do Double thovel Plow do Iron Boata Flow for Old Ground do Biding Two-iiorse Cultivator do Walkiag . do do Riding ani Walking do do Two-Uoree Boiler ' i Sod Sewar; drrH ar breadeast- Dip. do do do do do do Mo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Judges George SchriJer, Henry John Fittgcral . CLASS 7 MiscgLLisions. Lenboff, do Two-Horse Corn Planter do Fanning Mill do Hay and Straw Cutter do Corn Sheller, Horse Tower do do Hand power do Bee Hive without Bees do Cheese i're?s do Cider Mill and Press do Cane Mi l do Evaporator do Hay Press do Huy Stacker do Hay Fork in use do Iroppcr do Harvester do Binder . do Thresher and Separator do Horn Power to tun any Machinery do Wind Po"er Pump for farm use do Pump or Water Kaiser, well or cistern do Corn Cutter, horse power do Stalk Cutttr do Hedge Trimmer, by Horse Power do Portable Saw Mill do Portable Grist Mill do Portable Engine set up for use Superintendent John F. Buck. Best Cattl e SeaK-s Pi p. do Assortment of Kcales do do Brick Machine do do Potato Digger do do Family Carriage do do Top Baggy do do Open Buggy do do Trotting Wngon or Sulky do do Two-Tlo'se S'eirt do do One-horse Sleigh do do Waaon or Carriage Brake do do Double Wagon of Nebraska Manufac ture 2 50 do Spring Wagon do 2 50 do Open Buggy do 2 50 do Covered d do 2 50 do Wagon ma le ouside of State. Dip. do Spring Wagon do do do Open Bu-rry do do do Covered do do do foperintendent S. M Kirkpatrick. Judges Wm McCaig, Berg. Albin, Henry Howland. CL-VSS 8 Tkxtil Fa a cs., ahd Mechanic akb Fi k Arts. Fup-?rintendent J. M. Patterson, Judges Al'red Jchn.-cn, Walter Jetikcns Frank Wolcott. Best display of Tools imd Cutlery do Assortment of Cabinet Furniture do Set of Chair d. Saddle and Bridle do Sc. of Farm Harness do Set of Carriage Harness do Assortment Tin aiid Corper Ware B :.t Coal Stove for Cooking do Wood Stove do do Combined Wood and Coal Cooking do Parlor Stove for beating CLASS 9. Superintendent E. L. Reed Dip do do d 3 0.) 3 00 Dip Dip do do do Judaes C. M. belton. Saui'l Rector. Winsi 3ejt as-ortment of Lenther Dip da Sewing Ma bine for heavy work do do do for family use do do Knitting Machine do do Collections of Totter's wara do do lot of 50 bricks 1 00 do Specimens of Carpenter work 1 00 do assortment of Cooperage ' 1 00 do e pet i men of blacksmith's work. 1 00 do set of hore Fhoes 1 00 CLASS 10. Puperinfendent Mrs. E. Sage. Judges Mrs. John Wiley. Mrs. Burnum. Tewksberry, Mrs. Dr. test 20 yards of carpeting 2 00 do quilt do do coverlet do do pair cotton hose, homo manufacture 50 do 3 lbs stockintr yarn do 1 00 do pair woolen stockings 50 do do socks 50 do do mittens 50 do dy gloves 50 do rsg hearth lug 0 do bed spresd 50 do pair pants made by lady 1 00 do Vet do 1 00 do ehi:t do 1 00 do bonnet do 1 00 do assortment of boots f- Fhoes 1 00 do display of book-binder's Dip do do clothing do do do woolen cloths do CLASS 11. Scperintcndent Prof. W. W. Wise. Ju Jgos Mrs. Doud, Mrs. J. D. Simson, J. A MacMarpby. Best ornamental and Fign painting 1 00 do photograph, plain Dip do do visncfto do do do colored do do do on porcelain do d ambratypes do Kest dispbay f Phot ogrrfpber's Work Dip do Monocbromttic Piiia'.ir.g do do Oil or Water do do do Landscape do do do Wagon an 1 Buggy do 1 Of) do Drawing aii l Sketching do di display of Cbromos do do Specimen of Penmanship by pupil under 15 1 00 CLASS 12. Superintendent Mrs. E. W. Barnum. Articles of the above class of domestic man utaoiure must be made by the exhibitor, or in bis or her family. CLASS 13. Superintendent Thos. Mitchell. Judges D. L. Clapp, F. L. Clement, Lawson Sheldon. Best design for farm bouse, cist not to exceed gl.OUO Dip do design far farm house, cost not to exceed ).0O3 do do design for dairy house, cost not to exceed il'oO do do design for poultry house do do design for smoke house, co;t not to exceed $153 do do design for rat and mouse proof corn crib do do design for bog pen or house do do Model for Rustic Arbor do CLASS 14. Superintendent L. F. Johnson. Judges F. M. Dorrington, Miss Eil a Crocker. Mrs. Perry Walker. Best Piano Forte Dip do Cabinet Organ do do Melodeon do do Display of musical instrument do CLASS 15. Dairt. Fastrt, a Kitcbes. Superintendent Mrs. Isaac Pol'ard Judges Mrs. DsnT Clapp. Mrs. C- H. King, Mrs, R. Lewis. Beit Specimen of Flour, aot less than fifty pounds 50 do 10 lbs sagar from Chinese or Imphee 1 00 do gallon Sorghum Syrup 50 do do Impbee do 50 do do home-made Vinegar 50 do five pounds butter 50 , 4 br4srs af 1 do five pounds Honey 50 do half gallon soft soap 50 Competitors for Premiums on sugar must give mode and rules for manufacture. CLASS 16. Superintendent Rush Chilson. ludge Mrs. L. Sheldon, Mrs Juo. Mutz, Mrs. J no Cuuiicings. Fresh fruit put up for wintir use in glass jars uot Iesti than two quarts of each kind. Best jar Raspberries Dip or 50 do do Strawberries do do do Cherries do . do do Grapes do do do Gooseberries do do do Blackberries do 'do do Currants do do Bottle of Grape Wine do do do Current Wine do CLASS 17. Superintendent Mrs. J. A MaoMurphy. Judges Mrs. Wm. B. Porter, Mrs, Saui'l Richardson, Mrs. Joseph Gilmore. Best Loaf of Wheat Bread 50 do do Corn Bread Dip or 50 do do Graham Bread do do Light Cake do do Jelly Cake do do FruitCake do do I'ound Cake do do Grape Pifkles do do Four Pickles of any kind do do Sweet Pickles of any kind do do and greatest variety of preserves do do Plum preserves do do grape preserves do do strawbrry preserves do do apple preserves do do melon preserves do do peach preserves do do pear preserves do do quince preserves do do tomato preserves do do plum jelly do do apple jelly - do do grape jelly do do currant jelly do do rhubarb jelly do do gooseberry jelly do Greatest variety of jellies do Best raspberry jam do do currant jam do do plum butter do do picalili do do tomato catsup do CLASS 18 Fruits and Flowers Superintendent U. Hubbard. Judge S. B. llobson. A. L. Child. Bainbridge Ilobbs. Largest and best collection of ffc'plas named 2d do do do do Largest and best collection of apples not named 2d do do do do Best seedling apple do collection of peaches do do pears do do plums do assortment of grapes, not less than 12 bunches of each variety 2d do do do CUSS 19.-FLOWER8. Superintendent J. N. Wise. f -5 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 Judges Mrs. T. Thomas. Mrs. Wm Ilobbs, Mrs. H. Ei. kenberry. Best. collection of cultivated flowers 2d do do do do collection of green-house plants and flowers, in pots, 50 varieties 2d do do do Best and most tastefully arranged pair of boQuets 12 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 Best collection of Phloxes Dip or 50 do do Roses do de Dahlias do do Verbenas do do Gladioli do do Zinia do do Astors Best Nursery Stock CLASS 20. Superintendent W. Urwin Judges John Adams, James do do do do do do do Hull, Enos Bergen Best 5 squashes do 3 pumpkins do Fall Wheat, half bushel ' do Spring do do do Oats do Barley do Rye do W'hite beans, one peck do Timothy grass seed, 1 peck do Clover do do do Yellow Corn, one bushel do White do do do Beets, one half dozen do Cabbage, six bead do Specimen bushel of Irish potatoes do Assortment of Potatoes not less than five varieties do Specimen bushel of Sweet Potatoes do Specimen busbel of onions do Six heads of celery do Assortment of beans 00 00 I 00 j 00 00 oo I 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 50 50 do Six carrots do do half bushel of turnips do do Six parsnips do do peck of tomatoes do do three watermelons do do- do niuskmelons " do do do cauliflowers do do stalks of rhubarb ' do CLASS 21. Superintendent John Shannon. Judges E. A. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Joo. John son. Mrs. D, H. Wheeler. On the third day of the Fair a Special Pre mium will be given for the Best Lady Eques- trwn $10 00 21 best 5 00 SPECIAL OFFER AND PREMIUMS. For the Eest Tes Colts is the State. W. D. Jones, of Rock Bluffs, makes the follow ing offer; Mr. Jores wil put in f 100. and enter his Stal lion "Iowa Tiger," all parties desiring to enter their horses to pay 8100 likewise, and whoever shows the best 10 colts shail have tbe whole amount of money thus deposited, as a premium This offer open to the state. Programmes will he issued and distributed on the firt day of tho Fair, giving particular in structions to Committees and other information relating to the Fair. D. H. WHEELER, Pres t C. II. Kiss, Sec'v. Marshal Joe. JoHtsos. Ass't " A. B. Taylor. l.tKK 1 CilLLEllL Nebraska City, General Agent Dep't Northwest, U no i Life i23xm aisoe: go 01 Cincinnati Ohio, J. II. PRESSON. julylodAwtf Local Agent ROCK! STONE! will furnish parties with Ftone for all building purposes at a reasonable price, at my quarries i r delivered on the cars at Louis ville station The following kind of stone can be? had on thort notice; tills, caps, perch rock ine or rod sand stone such as was used by the B. A M. R, R. in the construction of their stone work. All responsible orders, promptly filled J. T. A. HOOVER. Louisville Station, Neb. 8 9tf FARMER'S EXCHANGE. Sa Gn Hoover. L O VIS VJLLE, NEB. o 1 Keeps constantly on hand all staple articles such as Coffee Sugar, Tobacco, Molasses, u x y Goods Boots and Shoe? In fact every thing usually kept l i a Vatiety ttore, which will be aorl on small profits for Cash. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange it good and Highest Market Price given in cash for Gnip. T9- E. T- DUKE & CO ,n FOOT OF .VJV STREE1 Wholesale & Retail Deilers in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, TINWARE. ROPE. RON. STEEL MAlli AND Blacksmith Tools, Ae. Keep on hiud a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS PATENT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA, L O YA L C O OK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES, of All kinds Coal or Wood kept on band. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. CEDAR CREEK HILLS y Is id running order now. Wanted 50CCO bushels of Wheat. Satisfaction will be given to customers in grinding and sawing. loinor r.orn meal, and Lumber, will be sold Cheap for Cash. Come one. Come all, and give the Ceda Croek Mill a trial. CHRISTIAN SCHLUNTTZ FIRST HATIOiNAL BANK, OF PLATTiMOUTII NEBRASKA. BCCCESSOR to Hanna & Tootle, Clark. John Fitzgerald. frftident. John R. Clark. Cathier, c n PAttHRLE. V"te President T. W. Evan, . An't Cashier. This Bank is now open for business at then new room, corner Main and Sixth streets, and are prepared to transact a general Banking Business. Stocks, Bonds Gold, Government and Local Securities Bought and Sold. Deposits ReeoiTed and Interest allowed uu time Certificates. Drafts drawn, available United State- and in all and Cities of Europe. in any part of the the principal towns FOR THE CELEBRATED IIvJIVIAIVT SallE,. AND OF STEAMERS. Persons wishing to bring out ends mm Europe can purchase tickets from ns, t ugh to 1'lR.ttsinouth. aplSwtf Alutrncts of Title. THE NUMERICAL SYSTEM. The best in A use, i or descriptive circular", a 'dress. ACRES. BUCKMAR A CO 12tf BurliLgton, Iowa. Weeping Water, Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groc ries, in. id ware, Queensware. Boot, and Shoes, Hats, and Caps. Atrriultnral Implement of all kinds. Weir and "T X L" Cultivators. Union Corn Planters. Grandctouraiid Princeton Plows. Ac, Ac ,ai in' riii!um all of which we offer to the public at the west retail prices. All Goods Twrarraiitcl As Keprescia ted. Our constant aim will be to sell so low that it will be to thepofitive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of Cass county to make this their headquarters for trade REED. RROS. Mustang Liniment, FOft Itlitf A IV I) HE.4ST. Probably few articles have ever had m' extensive a Sale, while none have been more universally beneflcial than the cele brate J MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adult, Horses, and Doinet-tic Animal.-', are always liable to accident, and it is s-afe to say, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an emollient being neces sary, it becomes a matter ot impor tance then to secure the best. Over throe hundred livery stables in the city of New York alone are using the Mexican Mus tang Liniment, in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. i. inn. ine s-enuine is wrarned in n fine Sterl Plate enirrayinir with ". W. IW- brnok; Ckrmiit" an.l "Trta Marl; MEXICA A MUaTAXU LIXIMEXT." enirraved across the face of each wrapper. The whole bears tbe proprietor's private United States rievenue .-tatni. and not a common stamp as used by druggists. LiYOS JIASCFACTURIO t0 . 53 Park Place. N. Y. Jan. 9th. diw lw every 3rdw MAGH1N E SHOP! JThyman -5 Gurtia. Platlsmoutii, IVeb., Repairers of Steam Engines. Boilers. Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe force and Tift Pumps, steam uanget, aian V alve Governors, and all kinds of Bras Engine Fittings, furnished on short notice. ARMING MACHINERY Rerafirl oa hcrrt.E'otico. . asg STATE AGENT HALLAUAY'S PATENT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING FORCE AND FARM PUMPS, FEED KILLS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL. The Halladav Mill has stood the test for six teen years, both in the United States and Eu rope and is the only one Generally adopted by 11 Principal Rail roads and Fanner. VSend for catalogue sad price list,w A. L. STRANG, aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. DXALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND WAXzI PAPER ! ! j f ,J AH Paper Trimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary,, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by anex Tierienred Drnctrist. Remember the place, threedoors west of th lltrald office: Plattsmouth. Nebraska. PURISSIMA ET OPTIMA. This unrivalled Medicins! is warranted not to conta'n a single particle of Meteury, or aoy in jurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty years it has proved its great valne in ail diseases of the Liver. Bowls, and Kidneys 'J housands of the good and great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonderful and pecu liar power In purifying the blood, stimnla'ing the torpid 1 vcr and bowels, and imparting new lif Hnd Vigorto the whole system. Sim mons' Liver Regulator is acknowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical element , never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other rr paration vis ; a gentle Cnthartio, a wonder ful To ic. an un-exceptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective ofall itneuritie of the body Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regnrded as the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC, for Liver Complaint a "d the painful offspring thereof, tf.-wit. Dyspepoii. Constirati n. Jaundice. Bilious afa ksSick headache. Colic Depression of Spirits. Sour Stomach, Heart Burn. Ac. Ao. Regula'e the liver and prevent. CHILLS AND FEVER. Prepared only by J. n ZEILIN A CO. Druggists. Macon. Oa. Send for Circular 1 and M'Jf) Arch street. Price 1; by mail 1.5o Philadelphia Pa, For Sal. by j J BUTTERY, janlwly. Plattsmouth, Neb. HENRY. BOECK DEALER IN FURNITUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- OP ALL DBBCairtTOVS ABB AT ALL r-BICM. tfetalic Burial Cases. WOODEN COFFINS OF ALL. SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Oash. With many thanks for past patronage. Ii n Ate all to call and examine my largo st oek o niture and Coffins jan2St DOANE COLLEGE, The Preparatory Department, Rev. D. B Pcrrxr, (Recently of Yale College,) PRINCIPAL Trill open September 3d, 1872. Board and Tuition at low rates. Apply to CIIAS. LITTLE, Chairman of Trustees, Crete Neb. u To tho East North and Southeast. STATIONS. lVrHr" MAIL. Leave Plattsmoutb, 3 8 'p.m. 5..V) a. m. Arrive Bu lington 7.i 0 a-ra. " aendota 11.15 a- m. 3.23 a.m. " Chicago(C.BAQ.) 3.15 p.m. 7.00 a. m " Teoria.. " 9.00 a.m. 12 50 a. m. " Ind'plisfl.B.rf-W. 6:15 p.m. 9 25 a.m. " Cincinnati " H."0 p. m. 4.15 p.m. " Logansp't T.PAW .&5 p. m. H.20 a. sa. " Oolambas " 143 a.m. 1 89 a. a. "VThrongh Cars frwn Missouri River to Chi cago. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logansport and Colnmbns. Connections at those poisits with lines lead- in to the East Nerth and South. Ibis is the Beit. Skorteet. Qaielcnt md 7a- eft hlntte. Do not be deceived, bnt obtain Tickets via the Burlington end mssouti Uiver Railroad. A. E. TOrZ.ALIS. C K. PrRKINS. Gen'l Ticket Agent. Uen'l Supl FURNITUR E Tlion. "IV. tehryoci:, CABINET TJ1AKER Aad dealer ta all kinds ef Furniture & Chairs. i a is iTaxaT, (tbrrd deer east efP 0 Plattsmouth Neb, ar-Repairing and Varnishing neatly none. Funerals attended on the sborteot notice. CIlJEmlJP Is O TS. A 1 1 A 1 j i. srranti cnaiict; 10 ouiaiL choice builtlimr lott, at to bVLlt jjri the ccs and terms timc6. ' I am taw offering ta. eell lota ia mj addition from $Q to $60 Each, from one third to one-half dowa and the balance payable in fix, nine and twelve month, according to the talaa of the Jots, with ten per cent interest K"A discount of ten per cent will ha made for cash. This is certainly one of the flneit chances ever offered ia PlattFtnouth to parties of limited means, to fcnra piece of ground upon which to treet a home. My lots are beantifully eifnated and nearly all are covered with a fine growth of young; forebt trees. Come and look at them. No charge maie forehowing. S. DUKE. July 5th 1872. 10i2wl4wtf T H E B E S T IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST :0: For Toor Groceries Oo To 2E It. G1JTIXXA1Y1V, Curaer Third and Main Streets, Plattsmoath. :o: fkflle keeps on hand a choice and well pelectd Stock of Fancy Grooeriea. Ceffees, Teas. Sagar, Syrup. Ae.t Ae. Ae. 4Aleo a good assortment of Boots A Shoee."W :0: In Connection with the Grocery ia a Bakery & Confectionery 1 -All kinds ef Couatry Produce bought and Take noticeof the ein "EMPIRE BAKERT AND GKO (t M. ma16wtf. AGENTS WAITED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL The best books published on the Horse and the Cow. Liberal terms. Money trade rapid ly by Agents selling these books. Send lor circulars. PORTER A COATFS. Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. M. B. MURPHY, Manufacturer of 'AND DEALER IN U a Jp3riuss, Sabblts, riblcs, GOIlAltS. WHIPS. Blankets, Brushes, &c. Promptly Executed. All work Warranted -FlNE HARNESS A SPEC ALIT Y." Nov. Plattsmouth, Neb Ia, OOLiOIIITG. Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats. Cap, Boots Si Shoes, Trunks Valises & Carpet Bags, ic. Ac. One of the Oldest and most Reliable Houses in Plattsmouth. Main Street, between 4th & 5th. AgjMEMBEB THE PLACE. 3w