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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1871)
f ty a ... V cr- PLAT1 SMOUTH WEERAKSA., "THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5 1871. .The ConMKullon. While the figures so far indicate that the new Constitution is defeated by a very small majority, yet there is oo cer tainty of it. We hhall not abandon all bone until the of!t:ial count is made, which must be some time durint: the coming week. CASH t'OWTY FA I It. The indications now are that the Cas County Fair will he a success" if our wn people do anything like their duty in making it so. We have seen quite a uuuiber of men from other counties who will be on hand with stock, products, manufacture, eta, and we expect to 820 exhibited some of the finest stock in the west. Many of the animal v hich took premiums at the .State Fair will he lysre, and competition will run high. Let those who wLdi to make entries do at as early a day as posie'e, and lot no one forget that all entries must. Lc mads as cariy as the first day of the air.. Ordinance Xo. 6. Erj Herald : I am glad to see such a change in minds of the citizens in fa vor of Ordinance No. G. They are' be ginning to see that it will be better for :di to iiav the license of ten dollars, and yet a bridge built with it for .$1,4 JU, lijun to build it with city orders, draw ing interest, making it cost the tax payers nearly twice as much by the time thev arc naid. with interest I hear now but two complaints against the 1 cense. First the increased pay of the officers. To that 1 have nothing to say. I leave that with the Council, believing they will do what is right, in the matter Second, tliat it is not etiual, that the Council should have put more on the large merchants and less on the sia'l ones. Now let us see how the case stands To make it plain let us suppose two cases. First a man with ten thousand dollars assessed capital, and an fother with five hundred dollars, our taxes are about 4 per cent. Now one pays to the State, county, and citj, $150 per year and the other with $500 pays $22. 50, and while they are striving in competition with each other in busines, the Mayor and Council pass a law to license all business men for ten dollars each. Both grumble and don't like to pay it, but finally do g). Now how does the ca.-.e stand, the one with the largest capital pays $400 per year, the other $:J2.oO, now is that not near enough. Is that worse than under the old law. Let us see. Take the bar keeper for instance, one may have his bar fixed up comforta ble for his customers, and a stock of li quors to any amount; the other may not have stock to the amount of $50, still both will have to pay $200 license, lor the same business, regardless of stock. And again a drayman may have a team W.orth $400, he will not have to pay any iuorc license than the niaa with a team worth $20 or less. They have to pay the same license for the same privilege. Mi' friend Ed. Buttery can see nothing wrong. about it, but he thinks it ought to be more equal, and I don't know but ne is right, jjet us compare Lis case with Mr. Miller's, one of tur draymen. Miller has a team not worth a $100 all told, and he pays ten dollars license, while my friend Buttery has a stable filled with some of the best stock "in the country, and with buggies, carriages and all kinds of vehicles to suit, and just pays nix. Now, Mr. Editor will you please tell iue-howuiueh friend B. would have to pay, to pay equally or in pro portion to Mr. Miller's ten dollars and oblige IlAltltT Dixule. Al'R I'l'ULIC SCHOOLS. The last qualification of teachers of which I will speak is aptness. There are great differences here in persons of the same education and general abilities. Some teachers are as much confined to the text book as some lawyers are to their briefs, and some ministers to their notes. They cau ask the questions in the book and that is about al! ; they have no ability to originate new questions to draw from the circumstances around them fresh and forcible illustrations, by which the child is roused and interested. Their methods are simply a dull tedi ous plodding through books, that cannot possibly however perfect and admirable thay may be have the life and glow of the living teacher. To study under them is like driving a heavy dray-horse up bill in a drenching rain, through heavy mud in a farm wagon. While to study under one apt to teach, is like riding in a phaeton, drawn by prancing fcteeds over the rolling prairie in the bright sun light. Text books are well in their place, but they do notteach everything needed by cur children. They do not teach always in the best way.. Let our teacher teach botany, geology, ornithology and as tronomy, not with text books, but with specimens. Let the children bring them the flowers and plants, the stones and shells, that lie in their path to the hool room, and learn their structure, habits aud services ; every scholar is a text for instruction in physiology. Let the teachers give, once a week, fifteen or twenty minutes to a childern's lecture on the anatomy of tho huruan body, on physiology and the laws of health. Let the wonders of the starry heavens bo un folded to the child let the bird that flies in the air, and the beast in the field, the insect, all be a text for suggesting most important information, and for awakening the child's interested atten tion. The habit of close accurate observa tions of the utmost importance. Suceess in life largely depends upon it. This habit, a judicious teacher can form in the child very early. Let him make t e text Look simply suggestions, the in .iicaior to a practical acquaintance with syery thing around us. R- F. 11 PUT ill lmt 7 ypx Nebraska astocLhed everyone. She ex hibited 146 varieties of apples, 13 of pears, 15 of peaches, 1 of plums, 10 of grapes. No finer fruit ever grew it the same lati tude. This being the only-collection ful filling the requirements, and being worthy, was awarded the honor and pre mium offered for the Lost collodion of different species of fruit from any Siate. She donated her premium to the society so did all taking premiums; and the society passed a resolution appropriating the money received from these donations to-the purpose of procuring a si't of dies to be u-cl in striking medals, 'ihe medals are to be uid in th future to convfj the honors of the society to those entitled to such honors. That this pre mium should f,e carried cfl by Nebraska, bleak, cold and win ly Nebraska, within wl.o.-e borders, fifteen years ago, no cul tivated fruit was grown, was a groat Mirpie to nearly nil. But when we bear in mind that she i- situ:it"l in the cvnter of the great fruit I ( It of the country, h is a most perfect soil, the i vaf ion, undulation of surface so ncoe-ary to su've.-sful fiuit culture, we need not hi surprised that her honors on tbis oc casion were ju-tly earned. Vice In Ne braska, among the youngest and fairest of the sisters. Cht&tgo Tribune. WIFE, ?IiSrtr.NS, I.AItY. Who marries f r 1 ; lakes a wife ; who mariies fir fortune takes a mistress; who marries for position Jakes a lady. You are loved by your wife, rcgr.r h d by your mistress, tolerated by yiur lijdy. You have a wife for yourself, a n.i-divss for j'our house and friend, a lady for the wrld and society Your wife will agree with you, your mistress will nilo you, your lady will manage you. Your w;!'-; will take care of your household, your mistress of your house, your lady of ap pe:ir;;nccs. If you are sick your wile will nurse you, your mistress wiil visit you. your lady will inquire after your health. You take a walk with your wife a ride with jour mi-tress, and go to the party with your lady. Your wife will share your grief, jour mi- tres your money, your lady your debts. If you are dead, your wife will weep, your mistress lament, and your lauy mourning. Which will you ha The Christian. wear e ? All WES r. At a meeting of the Directors of the Union Pacific it. 11. Co., on yesterday, were present several distinguished gen tlemen from the once far famed city of Omaha, Nebra-ka, among which we are pleased to name ex-Senator Thayer, Senator Hitchcock, lr. Lowe, and the Hon. John I. Bcdick, the most promi nent lawyer in Nebra-ka. The business of these distinguished gentlemen from the far we-r, was to make an arrangement with the Unim Pacific Directory, by which the two Ne braska roads, the Northwestern and Southwestern, should have the privi lege of the use cfthe local depot grounds of the Union Pacific railroad at Omaha, and also the privilege of using the Union Pacific bridge, so as to connect and trans fer freight and passengers with the Iowa roads at Council Bluffs, where the Union Pacific and Iowa roads aro about to erect large Union transfer and passorgor depots. Mr. lledick did the talking for the Omaha delegation, and did it well, lie spoke of the certainty of the early completion of the Bridge and the im portance of the deeJ, conveying to the Union Pacific their local doiot grounds at Omaha, proviiing for the riidit fcf way through the same, and also the u-e of the Bridge to t nable the Nebraska roads to reach the terminus of the Union Pacific at Council lilufl's, a city whi:-h now ra hates all the important raihoads in the Northwest; as a condition of great importance to the railroad interests of Nebra- ka. Mr. I J. -dick asserted that unless these conditkos were accepted bv the Union Baiiro.ul Co., Omaha would withhold their deed for the local depot grounds anl also the ." i ) wlitcti tie-' i:a.l agreed to give for the locution of the bndire which saved Omaha iro:u l'ein' left off the line of the road. This prop osition from the gentleman west of the Missouri, seemed fair and .roper, buf from some cause or other was rejected by the directory, Jiostou Dtvj Al vertiscr, ,St. Ilh. BOtM'Y I.A5U. WHO ARE KNTin.ED To IT. The Commissioner of IVn-ior.s wiil soon issue instruction and new regula tions for procuring bounty land wairants through, that oliice. The following in strticiions wiil be of interest to many: The acts of Congress now in force granting bounty land entitle each of the surviving persons in the following classes to a certificate or warrant for s ich quan tity cf laud as shall make, in the w hole, with what he may have heretofore- re ceived, ;i0 acies, provided he shall have served a period of not less than fourteen days to-w it. I. Commissioned and non-commissioned oli'cers, musicians, and privates, whether of tho regulars, voluuteers, rangers, or militia, who were regular'y mustered into the of the Luit. d States in any of tho wars in which tho country has been engaged since 17V0, and prior to March u, 1.55, to-wit: 11. Commissioned and non-com mis sioned officers, seamen, ordinary seamen, flotilla men, marines, clerks, and lands men in the navy m any of said waters. III. Militia, volunteers, and itute troops of any State or territory called into any military service, and rcgu.'arly uiustered therein, and whose services have been paid bj' the United Sta'cs. IV. Wagonmasters and teamsters who have been employed under the direc tion of competent authority, in time of war; in the transportation ot military stores and supplies. V. Officers and soldier9 of the Revolu tionary war, and marines, seamen, end other persons in the naval service of the United States during that war. VI. Chaplains who served with the army in the several wars of this country. VII. Volunteers who served with the armed forces of tho United States in any of the wars mentioned, subject to mili tary orders, whether regularly mustered into the United States or not. Each of the surviving persons in the following classes are entitled to a like certificate for a like quantity of land, without regard to the length of service, prov dedhe was regularly mustered in, to-wit: I. Officers and soldiers who have been actually engaged in any battle in any of the wars in which this country has been eneaged prior to the war of the rebellion. II. Those volunteers who served at the invasion of 1'lattsburg. in Septem ber, I 4. III. The volunteers who served at the battle of King's Mountain, in ti.e revo lutionary war. IV. Those volunteers who served at the battle of Nickojack against the Con federate savages of the south. V. The volunteers who served at the attack on Lewiston, in Delaware, by the Brittish fleet, in the war of 1812. In addition to these classes, these acts also extended to all Indians who have served the United States in any of their wars prior to the war of the rebellion, the provisions of this and all the bounty land laws heretofore passed, in the same manner and to the same extent as if the said Indians had been white men. Where the service has been rendered by a substitute, he is the person entitled to the bcuctit of thtse acts, aud not his employer. In the event cf tho death of any person who, it living, would be entitled to a certificate or warrant, as aforesaid, leaving a widow, or if no widow, a minor child or children, such widow, or if no widow, such minor child or children, is entitled to a certificate or warrant lor the same quantity of land such deceased person would be entitled to receive under the provisions of said acts, if now living. A subsequent marriage will not im pair the right of any such widow to such warrant, if she be a widow at the time of her application. IVrsons within -the atro of 21 years on the 3 J day of .March, ls55, are deemed minors within thu ii.tent and meaning of said law. "(iu Unit, luuiij,- Jlcu-Vo West!" There appears to be a class of j'ouug mt-n and women in the present genera tion who, either from thei r laziness or in dig., n j i of brains, Leg ideas an I sions l'.r the regulation cf their hi'- from other people, precisely as JeCi- daiiv t ta t ho! r shoes to L-. coi .bled or their garments to oe patcaea. J. nose people are geti ra'.'y full of lofty imaginings and unrest; like Antony, they have immor tal longings in them; whereuj on they perch themselves cnniblaccntlv with foMed Lauds on the piller of discontent. and uespise men iiave the will ami common seiise to work heartily at what ever is set be lorn th.-m, whtthe-r it be to their iikoitig or not. The editor of a new.-papcr ;s u.-.uaily selected by this fenble min lc 1 gcnctalion, to bear the burden of thei. incapacity. There is not a day, pr 'bably, when he has not the private affairs of some helpless innocent placed in his hands with requests for aid, from assistance in matrimony to the loan of five dollars. The oliice of a newspaper, we had Kindly imagined, was clearly outlined first to ive the history ol its time, and afterward to do duct s'.i'-h theories or truths from it as should be of univirsal application. But a sanguine young man in search of a career has tluiereut ideas. Oar or dinary experience with such a one is that he takes us theoretically by the throat and bids us "prove our boasted philan thropy" by instantly procuring him a good situation in New York. If we suge.-t that from our suburbs to the Pacific, there is said to be a reasonable large stretch of country which would supply every willing young man on the face of the earth, with work and wages, he visits us with his lof'ry scorn and in dignation: in New York he coutinues to staive, writing us down forever as a charlatan or an ass because we would have him do otherwise. The women too, who most loudly claim indepen dence, are singularly exacting of help. In obtaining it they write letters to tbi or that join nali-t, asserting their ability to maintain themselves, savagely abus ing bim because he doubts it, and wind ing up with a request for him to furnish them a livelihood as author-, editors, or lecturers. These female Micawbers pic ture themselves and their sex as on the verge of starvation and dispair, and de mand that the editor, or the world back of him. shall turn something up insint ly. They Usually, too, indulge in a fine-ly-fiavoieJ sarcasm, which, in times gone out of date, was held out of keep ing with a woman's gentleness, especial ly when begging a favor. One fair ma tron lately, reporting herself to be by birth and intellect a lady, and al-o a philosopher, informed us that if we wcrei sincere m our interest in the advance Lieut of her sex, we woul J at onee go out an 1 find In r a place as chamfer maid or waitress in a first class New York f imlly, w ii.-io she would perK-et heiseifas a shoiih.:;: 1 reporter. The directors of the Lower Calif r:i"a Company has proposed to President Thiers to receive all the communists prisoners as colonists, and Thiers has promi-cd to lay the offer before the As-s-mlly. A sailor went to a wat.-hmaker, and, presenting a small French watch to him, 'temati'icil to know iio'.v much tlii re pair of it would come to. The watch maker, after examining it, said: kIt will I e more cxpen.-ive repairing it than the original cost." 'T don't mind that." said the tar; "I will even give you double the original cost, for 1 gave a fellow a blow on tlie head for it, and if you repair ic I will give you two." Intemperance. Dr Ulw.ird .Tarvis, the statician of the Oeneral Lire. Insur ance company has published asta'cm-nt showing the averages of d-.-a;h of'iiitini perate people, The statement contains a frightful warning to those addicted to the u-i; of intoxicating liquors. Dr. Jar vis say.-: If 1M,0-i intemperate people be taken, from fifteen to seventy years of age, and an equal number of correspond ing aso-i who are not mtemnerate, tli: trty- two oft lie former will die as mwi f 1 1.. v . is ten oi tne tatter, vjur or ivi ouii or eae.i 1, lo.t'.'j'.i of the intemperate wiil be dead before fifty years of age, but of those who are not. intemperate 4,2t'iii only wiil bo dead. From fifty years to sixty the comparative number of deaths wiil be 0,413 aud -.-ol, and from sixtv vears to seveuty they will be -lo,174 and o3,20i). The chronopher is the name of the instalment which Mipplies all Lng!:a:d with the correct time. If is in direct communication with the Greenw ieh ob servatory and with the sixteen of the principal cities of the kingdom, and pre cisely at 10 o'clock a. m., the hour is flashed not to those stations, but to every po-t cilice in the country, so that all time is regulated to the twentieth part of a second. Titr-e guns are fired every day at 1 p. in., at Newcastle mi l Shields, by batteries connected with the chrono pher, and all the prominent watchma kers in London receive tho exact second every hour Irom tha same instrument. Under such stric t regtil ii ions the uni ibruiity of time ail over the kingdom is as nearly perfect as it can be made. Mr. Lome's path is not strewn with t hornless flowers At a recent ball, 31r. Wales was immensely disgusted tha his brother-in-law should have been admit ted at the royal entrance, and gave or ders that at the ucxt ball he should be told thnt his face wasn't good there. Accordingly, w hen the "noble 3Iarkiss" presented his ticket, the door keeper told him that was played Mr Lome said he was not in the back-stair busi ness just then, and Mrs. Lome said that what was good enouah for her husoaad was ko1 enough for her, and if they didn't let him in she wouldn't go there. And she didn't go to the ball, but went home and played draw poker with her husband and John Bright. Among the difficulties whicli beset Mr. Darwiu's theory is one which re lates to the presence or absence of hair iu different races ; the bearded faces of men an l the beardless faces of women. The following, from Hood's Comic An nual for 1 8'jO, may indicate the direction which scientific research should take, if it does fail to solve the mystery: "Sur, my wif had a tomb cat that dyd. Being torture shell and a great faverit, we had bim berried in the guardian, and for the sake ofinrichment of the silo, I had the crrkis lade under the roots of a pusbcrry bush, the frute, after the cat was ber ried, the puzberries was all hairy, and more remarkabul, the catpillers of the same bush was all cfthe same hairy dc-sciipticn. :s not the remotest comer or little inlet cfthe l'lin to bl oil vessels of the bo ly that docs not lee i some wavelet irom tne jrreat convulsion produced by hearty laughter shaking th.i central man. The blood moves more lively probaLly it. chc-uah-al, tlcctric, or vital condition is di- :.neby v.. conveys u dii:'erent irn' rev-.-ion to till the organs of the body, a it vi them on that particular mistic i :ey, v.-he n man is laughing, freni what it does other tunes, laugh length And tl;n it is that a rood a u.atj's lilt; bv convey- iiilj a di--ti::ct and additional stimulus to the vital force A man in Kiist:.s was jrescnt at ths f.jiieial of a neighbor of whom no good cjuld be honestly saiJ. Bsit everybody was saying something, and this man, not wishing to appear singular, but being inCHpablj of lying eulogy, remarked that it was "'a nice, ;u:et corie. " Democrats arj i)U7z'ed. I I-Vr two years they I; I f ' . -i S I ! . I "i t'r .if., tli :ive been i:k A niendmetit es fiso su!:rj, have sj::; form ;iece ;e to the Ch uiii thev'd ( fit. Now their State plai ts the IM'teomh Amendment. ar wondering how they shall parrv the p-ke-; of the U; ni;b'i.-a:- A new side drum has been introduced in KnglaLd, o .o cf th-.-m having beiu tiered as a pri.-; at recent volunteer encampment- It is of entirely now construction, having only one head, which im-rc-ad cf being of or velum, it is made of thin steel, anl is beaten by-sticks with india-rubber tops. The advantages claimed are that the head is practically unaffected bv damp r si an es o! temperature. practic ....!,. lnde.-trui-tif'ie, and can simply than the ordinary be tuned more d turn. Mr. Medlli. of mis.-ion, has recommended a plan for t lie selection of postmasters, exc pt t:io-e for the larger cities. Of the l,t:.H postmasters he would apply the now method to at least ;J,.-GU; the obj-.-ot being two-fold first, to destroy partisan and congressional patronage, ai-djsecon l, to allow the people to ( hoose their own postma.-ters, but with' ut subjecting them and the goveinm- n. t the trou'-le, cxpen.e ai.o perplexities oi ::;g c;ec- iton :in vh :e!i mav not Pe a :thori by tl.e Constitution. That is to say, the 1 'resident shall appoint and commissi n for five yeai s, the applicant whose peti tion is r.HW nuui-.'iu'.i lv i:.dor.-cd bv the people (it form of th his po-t-ol'ieo ili. trict, the : i -titi hi and the iieee-sity d Lv tho 1'ost Oilice Department. 31 r. Medill represents that the adoption of the p'au wou'd remove the local po-t-ef'ii -c fioni the co: trol of congressional asphar.ts and partisan bummers, and enable i!;e people to free lhui:si!ves fi om olnox ous post mas ters, anl at same timo would pre vent any patty fruui moi; the enoriiious pntronage jieitaining to the l(.-t OfHee Department. The power cf removal would not bo take! away, and respou-ibility would still be secured. I do not propose that we give more time to facts and principles and loss to proce.-ses than we now do, but that we give such mental distipline as shall en able the pupils be.ter to retain the facts and principles they lerrn h' school, and also give them gnater facility for retain ing those that they sub: ciyicntly aciprre. I t ropose tliat there bo mote decided efforts to cu-tivatc tl c memory, whicli I believe n.ay bo ren'i'y done without de ttiineut to anv other wc-rk we are now doint To 1 1 : i - end, I ogge t thttt we make verv scanty u e i f formal reviews. and. iti-read. i-iuke tO-div's lesso:! is thr t! lie pnpil feel that 1 'sson t' r ny and every t nt day, than after if. is it' Is always to -e known. Jeanr This can be done by calling it up, but in irregular, and unexpected w.iys, and then attaching a heavy penalties fi.r fiilure as though it were yesterday's lesson: Int this needs to be supported by a second method, namely, a freer ibo of tho lecture system. whMi I thr:ik should be begun in the lowest gado. When tho pupil has road bis first sent ence, let the teacher lit:!: some other idea to that, and when he goes over the senti ii'-e again the next d :v, let him be required to give the teacher's addition Let him understand from t'm outset tliat he : to remember w -hat the teacher savs as a -cur-itelv h would an otand with which be had been commissioned by bis mot !i n GBCGEiilES Si PROVISION ! CAIjL at Hi & AUCTION AND Commiiision liooms :iAy SWEET, Where you can buy almost every thing eatable, including At the lowest Prices for cash. Highest price paid for Country Produce, Batter, (. hicken, tki: &e. Goods Delivered in 4!,sj City Free of Charc-3. DUKE. jylTd&wtf. J. W. SHMNOK'S FEED, SALE AND LSVERY STABLE. MAIN STREET, P(ntts7nnutht Nt b rash a . I fun i roj'ari'J to aivoiamot'itc the put:.- with Horses. arrii!g?s. Jinnies nml a No. 1 lioar. e on short uotioe atnl rivuJr.a;iie lerm. A linvk wiil run to.tiiesteambmitiatiiiinG, an-l to ail ol'tiic city tthon ucireil. January 1, lsil diwtf. JosErii sculati::: -S -v Established ix ISol. ikliS UEALElt IN BATCHES. CLOCKS JEWELR V S1EVKH AMI i'l.Al'Kli WARE. GUI.) PEXS SPCl'ACLEsi, VlUl.IN STKIXtiS AX1 KAXCY tH'OUS. Waterio". Clocksand Jewelry repairc-J aeaily nri with dispatch. v.H-Keiuoved t orroeite Tlattc Vcllfcy Ilocue SivisJtr u imy. lOwtf. AND Call TODD & Utah. Dry Goods, Groceries? Clolhlna, Notions -AND FANCY flllcihs. 831 ;tf cjjf Sfjfotlrij, Silw glutei S&hw, Stoical Instruments l Spectacels Agents for Ogans, Pianos, MeloJeens, and Sewing Machines of all Best Makers 1 4 it 4.' - is. - 1 ? iii. j Wantkd, City. County and Territorial pitce will be GREAT I WILL OiFKIl FOM SALE VS "3 TV TT I ID Monaav, ioverooer d A Large quantity of desirable la M- Addition to the City of A D J O I N I N G Those Lots are well Situated, as regards Healthful localifj. Commands some of ri Ikiver, and are convenient lor Dwellings destined to ho ono of tho Drinoireil cities touted on tho beautiful 3iiss uri Iliver, at the mouth of the Platte ltiver, with th ;j -in I s ;(' miles of navigation above and below, it stands at Nature's own date way j tho lloekv 3Iouutains; over this loute the Burlington 4 3Iissouri Kiver Ilai'road Company, have already completed some ft) miles of the best railroad, with the most level route in tho west and road wiil be finished and running to a junction with tho U. P. it. II. at Fort Kearney by next 3Iovember. It is tho ul- tt;i;ato e;e-iLU ot t .Ms rea l to reaeii tlie 1 gr::ies ; i.:v vet joui..i, ai;u in us i.oiitio. me trans continental iraiuc. wnicn 1.1 . i 17 .i (i will iu cutis'. 'p.Ktieo pour all its advantages at this point. A Bridge Over the Missouri River will be commenced hero v: Iowa, living this city tho thont delay, hoi test and ted to drain rail -.Viiys ar At terv : al i:iei iy pl'ojOi ieh prove conclusively that and r.nd than bv securing Ileal Estate CHV. of a PLATTE MO I I'll is elm -ctod by rail with Lincoln, an I the interior towns p'.diy settling section of the finest Agricultural lands in the West. It has ..-.I t .! .1 I . l 4111 I tl t.ompctitioa in Natisport it;on between Sr Loui-i. w hile three roads to Chicago tion. Millions of dollars of material could ing demands of the interior portion of the (lr.necitOii .i.n a:. i::e towns on tne river, aoovc aii i oeiow it, ana all tha main ities ea t and west. Chicago is only 2 hours di-taut, while St. Louis is hut lil. truly encouraging locality to settle in than right here iu 1 lattsmouth. Z'j&l??!: Jlairi$0iv2i, Bailance in Six &1cnihs. All letter arisWired. of inquiry, I'-iiiress . WROUGHT iROFi Canton Ohio. To tounty Com lii-.-ior.Qr. ci y nutho itie', an? other-1, no wiiui.l rc. ie-. tiui!y sulieit your c.xaJ miiia'ion ot i!.seri.tive iiauipl let, an.l lithot-'r.i-I'liy. sent to the county eierks or i-duciy com-e-.ssiner oi liiiK'rrnt eoiuitii'9 in the sji;,te of Nebraska. An l t spn ial nttu iticn i. i-a' i to itit? rouJit lri!i I'iers an. I At uoitenl.-', which can l;e mt iu i!ien per than moiic. Also the wrrat.tces lor all rm'jres luiilt ly '.his Company It. ,i ii-!i-e. Nci'iasiiii City. .'.-1).. for Ne'j-a-ka. Xorthwstorn Aii-souri and South v.'c Iviu Iowa wiil f upeiiintini I lifting up l-rMei'-i. un l uiakcconirautu lor the tame, aug iy w OiT. mm Eook Bluffs, Neb. pring Terra Commences search 21s 4. 1871- Pupils of eithi-r.-TX will receive thorough anJ y?tt'tnntic in:-truf tion here. Particular attca pai l to Primary ei-holars. School books furaisbcl free of .cost to al GOOD LOARDIXu CAN DE OLTAIXtD ixEASONASLE For terms an J part aiMr.-s l iwtt J. D. I A r SO X. PACIFIC RAILWAY OF MISSOURI Pass-enpnrs Ieavinsr St. Joe. via. Mioiiri Ya! ey Kailroatl all oV-Iock p. in. inakrr -lose and su re connections! at Kan-aj City with this popu lar road, aniviii? at St. Louis next morning at 5 o'clock. Tlii is now a tirst-class road iu every respect. Xew iron ha. been laid: new engines ana magiiinocnt sleeping and ras-.-enf.-er eoa h.-a have been added to its equipment.-. Pas.-enpers can rely on its inakmsr ii. adverti.-t d time. This is the best route from St. Joseph to it, Louis, the Sotuh and Southeast. 1 hrou;iitii-ket.- for sale at the offices of the lli-isouri Valley Railroad. tl. C. MOOHE. (lon'l Sur-t rt'js. Dorwin. C. W. A. V.'. L. Hale. i. T, A f t NEW FT'RM clicas CoocI.- eai? ha sold AT- EATON'S, GOOD: ALSO- -:o:- VTarrants, for which the bighes market bept. ah, wm. SALE OF TO THE HIGHEST BIDDEli, ON 1 LTtk property, consisting in part cf- Flattsmouth, and Several Lots, T 11.13 CITY the most Beautiful "jews on the Missou or btores. Ihe City ot I lattsmoutn is nf thp. '.nfr:il nart of tho Continent. Si- acme coast t y a near route over Letter . l.l . . - .1 il: 1. . l connecting this road with its namesake ii most direct route East. Numerous branch tho bu-inoss for many miles into this 3Iaiu no better openini tor Li olitaDl investment. and good homes in this most r.roinisiue 1 111-. ll , river and railway insures thean freiirht-to keep down exhorlitant rates in that direc bo manufactured for the raiddlv increas State, and altogether, there is no more containing a postage stamp f jr return, will be promptly SHEPPAED DUKE, Flattsmouth, Nebraska. Weepino Vater Nebraska. DEALEKS IN Dry (JooIs. tjirooerio!!, liar'l-.vare. yueeiiswnrc. iloot.-". find Shoes, Hats, ar.J Caps, Acrriouliural Implimrnts of nil kinls, Weirar "t X L." Cultivators, l.'nion Corn Plant ei iranJc-tour ami I'riiitttoii I'lows, ic Ac udint r t-iti'tn, nil of whicli weoilur to the jiutlie ut the owvgt retail pi ieti. All CSoocIn Warrsiutetl As SScpreKeialecl. 3-Oiir constant aim will be to cell so low wiil bp, tc the po-itive advantage of every in . er in the w Ftcm pud tral portion o (.'ass o-v to uakc this- their heaiiTi:arter; for trad- KEti). KKOri. j303srisrjiK S T Jl B L B S Buttery & LazenLy Proi-s. LIVERY SALE & EXGIIAFiGE fi'The be- t of U'tpp!' and Euzpies on hand.5 CorLer Vine and Fourth streets. Phelps Paine GEN'LFIAL INSURNCE ACT PLVrfS MOUTH. NECRAS KA. Itepreients noine of the mosH reliable Compat ies in ihe Unite 1 States. Office irith Eajruts i Pollock ia FilztrcraM E- -- ijaaTdisvtf tm;--. -it-ws. - TrCJ6s-iggsW3f- wmwM.maaamtwm.i SUBSCRIBE ow FOR THE I-X E K .A. IL, D ! Tllll KKST LOCAL PAPER DAILY One Year - - - $10,00 Thr tr Months One Month - - - $1,00 WEEKLY One Year -Months - - s,00 - - $1 00 Six THE HERALD is the: OXLY O.YE G1V1XG COMPLE TE A E tVS Fli 031 THE GREAT WEST B ETWEE jY PLATTSMOUTII AND FORT KEAKNKY. THE HERALD Now Offers tlie BEST ADVEII T1SEVG MEDIUM West of the MISSOURI RIVER It is real ly Farmers,. MorcIinnM Mc- cuanies, L-ontractors, Stock Dealers I.adruad Men, Uusiness Men, u u u iaei urers, uonsujiiers, AND Legal F'otice. rotice, th.t IjjiuicI v Cameron, did on the l'l l.aiy.H t.!',tmo,;r IW.lile his petition i the l'lrtnct Court id the Judicial Uistrict in and for Cass county Nebraska, asainst John .Snyder Martha li. hnyder and Calvin II. Parmeit ho lendants setting forth that the faid John Sny der and Martha It. t-nyder, pave a increase to faid Daniel " Cameron, en the west half of the s-outh east quarter and the west half ol the north east quarter ofxection Xo. 'I hirty four in Townshiol-J Xorth ot ranfe 13 Kat of oh P M. in Mil County ot C.i-. i o . i... . ' meiitsol the sum of Thirty five hundred l)i lara and interest accord ;n to a certain j.roinisory note relerred to in Baid tuortnatro. aud pray mKlhatsaid John Snyder anil Martha 11 S nyder UI"J B.iiuBuuj now ciaiiucu to deilue with in tere.-t amounting o the funi of SV'Oi), within terivt at 12 per rent from the 7lh day of Feb uary ln.l. or tha sai 1 premise mav be sold to pay the same said John .-Snyder and .Martha U C-nyder are required to answer faid petition on or before the 0th dav of Nov. 71 ,r , DAX1EL CAMEROX By Maxwell t Chahian Attya tiepulwot ...l,EBKINS ew School Eook, I ho Minif tcho," is pronounc ed the best work of its claa for "T71 V5" .fo!,0wins reasons: "Tho I"1 J .'lusic is all new and fresh; every Piece is a well-known House hold Melody t uch as, "irived Irom home," "Write ine a letter' f "Little Urown Church,' etc. It contains twieeas many Sonps us can be found in other works. s o J lour authors, and are not filled lI " up with one author's eomposi- I L ti us. l'rice 75 cents eath. or ine uiustc is selected Irom sixty fc7.5o per dozen aiuple copies mailed to 'l i-nchis r..r i' ...... ZJ-Lioeral arransements for intro Vdm;tion. Address. J. L. PETERS. Broad w y, X.Y. o J5i DEALER IS DRUGS, JHEDJClHES. Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prcf i-riptions i nrefully cuuiji.juHtlcJ by IierioiKTii llrUL-Rist. itciiioiiil ir ilio (ilm-e. thn-cilndr" vv-t ! tli ii!d ullii r; PtattMuuui h. -N i l r:iiUu. A f'- I (7il BEST Mi TH E V CRLD. -J i ITcw York Offlco 7 EIEEMAN ST. rjUTi r i KEES ! Sea rihi n si's IS u vs c t. NEBRASKA. CITY NLB. Pall of 1372. f-0.00(J Apple trees, 1 to 1 years o.d, 0 to 1.7i . each. I.'kO Pear treer", 1 to 3 years old, 10 to ' f each. 3.11'JO Cherry trees, 1 o 3 year i old, J to i- r Bach. 7"'.0." Pencil trece, 5 cent" cm li. liii..Kl Hsatfn llediro ll.nit. 1 ..".il r. m. '.)AYM llutiey Locust. i" ( per in. liviTtti cei)!' an. I (rtiamcriti.! Sli ru l.ln i v, " -lahha-', UiiHcrini; iilants in t-roat vm otly. i lips, liyaeiutliii, Crocce-es, l.illics, .Vc, n ... for fall plitneiiit'. 'IVriuii 4'umIiiiI I tie- ur'i'r . AdJrcs?, J. VV. PAP.MAIS!. X braska City, Xc. fi-Corje ai.d Eoc your Ire"- d:i o'.to) ii tiiid m- t. 1 A U i "A l'eutjy im is a Penny Earned." And if you di.-iie to As well us IVuii'ls ro to To Kuy Your WIS. 4J CIS 11 & 4 W e have boui-ht out If. II. j-,, cupy h: old , (and on Mii, i have just rc.-civ.ol i,n all.-1,.;, j cenosand P ovisions w liii h v. "t a ii i f no- ( I. u hi !- v, . .- !. :) of (. r.i -v. i;i ! vi rv ow lor eati. Ail kinds oi hen in CMDaiijjo lorKod country pi'od'o i i- 'j:i:xxi;ti pros. ap-sdlf. "Luxuries of Kodcrn Travel ' to obtain ti.e.r palro, , K J j? , 1 " " , 1 " ""! " beaoletoinMi,-. ity ."' ' " -c Jinlr tl ... . ""',"r' '1 ; fication.of a.iirs?b,;:(i '.u J-ncc;-;; - id olicrs a route to all pointy ' n- -;,' Xc'bast.iUUS'::'JU!h With Ji- 11. IL. i- ..... - v j .t i j r( h Raiir-.a 1 Vi:!!. y i:)'r '.urlinKton with tiio I! C. R A 'f . -R-. for Ka venport. .Mus-.-.l ini-. U:- ' and all ,-ointVUh unil casV'Wnn:iU- ' i. At I eoria, with the'i'., p. A- Ur 1: p f,,r Lotran-port, (.'oluwbus. Ac. ' li" 1 r WE would invito Dealers nJ the I'uh geacrallj to cj.11 cud examine our stock of S O .A. 1- S , before elsewhere. Mr. fsawi.t having hid ths tafvienr. twenty years in iiianula. turi.. u!l l.ind t HIe comment ot (ru in,- entire .-i.ti-'.i;.-. tiontoaJlwhomay Uvor us wuh lac:r j. itro-.r soap exchanged for grcie, aud delivered ir any pa of the city. Casj pail for rendered tialovr and cici grean . tSV Vt"- Kearney Wa:d. Dear hnyft. Lriil , Ncbra.-k City. Ju l'Aiiwtf. Nclraslcd City, General Agent LVp't X..rthw e-.t. Union Central Life imsuRAiyrcs go. Of Cincinnati Ohio, mm) J. II. FRESSOX. ju:vloJ"tf - T