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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1871)
2. ;.....rr; ll II III I II !' lliril til ' I I II Will Ht-t Klin l- ti.i: MAU.Y PLATTSMOUTII HESi. is rt'Bi.isaKJ ht II. P. II A Til A V A r.oiToa in ppoi-aiAT..?. THE NLaRASKA HERALD IS FVBUSRKD Wtr.KLT P.T II. 13 1IATHAWA1' Rrrron x rRoriuirroa. y r ? Cuice corner Main an'l Second utrcc'v. e&- I on l rt-.ry. TERMS: Weekly. $2.00 per annum if i-at-d in j adv.-.r.ce. S2i if not paid in .-vlvnnee. I . To tin; Memory of I'-fr Vallcry. Tin: deimb i ::. 11 v GKr.rrK joiixso.v. HU work r n earth wa done; the Master c .llcl. j Ami hale him lay his earthly joy- aside, j Ati.l don the rohe 'Vn. fittest he should wear j To pa heaven's portal j To hear wan to ohe! Well roen-Ud out. To full perfection, w.ia each earthly t-k; An 1 looking rma l upon the work of life. ll said. "It seem-" my sheaves' nrjfew and pior. And yet my Master Li-U mc to prep-ire For life immortal. "Vrs Go I d-.ih rail mc even though the j si v . j That I !" long have lahorel to r.VtVin ' ll.ive far more tan. than wheat. nirc fljwers i thn:i fruii: I!m tyc. far ii ;'. ri--crii not ?i::t 1 Ii l. 1-ut what in v:iiu I -tr'.vc t d ':lh eacer, toi!i!i hand. I'm I'll... red h.i!: imw all the earthly j.y., And irr.i. tn'. like vi.-i',u5 iti a il'cam. Are I'rdiii :iie fieeins." An.! fli In- .-li, .led Ii! ; even, an 1 weft t U-r. W ith cold hands ela fed acr.-.- hi .ulelets j hre:i--t. And weary f.-tt .it rret. he Upt the sleep ... . . t. . 1 : 1 II Jl ii'- iiu " I And whiie we mourn for him with t-.irful eyes j Wear It. It IS an Ugly iru.n. mat Ulsii Wedo fjriji t that he is c one l.i-forw. j washers, hor-c-cleaners ditch-diggers, That oierhiai are -i-rea lii.',' tairer ki...-; ! 1 r..l!.,.,.h,. .h..t.!.l r.a-eJv.; more That now. h.r h'::n ur n the other t-horo New day is hreakiiiic. Wc ,hould not m-urn . r - - , ... . 1 : riv.i iv i With h--erfulne hecaie hr joiirnoyet Ii 'Neath bluer i-kii Ue should tct call the -t il: dayl;irl-t l.idd.-ri. or e'eo mourn that it had disapiienred. And earth ha- lot a .-tar. and auK-.-ts now ltejoiee that Ueavtn elaitii- one aucel more And wi-fhoald j -y t!ra. t - a l.riphtcr liol-.c He ha.-, heen hi 1 i-n. I. ATTui rn. Sept. U'lih. IsTl. KKPMU.lf.lX VKX i the lir.-t .lace, examinations are coti The Kepubliean voters f a-County , f n hut t,jo who are rci.ue-te l to as-mbL- m the-.r van- j ,vi 1raullJt;,j aro lhe ollu-, tiiat art. ous voting preciu-fs i "J o'c'o. k j). ! jr,. ,la mti:i!aU-, whether they can Thursday Uet. oth, ;mi 1 select .h -legaf-js ; tc;(.h (.r j,, th.; sct.UI., ,,1., the to atten 1 a county eoveroi .,, to .... .o-o , at tho Court Ib.u-e in I'lattsmo-itn. l . 1 o' P. m., lUirday (ht iltr ,t.i.. ; fir the purpose of nominating candidates ; for the various county offices. 1 ! ciucts will be etiime 1 to roprcse,nM.!uu . r n. . ! as n.nws. . I i ) ai o I hittsu.tmh City ; Flattsmouih Free':: Oivapo'is '' jj'.nisvil'e South Ib'lld " Salt Cre-k (IrcenwooJ "' i'.!mv.on 1 Tipt.n Stove Creek Wcej-ing Vi'atfr F.iht Mile (iivve Mount I'le.'i-unt Avot a J,l. Waid - Cil.Tty - - - Keek h'-iiTs - - - - ' It is im, oi tnt that prDMpt a -tion be t:,!an, as the is very .-holt oid.T of tie- Itcpiib!ic.m Central tnmi: tee. I! !'. HATHAWAY, Chgirmu:). Ti5f I.I.i IXI. laiient Keliirns. ... .r. ' i f i. fe-e- lit- The Omaha 1 apers . VII. IIIUV i ........ the report that i .twnee lias inw.o ... . uguiii-t the con.-t iiution, and m die ao i . i! ii. ........!:..;.-,., . sene? oi rcr..i...i5 eoiiuau.. nou i-oniiielle 1 to so count if. This, accord ' ing to the figures report? d, wouid threw j the constitution f. Id behind, w ith 11 counties yet to hear from, which would hardly change the ie.-u!t if the above inures are coirect. Tlu Jo'lowing are the figures as now reported ns. .o.s"r. Adami eotiti'y I to., ne eotmty l'.ui t riiUlU! Ittitler eoiinty ltuthi'ii county '.is- eeon v I'. ilar county ';i vane e.mniy -. i'i i eoa'ity Oolfax i--ntity t'uiiittiinz e.iunty I 'a!. ota eount v Ii.i.-o:i eoin ty ll.xon e-a-iiiiy !odi:e eoanty llotiKlas eoiinty Fi'more county I'raTiklin eoiinty tiatre eounty ;n-e!ey county ll.-dl eoiir.ty Hamilton eounty i ar I i'i.'j n ty .leflerron e oiaty .1 ihti ou eounty !eir.,ev eounty hat-ranter .-oti.ty l.'Ki:ciiii ("oui t eoiinty !.ia.-.-il- county M l.iisoT, eoullly MerrieU eo-an'y N tanalm .--.nuty Nu.'liiilj eounty i toe county I. county I'.crrc eounty 1'latte county 1'olk county l'.ii h inl.-. a eaunty Valine e.iiinv starry county Saunders county Seward cOJIity . She rnijii Stanton eounty Thayer county Valley eon lty Washitorton do Wiiyne eoun'y AVehstcr enmity i3 s is l: - 1.17 V - ... .... ll. i ..... ! '.. '.' l-.i ."'.'. 1 'TO CTT r.-.s im ..i ') " "York county Majority apainst r. Living A good anccdo r1"" , ;T-n: 1. . .1. ...1 . 1 .N.-.. i.a. ... l 1 ... I, v ...v ... .... ......... Seminary in Prim-e E hv.nrd, one of the .-, .. xr- . . 1 i" out parishes rt lrgmiti s nt to him mr a minister. They, as usual in such cases, wanted a sch'i'.ar, a gentleman, an orator, a pastor a hue wntorin short, a per- leefmini-ter. They "had formerly given $;."iO jer annum ; but now, if thev could get such a man as they wanted, they emli :-e it to loo " The d vt..r an- rejT.v tei!i.VtW: o Jemd thcavei, for lr. llwight He was tlie onlv Mieb ...... 1.'. ." 1 l ....'! t..". k ... man he know and s Ise had been liv- iu r rood while or. sniritual food, be mi rh t r.os-ihlv !ix-f r.n timr 1-i'idr -d it il- plight pos-iuiv mc on tour hauar. 1 cji lars! a siorv A writer 011 Monkeys tells us of one ot'these female undeveloped spe ties of humanity, v. ho, having lost her nitar.t, adopted a kitten. ,. Utie tiav the Litteu scratched this affectionate baboon who much a t mished at being sct atehed immediately examined the kitten' feet, an! without tuoro ado bit olf'th? claw. ewCcn.-t-tiun VS-, " Vi 1. . V state utviitue a- of the State of Ne- 1 v.'-nto ol the I'.-nperor v ii.iam I. has s . . ...1 ........ .0 , 1 ..i ! .1 . . 1 oile..:! I, is resignation. lie !- ading K.iirUHai rood I teach eight or nine hours a day, he his tra..i Let t.-deuiaad t!ia our teacli- j rft! ,-rVi;lll armv t( spiriuiniioou. j own jgnitor, and get no thanks. Let a ! ers .-had inculcate ail tl.e virtues of an j lM v.' any hvi-er v. ilh him. 'on account te is related ttf Ir!li..v ; teacher demand and get unti-iiaily large i hotiorablv life; that thev shad set be-! of his condu't during tiie recent war in VOL. 7. StllOOl.tKlttll.VU. Mu. Kunos. 'II. l'V in Satunlary's j fistic has a good article on the wages of ( teachers, as a qualification. With jour I permission I would like to add a lit tie. ,f f )iowjIg repo, t of a sub-C0mil,it 111 1 : tee to the IMtlla delphl school UOtird Is gi". c:t by ilie Nat i'iia! Normal, and re- commends its readers to pat it in their pipe.- aiid Muoke it. A cook receives irom S:;. to $4. per week, and i.- lo'in 1, eijual to from 7. to ' . . A coachaiari receives, iroiu 5- to 3''- per week iMli fjuucl, c.uul to from $10 tj i jo Aliborer from to i'2. per week A $17. j ) per week. I A school teacher, of the lowest grade j i(- i ... ,. ., - 1 I ! I'igurcs will not he, s tne o!d adnge 1 but do they not sometimes show truth in aT, uy lhd;t ? "They Uil It M p!l!ti!y, j put it so squarely, and display it so I nakedly, that one can only grin an 1 ..... , i.i.i- 1 money for his work than the educator of I . .ri . - ..!! t .......r .lllinri.l'.li; t LIT 1J l'ir..,!! I I T:k 1 - - - more of their kitchens, horses, and door n.r..-. .a fit. .ti l irr ii. I'.iir. ami 11 i r I , yards than they do of their children-' rarents, however, are nut altogether to blame for (Vis state of things, for '"no tax is pail more cheerfully than the school tax." Waucs of leathers, like everything ! el-e depend in a great measure on the ! supply. And the supply depends on ' th? m. inner in which it is obtain-'d. I:i ex;illl;nt.rj huIj c,i;J.Jty I.titutes. (olten f.r (he (ri..rc of Ul lk;ri;r themselves : r.,,!.P I,..,,..';-;:!- ih.i ' , i j... . ,,...,. verhi-1. ! ,at a;j (i,... .,., attcn 1 one cd the-e .,:,! . , some ' Ta le, i ... . . re: fit. is the p.role.-si The result is the- r-rofo.-siou L so up ! with uii-iualified teacher.-, who-" imlv i.ret.eraiio:, is a ccitbieate which cost 4 him nothing, and which is often worth 2 nothing, except to aid in drawing pub 4 j iic money, toi,se.(Uenily they can teach o for nearly nothing. A writer i'i an edu- cutional journal says : ;; j "'Kvery stripling who has jcisscd four . i years within the wall of a college; every 4 t dissati.-Sed c! rk, whohs-" not ability to 4 ; i!nn:ir;u the lrif;I;ng concent of a co:n i, ! tiieu retail s!:-p; every yoatig farmer i wh-. obtains iu winter a hort vacation . j from the t-ji!s of .-ummer i:i short, every H I youns per.-ou who is cons.-ious of hi-iod'e-i!i;y in ether bu-ir.css, csreetas hiee ell 'idly competent to train tl e lg- i:o;a::c .ti l weakness of infancy int o all the virtu-; powi m 1 wis 3 .:lu L,f nm- I tilrcr y!:irs l, form a creature, the frail- j est and feeblest lhat heaven lias made, i - . 1 ,' 1 o , ; into lite liitetugeiit alii le liie.-'.s -over cigu of the whole unimtitfd creation, the ii.te: j.rc-ti r, lhe adorers, and almost the nlatives of Divii j Thus teachers who have spent titi.e and money to prepare themselves have toresort to seme mere luciative citii-'ov- 1 - . . . i il t.. .. -t-i'ii v:e'.i.f'.i-l A. .:! fli..e .l tueiit to obtain su:.i.ort. to i? vtiiiio tneti:.--:ves ior tnetr wrn a not value themselves nor thei thev should. j'ht.-v se.ould remember , , , ,,';.,.,.. ., able of material. The finest of all raw materia! is to he faun 1 in human I cing-', i and to work up and refine, this is the j work of v cry true teachers. Some old j logics claim that teachers do but little j woik only six hours a day and therefor ! should receive hut little." Such are the ; words of one cf Ca.-s County's would be : " "'" s" " " Only six l.otirs a MX the b-.ur- of mental ht'eor is harder on ( ' i:si itutii-n thiti lifteen h.iurs e.i'pby.-i-fil labor. '"Ibit li'.t'e to do!" Is it but l.ttie to bring up men and women wrh ' genial natur-, "good tempers, and hap- , c ,. , ,. , . . 1 py iramcs ol nutid, and at the same , I ... .1 ! t ,-,e y';e til:,t "' !'ess I'nwer'' of ; -If help and sell-reliance, and a willing- i i.e-s to employ these forces in the right 1 direction, and he should be paid aeeoi J- in Not one teacher in twenty can tain a "" I ,, . ieinoraoie conipcieiiev iioui l ie wages - ,'.!(.l . 4 ' . . .1.. 1 11 .. , ...e. nv,., .v.!.. w n'" oi'-j siio.iiu not teach tor mere pay. hut teachers are : .,.i. iti.u ...i,.., '..I., , as much like other people, that pecune t : i ... i . - ' :, i'iiii'iu'iiiii ,r : : 11 i. ii..i:i it., ,.1,.. j deuce of chaiat Their strength of; ' purtio-e could md then be s-liaken by ; J ' , ,. , , J b goted dirca ti.i s, or be made uupe bv ; examinor- Fesiiles if a tti'.eher iv- i ccive-a i i:ge saiaty ne is :-ure io receive .t - l ... , .-.i: i ti.e ueaiiv co-ei.ciaiii.iii ui ciieeiu.s ami J,.. , , .. ,., , parents, ti tne icacncrs oi i lait.-toouj n e. : i -.1-1 .. .i. . . . 11 . . " I leeetieij ?i.r a laonin, inex noui i not I have to work half as hard as they now :,-...., .... I l.-.l I . , o r-i.,.r ni- o ... I , v... .r i n:r ; - ;r. -;'r:.; 1 Vl-j, v,i:i nun. x nt- leacuer w in I. .,. , , , , woi.t ii.ia luiau j .ic.-huuii . . .una .... , , , . careludy, so that he may command the j same or higher wages the next year. The parents will co operate, because it ; M)lt.t jjin.r a,.,! th.-v want thei - 1 c ' - "-'u" , t?har.e " e rcsu.ts. Children wi:. wor l':"der. becau-e the pr.jnitees of the ! grouts aro in favor of .he te:.,dicr. Hi - 1 rectors will help iti order to keep the neorle from saving that thev were "f ol i People J10111 saying mat they were i. .1.1 I I" V away their money. 1 iy it, teacher. i 1 5"ou get remunerative pay. everything f -.J. : rr. j V. ill UL 111 )VIU 1JIUI. o I'IIV KU U UIVIU J nominal sum, and all that deprived hu- t man nature can invent will wm!; bar- I momously in opposition to your etiorts. Depraved t iuldicn, prejudiced parents. ' o.eote.i utrcctcis aoa unp:i;iciiiea ex a miners, work against a poorly paid cool teacher. A well paid teacher can urn a.l tuoep.rsoiis into mmisteru.g sc turn angel". M. ti.i, .jatntors won. 1 iioo i .111a every- 1 .1 - 1 , - .. , 1 -. . 1 , 1 r , -, ,. , . , , , tcaeh their puptls the tHMind iries ol the ! (icneral v. el mteg.-l. th? sreetal fa -Vl.l-J l.JI.) tl.t.w 1...,.!., ,...,,,-r r.i Hit If ll,,,,. ,..!. ' I .... 1, 1 , 1 r- 1111-1 , PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TIIUHSDW, SEPTEMBER "2S, 871 'tiiiKilKiPlaiixl Item In licence." Under the above heading the Oiu Jlenihl of Wednesday morning, has maha trie following, which will be appreciated by many in this section of the .State : Thr constitutional contest is over. As wo write, t lie people are cu-ting these ver dicts, and we t:ike tlie ttpporiium' to re coil a remini.-cenee of tlie tiiit whieh cam; off in Ncbra-ka City enafor Tipton and Mr Frost were ai f nounc.d to sieak thereon a certain even ing la-t week. .JuJij'j M on was ad vertised to .-peak at Urownville. 3Ies.-rs. Tipton au-l Frost had been addro-.-ing a large acmbljge in the XcLrasku L'i:y t'ourt llou-e, and had been arraigning indue M t-on with C'lisi ieraMe seveiity. Ut l'ore the last of the two speakers h id concluded, to the uiter a.-totii-hinent of b ilh, Juds;e Mason appeared in the hall, and was r.xvived with ttimtiil umi.- cheer- uz by the crowd. He shook hi- mane, smiled over his "oveted opportunity, att'I ;;) upoI)..e t! vwj; ta!ls tvvk ,hu ,.t:U!.i to respond to bis assailants. It i said that the .ludce ilul tlien and there tlre.s out, wallop, and otherwise peel and pummel our astonished l',iend-i to the great amusement of both specta ors and themselves, it was a refreshing season. Ol'K ii 1: . I H IIOOI.S. " I," in your Friday's issue, l as writ ten well. Let him continue, o sub- . ... iyi:.0rt:ir,t:e thur, thi j.ct of rublicseho,:!s. Don't be ..: i friend "D," of txhaustitig it. The teachers in cur : need a sixth qualification hiidi t ene d moraiity, l morality that sli ill tiiake it.-cif felt upcu the school. The f bject of our com mon schools is two Ibid : to train our children for good citizenship, and to train them for personal success in their life work. Now both these ctidd depend largely upon three things lt. Thought power. -I. W'ii! power. ;) I. llightly regu'a'cd emotion. Where these three things aiv- attained by any man or woman, (here is a grand development of tlie highest manhood. With one or more of these wautit or weak, the manhood is proportioiiuteiy d .varied ainl weak, (.liven thouijht jiow- "" : on . ami you have a man Icart.eU, '"T" ' ut un-ta' le. mne.i-th.e the 'i'"11 u- vagari . Civeii will pow r alone, and yen have u man bigoted, iloiinueerin-g, imtraetuhle thj slave oi twtg m his mouth, however, and mai.a- (.,,,,r. aii-hi i s:,i- v. t-es. of : nairow t-tioeits. (liven tl..ught power i ''', V nvh'U? .!'l,out hl W('!i,lf.'1 W3.v st ruction', and 'r cetv.-d" stud, ' iiiiu.i.s 1 .... t.fl ' i .m- ,:,.r: I li i-.-i.. , . i i - i i .1 . . and wid power Mm ply, and you have a mail un.-ciut I'.tou.-, cnergeuc, tearing rieht from her throne, crushing truth in the dt:.-t with iant ti i-ies mountitig the throne of self-woi.-hip, with baud alius throttling the upii-ing spirit of liberty, at) J progrc.-s, and humat.iry. (Jiven thought power, and will power, and right emotion, a trinity ol conpral f uxc-i iu the soul, and jcu have a man ol' clear an 1 l.-road comprchen-ion, ot strong an 1 lixed nurpo-e, undo! hi neli cent influence. When you have a State ii.i.ide up ul such men and women, you have a State w ho-e prosperity 1- placed raiiVeLture Now, the p'.oiiiiiieiit In.-triiUivntalitj- j f"r, lhc I'r";1-':' of thought p-wcr with the ma-.-es, is the common school ; and it is n-i less effective in creating wili power Th e cniy application the mini in study gradually strengthens ail the wiil lbic: of the soul. It i, the child lhat is left to him eif to fo'.'.-w every wayward iui,u!st: of a wayward heart thai loses all power ef a Gxcd pur pose. While the coir.ui n seliori i - thu the crcntor of thought power and wis! power it .'.houid bo the G--!d of mortd forces. We all !. utand ti'aclicr- in oar si hools who will awaken and in -truer the mind and hold th-ir pupil- to the steady work of improvement. We cannot af ford to send our children whire they will be trained to mental imbecility. Uut are we cipully anxious to guard ttico ,wr;.:.f .,,r..i : beeility, and yet is not the latter inure to be dteaded than the former Kul.dr, the j bi! .'ogi-t an-1 muv ! .1 lerer, rvei titiy hung in Nt w York. !.. W id-ier, ti e chemist, medical .rnfes.-i and tnurb r, hung twenty years ago 1 '"' ago ;.. i 15o-toii, lor the murder of Jr. I'aikiiian: , ' , ,. , ,' ! Attroti Ilurr, the inau cl very hieh ip-ta - ! ties of sfttc-iiiiP.hin -n 1 vet ii,,- I,.,.! I , ' J-,tt--ia,--,lS - '1 ,! dw" j lft a:sJ le,',auJ:h.l'c a:i 1 '! Kt.:r ol t!li,M,!' were none of them mental imbeciles. j Bat their mental development, lacking' I the moral equilibrium, made them mon I .tnr ..f iri,-t,..ln,i. .,..1 i ,-i t. ...,.! ..V. i - v,. .... o oi. v ii iii.u. mi , ,, . trl-itit r t rir.r Ii.iw .,..! . . .. . I: is i f- .....- vi . . . v .in a 1'it.s-iiii. i r i e...,,.,,i ,i.. : .. r,,.. ..r ' , i ... ! .D1,,,rtH f"00" t,lU faimtig is prepar- ...l...l. ...u..I...'.U 1,1. .. iii in-; iniuie nu on, cr cosier, or . . . Uurr. tor the career of er in As fi lends of cdueatiou, frietid- of li.i- i ,. infinity ami Jaws of mr country, wc oiiglit to awake to toe neees-ity of so- i : . . i : n . rlll'ili'' l-i -. f t in -r.-.i lml lences in our : It is iptiite as ieiportant that ,,,., i : i . t , t I our tettciit rs he :t.!e to see eleailv the i iieness tii a ne, as ir.ey i,e aiio to tcii 1 .1 jiar lif x Let us b nut,. as anxious that our tea-hers be able to 1 ' vmu ii, beauty ami tu, ob - i i- . , ,. . rt- 1 . , "gationot truth, of kindness, ol charity, of gratitude, of temperance, of revcr thing that adorns character and wins con- , , . , ... i r 1 l1 '; ' feetaranisui ; I would not even haw . i ttatfll:,liIS a,.UUJe t(l fonu 1 UUJt"l-u'lu . of a ichgious inculcation at all. Let . tnem he simply an 1 purely mora! lessons, 1 T..t nnr ehil.l.r.,, ho ...,i,f .1. . .v.. ii Tehee and esteem. 1 wcuni have no 1 Let our children be taught that thev ' n ti;irf r,u;r t.....: ... 1 . ,. , J -,.0,,., 10 ; ht them lor life's w-o-,1 in.r.te I s ..w... ...... j that. 1. F. 1 . Gartbaldi is in danger of !..-ing Lis, home-tcad at Caprera. Some time asm I :.... . ..1 u. . i:..t . . . . , 1 ,1 . 1aiian bonds. The heavy decline in j thc;r v;t!ue n n,iercij bin, unable to pay j a mortgage on his hou.-o, and his creditor ; uc nivfsieu xnai nine money tie in I threatens to have it sold at auction. A .Ufc.N' ltll llOlT ... Iti!V. A I.ivJu, - 11 11 0:1 n I'arnl.vzril Trunk ilut, tie Ikefj the klivnolt. K.-om the St. Louis Tiaie.i, Aax. Hl?t 'note to-sid several times hv an aucrv euw. I Shortly itfterwaid wh le he was eating j oread an 1 miik', a rattlesnake joined him. and wh- ti the two had tinisheiJ. h:s : siiake shi; made hi bow and l tir ; At live ears old a ran uway v. i? h I him, and maoe tor a stable, nero.-s the j entrance ef whieh was a bar. 1 he hoi reached in under the bar, and hi mothi-r s-ized him ju.-t in tio.e to save hi-iii'e. He erow upi-aetivo and stung, and was 1" .ii. 1 . .1 .iinit. II.. !.i.i o.iii J fr. i. ,i I i ot UUst. James, at the tiuu of the .ici-iileiil that left him wbh a dead hody an i a iiv iii!' head, was- a line, handsome yiiuii'.' mn. He weighed two hundred pound- i and thetc was not a .-upettluous ounce of" j lie-li on ins l: !y. One atiern.ion, when on a visit to an une'e near (jhnwood, Iowa, he was tx ttcisi.ig on a pole placed f; on, one tri-e toatioiher in th-.i back ya;.:. lie had on a p.iir of toilers t-p: ( d v.iih pwent leather. He s.vur.g down fi'oui the by hi- f ct; the ieuther : -hpp e l and lie foil. He .-uuek hi-n ck where it jo;n the shuuiders. He was !. e !. but peiieetiv con cons in- i.o-iv 1 !t as ifeetlv con cons Hi- l.o-iv f, it though sma.-hed to u jelly lie cxpt.ri- eneel a horrible fiiuhng, and win n the doetor came he told mm not to toueh htm as his body w.s broke, to pieces His neck wa- broken; mil , u 1. 1 m set in, and all tl.oitght.ts .d wa. come lo tne su.pnse ot all, :n a tew days ,,c l.e- gan to iti.-iid 1 i" wa- s'l'iri 'v iter ie moved to his . he st id reside Time li'l.ig father's hon.-i. Wle ie . I r.' :. : ill-, wit !i :V:. i Ii j :e-oivel to I'.an. t- write mouth. H aec in jili-le'd ihi he say.- to Mr. d' K. Nutting, w.ete a ti'I- rable uond neoitii. , an I :i- in ,,MM,! lie I now ti;. it:;' to j aint. :::c! h ijns by tlo ni 'an- to e. iru -mnething i- : h s -nop e t. lie has been and -lib is, tet.h.r'y cued for by his tier, who iii i ci) a poor man, hissh.jwn bun evtry kind-nc-s-. I'i: , ,,. . - , ! lis vror.-1 ne:ii!os :;re the h.e- i.ieu buzz about hi-face. Ileh .il- a lea.;, 5;whWt .",;,.,, V, ,.f .,,.,; j farter ot Iving! 1:1 - wii i wa- injured iu a imilar way, and who became a famous painter. 1 1'.o KiKtst Niialif. lhe editor of the Foit II o t:! Hetiii cioi-es even the misfortunes id m- n to eontribute to his ii:!eie.-t. Ib: say.- : In Chicago, eisl week, we met a friend wiio owed u- live dollars on an old Mih scrijitioti. 'lhe fallowing conver-atiot) to..!; place : ' (b.n.d morning, (jeuree, on the sick list to-day?'' "Vcs got the acne." "D-i vim shake?" 'Vc-, .-bake fearfully " "When do mi shake again ?" '"Can't sayi'shttke every lay: why?" ( In. titit lung in ii.-n tienla! : on.y we! thought if you .-honk bad. we'd like to stand b and see ii've.ti woiiid not shake that live dollars out of your pocket, whieh von've owed u- so long." i left i. A Fr r.cb. girl, nn'.y twelve v.'-tr-old. neatly and t.i-tefnily (Ircieb lias -cr pri-vd the 'ovt n Fa-t, r- by her skiii in the u-e of an ax She cursum! piie- up n eer j cd wo nj Jaib.-. Mark Waid, a boy about foto'teen .,.,. ... : 1 a ...... ... r ,r.. iii-trti"'cd ii i - Wlilg machine wi ja-.k Klilfe, ftotii pine is u i -. Wire tiiat make- perfect r itches. An onicrnri-ing fanner, in order fi ui p.y the maiiiet with hv-liegfs 'r;n. s h: netis along, and U ts il.etii lay in the wagn-i along 'lie way. , , . , , a whole year and vou can't advert e on i i r.t.t ,.! ,t eel h.-.r ....... , .... v ...... . A iarg-! udvcrti.-t in; t.t fi; e. ati 1 .K-e line, o: eate- t lie i:., ! :-itn ilia Iia e h-l, (ivy!. .! I II A t '..i; .,,.;.. .in.r -..,,.:, ,r r.ll,,v r, o-e , l. A ( ahfortibi p.ip.-r. nmong other wond- cr- of th .t Sta'e. !.!!- how, on a r-e- nt . .. .1- 1 . t - oec.1-1 ,ti a birniev ut his v. heat etirly in 5. morning, took it to the mill and had it cronnd. took th.' flout h .ne-, and then had bi euits baked of it for breakfast. The ehi'oriic croaker-. wh" ". hr- rr a ,f irm-il of it," when NeiTa.-ka , . , -x . . i- i fooK t;.e iiiisi i ;:k'.ih m on i-..'. 1 t.... 1.1. II..1 l : i lino, a , e : -..-g ' ill, it:g, nie i.-iiini iit;(iiie:i ! to see men it w.tikiiig " Th" f the '..'ago J'r-ii'tii: on ' r-j ',;-. ot :n th - t pr-r ";.i:-!st.'a::i. wide ot, n, .,., (ll,;v fi.,. ,h :!lt. w.,v1.. b . - a' ualle 1 . . . - , tnoveo. while tliev -at iiisat in the mn-i with their eves -!eit Imcging their old l-r f"1,;" y V"1;'" ,h'-! dit.-h b.ugs Ids beiov- i whi-ky b .?tl.. , l.,,br,. and learn lb-,to I br:.-ka is t.vihiv th.- "Ilatmer Flint tatr- o. ; ..c .1 . T . . n. A i li. ( 'ifj Ct roi Ir. Won't you take lia'f t f tilts jt or 1 ap!il" : at i a pretty .lam-ei A ). 1 inaiiK you. 1 woum prcier a oerrer- e.L- 1 h-.'i- Kliz-i l.'ttd.ed and referred th? ' y"HXi" U1:K' l" h 'r ',S,IU- . . : Tlie hiiihi -t farm in tlie wo.-'d is said 1 to he situated four mile- fp-iti Sherman .-stal Tt h feet ! '.t '1U", c1' ant ti,o,..n,m ! leet above the -ea-levej egctihle- i i ;...!,.'..., -i .... .1: , ....1 ; and grain thrive well on this farm, i.ud j two htmbed young apid-tree- have been set out as an experiment. The Kiko Indepen hut says tho ynnntr j ladies ot that p.a .-t have orc-irr.z.-d a 1 b it term Ik S i : -ty, for tin- gradual ro- 1 i''i"iori!i .K r- -tx, ior uu; gra-iuai ro- fmatiou .0 young unoi given to nnno- m.o.m. still l'-l" 1 !i .X- r.i !-!l.O-.i til ce-s.'rx still, .l.J .. s. ii'i I"'1 'Use hi r. . , -., .. 1 - olier a pure artleli; nt outtci litik or t he 11-inl "rticle- 'n du'ir -d in and b ,-. bv this meam to wean ihetn from their bad ! fcabits. Davbl f'rnLett r.r.e. iiev ib-s -idb , , ... r. " . ' di tne coinlit, ei oi a party ol ine' ar- ! ter a political ielilicati,,,, "who rr.-re so j tipsy tht neither of them could hit the ground with hij hat in three tiiugs I throwiD--. .War lih-nwood, L.wa, red lc .las srt. g lc. troui the simmer i.-rts ui ,,, ,,,m.k:.Ttu,li i"'"'' .,,i,,!-v- "10 "i ," 111 V i ' " :i '" mV."uV " ' 1 . Anderson, aged twcify-M.x. I hree I It - hn W won:; whiV ti Jetiv such ! uoitha -d in me v . t .imi 1. ..n i ,;.(rs S (l ,i(.;iv,r. 1 1.. ,i. "udtf. v ar- .it . he died Iro n liis n-.ek down I an alle 'anon The in w ( ' n-t:tiuion ..f i every eoti-i leia lo p. ace in toe Kei.ub- j-; rro-i.l t.Vnif-any wiu-it i-.i 1 It i:rad shall he - - - ' ' w.rd. ;ilis hea 1,1, -Wevc;. is u:ive, and Sl- ra-ka, we showed by a diligent com- ! ' , ' 1' i ot'u.oyT'";1 III 'u Krf en.ri! T -r , Morotis a:)-i active tnin oeiotv ttie ' tutrimt. coi.a, s m-arlv an the wiioie- j ' 1,1 -Ml u " r,i. .--- HX., i,..,,,,! r j,,:,,!,..-.! .t -.i-i -itv. s.nd ! i-twiat v. t - tiodv. wuiefi it once troverneo, ci'iiu 10 ,i,k rei..r:its cin h in i in me new 1 .m- t "" "' " ...... .. . . - . : - . he Vital. At the aJe of two, Jame." I ,itutio of Id.n.i.. wire!) is -ck.,o i- lf the present ge. rat:on -houl 1 cv,, t lZ " , w father died, and his mother .soon mar- .0d to the tv-t one in the Tiut.-d i by a eotnm.-n n. voiuti nary ilcterutiiia s ii 1 u-u n. : .m n-i i.-M!i.m uomy ..r m,re ! V'1 A '.1' .'" .i "" riedain. At the a,e of three he w,, , S. -":n,l whieh rai:i.:,l he .ho 'ion. the present Maudaid of Ushionab e than ..ur,,. with a,:,,.,, 00,,...,...-' ! Th-.i Om .h. j TrHnH'e opines that the ! ; recent article in the t'hie:igo TrUvi,ry I I bra-ka. was written bv sotnel.odv in that ! i State, and sent hither for publication as : .,.1 ;..., .. t, ,,..,;.;.,.,..', 1,.. t , r,r ihi-j t:.':. liv ni.w.. ihan i-.n. huf.".h-,.;l thou-r.t I majority. If there i anvthliu' .-tai-ier or mah voh-nt 111 mir reeommendMii.' a similar (aiu-titn!io:i to the pe-ple of Nehm-ka, we suomit that uch motives would onlv hi: di-covei cd by somebody whose interests ;ne tippo-i-d in a iro'nl t,-jt! -tirutio.i. - ft Ull f.. L Uic t'-n J i tt From the Xeh dry t h.unie.i;. : Tola! re-U il i H !!. an it Loss of, KiTe. ; ' w i r , ii i ,t U clean) !;om some I ai.uvra people . . .i r . . ',, ' w .o were in t oe city yesteruay I hat j c i - . . i . i .i i , H-rllhe u.ur.vvi:,:J passed lotouh loat precinct on Tue.- l.iv, Sep;, fit h. It shuck the lumher yard at Faimyra depot and scattered every loald, hoi-t- l nir ;ui-l wi:;r.ii:g them in the air like! buMier-. iL -ecuis ilia huit :h ie. and hotuc.- iii We I "iVj'i ( kid. noooiiy was the village tJn I in- t.r.:ii ;e, tni ee or lutir nnles ,;r fitoii the i.i.ix;e, re-ides a r Calie.v. Hi- W.fe Wilii an iniant, ai. t los tuol her, a voi v aired i.idv. Were in me lnut-e. a;.d , i,. i , .... - a Tl.c. ,, . tta" I , ,. f:-. ('...-.. -.w -oid ,( tlK. .,, .,,.,.,,. , a ,..; y .V,j d-.;n t. ail.j ca-,-,i.,,' h r hahe up xlr , voting lady of lo-day .hmi.d be ,,:(. ru i:, , to th, a.-,r to shut it; bo. ; f.3,.'1-"; !';'r -,ht' ' ,! 1 h," j.,,, then t:..- wind . augh' h-r and ..feed : virne. good h,lth ; ano ; .h Vi);,. a;v.v frot.. th- iio.-c,4.1;'' o: re !..--r eur-c and ii.o- i a": 1 i I 1 it h v dowr i a f ! at: ic "Ut 1' i . i I .c io ' rat :u I 1 ,1 e . :l . I i:'J: O -itld 1 I'i en .-nut Wh'ih' I in lie at: lid ihete e a .... rait. S j ivo e! it ,cl: 1 1 l i ie r. i of it wc: ai t iw.o i- i oili.l tit ;!:! e:.t j p'ae : - Ol, i he j ::.o ind. Iv.eiy : t!ie il air- .in i -: rati :e 1 i l i n ... e -: ; - w- i; e i i ( , c i i . i ... "HI!! ; ."I i i .lill 1 , t li.e.'.u. eao-oaiu. , , , I'iiitit i;'. d:-hi s. I .-e.itieri d- 'i'i.e b. ! stoi truii'v--. i.i.x l c!o-hiiie. i v. t ii t !; : i . Was Mattel. - 1 ! ike ise ut-. I. de,i.!i-!i-.d :r ! :,. i,r i . lf ...... v ,. ... ill' o.jK-ii - ii, eii:"- a. oiiinl. I le- ui t ia-iy h-mg iu I h" ii-.n e vva- i a i .a -ala: vv. it' ,;,, ,t,- ;. ; 1 J lr. ' I'almer fotitid a tia.-ni b'owti fioin thi- house a mile distant without being brokn; aitii iimny nilur iticul.-iit.- i ipia.'y .-ingii ar o euned, i nr we he.-e t-'t tne pa; ticui tr-. Aliothl'i' i:te. heavy ft'.telid ii.u-e ii ',ir I'r. v'ai!i'-, vvn- b; ed hodiiy IVoin it.- hum I i r :i oi and vvhiritd half around, iiitt wa- not over. Tiiere wa- r .iii vviih th : aii..i and the n adcr e::n '.v -'i itn.-igine th sulTeiings i f tho-e hfbjiless wouietl It wa- out: ot the most (li-tre-- ii.,g events 'ha' ever oc e itied in that par. of lb county. Mttiy of our ciiiz us will nmeiii! cr tiiat ; -in.i.'tii -t in. th-oigh not so io ietit, laea'e.-. or onr hi 1- and fitnber, passed over the city that same day, and all ot Lem. (joodwin's bul btiu b -aid-. Iinlie J.-i:aj :-.:5-.J J'i I::ihj. The i. cerif ihioh of five p'T.-on-', cau.-ed by c.ihig iii-o an unused coal j .-ha:', near L -1 i viite in tin- State, from J choke dautp, and ihe killing d' a'l ci I lime eo-.i nr nets nt I Yiin-yivaimi frotu i 'ne ihit.ip woiiid see ui to : ! r a dv- iO'.l O te; tiblv J.-r truer lve iieeti .os u-c'ui as well' as intcrt'-ting. Ad oid weiis lhat are kept c!o.-ely ttoy- ;,;! ;V.itioii- m to tin; ear th, ! such a- coai shaits, and not a lew o'd. I badiv ventilated e. 'lar. a.-i-io:u!afe in them eaib ' aci 1 gas, or choke ilunip. 1 in- is so .iesiitn-iive ol human hie that j a .-i tig iu bie.ath inhaled the lungs i renders the letii.i iia-f saving It is a j Ve;v tense, c .1 .i'e-s. inod umu- ga-. so j Jieuvy iint it may he porm-d from a jar j over a cat. :;nd put it out. It is the i gas formed by tiis-olviiig imii lie dust, or whiting, in in thi- W:.V -u'phmto aci. I, and i- tt-ed in making so.l.t w . :t r . .. . u l alv. near ii on ;, is known as the. Cave if 1) s. It aeiuirid this name b :eau e a eoiist int stream of this utinti.'.i,' I' toieg firth fr nn it. : i: is is c -A IH'UI -ii ii will, in'o the cave wif.'i ini- ;' " '' l''''k,; 1 punny. h r the en- .,,, - no; r c hii-her ih n I.'- kiees 1 efot-. it fi..'v- out- but ; . . , ,' H , ', -' j ! 1 I o.a-c!y. ! ,. i th -u' ,n,; e l" a ! e..i.,.,.i i.e. te i..,., .1. ...... ., 1 lio-i-tl I..I.I ie . mi vile i iini. i -j. i.i i I J wc'l and it goe- out, no poison uiivht to i I go lato it Utoil it h;l- lei 11 t hot ouglcy I : . . . i i .. ' i .: i c. . i . ... wnu.aica o. uisinitg itowti uo-ii w aivi , I by iL'i-an- of slanting hoards or a wit-l i ail No excavation of the- .-ot i is lit ! to g,, int,, tmni a eaiaie- xv 1 1 ! iiinn ireely i i in it. 'I hi- lie: has be, ., ,-, ... ,,!eoiv I" I .' .1.1 ; urgeu in ni'.'s-. co.uinns, aim i- worm me I attention of a'.i farmer.- who clean out ,1,V!r Wt, ! Fire d.titip i an litire'v diff. rent gas. It i. cai htiiet ted hvurogen. t h e same I h:it is generated from bituminous coal for lighiing cities. in mining coal hugej reservoiis of thi- ga- are fr .'ouctriy Pro- i (;,.;, ,',lti) -vi,, tlc miner's pick, at. d ter- I rible de-ti ueti m ol life ensues it ur.eov- , cred lttihts are u-ed 111 i he mtne. Mr j Ilutjiplot-y lavy an.l ! eoi go lepil, n- on the great father of the railway sv- j tern, both iiiieiitcd lamps covered with j wire gauze, for the protection 1 f mineis. ! Ilut tlie-e u .ij are a re.-kle.--, careie-s j set, and do riot like the ditn, iuip.'i'tect t light tin' safe v lamp gives. It i- iii.T.ri- ' veniett, too, to light thiir pipes by, and tiiey li e-piently knock tl.e safety wire gauze ill" the hit. tern: when th" mine owners attempt to enforce it b'-cau-e by i locking up the hg'hr. .-o the miner- can- j not have acces- to :t while in the mine. ! , - 7 V - --' 1 I hk tr. I uauk io si-a-on tor tl.i- I , dt!K rctt Iiivpk.- J fe sea.-on lor the j i fur trade in the Jled river country ha-i VU' a Tl,u "V;'1 :,,,1"!i"r of i buitalo rohes.-old will n-,t exceed in ; $24 ,,M Theie were oniy I.od) robe-: ! m-ui thi.-sea.-on. agains s'..V:i !t.-t year. j Ti( !e,t ;-. of so! an m..m.t i. , j ho codeetiot. of so mal! an atm-unt 1- 1 attrihiitotl to a scarcity of bu Haloes. 11 .l. i" I . I . s 11:1 l-:..iv .ho Indeniv; uml th I ... -3 ... - - , ' ...w il rebellion. 1 treatment p leal cone, brought Oil hv I t. : . 1. 1 -l. 1 fc.ssi.i- au.i-.iy ia'jy wim an ititpiovtu complexion In one w. ek i.ftcr rl e rr"A ing of the Chicago river by the diver'siot, f its waters into the Hi imis the deaths in J 'lnoaro have afcr-jvrl JJ9. titk. KLV1M I) 1VO.UA.V In answer to the co inudi um of tlu of .he M. tropolir tn p:e. " H've we a strong woma n ai.tot- n. : t hi- word i- n. turned Ih'ui tt.ewati :-! 1 Aim r. ran Woinai.iiuo.l . j ;jaia:y teach their girls these u u lis : ! ""i 11 oeuer to pus-es a 1 . heaitl.v iuii''- tha i a tan r w i.-r. 1 h it it is heiter to walk civet tha.i to have suiali feet in pinching, hijih Ineied boots. That it is Letter to h-.- free from h-aiuciio than to wear a chignon, and ) better to lone brains ui-id one's head i than dea l men's hair out-ide of it. I That it i- to have a heart calm and -llci-. U- than one liao.e to l.e thrown into a violent pa pitauon i j pressure of cors'is. pre-.-ure of shoe, r-'P'ri-.-sed circulation in bo' h extiemitie.- . ... . - , , . .. i and the h-.-a; ot mood lntlained ly hi s ; , . , . , " ,, , ! iooi.-t w.-iii n do not permit to burn ; r, . - - . ... r ., ,...n,...v thrown into a violent na lutauon b lhat U is bett r to have a convex Hied ofone's m-.'M thati that obtained :it a modis'e's; better to have square, plump shoiiiiier-'. ma le of good fo..d ut:d i;ve:y : e..-!Ci-e, t!i an autoin.i't n pet- i.uoi-u- e l i y a dies-niuker : la tter to h iV bright hi s ru i.Iy with lie i.ihy b!o d and i.rinht es, I oatuin v. oh inte'liireiice and health ; better that the wuhmc-s of the forehead and lhe conation of ihe cheeks the taper of the lill' Is. iili i i : 1 ... '. 1 . ' I . : 1 i- ' " ' ' ' '"""" " " 1 !' 1;"-; ;d uoo-ed nute tnan i tl!;,! li'' s,!ou.d t-e produced ly degr.i- 1.:; tiic.nv i - th- a. t-rr ir u. e e! n j 11 l:i i i-e'!c ot w -.d V'llilHII. vll : ti v . a von- w i ii ii h t i.-1'iiu-i 1'.: .. !li atei , ii'ni poi aiv ha-i m ; ,. l t a i) ;o-.i ; i,e oral illeai ton ?! an i in : : I"r e: ' I , 4 lit h mi 1 lie tail di th. ! Utiles he I a ii I : I. ill : : 1 1 - at Week ol vvom iti'tioo i ; , e . i .. ' e t : . .1 i -hiitiiahli in ic I ti li. ! w i i'i i'i i I la-r: it ma on nine: , i i i c e''0.i:e. sue tuu-t m-k her i f il " . ,r ... - . , m o nv .1 l.-iif"- i li rent loon t.'e:t !. ' , - , ' , , . i ".hill .Ii-e w ti til have !,iet! ma:-' i .. . . i i .-ie- liiii-i t.ii ii i : Jii JVtl- .i !t o' i ; nd.-pt-n h-M'dtc.-s t.i ..:i.;.. li :i in . ;,."; ro te-ruies-. ol i r. otie itg v.-aimtn in her 1 1 a 1 1 . ;!or :n ia-r ;ij - an ! chei l.s ;:eiii: -s it, hair c.i. etn; -.- in he I'u ire, Vpci inn ie herc '.e I. ate! seii -e in li i he:t 1, hy the m.-'iioi- na ture and provide bv wliiih. m -i, over, can alone le pro-iueed the .m v it- it. in. e wom.ti.h i.i.i p!i;. -i ab Ui-ii'al. ant ttiota-, that t;;e world ha ever .- en or will ever s'e again. We opei.ipg r.n Unusua Iy dtr.tctive Stock of fall antl Vv i.ittr, purcl'.astd Earlv Iirely ami l,- down We bu, frtHii first lass h uscs, invaritbly For cash, antl have all The advantrig- s of trade, And Propose to f;ive our Customers goods at Prices we Know must Please. ( oine, .nd be convinced that Our stock is complete ... An J tlie place to purchase Dry ood, otions, Hoots, Shoe, Ciroccrits, S:c., Is at ('lark &- P.ummer'3 Main Street opposite Hrooks House Plattsmouth. TO 1 ME AVOKKlNti CLASS. Ve are now prepared to furnish all class- - will, c. n t.n t ' vR'.ployaient at home, tho wtioie of the ii:ce or for the snare moinent-i llr-ines- ne.v. licht and proSitahte. I'.-rsoH.' of either sex can ea.-dy earn from li tr cents to Eve dollars per evening i 000 oi iiiuiiiiiii suoi .1) '".-""li .111:11 nuu.-; i i' a .1.. : iiuir in tut; iiu-ihi:.-?. nii'i ill! li" v.iiu iit..i ij j ! as much ut men. That all who see thi- notte j uia send Ibeir mhires-., and te.-t t!e fusiue-.-i j tor the trouble of writim? r'uil p.rtteulari x-ahl:ihl saiei-le whieh will o to eolriliiell-.-e ( work ot r!ir Vo;.y'. f VoenoooH ; one of the larei st. and hest faii ilv puhli-hed ull sent tree , r,iai;. Iluauer, it :u wan; p'-riuenaDt work. Add-c ' " t- . . t t T-v -.-. I AMaiar rtn I .1' J IH-' OIU NO. -Hi EicCiicr. h'G'iae. NOTICE ialiprfl.v ciirn. t'ri' an inn ho held ot l!i-us-o.l .!..-- .1 !,.! o- a e'ecti'in-', in t he m-i ei ai Waol-" 111 1' a-1 im-at !i t'.ty. t'ass roii'ity. e'v;!'.va. or. I'lil it'-u '-ih day id .-? li--r ! . tur the iu.-.n 1 t' t t'.m i" -tiutr in ih'' liv ! i"iiii'!Kii l eiiy ! I' aft iou'h tne ''i"i-i:i m 10 :-.-u -t ti, --!. I. i:!- In- st t'.H' i.tli.-c ol the t'.ly I'i e ;sun r of -aid I 'ii v, a ; . 11- : I . netemh "I s . . i . 1 iJ mJ.- lo l.e .ai 1 iii twetity o:ie yv-ar-1 iraio ttie time taev are iteliereil, a:id nre-tenth i rsaid ll ui ! h your ther'afier until the v i lo .iuii ant of said hoiuls r mid. I he ioi' sitiini alro he si:lj!nitted tJ sai l coti -. :U said ele.-' ion to au'h.iri.e and re ijiiire (ho Maornnd city Conned to levy un an nual tax to eiiy the interest oil -ni l Iioii.I.j. and alter the ex iialieii ut i'. yeais from th' time of ie;i vei ii:r .i:i i 1 timid ; to levy i-niuially e.n'd said hotitis are .aid nn nddit.onal tax", saili. ient to pay one lemh P rt ut said Hoa-N and lo no 1-1 y thesatee pi (lie t .-ij men! thereo'-. 'J'heir.i"s 1 ion -u uin it ted ' sa i l voter. at s iid Kleettm Willh.-. Tor hotels and Tax Yes" "i'ur llond-1 niid Tux Nl." ISai l Kiel tiou will he opened at S o'ehiek . in. and e.utinu?d opeu until 7 uil nk p. in. ol s aid ilny. Hy order of 'he City fVmtj -ii. t 'i i - ";h d iy o Seje. IsTl. M. L. WilirK. M.:or; lluss Vas tt.. Clerk. .Scji Od.V td Elcctfcn Notice. N'o'i.-e j- h. r :' f'i ."H t!..i'. an I-'leetinn :',' he held ut the n-uai id.-ec id hoi na ! ti-iiis in 1 i:it" in a ; CM r. ll-!. t - . .; . Ae- to-a-'-a. o a 1 r il..v. i a- tli .lay oi O. I.ilier. 1 -.1. tor 1 a pill (i.-se in su' iinl;) iia to t e n: . of: aid I'li.-iii.t : ro.o . . t i u to a-to tin: St. l.oiii-l Nelira-k i 'J'muk l.'o.. Kail head the l..e.i is of Mi l rci' iiri i 1'ic aiiioitui of l'i'iit'i I'll. '- .: ! !o;; sai l !..ei.N to he delivered said Itiol li-.nd l.'oaii.aay when s .id ttoa.l s!i i II Ve h.-ilt iind in vi:iiiii:ir crder iVoia t!u yau;h lin. til" l':'." touvty 1" the City ol i'l.n t.-ai nil li i ; s od .ie:-i:i.-t. and u di lmt he ated iu said 'ir ; and 1 h r on l to he i-oiiiilt'teil t a said foint y tin- lih t ay of duly 17:'. iin-l sa-d .roosition aias' oe .-n-oi'ie eu "ii or hef i-e January 1-a 1S7J: s :id ' "ii J - to run ino l. s- ttian twenty) ears nor a .re ; lem tliiriv-y. ,:r- witli ioiie:t ut S jut ( '-iif per an: in-.; sai I hotels t:n i i'.iire-l to '.e pa ulile at i o!:i of i!ie I "'oiin. y i n us- onr ot la s .oe.y, : lollop.-: I iru- lentli ot I in.'i is ; i !.' ti ' . i:t t '.vi.-iity- ooe s iroin he l:me tiiey ar- itc'ivered and oai- ti otli of .i I lion U ea" '. rt lereat'ter ur.iil tha whole Ul:t ot's. d '. i (Ji -jr.- pal 1. 1 he pr.e.1 .-e i. w iil a so he suhitiit 'ed to said oil's at s ai i e c -ti Ml .o 'lUthofi.'S and ri-.tlire tlse -ai 1 oua; i oraail-a in is t levy a i itn :i :;:! I -x ! p iv th i-iiere-t on sc. id don I-: and :. Iter t - ex j. ra'ion (' Jo j (. li .e'l .he t i me i. .i. 1: t : i. j. s. ia 1 1. oi is. t . i.-vy :iii:.:i:i!!y oi t lo ir p i;. ol said p-' e -iaet until said l ond- .'lie paid, an tiddti i-)! .i I I a x siitheient to pay on ten-'i nut ol '.-a:.! i in i aa I ta a:.;d. ia.- siinc ! :::e pa vna lit lll.-1'i of. 'flit, 'j 1 1 . 1 1 -a -u' "oi t -1 to --ltd " I'-i a t i 'a -l ' ion shall lie. ' 1 .r It.ead? an 1 Tax, Yes ' ' ' for I'm! s ii ml TV x", Nn.'' S lid eli i l ion -It :li he open d at S o'eloet; . M. aeii nuc oje a utnii 'i o'clock 1". !. of the so 1 .lay. I'.y nr.l -t n'llii' i! ar l of C n'.ntv Coiit-.nissioa -er-. i Ii .- !. -!..y ..! st pi.-ial.i-! . 1-71. J. li. M'.'t tvK IV.-. i'. -a do Co. C in Is aac 1'hI.i.a i:n. Clelk. IJv .1 M Li'ini-i.v, ! 1 1 my Clerk. Sept C d and w t d. Elcclicn Notice. N OTICE i- hf rehy given that in rilc-tinn w 11 li- hei. I at til' usual place m lioldin Id.i: to.n in Koei; i;lu!-i I ri - ite t. Ca eon m . . o .-! a. on 1-rnl iy. i he I"; h d iy oi I ii lol.i r. is7 . i i l!i-' ; op so of saihinitt tor to li e h-cal :-' said jireeinef th- prop..-it ion lo .s-ne to the St h ui'iii d Ntiaasha liaiii!. Kail ;,, d ( i in ."lny , Ilie howls et s"aid piceiin t o lhe r.uiotnit of tuiiey ihoo-ind d .'lais; said I. :..!- to he delivi r.'d to s iid it i;!. i Coiupa i:y wh-'ii s.i -1 re.. 1-lia.I l-e an I -a runni'ii; 1" 1. r. troia !i:e- ntth l.i H':i eounty, a.-fir a- 1 'ic tow n o 1 Ko.-k loi.ti's ,n - :i 1 J-: e: i-t t.-nel : ! ;..; .1 h- !oe-e. i i. -ai t town. aid r .ad to in- eotnpie-' , n aoj.l p . in t '.y the 11 1 i ay of Jaiy 1-7-1 'I his ploposal o-l to he lleeepted l'V tlicl- t nay .latt'ia yl-7'. Said hote!-to run no I e - t han I at -nt y n r more tlian ti.i ty ea- v. i h M'.r.u il in rr-.-'t at S pt r eetit per :i:::.ii:a. Stipl I !..i and iatei's.i to I,., i ayal.a a: the ollo-i: of I ! e t '..ll ty Ti ca-in-f r i.l eou'e y. v foil m s; !;e- lentil .. . i. to l.e paid ia tuoiity ei: e a. s .' ial'e'li .'ley il.-livercd ar.l o-ie t- teh o1 s. id ir'ti-lseaeh )'--ii-- Oicr. :if!i r un- il t !i wind" ion tint ot a i.l In -a Is a re pai '.. The proj oOto-n wi 1 l.e -n Inn 1 1 ted to sa ii vott r- at said ei- i-ti-et to .in u- i ie and re. -aire tin-said t'o n ty !' in i-siom-r-of sai l coimty to levy an .intuial t:. on the proper y of y.-n-l pre-itiet t i ji.-iy th- iiif."e-l 'il sat i li o, I- . and afo-r t !" e t i-:it ' ion i t 'tweiit v je trs- from tlie I mie .f ii' i o e;iu.' s oi oc rei s lo !e.y atuoeil-j nn i i ! st; ! i on ! ire i d :, t a id it j.i.a I tax on sa'd properly, miti-i-nt to pay em: tetitii pirt ot . .ihi ho-i -s i d to a; p-y 'he same t i the pay ment thereef. 'fli- '.lie -'"a o'.o'.ii! d to si: 1 v. t : s at s:t i I lleelio.l will!, " or !., .i-aitd Ta.c, Yes." "I . l- l;,.i.os and Tax. ..." ?ui-l cl- ( t e ti v. id to' opened at o'eloid: a m. and centiutie o en uuiil o o'clock in th alter, r.ron et' -ni i ''ay. liv order of the hor.rl of eountv Coiinnissioa er liii- 'eii tv of ;(. oi oer. 1-71. J. U MOOHi;. Pre t lioari ol Ci. Com. ISAAC I'MhLAKD. Clerk. Ly J. "luta'-a.Kv, Uejai.y. ttc pt. i) d and w t d. Elocticn Notice. "V" CtTlCK : herehy eilen that an election wit! r'! ai'i.i in ifie usual i I oo ei Ii .liinc i-iee- tions in hiher.v l'rei iat-t. (.'ass eoutiiv. Nelira-" k. on I'd eliiy the ittii lav o: ' l.-lolier is," . tor the utrr"i c ol'.-ti ;!ni!t inn tho lesral vot. r cf n:i i I'recitu-t a j ropesii ion to issue to tlie St. I.oais. nod Net.. Trunk liaiiroad Cu:i:p:;iiy the hoi.d.- ol said PrceiiicT (o it, . ;,ia unt ot ten tiioits i. l d il ii-. Said hotels ti he lielivercl I to. s.iid lla'.Iioa i Cotiip:.i;y v. ;i"-,i s..,d r -a I shall i I e i ailt aad in r nni; ! ooe-r. from ihe -'.tiili I line orCas. county to ;!ie no, :h par-o: LV-j rty ! I'ti-i-i et. and u depot i- tted i,i a con -e-i nie'.if plaee in said IVeeitiet. .-aid l iil to In I eolnpieO; I lo .-' i ! poi ii i by h c l h i! iy o t Juiy I lS7:i. and til's leeposi-jon to he rc-et p ed hv Jan. 1st 1-.. S-aid Uond.- lo i tin not li s- tlian twenty yems nor tte re tiiiiii thir y ::rs. niili iitit-u d iiite,c-tai Hoi-rceit er annum Said 1-ei. is ;.t,i in ercst to he p .id at the ii'TI;-" o: thj Cot n.v 'fre.. -urer o Ca-s county, us tofowsi t 'n teiiih ofs: id Jhe.i is io he p o i iu tvvcoty oue j ears troiu the t .mo ihev are da:i ered. and , one ten; ii ol .-aid I, mi Is en. li v..;ir ihervafter j until .hew ele atie net f said jioii - nr.-paid. Tint proposition will a!-o he s'llaniited to s:ij. vo lers at said i-lt et ion to act ra .fi." aiel t e.a.ire . th.-siiid ('ounty Coinmi i: u rs of said eounty to le y annuaal tax on tliept-.o-e ty in said pre I t-i i t to pay tt:e i:eer,-t 0:1 sai l l.omN an I a t:r j iheexpiiatioii i f nv. niy c.i.-s from t!..- tit le ol t drlivei ii-x s 1 d i, n,l... to levy annually .in!:! I 'bs M'id I on is are p iid a" a l iili.mal tax suf- fe-i.-n: to pi.y ot;e o-nl !i . : rt ol el ti..nds, and ! up' ly the -i.aie to tii- p.:y; liie-'of. I I lie i,iu t on s..i,init i d to s.u.l 01 e i"s .;t ai l I fl ti".i .-!ri,l I..-: "ter anx iai. Yes." I l-o- li. !! i- arei lax. SaiJ eh-etio.-i shaii l.e openr-d at H o' lo k A ! ,j.;"uj -,,'-;t"oiei.i-ii liati' liovioek e. i. . said lty order of the It. .ar t of Coun'y Ci:!r::i:i. .ion crs 'iiis ." h 1i.1v , f pt eiiiher 1 - , 1. J. 11. MO'JiU:, Pr-JM . of iJo-ir.I Co. Coat. Is e I'uli AKI. I l-'tk. l!yJ. M. CAi; Ie.uty Clerk. Sept. 6 J A vr I ij. 1 AGENTS WANTKD FOR 1 MM NEV hook hy James I'art' ti. A les-fory o I ill , v, in v. nt .oe.-. u i.--e . vet a.'-., mei ccL t - v -j i em.-, s h.v, iti how udm-r.i le a'-'i n , 1,0'o.e I e!i::,'.i, t-T, iat nutty, an t -.uhlie .(d p, have I c.'iitnhuted to the a Jviiiceit t nt of li e w rid I Finely iilus: r.ited , iaien- ly httesriu-i. I j very iasiru-nvu. A ciiaiit-" for jo:-nti. : end for eircithos', iu:d oete extra te'iii' ) M. A. PA11KI.K .v Pntii her-, j loo ia i;.-'..i St , Chi - ao. III 1 '. S. T.a !y Airei.tM T,'.:i.ti:d to sc il t!i.. ercat : i?l work on the th: ctl.-jia.-t eer pulii.-hed. ' WOMAN AS A YVTJr'i; AND MUTIIEK. li--Py-! U f!i iv -(.. ;.l T). A wio-h i l-l ice I iu 1 very 1 ht'ii.y. -ave tl,.; jives' tl.ous o.ds ot .YiotM , . and ci Irca if.ry. ) u want to :101k" li.oocy. nt: I do r I. s- 11. 1 a mice lur nor circular and teriu.-, m-aied fite. Anjr o.j -x' t isterr.s Buiit aiici ock Work Done. ' ' J Ml E,a. 1 to ts kceontraet I for building Ci.-tv.riis audi urinshiiut ail m- ee-sary material, also to do any and ail kind.- 01 s itoes worn Ly co-tracl, ami I arrusu all uiater- ; iai.- lur sauie. I I bavo te-.v a;-r3-of eh ,icfi nd f rresi ence ti je?lru htAsLtl -0S":ee rrnvr Main ii'i! r. 1 fd-iry" ICrtMS: I.iIIj ?: l.O' .-r a i-er tmijifh. l 7"ii ?.i.r. on r.KN'r. Tlie fii-a; rrtv h: doiiiriiijj t" T1. ' ir I'.i'-t: yiid - r r-i'fi"l "H iva-rai'V O rin?. l'h o .it.: : 1 1 - ii r -nr:;. 'J'li!" Is , ! .. a h-ive street: i ta' e rti : i a 'ti-it.' iie ot ! rn -iii's l,ii::i!-.r iir I l'ii.ti -tnoulh. . J. W. It .1 V I.I 1 ', ?l. I rnvsiri.w a.M) st:.;::')N'.--!:.u' -. f.-on-ii! t'hirl ef ti.'- Army of t'ne pot.n riat;mouth. .i I'.a. Ulliee::' P oonV I rUK- S;.re Xi ..ia street, o labile 1 '! . riuniii'.eis. l'l ivale re.-idi le-e em ner ol Io. . Iir. .1. H . THi).TIt. Having periiiiinen'.l located nt Vi'ei . ter falls, ti rid rs hi-" iire'c-'-ional .-er ices -Cititens oi t'a.- onntj , Nehru.'ltr ia': ?i E A I IS r. I". 1 l .iM rv.M I o; t hi-a-... l.a hi"fn11 "toi'k of Hie I t-inediM ' Sehil Iktn hi. wko will keer ,i!u!t duj rd' stuut'y en Iiand. jnlyJiJ Jui j. e. f. :. r. u - iov & ivijr.r.:.! it, TTr.xr.v.-5 r h.wv.-s'eociiii nt- I civ.'ii to , ):.- i.,..;oe-s :itl 1 land t'tie t'll'oe in tl.e Ma-Plati.ssa.-uth. Ncl-r-e i:io. k. Mi... i ,. Mi V.W l.-.l.. s' . i ATTOUNCYS AT LAW and S.diei .. t'oHicry. I'laitMiiouth, Nebraska. O Pit.- Gerald's itlnek. : t. a. si.c..".'ari:. j. s. - ATTCI'.NKY AT LAW n-.d Solicitor i- '. rry, A O'Ul.-i for hailru.t .1 i,:ii is i'lat; Nciiraska. oko. s. s vi rn. ;ro. K. : - - 4.7X1 aTEi v I ICIlli I A te.rncj s at l.a r.', and li.-nei al Collei tito.' . Will i rai li-e in all court-oi lli"" a tern Imva. I'li e io ei l.'l irk .V l' opoosil e the ltreo!.- Mouse. Si. F,. fAfiI)15, J.'iiral Iu-airain'e it,:cnt. an 1 N'ot.i'.v 1 file, fire mil .Marine l our. in. -e, a: i a hie r ties- in the lii.-t -nh-o .1 a' ial 'on he I 'iiitial S nt.. I Mhee !i out royni i . . Ulii.o- vxiil, T M Mar.fielt. I'lattsiuotith. Nehia-Ua. April .".til. ti r. n . wl'U f.Klt. I . H. HI 15. 12 V5Bg.e,5, r? ,., r.e.'il I".-tatc end Tax l'a)iuK AKUiit.-i, N l'i:l, l-e, Kire and l.ile lusur.uicu Auents, : moult.. Nel.ta: kit, ' ?) " c r PKNTinis ii .i.di:i:-.--Are ... 'od-iwork in jo.i.l stvle, ml sieo t 1 1 e, 1 1 a-. heap ll-" t he cliea p. .-1 . Sim;-, ci . M'-inHi.,l c-reet-'. u . TV. E.. 1 ft UVJZ, ca:;i'!":,ti:k an: .toix::;:. v.: ' 'Is in hi ll ti" ii: -hio't iioia and 'me '). Colli ri" . .,r ..iiii:i, i::a !e on r- H' l'i. Si;..; oae I. lock sciltli ol I if .o.i-ie. ju' II I'I. ITTS.-taOi'TII .1)1 .!.. C. 11 1'TSIMo Thoorii-tor. M-ivinct rr.ceutiv I..-- repaired and phn 1 in tli nuiiiii ruonii: r fi 1 M.iKin I ir, -1. , is o! S heat 1 iiiitueii.-i fir w d. ie!i th i ii-l.i .-1 in i I ili.-St'. t price will In I i:i-' brooks irousK; .H:il N 1 lTZ'ii.h.M.!) !'i .. l ait: Str.-i t, !!et v.iet, IPG Paine GtiNLR-M. INSinNOE AG' I H--i Ti-seiiis woir.e of the :a e 1 ic" in ihe I'iok-I .-'tfli.-e it!-, h'ar.'ie' .V I' dio. ;, liloek l il. 00 . i .1 1 . 1 v THE U,NQ1N l?iSURAHCE CCKPA ;v, Nortliwet Cornoi- Third end (V Avenue-, Cincintiafi, Ohio. Amoiintlnsii c-cf, $G..GOQ5 . .... s re-" nt rx r z ss -.- ru cc -,, John M Phillip-, l'..,Ch.r. Jno. V. I'. Fe -k. IV. -!',. x.f N. V. lir.iri.--. ,.'. i:. P. Marshall. ,hi',.',i, '..., Jofcu Davis. M. P.. V. m.JJ. Pavi-, .' J.' J I'.ll .V'O.1 1 11 Ti. r. w is ts--(K-'s-cia wo t U.S. .'nil. I I). Cor. .-'ee. ' .'. i"ty. iia-hin iti. .o '., l.arkin. Vt'rijrht Si Co 1., . , te i 11 na I i. .V. i , JJ'iri i. See .-t ry I'nion Cel. In-ur-.tiee Coinoaii"'. .oi.t t I,,- tttirrr. hat kin, tVl :;riit .v kers. Ciiu inna: i . rr '.;. hr.ikin, ,.'r'lritt A ' . kor. Cin innali. .oi h'tn. M li. No".'.; Kin! -fe.-t 11 lV,i ; line-, .1 I). No 'ii i i-.liu .;re. :. 1 J.ih 11 '. ' -' .-. e-l'r - i.iei t 1.; ! Central Lite In-'irat'.-e Co. l'h 'tV,j,H llrv'i, -., ilaiitil on, ' 'ii:o .,-. W, ;;..,.,. Alt .. toy :.' Jo.w, ':,;.., aarpi. il ,ne tl! 0.1, I ll io l:r .1 I. (''i'i in!, Ciaen, n il i, Hiiio .Mi 11 .V I'li, I l-i-.-iuei.t ol Central s"r.iriee ('..iiip-.:.y !.' 1' Chit ite, tiiii Agi nt Per Xehra-'i- ; -.' II I'lif ssoN. Local Ai-nt It II LiViM.sTov, Meii.ii! r:ina.u" Sept.lfd.VW tf Attention Yoiinfj Aincn: . cttnz r.e-ordit.sf to t !i wis ho Ufa.:-., t l oc r A r... r i'i. a : ii.e.v i i:i.'i,-- v eonelade j to ;. iir it ynioi- AtieTi-i, lie iti.!i-s ol 'J and 57 years, luour hriia crei-.;.-. L0U13CAEJ!r7, 1st Tu.T.':tf AN1 JULIUS HEYfJIEHf. IstTii: '.V ill ji vs Ci f r-i l.-'.' .ii in Tarn r 1 tj : :. 01 ."'.io-el.. y I l.e '.!. id Si-M-tuhi r nt ' ' a., at Tiiini r .i-t All t oe 1 . who i -.:ei...;le " i ! rail -ti ..-,. I :, , : ;. a i'a ir-: iv c.e.'.iiof ;hc..s p- ... o clock, at 'l':.,-:i'-r iltli. le !,a vj fe. .r I.' . rolled. ier..ii-'.',:-ii p:-r in..n::iin adv . lltr tlertis'i 1 v. i -e t viT eeti. fa id. 1 i.-cn. f,. . Lot is i;.w.o;t, 1 o Tin n v.ii drs. mi s ilKVNiKR, 1st Turn ; e; '-' In R' Crclcr. I desire t" u a 1:0 : u to ii,e ptit.i.e :!. 1 T have n:y in ;,i i a li:,.. Iu hine V ".U r V i.eel m nel ep. ;.l a 11. ailrr-tt'c l a.y laid tiif iil-..l I ..a: 1,0 mis (1 to do '-et :cr Py iyy ".io.r.e" T J 1 J