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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1854)
gcirultnral. 'l!r. Ilmt by the plow wnn'.il Ilrfo'rir, must either hold m 1'ir.vp, iri e."' "ni HC:is2. A chapter on horses is not un acceptable reading even to such portions of the coinni'inity ;is lui no relish for sports of the turf, and the Albany Knickerboc ker is paper to make the most of such a subject. It wtts not pleased with the failure of a Horse Fair held lately on Long Island, and thinks something must be done to redeem the reputation of the State. It sa)s: "The State of New York has pome of the linest horses in the world. In the way of trotters xvc can defy the unierse. We can get up a show of horses that will do credit to the Republic, and what we can do we should do. Down Kast horse shows are 'all the rage.' In Vermont the horse i cultivated with as much prid profit. The Morgan horse of that State for 'all kinds of work' lias no equal any where. 'I he horse is such a glorious, such a beautiful animal that, in spite of railroads and locomotives, Jie will ever occupy a position ve ry near every good man's heart The horse family boast of a very great variety. Demurest gives us a list of over twenty dillercnt fam alies. We shall refer to a few of the principal. The w ill horse of Tartary are smaller than the do mestic. Their hair, particularly in winter, is v ery thick, and gon nrally of a mouse color. Their heads are larger, in proportion ,to their bodies, than tame horses, and their foreheads remarkabiv arcjied. These horses are verv watchful of their common safety. Whilst a troop is feeding one of their number is placed on some emhence as a sentinel. When danger of any kind approaches he warns his companions by neighing, and they all betake themselves to flight. The Calmucks take them by riding among them on very . fleet tame horses, or destroy them by arrows. The most esteemed horses are the rabian. They are seldom more than fourteen or fif teen and a half hands high, more inclined to be lean than fat: thev rise higher from the ground than other blood horses and much more quickly. "ine Dreeu in Arabia is never crossed as in other countries, but preserved unmixed with the ut most solicitude. They prefer the marc, as being more capable of bearing hunger, thirst, and fati gue; and these must neither bite nor kick, or they are deemed vie : i i . iuus; inaeeci, u is no uncommon thing to see children play andfon die about the mare and her foal without fear or injury. Madden says when an Arab sello his mare he rarely sells all his property in her; he generally reserves the sec ond or third foal. The genealo gy ol a lull-blooded Arabian horse must be proved in Mecca, for one race only is valued, which is that of Mahommed's favorite mare. Madden affirms that is so difficult to get a thorough bred Arabian marc to send out of the country, that he doubts if any ever go to Europe ; those uscually sent a3 such being Dongola mares, which are very inferior, being worth only from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty dollars, whilst an Arabian is worth from one thousand to five hundred to two thousand dollars.. TJia Ara bians keep their horses picketed by the fore-legs. They never lie down, flight or day, being always kept standing. L'ven after a long journey they are onely suliered to give a tumble or two on the sand and then made to rise. The Per Man hoises are much esteemed, but not equal to the Aaabian. We will speak of tin's matter again. In the im-ao time we would say to our fast men, take meauies or an exhibition that will scne to thow the world tthat it can do, when it tries.'"' (J5j"One of our exchange pa pers has a long and able article on the high price of potatoes, in which it is stated that the price must fall far below the present rates cj their is an abundent rropthis season, and the rot has L".'t 111 t'te '? ofll' tcd fhcrn. ,li u s i n t $ s 5 i t f ( l o r 5 . r. I. 1 0"TT ' 1 Iv. w. :nk. . n i. : i r. KM MM' Sc. (.!U 'm!c; in Dry G "U. 1 lord ware, ) u ire, S'nnew ire, ' I !-, I'.v.ts 4l Shoes, II. ils .V (V -,'in I Reply Made C! nii-.g. Li x-nst T-(. Glenw ond, low a. n'.-lv " sAitrv c r.N'ci.Tsn. Whol'-isle and nf ntl Merchtvi's. dealers in I" ;ri and In 'l:n Ciods, Groceries. )iy i! inKt are. Hooks ami S. atiopet v. !'" it-. Sh lllta and Cap, ami every va:i"v of I'm;'", fond, on t'tr west siilo i t 111': Public Sonne. Glenw tod. Towi. aiglll-iv Nn'KoLtis ;&"(:()., Who'esnl and. Retail Merchants, corner nf r,nc i atiil Cooliace tre?1s. keeps constnnllv vi hind R large assortment of Groceries. Dry floods. Hard .t are, ami Crockery. Glcnwond. Iowa, trig Hl-1v" At'ornrv and Counsellor at Law, ami Solicit or in Cha'iiccrv. will practice in the sixth an seventh .Imlii'iiil District?. Iowa. Will prompt ly attend to nil professional business entrusted 'o his rnr. Oilier corner of Conlige and Lynn greets, Glenwood, Iowa. ug31-lv . wm. stki:kt, riivician and Surppon. liaviiijf pi'rmancnt'v lont'cd in C.lcnwood, M ils ro,, Iowa, will n, attcnil to all calls in liij yrofi-ssion. Oliicp on Locust ktrwt, one dour noilli of Whitps tor. autf 3I-ly I). It. SOLOMON, A'tnrr.rv at Law. (Jlenwoi'il. Mill Co. 1ow . Prnctiop 'in tiioOirt nf t'n'iitn ai d 7th J i d:cial Disiricn. anJ tlip S lpremc (.ourl of low a May J I. I"j4. n:i.i-ly. WILLIAM t'OHMKLl). Attorncv and ior at Law , (ilcnwood, Iowa. ' 21-y. Attorney 'i I Conii,1li'r at Liw, on tli noith lidp of Locu.'t jtrift, (ilcnwoo.l, low a. an 31-tf .MK.DICAL NOTICK. Doctor Jainp Dniip'iai.. wouid rupcctfully ir.f.irm the citi.fns of dlcnwood, Millii Co., Iowa, that he lias permanently located in Una place. a;id tenders liis Professional service, in all of its various branches, to the citizens and vicin'tv. Havine attended a full Conie of Medical Lecture', i:i connection with the St Louis Hospital, flatters himself competent to render general satisfaction to those who may fa-o' htm with their patronaire. V" l lllice nt the Drug Siorp. i.i KNwoori, Mii.i Co., Iuwa. Doc 22, l.j;j. n:t'J-lv. ST. LOUIS. koiu:rt s. ca in Wooden, Willow, ami Cedar Ware, .No. T1, S coml t., p)putitf Muriroe House, SI. Louis, Mo. . VM..IISOP &. SONS. Sheffield, steel w arehouse, nuinlier -13, Main "treet, St. Jyouis. "Mjttapan Iron Company.' Holon. maiiiii:icturers of iiiachini-ts tools, lnjt cutlinir and drilling machines, lathes. .c. 1'iles, edtre tools, k.c, i.c, Dialiuf jctured nt Weiitw orth Works, bhtllicld, imported to order. II. UAKl-.WKLL, apr 12-ly .V;i;st. TIL MAN. IKJZU'.it, & CZ Sucessors to Berthold 4l Kroili-rs, wholesale ilealers in Groceries, Teas. Wines arid Liquors; Commission and Forwarding M.u chants, lux North Second street, St. Louis, Mo. Cmarli s Tillman, m. Kl-llage. Kkho. Uo.ikh, Jr. Am f.dkb I1k.rthold. apr 12-ly' Mississippi rouNDitv, Gatev, McCune V (,'o , hetween Morgan and (ireen streets, on Main and Second streets, St. Louis, Mo ; 1Iui11..ts of Sleim Knines. Boilers and eery description of Mill oiachmei-y. apr 1 i-firn WM. JKSSOP It SON'S, Sheffield steel warehouse, 213 Main, corner of Morgan street, St. Louis. Steel of all ile. script. oiis in store, or imported to order, on the best terms, li-omj II. ULAE.K W ELL, A-,'"t. J. F. COMSTOCK.& CO., V'hole-ale and ret.iil dealer in Jloots and Shoes, of all kind, No. 152 Main street, St. Louis, Mo. tprl2-ly W. RANSOM & CO. "A ranufactnrers of Corrta Tin uml Siiei.t xl L irom wokK, such asCopper Pipes lor Steam Ent' and Distilleries. Hreechintr and Chimneys. Soda Generators and Foiiniains, Bre wing an 1 all kinds of Copper Kit les, Well and Cistern Pumpsand every other article in their line of Business, they also maiiuXactuie and keep constantly on hand the St. Louis premium looking Moves, Moat Il-.t.-ls, Colleges or other s'imiljr establishineuls; mUe in i jroo'l and workmanlike mimu r, and out of pood and substantial material; and of different sizes. All kind of Tinware on hand, wholesale and retail, No. '2i3 Main street, south-east cor ner of Cherry, St. Louis, Mo. aprl2-riin LO.N'O LOOKED TOK, COME AT LA3T. "VT I'CKOLLS ii. CO. have just received one of ii tlie largest and h'.--t selected stock of GOODS ever brfore exliiliiled in the west. A mini;;" their assortnieiit may be found URV GOODS, A variety of clothing of all sorts and sizes, hardware and cutlery, Urii, im dicines, fjmi ture, beilslcaiU. bureaus, tab'es, chairs, ruok, box and Grecian, parlor stoves, Aic.; in short, everything you may call fur. Persona need not be detained w hen they come to the cheap corner, as they are wtll supplied w ith nimble clerks on their lust le's, and al ways have sharp sci.sors and duii conscience. P-mi'ranti w ill find it to their advantage to call upon us before purchasing else iieie. Glenwoo.l. A pi il ill, 151. nX'i-tf SABPY'd SfEA-M FERRY BOAT i , x E B U A S K A . k!EL 11 1 h si E A M E U N'EBKASKA IS k L N.i.(j between ST. MARY BELLEVIEW CITY. T HJ. Nehia-ka is a new and splendid boai, i il. lied by experience.) oliiccr and new. fctlltfiew City, .VLra.-ka, u opposite St. M4.7, lona. KM I GRANTS couiin to el.ra,ka should come ilirtetly to s r M A il Y . This is the front gateway to tin; moil important and interesting portion of Nebraska, jicar lu Ui.nd that sr. MALY ft BELLEVIEW CITT are tile two best poinU for loo emigration to center. Lu dcview Ci'y, July Vt, 1""1. nl-tf MEW GOODS. SPLI'.NDID STOCK OK NKW GOODS Jiis.t nrrive.l, ihT stc.imer Delaivar-', tt s.JiiPY's ciiu.m 11 stork On Main niroet, M. Mary. Ci izi-iis aii'l ciniirutiU can now finil a full ii.j!y of fresh (iroccrics, l'ro isum.s, JJry (jin.tii Liui HarLlwure, wliicli tliey ;iii i.i y tin-hp for v.ahu. ii.'j7-tf "I W t SACKS silt for saUatthe cheap rat I.U utore of f.L CaOLLS tCO. I I I PCS. H k.'.Tv Sni.i.W.g; for' sale "ow:."' f i i'U'v;;, ki'.ni.v k. . ST. LOU. - ADVRTI3.M.,rS. I"'MI1 "II" V jew A !-Tt .-im; A'f'"ii'Vof V.. 1 I Si-.mmi I Si.. I it. '.Vt KTs-VU'lU VIVE?. 1S..4. bi.t'rr crrv Axn st.i.ouis v - r.K Kt:r u.vr. Ciuir -;'.:) nr el I ".!. i' - . I" !"'-" II. Hrl !.:! i liie fiiri.i-h.-.! I'.i-'.'..g. !!; r. II. 'i ,ri',. Pa--. -" ;.- MO 'I s . i' Hi II . H i'.i t t POLAI: .il' K. T. V m ' ;n I idi-C. m "Iv Clitin 1... K.t J AS. II. I.CCAS. V HlMMMI. Tne a!" i.' 1 :ti m will f otu a IlKC'LVK V LI'.KI.V I' VI ivI. I' LIN K fn.m S!. I " rs to Council lilnlf-. Inl.i-J M Louis - 1 dav. at I r. M.. nu I i 1 1 1 1" City eery ILnrLl'iV aI in. k. m. Tin- -Ii- ii'i.-r IJl'ini. plvi"? he- tlM'eil SI. Jos H with tlie L'iCHS 111 S'. .1 I'll" ,lll.l " I1 h ,i.M ( '..M'lcil It". . .I.j . cii;incl. am-rs l'rljr Slur .n:l J.n. II epll. it- ai . Tli! i ' . .1 ml .Il xcelp safety; nuers and 'l', I ;u el- I an 1 c-1 !ii ::i 1 1 Ti J:' can re 1 v noon Hie I n eiaueucy if this line. Tin' ;rfii I'lcii'lil-uml p i-ii'i.--is till meet with hut A few bonis .1. .mi ill St. ,Io-epll. n :2-ly P. A. SAItl'y, Agent, Mary, I 1851. ""sm Nothern Ralroal L ne. I!'TVKK St. Louis, Huston and New York, consisting of twelve class stam propellers oil lakes Ontario, i'rieand Mirhigau, 1. now prepare.l lo rniiir.irl for the transporta tion of produce and merchandise with .ji-patcli. equal to that of any other route and upon veiy ressonat'le terms. CKAWPORD fc CO.. Proprietors. I liernhiirg. N. V. Kor friM jl-.t applv to Otis K i.rit-al I. Auent. . C. it. It.. I.W Stale stt'-t, llo.lonl .1. L. W'nr ner, A'J'i t N. K. Ii.. No. ' C o ii llaud street, N. Y.; I.eo. Jenni-en. Ag-'tit T. and O. S., No. 1U:" llr 1 id street, . V.; Cli aiiilierlam Craw ford, Clevelau l, S. Clar, Agent, Chicago, 111.' M.dth.-r V Co., .1... GILIiKKT KNAPP. Jr., Airent, ang31-lv No. I"i2 Second st.,St. Loui, - FioEHSOjf-s Kt;asi.K ir." 0 TilL I'lMjH clurs of the ah 11' Nursery, Sn situate I Retell miles'l of St. L'l.l.-, 7 -,'"" iiaxe now in growing and ready f .rsale ndilelitery this Kali and the curing Spring, 1 much larger and better assortment of Kruit. Miade and Trees and Shruhhery han herel. foie thev have been able to furnish. They flatter theti'.s. he- that persons wishing irticles in their line run be furnished t i any Xteiit.aml of more thrifty sn-l Mgni run grow th. than can be I, ad rl-e here; am! M prices that inust make it the interest of all w.shii. a sup ply to call and examine their Stock. Their Descriptive Cal-ilogue for K! is now ready fur delivery, and w ill be furni-iieu lo all po1-paid applications. Their terms it ill be as lieietnfnre, t asm us DI.I.IHHV, unless "Hier n ise agree I upon, and will I ery as to the si.c ind age of the trees or plants. Orders for Fall planting should be sent in ear ly, to preienl disappointment for the want of tune tn (ill and deliver before Winter t in. All orders by mail should be a l.lre.stj to St. luiis to .T( ) II S'G F.RsOV k FPO. 1 9. M I L L l"IIMMIMi, m BY ft C. Todd Ii Co J' Successors lo IRA TODD k SON, SO. '21) M A.1N SI ki l l. Corner obol i '"" ' ' my 01 ttril 6c Ijnuftctu- m rj frncl) Unrr illiil Oloiu'g. VF.AKLy TWKNTV .YF.AKS KXPE1 1 i.1 fiii-c in thi Mill fiiruisiiing b isine.sin S;. Louis, (comme. cmg at the workman's be-ich) enatiles us to judge correctly of the ipiuiity of b irr best adapt' -I ? milling in the e-t. To obtain that quality, we have fo in I it necessary lo visit the "Harries in France, und there make se'ectious. (I.;r stick this year was selected at the quarries by one of the tn m. and samples left with tiie proprietors, that we inav, when e orilcr, be certain of oblauii.'.g the ilesirej quality. Fo- successf ul milling, tlie pr iclical miller and luiilwr ghl can appiecia'" the iinpor iance of tin-arrangement. Ujr stock is always large, arot anv ile.-ired tempor and texture of uurr can be ohiained w ithout delay. IiOLTlNJi CLOTHS. To obtain the quality of Hoping Cloth best suited to milling in the West, we have had the greater! dilf.cultv. Over-loading bolls by fast grinding, and II. e laige quautilies of spiin wheat avl oat- proved so oe.triic:ie to the or dinary C'ioili, that riinifilaints of mill owners and luiileis became so frequent, we fo ind it r.e ceaiy to obtain bejv er and stmnger Clo'hs, or subject our-e!ve to a suspicion of ncilo, an inferior article. We laid before the mjiiolac tnrersour o'ljeci ons to their (,'iolhs, and oider ed heavier aud ti it, ger to lie made. They un dertook it ih iciucluoce, fearing that tiiey coui, I iot in .'.f llieir Cloths heavier and pre er - tlie iiii.for'iiity of nie-.iu so in li;M-nia-bie for good nulling, 1'hey bate succeeded. Dl a inn. 11 vi. ci o i m auk now mani hx phi ss I V ma i s, a. 1.1 for iicautv of fnnsii. uiiiloruii IV of me-he, . 1 n a:ul ilirahiii'y, we refer to 1 ne millers geu.-;aily in the ro inli v, and es Ci city to Hie miners and in. II owncis iu this P OR TA Ji L 11 (J IU l.Y .MIL L S. Our atle.ii.oi, t,,i nwii.y yeai b becu if rec'e.l to i.tu u.l tlie best plan fur Cou-lr iir.t illg toeitt mills. In mauv cases they ate uteri by iliespei 1 iianoi, and til. refore, dniability and of cm'tnirln.n was the object lo lie at s.oe.l. In this we think we have suc ceeded. We belietf so, becausrt in the great number we have sold, there h is not been one re turned, nor to our k.iow.eilgp faoul u perform eotiiely to the atl n i.oa of those using them. Ttiey are in ex:ei.siv. use in the West, a. id many of liin in New Meico anil California. Our iinllssre known as TOlllPS l.Ml'KOVKO (iUAiN MILL. We iiuniifai tore three kind, to wit : last 1 ho w it st.xs, to grind by weight of the runner sn.iK ash i.maiv mill, tlie lower stone to run, and !ue rumn; m: mill. Patent meted, ceiii. nted ami machine stretch ed LKJTllllR I!i:LTLYG. This aitu le is now in the gre.i'e-l per fection, and hecorni.;; exieu-in ly n5e,l in the loanulai lurii.g est hal i.-.i:ueuts of the country We keep ci I1-1..I the largest ot tineiit in tlie ...tern conntiy, ot our own, and F.aslern loai.ufactote, Vi-i.i amid uriiMiR loiTtvo srr.AM if. ki a im; ax 11 a run i:k . .::. We are tlie only agents of tin- H i-'oo ( (oopaiiy in this city for !fe s.tti t,f t.i,' goods. Ho itmg si lew.,, mill spindles, regulating e'i ., 11 ons. patent ri , (l proof safes, uiiil picas, screen wii e. r.vets. lace lea ;h . . i.ale.nrit nlatcr, 4.C, i..:., cot. a'ant- H i lia.el..f-J 1 OlfTlf dof.. , Mc and ll..y,' tUu, vt every uo rii.iKifi, ai pp -27. f;ii;i;.NT., kix.vky t co. fMlilllTY dozen Men and Hova' Cajnf for i ie cheap, at tll Ag'-ni V More :,t -i 21. (.It I. KM., KINM.V ( (). '( ''"-rl'S ,f Ticking, best quality, for J f sale low, ni '7- '" 'Nr'. KI5NKY It CO, fMOHACCO Lovers of the Weed will (jnd 1 .1 s ijierioi article of cheiving and smoking Tol.Mi-rn, at tlie .-,-v S'ore, of ' K V. V.W., KI'. y on . "r. ' f trv. ,mt. ? j- i".ra.('t or lo'lim anl sirvi irilU. in rP'itf.Viil n c arni::i; fi ml rr .in a'l r'irn of i ot ; ,1m. i'njiiirp e t,ite lie III. !'). or hil'i! of th- y 1 if. : Cut inenus , liintrV's. .1 111 or T. t 1 is in the Send il Ki- . I'.-l niii,p l.nMi,;.-is, I'lintdes on tin' lio;, Sore Y,f. Kii g W ter, Sr.tld Head, Salt U'leuttt. P Hones in ! Joints, old Sores nod I c r-. Uhe i mat 1 snl. Swellitig of the dlau'l-, Svphillilir Jlisi'.ncs, Krvs'pelas, Lumhegu, Diseases of the l. Ineys. Coughs, fold., A.thai'ia, Hron chiti?i ('onsutn.tnii. Iropv. Dvspppnin. Liver Ccmpldint, Nervous Alfectiotis (Jeneral Oelnlilv, Neuralgia, or Tic IVIourcux. Cancer-, loolre. Whit" Sivellingj, 1 1 -.- arri .ing from an iiijudicions use of Mercury, l.xpos ires or Inipru lencp in Life, Female Irregularities, al-o, Chronic Constitutional Diseases. '1 his valuable medicine combines the mist saLitary and i lficai ious articles in the vegetable kingdom. It is rhiellv ronitiotf I of the d.'n piloti l extract of Snsap iri'.U, Yellow Dock, mil Hie Ilvdrio.Iat" of Potissinm, all of w!:ii h are known to the faculty to be highly ctlic.11 ious in the removal of diseases, ntnl to tisir a specific action on the Lungs. Liver, kidneys. Blood, (Hands, and t:iiuary organs, restoi !ng Ihcm lo a healthy action, enabling th.un to pic inrm tne r inctions nat ire .lesigne.t. It is now conlidenily believed that Doctor l'.ssterly's lo- dineaud Sarsnparilla is the best Alternative and lilood P i-ifving medicine ever offered to the p :Ilir. It is cheat er, pleasanlir, and wair.-.i- led sup'u ior to anv . t. FOR Si UOFt LV, Dr. F.asterl v's Iodine ami SarsaparilU i- rec ommended as the most ethcacious me Lciue fiat can possible be used. Not one instance of it failure has et er orcured when faithfully ns I. r or. --curvy, nous, nioirnec, 1 uniors, yy tute Swelling", Fleers, Cancers, F.nlargeil Glands Fever Sores. M"rcurial Diseases. Syphil-tic Symptoms. Lc;irnsy, F.ry;pelas, Teller. Silt Kheuin. and all cutaneous disease-. Dr. F.aster lv's Iodine and Sarsaparilla cannot be too high' ly cxlolled. It searches out the very root of the disease, destroys the germ, by purif yii.g the blood and driving out all impure or Jiscased fluids of the body and by removing the Cause, renders the cure Certain and permitiant. INDIOLSTION OK Dl SI'I.PSI . No medicine, perhaps, Ins ever hen discov ered w hiili gives so much tone to the stomach and raii-es the secretion of healthy ga-tric juice t digest the food as Dr. Kastei lys and Sarsaparilla. No one has used it for such complaints without benefit. KMF.L'MATIM. Dr. Fastetly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla is used w. th the greatest success in rheumatic com plain's especially such as are chronic. It cures by dri ving out ail impurities and foul humors yvhich hate accumulated in the system, which ate iiie cause of Rheumatism, Omit and swelling of the joints'. O'.ner remedies sometimes gives tempo rary relief) this entirely eradicates tiie disea-e from the system. Fob: Mi:r i-riai. avd Ventral Disr. tsi:, At irrTisi; tiif moon, (it tsns, Corps, Joints Avn Honks. Dr. F.aslerly's Iodine and Sars.1p.1t ilia is the best ever invented. This medicine is olb red to the public not merely as a puri'ier of the 111. oop, but as a powerful eradicator of the most virulent poisons, occasioned by mercurial and v eneral taints, w hirh resist the action of all other remedies. It will cure the wor-t kind of mercurial diseases, no matter how deeply it may nave eaten into the frame and vital organs. It will cure the worst cases of secondary' sy philes or veneral diseases, no matter bow long It mav have existed, bow bad, or how deeply seateil in the system, it will annihilate and ex pel the virus and restore the system to a stale of peifect health and purilv. For Fleers in the mouth and throat, Lnlargment of the (Hands, Goitre o.- tumors in the Throat, nodes, pains in the Hones and Joints, it is the only sale and sure remedy. Voting persons w'bo have reason to suspect any impurity in their blood, either her editary or the result of imprudence ought to pu- riryan.i destroy ttus virus tierore entering tue marriage state, an they may thereby not only protect themselves agiinst the dangers of impo teiicv and other luisfoitune, but secure the cer tainty of a pure and healthy eir-pring. It can be used by person", of either sex, with the must perfect safety. Im all DHoam.Fs oktiif. Klnsir.vs, Uladplr AMI L KI1ARV Oaii ASS, DropsV, GhaVLL anoLivir Complaint. Dr Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla is the best and only Kxlraet that ought to be used. In theae complaints, this medicine has performed most u&touishing cures. FOR NT.R VOL'S DISEASES. No latigiiague can c invey an adequate idea of the immediate ami almost miraculous change w hich is produced by tin use of Dr. Leatei'y's Iodine and Saraapaiilla, in the diseased, dctiili tated and sbatleied nervous system. Whether broke clow; by excess, weak by nature, or impa red by sickness, the unstrung and relaxed orga nisation is at once rebraced, revived and built up. In case of Neuralgia, Nervous headache, Is of meinorv, General Prostratitin, Nervous ness, Vertigo, Pain in the. Nerves of the Face, and the various train of nervous alfedioiis, it will produce a cure in an astonishing short time. The effect of this medicine is logive per manent retier lo me ii:lerr,anii in re-lorr 'be shattered and debilitated constitution to its pri tine heiilth an I vigor. TO THE LADIES. Ladies of pale complexion an J coiis.iuitivc habits, and such ai are debilitated from any of the ob-tructiotis incident to the sex, such as ob struction or painful menstruation, Flour Albus or Whites, Green alio, excessive flow of the Menses, Barrenness, Ate, can be restored by the use or two or three bottle of Dr. I.ast arly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla, to bloom und vigor. It is far the best remedy ever discover ed for weakly children, and such as have bad humors being pleasent they readily take it. It immediately restores the appetite, alrei.gth, and color. Nothing ran be more mppr.sing than its invigorating elf.-ct on the human frame. IVrkons all weakness ai.d latitude before tak ing Dr. Easterly's iodine and Sarsaparilla, at once become robust and full of enerpy under its iiili'ieiice. It immediately counleiacts the nervoiiMiesa of the female frame. Da. Eas'I'Lnly'i Iodine and Harsapakilla is 4 WoNDEBI l'L Pi. klf U ROK TIIK BloOI). It is very pleasent to the tast. and is more concentrated, being stronger, better and cheaper than any other medicine 111 use. w ho have used this article are never willing to be without it. Taken iu the early stages, it is a sure preventative of almost any specie f dis ease. (flf Ask for Dr. Easterly' Iodine and Sar sapa. tils and take nothing else. Price jfil per botlle, or six bottle for $(.. A liberal discount to wholesale pur chasers. yfur lale at Dr. Easterly's Family Medi cine More, south-east corner of 'Third and Ches iiut streets, St. Iiuis Mo. AIo by P. A. Sarpy, St Mary, Iowa, and bydealei iu inejicii.tsgtu erally 111 the Went. DR. EASTERLY'S FEVER AND AGUE KILLER. Is warranted to cure Ague and Fever, Dumb Ague. Ch.lls and Fever, Iiitcriiiitant and lle nn ttant Fevers, ami all the various forms of Fe vers Incident lo the West!! '1 Ins popular remedy ha now been before the public tw o years, and during that time about TwrxTV-rivL Thousand liorn.i have been sol 1 and in tin instaiii e has it failed to ctfeet a perminant ruieasfar as heard fioin, or to give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. It is warrented to cure all cases, or Ibe money will be rer inded. Let no tn. n, woman or child sb!b r v itb this distressing div ase, when a sure remedy is at hand. P.ea i the testimony from John Miller k I'o. F.vansvii t.r., III., Oct. i.i, l-s.'i.t. Dr. Faste.-y hir: W e take pleasure in slat ing that we have purchased 3o boltl-sof jour Fever and Ague Killer, and have sold tlie bame lo our patrons, and tint ( baseilec ted a perma nent cure in every ease. We have Sid I nearly til the various medicine for ague and fever, but none has fiven ui b entire atii-faction at your Eever and Ague Killer. We believe it is the be-t UK'lii'ine now bi fo;e the public. Ksi,p. tf lH, JlH atller A. Co. - . 1.1 1 s -,- 1 1 ! I' I'..- ol the letter from Johi S. Crump. Grud S i 1 e., I hi r Nation, bearing dale An.Msl III, N.,.t. I'r. Fisi.mIv Sir: When I was in yvrcity in M 1 'h last, I pun ha-ed one doen bottles i f you 1 Fever and Ague In. I lor, W hich 011 wan so. ti I to 10". 1 hte sold seven of t lie dozen, winch lal-o w an ante I. Your medicine I1.1 s given in lire "tiiTartion so far, it bav nig cllei "d sevi' cm cs if the (bills sn. I Feier. t loo rasp parti ciilaily -a lady who had been slilicted unco the latter pat t of last uintne'', and hsd ti led a great init'V reine'ips, havings p'lvsiciau (Ml t of Ihe lime, all of which failed. Mie bought a botlli' nl y our medicine, and before sin; h nl u--e 1 one. thTrd of il. she was entirely cured, nnd liasr'i joye.l good health ever since. In no c.i- bus it failed to effect a pei msncnt cure. Respectfully oiim. John S. Crump. P. S. I will he in yonr place again shoitly. ami will hnv mn-c largely. . II. Ak for Dr. Kasierly's Fever and Ague Killer, and take no other, and you are safe. A liberal discount made to wholesale dealere. Pi ire $1 per bottle, or six bottles for Ss . For sale at Dr. Easterly's Family Medicine Store corner of Third and Clie.nnt streets St. Louis, also by P. A. Sarpv. St. Mary, and by dealers in medicines generally in the w est. DR. EASTERLY'S Dt ARRIKK A SYRFP. Tins is a pleesent, safe and cle('tual remedy for Dysentary, Diarrho .i,('hoera.Clioler Morbus Summer complaint. Colic Griping. Pains. Wind in the Stomach and Rowels, Cramps, Fietting and Crying of infants, and lor nil ir regul ir ips of the bowels. 1 of the rooit Ptficicnf, pl"nent, and sii i'e 1.1 1 ,..iraiiOii tio' offered to the public for In. Minis1 nf t ii'is ilerangein-titi of the S!o:u .h and Row e'.s and the only article woil by of tin- lelt conliilence for curio ' i 'hole a 1 nf 111 tum on Summer Complaint, an I all the lerang ments of the llowrls from teething. Dr. Easterly's Dianhra Syrup is w ithout ex ception one of the most vh! lable Fatniy Medi cines ever discovered. II nidreils 1.1' I' i'ii, I ics of the fust re-peclahilily in St. Louis have used it and hearth" strongest tc.ljmc.iiy in its favor. i'rice 'gicioits per bottle. For sale at Dr. Farterlv's Family Medicine Store, corner of Third and Chesiiut tdiect St. Louis, also by P. A. Sarpy, and by dealers in medicines generally ill the west. DR. EASTERLY'S VERMIFFGE. The Remedy for Expelling Worms from ( bildieu. File most afe. pleasent and etlectual medicine known for t he removal of worms form child ren is Di. Easterly's Veimifug. ". Parents and guardians having the charge of rhilil 1 r-m, should wa'.ch carefully Ihe symptoms of wm ni" in their rhirdreii, and I's soon as syin. tonn indicate tlieir ireence. Ihey should at once resort to the use of Dr. EastPily' Vermifuge. Mure children die Irom Worms than all other diseases, and a more miserable object can scar rely he imagined than a child suffering under the ordinary Symplons of worms. Parents, mirk this: Will you not blame yourselves, if your children die, that you did not ue Dr. Faster) Vermifuge in lime '! This Vermifuge will re move every species of vv onus from the system in six nr eight hours after taken. Price 'J') cents per bottle. l'or sale at Dr. Easterly's Family Medicine Store, south-east comor of Third and Chesnut streets. St. Louis, al-o by P. A Sarpy. S . Mary and by denlers in mediciiiegenerall 111 the west. DR. E STERLVS PAIN KILLER. For the cure of liruises, Sprains, Wounds, Toolh Ache, Colic, Cramps or Spasm. Cho leia. Dysentery, Rheum iti oil, i'aii.s in the Stomach and Rowels, and Wherever there is Pain, it is a speedy and Certain rure. This Medicine has more control ov er all pains than any other ever invented. ltjucp both Internally and Externally, anil itssoothii g ef fects are ins, anlly fell by (he sufl.'ier, alb v ial ing the most etrrut iating pains in a few minu tes. In a word, it is a Paix Kiilkk. No humane family or plivs-riati should he Without it. It has been used ).v thousand of the mot intelligent and res per table families in St. L. .'lis. and all pronounce it the most Speedy and Elleclual Curative they have ever used. Dr Easti.ri.y's Pain Kii i.i r is beyond all doubt the most certain remedy ever discovered for Pains in the Stomach, Pains in the Side, HrcHst. Rack und Limbs. It is also an infallible leiuedv for Colic. DiairhoM, Cholera Morbus, paiulei's Colie, Wind in the S'oinacb and Rowels, Dyspepsia, Sore Throat, Mead ache, if. CAUTION TO THE PCRI.IC. Riwarl ok Imitations ami Coi'nti- hi i it. The only genuine and real Pain Killrr is pre pared exelusively by Dr. Easteily. the sole proprietor. Therefore counter!'" its and imita tions abroad. Thersfore be sure to ask for Dr. Ea-terly's Pain Killer, and lake no other, and you are safe. Price "'"i cent per boftle; five Lollies for . For sale at Dr. Easterly's Family M-ii. me Store, ii u; corner of Thin) and Chesnut streets, S'. Iiuis, al'.o by P. A. Saipv Si. Mary and by dealers 111 medicinegenerally in the west. For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Aslham, Con- ti 1 11 1 1 1 ;!!, Rroiichitis, Spitting of lllood, Pain in the Side and Ui east, pleuiisy, Whoo.iiiK Cough, and all diseases of the Lungs and Chest. Among all the celebrated remedies for Disen. r s of the J no and CiiLSTvnone seem to l e mee'ifg wtn ue'i success und to give audi en tile sa'isf .ctioii to ail, as DR. CARTER'S COUGH HALS AM. This valuable remedy i purciy vegetable iu its ingredients, and perfectly harmless , all it uuaht:es, and as mild a 1 1 plctsent as t!n most delicate cordial. Il is very ootliing and heal ing to the Lungs, a. id is miy 'there acknowl edged by Druggists, Physic'ans, and all who have used it to be the most Ed'cctubl Curative k:iown. CONSUMPTION. No disease incident to our climate is so uni versal, and at the same time ao fatal, as Pul monary Consumption. Tins awful malady sweep over the land as a Destroying Angel, laying low the strongest ami tairett uf our race, Million of the young and the old are annually hurried lo the tomb by this dreadful national disease. CosiuiirTin Itr.Ania! Jlewaie of meie 'Ihe object of nearly all tlie nowdlH ii-d for diseases of the Lung'i, is to relieve and not to cure. Such is hot the case with Dr. Carter' Cough Rulsain. In Colds and coughs, which are the 1,'st symp tom of consumption, it is the most pleasent and etficaciou remedy that can possibly be used. In continued consumption it has been perfect and triumphant success, when the most eminent physician had given up all hope as vain. So confident is the proprietor of its pow er to cm e Tubercurou C on-umptioii, that he solicits a dial iti Ihe worst of rases. SPITTING OF ULOOD. Thi frightful symptom of consumption is" speedily rht clii d and uevei.tcil by the us of Dr. Cai ter' Cough lljlsam, which heals the atfected memhrai.e, removes the incipient tuber cle, and restoies those vital oigtins, the luns, to a sound and !n-i"hv condition. REMEMBER I HIS. Spitting of lllood always arises from a tt ii dency to luberciilou disease, and if not checked ut Ihe outset, will sooner or lat -r terminate iu death. A tH-rson who raises blood once will raise blood agAin unless a j.roptrcutativ e is im mediately employed. PAIN IN TIIE BIDE, This dis re-sing symptom of consumption a-ri-e from inti iinalioii ol the l ings or membrane Called the Pleura, or from brum hial atleclions nf the air paage,. In either case it i a Very dantferou , iiuiication of disease. It prevents full and free breathing, and wear away the liatui al (Length of the system. 'I he cans, of tins syiiiploin should be removed at oui e, and nothing can posnbly ctfeet that object no speed ily and haptJilV as Dr. Carter's Cough 1 1 -Lam which i alwsys sale and salutary in it ttTt-ct on the constitution. LI 1 ER COMPLAINT. Iu case of consumption tiie Liver i always uvoie or less affected, and al-o the spleen, pleura and small intestines. The edi ct of Dr. Carter Cougii IlaUain in disease of Ihe Liver, espec ially if it be of an ulcerous nat. lie, is direct and povfwl. Ssvijtle i.-e.i te nf thi Liver aflat. I by cons imption speedily tured by I jj use. WINTER COUGH. T he hiifshdry winter ccngli which afflict old people Rit l invalids in a low state of mii can be elb ctiially cured by the use of Dr. Col ter's Couch ilalssm. It warms, tnoistan ao4 stimulates the w hole breath in; apparatu. puri fies and animnles the blood, improves the secre tive power of the Liver, Spleen and other largsi gland-, and the digestive organs, and imparts; new lif? to the wan und emanciatcd ytm. PRONCMITIS. Piof.rhitis, dillit'nlty of breathing, hsrth t ough, a slimy expectoration, with all othnr symptom caus. il by an atlictionof thealrtubn oadiiig frmn the throat to the lung, are directly and specifically alfected and cured by the um of Dr. Curtrr' Cough llalsam. Thi it a Terr painful, wearing mid injurious Coin). lain), and always has a powerful tendency to inflame tu4 soften the Longs and thereby induce the worst forms of pulmoi.nry disease, iic warned in tunc, ye alllicled, 'and employ thi valuable remedy 1 EXPECTORATION. Free Expectoration is the most important eV. ecl to be obtained ill all attemtitj to cur dis uses of ihe chest nnd lungs. Ihe cough which 's so distressing is simply the result of a steure to expectorate:, nnd as long as foul mattcrexist' in Hie ait passages, it will Continue to irritate the niembr.itieand picvoke.1 cough. Coughing is nti to throw oil this matter, and ex. pectoratinn arivps gipat. reliefi Inability to x pectorale in the latter t.ige of cotm'imptioji is the cause of death. PR. CARTEIFSCOUGM RALS AM. is the great expectorant. It dissolves the mnr hid end dis,-ae matter in the air pas-aes, chan ges it from a thick e;lutinous substance to a thin harmless fluid, and throws it oil' with the greatest possible case to the pst iettt. There i no better medicine in the wcirld if it expecto rant tj ialities alone be coni.lered. SPASMODIC STMMA. For simjile or spasmodic it thma there is ne better remedy than Dr. Carter's Caugh hals.itn Fins ilistri'ssin disease which resists .almost ever) lliiug else, yield to the all powerful in fluence of (hisgreat remedy as readily as any other fonn of Prctoral disease. EVERY FAMILY should be unpolled wild Dr. Carter' Coiieh' llalsam, to b ,, " in the early stages of Cotizh Colds, Siiiltii' - of Hlood, Pain 111 the Side and Chest, Ilronr.'.itis, Difficulty of Hreathir.f, Night Sweats, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Conga, and severe Croup, and thereby counter act the con 'nmpt i ve tendency which is produ ced by our ever changing climate. Price Trial bottles, 'i."i cpnts per bottle; larg-sj bottles. per b.,tte, or fix bottles, for .". For saUiat Dr. Easterly's Family Medicin' store, south-east corner of Third and Chesnut streels, SI. Louis, also by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, and by dealer in medicine (renerally i,il,i'w,',ti i,r J-'y JMf.. J .ik y l'.. S rfT.-.. J.. Ji'to I ?,IT3 l'or the rure of Liver Coinjdains, Dyspepsia, Jaiindire, Illliousness, Loss irf Appetite Headiiche, Habitual Costiveness, Genera! Debility, Nervousness, and all diseasp, ,n, ing fiom a disi.rderrd Liver, or Digestion ! I 'lbc.e Hitters poooess remarkable inngorstin S'rcng! hen ing and Restorative properties, w hick give tone and v ignr to the Digc.tive Orgru, and make Ihetn invaluable for Livs.r Complaint, Jai-nmct., Dvi?triiA, And all other diseases caused from a deranged state of the stomach, bowels, and liver which lend to ib bil.tale or weaken the system DR. HUNTER'S GERMAN liFFTErtf Cannot be lo highly recommended to persona sutlering with a disordered LIV'FR or Indiges tion. Loss of Appetite, Nervous Irritation H-'oh-rlie, Itahitnal Costiveness, f.epersl Debi lily, and a variety of Complain! which it il impossible to describe. If there are aiiU'erer in St. Louis, they are advised to try these Hitter. Price "h)c. ier boitle, orsix bottles for $2 19. F.)rsaleat Dr. Easterly's Family Medicine More, comer of Third nnd Chesnut street, St. Louis, Mo. Also by P. A. Sarpy St. Maryy and by dealer in medicines generally in tL West, a pr 12-ly 1. " A safe und certain cure for Goliorrho-a, Gleet Strictures. Seminal Weakness, and all discaset of the Genital (Kigali. T iiis popular and eperihe remedy is now of-' feret) to tlie afllirted and warn nted to cure all cses of Conorrhn a. Glppf, Strictures, Seminal Weakness, and all diseases of the Genital Organ in a levy .lays. This mfalliable remedy haa saved thousand upon thousands from the hand of Merciless 1. tacks, if not from a premature grave. In caeof infection. Dr. Ilakei' Spe cific is the only safe and rure remedy. It is v ery agreeable to the tasl, creates no precept able dor. ami may be used by persons of either s w ith entire secrecy without regard to diet, hin drance from business or Medical Adviser, a' plain direction for use accovupany the medicine ll-ader have you a private disease? Do not n-' glact it. Delay is dangerous. With Dr. Ba ker Specific you can rure yourself, a-nd tbu prevent all exposure. This medicine vtiH speed-' ily and effectually cure the most virulent ease of Secret Diseases, and eradicate every particle of infectious matter from thesystem, andrestova the patient lo a perfect stateof health and purity. Price, sjl fx) per hot!!c. For sale nt Dr. Easterly' Family Medicin Slore, s )ulh-eat corner of Third at nti Chesnut strict-, St. Louis, Mo. Also by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa, and by dealer in medicine geneolly in the West. apr 12-ly . sv , . s 7. -s TI G-iL-vOll A valuable remedy for s ippni -ion of the Merc res, Whiles, painful .Menstruation, Impoten cy or, Sallow Coiiiilrxioii, Heed arhu, Di'iiicss, Weakness ot the nerve, and all diseases which arise from a derangement of the function of nature. The most e!pct, sale and mfalliable remedy for the cuie of all those diseases of femal, ar isngft" ' weaknessor debility, and obstructiof in ".tie v, ..ual organ, such a irregular or sup. pressed u:' the Mens, Fluor Alhua or White 1-all ing of the Womb, Headache, Frightful Dream, s ic, caused by Colds, checked perspira tions, excesses, over-exritemriit, &.C., in DR. HOOPER'S FEMALE CORDIAL Several ladies in the citv who have suffered for many years with the above complaints, and have employed our mo-t eminent physician wiuioui success, nave used i;r. Hooper' I. mala Cordial, and have been sjieedily ard pr moiieiitly cured by its use. If there are uner cts in St. Louis, tliey can rely uiiori Dr. Hoop er' Female Jloidial a a afe, i leaeoot and f- lerruai renieuy. Price ,l per bottle, or six bottle for 1 Forsaie at Dr. Faster I v'm Family Medicine Slore, comer of Third and Chesiiut ttreetii, St. Louis, Mo. Also by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, and by dealer in medicine generally in tL West. apr 12-ly Dr. Cook' Majic IIir 0:1. For the preservation, beauty, growth, ami restoration of the Hair. It has long been the desire of persons troubled with still", harsh, unruly hair, to pioctrr ao ar ticle which would at once render the bair oft, lively and . 'Ihe most perfect and admiiahle aiticle ever discovered for that pur pose is Dr. Cook' M igic Hair Oil. 'Flu Oil penetrate the minutest pores, fv log the dry and withering bulb new life and v .gor, opri.n.g the capillaries, softens, preserve. bea it. lies a'n I strengthen the hair, If, and lona from tallir-g oiL remove i'ii uanuiuu, ai4 turn ragged hair into that which i smooth, gloas and wavy. It is admitted by all to be th K'" est invention of the age for beautifying the half and rendering it permanent. DR.. COOK'S MAGIC HAIR OIL. Is a ui.rb article, and ihould he found on the toilet of every lady who Values the sTlof beaut. ful appearance of "the down.; ringlet and the w itching cud." Pi ice, JO cent )er botlle. . For sale at Dr. Easterly' Family Medicine Store, corner i f Third and Clientit afreet IM. Uuis, Mo. Also by P. A. Sarpy", ot. Mary and by (kalcr in uiedivini gnilly in the We.t. apr IS If