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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1854)
if A FTT -4 Ml Ml 0 A TTft IT ill jib L 1.1 'iH r. 1 15V 1). K. HEED, & CO. NEBRASKA PALLADIUM AM) ' PLATTE VALLEY ADVOCATE. I'ffli.iHMtTi wtrmv n &ros. Norton. ' D. E. REED, & COMPANY, 1'ditori find Proyr iJor I , 111, POI'e.I.AS rot'NTY, KHHA' TICRMS1. On eopv one yenr, $(' 00 one opr x tnuitln, $1 (' mAmnt. im ad vavi r. . (J-jJ" No paper will be riseontinnel exrept at llii- iirrrtinn 'f the proprietors, nntil Ml ar rearnpes are pai.l. RATES 07 AL VTIVf ISIXO. Vnreach iupmreof twelve lino or less, firt inertion. V.aeh iihsenier,t insertion, One "jqufcre three month, l)n sn'inntnit months. One square t v month, fine iiniftrr of a rnluitm .tweUe months, Oti hnlf column twelve n inth, On column (weW month, Hninii ra'iti of er,;ht !i.cs, Teartv, " ci month. it . " three month Administrator' and FTerntors' not s, $100 .in ft Of) son ncn 5(100 30 00 rn no .1 no 3iO ,?on 5 no Till) LAW OK Ni: WSPAPEK8. T. SinWrihers who f.n tint eive express notice to t contrary, are rntmiilercd as wiahinjt t continue tlir-ir 'ihseription. 2. If ubrriher oritur the iirontinnrinrp of their paper, the pnliliflifr may continue to semi thern until all nrrearace Are paiil. 3. If ubcriber neirlert eir refuse to take Iheir neper from the office t which thev are dirrrtpil, thev arp held responsible until they have ettWtho bill and ordered the paper dis continued. 4. If mihcrihcr remove to othpr place with out Informing Hip publisher, and the wiper is sent to the former direction, they ate held re- npnnitlp. ft. The Coricr have decided that refninir to take a paper from the office, or removing anil Icaviwr it uncalled for, is prima f.iria evidence of intPiitional frainl. Snhr'bi therefore understand : 1. "I'll tit Iheir pnner will he continued after the i xpirnf nn of Hip time for which they paid, irilc othci wise ordered. That no paper will he discontinued unil all i-.-renraccs are paid to the time at which the notice i (riven, unless we are satisfied that the subscriber is uorthles. 3. That when the paper, thronch thefniltof a subscriber, has been suffered to everrun the lime, the jut and most convenient way is to remit one dollar for another six months, with directions todiscnntiniieat the end of thattime. This direction will, in all cases, he noted upon mr books, and if not attended to shall be our loss BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ItRLLEVIEW. I. II. RENNKT. Has opened a hoirdioi: Iikiip at Hidleview. for the acCommoi'atioli of KfiJiir ItOiirders, and occasional visitors, who, lie will take pleasure in making as comfortuble at lies in hi power, belleview, Nebraska. oct "r, ';"'4 W. R. r.NGUSH, N' EOOTIATon, f'otl. ctor. General Land Apent. Cfiiiimellor at Law, &.C., &.c. 11. Ileview, Nebraska. Ilavine an experienced 17 vean ill the Ter rilorc. will pay t.r'jtupt ntt.'iition to all com Uiiinirations, post paid, in regard to the Ter i ilo-v. fcc, i.c. P'fP Olfice near the Government building, anil in rear of f. A Sarpv's baokim?' houke. Itellev iew City, Nebraska. July 1, !-!. C. P.. WATSON, Land Atrent, Surveyer uml Lnpineer, Helle. leu, Nebraska. nl-ly KT. jMAKV. (;k(jh;k ii:im:h, Attorney and Cuuiuieilur at Law, SI. Mary, Mills Com. ty, Iowa. uuy.ll-ly rTvTw A LLACli, rbysiciim and Sirgeon, respectfully tender I. is profosioual aeriires to the cUivu of St. M.HV and vicinity. Office two miles iiorth wt of St. Mary, on the Munquito cre. k. a,1t 31-ly Ji. TZSCI1UCK, Tonoi;ranhic ljiii.esr, Undiira hi profes- ional services foihe citijuls of St. Mary and Vicimly as Surveyor and lirnuer in all its va rieties, tllliceiu 1'. A. barpy'a atore, corner of Gregory itreet. au(f31-ly WATSON, KINNEY V. GHEEN, io neral Land AumU, Kt. Mary, Mills County , Iowa. Will attend to the purchase and al of real estate, the perfecting of titles, payiiijjtax , .e., Vc. t-" Earuiin; land a&d village tots, to amt iUichasers, on hand, tor saje cheap, and on leaaonable term. CJfAS. K. WATbON. 1- H. KINNEY. JiM JO.SEIM! GRIlEV. WILLIAMS it WILSON'S SAW MILL. Keg Creek, Mill Co., Iowa. The proprie tors of thin u, ill intend to keep lumber of all descriiitions conit.Uitly on hand also t.i up l JT all special order for lumber at short no vce, for ca?,h. Ii42-3iu s1(JnTaINTKH ANJJ (jILDLU." f M HE auhirriber uaing located timaelf at .1. Kt. Mary i prepared to execute Older of every diso-iplioii or 1'lain, fancy, uud Orna inentul l'ailiting. Sifjn painted, lettered and gilded ill the li.oht approved atylo, and in the i.tntrHt inuhinr. I'lionage respectfully o li.ited. Olfire, at II. Myers, l'r ,nt Street, St. Mary. STANISLAUS SCUEMANSKY. St. Mary, S.'pt. .7, 'it. JAMl'S (J'NKAL. JVainage CominiMiontr, Olfice in St. Mary, . ... ... 'i i , . ioa aug 31-1 y '. A. SAKl'V, Wholesala au I Commission Merchant, dealer in l;y iiuods, Hard tvare, Queeiuware, Glass 's are, Grocer ies, Drills, Medicines, looki and stationery, comer of Maiu and Gregory street. aug 3l-ly C. VL WATSON, Conveyancer, Notaiy 1'uLlic, and Surveyor. Olfice hi the htoia of Gitene, Kinney, U. Co.. WMaryMilli.eo., Iowa- Aug. 2, '.14. ASTO R 1 1 (j US 1'7 pHK iitmcriber liai jut r;n.l thinew and J comuiodious building for the reception of the traveling public, and nollciu a share of pub- i.f l.l lrilririt Mini -Ifil'ii.f ll....t: .. :n . . . . ,.. - . ... ..uiiiii,u W IIJ be JMiid to all who may favor hua with ihnir . . in. , .l.i. ....II l. - . i:. i ... .. r iailii4;v. mi idinr nin ur: uipiiL'(l WI1Q ne the market ulfirn. A fond stabU tarh td to the prtinibi i. Wm. l.Nfil l.L, St. Mary, Iowa, mar. 1.1, fln2ii-tf AUeir.ev nd Ci'utu Co ni r il Ifli.fl.i, J .it a !!of t I m, i it v of t.fpt ?!-tV'n (Original $ottrg. (For the I'ulUdi'im.l LET YOUTH BE KEERY. hi M RR. A. J). IDMF.KWAr. Crush Hot the tide of joyous mirth, Thnt lints with merry (.be, In yrit!hii bright haleyhn hourj of bliw, Tho hi.nrt is liqht and froa. Life has no season, half so awoet, And free from anxious pare, Aa youth's cay sunny morn of life, So lovely and so fair. Taeh budding hope, rrnv yet be erufdi'd, JieiP!it!i the cold worhl'j chill, And sormw'a hand, may nweep tha chords That now Willi pleasures thrill. Lvulow, Vt., Oct. 21th, 1H.VJ. TUB 8EES. nr j. c, wiiiTriF.n. I hear the f ar-otf vorar's horn, I hear the Yankee's trail ; His foot is on evory mountain pass, On every Btream his sail. H's whistling round St. Mary's Fall", t'pon his load -il train He's leaving on tho I'lrtured Rick Hig freHli tobacco ftain. I heir the mattock in the mlnen, The ave-stroke in the dell ; The clamor from the Indian lodge, The. Jesuit's chopcl-brll ! I see the swarthy trappers como Prom the Mississippi's springs ; And war-chiefs with the painter! bows, And crests of etple wings. Jl' hind the sipiaw's birchen canoe, The sb nmer smokes nnd raves ; And city lots are staked for sale Above old Indian graves. Py forst, lake and waterfall I a-o the peilUr's ahow ( The mighty minting with the rneari, The lofty with the loft'. I henr the tread of pionccra, Of nation's yet to be j The first, low wash of vtuves, where aoon Shall roll a human eca. The rudiments of empire here, Are plastic yet and warm ; The chaos of a mighty world la rounding Into form ! Erich, rude and jostling fragment foon f' '-inir pluc- UJ find 'I'lie riiu. jmlerinN of 5late, Its m.i clt and its mind I Ate!, weterirur still, t!. star which I. a Id The now woild in Its train, Has tipped with fire thefiry speari Of many a mountain chain. The snowy cones of Oregon Are kindled on iu way, Ami California's golden sands Gleam brighter in its ray 1 Correspoaiencc of the Talladiuin, Niw Yonu, Oct. i'9, lftf)!. In tlip mi.lMt .of nn i-M-itinir jmliticnl canvass the city litis bi rn Rti.rtle.l by the imnouiicemciit and almost aiinu'llancou decease of itverul of our prominent murchnnts, jirofcHsionnl men, and other residents, by a disciso resembling the cholera. Au in ouch iimtimce the uttuck occurred immediately ufter t)ie purty had part;.kcn of a lunch or supper of oysters, and the symptoms were alike in all cases, il is the universal belief that some pois onous property in the shell fish was the cause of the malady. The supposition is confirmed by infui inulion from .Baltimore, where the oysters and crabs of the Ches apeake seem to have produced similar ef fects. Among tlia ciiizens who have ful len victims to this strange disorder, are Edwin Williums, uu eminent statistician and forcible newspaper writer; James Foster, jr., I's., a w ealthy shipping mer chant, formerly principal proprietor of the old "Dramatic line" of IVuw York and Liierpool packut ships, (embracing the 'Shoridian," "Garrick," "Kosicius," and the "Siddons,") und belter known in the fashionable world as ''Couut Foster," the musical di.tkttanle;io II. Cornell, Evp, cashier of the Mechanic's banking asso ciation, a must estimable man; iloborl Smith, formerly alderman of the l'ifili ward, mid M. JI. Duiiison, a re spectable nieiuber of the New York bar. There has also been two deaths in Orange county, iu consequence of fating oysters, and many persons in the city of JJiouklyn, Williamsburg and Iloboken have suilered severely from cramps and cholera motbus, superinduced by the same c& All the parties who names I have mentioned, were alive and W ell six days ago. Most of them were elderly men, their ages ranging from fifty to sixty. Mr. Cornell, I think, was in his fifty-sixth year, und Mr. Foster about the same i ge. Lvijnclhing akin to a panic lias, as you may suppose, been created by this sad visitation. Oysters ore proscribed, and the lare and profitable city these articlts ts literally brought to a standstill. 'j nvire fries', slews, or broils," or 1JELLEVIEW, DOUGLAS CO., NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1S54. dozens rnw. The oyster stands are. dc Ri'rted; the sncrifioinl ktiives"ire yelling rusty; the bivalves nro permitted the rest in their beds undisturbed, and lliDifunds Upon thciusands if the. '.salacious 'delica cies tlinl last wri'k would linvc retailed at two dullurs a bundn d are absolutely rot ting on the hands of their purchasers. 1 understand that Mr. Chilton, the iiiuily'.i cnl chemist, who is support '. b fcnmv eve rylhiiij, from the cause of the milk in the coeoiinul to the intrrei'.ienls of Tease's candy, bus been tiskni to examine into llie. "jdieiion:oti;J condition'' oT the "Shrews burys" and "Tabt rivers," and report thereupon. The oyster venders are deep ly interested in a spoedy solution of the problem, nnd I have no doubt that the question "Ara the oysters or 1851 poi sonous?" -will lend to a contr tvt ri , a exciting and profound as that on sdtpeter difficulty. As the seventh of November approach es, the. complexities of the political can vass become more intricate ar 1 puzzling. Even the reform party arc not too imm:io ul.ito to doubt a little in the trickery of electioneering. Schell, the "hard" can didate for Mayor, has been induced to withdraw in fuor of Wilson G. Hunt, the standard bearer of the reformers, who is now the nominee ol three orgatuz dions. The Know-Nothing arc divided on the mayoralty, and J. J. Ilerrick, the Whig candidate, expects to get the votes of hail the members of the order of this city. The Germans support Fernando Wood us iheir representative of the liquor 'interest, and he has played his card so adroitly in both sections of the Democratic party that his election wouid iiiil Mirpri.,e rrc nMiough I think Herrick's chances are lu tti r th..n his-. John II. While, the I'residcnt of the Crystal I'.d.ioe Associa tion, is tho Whig candidate for lUcordcr, and as h will undoubtedly receive the wholu Know-Nolhing vote, his success is nearly certain. There is not a municipal oltL-o in ihe gift of the people to which there ore not at least four aspirants. In such a cross fire of factions, nnd with su.:h a variety of special inleres'.s involv ed iu the contest, it i ui.Tuuil to fraiao a scheme of the probability worthy of con fidence. li..n,mn is about to sell out his stock in trade, or at least u portion of it. He of fers lor s ile two sriraifos, eleven elephants and nn extensive general assortment of "varmints." II. s auto-biography is out of the market, having been purchased by James Iveillield lor $75,01)0. So much tor Itanium's book and Utrnum's beasts ! The lormer can hardly fail lo prove ;.l u..ble to all who have a taste for playing upon human gullibility, and are in aearch of valuable receipts lur the manufacture of gammon. Tho sale to Hcdfieid bus all the appear ance of a collusion with liar num., for the sake of advertising the book. After the reported disagreement, Redlield coiitlna ed the work as if nothing had happened. liusiucs continues in a depressed con dition. Speculators in fancy stocks and this includes but too many of our mer chants are decidedly iu u "tight place,' and the stringency of the money market is increased by the non-arrival of the California mails, wii.h the usu d semi monthly remittances of the "pewtur." All things considered, howeve), we are not half so badly off as the croakers pre dicted we would be; and although the No vember payments tujy break some weak bncks, the community will weather the Sturm much better than was anticipated some months ago. 0m Ose Fault. He who will turn away from u friend for one fault, ii a stranger to the best feelings of a humiu heaik, Who has not erred, at least once in his life? If that fault were not overlooked, to what depth of infamy would not thou sand have descended ? We know not the peculiar and pressing temptation to whi'-h ano'her may be exposed. Ho may have fougiit manfully for months against tlm siu, and still kept the secret locked in his bosom. Hj would give worlds to re cull the act. 11a Ins mourned over it in secret, and repented in dust and nshus. Shall we forsake him? Earth and Hjav en justice, humanity, philanthropy, Hid religion, cry out, "forgive him!" lie who will not forgive must possess the heart of a demon. Surely, the love of God is not in him. 23- The best 'mixture" for a sick heart is nine yards of calico, fino broad cloth, four armsful of humanity, a par son's cortificate of matrimony, u pair of canary birds and a bundle of green-house hollyhocks. People disposed to dou'jt the jrecipo bhoull get u box, A CHAPTER OS FEMALE3. Wc like to look upon n hoidthy worreir; she is n prodigy in the riiirteenth century. 'Wherever you g'i see scores an 1 hun dreds of Fpleery, sickly, feeble girls, who enn hardly muster courage to make their beds, wn-h their fare, nr drive an intrud ing cow from the yard. Tell '.hem about early rising, fresh nir nnd lien'.Uiy exer cise; and liiey have n sigh i s long as the lnoriil law, and are ready to faint awiy. You expect them to gel up before day to work in Ihe kitchen to breath'; the fresh nir of tho morning! Preposterous and absurd ! They have never seen the sun rise, un l would hardly know but the sun continues to shine forever, if it were rot fur the iibnnnJrfs nnd their grandmolh crs. No Wonder every year sw eep-j Ui ihe yruvo so many young women who have been sickly and efleminalc ever since ihev were born into the world; and death will continue lo select them as his victims till they learn their duty, and pursue that course which insures health, strength and hint-life. Our great grand parents lived to u (rreat age nnd never thought of lying down .o die, till they had, at least reached the meridian of life. They were strong, hnppy, and hearty. Yv'hy? They msc early, worked like beavers, and never spent the midnight hours in dancing. Instead cf being frightened at a mouse al their feel; a beetle on their necks, u fly's foot on their arm, in the absence cf their fathers and husbands, they would load their guns and shoot bears and catamounts, and keep at bay a parly of savages. How have their daughters degenerated '( What female is there now-a-d.iys who wouhi't run from a gun, even if it Lad j:o lock. Tho ladies of the olden times out-lived their husbands years and years. How is it nowr1 Widow are few unl far be tween. It was no singular thing for our grandmother to have three or four hus bands in the course of their lives. Now it is the reverse. Men have about so ma ny wives diseases of late have been so fatal among the female sex. Do you know the onuse? It is found in listless idleness, inactivity, lale hotap, thin shoes, muslin dresses, a horn r of fresli morning air, and in that detestable sluir, stitched iu pir.l: and yellow covers, which is flooding our country. If they will do nothing else, yoii"g ladies will sit and read from morning till night, that sUdJy, sentimen tal, impure, and lictiitioiu trash that is thrown in such idjiindt.uce from the press. This shrivels the mind, warps the affec tions, chills the belter feelings, and makes the life wretched beyond description. Let females look into this subject, and act like reasonable beings, and we should sec quite a different state of things. We should hear of no fainting away, no sick ly consumption, no affection of lungs, no Suicides. rSAUTTFUX PEST1XEKT. Ike Marvel, in his 'Reveries of a Ba chelor, thus writes: A man without some sort of roligon is at best a poor re probate, the football of destiny with no tie linking him to infinity and to the won drous eternity that he begun within ; bat a woman without it is not even worse a flame without heat, a rainbow with-out oolor, a flower without perfume. A mat: may in some sort tie his frail hopes and honors to the weak, shifting grouud-tackle lo his buisnesi or world; but a woman without that anchor called Faith, is a drift and a wreck ! A man may clumsily con tinue a sort of moral responsibility out of relations to mankind; but a woamn iu her comparatively insulated sphere, where tlTVetion and not purpose U the controhng motive, can find no basis in any other sys tem of right action but that of spiritual f.ii; h. A man may craze his thoughts and his brain to truthfulness, in such poor harborage as fame and reputation m iy stretch before him, but a woman where can she put her hope in stori'is, if not in Heavenr And that sweet truthfulness thJ abiding love that enduring hopei mellowing every page and scene of hie lightening them with plcaslnt radiance, when the world's storm breaks like an ar my with brooking cannon what can bes tow it all but a holy soul, tied to what is strong than nn army with cannon? W ho has enjoyed the love of a christian mother but will eclw the. thought viih energy, and hallow it with a tear. Great minds are charitable to their bitterest enemies, and can sympathise with the failings of their fellow-creatures. It is only the narrow minded who make no allowance for the faults of others. Don't IiLsrAiu. If you slip down, jutitgetUp. A stout heart ii as sure to finally weather the gala, cs a pretty eirl is to I. ;n g down the iu:iii of her choice. XEWSP1PSRS. The enst of publishing n newspaper, is much more than people generally suppose, and the profits, if any, mu' ii less. The Nuw York daily papers, which haven large circulation r.nd great advertising pitrotitg'S at vcy liigh prices, have been considered as coining fortunes. The best of tli em have made som'! money. But the rise in the price of paper, laci.r and everything else, connected with the business, has brought them to a stand. The Tribune, considered one of the most prohiatiie papers in the city, afr charg ing to meet the demands upon its columns says the establishment has sunk tf-IO 000 in six months by the enterpi izs, audits proprietors have now materially lessened its size. The New York Sun, another profitable concern, hrs also found it neces sary to curiai't its dimensions very much, by which they save, it is said, J 110,000 a year in the expense of paper alone. The N big, published al Merideu, in this State, and the Medium, at Willimantic, are both fferej for sale the editors preferring to enter ihe practice of bnv. The price ol newspapers in England, is about five limes as great, as in this country, and the expense of publishing them, save the stamp duty, is no greater. So the man of comparative case, as he smokes or rocks and reads, may understand, if it is any consolation to him, that newspaper pub lishing is a hard nnd not very profitable business. JJjt ffovJ Times. Burroai youa local PArca. Tint local press is emphatically the rep resentative and the exponent of the local interests, wants and wishes of each com munity, and on its energy and Walliful nesj, the community rely. Each com munity should first sco that its local press is put upon a firm and substantial footing which can only be done, by a steady and liberal patronage. If each member cf a community would come a paying subscriber to the paper ot his own town and county, six months would not elapse, before the enlargement and improvements which would take place iu our papers, which would enable a eh person to dispense with one or more Northern papers, without finding his fac ul. ies lor intelligence in the lcabt dimin ished. A people commit no greater error, than that of permitting their Ioc J press to languish, by reason of an iiiadequute sup port. Never say your country paper is small and not worth taking; give it the support to which it is entitled , and it will be immediately enlarged and improved so ns t3 meet the full expectations and wants of a community in which it is located. We believe that publishers are generally liberal iu responding to a liberal patronage by the improvement their papers, us appreciation of such lioerality. If a man is able to take bul one p iper, that should be the one published nearest to his place of residence, and the nex should be the ono published at the com mercial metropolis of his own State. For ocal and State interests he will have ren dered himself ible to consult his taste as to the paper he will lean upon for i musc- meiit or additional reading Irom abroad. Wasuimjion MoiLMtfT, It is sta ted that the managers of the Washington monument, which for some years past, hrs been languishing on the banks of the Potomac, are about relinquishing the work and turning it over to Congress. We highly approve of this determination. It is only proper thai if a national monument is to be constructed, as a mark of the ven eration iu w hich the memory of Wash ington was held by the American people, that il should be a national work, recog nized by the approbation and appropria tions of (which is quite as necessary) ol Congress. Il will then L a tnomuiieui worthy of the nan e, and just us much il.e act ol the people of die United Slates as if the plan ul drumming up subscription could be successfully earned out. Am. it w ill ulso have this advantage that ii will llicii be a national work. N. YoiL Herald. Cost Him Tj.n Dollahs. A lady nl teiidii.j one of the churches on S.ludaj last, uniiitc" ionully entered a rented pew. The sexton Invited her to "get outll.cie and hunt a seat in some other pari eif the room." The lady got up to ".t out,'1 but the sexton J.ol being with the speed she was making, caught her by the aim and hurried her out of the pew. On Wednesday last, lie was arrested, taken before Squire Davis, unJ fined ' 1 (J and costs. This brief experience, will teach him, r.i.d ndmonish others, th.d it is just us cheap to treat ladies hh civiihy, at least, as it ii, to trut tln ui ru le y. VOL. 1. NO. 1G. TEE PEV;8PAPE2 ntESS. The New Yolk. Tiin-s makes these' true and anmating remarks on the daily increaidiig pow er of the newsp-iper press and its ultimate high destinv. "So far ns we can see, jto'hing gains s rapidly on the heart of this ci ntiuy, ns the newspaper, her is there nny other aircrit that derives such iinmetie noee. sions to its strength and rompnss from the accurm :l.ilihg resources of the limes. "Certi'Ki it is, that the newspaper lias advanced more rapidly within a few years past, than any other form of literature. The acute observer Sfcs that it is invading o'her departments of mind, withdrawing Irom magazines nnd reviews, some of their most valuable elements, and uses them T..r more vigorously than they were able to d . And the chief feature of it is, that it uits thought siie.h thought as active lil'erieeds in the most direct and nvid'ubcj 4u.pu for instant and deep impression. Some times it may lack depth; at o'her times, truth and intelligenw;; but these dolects i must give way before the widening cul ture. The broad idea, the true faithful germ of intellectual growth is in it, and nothing -can arrest its nmplest develop ment. "Educated men iu our country should . begin lo weigh th- fact, it is well worth while to aiinijze iLs meaning. Afresh field spreading in every direction, and luxuriant iu every harvest, is harvest, is here opening. Men of the largest mould nre wanted for it every-day scholars, who have brains in their ryes and lingers clear, earnest, profound writers, that ' arc all ulive lo respective impulses. Let thein lake noble views of the word. Tho idea is common that newspaper contribu tions are necessarily lbniiaul and superfi cial. No doubt this is olten the case; but it cannot last. Society intends to have first rate papers, nnd ihis will require first ratu , I :. i ti .i ... , luiimeis. inere is suiuei (iiinr moi e lo no done than to gossip about triiles to indite a few hurried lines o:i this or that topic . .. , .5,.. .. 1. 1- e .1... ll- ,w iihiri; uuiijr imicu-v oi it ui llie ouus nd ends of thoueht. Masterly discus sions of great principles searching in- . vesiig.iUou.s into social and polilioal laws slum rebukes to v ice- -inspiring appeals are henceforth to be staples of the news papers. And hence learning is rceuired. Only see to it that they are adapted to tho thing itself, and free trom all dry scholas tic methods, ihe language of the news paper, is the language of common life-- genuine Anglo-Saxon in its simplicity, directness, ana force and men must ac quire il if they wish to be heard and felt." KSOW NOTHINGS. The following is given, as the conclud ing "charge" upon the initiation of a new member of this fraternity: "The order winch has now received you as a member, may, with all propriety, be considered a secret organization. It is so secret, in fact, that if you were placed before a legal Iriaunal, and there sworn to tell ihe truth, the whole truth, and noth ing but the truth, you could not, for your life, reveal the name, or objects, or ihe . secrets of that band of brothers, among whom, your nuiie now stands enrolled; and further than this, when you retire from this meeting, you must return to your family and friends ns ignorant as when you, lo far as the name of this order is concerned. In common with our selv es, you 'know nothing,' and let it ba your stem resolution through lil'o to 'know nothing." "The high and exalted duties which you owe to your God, your country and to yourselves, for the purpose of the pre servation of American liberty, require that you should observe the o.uli which you have this night taken, above all oilier obligations. For the laws of uj land are of higher importance to yourselves an 1 your children, than is that obligation, w hich you hav e just taken, to preserve American msli.utioi.s by the entire uuJ absolute exclusions of all loreigners, and of all who are not protectants, from con trol or particijiutioii in the affairs of your country." The K.Ar.SAS Si al. It consists of a. shield with tw o supporters and surmount ed by a scroll motto, and if emblematic of the life of the pioneer and the agricultu rist. The lower compartment of the shield contains the buffalo and the hunter; llie upper contain the implements of ag riculture. The left hntid supporter is a pioneer with his smock frock, ieggins, rille, and tom..ha k; whilst on the right is the Goddess Ceres wiJi her sheaf, and at their feet, and between them, lie a fal len tree and axe. The niollo is a beauti ful and striking allusion to the principle on whiiiii the Territory was organized, and consists of the "Populi Yoco N..ta,' translated born of the popular will. Advertising. The New York Tri bune received ior one udverliienienl ir; thu w eekly paper, night hundred and sixty-one iloliurs for a single insertion. The advertisement contained 1722 lines ihe charge being f'tfiy rents j er line. Tho Tribune tays this is thii largest sum ever paid for a single insertion of an ad-, verlisciaent, and yd the edvertit,er con siders it a good ii.v btmes.t of his money. If goodi ale really what the people need, an! aietupniur i:nd theapef to tinisj o.lVred 1 y others, he wl'jkinuhU ;i;c:.ev ivtut nod u !.'cd U' i.