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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1854)
1 pswasaf IS : i i t i 1 v i . Mil UY 1). E. ttEHD, & CO. NEBRASKA PALLADIUM AND rLATTE VALLEY ADVOCATE. r0i.mnr.n wmu r tt. Cotton. D. E. REED, h. COMPANY, , Editors and Proprietors, ' TKRf3- "ne f "pv our vr, flt 2 00 nne eortT months, $1 00 invariably I n. lrl. Js'n paper will r dirrTitiniil rtrrrt at the discretion of the proprietors, until tt ar rtarats ara pmict. RATE3 OP ADVERTTSEvO. - For with aqusre of twelve line or les, first insertion, 1 00 T.aeU iiibfoonent insertion, , 50 One square three months, fl K) Oae squar six months. One sq'isr twelve months. 12 f.O One quarter of a rnlmnn twelve months, J0 00 rtnm liulf enlumn twelve months, 30 00 One eolnmn twelve months, MOO luiinasi cards of eitjM lines, Tearlv. IS 00 " six months. 3 00 ii i th'ee months. 2 Oft ajmlniitrator' and F.terutors' notices, 5 00 THE T.AW OF NEWSPAPERS. I. Bulisrribers who do not eiveexpres notire to the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their S'lrisfrir-tions. J. If suWriliers order the disrotitimnuire of their papers, the publisher my continue to send them until 11 arrr-aracr-s are paid. J. If subscribers neelnct or refuse to takr .their papers from the ntticeto which they are directed, thev are held responsible until they have settled the bill and ordered the paper dis continued. 4. If subscribers removeto other with out informing the publisher, and the paner is nt to the former direction, they are held re. sponsible. fl. The Cor ts have decided that refusing to take a paper from the onVe. or removing and Itnving it uncalled for, is prima facia vulencc of intentional fraud. Subscribers will therefore understand : I. That their papers will be continued after ths aipiratinn of the time for which they paid, unless otherwise ordered. J. Tliat no paper will be discontinued until nil irrtaraees are paid up to the time at which 'he notice is fiven. unless we are satisfied that the jherriheris worthless. 3. That when the paper, throuch the fiult of subscriber, has been suffered to everrun the time, the jus' and innt convenient way is to remit one dollar for another six months, with f fractions to discontinue at the end of that time. This direction will, in all enses, b noted upon our books, and if not attended to shall be our lo BUSINESS DIRECTORY. n . . , i. jt IJEU.EVIKW. I. II. Sr.XMT. Has openisl a hoarding house at Helleview, for the areotniiiodation of regular boarders, and occasional visitors, who, he will tue pleasure in makine as rnrnfnrtahle as liet in his power. Helleview, Nelira-Ua. oct 'J.", '.VI w. n. KNfii.isir, TsJIXOTIATOIt. Coll.-etor. General Land IN Agent, t'oufikcllor at Law, 4c, Ac. Helleview, Nebraska. Having an experience of 17yenrs io the Tel - ritorv. will pay nrofapt attention to all com munications, post paid, in regard to the Tei ri'orv. Ai.e.. .Vc. . TjT" Office near the Hdvernrnent build n;. mini in rraroi r. .. wpvi oanaini; nrvir. Helleview City, Nebraska, July H, lwr4. f. F.. v"a'I'so, IT,nd Agent, Surveyor and F.ngiiieer, Ilella- lew, r.tlira'.ka. nl-iy ST. MAKV. (;i;diu.i: hki'NKk, Attorney and Couni llor at Law, St. Mary, Lounty, Iowa. angJl-ly (i. W. WALLACE, Physician and Surgeon, respectfully tendera Ms professional service to the citier.n of St. M4ry and lirinitv. OlHce two milea north west of St. Marv, un the MuhuuiIo creek. ugHt-ly H. TZSt.llUcK." Topographical t-'nginerr, tenders his profes- ioiml aervirea to the citizens of St. Mary and vicinity as Surveyor ami Engineer in all its va rieties. Office in P. A. Sarpy' store, comer of Gregory street. aug3t-ly W ATS( N, KIN N L v'te (iHKK general Land Agents, St. Mary, Mills ('utility, Iowa. Will attend to the purchase and sale of real estate, Die perfecting of titles, paying tax es, 4c, 4c. Tainting 1 a ul and tillage Iot., to suit punliusi-rs, on hand, for stle rh. ap, ami on reasonable terms. ( MAS. K. WATSON. L. H. KINNKV. 43-lf JOSEPH ;UKKV. WILLIAMS 4 WILSON'S SAW MILL. Keg ('reck, Mills Co., Iowa. The pioprie tort of this mill intend to ketp lumber of all descriptions constantly on hand ; also to sup ply all apecial orderi fur luuiher at short no ice, for cash. i12-3iu "si('. N I'A INTKR AN I) ( il LULMtT f J1HE nbacrlber having located himself at X St. Mary ia prepared to execute order of every diarriptioti of Plain, Fancy, and Orna mental Pointing. Signs painted, lettered and gilded in the must approved style, and in the neatest manner. Patronage respectfully so licited. Off.ce, at II. Mrera, Fr mt Street. St. Mary. STANISLAUS SCHEMAtSS-'iY. til. Mary, Sept 27, "l. JAMLS O NLAL, Prainago Couiuiisioiier, Office in St. Mary, Iowa. ang 31-1 v V. A. SARPY, WUolesaU aud Curniniajioii Merchant, dealer in lJry (Jouds, Hardware, Queeuwaic, (jldsn are, (iroeariea, Drugs, Medicines, Hooks ami Stationery, coruer of Main and Gregory streets. . ug 3 l-ty C. 11 WATSON, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Surveyor. Ofh at the Store of Jr-u, Kinney, 4 Co., St. Mary, Millsco., Iwwa Aug.a,'5. AS TOR lKJlSi;. fflHE luliscriher has lust opened this new ami X commodious building for the reception of th traveling public, ami solicits sliareof pul lie favor. Prompt and efllcient Attention will la paid iu all who may favor linn Willi itn-ir patronage. His taldu will bv supplied w ltd the the market atrorns. A pood slatile is at tach ! to I he piemiset. lis, ENGELL. M.Mary, Iowa, mar. IS, '51 niK-tf A. V. I-OKI), Attorney and Counsellijr at Law, city ef Couactl If'.ufl'i, lowi. pt Original floetrj. For (he Palladium. TO J. W. B. AND R. A. S. B. BY Mai. A. r. HtMtNWAT, Sad ami cherless was the mornint, When yon left your youthful home, Left your dearest friends, and kindred, In a sir Juicer's laud to roam. How your parent's heart's were yearningj For their Son's they lov'd so well, And their heart's were well nih breaking, When they hear'dyour kind farewell. Yes your brother's, heart's were aching, And with grief seeni'd well nigh riv'n, In 1'ieir eyes the tears were gliatning, When the parting hand was giv'n. Fast the hitter tears were streaming, Down your sister's tender rheek, And her heart with sorrow filling, E'en the parting words to speak, Then methinks. yo i sad weie feeling, Sad by each end 'aiiug tok'u - By each tender word tit parting, From you' friends all warmly spoken. Fait the rolling cars sjieid onward, Leaving fax your nitive land, Hrij;ht hopes in your bosoms beaming, Dreaming of the golden strand. O'er the deep and foaming ocean, Where the noble ateamers lloat, Onward to your wisli'd for haven, Swlftiy speed Ilia gallant boat; Soon you reachM the golden region, On the California shore, There it h hidden treaure-i seeking, Diging up the golden ore. Through the live-long day hard toiling, Weary to your cot retire, With no friendly voice to greet you, Or your evening in a I prepare. Thre the Indian oft is skulking, Vciufancc on his foe to reek, Ami the rav'noiis wolT round prowling, There at evi , his piey to seek. Voices stiange, your ear's salutii g, And not one familiar face, There with treach'roui foes oft meeting, 'iheies thi.'(;niiilder' linking place. Vice in every form appearing, Knowing not in w hum to trust, Such is life, in Cilifomia, Such to win the gulden dust. Yet we trust, you still are shunning, Sliuniiing.every vicious puthj Every templing snarj avoiding, Fiom the ordeal come unscatli, StUI of you, wu id't ore thinking, Asking fur you,, heav'n's blessing, Gladly from your p.. receiving, Line your friendship ttill expressing. Would we could, ut hour of evening, Step within your cabin duur, Spend an houi or two in chatting. As we have in days before. Still for yourfriends are anxious, Thinking of you niht and day, Ilopii g soon you'll be returnn g, Ne'er again (outlay. Yes, yen've many friends w arm-hei.rteH, With auctions evijr true, For your wclfaie ever wishing, And would gladly welcome you. Anxious are we, to be areing, Seeing you at home once more. Here with friends lamiliur sitting, Telling us, your traWls o'er. Lirui.ow, Yt., Nov. 8, lNit. Correspondence of the Palladium, Ntw Vurk, Nov. 3, 1834. Tlie e.vciienifiit in regard to the coining election in tliis city titiJ State, in tremen dous. I linve witnessed nothing eonal fo it, since the ''Hard Cider Campaign" of 1840. Meney flows like wuter, and can didates are "all tilings to all men." The Whigs,; the Democratic parties, Hard and Soft; ' Organization; the Re formists; the Lienor Dealers Association; the Know Nothings, and Heaven knows how many cliij'les and fuel ions besides, are all hianouvering, plotting and intrigu ing to obtain 1'ieir kpt-cial ends. Tho can didates are equally busy, in trjing to please all sides, and concentrate the votes of op posing interest upon themselves. Letters not for the "pilblic eye," are adapted to the views of half a dozen different fac tions, and all signed by the different can didates, are circulating where they ere most likely to "tell," and such a ej stcin of cajolement, equivocation, humbug and downright falsehood, as is now in pro gress among us, has seldom been known before, even in the dirty annals of party warfare. The proverb ssyH, that be tween two stiles a inun falls to the ground; but some of our aspiring politicians, ore ekfoyiiig to ait upon at least half a dozen. Only think of it there are sixteen organ- tied partita in t'n Stalt, and upwards of One Thousand CundiJattt. In this city (ho contest for the mayor alty, excites the greatest interest. 1 have not the klighicst doubt, from facts within lay own knowledge, that from thir ty to forty thousand dollars have been ex jjciiJcu in i.!s c '.o;ccrir;, by the csndi dates for that oflice, and their frier.ds. Il is impoisible to guess who will emerge "right bide up," out of the politi cal chaos. The Liquor Merchants, irre spective nf party, go iu a boJy for Sey-J IJKLL!:VIi:V, )Ot K i LA S CO., NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 185-1. motir, the "Soft" candidate: for (iovtrnor, mid bets are freely ofTcre(!, tint he will go out of this city, with ten ihnuinnd mnjnri ty. but I think thin is nn over-estimate. Fernnndo Wood, the Seymour par'y's rnn- J didntc for Mayor, il r.oufidont of being elected, unci the "sporling-men," bnck him at odds ngaitis.t. the field. On the other hand, John .1. Herrick, his Wlii oppo nent, and J. W. ihrker, the Knnw-Noth-ing nominee nre eqtndly stirn of "going in." William (J. Hunt, the Reform Can didate, and perhaps the best ninn in nomi nation for the place, seems to have the poorest chance. It is a very nice kettle of fish, take it altogether. The clashing interests involved in the struggle, have generated mudi nerimony and ill-feeling, which it is feared, will find vent in nets of violence at the p'dls. If Tuesfiay, the 7th instant, should pass nil" without some hsnl fighling and smash ing of heads and ballot-boxes, I shall be iigrceauly disappointed. We have had another murder wilh the knife, several deadly nssatiltsand two sui cides, since the date of my last letter. On Monday evening, a quarrel took place in a sailor's boarding-house, in James Street, between two seamen, named Mathews and Tell. During the ulierciition, Mathews drew his knife, and sheathed it in the left breast of Tell, V. ho died before he could uo removed to me nospn.n. i;otu men were drunk, when the alTair took place. The evening of the previous day, (Sun day) was se'ecled by a brace of rowdies, Germans, for the perpetration of a crime still more wanton. These wretches, (their names nre L'charat and Werner, ) appear from the confession of one of them, to have started about dusk, on what may be termed a stabbing excursion. One said to fhe other, "come along, I am going to slab some one." and oil they went in sci.rcl: of game. Meeting two pe;ici:,.blc youii;; men, brothers, or the name of Deer, Wer ner plunged a dirk into each of them, in flicting, in both instances, dangerous wounds. The infernal machine, which exploded iu F.arle's Hotel, on Saturday last, was another example of lhe fiend like, propensities of the genius. No clue has yet been discovered to the indii idtial, who left the valise containing the destnm live engine. On Tuesday morning, a cou ple of colored men, had a difficulty in u gr gcry, in Thomas slreet, and one of lliem mimed l?rown, had his head split with a hatchet iu the scuffle. He will probably die. About (J o'clock, on the evening of the same day, a Mrs. McLean, n young widow lady, who was nrcuslumed to write J doggerel for some of the newspapers here, I cult a large qunnliiy of laudanum, and soon after, died from its effects. She was to have belli married that day, and left a letter behind her, staling that she did not love the man she had promised to wed, and that the individual she did love, could never be hers. In this dilemma, she de termined to become "the bride of death." On the next morning, (Wednesday) an unknown man was found dead in Wash ington street, wilh a bullet hole in his head, and a discharged pistol by his side, another case of self-murder. Such is the chapter of horrors, which four days have furnished. Is it not sickening? The oyster panic is over, and our pnp t- lotion are indemnifying for a week's fast for shell-fish, by a fearful onslaught t-pon the bivalve, in nil its conditions stewed, fried, broiled, roasted and raw. Letters from Canton, China, of the 2n of July, anriounTC that Mr, Spooner, the American Consul at that City, had been fired ut, and slightly wounded, by one of the 'rebel' soldiers. The shot was returned by a guard of marines, who were with the Consul, and the Chinaman was seen to fall. An Emigrant Agent, named Wedckind, and two of his German runners, have just been arrestvd, for gelling bogus railroud and steamboat tickets to their newly ar rived countrymen. There are no greater scoundrels on the face J the earth, than some of these en.ijront agents, but al though there is a stringent law niMinst their nefarious practices, tficy seem to grow bolder every day. It is announced, that Rachel, lh cele brated French Tragedienne, will visit this country, if her brother, now in New York, can make the necessary financial arrange ments wilh a New York Manager. The Crystal Palace has been finally clos ed, and the auction sales of goods on exhi bition, will commence in a few duy. The fato of the building bus nut been decided. It would make a cnpiuil market or u con servatory, or a menagerie, or a big school house, or a national museum. It is to be placed in the hands of trustees, who will duppuse of it as advantageously as they c, for '.lie benefit of lhe creditor. The jf -i M -J& X-ML -Jr vLJ -..I.l. 0 1 . .1.1 1 ...lit n . i. . i. . mm rvf-r rnnf SiocK-nouiersj win ini . nf the amount '.hey have invested The "son" branch of the Demnmry, had a tremendous rally at Tammany Hall, last evening. The Custom-house was on hand, nivl John Cochrane, the Surveyor of the Tort, innde a speech. From the present prospect nf things, it seems proba ble, that Seymour will roil up a heavy mil jorily in this city large enough, perhaps, to carry in Fernando Wool, the '-soft" candidate for Mayor. The Ctholic Cler CV here, nre at dngpers) drawn, wilh Mitch eil of the Citizen, and also with Meagher. Iloth have been denounced from the pul pit. Mitchell is a Protestant Meagher a "o!hinarian wc believe. NotfmUier information J ns been receiv ed in relation to the missir.g boats of the Arctic. The Commissioners of Lmieration have just discovered, that gross frauds have been committed itnon them; by some of the poor-masters, in the "rural disti icls.1' Scores of foreign paupers in the interior of the Stae. who were Registered as chargeable on the Emigration fund, "-ere found on investigation, to be dead or miss ing. In one county, sixty paupers were charged, who could not be accounted for. This is as bad as the purser's trick of continuing dead men on a ship's book, and debiting them wilh the usu-il amount al lowance of tobacco. The money market io at fight as a drum head; the quarterly payments jrtst due, having taxed to the utmost, the capital available for the pur poses of accommodation. The finances are in a forlorn condition, and all specula tive enterprises are in the "blue stage'1 of depression. Nevertheles s , no l'invy fai tires have taken place here, a proof that nothing like a panic prevails or can rea sonably be anticipate.!. The J'i ,'lish A ve nae Bank, judging from t.:" ''' pji'L :' li.c special C'jinmi-s'c-.rier, t.pp'.Mi'ed tn or . hall its doings, wis iitt c bet 'er than a swindle. There are a few more of the sume sort left. The Arabia arrived from Liverpool, this morning, with dates to the liGhl ult-. Her news ia not of great importance. The bombardment of Sebaslopol, com menced on the 1 3t'u of October, and o general assault was to take place as soon as the breeches were practicable. It was expected, that the assault would be made on the 18'h. There is no political news of much ih'.evcst from Europe. LAZY BEAVEB3. It is a curious fact, says a (rapper, that among the beavers, there arc some! that are lazy, and will not work at all, either to assist in building lodges or dams, or to cut down wood for their winter s'ock. The industrious ones bent these fellows, and drive them away; sometimes cutting off a part of their tail, and otherwise injuring them. The "paressoux" are more easily caught in traps than others, and lhe trap per rarely missrs one of them. They only dig a hole from the Witter, running obliquely towards the surface of ths ground twenty-five or thirty feet, from which they emerge, when hungry, to ob tain food, returning to tins same hole with the wood they procure, to eat lhe bark. They never form dams, and are sometimes to the number of live or seven together; all of males. It is not at all improbable that these unfortunate fellows have, as is tho case with the males of many spe cies of animals, been engaged in fighting with others of their sex, und aTter being conquered and driven from the lodg,;, li.;ve become idlers from a kind of necessity. The working beavers, on the contrary, as so' iate, males, females and young togeth er. Audubon and Bachnan. X?" The following, which wo copy from a religious paper, is a very limely jnd wholesome truth: Political Pheaciiikc. An anecdote is related of the celebrated Mather Byles, a clergyman of Boston, at the time of the revolution. On bcihg asked why he did not preach on politics sometimes, lie re plied that he had thrown up four breast works, behind which, he had entrenched himself, neither of which could he forced and continued: "In the first ph:ee, I do hot uuJn suui.l politics, it! the secmid place, Voil all do. every m ;n and inu'lu-r's son of you; in the third place, yotl have politics asl the week, prav let one day in seven be devoted to ii'Moti: in tins fourth place, I uin tii?. ged in a woVk of infinitely greater importance; givetn'i any subject to preach on, of more consequence than the tiuths I bring J o'l, aiiu 1 I will preach on it next Sabbath. It was not meant that the enjoyments of life should be few and intense, but many and gentle; and great happiness is the um of a multitude of drops. THE PRE-EMPTIO.i LAW. JlJf J1CT to appropriate the proceeds Cf thr nt!ci nf the Public Lands, and to firant Pre emption Rights. Srr. 10. Jlnd If. if further tnacUA That from and after the passage of this r.'-t , every pet son, being the head of the family, or widow, or single man, over the ige ol t went V-otie years, and being a citi zen of the United States, or having filed his ion nT inter" ion to become, n citizen, hs required by the naturalization laws, who, since .lie first day of June, A. D. eigVccn hundred and f'crty, lias mad-', or sh II herenl'icr m ike, rt Settlement in person, on the public; lands tvi which the Indian title had been, nt the time: nf such settlctnc:!;!, extinguished, and which has beei,, or slii-11 h;i e been, surveyed prior thereto, and who shall inhabit and improve the saiTi:?, and who has or shall erect a dwelling thereon, shall be, and is he.rebv, j atithorizi d to enter with the. rrg;i.iier of the land oiin:e lor the district in which Such land may lie, by legal sub-divisions, any number of acres not exceeding i.n ('""''red and six-y, or a qmrtcr section of land, lo me resilience oi sucu claimant, upen paying lo lhe Ut.ited Slates llic minimum price of such land, subject, however, to the following limitations and exi-cp ions. No person shall be en'i'.led lo inure lin n one pre-etnptivc right by vir tue of ibis i.c ; no person who is the pro prietor of three hundred aud twenty acres of land in any State or Territory of the I'nited S atcs, and no person who shaii quit or ib.indun his residence on his own land t.) reside on the public; land in the same Slate or Territory, shall acquire any right of pre-emption this act: no lands included in any reservation, by any treaty, law, or proclamation of the Presi dent of the I'niied y.ates, ttr reserved for salines, or for other purposes; n. land re served for the support ol schools, nor the lands acquired by either of the two last treatrics wilh the Miami tube of Indians in the State of Indiana, or which may be accuired of the Wyandot tribj of lielians iu lhe State of Ohio, or oilier Indian re servation lo which the title has been or mav be extinguished by lhe United Sialcs a' anytime (luring the operation of this act; no sections of huid reserved to the , i i .i i .. . i .i United Stales alteru i.e to oilier sections granted to any of the S.ates for the con- niiuc uui ol ,.ny, railroac, or other public imjinivcmcii.; no sections or frac tious of auctions included within the lim its of any incorporated town; no portions ol lhe public lands which have been se lected as the si'e for a city or town; na na ice I or lot of laud actually settled anil occupied for the purposes of trade ami not i.griculture; ami no lunus ou wiucti arc situated any known salines or mines, shall be liable to entry under and by virtue of die provisions of this act. And so milch of the-proviso of the act of lhe tweiily secuiid of June, eighteen hundred ani thirty-eight, or any order of the Presi dent ol the Liuteil Males, as uirects cer ium reservations lo be made in favor of certain claims under lhe treaty of D.uu ing Rabbit creek, be, and il.e sumu is herein repealed: Provided, That such repeal slw.ll not allccl any title to any Unci of u'.ud secured in viraic ol saul treaty. Six. 11. And be it further enacted Tout when two or more persons shall have set Je I on the same uu irtcr section of land iheiiluof pre-empiioii shall be in bun or her who made lhe lirsl scttlctncn., pro vi.lud such persons shall conform to the oilier provisions U llus act; una all ques lions u lo UieriglU of pre-emption arising between Uill'crciu sealers, shall bo selileii bv the register and receiver of the dis met wiiluii which the land is situated subject to an appeal to and a revision by ihe Secretary ol '.he Treasury of the United Siaits. Six. 12. And be it further enacted, That prior to any entries being made un der and by virtue of lhe provisions of this act, proot of the settlement and improve ment, thereby required, shall be madu to lhe satisfaction ol lhe register and receiv er of lhe laud district in which such lands may lie, agreeably to such rules as shall be prescribed by tlio Secrelary of the Treasury, who each bo entitled to receive litty cents from each applicant, for his services, to be rendered as ul'ores u i; and all assignments and transter.s nt the right hereby secured, prior to the iiMiing oi uie iiaiciu. suau uo nu.i unu vol i. Six. 13. And be it further enacted, Thai bcturc any person cmiming the bene fit, of ibis aci snail be allowed to enter such lands, he or she shall make oath be fore lhe receiver or register of the land district iu winch the land is situated (who are hereby uulJunzcd lo administer lhe same) ihul he or she liaa never had the bent-Ill ol any right of pre-emption under ibis act ; thai htt or she is not. the ownei ut I In cc hutidi'cil and Iweuty acres of land in any Suilc or Tei ii.ory oi ihe United rs.a.c.i, nor halli he or siic sciilcd upon and improve.! s..iu land lo bell Uic same on siiccilia.iuii, inn in good luith lo apptopri- uic it lo ins or fu r own exclusive usu or Licliulu; aiiu llial iic tr she has Hot, direc iv oi inUii'ec iv, in ale any i gi'ecinclit oi contract, in any way or Maimer, will .ny person or persons whatsoever, by wuitli tlie liUe wtucli he or she miirlii acquire iioinihe 1 1. a eminent of the: Unit cu .a.cs, sliouiU enure, in wliolc, or in pari, lo the benefit of any person exejp iiiinseL or herself ; and ii any person lu: nig such oalli shad swc.r luisely iu the pivSiUJv,, ho 4;r i!;c -!:..!! bu attbj-.-at to l' the p.-.i:is uu I penal. k-s oi perjury, aii-i shun torleti me inoiu-y u Ineii no or stie may have paid tor s..l i i.m 1, i.:ia ad rigiii una title lo lhe sanu-, uu . any giant or conveyance which ho or sou m .y have Ktade, except in the b..ial of r'ia j U -NO. IS. .J11 .an "" I 11 l 1 I..U.1 purchasers, fur a v:lu-iblc consideration, shall be null and void. And it shall be the duty of the officer administering such oath, to file a certificate thereof in the public land office nf such a district, and to transmit n duplicate copy to tho Gens end Land OflW, ci'.her or which, shall be good and sufficient evidence that silch oath was administered according to law. ' Sr.c. 14. And bt it further enacted. That this net shall not delay the sale of any of the public lands of the. United Slates beyond the time Which has been, or may be, appointed by tilt: proclamation of the President, nor shall the provisions of this act be available to any person or persons, who shall fail to make the proof and payment, and file the affidavit requir ed before the day uppointcd for the com mencement of the sales as aforesaid. . . Sec. 15. And bt it furthtT enacted, That whenever any person has settled or s'lail settle mid improve ji tract of Jand. uhjeel at the lime of settlement to pri-r vatc entry, and shall intend to pilrchaso lie same Under tlin provisions of this act. sttch person shall iu the first case, within three months after (he passage of the Same, and in the last wiilun thirty days next af ter the dale of such settlement, file with the regisier of the projier district a Writ- ton statement, describing Ihe laud settled upon, and declaring the intention of such person to o'. i n the same under the pro. visions of I ii act; and shall, where such settlement is already made, within twelve month after ihe passage of this act, v nere it shall hereafter be made, Within. le same period after the date of such set llement, make the proof, afll larit, anil payment, herein required; and if he or she shall fail to file such written state-: ment as aforesaid, or shall fail to rriaka such affidavit, proof and payment, withirt ihe twelve months aforesaid, the tract tit; land so settled and improved, shall be sub ject to the entry of any other purchaser. Approved, Sept. 4, la 11. Following the Loar!. An itinerant preacher recently traveled among tho north-western counties in this Slate; He was mounted on an animal Whose npeari ance betokened very bad keeping, the mere frame-work of what had once been a horse. Riding up lo the door oT a coun try inn, he inquire:! of the landlord tho distance to tho next lown: The host cotri- t ing out was so forcibly struck with tho appearance of the animal tlpon which thd querist s:it, that he walked around him twice before giving the required iitfortria lion. He then inuuircd: "Who might you be, if It is a fair rjudsi tionr"' "I am thn follower of the Lord," h answered. 'Follerin lite Lord, eh!" demanded the. host. "Well; I'll tell you what it is diet feller, (eyeing the wrrA again) there-!? one thing sartain, if you atop often on the road, you'll never ketch him with thai boss. Best Right to the Bed. One nigti a judge, military officer, and a priest, all applied for lodging at an inn, where tlirirdi was but one spare bed, and the landldrr! was called on lo decide which had the bet ter claim of tlta three; "I have lain fifteen years in tlW garri1 son of B." said the offk-er. "I have st as juJe twenty je;-rs at il; said tlie judge; ''With your leave, gentlemen, I iiavl stood in the ministry twenty-five jeariiftl N." said the priest. 'That settles the dispute," Said the land lord. "You, Mr. Captain, have lam fif teen yfenrs; you, Mr. Judge, have sat twenty years; but the aged pastor- has stood five and twenty years, so he ccttainly has the best rijrht to tho bed." iT A young lady says: "When I g lo the theatre, I am very crrelets of rriy lress, as the audience are toa attractive to ihe play to observe my wardrobe but when I go td church, I am very particular in my outward appearance, as irio.t people go there to see how their neighbors, dress and deport themselves." 23" The sales of the public land this year will exceed u uuuuuu acics ; a f.irger quantity than has becrl sold for any ene year for fifteen ot eighteen year. 23" Wo jI is now more depressed ; value than it has been before for many years, the price having steadily declined for several months until the medium and lower grades Hre selling for less thai! two-thirds of their value eight crin months ago; A Wife cannot make home comfortable who'dears' 'my loes. and 'pets' her hu baud, cloii't sew the buttons on his shirt, or tape on his drawers. 0".A person who undertakes to rai v himself by scandalising ulllcia, wight ." Well sit down in a whullburrovr snd at tempt to whel himself. Joy can only be appreciated" f iiUr sity. VOL. 1.- I ' t i I i r k -5 I f Sri 1 v , , i i ! I ii H aWPtfU!