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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1854)
HnkrinjI upon, or dwei.iiip np- nn little thin;:,, but railior of th .1 Mn Us. fr'omM, that would lead to the nlmliiion of all Mir- ',. r'rtWs f.e'i inns ww's, r.n.1 lend I" . , t tlii rmrlire of self -drniul. There nrr rnriny other obligations, ihM might ho run meratfd, e-qnid'.y inrumbrnt upon the pu let.l.htit cnonrh bvr Vrr-i mentioned. Ir Benst, r("5':irbC " irnil sp jiication. r rri-f 15 r.ct.ts per battle, or live b.-t C A lif'Ttil discount msie to wimirsaie I t . . . 1 I a - 1 II ril:l C haer ffllu nuy " ' 11 1 ' yrr ,.1 r. I.iMcriy h'mny me i- .,1 .t ..,.- Till!. Mini ICIIIC .Vl-f, flfiiH rM- 1 V",.,. . Chctrnt street-.. St. Louii. bv P. A. Sarpy. St. Mary. Iowa, d.ilers in moLcine uenerally, in the Vivo M . . - . I ...t I .ni-rt !ifr uel Sf. lt'ilM " ' . I 1 .: ... . column of our paper aim pvr nun rr'pniii'ilorni! solemn ht' k rrslio upon ihose, who hovf th rare of clii'i lint. And thrie is no do'tbt'of tlio Iru'h of lh' proposition, that ihe "Sit', of tlio father are visi'.-' l upon t:-.o children, to tho third .-J -..,-ib Bcnoriifinn':" l.i;o:ni5C no- sleet of nmntM ten.hinff, is f. '.t. n"' -r .....) nr.hvt. product" ronsrqurii' t'. " - r: ' mora or les som-intr to the oN'sprin- ml run downward indefinitely uni'llicr Easterly's advert i.einent in bin J'1'-"1 LANDS FOR SALT., Thus . . . ...,rn i I . . .1 . ; .. .. t ...... 1. mi; to Calif." nn, offers fur sale his ILniriiKlli or I'J't acres, riiuai.'u on in- ,lu" ... c. I. ..I. -.1 f,.,.;l Mage rOia nelw.eti .-.. J"- j " """ H mill' M ''II II or vminrii i.iuin a in Noitli of tli' village of St. Mary, an, I Oppoite, Wctiraiica. i. tk Jiki htm fit l'Hiinr. I.aki) iK-nr M. c. w. rir.ucr. Attorney t Ln.w. W.l prartirs in O.e S.stli. SmiHi. I '1' unrl int'i Jiiihcinl Divri.H in !', ti- l-ri-k i T-'-n'orv. l!ri:i !' I with M:.i.k il -o. fi-li: .tr-i.. H.t.Ii of in.--, ,. r-',ra!iiry 'tnrnl f"r pr"-rinp1'''S. " nml will t'.V' p-n:n.t 't '"t;" ronvryao.-- in'- r v n'iifi:ti,,n of 1i4im. Ac Q'" Parti.-ulnr ttoi.t.': p-'i'l t. ("""inni-' ihi c oll"i' I in:,' H'-l't". .. .-: llo-i. t".. II. X..rt,.r).Pht'" (.f". Ml, II. M Voi i.M ar,.l .t.ini"-;. K- l-i.. St. Jo-fl). Mo.. rnrtM liatft. Colt )" M onf. NohnxVa rilv. Nebraska Territory. I ov 1, -M-lv ! ' OLENWOOD ADVERTISEMCNTS, ""Xil.(rrious"Xews for Nebraska. The steamer S:r.iniic lias just nrrieJ,l.'ail:l to the cuars witli goods for .1. (l.j. ..uintl lir 1h! n.irf'H Will III! an,l HI irrn of ' IXHIKKU LAN" nil HII-'H U'F, ' ""'1' I i . - . - " , , , ... a - rl in the .MiHioun nv 'r. arm nf ir uil-iiv i n-t.. I.nniln re all in Milli i .mmy. lowa. mm i'.-- Ptit .lulurrinrnM to la;nl puri'liaors Moin ol- fi-i-pili coiitaininrf tim'ifr, prmri", iiiiip ioor, nin,t utoiif, nil iii'lii-aiioix or pp:ilr or cn.t , an I aUo hcin:; mtnaUvl on thr most loi-iui" point on tlii" MmiMHiri rive for 1b croi.iii 01 ll. 1'iioific Hnlrofl. . Siiitablp ratllu for c row nj t:. I'lains win bet-iki'ti in eirchansri t fair rates, ineonyer can havij immoiliate iofinu, unl all the ritili anil lariiiin'' ntt-nsils ho want at a fair . ...... ft ll I' L l t rali. A A i I I, M VUU Traderi roint, nov 1, oi-.T much, ths prnppr ins'rnc'ion. dtvivoror iV, nrmpr mrmiipr. will do more, nn l the " 'v r i ' . . uncp;'.sin!r r.ttcn'ion .find enro. in develop inn-.llie.inind.nnd judgment, end i" r5,i1 lishin n enrror'ness of lltn'ti' fin 1 a gnnd- nis nf disnostlioiu will. do the mnst to ward irnlutift ihe cliil Iren ftno l. in'clli ren und 4'cnirwble meml-crs or sneiety. ' J. F. M. ''SJ-The 'Hnmt Tfinto's vs hum' lf ixrV neur NatchfZ. SliC WP3 b'lil1 GKNF.UAL LAND .Tr--." ATTTv' Gil AtiKNCY AN U Arl, mt h:m!ifnl i'eamori on the scrs'ern-w'or. two yer af cost of $70 000: She ws J0UTJCIL BLUFF CITY. IOWA COSHKAH . MEOEALn, i i j i llirnr Uii'l Warran!.a:.d entrrio); Land Dr Faterly'i Fever aai A?ue K.Uer 1. wrranttd to cure all eae of AiT'i n.., . rrnlit of one, two, or three yars .nrl Tever. Chills ana Fever, Dumb Artie. In- ,re not dedci-nt. And they will be p.epare.i I rWittent 3 R-imitfent Fewr, and ewrjr form i "",",,, .,,, Title.. Pvment . . ,,.ri,a aiut al of landj and town ... ia. , .... ,. K,..i. lot throii-lionl inis land mji. , - " i,eSa toniiected with the Land Othce at this plac, entrusted to thorn, will bo prowiitly at- ... In leu,,.... .1.1 vrancTi wishing to locale (rove'nmeni lanu, will be t'irnish"d w.tli a gni.le and convevance if they desire it, and d.rected to th beat pointa for a"lnt.on. KxchaiiKe on St. Loms and the Eastern Cit i.,, boorl,l and old. lntsrest paid on depoa- it.s as per acieeuif"'- , . ... (J i, a'tcnt.o:i will also b ?iven ti th- pir clui" a id sale of Town Lots in Omaln 1'ity, Uelle.iew and Winter Q iartcM, Nebraika Ter- n itiViRtsCLS L. W. Babbitt and Dr E. Lowe, he-itter and lUc-iver of the lirel Of- r,.. i iVmnril Illnlfi. and Col. I. A Opposition ia Ihr Life " 'I'radr. AfFSSIiS. S V UP V A. P. N'l f .1 Sll AUK. NOW ill rpei-itin" :it ( Jlch woo.l. S well i'.'rto,l stork (,rtrv fon,U. flirv rood'. rlthilitr. boots and .Omr-. crorcrir. Iinrdwa'-f.ernrkery, "Iniji. li(H(irn. tnvf, I h .un , J r.. in Wwrn Inx a. The po'.lio ! iiivi.H.! to .-:,U s'nl esamine for lli.M,i'-elve. nrrl 'l-v v. ill find th" truth of the ibne t.ite:n.Mil. A1-.n tlo-V will lind that we ran r-M a rlip:r?'iv other hone in Mills, Tie- tnntit or Po'la'va'tamie rnnrlir. And in irivni!.' notice to the f irming rnuirno nitv. we will trive them the highest eah prire for their (irnibice. 'irh m brrf. pork, eorn. hept and bean The tore i on tliewet ide of th Public Siinare. Glenwood. n-ivi-ly. I. II. BF-NNHT. 11 opened a bnnnlintr hnnie tt TleUeview. for the areommndatinn of re;-i)l:ir boirder. and nrcaional visitor, who. be will trke pleasure in ninkme as comfortable as lies in hi power. le!leview. Nebriska. net Ml ' "McMAHON" & WILLIAK3. WHOLCSALR AND RtTAIL CITV OK COUNCIL HLUFFS. IOWA. (at nir. etr.H or the bio mohtr.) J T AVK J ist Received, in addi'ion to I 1 their former !o,-k . a larj;c selected asortment of American and Kncli!. Drue. Medicine, Perf imery, iye Mull, rauits, Oil aliu l.ila-swarej also, a goo 1 aortment of groceries. Wines, Liquors, A.c At the head of Kma.lwav. oct ix, I'i lilld. lirown S"t;ir, 5 hhd. ("laritied (i'. 11 bid S. 11. Mola-!es, ID hi Is. . (). Moli.e,-. M bhl. Col I mi Syrup, 2'vl ck (J. . Salt, t'Hi bhls K.mrtw h do. .VI sucks d'lirv 'o. "il boxes do. 1 S 'an, Id bhls C'i l.-r Vinegar, -.ji,ik(in oi r t t Nn. 1 and 2 Mackerel, X 1'Ms Tjr, ?ii bores a"d bnlf b res tar Candles, fi bon T.iHow candles, ) ;etfs V.tis aS'rted, '' ho i f s f i i'o.h. '. I .i,:k ll'O t'otT, e, Iiiip'.-.'ial and Yunt.of jjyson T.-a, Si i.i, S,'!er,it i. ( an.v. Waisii.s, KnHiih t.Ki'e, ST. LOU:'J ADVLKTIStMHN Hi iTliMlanij jLituiiunL With J BnlTa we com to gnvic you. Iir. ac'ioii cf tiit Linimer t if oct of t. runt perfect l.uei: es ever OL'ei Mi to Uk lllicted. I's aii.Ti uto;i the or,-,nut!r, . truly wo 'i,"'irf ul. I'i T..i)t.e, pjietratiti5, soot I.- 1 Mid I'OO 1 i r V al'nit, Almond. Spice, IV; per, tit.., tc. DRY GOODS. of Fever tncirirnt tn the weM. If there are if rertT's'i'tl St. LOiiis,' wesajr try it, and if it fail t j pure, Jhe money shall be refunded to the par chaser,' More than TWF.fTT-rtTt TH0rT) BOTTtfS have been sold, and in : instance has it failed to effect a permanent cure as far as heard from P" P'.i-.' l pjr bottle, or six bottles, $'i C.y For sale at Dr. easterly's Family MeJ-i-ine Store, louthcist corner of Third and C .tslnut streetn, St. Louis Al-o sold by I'. A. Sarry, S!. Jary, Iowa, . .A ho dcnlers in medicine tenerally, in the ' j wes'. Itead Dr. Easterly's advertisement in mother column of our paper and give him a tell. J Dr. Carter's Ccugli Balsam- I JPJr- Ij the most pleasant and efficacious reme dy for Couslis, Co'... As'bma, Cnnninption and!llioaepf the Lung, ever ofT.ired to the public. Our ever varying cliinab!, an I the col I bleak wind of the north (,nJ west produce t ouj'h and coids danvm colds, which de mand of t'ic w'.se V prudetit,the earliest attention For lilt purpose nr remedy has ever been d,cn re,i winch has efleclud so many cures, and which eems to five such univoral isf action to ltr.(:rrn'iCoSHl!i,M.. Ueml- erVJiaveyotiaeJupliV D j nul neglect it. Dc ;y imtamreroii. re!his Ba!s irn, at once, hiut it will erTeciuutlv o ire yoe. 2T Priee v. cent ber botUe, tsre bottle VI, or six bottles for ".' For ti'.e st Dr. F.terV H Family Medicine '.tore. oith?t corner of Thiri and Chestnut St. Louis. Mo. A!s,i, soM by P. A. Sarpy, fit. Mavr, Iowa s.-.J by tUa'.crs in medicines gtnera!'y, in t', . M(., Dr. Easterly's Icdins and Sarsaparill It i the only preparation th at Is worthy of the least cnnfu' of t!ic public, for the eare of those diseases arnin fi-osn sn impure state of the blow!, vii: Scrofula, or Kind's F.tLI, While Swellings, Enlarged CluaJs, Fever Sores, I'imples on the face, old Sores and Ul cers, Blotchei, Biles, Nervous Aflectiens, Can cers, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Sypilitic Dis asef, Tains in the Bonei and Joints, llmg Worm or Te'ter, Scald Head, diseases of (lie Kidneys, Merciiriul Diseases, A.C. Dr. Eas terly's lonvr. and Suaf ahilla, is com pounded of iHoee articles which simultane ously act on the a fferent organs of the body, and possess the most efficient clenaing and heal ing pi opei tin. II lnJri Is of the most iulell'. Crit and respectable f.nnilics in St. Louis, have used it, and. apeak of it in the highest terms of praise. his ml'enu ii t tiuti stra.iir, diesper and better than any other preparation io use. jJ5T Price, $t per BotUe, or si Bottles for j. g For sale at Dr. EASTERLY'S Family Me t'cine Store, corner of Tnird and Chestnut aii-ects, St. Louis. Also sold ky f . A. SARPY, St. Mary, Iowa, : ' and by dealers in laodieine generally, in tbe West 5?" Read Dr. Ealrljr's adsertiseroents in anotner colijmn cf our paper, and (is him a eV.1. J"W. Dr. Evtcrly'i Atnerican Oil L'-n jnent, . his. valuable Liniment, combine the nost efficacious articles know n for all the various forms of disease requiring an external epplica tion. One of its prineipel active ingredieMts, the AsiraicAW Oil (or Fe'rvlium) which is uniiersaliy known to possess rare IIialiko nd Ccbaiive rnorm rn . This Oil, when .combined with other valuable re:ned;al agent of known and established efficacy, forms a safe r,, lure remedy fur nhe i'nitism. Bruises iri:.s.' Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Scald, Old fcortiaad Uicers, Scald Head, Tetter, Ring Worm, Ervsipelas, Piles, Cansers, Still Joints (Caked Bressljj paralysis, Contracted Tendons 4r Cii!, f.'., tci a's far Sirams, Spuvii Scritcher-, tUaies, Saddle and Collar (iall. Sorrt. Wkuik!. Jistula. Jeenevand PollEv.l io Urtes. ' t-L. Likiiurnt b. sadiiect and pow ul action uijcn the i'itWry and absorbent ddi'ion to .j re and well n. Kreii:h, Q SI Notice. ALL persons knowin; themselves mdeb'ed to bio. P. Stiles, are rnpielpd to make immediate payment to the undpisiirncd, nr they will fine their'ttccuuiits in the hand of the pro per officer for collection. Ccme one, come all and save rst. P. J. Mr.MAHO.N. net IS, '.it 1f W alUer, . . m r I I I v . . S ft ik.l l( 'PM VPr n T are! 1. .v.. i-iissa,iyi ii nin. - Koit )-moiui'S, or ui.y of the business men of eilh'T place. OF1ICK on rt'oadway, Wct Room or 1,ic Paciiic Hotel. t.emly opposite the Land Olhce. Council Bluffy nov l-ly. u . . WATCHiaAKER St J-LWELi-R. on e dooh nri.ow w. mscv sTonE. INVITES the attention of the la ili.w i.ii.l cc.'itlemcii to his assort ment of Jfwelery and I'ancv Good" in part con'i.'tin; of ihe f'ol'owiiu; : Oo'd and iil'.er Watches, Lockets, K r-rnipr, BreaM pins, Kinter-iiiiLS, Chains. Pencils and I ins. itc. Violin. Accordans, Flutes; also, nn as aotuieiit ol Tovs, ic. All or which will be obl st the n,v.-t pi ices; evry article warranted to be at rerom- ninl,, w. I The "i-n'est altention will be paid !o tl psiriii? of Watchu and Jewel. y; all -ranted. tmv 1, THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN! CI1IIE iinilersined is now in receint of and J receiving lhe I irijesl and eha't. est stock cf Fall nu Winer .ooH fir oftereil in Council lilulfCity, or Wnsle ll lowj, Tnose wiahiiii; to pay cash in lioods will do well to call an I ex liiinie. O ir slock eo isisis of every variety of needed by the people in tins portion or I lie country, such as ckuhs. casi nieres, aatt incite, twc:,is. jeans, while senile', and barred llannels, rdaiti and barred linscys. 4is) jiieces yood style madder prints, rahmeies. merit, u, allapacas, bienehed arol brown sheut idS and stiirtm. ticking and drillm, bleached and brown canton ilaunel, drapers and crash ers, all wool table covers, and bleached linen, silk and bay slate tlmwis, and every variety of dres (roods. iMen' ami bovs' tall anil winter clot'iine. hats and caps, boots and shoes, liardwaru and uneenswarc, iron, tiiiils, codec, snfr ir, tea mo lasses, ru e, Hour, .c; imso, a large lot or tutiire ami honors. As it is our intention to sell tor c-i.-iti, We tlatter ourselve that we can hold out superior inducements to those that wish to buy cheap goods than stores that are sellinon 1 1 ust. Country dealers are requested to call and cx aiuiiie our Stock, P. It: PEG HAM . CO. Coin. cit IS. 1 ." I. te- vork LOST OR STOLE S. Strawberry Loan Indian I'ony, about 4 OUR ASSOU T.MI'XT IS I.ARl.F. AND COMFI, Tl. f5Wtintr,fltiebrown; and ble.icl.e-. n.,nesic Trillin::, rlsnaimrrs. Raven'., siu-'k. Ac. &, cfl 'he attention of the ladies called to our assortii,.-t,t of dres too.M. which they Will find as regards price and finality, to he uumui pn- l in Western Iowa. Ci lico tin?m', lawns, delane, beratrc, robes of tne latest fashion and style, -ro;,tere I raps, collars, chimi setts, leeve. silk and satin bonnets, linen nd cotton handkerchiefs, hosiery, para.ol.s, all or which will be sold exceeilinclv low. Cms- rut saw, mill a'As.b.nd saws, broad es.rbopp!n axes, ades, ! andloet chain. bench p'ancs.and in fact everything in thehar.iwate line.n oii, a Jew .harp up to acnuiut.g scjine 40 ca-es direct from Boston. Hoots f all mid rpiahtiej. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny Lin l buskin, palters, slippers, ladies' goal, kip ami c..H t.oois, mis. uios an Hals and raps. booUs and st. itiotiei y, or.ic ai.n mruicines. jayne s anu iiwui .a..,., medicines, and all other popular patent, for s.le at wholesale prices. QUEENSWAUE, Of rarious patterns. GiaHarp, tiimllM i.;:iri, fcc, Kr. mui ffal. stone warn, caair., jr, FURNjTURE. . .. 60 bedsteads of different patterns, rheiry dining, and bieakfast Uib'e. walnut ditto, ditto. Bureaus with glass, plain and fancy walnut clipboards, tin safes.'one or two drawer ttan la, wash stands, lounges and mattresses, double, slat bottom chairs, cam seat do., rockinir chair, nibs. A.c. 1.') cook stove, assorted, Patter m's, ready trimmed with tin or copper boilers, btT$oves, C.rerian parlor dit to., Stove pipe, ethows, A. e. . . - - i U U U h u J V. I L L J w ii rt 11 u . Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood bncke's, w. M bueV'el, wash tub, wood boals, trsya, dough pins. suar boxes, brooms, rinc wa-h boards, clothe nin, &.e. SADDLERY. Bridles martintrals. r rrihtrles. trirths, halters, bridle reins, Blackawk sad dles, quilt eats, and ditto Lames sidr sadules, bu,'sy whips, aiay wnips.tx. L.. w nips, cow-niue &.C., sad lie-bags, learner iruiiKS, .c. LLA I fi .li So!o-lontl:rr, kip, find calf nkins, moroe.-o linings, goat skins, hair, Jc IRON AND CASTINftS. Plow sitM-l, fhrrr si.M-l.oast sirtl, plows, moulds iie. ru's. turns, skillets Liid lids. Q. H. 10 nnd twenty ptdhm kettles. PINE DOORS 8 bv 10 and 10 by 12 sasli. window blind. CLOCKS 8 day an'd 30 hour clock-; wat ranted to run well. TOBACCO AND CIGASR. Virginia. Roanoke Nectar leaf fobacco. Rejalia and irinctpe ciiars of the finest flavor, Cnb i an I Havana sixes, and varo, : " art "!. b it we deem it u'niece.ssiry to mention tliem is it is rot.,) ible i.jj ,.ii...v Koods. an i we w.ii i.c Ii...'py it all times to show our old customer.', a i.l a in ticv ou.- eir..H favo us vvilh'lie.r pai i nna'e. our iroods and prices. Uur lacii. I'e for .seiiinf (!li K A P.nrc be'tei 'ban any other lnuse in western Iowa, and we intend to do so, and an axntniiii; on o! our prices ian inai is nscessaiv io cvarmw you ... inciia, (ilenwood. July. 12. 1S51. 4ti-Sw. NUCKOLLS t CO. a it m a i fa W 9 AH 1 1 I, k -'T i i n i n Ji I n v . AC. Tcctd&Co Successors to IRA TOUD . & SON, NO. 21i) M AIN si Rti. r, Corner abovs VIKCIM A HOT IL, ST tO l:lR, M0. ,mporttrt6c Mitnufaclu crs J JTrnul) Uutr illill Gtoncs. iTEARLY TWENTY i EARS EXPE w pv;rri .4".-..t If I M Vfs!t, t:mutati'ie tlrn to a h' :!'!.)' action ihui euabUiig t'ti lo ILroa- off the jcoi bid or (IiaeaMid loa'.Ur tt'biat flistrKtls the eirculatioii, tiius re:novi;. all tie;iet pr injuries of the, Muscles, Cvt'.Jtagts, Ntnet and Skii., Oustolllt Kill oi.viwe li.e i.o.) akcpiical of it wot.aWui ctbeacy in eui'in Bruise. Pjnairit, Ilheumalisip, i'aiues Koiene.i and titruess of I lie Jwin.', 4c. Dr, L'.a.-U:tl' OU Liu'nuent is, without exception, the most vniusLla remedy rr eoi-f-aaf!"d for ill Jiff.-sisn of Mi or 4 Strswberrv 1. yea's old. and .-.I' good vvti lor a pony. II..MI1 he. ii en for Some two or iliree went When UM seen had Mines on . l'.'ht tore tool, anti .,.... .! ta.l well lilled w ith burrs. A liberal reward will be Riven to any person who will return said pony Io the subscriber or cue m- formaliou where be can be found. Council Bluff City, nov 1. Til $.00,000 wortli of Gifts, for the snbesribers of the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL 1t' JlLlSHEl) simultaneo isly in tue three c.tie of New York, Philadelphia, Balti- i..ote, as soon as J'syssi siitiscrmers are omam ec; and bavin); already an actual ciicuUt.ou of, ii ii. certain Tli3 Distribution will soon take place. Anions the extraordinary Lists of Gifts (beitqj one for every ticket issued,) are rmr. lurl's rle'-ant country ai, vaiueu at J),IXM) .1 uian.flcent city re. deuce, worth vw.f)UU. A caU loan for IM years, with iulerest or security, $IO,hU0. il.iiia.n io, i, eleirant 1'iano lories, r-Ielo- ileJi.s, t.u.J VV atctf s, Bracelets, Kini;s, book uf tr.veis in the old and new woi l.i, by I' ot. Uan , rol esUte.Atc, tc., te., m all uuiubei me; IMJ.UUO Gitu, valued at JK),o.x. fclvry m.;'i repsittMirc .f t, sernrea one yaa.' iibseiiptio.i to the Mammoth Pictob iaI, and the gratuity of a Ticket, which entitle the holder to one share in the 3uu,txsj Tlius every perion investing in tbi st.pcr.dous enterprise receives tne tullwoilU of lui or her money, in subset iptiun to a ti rat ciasi journal, (the greatest and most inUrelui; picto. il of u.e sjd,) bexdvsi a iiift for racu ubM-nber which may prove ail immense (ul tima to the re. s.ver. For a coinjilete Us, of (if Is, and full and ex plicit paiticutari in rrga.d to the enter pr.e. d str. hulion, A.e., see a copy of The W'juIk Varld, w'.i cfi w.H be p.-uu.lly acnl fieu of tha f, whe:e di!irsJ by le.ler, poll lbs Whuie Woild also be teen at the ullicet ot all pape, coi.taimi' thi a.lverliw uieut, wu ie into n.ataj.1 may bu obtained in 14.11 lo the pape" ami enterpii. Agents, 1'oitn.aiter, and Ladle, dosiroi.s tf I tuc.ative and at tha lime penle. l cm pioyin. nt, should not fail to tee a copy of 'I he kV'i.uie World, which contain by far the inosl liberal inducement tar dieted lo agent in thj way of immense caih preimum, i.'ittt.ou, Ux., wiu reby iny person wuli otdii.a- y acti ity, can ea.dy Uiake f I, (MA) and up wa pe. year; to fact lb'.- ajjent we aiieauy uaie can ce.Ufv. fsicu.e the picto. iu), and bucuini ui.-t, r th, and happy. Co. respondent must w I lie l..i' dd . e Niuio, 4'ololtice, Cuiuty a..d i a e, .a... ul district, ui il w lil b their ow u lau.t il t.icy ta.l lo get auaiiswe.'. Adhen: to lis .a, and an return will be piouiptlj 'iit v, he. ever uesii id, in auv pait of tne ao Id li any order a.e leceivcd after the 3lto ojO ubciib3i arc obtained, the uiouey will be prom;iily iettirted, pOit-paid, lu die peiscns scud. I'S H. H'jT Ail lv l.-is remised for the J'icfoiial. W l.i Gill T.i kt'.s, m ly be add e sed, po,t-J-a,U, to 1'Ot J. Woduiaii liar., iU,t' Uui.dii.fci. Ciiestiiut Street, I'luladfclph.a P.,Uiere be..!' 1U jrintip! edito.ial -u publication ofja), 60V l,'rl. FxIILiP E. BHVO, AttorLey and Conr.rellor at Lav, (It.i.sw ooi), Mills Col-stv. Iow a, J ILL ait. nd t all business cnti uted to liis care, with fidelitt and dispatch. Par ticular Btlent.un (jnen to the Collection of Debt.., c. Rr.rt RLNCI.S. Hons. A. C. Dole and James Slicilds, Wa-l.iii-foi,, D. '. J. and A. Low cry, P. T. Beds k. Co., New York City. Joseph 'Shannon, Esq., Palmer, Cook It Co., San Francisco, Cal. Webb Co., Milwankie, Wisconsin. I lun. A.IL Suiilh, .lanesville. Hon. A. T. tJrav, Madison. Hon. Otis Hoyt,' Hudson. Paire &, Bacon, St. Louis, Mo. MeLniiKhlin A. Harrow, St. Joseph, Mo. S. F. Nuckolls, F.-iq., Litid.;n. Mo. l'eter A. Sarpy. E-q., Nebraska Territory. Ex-Governor Slephen Heinpslead, Dubuque, Iowa. K. Honn, Eq., Council Bluff's, Io,va. Nuckolls it Co., U'lmett K IlariiiiiR. Bi la White, Glenwood. Iowa. or 1 1 1 tf. grah' w anted. I WILL pay the h'gliest market price for Corn, Wheat, Oats and Buckwheat, at my Office in Glenwood. either in r ish or mer chandie. PHILIP E. SHANNON. Gknw 'jod, oct 11, '."il tjl'ia C KINS WANTED AU kindsof skim want. O ed, for which the highest price will be naiJ . Ai 1. by DRIED FRLTT for sa'e bv SARPY 4i ENGLISH, A I SINS, I sale by FIGS AND CURRANTS, for SARPY & ENGLISH. pi, r. tties o.i H his. ttiemelve r the very ho'ies. It .-s m'o the circulatiou of the blood ilivr i e impulse to whole nervo i y.tein to the very ex' remiti.'s ef the f u ;"rs nd titi.ulate to the ',.sorbenl and eeretiM,. H'd fins asit VATti'i! to Know o'V a id n4 herself of any rii'-ased 'r'.irni ..f the nerseii its or l-.'..'ioents, making it equally appl 'C hie In ictc .f my mt"', rheniriauMn paio in every pai t of theb-idr, Irotn a dis-ased actin of my of li,e structural potluinsof liietvstem. While it is perfectly harmless to li--itliV flesh, skin or bone, it has the property, .-f futerittj into combination, ai:d rl'.siolvintj anr r.,f ihee- anic tissues when tliev f te difesed', or their vi fdity is d.troyci'. Poss.-ssin 1'iese nec-tliaf power. is the renon why it iepvilly tl!ec:oir in so many rlitierent r.smplaui's. It acts npn scientitic principles and l".Ked iaiss ;f th Ciea tor! Tue lare number of c'asei in svbioh tiiilini inent has proved us value, in the h trt time i lias been before 'he people nf America, is sufli cientlo give the treaiest confidence lhat it vi J , t ies are incom;prabie in cureintf rlieimmtim bruises, strains,' burns, WD jiids, jwellinc: brok en or cracacd breast, old torei or paim in an part of the body. St. Loci TrsTiMoar. Stiti or Missouri, ) Oninty of-St. I.ouis. j ' Be it rtinemiicre.i, that oa this fifth Jar May, a. o. m.i3.'b' foie m,'tbe undersigned, iniyorcf tbe city cf at. Loui,in the'e-junty sn l Mate aroreans, can.e personally i;sa M. Smytlie, who, upon his oath, says' that tile fol towiij; statement is true. -j : . in testimony whereof I nereto ; bit hsa theday and date laitafot"'.. . JOH.N HOW, Msyor. Soc. Newmas, Register. St. Locis, Mo., May'6, 1S53. D'. A; G. BaAOO, . Co. Gents i Yotl wilt proiiably rclleet that I cailedinto your estab lishment some three week since ant purebaei a fifty-cent bottie of your " Mcxicin iutLf liniment;" my ohject in to aoinj wss totrvil anerits upon my daurhter'i arrs, wljo hai teea sufferins from the effects of a severe dislocation of the cibow forseveral years pait. The excruciatnijr pain consequent upon fcl set'ininf the bonei.a dwindled and contracted her arm to a puny siie, and I eotisider it duty devolving upon nte to acqaa'mttlie community of the beneficial effect your Uaiment has paoduced. Her arm was drawn tja riht angle, and ws almost inert and useless, until rour inviiuabi liniment was appln-d, since wfiich time, I aaa happy to state, siie ha enjoyed unialern-pted ijood treiifr'h, end can use her arm hearty ai pli antly ai before it was dislocated. I would state, however, that prior to tryir.f vour tmequaled liniment, I used several other rutnedies, and ainonj; tliem " McLean's volcanic oil liniment," but with the least beneficial reuil. I). Mi SMVTMC We offer this liniment as a remedy in thevari ous diseases and coi.iplair.ts for which it is re commended with full confidence of it niece in cm ie them. The follow-in? is a list or the iiuineroiis nd e- trdordinary casts it has cured during the la . few moiiih : 6,750 case of rheiimsfism in r.ll its form ; I r t L MALA SI" Clothstor sale by SARPY &. ENGIf ll. AV.M1S PATENT MEDICINES, tor sale bv SARPY 4c ENGLISH. JJRODUCE AM) CASH wanted iu payment in payme-it tf debts. SARPY V E(L 1 OKN" and Oats Wanted by S. &.E. GENERAL LAND AGENCY OFFICE. GlenwoirJ, Mills County, Iowv I.L persons wishing to buy or sell Real - Estate would do well U call on the undrr- sitned, who is prepared lo Enter Land upon Tune, and Locate Land Warrants. Willalo attend to the Collection of Debts, and payment of Taxe in and out of the Comity. All Business intrusted Io me w.ll receive prompt attention, ort 11 PHILIP E. SHANNON' FRESH PROVISIONS. T MIE aubscrihrr will visit St. Wfrp'T Mary on W"diiesdav's and Glenwood o i Tueed .y's and Satur- -1 ' lav'a of each week. :ni will Biiplily th-i Wet with Fieah M'ats. Buttar. Eu, and Veiretahl s. at the market mice ts-pt 27,a4tr P. P.ORNER. 'tiiliX FAINTI'.U AND e..U!:;l rilHE s ibscriber luiii.i; loca'.-u h .us-If a hi. M ii y .a p -epa.ed loex Culo old "S ot "very inscription of Plan, Fancy, and O ua ineiital Painting'. Sipi paiulu, littered an.i vihi.'U in Ih'f Hi t ajipioi 'd sjtyle, and in th' n"at st mHtiivr.,ic resp'cUu'.ly so- liritul. Other, nt H. Mvn, Fr . .1 Sire. I. M. Mary. STANISLAI S SCII E M A ASK Y. St.' Mary. Sept. 7. Ml. trader's pointTerry. S IS 11 K n.bscriber bavit (r lea-ed of Clarke A. J Co., the old Council Itluif Ferry lit 1 ru der' Point, poilawottaiur Couiity. luiia. Hal ing built a new anil substantial Boat is now prepared to cros all w bo route. Person visiting Nebraska will find this one of Ihe !"! Ferries on Hie liner. T. ue, 1 ham no Ferry Boat, but 1 hair Iroiu; arm iioii.r. which will propell a boat ucn ss tliu mer at this narrow point without any danger or blow t.p, quick enough to atisfy the fastest of this fast Ug'e aud countiy katk op i r.ssi.viF. : 1 Wa?aii, two ho ses or cattle, fjil 2'. I Horse an t b i','y, - 1 Horse and ridei , .... b't. Jot'iiiin, ------ IS. (JjiTwenty-five per cent added to the sbjye iatej duiinK hih water. seplU. 'i-lti DA MEL NORTON. JOB WOUKiioae Wit aeatue-s ! d.stclt tkit r NT en,.P j tlir M.ll fui'hishiiiK business in S'. I. oiiis. fc.tiiimeur.ini at the workman's bench ) enaliles us lo judu'e correctly of liir i mlity ot burr best atlapted lo miUini; in the West. To obtain that quality, we have found il necessary to i is .t Ihe quarries iu France, and there innke selections. Our stock this year w as ss-lected at the quarries by one of the firm, and samples left Willi Ihe pioprirtors, inai wemuy, w nen we order, he certain of obt.iiuinir the desire 1 quality. For succcsslul milliiie, the pr iclteal miller in.1 iniliwritni can appiec.aie iu- noiioi tance of this arrangement. Our lin'k is ulwtiy iartie, and any desired iemper and texture of burr can be obtained without delay. HOLTINU CLOTHS. To obtain the nualily of Boilii.i; Cb.'h best suited to milliin; in the West, we have had the greatest difficulty. Over-loading bolts by fast Srillll1!!!;, Bill! IIIU larte quai.i.ue ui spr.uj; wheal ami oats proved so destructive to the or dinarv Clolh. that coiuiilaiuts of mill ow ners and millers Ueramr uo 1 1 equei.i, m b i.iuim n ce.sarv lo obtain heav er and similiter Cloths, or subject ourselves lo a su-qocinM of sellinj; an inferior article, il e laid tt -tore tne uiuiiniac turrnoiir obiectioii to tlieir Cloths, and older edlieavie. and stronger lo be made. They nli- lertook it with reluctance, fearing that they could not make their Clows heavier and pre serve the uniformity of meshes so indipensa- ble for good liiilliiiu'. 'hey have succeeded. OUK HOLTINU CLOTH ABt NOW SIAItK txrutss- L oR is, aud for beauty or finish, uiulorm. ly of meslies, trem;tli ami duiBbility, we ret'e. to the millers (Tenerally in the ro mtry, and es pecially to the millers Slid mill owners in this PORTABLE GRJLY .VlLLi. Our attention for many years has been di rected to obtain the best plan for constructing these mills. In many rase they are used by inexperi, -iu ed hands, and therefore, durabil.ty ami simplicity of construction was the object to be atiamr.d. In this we Ihink we have suc ceeded. We believe so, because in the rreat number we have sold, therehas tint been (.tie re. tinned, nor In our knowledge t lilrd to iform entirely to the satisfaction of those usjoi; them. They are in extrusive use in the iV est, and many of them ill New Me;iro and California. Our mills are Known as TODD'S 1 M PROVED GRAIN MILL. We Manufacture three kinds, lowit: cast iko hacks, to grind by weich! of the runner ; stock and chain Milt., Uie lower atone to run, and the rai.ssORK mill. Patent riveted, cemented and machine stretcli- LEATIIER Itm.Tl.VG. This an; is now in l ie in tin : i ealrt p.-r-f':l!o:.. :,'i! Iicrtn'i:: e'::s:v.'ty .;' '. i:i 'ii 0 reef u t . -ilk ,!. a- s'rii .ll 'f ihe countre ll ke( i on hand " i.i:e.t aso tmnt in Ihe iV.sle'ii country, of o ir, and Easleui .uanutactiiie. Nti.cAMztn ai:BKB ni.i.Ttso PK HIMi ami I'l'Hui.H ii'ihi:. W are tue only agents of the liostou Couipaiiy in tliii cily for the sal.- of these tcoods. lloibliii); uriewn. mil! spindles, rek'ulalii.g screws, irons, patent iron proof safes, nnli picks, screen wire, copper rivets, Urr lea ther, calcined plaster, k.e., J.C., Q con.sUi.t y on haiid.J ' m. i..iiis, .Hr;i r, lsr.i. !i!2;! 1.LTwYtOI52 6i AG.CY CFIICii AT f. r"i vr A V'""1 AYINti o una, leiili located in this place. th piiii.os- of a-lli.'t; i.nou-1 LAND, TOWN-LOIS, und iloin e. General Ai'iicy Busiu.'.s, w ! would respecttully i.nne th . pnblir, to give us a call. Uur Goods were r-l-rl 'd w itli cure, ar.a v. D are co.ilid.'nt lhat we shall b' able to give psr-f.-ct satisfaction to all. GREENE, KINNEY Sc. CO- sT.t.'J7 Tit. i ' i J V ES Is.' ae o y jJm ud aialiui.eiy i rsio)V SAHPY FNGI.IM. c TTORSES, work oxen and vomer stock, ditto. I L SARPY & ENGLISH. UK 111- AN Square L AND PORK wanted at the Publte S. & I" 0. 'b 2L NUKSCliV. THE undersigned In on hantl and for lc a few tliou.-and select rafled apple I, .-, ready lor truiisplantiiij; in orctiarus u.e coming fall and spring. '.AM T V. n. dJiitie, bildiviii, white winter parmain, fall pippin, IVnuunt, wine sap, yellow belllower, K'i toe I, laud greening, sivaar. priors red, red a.-liiichtiii. early harvest, sweet June, summer ro.-;e. summer queen. Rail's jmi-t, rambo, wine apple, white ' beliellower, Roman item and Noitltern spy. FOB SHAT!E. The Catalpa und Black Locust. OHNAMI.STAI.. 1 The snow ball, English and American lilac, red doifwooil. honey suckle, lose, Ate. Jtc. A few of the Isabella and Catawby grape from Layering. St. Mary, Iowa, Am;. 31, '53. auifM-iy. - GEORGE IT EPNER. I.ON(J Lo7ikIrJ FUJi, COME AT LA3T. N'l'CKOLLSi CO. have jtt-1 received one oi' the laigeil and b-st selected stock ot GOODS ever brfore exhibited. oi the west A iiioiig their ass.irtme:it may be found DRY f;tjfDS, A variety of clothing of all sorts and sizes, bar J it. ne aud cutlery, drug's, loe'i iciues, f iiiii ture, be Isteads, biiiea is, tab'es, chairs, cool:, box and Grecian, parlor stoves, ic; in sha.l. everything you may call for. Persons nerd not be detained when they come to the cheap corner, as they are well supplied with nimble clerk on (heir first legs, and al ways have sharp sc Users and dull Conscience. s Emigrants will find it to their advantage lo call upon us before purch isii.geisewhere. Glen wood. Ap. il ', DsSt. n35-tf Dl)Z. Sdy und 3.) hour clocks, warranted, w for sale at the theip rash store of n'15-!f NLKOLLSA.CO. 4.'.'.'HJ do sprains ap i bruises; b,4d0 do burns and seal Is ; 3, s)."i0 do fresh cuts and wound ; 40 do . cancel J t . , . . 7,710 do scrofulou sores and ulcer tb.t hud resisied all other trea:n.eut v 5.240 do iiirlaniedoriwellrd jsiims;. 7,5ih do rile'. ; ' ' i 400 do I jiuiiago, sciatica, goiil and karj b.ji.y imyin; C50 do . chapped hands ; ! , . ,-f 3.IHII) iiu caked breas'.s, 4. tynj 60 to oh-ache ( ' " . . '.! K lo :' ..leases. , This must appear afaisst Incredible, bit lh numerous cei'lificatej and letters from dining giiisned physicians, eitirens, r.g:)ts and other who have used the medmii'. e-uabte ustosdb-1' siatitiate tbe above fact?; milticisof lot',les of it .; are yearly consumed, Li:d i; fi;ij aiways giua ' satiilartinn. ... - . . t , To country mfikmavt:. verv state tho'd be aupnlied wilii this v:jl table !ili'une.".t, a it pavs a gcrti'l proiit and flls rapidly'. : I'Bicks. or Tilt i- r I vi evt. il :s put up in bottles of tliree sives, atei re:R;s at 25 cents, M ' cents and per bottle. The 50 cent and one, dollar hollies contain 5 J and 100 per cent more limtnent, tn proportion to tneir cost, so mat money isavl by having the lager s;7es. A. G. ItRAGG&CO., Sole Proprietors. Principal offices, r.or. Third and Mjrket (., St. Louis, ami 3hl Bi-nad'.vay, New Yoric. For sale by P. A. S.s-iPT,St. Mary, end Sas rv & Enulisw, Gi.-r.wood ( anj by dealer m f medicine every where. . tug 31-ly IJItCATlJRA(J(s !S TONrCN ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. The great p,iiiiLir medicine of the day Vast amount used per moiiih The nu .Tirr r.aJ '.vor.derfal cares it etTects : lis mastoid effect upon llilioms Fevers, and Fevrr and A?ae Great excitement ftiHoiij tn Dtjotcrs , "T- ' T - - 4r r ( LITTLE far-ry notion for sale as y)jJ rbenp as din, at the cheap cash store of n:l5-tf N CCKO LLS .V CO. SAPPY'3 STEAM FERRY BOAr gv NEBRASKA. iM T il E ST E A M E R N F. B tt SK A I" 3 ii U N A 1 N G between ST. MARY &. BSLtEViEW CITY. 'IS IE Nehriski is a i:.'W and splendid boat. J. ni,i!i:ie. by ,-xpe -irticed ollicrrs and rrew. C.ty, Nebraska, is opposite St. 51aiy, EM ICR VNT? cjin:.i to siiould come direetly tc ST MARY. This is the front j;ate i -y the tnost important aud iiitreliiig ioi t.ui. of Nebraska. Lear iii lliilld t'.iil 8T. KAST A EELLEVIEC CITY are the tw o brsi points foi the emigration to mi. al-tf il-lleiie lo.V.l. Crlt'er. Ii. dlrview Citv. Ie!y 1, 1 ilil.-iii.S - s isl....g lo make pu L do w 'li Ij giv.' 1 1 a acalla'id i.d i iil !' te-fl J. i ( MiiiTi US'! a L-i nr S ild ul ciett b.t'-i'iiios. GREENE, Ki:. M Y "ANir"irTciii. Ja exam.: al afoOri .out. ,'" U, I. N llHi 1 quality of Mineral knobs and Lit n. la. vJ at GREENE, l.l.NNUV 4- CO. s i 51. ' Foil A SKA CLAlM-j. C1 L AIM ANTS w.ll ph ae take nC'ce tba tbe liio.-eedini's of the Belteview Ne'tler ('nib. m ike it the .Inly of all Cla.Biuiit to re cord adlscription of ti . ir Claiini as l.cai m th? ii. av Le abie to or cni,i tbeut. O.hcs' ai Balleview, N 't r-i'l-.a. L U i. ULKS T. J'OLLOV.'AV, .. t 4. t ' Jte.-.K-, VRE now admittd on all liands to b a most ' cxtraordir.ary hd vatiable medicine in geiieral use. ll not only acts as a specific npoa : lie bilious and typus ftvK-s, ctnll and fever, died fever and ague of the West and South but .n all diseases of debility, weak ' gestion, lots of a;'pe'.it, iinpu-ity of the bloody and all dieasespr-vait::t in a western and tout!.-' ern climate. Their great power consist i their peculiar effect upon all th organs cf th -ysietn; and the rapid formation of tew and pure blood they produce, . l thi lies th preat secret of their success, lhey ere mild ana leasant in thir action but searching and per-; ua'ient in their effect penetrating the remotest ccesses.-f the system by their ready absorption ,i. to the blood, thereby infusing anew isppiy of itality nnil nervous power lutoail ihe Biacnme y of life. The extensive popularity tbev have' ico lired all over lbs West and Soutii Cbsaree' tales of at least OU.OMO boxes flB MOKTlI ! And we find it diihcult witu our Urge fore ot. 'ia;uis,ard the late imtrovtments iu iiijcl.ii.eiy which we have r.dopted. to manufacture the.u fast enough to supply the demand in thirter A'eslern aud soulliern Mates 1 Uli lire manu- actory is e.;:isUhtly engagcj i:i preparing th latious conci r.tra'.e i txliacts of wh'.sh lhey nt compoundeil, From the best infoi malm ,vc can oM.iin from o ir H.'jJ scl i.ig atei-.ts, il.d hosts of attentive' Is in vU ikrts of tbe cocnu-y, our med.oiii care pr iionilO'ot les th:in ' Ill.OLKl cases of fever end ague, one U'Oi'Ssnd of which have resisted all other treatment i,lH0 case of we ikuess Mid genoral debility j , i.5 HJ cf vaiou ehronic diaeast- $ J,biX " o w eak stomach aad loi. ot p?- i tile i .'.. tasestif Jysnepsia . ,' " of ; oi female coii piait.'s ; " of ague caae, or er.Urjei ipVe t 1 'his must iipp.-ar alim st iucreiiiblt, bul io luumious letters iioiu physici!., i.c: '. an 4 liose who tse the tnsdi-.'ii.e, frooi I.I Ui r.-t-rii uiiii MiiHriH' ti St ules, sitisiy us that tii, ts a .iode.iteeslnii.itr, and tint our n.i,cin is rto dly tHfcinvtha plae of th vaiiojseui'nt: fnt vhieh tre atiott.aiid the nuaierr.'ts toine wit 1 res made w !ul!v of quioiu, which it in.stl vd upou tl.e w;;ti by laanufacturers nk ly bo y knows w'.i re 1 . ' j upri of Tonir pills. 75 cents, asJ AnV.-bH (,,).'-'; rent i. A. (. Sn..,. .,l wf . ,t,,i,S!. I.ov: IV.r Mii bv f. A. a'. are, and Sort . V.srji im, Gliwo ? ;' "x'-a . ' -',, 'I f(0 I. Villi L.2- J 11! T 1 ll i I! A ll l4 v. . ....... I' 4 t;. 4 I , a inB