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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1882)
i V fS 0 H j4 -vfr. " Q, W. FAIRBROTMin, SR. 'f W. rSwWWTMSrT, JK. BIN r. ANDkB ' J1$ '.i BY G.W. rAlRBROTHER CO. gfcj- Entered it the postoflice at South Au burn, Nelraika, ai Sorri Claw matter. LOOAt -trsr MiiWa. A harness shonjs the lniBins Sojith Auburn is most In Heed of at present. ta, Mrs J 0. Cohurn, a ludy of San An lohiiK Texas, has 40,000 Bilk wormi at Vnork is ,y Our old nnd cstcouied friend S. 8. Mcl)6wl, of Asplnwall prcQlridf. cMled on thtf AiiVKUTiHKii Thursday. Tho State Central Commjtteri, of 'the Hepublican party, will meet lit tho Counnorcial, House, Lincoln, July oh . . n&A Just forty-two years ago tho first'' lngcr beer saloon was open in tho city of New York. Thero arc now soverali Mrs. ifcm. Willing, of this city, and Mrs, J. J. Howler, of Nemaha City, vjs Ited Mrs. II. A. Newman, at Nebraska City last week. ' An agricultural paper tells how to raise potatoesbutn ,wo know, already, It takes about a half a doller to raise a pock these times. MlHfci'Clnrn Louisa Kellogg is not go ing to marry Mr. Thos. Whitnoy. It's off. She bounced him, or her mother dldJtaOithejpupers say. BllrKennedy, of NobraskaCity, was in town Tliutsday distributing .bills, announcing the celebration ai NebVas lea City on tho Fourth. J. C. McNaughton in company with Ills sister Sal He, rccontty from Penn sylvania, wero visiting-Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ford at Carson last wok. Miss Laura Terry is now helping MIhs Dollle in tho mllllnory store, and tho two ladles have all they can do at tending to tho wants of customers. , U.i,8mtor, Van Wyck, . . Out readers will be pleased, in read ing, tho following laudatory remarks, from ,tl0 Chiqago Times, of (senator Vnh fayckj v "The nrovinco of Nebraska is to be .congratulated upon having chosen ji senator who scotus to possess the tin-, coinmou faculty' of stnudiuj; up, polit ically, 6u his legs. Tho senator Is Mr. Van Wyck. Coming into tho senate 'a man 'unknown to fame,' he has, upon a number of occasions, ciutfccd'no little surprise among tho 'time-honored' not ables of that augtiBt assembly by man ifesting the possession and tho courage of opinions not cut and dried in tho factories of precedent and convention4 ality. His very sensible motion to act on the president's nominations to the tariff .commission with open doors furnishes an instances in point. Tho motion of the senatorial Iconoclast from Nebraska was voted down, of course and vcn for this purpose the galleries were cleared, the doors locked. and the broadest part Of tho back of an Ussistant door-keeper placed over BVery koyholc sacred custom requir ing that the pulilic should not witness the Unties of senatorial dignity oven In considering such a profane attack upon a "tlmo-honorcd usago." Hut its. re jection did' not prevent the Nebraska senator's proposition from setting in motion forces of public opinion which may eventuate in tho very conse quences the idolaters of absorb custom nought to prevent by Its rejection. Ever'4Wliero public opinion has recog nized tho manifest propriety of tho re jected proposition, and the rejection of it, nan erv'(i to attract puuuu 'attention more generally to its propriety by in citing.coinmont upon tho silly method and reason of its rejection," "For making that motion and for some other manifestations of the cour age of ideas '"'ofit of tho sacred old rut, tho senator has been called 'eroehpty.' In tho contemplation of idolators of custom, any man is 'croch ety' who does not receive his opinions cut and dried from tho venerable dry house of antiquity, or who betray, among statesmen manufactured and kept going by party machinery, tho faculty 'of going without the help of u party machine The country, however, Is in a temper-to bellovo that its wel fare would bo quito as well promoted If tho national senate contained some more senators as 'crochety' as the sen ator from Nebraska." e3he:r,:b:ej:r,t wills o:n DEALER IN SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE At Prices that will Suit. Remember you can get P nmr-' 'i 'iin, "nnrrinnw om iMiiiiM trftiii immii " mm" " mnnrmmim- -ssssssgegsifc. p1- T. j-lJaMMMLjMmmcr ' M iaaaaMwHsvasBjn - 'i' mviHHmBS' The B. fc M. It. It., known as "Hurlingtiou Itouto" offers special the art- vatitages to travelers. Sqo tlyjlj; ad vertisement in this paper. 0-28 At Wheatley station, on the M. & L. It. railroad, 18th inst., John Walker, and Win. Snoddy quarreled, nrmttl thomsolves and went to shooting. Both wore killed. "Une swallow noes not niako a sum mer, remarks n religious papor, and another one adds that that may bo so, t but it does make a fellow want another drink right away. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS HAND AND TWINE BINDERS, Farm Tooltip Awes, Iron, Nails, Firearms; Ammunition, Etc. 'W T tf1 A CooaXjiV' 1-'ihov in Connection with the House. A No. 1 workman in Sf Charge. Custom work a Specialty, AU OcixtvaL k."vcixxxc-, INTox-tlx V.xxlixx-ix5 Xelra&laf. What Everybody Wants. Is a rollablo medicine that never does any harm and that pi events and cures disease by keeping the stomach in or der, the bowels regular, and the kid iioys and liver active. Such a medicine fa Parkers Ginger Tonic" v It relieves every case, and has cured thousands. See another column. Tribune. BUCKEYE HARVESTER JZPtk?. rVfm Judge Bradley, of the TJ. S. Supremo Oonrt, denied Gultean's appeal for habeas corpttsj and to-morrow he will 1)0 hanged at the hour of2 p.'m., if ho lives tllmt hour. ." ? " " . ,.& 'iHHt for Simon Cameron, Don Cam- groniwould never have been heard of," says a leading St. Louis dally paper. And If lb hadn't been for Don's grand father 'neither of them would have been hcird of. Hon. Cll. Van Wyck is advertised to speak at Brock, Nebraska City ami Auburn on tho Fourth. Ho will havo to make a spread-eaglo of himself if he gets around to tho other places af ter ho gets through at Auburn. Tho four Brookflold bank robbers havo already had their trial and know their doom. They each go to prison for twenty-five years. Tho pertinacity with which those robbers were fol lowed, caught and convicted, is a big thing for Missouri. At the last November election held in tho city of Cheyenne, Wyoming Ter ritory, 1,184 votes woro polled, 510 of which were voted by tho women. This proportion confirms tho recent stater ment of Gov. Hoyt, that women vote in proportion us largely as the'mou, in Wyoming. Tho Inter-Ocean hits the nail on the head thusly: If tho army worms wore gnawing up the crops of Kansas or Nebraska instead of Ohio, how our older breth ren east would havo remarked upon "tho uncertainties and prccariousness of farming interests in tho west." Storms and lightning, worms and grass hoppers, and Hoods aro not confined to, westerns prairies, una mumiuaes win (ontinuo to seek tho fertile acres of tho west rathor than spend a life ,nm.oig the bleakWllsund;,w6f n.iit? IwuteVof, IheteastW' -'"" ' T. ,i, The London Times, in a leading ar ticle on progress of America, suvb if thero woro no direct evidenco forth coming of tho reality and rapidity of material progress in the United States, it would be found in the singular ab sence of excitement in American poll tics. What is especially remarkable in thelpresonb development of American energy and success Is its wide nnd equal distribution. The readjustment of Federal representation bears testi mony to the political capacity of tho people, and affords godd. ground for the hope that the future.'of the negro may be rescued from thmfschlovous inter ference of professional philanthropists and self-seeking demagogues. A Valuable Addition. Becauso it is beneficial to the scalp and adds to personal beauty by restor ing color and lustre to gray or faded hair, is why Parker's Hair Balsam is such a popular dressing. ? Uncle Sam's Condition Powder pre vents disease, purifies tho blood, im proves tun appetite, gives n smooth glosny coat, and keeps tho animal in good condition. - All druggist sell it. 8 i French scientists think they have discovered a cure for hydrophobia, fiovernl interesting experiments havo been made, notably those by Dr. Du mont, of the Caen Hospital, just re ported to the Paris Academy of Medi cine. A man, woman, and child were bitten by the same mad dog. Tho wo man died in convulsions, ahd tho child has not yet been taken sick, But the man. while suffering all tho distressing symtoms, was subjected to intense sweatingS'iuid and salllvations and his cure effected. The doctor assorts that he employed threo subcutaneous injec tions of one centigram of pelocorplne. Any person , with a cough cold, or any bronchial complaint or even in tho first stage of consumption will be re lieved and cured by Ellert's Extract of Tir iind Wild Cherry. It is especially prepared for Bronchial complaints. Thousands weo havo tried it now livo o testly of its merits-r-glvo it an im ni'edlate trial you will be surprised at , Jl "ii; ijjj :juv tiio name pjA iqn, ,isauiuftwers, one ofHho.ltogents, is mentioned "by tho Gfhiul Islahd nredCth po-. sltion of -attorney general?'"; VjV ' -"Mm BfllHaMMrf'ViinHHM!aMBHIBallMMMMBiHMHMaMBMHWHMMMiMHMiHBHMaaMMMNNBMn lANDI 1 CORD BINDER. 1 Is the best machine ever invented. Go to the "REGULATOR' CALVERT, NEB., and see the reports from Texas of the excellent work which it performs. No mistake in its being the Lightest Running, ma chine, the strongest, the best finished, the easiest to operate, th& best reel, and has what no other Harvester has, t no shrinking, no wabbling, in that kind of wheel. Remember that the main drive wheel has to run the entire machine. For the best Reaper and Mower combined, the Buckeye Table Rake and Marsh No. 4 have been sold in this county for-years, and they speak for themselves. Notice to Farmers Y v The uiidcrtitgned has for snte the NORWEGIAN PLOWS! Harrows . CULTIVATORS, VffiW known to be the best, which he will all cheaper than theohenpeet. 'Farmers, Call and See. B. OTTENS. lllHMPJLESIi I will mall (free) tho rocolpe for n Minple Vegetable Hniin thnt will remore tan, treck leu, pimplcMiind blotches, leitvlnx the hln tton, clear and bonntltul; nlno Inniructlona for pioitnclntf n luxuriant growth of hair on h bald head or n'oootli fac. Aildreee Incloa liiK So stamp, Ben. Vuudolf&Co., U Unrcluy utreet, N. Y, ' lK Take Your' old Iron, rags; copper and brnss tJ.G. Wliittemoro'fl, in Brownville. llo'll buy-'eiD. TO CONSUMPTIVES. ThoarivertlBor liavlug leon permnnently cured of that dread (Hbohro. Coununiptlou,by a Blmplo remedy, Is anxious to make known te hlu fellow utTerern the tho tneanM ot euro To all who deMre it, he will nend a copy of the proscription used, (tree of charge.) with thedlreetlone for preparing and uvlng the name, which they will tlnd a sura cure for cougliH, coldft. coiiHiimptlon, nMlmin, bron cliltU, etc. Parties wlnhlnR the prenrrlptlon will plcftue AddrBM, Hev. K. Wllsou, 191 l'eim street, WUUnmabnrBli. N. Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH, A Kontlensan who uulfereU for yearB from nervouKdebUUy. prumnture UecIy, nnd all tho effectN of youthful JndlBcrpllon, will . for tnoimke or suf faring immunity, koix! free to nil who need It, tha recipe and direction for mnklng the nlinpe remedy by which ho wkh cured, HuWrerivwlHhJng to profit by.lhQad vertUor'n cxperleno cun do ho by addre88tng In perfect confldeno John H. Oopkn, 61yl "4irqedar Mreet, New York. ESTABLISHED 18 7 0. CONOVER BROTHERS, Manufacturer! of the Canovcr Bro'i J Patent Uoright Pianos And Wholesale Agenti for "Steinway," "Chiokering," Kranioh. & Baob., Lindoman, Fischer and Haines Pianos. Publisher! of Music f Jobbers in Musical and Mucic Books, J Merrhandiie, CHICAGO PRICES DUPL1CATED.-SEND FOR CATALOGUE. G18 Main Street, KANSAS CITY, M. I AnitTft"11' " trtxtlnl njtk l.wrhai BirMIKiO ruf WliW hc. ,.4kr " rrt taint itmrr m. t itnit. mi. WANTED A Id I liilnr.1 inn la Mm cu t Ik Hi I. V In Mil U 4Criwll r lkw Mtrlk ! " I; tuUcriflUa. 7titla hu, KltlifiMHl it(rk , . ( He !! In. fift trmi thai alii Imart ltr tur lt a aiaaU AtiMlllTU(IATHMilL-IS.t),Bf tat. BI.U-i, H '"H.