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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1882)
' USKFUIi AND SU0GKST1YE. T Tho last census shows Connecticut to have 30,5J8 fnrms, J,12G of whioli are re n tod. Never use the curry-comb on r horse's legs below the kneo and hook A corn broom' is best, sinco'lt t'rtkeFbutf the dirt imd docs not hurt the horso. Detroit Tribune. A saturated solution of sulphato of) copper in water is recommended its tho cheanost and best thing for writing on zinc labels. Tim writing should bo dono with a hardwood stilo or ti blunt quill pen. Brown Holland shndes may bo brightened and given a pretty finish by trimming thorn acioss tlie bottom with caterpillar fringe; choose that mado of the shades of brown tipped with scarlet. Courier' Journal. Serviceable aprons for a nurse arc, made of heavy whito cotton ctothr cjut in squares an inch and w lialf ""deep around tlio bottom. ;Mako tho '.apron double, and iUwill'tprbtoct the dross perfectly. Tho squares may baj bound with tape, or turned in. and Btilched. N. Y. Post.. , !t5 Kill Urn. 'early bug. Cut a few po tatoes in slices and lca'o them About in1 the , fields , whorq tho bugs can Bccnt Mioni, and you can haVo a swarm of beetles that would, 'lot; jilbu'o, make , a rogony suilieiont todeSb:6yyonrwli01o crop. Having got tho creature togeth er trhUthejh to a doso dfl'aris green. Darlo)iFMoj)Uor. , - .- - Tlio secret of. raising wj liter squashes is to )lant thorn IntoT Wfion maggots get into tho vinos thgonly vay'lbp8M?ti tho croj) is tocovor Ulio vino about ix inches deep with oartlft JJiin,ylng"tho worm kills it, and does not- hurt tho vines. Tho crescent strawberry 'U tho best variety for all purposes. 'Tho way to get rich in farming4slokcpp(:lown, wtiuus nnu use plenty 01 manure. at. Louis Qlobc. Rhubarb IMo: Rhubarb should bo jieclcd and CfitMli'Uvo-iflclf lo'riirtlfs. and cookeclaiiironlysWiitoKOUouhito cover' U1U UUllUHl Ul IIIU KUlllU, Willi I1I1U II pound of brown oachiound spread over tho top, ttndJtthoJteam1jhit$ in. It burns easily.fMuTjfli&lUdoj cookcu at tno siuo ot the range or set upon a. brick till, th s"ugar .disgovdfe with the' juice to form a sirup". Line the, pie pans with pull paste, made not very rich, fill with tho stewed rhubarb and place broad strips of paste, cut with a paste jagger across and bake; or use v tho plain pie. paste and bake with a tot) crust;. Slftrpowdored 6tirnr over Chi- cagotflcrald. v - . ..,,, 4 ,. Hatini,'for Working'.. The importanceof ' this matter is 'far too little appicciatcdbr the great majority of farmers. Many HiJ'o carefuQy corisider'what kinds and qihtnnres'ortoortrr6r'aTsrcoriirgrQiiifd and cut feed, hay or grass, will enable tlicijh to get tho most work out of their horses and oxen, tho richest milk, or largest amount of it, from 'tlfim' cows also tho best times of feeding sadly v. neglect to use similar thought and care respecting themselves and thojr work men. Tho foreigner working; a New Jersey farm, in explaining-whow he got together money enough, to, said; "Wo sells every ting that 'brings do cash; what won t sell, we feeds to do bosses; what do bosses, ! don't eat. wo feeds to dqcows ,v?httt'db cojys tlont cat, wo icons to do sneeps; what do sheeps don't oat, woeeds to do pigs; and whatdcy don't -'eat,' wc eats' oar- selves." This is an oxaggoratedStato iiicnt, of cgur$e, biUjJllugtH$fija' priu-- ci)io too otton lolloweu selling the good and.ealing the poor , Strength c8me only from suitable nutritious food, well digested. A man, whether employer or employed, will have far more worlcing powor, if ho .eajs as much, aiul oolyJamiiclrTnsi ho can digest well, of lean meat, properly cooked, goptlj bread, oat-iucal, ordinary, and curd checseVand the' like, than if consuming sulk fat porkv cooked almost to a crisp, with'jiotatocs, 'etc. A labor er paid a dollar or more a day, will do double real work if live to ton cents ex tra bo spent in supplying him with food that will give him tho fullest strength. Beans, if not charred orj brownolH Jil cooking, .peas, green pr, ripe, good broad, and'eabbago tlforoiighly coolfefl, j supply tlio elements for muscular force. i'ho blood is the active helper jn di gesting food, by supplying tho gastric solvents, and it carries nourishment to the muscles and to the brain. While a heavy meal is being worked up, tho blood U drawn away from tho muscles and brain to tlio stomach. When at hard work or exorcise with mind or body, tlio blood is drawn from the stom ach," and loss nutriment is obtained from tlio 'food. It is a good rule to work slowly at first, after full meals,and in crease tlio amount of exercise gradually, as the blood can ho spared from the digestive organs. More will bo accom plished by this courso in working and thinking. The French people, who make a study of tho subject, take a very little food on rising, a roll ami colVoo, and perhaps a baked apple, and begin work at daylight. Towards noon they take another similar simple roast, and do a full day's work by four o'clock in the afternoon; then rost a little, take a full hearty meal, and make a business of digesting it.' During tho rest of tho evening and night, this meal is digested, dillu?ed all through the svstom, and quietly builds up and strengthens tho muscles, so that thov aro ready for vigorous work tho next day. Kxpori pnccil horsemen understand that with a heavy food of oata, etc., at night, and a light breakfast, a horse gets'a reserved mock of muscular strength laid in in ad vmeo, anil will travol faster and further than ono having a hearty moriiliiff food to start on. American AariculturisL iicntion of tlio Horso. When wo. eottlmt tjic very young Anil in nnnrfl nt. nfttftMu edit has not If 11 nd omtmlo ilniT ...tit ..t.Jt.n:.. i. .".i.i horso, wo canotfysconchulo that les sons upon tho hoi havo A doublo ac tions Lirstho leanJoltakoi4frirhtriitl sights and uuds;jnenli 1st mndefjiril a measure,' to iorgevyi0 lessons, in... . ..iu. .. . ii..i tirely rcct, then how mqoh cas'ipr to habit-tiSto- tlio hoi-st'5 frorii early vcolth6od' Up, to such sounds and objects as aro known to bo common sources of fright to tho horse. .' r!T The reason offtho horse becoming strtldjat certa'njunusual things when Jiojjomes upoiuftliom- suddenly, or if thoy qtnho upon Ihim without warning, is that thoy arqj unexpected; and thu filultn his education lies in the fact flinf..Xxn 'full In nrwmalnm lit til in utirliln ndsoundSj which wo'jkhbw ho will be pn and lias no idea ,bf kaving enemies to guard against jjfg Tho grown UnMiorscs about him bo come afraid bfjilto senseless groom, and spring forwardiln their stalls or boxes when he comes near with a whin 0$ pitchfork in hand The young colt partakes of tho fear, and from tluit mo ment is on tho lo'okout; for danger. When ho g&os to tho posture with his dam, it is to bo, in company with tho no .tably timid horse of tfiej farm, tho ono that tho mischievous boys always do light in starting on the, jrun. Tho timid horso elovatos liis head and tail, gives his., warning jmortWd. tho whole herd, including the sucking colt.loboy tho sig nal tho rolio of tho wild state-and from that moment tho young colt is taught to look out forTdangcr. The dam driven upon tho roadwith the colt by hor side, is. given' to shying. Tho colt, having no suspicions before, tno,w learns to look i.pon JJio bush, stump, ilag, or whatever olso its dam shows fear of, as a dangorous' object; a thing to be avoided. Signals aro pe culiar to the domesticated .state, as to ;fhoJ state of wildness, ' and when tho (Tain "circles away from tho bush or stump, she gives the colt, the signal of danger; and;from that moment the colt learns to scare when on the road. If the whip is used,,, then tho colt, through tho sudden springs of its dam, is doubly impressed with tho idea of damror. On rcturninc as romemberinir localities is ono of the strongest traits of intclliirimce in tlio hoY,,;both marc and colt, as thov near tsend ot whore tho imaginary danger ill prepare for the usual quick movTit to one side," and will be in an oxtyuo nfnt state forthe wnip. ao, as tnc icjito is raugm, tno colt also learns. Its education begins when its 0303 first see tho light, audits tllll'M. lil'Hl, hl'lll" IL HOlllld. T. if the mare is mado. to stop quietly at the first intimation that; she, is-abut to sny, ami liuiiicuu qiuotiy lo-nppoacn tho object, neithor harsh word nor whip being used, she is not only disarmedof lejir oi tno oDjccr, out 1110 con is pre-, 'vented from taking alarm. and tho idftngor of falling into a1 very bad habit ,is avoided. Wo all know that early impressions mado upqn tho child, it at all startling, aro rarely, if over, entirely effaced. Tho sontiment of fear isjniore natural to thd colt thanutb thoJchildi, dndffcar inStho colt is bllndanlr !Hreasoning; not nec essarjly so, but madc,so by neglect in JlpV odifootidjiy fof'all pien know, or afi any ratq all slioulq know, that the horse of Ycrngo,intelligcnce is quitpjasoapa-! bio of remembering lessons that' aro given .him with care jis fsome, njon are. Wo' often hear itsafd bf'cliijdren that they haye been, ruined in th"oir educa tion. We i rarely hoar . this "laid of a horse; yet it is as often true ofthe latter yis-of ttio former. - h Jt-M Intelligence'and resp6etabiluy"shotild be as steadily yqquired of tlip horso used its' a sire, as size or good -breeding, for a vicious stallion gives more or less of this 1 damaging traitt to all liis get.' Bad tem per is sometimes so fixoin the animal as to bo beyond thu power of man to eradicate it, "or even td"keep it under fair-flonjrol. J5ut in tho case of a colt of fairisposltipn and- average intelli gence", there is 1 hardly! anycnij?rgenoy Ral)re "to? arise in ordinary drlViiig, team or farm work, that he will not face with- out fear,j or (huiger of doing juirni, if ho .lias ueuu property iiaiuueu irom 1110 start. A spiritodhorso, if ho has been properly taught, will go down hill with out holdbacks, allowing the cross-bar to press against his thigljs; whUo without tho training, ho will, rjm ayay.ift a sin gle strap gets or disarranged. Jn the one case we edueato the horse as wo do the boy, that wo." may' render him valuable through his uuderstaudinir. ami 'tho knowledge of the duties wc expect 111111 10 pcrionii, wiuie 111 inu oilier wo take the untrained horse, put him in places of lni!jt,,aud tlum blame him bo-( cause 110 uoe.s not qienorm mines wmen ho can only fully understand through training, and cannot by any possibility know the fHrudimouts of through in stinct. National Live Stock Journal. Good work from human boings, just as from machinery, requires good troatmont, and tho finer the quality and tho greater tho quantity of tho work, tho larger must J40, the outlay. .Build factories that supply pure air, and tho cmuloyes will produco more; but thoy will ask for more pay, because they will consume more.fbpdi and cannptlivo on low wages. A donkey can exist pn this tles, of course, and give a donkoy('s re turn; but a racc-horso cannot bp placod on the same faro with profit to any ono. Denver Tribune. , "Ml It is estimated that the gypsyTcuil OT urcu 01 jMifMiiu 11 mmier .io.imju .! jr.- ( Neglected! uuuig'uuijviuuud in Terinin iinngs nn acined bv Jhim to H3 ttanircroits nro Wm l-Ti..- !... .. . I Ta f J 'hamiless. Iflhisersion "bo c8r- oxposcd toMMH$riveufupon'tho street or road TJiO yaryf young" cold accepts what h6 lfl,U8uaraUlnt6tho presence of, Tho Duty of Kewnpaporii. When oxiicrlcnced, tunctlcal anil tinproju dldcil JUyiiclftti wliiofy dmlone nail rccom Bictlil n medltlfio. knowlnn from tho InRrcdl CtiU It frntMns that it In Nnt arc's IiISUrsIH ant as a Health rcnewcr, osiwclnlly la curing impure bloml, dyspepsia, kidney nml lunji dis eases, female complaints and gcnorql Tteak ttiss, then Indeed, should tho newspaper press of tho country kIvo publicity to tho fact. Woi refer to Dr. fluvsntt's Yollow Dock uml Hnrn. 'tnilltn n ft VBi11nl.iA fllloll nTHM n v.tllln.i bottles wcro sold lnst ycarjwltliput ono single ItlstnnrA mt rtinnlnliit-i7'ii)iM. Ask your dnijjKtst to Ret iffor you. 1 ' As unValtcd for a prescription, tho drug cist said to him: " That is my son, sir, sitting by you; don't you think ho looks llko inel" "Well, yes," replied tho customer, "I think I can see somo of your liniments hi his face." - An editor who does not wish his nnmo men tioned, writes as follows: "Excessive mental ncttvlty seriously ullccted my health. My kidneys and liver gave 1110 greatest annoyance. Severe headaches often made 1110 unfit for work. Milky urine and other symptoms (?avo evidence nf nhvslrnl ilec.iv. l)r. (luvsott's .Yellow Dock and Sarsnparflla banished every icoung 01 distress. 1 tuuiK 11 ine Dest incut cine hi tho world, nml shall do all I ciu to In crcaso Its sulo." Wifk " Hut, my dear, I shall catch cold coming down so late to let you in." Hus band "Oh no, my love, I'll rap you up well beforo you como down." Justice Itcnderoil In n TriMlo-Mnrk" Caso nt lloinbiiy, Indlw, April 14, 1882. Nntlioo Mooljco. arcsldcntdrueplstntBoin bayj India, oilorpd "l'nln Killer" for sale, an infringement of the genuine Davis' Pain Killer. M II. Uallcntlne, ngent of l'erry Davis & 8on. entered suit against him. Tho case wna called on tho 14th of April. Tho Court found him guilty ot pirating tho Tr6deJfark, Pain Killer," and lined him TOO rupees. Everywhere, at homo and abroad, havo Perry Davis & Son sustained their rights to tho nnmo Pain Killer. 1'ersonal. Tho Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's cclcbratcdjilJctro-Voltalc Helts and Appliances, on trial-Jar thirty days, to men (young or old) who nri atlllctcd with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration of vltnllty and manhood. Addicss as above. N. B. No risk is incurred, us thirty daya trial Is allowed. Nothino makes tho possessor much as a good set of teeth. smllo 60 Both Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com ppund and Blood Purltlcr aro prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue. Lynn, Mnss. Prlco ot either, $1. Six bUtlo for ?5. Sent by mall in tno iorm oi puis, or oi lozenges, on receipt; of price, H per box ; cither. Mr6. Plnkham ireciy answers o rmlry. Enclose U cent stamp, this paper. iuuuuuu A TOUKO man who nracticcd In the cvmuastum t lUcrnoon only was en- ableil to jump his bill tho ycry next day. N. Y. Qrapti "'"Manv stiiy people , splso tho precious, not understanding it." U?t no one despises Kidney-Wort after having given It a trial. Those that have UBcd It agree that It Is by far the best medicine known, ts action Is prompt, thorough and lasting. 1'fk, t tako pills, and other mercurials that poison tho system, but by using Kidney-Woit lestorKjtho natural ac- oy using money-won tfon of all tho orguns. V JBBgLURifAilr," ir uaughtcr, tJu you said AWpMHojltod AMff, her uitughtc ill Niiil Mnitt Wlhul'a T lecture and note his observation regarding tho desirability of having beautiful RUrrouud lngsl" "Yes. mamma." "Then toll mo what you think aro tho most beautiful surround ings?" "But I won't." "Yes, you will." "Vcll, then, If you must know, I think Ous Stngsadly'e arms tho most beautiful surround lngs lu tho wdo world. Chicago Tribune. , : . 1 Tho Greatest IlIcAnlug. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach tegular, kidneys and liver active, Is the greatest blessing over con ferred upon man. Hop Bitters is that' remedy, fand ltstproprletors ate bolng blessed by thou- eanus who navo uccn saved and cured by It. Will you try itl Sec another column. Layle. An-orator saying that ho had a very mixed audience was asked how it happened. "0," Said ho. "I stirred It up so with my elo quence" Ooitbau could never sleep at proper hours, cursed with abnormal activity, his nerves were always on the qui vlve. Could ho havo had tho soothing benefit of Dr. UcnRon's Celery and Chamomile Pills, his wretched brains would not havo raged with Improper fancies. Dr. Hanson's Skin Ctiro Is already becoming as famous as his Pills. It Is u sure euro for all diseases of Skiu and Scalp, ' What on earth takes younft to tho stable so early every morning lately! asked a wom an ot hor husband. " Cuiry-hosslty." " Golden IMedlriil Discovery" has been used with signal success In consump tion of the lungs, consumptUc night-sweats, splttlugof blood, .shortness of breath, weak lungs, cougliB, bronchitis and kindred nllec tious of throat and chest. Sold by druggists. Some of tho manuscript oflorcd to printers is so bad that It ought first to bo sent to tho house of correction with Us author. Cikajo Tribune. " Mkn must work and wouion woop, So runs tho world uwayl" But thoy need not weep so much If thoy uso Dr. Piercu's "Favorite Prescription," which cures all tho painful maladies peculiar to women. .Sold by druggists. " Wk'hh in a plcklo now," said a man in a crowd. "A regular jam," said another. "Heaven preserve usl" mourned an old lady. Our Continent. The huge, drastic, griping, sickening pills aro fast being superseded by Dr. Plerco's " Purgative Pellets." Sold by druggists. "MiSBity, may like compauy,'' says a col ored philosopher; ''but I'd rader hab do rhumatiz in one leg deu ter hab' It In bofe." ZW Feathers, ribbons, velvet can all bo colored to match that now bat by uqlng tho Diamond Dyes. Any one can uso them. 10 cents for any color. ' TnicmxAn continues to give ns agood doal of trouble in Germany, but it Is a llttlo thing to make a fuss about. Lowell Courier. -.O I - " Rouon on Eats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, gophers, chipmunks. 15c "Juuoeh," said a lawyer, "always liave a great advantage over us poor fellows, for they guess last," . i Iv contemplating Building or Painting send for tho new Architectural Catalogue published by Wm.T. Comstock, OAstor Place, Now York. ' In charity It may bo better to' give than to receive, but lu kissing it Is about equal. Skinny Mbn. " Wells' Health Renower" rc etores health And rigor, cures Dyspepsia. 1. VciTv Fi fiTooK-nnitKnicRAfiml bar-kceperi agre Umt thoro Is profit In short horns. ' i k Tun man with tho broadest smllo Is ho wh uses 1' Axlo Grease. This is honest. ' If itfllictcd with Boro KvesV nn Dr. tsuao Thompson's Eyo Water. Druggists solllt. 23c. V i iTnr tho new brand, "Bprlng Tobacco." rJo L- LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S YEQETABLE OOMPOUm Is a Ponlttvo Cnro Var all tliMe rlnful Complaints and AV1cMa a WBmoa (a our brit fciaale population. i JlflJIelno tor Woman. InTf ntert by a Yf oa. Prepared by Woman. . OrtH HkIUhI Ptiitrtr Sln th Dtwa f HltUry, tSTHnrlrt the drooping iptritf, InrlfforaU and hrnionlic tho ortranlo fuuctlom, elrtt elutlcll' and CrmnoM to tho itcp, roitorei tho natural luttra to tho tje, and pUnU on tho palo cheek of woman the tnth rove ot Ufo'i iprlojr and oarlf summer time. t ty Phylclan Uio It nnd Pretcrlbo It Froly.-S It nmoros (alntnns, flutulencr, dmtroyi allcrTUii for (rtlmulunt, and rclloroj weakneM of tho itomach. Thfit feellns otbcarlnc down, cautlnrpatii, weight and backaoho, U atwajri permanently cured hr 1U uia. Ifortho cnro of Kidney Complalntoof either aox thl Compound Is nnsurpaaeed. i.tdia e. riNKHAsrs iu.oob pnmriEn will eradicate rery tcsUko or Humor from tlie BohI, and kIto tona and etrength to the ijittm, of iuan woman or child, lmltton uaTlnfflt, Hot h the Compound and Dlood rurlfler are prepared atXUandtU Weitern Arenuo, Lynn, Unit, ITlceof cithor, St. Elx bottles for 5. Sent by mall In tho form otplllf, or of lozenge, on receipt ot price, $1 per box for either. Mr. Plnkham freely answer nil letters ot Inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. Send for pamphlet. No fumlly houM ho without LYDIA E. TINKnAirfl IJVKtl rilXS. They ours oonttlpatlon, bUlouineu, nnd torpidity of tho urer. McenUporbox, 3-Holilb7BlIDriiKsUtfl.-C 0) m m For DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, FLUX, AND ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Tlio world has novor produced its equal. I'reparedby 0. WAKnriJSMi&Co., Illoomlngtou, III. TRY IT! PorSnloby AIIPruEglsts. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTBPATION. No other dlocaso in bo prevalent In Uiln ooiuv try oa ConsUpatlon, and no remedy haa ever equalled the celebmtod Kidnoy-Wort a a oure. WhaUsrer tho ciause, however obsUnate tho oase, una remedy will overcome It. "ttD IPr TITTH dlmtrraifilncr oom. rllaCws Blalnt is very ant1 to be oompUoatodwlUiooniiUpaUon. Kldnpy-Wprt stronrthonn tho weakened part and qulokly ouro all kinds of Piles oven whoa physicians ana medicines navo oeioro loiiou. O V3Tlt you havo either of theso trouble PRICE ! I USE I Druggists Soil i PARSONS' PURGATIVE PH.LS . Dlood, and will completely chango tho blood In tlio cn tire system In three months. Any person, who will tako 1 pill each night from 1 to lie week may bo restored to sound health. If such a thing bo possible. Sold uv erywliero or sent by mall for S letter stamps, I. 8. Johnson d: Co., Iloston, Mass., formerly Jiuugor, Me. xivisa?xrTrjrrr an. Kstabllshed, )HT2; lneurpornted. Ihho. Furlbo Cure of (.'iincers, Tumni's, Ulcers, Herorulu and Hkih Diseaskr. wlthnut lliu use in Knltu or um ok liLoon, nnd llttfe pain For iNrnnMATioN, oiKrirt.A.ns and merKiiKNaKp, wldn's II. P. T.. rOHB, Aurnrn, Kimo Co., III. WISE'S 33 G-I.X.j.3E3 XVo'xroxr G-ixxxxm. IT KEEPS MOIST, OILY AND CLEAN. riioHO who UNO It once nlwuyn lino It. AU for " WISK'" where yoa trBdo. WELL AUGERS,' ROCK DRILLS And tho Iikht MoiiiNKKV In the Woklis lor DORINO end ORILLINQ WELLS by norii or oissm rowsr I Hook Free, Address LOOMIS & NYMAN. TIFFIrs. OHIO Employment for Ladies. TlieQutcn City Suipsndcr Company of On. clnnsti srt now msnuiacturlng snd introducing t e r new HUtklai 8anrterfar U4lsnd 4 vHiirr, Briii ineir unenusieu HSiri vupesscM for lAAlt, snd wsnt rcisb)e Isdy sgentt lo tell them in every household. Our stents eriryi wher meet frith rem1 V tufc.t xtA ra.k Somt SSlSrlel. Write St once for term. Anil u. curs ricluilre ftrrllory. Addreit !' lily 8tr Ce(1tlsitL Oslo. rTiytlcliniJ rniineii.t theso Suuiortert, jj) OT Lcsdlnr EVERYONE moI'ic Will get TAluable information JTK by lending for circular to B. .TQUIUKE, Boston, Mass. Xjutcafe For Iluslness at tlm riMo.t A rtest CeaiBisrfrlalColUcs. Oireularfres. AUurvlsyiUXTJ.)BI,UuUU'iUC,IS, .XtTtN Jt7 1 S 7J - WPW ai m m saMawtaS -CORIl AND kw NEVER FAILS. f4 The. only known Bpcrlno llvincdy for Kpllcptlo Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE CiiTfsHpllrntlo Kits, Bpnimi, Convulilons, Bt Vitus Dsimt. VlrtljW. llyntrrlcs. ltiMntiy, Apoplexy, lviraly sis, Hheiiinailiin, Nruralda, aiutallNvnuuiililaenscs, Thl Uifalliibla rcmnly will positively erndlrnto every sfedot Nervous I)crAni;ement,amdrlvc them aay IK w ,wln'iio they came, never to return suntn. It utterly destroy tlm Kvrmi of dlicoso hy iicutralltlnK the hereditary taint or poison In tlio system, and thor oughly eradicates tho disease, and utterly destroys tho canto. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cares Female Wrakne,flencral Debility. LcucOrrhoMl Sr Whites, I'aliiful Meiislrtmtlon, rwratlun of Ilia terus. Intrruill Ileal. (Iriwii. Iiiflnminnttiin of tho Dtnddrr. Irritability of the Illariricr. Kur Wakefulness v muni. liM'n: muti iieiirrn'iut'uy. i'uniiKiiHTi:uniiKo of Llto no Female shuuld ho without It It quiets tho Nervous Bysteui and glcs rest, comfort and nature sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE (Jure Aletiholltm, Drunkenness nnd the habit of Opium ICntlng. These degrading hsUtts aru by far Ilia worst evils that have eiirlx fullui suflvrlntr hmnsiilty. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. Thehiihlls of Opium Kutlngaml Mquor Drinking aro precisely what cstlng Is ui nllnif nllvrnrni, ss over-eat-ing nrst Intlniues the stomach which redoubles Its crar tugs until It paralyses both tlio stomach nnd appetite. Ho every drink of liquor or doso of opium. Instead of snusiyniK, iiniy nuns in us. nerra nrcs, uniii.u cun sumes thn vltnf force and then Itself. Llko the uliil- iiiiioiib inprwunn. ii erics ive, Hiir, Kivui-jivui never enniiirli until lis own ranseltr devour KMlMBa marltan Ncrvlnu give Instant relief In all sued ease.' .1 ,. I minus piivifkiJUIVka lliu II i vi. .m nun .iy .iiv ire. . - onssyfti'in, and restore body and mind to (.healthy uouumon. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, llronclilus, nnd all diseases of tho urinary or gans. Nervous debility permanently curttl by thd use of thin InvaliiAblc remedy. To you, young, middle-aged and old men, who are covering your suffering as with a mantlotiy silence, look up,ou can bo snvqd by timely ef forts, and mako ornaments to society, and Jewels lu Ilia crown of your Maker, If you will. Do not keen this a secret longer, until It nap your vitals, and destroy Uitli lMdy mid soul. If you aro thus ntrUctrd.take Dk. ItioiinoNii'uHiimnrltnii Nervine. It will rcsiuro your shattered nervrs, arrest prematura decay, Impart torn and energy to tho whole Hystem. SAMARITAN NERVINE Is for sa'.o hy druggists overrwhero ortiiyl)ohaddj rect. from un. Thosu who wish to obtain further evl dtneoof thoruintlvo proH'Hles of Haumrllnn Nervlno wlllnlensoenelosona-eenltioslngustninp for n cony of OMrllhistrntedJounialof llrnltli. glUng humlreds ot wlllnlensoenelosoaa-eeiiltioslngustninp fur a cony of OMrlllustratedJounialof llrnltli. glUng humlreds ot tcstliiuiulalsof euro from imtsoiis who have used tho medicine, and also their pictures photogrnphud after their restoration to perfect health. Atlilress UK. H. A. niCIIMOVJ) Ac CO., 'Wui-ld's Kpllciilla Institute, ST. JOSEPH, MO. AGEJNTS (LADIES OR GENTS) MAKE MONEY FAST -SKI.UNQ- OUR NEW. BOOK. invaluable to All Housekeepers lt ' Useful, Rraotloal, aid Popular. ,(,, . Aildross, ?;'.,I5. OWIINS Ktrt Tnttnn Btrri't. f)lileiitrri. -.. MAKE HENS LAY , An Kncllth VeterliiAry Kurgdon and Ohomist, noWI i.. ii.. i i.i. ...... .1... ....... ... t. .. II.....1'.. traTniiiiKIll i.iii'.i.uuiiiiiriPnjiiLiinbiii.'vi.i ,iiq .iiiini, andt'attls I'owdors sold lisrn am wortl 'Hsstrash. lis says that Klinridan'sU'indit Ion I'owdrarausalutoiy pure and Immensely Talunliloi Nnthimr on earth will make hens lay likn Hhondan'a Condition I'owdnrs. Done, nnn tusinooiiful to. oris pint food. Hold svery whero, or sent hy mail for nltiht lottor stamps. I. H. JOHNSPN ACO..Uonton,Mss.,tormtrly llaiiKor.Ma. 1'AiiaqNk' I'uuqativk 1'it.iJf muko new rich blood. ASTHMA CUBJBD ii'rinutiAMthinitt.'iiroiiceryuiltOrrtoni. tneiUanrUiin tlie worst cnnos.lniiureHoonifort. slila sloep s elfoctH c u rrn whore all otliern fall. A trial eonHnrti (As Mil ikriHcil, I'll re ftOe. and MI,lNr,oijjmiririNiNnriiviiiaii. biiiiiuricilis lor st snip nit k mjna'i'MAN.nt.iMiii, .Allnn 'Vfcssi& lIlii3CG IMPROVED D ehC &a ftc. iiiiekiiKeiniiKeHft uallonsur nm" aUcltclouK. wholesome.spurkllne Temperanco bereraKu. Ask your dniKKloti r sent by mall for Sc 0 K. Hiiies, N.Uo a.AvciI'lilla. dBIHIftd rt-riiiur- rmiii in 10 lir BbJHI -M d"'' S" I"1?' M" ('red. VI HVII9 j)n. J. Htkimikns, (VThousands of rcfereneis from persons cured. IR nnil i'AKl'I'.NTIIKH mm- uso ourHuw IUUUU h'Her lo file nil klndsof saws, so they will cut better than oyer Price 83. fio. (.'Irculars nnd prices to Agents. Address K 110 til & UltO., New Oxford, l'a. The llrtt It tht cht'ipttt.lUut. I nil ill nrieii Hit free. THKAULTMAN&TAYLOIICO.. Mstistteld, O. UUUllo Decoratlnic. etc I'or IMi rlKluypaRC Illustrated Catnlouiio. Address, f nclfitlnc three .;ccnt stauips, Wm T. Comstock, Astorl'lace.Newiork. beat Vrfc'elMni'artU'leslntheworUtl ample ePiWrWVAddrtss Juy Jlrunsun, DArolt, 1 w. .Mich. ttrO A WEEK. $12 a tiny nt homo easily mado. J) 1 jOostly outfit f roe. Address True & Co, Auirusta, Me. AOENT8 SOMETHING roe, Yonire A C Co., S06 A WEEK in your own town. Terms and f 5 outfltfreo. Addrs Il.llallett AiCa.l'ortland.MB HAIR 117re.S KVirissnto.o.D.anTWhero. Wliols. sale k Iteutl. I'rlce-llst fret, floods iruaran U'txl, il.C.UTRXuL,l&7 Wabash-aVnCulcaga. f C 1 Mfl per dav at home. 8aniploworthfitfS f D id JZUiroo. AddiMiSriNSONfcOo.l'ortlsnd.Me. A. N. K. sr 678 wmikx lrxiTXKa to auvkrtishrh, ileae may yrw Miff f JiavqrUtcmcnt in 'ajt wf iSjllllHRWT i) it ' l'f!i i 'i if U. li " U V S -iw