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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1882)
' " "'"''""'"i i I Lvmi.n .11 I TV. if 0 I i - -m 'v Sjitv $& ebmzfo dveriiser. V ' wJ M , . I1 T ESTABLISHED I860. I OLDEST PAPER IN THE 8TATE.1 h - i " '" - XTnTT.ATlA & H-l-sirf.l-t.J-a J. - MinHanHhMMBMMlW'HHHH W iii1" 7 T, Have Just Received Summer Styles ! a tv TnmriiUVSE And everything that pertains to the Brag BusinessWe propose to compete with jj , i 7ni7 r.nii. fi.itji. xrp, us. ana oe copvfiiiiw uivZrZZrh TtjuuuntZ cart jrtiysicians rr Star Clothji ffllitfhlnar Knnnl to UStfttll WorR! Boats and bhoea of Every Yavfiityl Ladles' Fine Shoes h Specialty! Nobby 80ft and Stiff Hats! JCJICfialll V MrssiNMSUe) vtvwm j Trunks aad Valises by the Hundred ! HURLBUT, Tecumseh, Nebraska; BUSINESS CARDS. T- H. BROADY, t Attorney ntl Counselor At liavr, Brownvllle, Neb T S.STULL, . ATTOIINKVS AT I. AW. Offlceof County Judge, Brownvllle, NobrwV.. A HOtfi-ADATf'. --"' il. Pttyalolam, HargioB, Ob.t.trletau. Aflraauatert In 1851. Looatod In Brownvllle IMS. ttrtloc,41 Matn street, Brownvllle, Neb. B. F. WEST,M.D. Physician and Surgeon, Calvert. Nebraska. OFFICE. Nickell & Shurti' Drug Store. COKODEN L. SWARTZ, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Bedford, Nemaha Co., Nebr. D. J. WOOD, JYOTJiRY PUBLIC, AND INSURANCE AGENT, Calvert, Neb., G. W. CORNELL, ATTORJYE1T JIT Xeflf, CALVERT, NEB. OFFICE. One door North of the Nemaha County Bank. Will practice in all the Courti and attend to Collections: BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Made and repaired as well as oan bo done naywhere, on short notlco, and VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Nemaha City, Ncbr. G.W.FIIRBROTHER.SR. !N"otary Public. Will pay attention to CONVEYANCING And Land Agonoy Business. And taklnc Mortgages, t ; Depositions. Blank Deeds, nd all sorts of blanks on hand, ESTABLISHED IN 1858 o :l r e s t Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA.. William Ho Hoover. Doos a gonoral Real Estate Business, Bolls Lands on Commission, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru ments portalnlng to tho transfer of Roal Es tate Has a Complete Abstraot of Titles to all Real Estate lu Nemaha County. AUBURN, zdttg-chiej'xv.s, gUOOKSgOKg TO . H. HAPPY. an Immense Stock of Drugs, ationery, TOILET ARTICLES, HOLLADAY & EBERjffiNoffh. AufyNebr. rfgfcsf Summer StyEp ! STOCK AT XHE :, SOUTH AUBURN REAL tSTATE AGENCY,' H. J; F. WERT & 00. Cn furnish tp with aood Farms, Im proved and otherwise In Notnaha coun ty, and vaoant and Improved town lots In lfcCivJfln.nfirof t)u.4tnba ad rotil" tun blanks of any dlHorlptlon, Apply at tuo postuffloe, Calvort, Nobraska. iiausen lu ouutu Auuuru tui ruui.. vitu iuui . Dr. A. Oppermann, Physician and Surgeon, Hat been located in Nemaha County lince 1868. Strict attention paid to alt ACUTE asd CHRONIC DISEASES. Afflictions of the Ear and Eye skillfully Treated. $grArtiucial eyes always on hand to'jg Suit any size or color. Calls at tended to day or night. OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and ad Streets, SHERIDAN, NEB. aoyi Central House SHERIDAN, NEB. I. W. SKILIMAN, PROPRIETOR. This popular house has boon re :ently opened.and travelers will llnd every appointment first-class. MARLATT & KING, DKAMSH8 IN General Merchandise Dry Goodn, Groceries, Roady Mado Clothing, Boots, Hhoos. Hats, Caps, and a Qoneral As sortment of Drugs and Patent Medicines. Fence posts and wood nlways on hand for sale. 3 Highest prloes paid for butter and eggs. ASPlHIVAtiLi, NBBRASKA. S. A. Osborn, Notast Public. G. W. Tayloi Osbobn & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert and Brownvillo. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED ERAL COURTS. Special attention given t. collection! and sale f REAL ESTATE. K?D f.r tfc. ., 4 r...... M.rkll.iUIIM. trim, u. -- BBBBBHi IIAAA XJPJ M llulP03t Wc a"t South Ao. I I V VyrHi Ou. matter. " T'v '''liglgglgggBi'! P. fVTAPTN ' il ?UMVf .., M. Uk M. . w NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, tfj i. fully jfgeparcd. jf Ektotttiim C. VT. PAIRDROTHEn, JR, .(MRS. BROTHER & CO. 33 a n Is i n g . LOOAL TsTU-WS. Hugh McViokor, of Peru, called on U8 Monday. A. W. Nickoll, reliable druggist. Brownvllle. Another heavy rain visited tills 80c tlon Monday morning. Frank Reed, one of tho Lincoln Journal boya, and a good one, too, paid ub a visit Monday. How to Save. All hard worktus aro subject to bil ious attacks which may end in danger ous Plncss. Paiker's Ginger Tonic will keep the kidneys and liver aotlvo, and by pievonting the atcack save much sickness loss of time and expense. Delay ao such times means danger. Detroit Press. See another column. Monoy for a Eainy Day, 'Tor six years my daughter was sick from kidney and o-lier disorders. We had used up our s;rvings on doctors, when our domln'e advised us to try Parker's Ganger lonir-. Four bottles effected a cure, and t a dollar's worth haskenfcour famMv woll for over a year, we have beun able to lay by money again for aiainy day ."A Poor Man's Wife. Celebration at Brcck. Tho people of Brock will give a grand colebratlon on tho Fourth. Tho following is the progralnmo: FOItENOON. Music by the Glee Club; Prayer by llov. Jno. Dixon: Declaration of In dependence, E. Marcollus; Music by Iho Gloo Club; Oration by Jarrls S. Church; Juvenile National Chorus, lod by Mrs. Win. Murr. dinnek. Music by tho Glee Clubjspoech by T.J. Majors ; Juvenile National Chorus, Mrs. Murr; Speech, J. II. Broady ; Solo, Lora Brown. 3 V. M. QUAND 8THEET PAnADE By tho Brock Fantastic Phantasmago- rlans. OUATIONS BY IIumpty-Dumpty, Bon. Monop, Antle Monop, Gin Shang and his cue, Paddy from Cork and Darkey Jim, etc. At 0 p. m at Young's Hall, will be presented tho drama entitled "Tho So- I nl ftlnqq ' -JUbbbbbbbI jBBBHfFf. -4 ccligHillgggggHf Oaabior. ' jdgHBHHoiioy 9, ' v-, IHHHHHBgl'i1'1'1' SiH,v(C HBn I i,M n r.v ' - V ',y -iBHilliM' kV . f .rt'i. V u iiHHlHHBa !& f xiV illllllimilHi k the CL't uburn TorgggggggggggggW i Cf3llllllllimAlJU Ifc O! Kr L-. :iLT n9MHIirj't VlHPS-uf4igaBii v n -'' 'hii flwrtT- v- iirwrm 'fK,jiSH ' 3f r .UffPttwnT" ti ' Of 5JC00" Eroryhody Invited. V... ...., JUNE 22, 1882, Our Visit to Atchison. ! It may please tho readers of Tin: Advbutisku to hoar about our trip over tha now railroad and what wo saw and heard wuilo gouo. At 7 :50 wo, In company with twenty others, boarded tho train at North Au burn. Tho train consisted of five cars, two of which were filled abovo horo. Mr. Follows presented us all with a badgo "Auburn" so If we got drunk they would know whoro we wore from and send us homo. Well tho engineer soetn to bo in a hurry and ho pulled us up and down tho hills at such a speed that most of us wanted to got out and go a foot. Ono moment wo would bo trying to get out of tho window and the next to bo pitched into tho seat on tho npposito sido of tho car. Plug hats went by tho board when over tlio car took a lounge that sent our heads against the coiling. Wp aimed to our numbors at each depot, such aa had been elected to have their daylights Bhook out of them. At last an old cow took pity on us and damnod up a out which sont tho engineer's tondor off on tho ties. This touched his fool ings and ho stopped and gavo us a rest on a beautiful hill, covered by blue grass. Hero we got out and paid our respocts to the remains of tho cow and watched tho ungincor got his tender on the track. Tho Hiawatha band gavo us some music to occupy our minds bo wo would not feel how hungry we were At last wo got to Atchison. They thought it was tho Fourth of July I guess, for thoy had tho (lags all over the city, and all tho niggers in Kancjs woro on tho platform to wolcomo us. By tho by, some of the boys caino up and said thoy wanted to mark us, bo they tagged us with a red ribbon, Atch ison's guests. Thoy said this would tako us anywhere free of charge, thoy Hod though. I was going to cross tho hi idgo when a follow hollered for my faro, I didn't go. I got on a street car and tho driver would not stir an inch until I paid my faro. Somo of tho boyo Baid thoy would not lot them in tho calaboose, and thoy had to pay at an other place they wont to. Woll we tramped up tho stroet, while- they1 kept tho sldowalks, and then they packed us llko sardines In what thoy called A. PoloftOh, Hall, and told us to fill up. I not eat half what we wanted l-i 1.1 Li... .-!1 .... 1....1 nig iiiu pruiky Hiri tuu.y mm f, on as. i tinvjic two, pups two cupq of terf, two glasses of ice-water and two cups of ice tea in ordor to liavo tho prettiest ono flpond all hor time on me. Woll whon wo got done wo sat back in our chairs and watched tho protty croaturos for Just ono hour, (you soo they made us leave bur wives at homo so wo would not havo to think somo body was watching us). During tho hour wo told them how glad wo was to soo them, how hungry wo was, how good their dinner was, how pretty thoy looked, what a nice rido wo had, and as tho rest of us had too much conscience to Ho so, wo gavo tho job out to Lawyer Schoonhoit. Then as wo never saw a rain storm, they got somo long pipon and throw wntor aH hlcrh as thov could and let It fall down on us. Wo lefr. Then thoy thought thoy could scaro us, and got twcnty-flvo soldlors to march up and down tho street, and later thoy got a lot of firo-crackers and fire brands and just lot on us as if thoy was going to burn us up. Some of tho boys danced I didn't, 'twas to hot, somo of tho boys went to tho boor garden, I didn't, I wasn't dry. Then wo camo home. Wo got a now engineer. Ho was lazy. Ho stoppod to rest an hour just to get a drink. Well we got homo at 6 o'clock. Tom says if ho danced, ho don't know It, wo all felt that way. UNE OF ESI. Oar New Advertisements. Read tho following new advertise ments: Herbert Willson, Agricultural Im plements, on 10th pago. Holladay & Eborly, Druggists, on 1st page. Star Clothing Houbo, on 1st page. Bank of Auburn, on 1st page. G. W. Falrbrother, sr on 1st pago. II. J. F. Wert & Co., on 1st pago. Dr. Alfred Crano, on 5th pago. Sheriff's Salo, on 4th page. Special Notices, on 8th page. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that tho part nership heretofore existing botwoen D. M. Morris and James A. Co woll, known by tho firm nauio of Morris & Co., in the grocery and other business was dis solvedbymutual consent on tho 28th day of April,1882. All accounts duo tho firm will be paid to said Cowol, and ho to pay all indebtedness of said firm, D. M. Monuis, May 23, 1882. Jamkh A Cottel. Aro you suffering from indigestion ? If bo ask your druggist for a bottlo of Sherman's Prickly Ash IMttora. Takon as directed it will euro you. Those Bitters havo now bean boforo tho pub lic for a number of years, have boon thoroughly tried, and give entire satis faction. '- VOL. 27, NO. 1. THE FOURTH!! THE MONEY ItAlSED i TWO BRASS BANDS ! ! 106TH ANNIVERSARY AT AUBURN BOOMING 1 1 BHOOTINQ AND BALL MAT0HE8. FHOOKKDINGS OF I. AST MBKTINO. The adjourned meeting of tho com mittoo of tho wholo on Fourth of July arrangement;! met at Samuolson's hall last Saturday night, Church Howe in the chair. Tho various subscription committees were called on and reported tf'Q following amounts raised: South Auburn $ 100 00. North Auburn 8l 00. Booth Committeo ISO 00. Total 9-140 00. All committees reported that more monoy could bo raised. Hon. Church Howo reported that ho hnd heard from authorities of both roads and that If cars could bo pro cured tho excursion trains would bo run. Programmo committeo reportod that thoy wore waiting for other committees to report boforo making up programme. Ted Huddart of music committee, reported that ho had contracted with tho Brownvllle band to play on tho Fourth for 70. O. J. Stowell of tho samo committeo reported that ho had telegraphed tho Hiawatha, Kansas, band to come for 87S. On motion both reports yr Qro accept ed, and $7fl appropriatedfor former band, 625 for oxpenses of Hiawatha band, provided $75 could be raised in dependent of other subscriptions, tho major part of which was raised then and there, by D. J. Wood and Willmoro Davis. Committee on flag and staff reported that thi flnmawouldibo up in tlmo. Committeo on sports appol'utod it meeting at tho Holdrego House on Tuesday night. On motion flag committeo woro em powered to procure two Hags at 88 and 812 respectively, the lattor to bo pre sented to the precinct sending in tho largest horso-back delegation, the forni or to tho noxt largest. On motion, tho invitation committeo wore instructed to procure 500 postal cards, havo them printed, and addressed to people of tho county inviting them to bo prosont on the Fourth. On motion, Messrs. Geo. Morton, Ben. Coy, C. D. Dundas, Goorgo Arm strong and Bobt. Bryant were nppoint od on Callithumpinn procession. On motion, tho following appropria tions were mado from tho gonoral fund: Music 8100 00 Fireworks 100 oo Flags 25 00 Flag-staff 30 00 Decoration 25 00 Postors 12 70 Shooting and base ball 50 00 Sack races 15 00 Wator, ico, seats, etc 50 00 Postal cards 5 00 Precinct Hags 20 OO Total 8432 70. Committees were requested to "get in their work," and leavo nothing un done. On motion, the mooting adjourned to. moot next Saturday night, at North Auburn school houso. church iiowe. Chalnuaiu R. O. Fellows, ) c-..,, G. W. Fai wmoTHKit, " PAINTING, PA1NTHVO. I am now prepared to do all kinds of painting, graining, etc., in a t'nt-class manner, and at tho following prices: Two coa, work, 15 cents por yard. Throe coat work, ? 8 cent3 por yard. I will do tho work and warrant it for three years not to oracr scale, or rub off. Got your painting dono in a workmanllko manner, by giving me a call. .John Shiiten. If You Are Buined. In health from any causo, osponlally from tho use of any of the thousand nostrums that promise so largely, with long ficticious testimonials, have no fear. Resort to Hop Bitters at once, and In a short tlmo you will have tho most robust and blooming health. Whon horses and cattle aro spiritless, scraggy and feoblo thoy need treatment with Undo Sam'B Condition Powder. It purifies tho blood. Improves tho ap petite, cures colds, and dlstoraper, In vlgoratos tho system and will keop tho animal In a healthy, hundsomo condl-s tlen. 4