Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1865)
! the Qbvtxtiscx. ILLE.TnUKSDAY, OCT. J(j, 1885. r. o CJ .A. -U. LicTft.A- Ac U. for sale at this Qgj9e. I "j'srWILLIA-MS, moU the autbei l , f,nt U St. tonic for this paper, will attend to .,! nnrrl In that C.itr. ClKr unl COlia""' " r - --- "cu Slrnt.S. E. cor. Ilk. ,uciioa eVery Saturday by J. W. Bliss, youcaa buy the very best Coal Oil, - - r - Auction Sales erery Saturday by J. "nn & Bro. hare got a splendid lot jfpocUt Knires. Co to Williarawn'i an i get a glass of rricei at the M. E. Church next Sab v Rer. T." W. Tipton, at 10 1-2 ... jt.SIorris lis s just rewired his new ; Stock of keeps erery thing in ! Drug line. Pure apple Vinegar fcc. J Episcopal Serrice. by Rer G. II DaTis ; ctii Sslbith, at the 1st Preiby.erian Cbuich, at 10 1-2 A. M.f and at P. M. 7 1-2 Set the Card of Airs. Hewetl's Mil liter Shop in thia issue, She has just re cured supply of Fall and Winter Good: Call and see. f3 Good Potatoes. Josephus Kel Ky left at cur Office last Saturday a few of the finest Pctatoes, we erer saw riied anywhere, one weighed 2 1-2 lbs. - Ws would adrise our readers and all who want to buy Groceries to go to Swio 5i Cro. They have a large Stock of Groceries at remarkable low prices. I ftotice the Advertisement headed ; "Wanted." and then send for a beauti- . ... fu! Allura, or something in therr line, we can recommend Mr. Battel. Those in want of Beef, can get a good article by going to the City meat Market; R. Case is always there ready to accorfi Bctte anyone, to the best he has. Among our list of literary exchanges Bane" stands higher than the Yankee W.iie. . It is published by Jones &. Co.. 32 Congress street, Boston, at S3 a year. If you contemplate making a journey, Im'ilul to gft Insured against acci dents. J. W. BJis i the regularly Authorized Agent of the Travelers In luriDce Company of Chicago. Deary, of the firm of Deary & Co. has just returned from S. Louis with a large and well selected Stock of Groceries and Protisioas. Canned Fruits, best brandi ofTcbacco. Call, D-ary ia accommda- I Under the head cf New Advertise j meets, you tvill find and Advertisement 1 of Vanbuikirk& Henry's Imported Bev- aaact, cr Tonic Schnapps. This Ber ; frige is known to. and is recommended bp the highest tfiiedical. authorities. See the advertisement of M. H. Sax- tou i Co., Pianos Melodeous, etc., in I to-days paper. This is an old aud re "Ue firm, and need no reccoranieud ;foiuus. Any one desiring anyihiug in I their line cannot do better that to deal i''h them. 1 In another column of to-days paper j i!l le found an advertisemen t of the j Chicago Siore. Mr. G. M. Henderson, I 4c proprietor of said Store is a gentle ao ia every respect, he has just receiv i tad is opening out a Urge Stock of Tall and winter goods. Call and see his p'-ock cf Boots "Groceries KsT &c. j Improvemtnti are -0'ir,g oa steadily in I City, and workman of all kinds and I ma are 1ft great demand. Our Mar j banis too arabusy supplying the wants nfthe community. Foremost in enter j among the Utter clams is at the jfrcj of Swam and Brother whose liberal fanner of doing business, merits the lceas they hare achieved. Sec thi Averti'serheat of . & H. T. ! Oniony k, Co., Manufacturers of Pho jt2fraphtc Material, Stereoscopic and j ereoscopic Viewi, Views of the War, i 'cgraphic History of the great Union jte8yPhoiogTtpbic Albumi, &c, &.C Ve'can. cheerfully recommend them lu An 7 0&9 wacting; anything in f .rme, cannot do teller than to order I em, tfcey era prompt, and energetic. 520 BEWAED. Strayed on the 17ih W. from the cr,ber living 12 mikl frpm Brown on the niaia road leadipg from grille to Nebraska City, t0 mare the P"y,one a little darker Alu -.r-ft tas a atar in the forehead ksa,fe hind feet white, iame tize ,four os olJ. Any one Uw v . Wiu receive C20. MCOUXIIGNERV. We are pleased to announce to the public that Henderson, of die Chicago Store, has got back with n' fplendid stock cf Dry Gccdsfcnd Groceries. Hi judge ment in selecting Goods is appreciated by this cornrnuniiy as shown by the ra pidity vshii which they go c(T. Those ia want cf anything in his line will do well to call soon. &ee the' Advertisement cf the iklttra Knitting Machine in to-days paper. This is one of the simplest and rnost du rable Machines of the kind in existence ; does its work well and can be worked and adjusted by a child ? makes any kind of stitch desired-, and knits plain or rib-' bed. No wool groweT, in fact, no fam ily sEould be without o'ne. The Steamer Evening Star frfirtf Saint Louis landed at our wharf a few days ago and discharged an immense lot of goods marked for Wni. II. McCreery ftrownrille. ' " I called in at th City Drug Store afew days' ago, and found Mc. opening the largest Stock ever brought to this Territory ; comprising Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Oil-, Paints, Window Glass, Wall Paper, Window Shades, CutIery,Coal Oil Lamps, Stationery", Yankee-Notions', Cigars, Chwirg and SmoakiDg Tobacco of erery qualUy ; also many other things new and rare, tiever before kept in this Market. It is concidered that Mc. keeps more goods, and a belter variety than any Dreg-House in Nebraska ; judging from his immense trade sells cheaper ; La dies call &( the City Trcg Store and youf will find max y articles yea can find no where else; Mc. being a ladies man Inows how to buy to snit your demands. At the Annual Commemoration cf tlie Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F., of Ne bratka, convened at Pfat'smouth on the 17ih day of October, 1SG5, the following Grand officers rvere' elected : A. D. Jones, Omaha, G. 31. Jonas Hacker, Brownville, D. G. M. B. Newman, Plattsmouth. G W. St. J. Goodrich, Omaha, G. Sect. .. M. Dunham, Omaha, G. Teas;" v." " J. J. Hosiettler, Neb. City, R. Wr G.Rep. F. Ternplin,- Neb. City, R. W; G. Alt. LIST OF LETTERS. 'Beva.inirg i& the Post Office at Drowntll Oc tober 2fl !66j.I Thee letter, if not called for, wfu b kept In the dfllre for 6 weekr, d4 .ben t-cnt to the Dead Letter Office tt Washington. Two centt will be charged on t f L.f..!lr.. T at lri Breere Lonlna BrefeLM 7 Chapman J. B. Franklin H. Hooper Ifanak HarrinJ iha 2 Manon H , Meraer Carolioe t Sedncer Jbn Stepbenaon I. P. Wolcolt A. O. Wbtte Mis. A 3. Wood Je. P. Campbell Mar fret Mra. Snsebanlt Georf K. Tovt B W. Bll James Labue Jme BoCormlck Thos. Kimball Rebeca Sacketl H. B. Tbarker Bice Winters Andavlll White R. F. Persons catling for tbe above leitor wtlt pleane tar ther are -Advertised. A. D. MAR-SB F,H. ITCH X ITCH! ITCI1! Scratch 1 Scratch! Scratch! WHEATWS OINTMENT AI11 care the Itch in It cures the Prairie Iten, V Mh Srmtches, Salt Rljeuui. Jlccrs, Cbi!biaiD,iud all Erop- ticuc of i Skin TEICE 50 CENTS. Bewure of Lotions nnl Wishes which will not remove thediea?o. By ot-nding fiOcts to COI.L1XS BKO'S.(Arents for the St.ulh-Wet.) S. W Cor. 21 &. Vine Streets, St. Louii, Mo., it will be for warded by mail, frre of Podttge, to any part of tbs country. WEEKS A POTTER, Boston. Mass., Proprietors 51-6 a ? ESTRAY MARE. Taken np ij the nndeniined, and within bia in closed prtnifea, four miles Souh Wwt from Nem aha City Nebraska, on the 3d daj of, October, I8rt5 Obe Ba ilare two jears old, about fifteen bands high. v ilrownTille,Oct. 3 185. -6 5t p'd. JOHN AEG A BRIGHT. LECAL NOTICE. John Ebba, Elisabeth Tbha, Felicity Elbi, John P. Ebbs, and George Ebbs, will tako notice that Virginia M. tlunt, (laardin of Lor in la M. Ebbs, a minor, under and by virtue of an ord?r vt tbe Pro bate Conrt in and for the County of Nemaha, Ter ritory of Nebraska, made on the 9th day of October A. D. 1665, will as such Guardian offer at public sale. on day of November, 1S63 atone o'clock P. M.upon the premises, tho follow ing; described real estate to-wit: fOne bundrtd acres ofTof tbe South part or por tion, of tbe South West quarter of Section Thirty re (S5) T wnFhip four (4); of Range Sixteen (18) Situated in Nemaha Connty Nebraska Territory and being of he Nem ha Indian reservation. Terms of sale, cah inhnd. VIRGINIA M.nUNT, Guardian ofLonnda Al. Lobs a minor. 10 4 4tf Q.OO SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby ciren that pursuant to aa or der of aale to tn rirecttd, i?tiutd by the Register n Uhanctry o. the district Court of Pawnee Coun ty, Nebraska Territory, th. cae vf Richard Lin egaio-t HetftT ft. dogiO adinmis'Mtor ir V ui. C llogan , 1 w ill oHVr for sale at public auction at tbe door of Joseph Wood re 'a Dwelling House in the lityr fvwaee, that being the puce where tbe last term of raid oourt was held. on the 16th dai of November A. D.1SG5 at one o'clock P. M. of ra d day the following Real Estate situated in Pawnee County to-wit: the East half of the South Est Quart&i and the East half of the Korta East Quarter, all in Section six (6) Township two (2) Range twelve (12) East. This the 9th day of October. 165. WILLIAM J.AIKINS, 10-4-It 19.00 Sheriff of Pownee Co. ESTRAY HOGS. Taken cpby the undersigned within his enclo sed premises near San Francisco, Nemaha County Xebras i t nn the 6th day of September 185. one wito o'with five pigs, also one white Sow, 4 r t marks, also one white Sow marked ikh willow fork and nnderbit in right ear, swal farkaal nnduib'tin left ear .also five Shouts, wilh nnderbit (n right ear and orerbit in left ear and also,cno black and white spotted Shcat, no marks Brownville Sept Cth 1SC5. TflOlHS ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Tn purfuance of an order of the Probate Court rf Nuiaba County, Nebraska Territory, I will osfi-r for w le at public auction, on lUe 4th day of November, a.D. 1565. at one o'clock P. on the land where the said properly is situated, the undivided half of a steim saw mill known as Lewis and Wilion -Mill, siru-t-tad on XlcCiaici ilsland ia the County of NV4 aha The'iail property wi'l be aold sepsr,te, from the, real estwtehr hereon the same is situated. JQ!IS W. IULL, Adminiftraifcr'ofthe Estate. v WiUianjAVilAca d., "d. 4 St UfA : I ako ;) VSaltElicCT.7 AXD OH A LI PEOPITO!! afAOKSON 3 SPEED, rJealersia li WW LUJUJUI ST.i -.J Sheet-Iron, Copper and Japan Ware, Would respectfully annonnce to tie eitiiioi of B ROWNYI LLE and ricinity that they are now receiring a fresh aupply of the beat Cooking ami Heating Stores now in use : al'i, a zl sup;iy of Brass Ivettlei, Por ceiain Kcttl-.-. T.ned Ironed Sauce Pans, Iron Bast ing, Table and Tc-epooo; Coffee MilU, Flat I,rons. Moat Cutters; Spring Balances: French Sauce Pans; Kubber Handle KA Forks ; Rusells Batch-f-r Knives: Curry Comb and Cards, &c,&e., At., all of which is offered for sale as low at can be bought in tbe market. W a also keep on hand tbi best lot of Tinwars over offered in Urownville, fr Ias cheap as thecheap et. Our Tin-Sbop is always in good running ordT where work of all k'ndifmma PintCuptoaSxnota Stack can be done in a workmanlike manner. Repairing Done with Neatness and Dispatch Rags, Copper and Brass Will be taken in exchange for goodi. Shdp Hi W. I1'. iienfa did Stand, 52-yly One Door East of Hill's Store. PIAHOSI PIAHOS! 035O to $1,400. II. H. GAST01T & CO., OT. IOTTI23, MO HAVE Constantly on hand the Largest Assort ment of FIKST-CLASS PIANOS kept by any one House in tbe West. They keep Che RELIABLE IXSTRU EXTS made by Win. B. Bradbury, Chambers & Oabler: New York Pianoforte Company. James W. Vase. Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, 110 to 8100 Each. it30tn bn.nd Second-hand Pianos, Meloticans, AeM Ac, Ao. Which are sold at Bargains. Send fur u Circular" and -PriceLitt." Warereoms : Cor. Fifth & Walnut (Under Southern HoUjI) J.S.W 10-Vly. ST.LOUIS.MO. FOR THE MILLIOJVN! TCX UUXDZIEO tTIIOUSAXD!!! All cud be suiud in the Just received at the Main Street, Brownville, Nebraska. All Kind?, Patterns and Styles. Everything In the GEOCEEY Line best quality Boots, Shoes, "Woo 'en and Willow-Ware. 7 Best brands. Dried and Canned x t a . 2 XL Nails, Glass, Sash, Queens ware- ToBACOO. ROBATE NOTICE. To all whom it msy 3on!rn. N itioe is hereby given that application has this day ben m,dt for the RpN)ini njrfiit cf an r U)vjn he E'tate vf iSamel G Daily deceased . and Monday thelth dary f or-raber, a. P. 18t',5 at theoffioe vf tha Probate JuJa in lwnville Nt-niah Coun ty Neb. Territory, js the time set to Lear saidap plicatiui. Urowuviile October H;b . 18ac. K. V njGHES, Probata Jod2- 5-3t 3 50. LEGAL NOTICE. Henry Weers, John?nn Weera, Conard Weers, Herod Weers, El'.zibeth Wecrs, and Cortrenda Weers, will take notice that Gerd Weers, Admin istrator of the Estate of Gerard Weers deceasd, late of Nemaha County, nnderand by virtue of as order of the Probate Court in and for" said County of Nam tha, Territory of Nebraska, made on the 28 day of September. 1865 . will offer at public Sale ou tne uotn day ot Urtoter, A. JJ. lboo. atone o'clock P. M. at the door of the Probate eourt in the city of Brownville Nemaha County, the following described Real Estate to-wit : The East half of the South Eat quarter, of Section five, in Township Range thirteen, situated in Nemaha County Nebraska Territory, Containing 80 acre. and being the lands of which the raid Gerd Weers died seised. Terms of eal.-eash in hand. Brownville September, 2tb 1365. GERARD WEER3, Administrator of Gerl Weers deceased. 10 3 9.C9 ESTRAY HORSES. Taken up by the tiuJertigued pving fonr miles Notth of Rrivrvi'.Io pear tne Miijonri Hivcr, nd within his inclosed pr mea, en the 2Jth day of August. S.iS, co". gr.-j horse awsut nine yean old 1 1-2 i.ands hich with caUar marks sravinod in both hind lczs.and aljo at the same lime en 1 place nn dark brown mare about nine years old. about 16, 1-2 hands hieh. with collar nmka. left hind leg 1 hii.e t- near thj kn,te. sheq takeQ nph4 on a Jf3TOvi".le, 9c.i t. 5 13$S: . - T0-3p'd THOMAS EtElDV. mumn siee: (DADE-H EICDIiJGiB Fort IlMtQUt hVViht HAY, muimwmmti AT THE OLD STA5D Ot t uloiier 10 tne iraae ot Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, ' Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri, A W D NEBHAGHA, The rnost Attractire and Largeit StocV of Dry Goods, JJotions and 7EST OF NEW TOIUE, At prices as low as the urns e.sUU art soid k-y taa beat hes la Nexr Yoxiii Bcstca Cr VUlz$S4 Omr Stock will embrace ta f&rt nrorru" and Cleacbed Eect'sf and Shirtings, Drills, Denims, Sliirtlnsr StrlpcS, Corset Jeans, Cambrics, Ticklnsr, FianueiA, Apron Checks, T needs, F. & M. Casslmers, Elersejs, Satlact Jeans, Cottonades, ' Alac Cloths, Caslmere, Ladles' Cloak Cloths; and all Weolena aaUable for Hen's Wear. PRINTS Merrimack, Dnnnel Cocheoo American Bprague'a Lowe Dutchess ' bander's Bichmond'a " Allen's Jji-wrences Arnold. And all other well-known brand. ova. stock or LADIE'S DRESS GOODS nlli;couiprlse all the novelties of he Season. OUR STOCK IX Tflt HOTION DEPARTtlEHT Will he found full and complete. 53Our Store, (owned by the firm, an no rev,'! payj being newly fltted tip, Klves n Salesroom,, aox430 feet, tho largest west of the sea board, affording ta unequalled facilities for showing Goo. One of our firm residing in New York, (baring twe experienced assistants) and bo;,ng ror CASH, aaablts ns to offe: onr customers tf Qeooa dally at the we respct:iiiy nTite Xercha&ta TlalUaf Chlcage to examine jmr Stock. EJ-ParUciar attenUon glees to ailing rdera.3 John V; FcroT7oll z Ca, ii, 44 ft S Wabash Ave., - Chicago iix; v-.a.m.3l.a.s. From wfLUiltfS' ApVKliTlStNO iO PATBiTI sjfrf AUJaAlj VI vUITtlLIlU. O... Owe sVsOUlsf. JslO. ESTABLISHED 1 S 5 1 EUPPLBS I iffiTOfi, 55 Si 57 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, 10G South Water Street, CHICAGO,' Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers ia Wooden and Willow "W A. R E i BLOOMS 5 4 -- Shoe, Scrub, Horse Dusting and Whitewash " CORDAGE, from i inch to 2 inches Diameter, TWINES. Cotton, Jute, rlax. Wrapping, Sail, Backing and erery othr vanety, PAPER, Wrapping, Tea, Hotel, la. PAPER BAGS Every slsa and description. MATCHES, GUN CAPS BROOM-MAKER'S STOCK SIEVES, KEROSENE WICKS WiCKING, BATTIEG. he "i- .-'.- We would eall pert io alar attention to the (jaaiitty of ur WELL BUCKEUS& KEGS of these we are tat largest Manufacturer ia the United SUtee. We will be gls4 to accommodate all who may parch tee cannot visit either Chicago or St. Loo is, .-m V. ..t. : 11 m . , - . i vi uwm, wm w i.i cceenuiiy taonun aaeist wui aloae and price list. Our buaines is strictly caoh, hence all orders from those with whom we are unacquainted must be accomparJed by a draft for the probable amount of the order or satisfactory city references. In all pases rtUtUt 0lBt be promptly mad on n cejptof involoV, ";-'-. All or ders filled at lowest cJl prloes wag ship- Ecd without refereqee to. prerioas quotations, oods at owner'a risk ftftcr hcin shipped , :: N. B. AH par-haer will fial it tq their pe-, nirry interest to call asd esauiine eur stocks before making their pnrchHfe. . t . . - CCPPLES 4 ifASSTON. y 10 2-Im s. LoaU aoi Chicago. HI M if I n N j w wJ Ly Paints, Oils and Bye Staffs, Puro Liquor fc? Medical purposes, AlfkirS cffiteir ffedieiies. COAL CffLLASIPS-atoff eiftaiNETS Blank Books and Stationery, Wail Paper of Every rattunvt Hindoiv Pavers, Cord and Tassels Th but Brands of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO and CIGARS. Opters. Canned Fruits, ' and a complete Slock of light and fancy Groceries. Pocket Cutlery Perfumery and .Toilet Goods. tr.(n.ii him!f of the late decline; at: ...h.k airi.-twa nnrrJianAs In an Eastern KaTlet. bt th Pnhllcthat It i to thil advantage to trade with him. none ba flrt 01a DaCGS kept. Call ana exaailna for yourneu at vie CITY DRUG STORE Stb tttt Conr,K.m ud first StrMt. trawntlll PnEscaimoss, and ciders Catefulty Clled at dl iota. 9334. 1 SO "W Thensderslgned keep oq hand a large auortmento SAnillETiiC SSIMERE SUITS For Has and Boy's wear. Also, a large stock cf HATS CAPS, iii&woaiiiffi EOOTS AND SHOES. . i Rubtcr Ccats, Legglns & Blankets, UMBRELLAS AND tAKPET BAGS, Gent's Fnrais&ing Goods, ' Of allkladswtkh we willseU CHEAP FOR GASH- We purchased our goods since tbe de cline in tbe Markets and will sell at low figures. ATKINSON & CO. April lJth, 1355, 9-30-1 - iHHEHSE STOCK A 5 D GROCERIES, Just received by J. BERRY & CO., . MAIN STREET, . , Harinj laid iri 6Ui present stock at r duced prices fot Cash, wt are enabled to defy cortjfetltion in the way ot selling tbe articles In' (be fc fleet C 22 CAP FOH CASH. Our Stock of ts the most complete ever offered in this market, and has been selected with aD eye to economy, durability and ibe de mands of this community. Our Supply of Comprises a general assortment of every thing and tbe best of everything. Call and examine before purchasing else tf here, if yota want li get the bene fit cf the best of goods at low rates. No troabls to show good's. 0-23-yTy J.BERR&CQ. ESTRAY NOTICE , Taken p by the nndenigned Wring in Gten Rock Towr..h)p?fcn)ha Connfy Nebreska Territo ry, one bar mare Pone, unn'l star i a the f-.rrbead !iip on ' the nose, saddle spota. 13 handi high 4 j ears old lut spring, no other mark r brands per ccirable, - . i October, (he 9 til 1855. . ANDREW niGGLNS. , - NOTICE. . Xotiae is hereby giTn that the Copartnership hereufore exu;in between David fl. 51;LArGnLix an.1 Birrsax L.Svais thU daj dij3o!ved by tnt taal euwent . - . ' . J?rowe?il!e, 5cb: Get. 1 St If ISXS DAVID H. Mj'iiUGHLIIf, STErSO. L S1YAS. Itayo just opened a. splendid Stock of COSStSTTXiJ Ct Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Rke. Tobacco Cigars, Soip, Dried fruit of all kind., Nuts, Candies, Molasses, Salt, Wooden Ware of all kinds, Canned Fruit, Oys ters, Pickles, ancT every Articb usually kept in a first clasj Grocery store In Whitney's Blocs, Miin Street Brownvillo Nebraska, Iuvite3 the public to c ill and exam ino their Stoc!, before purchasing elsewhere as they sirer compident. - August 3 1st 18G5. No Change ia ii The firm of 1---m 1Mb 1 1 ua u ruw, ruif d miimnii 11 lat ''.me to 'ew Y-rk. rbiladelphia, Eoston, Bald 1M IjA U VJIIIjII CC O W I !aore' Cincinnati aDdallPoiats East.aa by Wsy of Is no mi-e. ad StflB'UlOT Takes its place, and will d baaines at tbe old stand, in their usual LIVE AND LET LIVE S T V Tj E NEW SKIRT FOR I865 Tho Great Iiireati ji of the Acs ( J. W. Bradley's !7ew Patent Dcplex Elliptk or double) FRINC( SlIPT. WEflT3' EtiAhikr & Cokt, flate J. I. & J.O West.) Sole Proprietors ind Manufacturer". !7 Chambers and 79nd 81 RenJe Streets, New This Invention coiifiits of DrptEX (or two Eliiptie riiecl Spring, ingeniously Bruide l Tightly and Firmly fogetber. edge to edr, miking !!) toughest, most flexible tlastic .and Durable Sprirp ever used- Thy seldom Bend or Erraik like h Single Spring?, and consequently Preserve thir Perfect and Beautiful Shape Twice aa Lorg as an other Sirt. The WorcoEBrrt FinxiBiufr and Great Com fort and pleasure to any. Lady wearing the Dupl- Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all Crowded Assemblies, Oper s. Ca rig-s. Hail road Car, Chnrrh Pew ,for Promenade and (loose Dress, as the Skirt can be folded, when in nse, to occupy a small place aa easily aa a Silk or Muslin A Lady having enjoyed thepleasure.eomf'rtand ?reat convenience of wearing 4he"Doplx Elliptic Steel Spring: ;Mfrt" for a single day, will nevei afterwards willingly dispense with their use. Fo. Children Mioses, and Ycnng Ladies, tbey are Sur pcrior to all others. For Sale in all First-Claso Stores 13 throughout the United States , . Inquire for the Double Elliptic Skirt. COLLEGE. CONDCCTED on the ras:a of actual bus?ne.i by an f xperienrd Arc nntant and Superior Pen man, a hoe connection with the mst popnlnrCom morcial Coilees ensures ihorotighness and reputs tion to every graduate. Special instruction jtiven in all styles rf Pen manship; specimens of which may be seen at the LVIlejre. Full particulars senttoanvsddres. THOMAS J. BItY4!?T. 52-tf St. Joeih. M . . PUBLICATION NOTICE: John I). Harris a n"nreident of Gsge Cot:nt. Nebraska Tetritory. wiU take Notice that K. F. Roper of the Cnj-y of Gg, Ntbrka Terrilon. did on the 23d day of September, a.D. IS-j-S fiile his Petition before Albert Towle. Prolate Juda and Ex-f fficio a Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Gage, end Territory 0f Nebrk ajsintthe ?aid John D. Davis defendant, setting forth that tha raid Defendant in ir;d-btedto tbi plintiJ,on note and amount of gixd purche in he s utti of Forty-seren d liars aud forty-ei cents , and akiri that an orser of at 'aeLmeut int? to be levied on the good and chatties of tbe sa:J defendant, and the aid Jobs D. Harris t i :i-,tiired to appear and answer said petUSoa on or before tbe 1st day of .December, a.. IBb, at one o elock p. m. or judgment will be taken by defendant. Dated at Beatrice, eb. October jUn - - r.E. ROPLR. It Is hereby ordered . that the .above notiee ,t published in t t.braska AdvcrUery f&r thrt eonsecstive Weeks. , - ALBERT TOWL2. Probate iudg and ez-vdcio ef the peace. 5-3tI0,CO Territory of Nebraska, County of Johnson. To any Contablo in Johnson C-uutr, whereas Daniel Eeolani has Eled with me the afEdivh nec essary to enable bicn to a. write of atiachra-rt agint J)4rs Coqtstock, for the faa of -Tenty-eiht dollar claimed to be due, KeHand,' frm the sad James Comstock, yu are therefore eororn.iD'l ed to tf.ich the gr-ols , chattlei, eredit, money and a ffcets cf mi id Jeraes Comstock in jonr County, to be kepi ai)Xdi--pu?eJ of according to Liw anJ m ikt legal return theirof. and you are a!.i to notify the defrt4nt thereof and sutaiasns hiia to aupear be fore my office on tha 4th dy of Novethb -r. 156 j, at It o'clock P. an.'wer the petition of the pi iinti!f in which is cUiiaed above Tijtmcd sum Dttted this the 13 h da f Senr,.n,H.-r IX' 5-- . ., J.V.BE.EDICT, ei'. Daaiel keelund .faeces Cf' tr.'toc c y. T hve atUohrf ore thini'hia rr:irrr,-i Ta'rr r.oamiiggiax painied! red al bo paiated lead col or. JO 3N ROBERTS Ceastalia. 3-3 10 53 k-,1 iilli ii Hi ( Ml hill Families and iJanufactarerj ELK ronFAHILY Ol- 7B offer the public tif siapJest, tc;i. a&i' best Eciiticj Mchice ia the wctii. It fsenpies bat littie rpir- !i prtsV.e trA eta be aUiohed ta ft stand or table, weighs abut IZ'.'iS. It win knit a varkry cf stitches thi brtsiiT cf needlt'sis tr:3irg tbe cost of nrcdles Is ai&cant and the q at delicate material ean t-e k ,)ure and spotless, aa the needles ere not oild. Orders for il-:hines may be sent threap lLa Ane'rlcaa AdTCrtUl2tAicy. S33 Broadsryt IT. T. 3 3ai for a Circular. AgcatiTTantc2. D1LT0X 2H IXTIX G UlCHI!i H 117 ftST.C.-tadwiy.ITl-T. Hortfe. Hissonri Piireai C0.VXECT3 with tha Htonlbal aaJ PX J . R. at Maeos Cily, 133 silu Et bi ot. Jotesi, and forma tha OXLY A XX nAIWioAD nCZ'D To St. Louis and all latj Eajt-'yort'j red SostS riaSt.Lonis. Da?ji24 Choked Tlroogh. and handled Fraaef Chare;. Ticket Ajfeuts of U. & St. Jo. RaiJruU "i.i nut discriminate, and psiietgers will bare ti Passengers tickets tiatb Iforti ill, jouri Railroad hare this X. 2D "XT i, TJ" T Q- Z3 orer tbe Keoknk Packet r they win afoid 153 mile -.t Rirer NaTigation by night, the unaToidble de. iays incident to steamboat tarigai ion j besidss tha Nortb & IL frafe Afrait Efsiajs on the U. i St; So. Railroad, cakio; Pauen jtrs a rcrtaln connection Instead of a possibility of loslcj connection with boat at Hannibal and Qai&cy wl trains. Inoueof aither; passes; era yntti piAxitj ricfiEn tHiH viatheorth Miaaonri Railroad than by any other route. Another adrantag Is, that w make eer rain connections with tha Cbio M Itisaissfpf i, At antio & Graat Western. St. Looil i, Terra Haata, and dt. Louis & Cbica?n Railroads, he flats t Uii most superbly equipjied Roadj In the West. Pauenjers hate the tigl to etfeose, ia ooBaao f ion with the North Missouri Railroad, any af ti$ ibote named Roads FA K2 THE 8AKR. 't ickets ean be had at the Ticket 03 ef t annibal A St. Joseph Railroad. In St. Joeh. Ask tor Tickets by way of the Korth Witotri ilrod, and see that your UaW Is C3C1 'J THKUCUH, . , ISAAC II. STCKGtO!!, rres'tandOek'tSop'tSt. Louis. ila: H.n. VVnEELER. General Ticket Agent, St. Louis, 2ia: L. M. LUNN', General Western ArsaL . P- II. EAELEY, Agrcnt. St; Joksph, ST. LOUIS ADVEBTISEriEm Front Wiliiaatt' AJcertUiu" Ayeci,i1 Ckt$t 3. Hastings, Wilkersdg & Co No 60 Main Sirset. H'hoIeiale Dmritrs io FANCY DRY GCOI NOTIONS; AND FURNlSMd fiOODS, Hate at all timS the nest cc: plete. fitd desirable stock cf LA DIE'S DUESS GOODS. WHITE GOObS.RlfcBONS, DRESS TRUl MINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY ard every T.iriety of : GEHTS FUjtlllUHUIQ GOODJ, to be found ia any bouso ia tbi WCSt PHICE3 GUAERANTEZa S lcT7 is any.ctber bouse can afford. ESOrders c .rt fully and prenpt iy filled; Hastings Wilkerson 6Co. NO. 85 NORTH MAIN ST. IVJn,yriot3 Lnclico! PROF. V0I"VRAE'3 DlAr.lOHD DHOPOI ' er-toa- for wluci ihty axeN 'la erery laatanne. Tiy .are m-rilMllj fwwauneaded te 'all Im&im wbo. firosa aicka a er father eaueea, am aaabl to m&4rce 'UiaperCaef aeeoaouent. Tala rendj Sa DlAMOfiD DROPS I, . Sot an AborMve. but efilr sl'IIEVE T 1 YE, kBad la not ta Uie leaat . iflooe to tbe, anoat dlica!y teotutitatloea. Xver y. .Soitie Warranted. ClIT 2T22T. TBI TT ' Send Sad Stamn for CSrosIar, ot X2S tot the emel7, to C. B. MOXB.02 ft CO , General Amenta, P O Drawer 6i61, Ciioaa. Illinois; OSee 153 Sovt! Clark Street. For eala as WaoIeMle ia Queaeo ty tt rCL2. UJBD 4k 8 ITIL CHA3. 6. fiiUXIi' aiiTa & uwiia. a&d a bcotuju Osage Orang-p Casd fucsii Fiibir tas, . Tcrsoni w.Uhir? a arf 'r of Coa-eOrsD Tee fn t re'i cd, broxiit frta 1 c.-;s. bv a?r'v-"n-d?frlv !or:cy DanJ.t, I'.O.'li.j P. v.i v- r- 1 i with VV. !i. ileO'retrj, Ci'T D"-j S ce. I,r-.. rille.X-brvska. WfeSLF. V DUST 3, " 5f-33 is'tfiit'Tviaea . Vi;' 1 !