Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1865)
Icbrnska 5it)ucrtt0cr Vw JOHN I; COIMI APP, ED ITO It. ' ijhownyille Thursday, oct.29 isb:. THE SEWS M-ay of new? of very general interest. The Wirz Trial still drags rsslow length j along." The examination of witnesses! is finished. . .The trial will probably be i closed in a week. The witnesses for the J UCi-lli-C 1100 Vl'liUI IMEU iiwa. ... damning attrochies charged against Wirz, Wilder and uthers connected with the' Armo&rilleYUughter pen. Wirz ontinuei tqpfTer rery much from nerr ova trrtution. Jeff Dam will fro Ubly be tried ahortly afrer the Wirz 'trial ia over. Vice President Stephens and eescral other prominent Rebel Prisoners have leea pardoned by President Johnson. The Loyal Indians of Southern Kan- f sa and the - Indian Territory to be re moved. Several Tribes are to be con folidated and confined to smaller extent of Territory. The Creeks and Seroi noles together with the slaves formerly belonging to them will hereafter consti tute but one tribe, and will be located near the head waters cf the Rio Grand. J r I - r.nJ mAfl nf lha Take Adrantape or the Present . . . Flash Times Here and there a supporter or sympa ihizer with the rebellion is found grum bling about "hard times."- Thev admit thai the .wages now' paid are high enough, Jnominalhj" but the prices of everything, we buy, they, say, :are ."higher-. in proportion., hrec dollars per day now is not as good," we heard one; jpan say, $1.25 was three years 2J -this-warjwith its subsequent evils wiUjuuerly ru?n the country." We do pot jropose to tpend time in trying to refuie such foolish assertions. The uni versal prosperity of every portion of the .country and of every class of citizens is 4o notorious lo seed comment. Here, in Nebraska, feruurs are laying up from .one tc ten ihousaui dollars per annum Merchants &7i making s til i more, Me chanics are hurried to death with work at their own prices fsr their labar. The best evidence of wide-spread prosperity ie the fact-that no-body is idle. And though prices of Dry Goods and Gro ceries are higher than they were a few years -.ago,' Vet the amount bought and told in this City taribble3 cud quadru ple all ilint was brought here four years ago. 1 The freight shipped to Brownvilk during the' past twelve months will ex ceed one thousand tons. There are however, more or less in every community who are net taking advantage cf their ptesent opportunities; that are spending all they earn. ; It matters not whit wages a man gets if he apends all !:e makes. $10 per day then is no beit than SI,. The man or fam ily who will; cattail their expenditures to one h.ilf their inVc:ne, are on the high road to- wealth and competence. There are veTy'few if any who cannot, if they only will, confine their e xpenditures to ne "half their . earnings if they have jhetlj. ar-d industry. A. dollar laid by ,n?w cr lifely invested is Vis much and .will counVf a much twmiy, yrars as a dollar .earai when crn was tea .cents per bushel, Tiurc ata investments .accessible to all ihit vriil noi depreciite r.o.'matter Lomt ooa a reyjrs8 comes to .the present "flush" ti-ms, Govramsnt nnd and Government securities are per ifectly safe investmsa!.s. They will cev rr b'e below par. Editorial Correspondence. St. Joe.R. R. PVt St'm'r Denver, . Oct. 19ih., 1S6-3. . On the vein ! 0.i board the great Stea mer Denver, a'gobd head "cf steam' o-i, all the comforts that man could -de- irfl. PTPllpnf!.'r nrl rr-n 1 -r.m ro ny is an enviable position for most any one ; and we are enjoying it hughly. Mr. Shed, the gentlemanly Clerk, is a perfect paragon of an officer, and is but an tnder to the excellence of the whole p;itit on board the Denver. On passing down we paid especial at tention "to Ccal which we have heard crops out of the bluff on the bank of the river, we did not see the Coal so "much ly" 3 we expected, but saw very good indications, vh ich we doubt not, wculd upan" weil if so ire enterprising compa ny would r ''go for it." Passed the Colorado sear Ilamies Landing, full cf psenge'rs, and making fplendid tim the belongs t ithe II. & Su Jo. 11. R. Packet Line, and is a fplendid boat. We had tbe agreeable company of .Capt. Atkinson, Wra. McCord.aud Saml. JV. Campbell cn the trip to "St. Joseph, vLich ir.sJe it very pleafact. ' October 20;h., reached St. Joseph. hlch has all the characteristics of great VT. yu c-Iy rartially developed. Eve- rythiogis lirely and busy; aod man new and fine buildings iro 'going vp St. Joseph is, beyond doubt, destined to be the leadiug Cty on tie Miiaouri itiv ef. . . - .'We met here on their wav up, Deary. of the firm ot Deary &. Co., and Dr. Mo- Comas, who hare both been laying in supplies of goods. Djc. will give lick end rnaitr.ed his left uitenioa as soon as he ets heme. .Ed Territorials Returns. Below we give the official Vote for Territorial Auditor, and Territorial Treasurer, as far as heard from. Nemaha County, Fob Acdito. John CiUK-pie; - . 608 J. S. Seaton, 75 . Maj. for Gillispie, v"433 For TatAsexsft. Augustus Kountz; 1- 500 .' St. John Goodrich, .' ; 62 - ijMaj. for Kount 418 Riihardaon County. Cillitpie, N 4G3 Seaioa, ' 262 Maj. fcr Gillispie 201 Kountz, 4S9 Goodrich, . 237 , Maj. for Kountz . 252 Casa County. Gillispie.' . 450 . Seaton, 413 Maj. for. Gillispie, 37 Koun'z, , ,461. Goodrich. 412 . Maj. for Kountz 49 . . Gae County. , Gillitpie. 50'r Seatun, 9 'Mj. for Gilii'pis, 41 ' Kountz, . 4 44 Goodrich, 12 : ,-. Kountz Msj. - , ' ! 32 . Dodge County. , , , . , Gillispie, .... , . 91 . Seaton, t 21 Maj. for Gilliipte, - -67 : Kcuntz, ; ... ;. 6G . Goodrich. . ., . . 29 Maj. for Kountz, ' - . 57 ' Cumming County. Gillispie and Kountz, each 23 raaj. Majority iu other Counties for Gillis- pie and Kountz each ." SCO ' ' S3 WW -135 119 2J30 SI Sarpy Couuty. Gillispie, ' beaton - ' - Maj. for Seatea ' Kountz, ., ... a. Goodrich, Maj. for Goodrich, Piatt County. Qillispie, -Seaton, 5Iaj. for Seaton, ' ; Kountz,, Goodrich, . Maj- for Goodrich, Douglass County. Gillifprr, . , Seaton, ' Jl8j. for Sentori, Ccuntz, , : : Goodrich,. Maj for Goodrich, c Otoe County. Gllsspie, , Seaton ' . r Maj for Seaton, Koun'.z, Goodrich, . .. Maj. 'for Goodrich, ' .t Dakota County. Gillispie, . , . Seaton, v Maj. fcr Selton, ' Kountz, Goodrich, ' i Majority for Goodrich, 60 62 32 50 82 32 430 C64 131 "550 431 13S 422 717 295 - 422 714 OQ.) 47- 83 ' 35 47" 83 -36 DIscoTer j of Gold Trltnln fonr 'T.. rijilei cfJSt.. Joseph., , - We were shown yesterday by Mr. Audriano a beautiful specimen of. quartz rc-ck, largely impregnated with gold.- This rock was taken from the bluffs at Hathena, Kansas, four miles wst of this city, Mr. CrSal, the gentleman who brought this piece pf quartz to the city. says that five years ago. tQ . discovered on the surface of. the bluffs named above, other specimens of Tock equally as rich in the precious metal as the one shown us. The piece shown us may be seen at the jewelry store of Messrs. Albrecht & Huber, on Market Square, who pro- nounces it genuine gold bearing quartz There is thought tc be an abundance cf this rock ia the Western Bluffs, and measures will at ouce ba taken to test i ci r n -i rr t. j us r.chno6s.-&. Joe Daily Herald. Now that the political excitement is passed, and '"all the clouds that lowered upon our cause in tne deep bosom of the ocean burried," it will be well to discus? other maters of really more importance to the country. , " . . '" - The Agricultural interat is. withou: doubt the greatest in this county, and ye t , the most neglected by those most in terested in its advancement and protec tion." In anew country,' where Ihe ef feet of soil and climate upon different crops is yet undeveloped, the establish ment cf means through which farmers may communicate- to each other, and the world at large, experiments, successes or failures of crops, with the manner of planting, cultivating and harvesting, is much more necessary than in older and more thickley settled localities ; and, yet the reverse of this plan is usually car ried out. In all of the older states Clubs County and State Fairs are in full blast; the main ci ject of discussion seems to be how to make bid, worn out land, yield to the best advantage , while in the new aud recently settled countries,- the soil yields so abundantly, as in this section that no need seems to be left for the fu ture, and no steps are taken to get the full benefit of tbe present fertility of the soil. This seems to us a very improvi dent way cf managing on the part of the interested class. ' The most fitting season to get the ben efit of the soil seemalo us now, while it is unimpo'verished by a succession "of crops, slovenly tillage and bad manage ment. ' r"''J-f- The annexed article we copy from th6 Agricultural Department of the Satur day Evening Post. It is written by a practical farmer ; one, who. all can see by the article, is well posted in what he speaks of. ' Read, farmers, and then or ganize Clubs in each precinct, and send us your proceedings for publicatfon. No better indication could possible be given of the determination of farmers to walk up help themselves to useful infor mation, " than the usually long list of County Agricultural Fairs to beheld the present season. Locally, a county fair, held in any sec tion of the county, is of twenty times more practical benefit to the county in which it. is held, than all the state cattle eccampments ever inaugurated. State Fairs are almost invariably aristocratic Ufairs, held exclusively for the pride and pockets of country gentlemen grand gala gatherings of -rurai : nabobs, very little to the profit, pleasure or education of cur plain, practical farmers.; County Fairs, on the contrary, are rather social gatherings, not so precise' and pretentious as to frighten seven tenth of our honest, unpretending yeo manry from going within five miles of one, or so remote from the majority as preclude the possibility of a visit. In deed, the createst benefit of county fairs consists iri their convenience as to dis tance. Whole neighborhoods, acquain ted, and, to a great extent, familiar with each other's idea3 and the requirement of the locality, meet so convouiently at county fairs, and discuss such topics as tend most to promote local intrests, whith a freedom and familiariy scarcely al lowable at the more stalely gatherings. Farmers everywhere are beginning to appreciate the important advantages of employing more exclusively man nau ev er done before all kinds of labor-saving implements, and the instructions nee l ful as to what is wanted and where to procure it, as a rule, better afforded and more clearly understood a county agri cshural fair than at a state one, for the simple reason that while there are us ually on exhibition all kinds of imple ments that the ordinary necessities of the farmer demands, there is not so much Aowand competition, and blusterfng ri valry, as to utterly confound any ordina ry intellect. . There is no more profitable ; disposi tion than a practical far mer can make of one or two evenings semi-monthly, or weekly, than by attending a thoroughly organized, well conducted, real wide a wake club meeting. - a : As! a -.rule,' the practical knowledge that may be disseminated at any such meeting of a club of intelligent, matter-of-fact farmers is of more worth than ten flowsry, flippant essays written by popular and very scientific agricultural theorists. Every week the New York Farmers' Club scatters broadcast through the length and breadth of our whole Union aye, and a good ways beyond it a great deal more really valuable in formatioc, upon a great variety of agri cultural topics, than it is possible for the best publcation in the country to pi are before the public. The reason is that, almost without an exception, the active members of the club are not only men of scientific attainments, but. .thoroughly practical. , . . ,. , , It cannot be reasonably expected that there can be many farmers1 clubs organ ized in our whole country probably none other--like that of tne American Institute. Bat '-that is .no argument against the inaugurating of clubs to meet weekly or serai-monthly, in every agri cultural community in the country. It is by no means a necessity, or even desirable, that the members of such or ganizatiobs should be orators, speech inakers, nnd agricultural savants. Noth ing of the kind. Let each member brfng such intelligence as he has. communicate it to the club in such language as god and his education has given him,' and from other members receive information, dow and valuable to himself as Lis is to them. Let every such club keep a journal . of their discission?, and, through their sec retary, furnish to the column? ci ihe nearest local news-papr a synopsis of their debates, comprising, in brief, all useful topics that may come under the consideration of the club. Every pub lisher and editor of a respectable cTVa. paper will gladly make fra in . his col- columns for such material, and, by giv ieT it to the public, greatly benefit the community at large, as well as the local iwub nwui wmcu ii enginaieu. j The agricultural interest of the ona from which it originated. coun try would be greatly advanced by hav ing farmers clubs ia every rural neigh borhood in it. The: Omaha Ilebublican has informat ion that Wasuington County has elected Uuion Representatives and Platte ha elected Unicn 'County Clerk, Sheriff, Prosecuting Attorney and probably Pro bate Judge. " Henry County Iowa, gives Gov. Stone 1 ,600 majority., tThere is an increase on the Union vote' in every precihcV in the County. Pottowaitamie County gives him 100. Other sections of the State do as well, and his election -by an over whelming, perhaps and increase majority is conceeded by all parties. Gen. Heath has been elected to the Legislature from Kearney County. That County was represented last winter by a democrat. The Broad JJxe says; When we re cti ve tokens of approbation from tha la dies, we know that we are right, and with a ; light heart meet the adverse winds of life. PhUhee! mYtADYERTISEMENTS; mm. kmMEm (successors to McL AUGHLIN & SWAN) Nemaha Valley Batik Building. . We respectfully announoe to tbe Public that they have now in store, a New and Large Stock of - i . AND To which they inyite the attention of purchasers. : . YOU WILL FIND THE BEST Sugars, Teas, Bio and J&ra Cof fee, Pare Cider Ylcegar andCoa 011 at .i Canned-Fruits in great variety and of the best quality ; Catsup, piekles Oysters. Sardine, Clams, French Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce and Western Reserve Cheese at ''.-. SWAN & BROS, Svran and Brother, desire to c.d particular attention to their large and varied Stock of - Tobacco, consisttng of Natural Leaf and Nectarine' and other favorite brand of Plug Tobacco and best qualities of Fine cut aid Smoking Tobacco. i ' .-.'. Wrought and Cut Nails, of all size, Spades, Shovels. Brooms, Sewing Twine and Scoop Shovels at. SWAN k BRO'3. The nig best price paid for Batter, Eggs, and country prodnec at , SW-AJST&BRO Consult your interst by examin ing Swan & Bro's. Goods and prices before Luying elsewhere. ; v-10-a4 ly.' : " 2 I IX -T4 I ' 31 . a rv. 13- Pti TONIO SCHNAPPS. , This parelj nedidaal BeTenft pooewe frbpt. tie that w2I not fail to relieTo tni cnrt uha csej lu ordinary berentf. tU fyllowtnj Aiseueu Acute or.CHIiC5iIC EniuailtlSM, GOCT, OXAT ZL, DltOPSr, KIDXET AFFECTIOSS, DISZJlSZS OF TII2JLAD2ER, COUC, DYPEPSU, DISEASES OF TUB Ultl.NAZY ORQAKS la tavern or tenuis lors of VITAL ESEItGTr GENERAL DE2IL ' ZTT. It is equall good lor tbe old nJ young, and F.I ooji bo ia txtrj family to ttio lauJ. It is no like any Beverage t-vcr before offered to the Americ&a pnltic, and will hitre i's friends ia erery boawhold. It is wholesome," laTigoratinj tonie, and isaat superseding the soany nnwhylCJOCJ titters that aro now beiDg palmed ol pq tUe public " This EeTerso is tuown to, aud is, tceoamended ty the h jaeJi UiOriUes, and only rtqnires a trLd, (as a General Bererag, to be appreciate and used by the whAa tlvHlied wtrld. rlR4 tors haTO rccecdod ia cov. in ihu a ftreealle TOXIj STIMULANT, and DlCItETia that ;t acccptnje tyttjbo'j. Try it! and lt eoninceJ of its egwey. VAnnussmii & irxinir, ; CO J5tle Street,' i . ' C221CJLG Op LLZ. EotE rsarcixTcrs tu a cniua ei aa CauaJas. Ri.ld by an DUUGOI5T3, OaoCEXS, and CtLMRAL S&AUCBJ thruuVrnt U. cuauy, Oct?6 1S65 10; C3 a Iff CD S3 GO o OQ C5 ' UJ O o ID u o -0 (3 3 ci -! o Where a choice selection of the fol lowing article can ahvay be found, Flno Dress Goods.Cociisung of goood beautiful and ctieap, Balmoralls Skarts , Nubias, Hoods, Shawls, Hasierj, Fine and Coano Shoes Ladias Dress Goods too numsroui to mention. Also Gents Fine Oats ,Vny ,nd every quality of Boots and Shoes. Collars, Fins ShirU, Under Shirts, Ac, rf-o., Cannot do better than to trade with the undersigned. G. M. HENDERSON. Oct. 25th 1865. 9 26-lyrdnn. Millinery & Fancy Goods STORE. Main Strnet one door west of the Post Ofilce DROiTXnLLIL XEimASKA. A superior stock of Fall ana VViater Goods just received. ErerytbiDg in the Millinery line kept constantly on band. Dress-Making, Bonnet Bleaching and Trimming done to order. October, 25 1855. v9-n--2Sly E. & E. T. AUTHOIffT & CO., lUaofactorers of Photographic HaterUI ut.nLB min, 601 BSD AD WAY, H. T. h xMftlaa to ur auua boiaM d FMOTWiRAWltC KA TtHI ALA. m arm kndq itnm lor th tollowloj, t. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic. Yiawi. HI Umm ha. mn Imrnmn. iMnmnvat, IbcIkIIq views of iaa was, OMlal ml irramt cipraw mni Ma cnlt riTorooaAriiiti umtobt orTiiaeaaAT chiom ooim Bail Ban, Datch Gap, ycrktowa, Oettysbargh, Fair Oaks, Sarags Station, Fredericksburgh, Fairfax, Bichmond, Deep Eottom, Konitors, Fort Morgan, Charleston, Florida, Pontoon Trains. Hanover Junction. Lookout Mountain, Chiekahominy, City Point. Kashrille, Petersbarga, Eello Plain, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Mobil, Etrawbarry Plaint, ce. fio. Antrlrta mni FrVr CHIm mmi LaadKopM, Orwpa, Suia ry, kt Ac. AIM, SufsOKUpa. lur pohllc m BrivsM tkiiila Oxr Culu(w wUl m mni U mj feldjMa mm racsift ISfmf. Photographic Album. W, vara tha Ural to uitrodacs Urn. Into ih United SiaU anS wm aianufartnra lmtTin quancitta ia frml Tar.tT, ran J H In prif. from VI raou to $40. Ojt ALHt'MS ha.a tha rapa tauvn of tn-lrtf aapari-v ia hartttv ana darafrittty to aaj otbaf. TBaj will xttil by !aail. iitioo raeaipt of"pfic riST"i:'LNS ALBUMS Hi.UK TO OSOSR. Tbe Trade will find our Albums ua most Saleable they can bay. card photographs. (her CaUlnrii mw arabraee, ott Fi. Taooamo dlffanait aut)Kii (td wliii h adilition aia roatiaoaliy mming mmdm) at &xl cd Ani.rk.Ma. A, Til : ab-wl lmt li-taa. l"i hn .l Oil n StataarrMa, I' HI S'ia; - , SSo tbar Om an. l'Diirt, tTSCol-'Qala, 15 Navy Offlcara, l A at bora, to Artuta- KaSjUia, Frowiuaat W omoa. I.Oiio Cupiaa of Work, Art, hcladlnf fapd jctioaa of tha taoat ral.hratad tnrraTlnfa, paiHtiaira, Statsaa. Ac Calaiia; aaa an racalnt ail Staaia. An ardor (or Oua Doara pkturua froia oar CauUofia, wiil ao lUlad oa racalpt of $10, and a.t If ataiL f aia. f hototraai and otaata ontariaf ouda C. O. D , artil plaaas aatait twaaty-flaa pareaat f tha aumaat ytilh ardor. . J Ibmfncm aud fualil. of our focl caooot UU U Mtiarja 'tiflMl AfFMOlU Something Keir I A Beaatiful Album. cocUinin 24 Portraits of otir Union Generals, iot" lirice aud dead. The Magic Pwkt Pio tnre Gallery, chanpruM to lOGOComle al Pictures ; atitn th MacIc Cards, each card containing tie most asUmisLisg Illusions anst Comicalities of tbe day. Any of the shore seirt t y mait, post-paid, en receipt cf 60 cents. Agents surp;d at $3.00 per dozen; also with erery descriptica tf Taokee Notions an4 other articles snititie for travd'rtg Agents, at the low sat market prices. Address 1 orders to - C. I. DRIGQS, 114 Deaibora Bt, Ctkarc ZD ' TO BE SOLD DURING October, November, December, n t tiii . r Wortli of Slerchsndlse '- l - ' Consliting tf 5 i. a mm GROCERIES FURNITURE, CARPETING, QUEERS WARE i Hardware. Culery. : ' WILLOW-WARK, ; WOODEX-WAEE, OULSSWABE. "1 m : - Jost received and opened at THEODOEE HILL'S " . .Wholesale and Betail Store Boom oa - Main Street, BROWN VILLE, Nebraika. Th ese Goods bare been pnrobajt with an es pecial riew to satLsfyin? tha 'iemai.ds af this mar ket ; and at prices tWbwiU enable tim to defy competition. The Sophisticod and Un3ophi?tioated : the rasnioDable a i'r.; .ki-. v. ara . BUVa J UlBUlvU vl fS , IUO VlvitU A- It i.mijrr'al or tbe Sovereign Maffer,ean a!i find at -n Store the very eoodsthey ceeJ. All i'd Jo well to call and examine his U.N. X". L'd Stock. rT200 IJOLINE PLOVS.; BE0W1TYILLE HOUSE, COR. MAIN AND 2ND STS. ISroiTnTllIc Vcbfaslia. IX T7. PEDICOHD. Propiietor! This Ilosrsf bas been refuraishod an I'cewly fitted tapan f9rDishe4 under ft present enterprisiri J'roTf ietor.'who juarrantees sati'factioa to ail wha Ty'tatronisa hisIXone. ' J-5-lj n o w (Ms II! i W HOLE S,JL L E DEJLERS LY . Would call the attention of DEALERS to their irameoso stock of " -a . ' . Dregs ana Medicines, sciiool 1 raicm jicaicine, liianK uooss, Glass and Glassware, Vrrltln? Paper, Paints and Oils. . Emelopes, Spjces and Dje-stnlTi, CoalOHasaLsnrs rare Unes, Liquors, Sc., e., , - Wbi:h were bought forca-h of STannfacture's. Import&sa and Publishers, and wl!t be snld at the ., favorable prices. BMyinj in large quantities from first hai3,thsy are enabled to u.Vuk . jjBfl . tnnts to the trade. '- 9 They ar3 the North-western Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jayne k Soa, aad sf Dr. i C. Ayre & Co and can furnish their Medicines in any quantities. (I3l-1"' JUST. OPENED " CINCINNATI BRANCH MAIN A General tr- -r n J.Lkiyj U LnJ U UvJ PI 0TM1W0 iBip mmm9 mmm f3 n .. . . i . ' r A wr) i-rD F 'Iii3 uLs) ilea ii i RU And every tiling usually kept in a First Class Cloth ing House. Which they are able to sell at Ggures Dufiyuig Coropotitioa. C25""Bei!! connected with one of the Largest and most Complete Wholesale Clothing Houses in CinciaQiiti, Ohio, their stock will always be kept up with the FINEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Especial attention paid to Wholesaling to Country Merchants and Ranch men, and to Out-fitting Emigrants. All Kiwis of II IDES ar,d FURS taken in Ezchanns for Goods. . . . C GROVESTEEN & CO, ' a PIANO FOKTK MANUFACTURER,- The attintion of the Public and tb is invited to out New Scale 7 Octave jtoswwcd r Fortes, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto Tered in this market, i ! Ac.; and ench inirumeut being mad under the personal saperv;.-kn of Mr. J.H. Grov&steeo, w" bad a practical experience of over 30 yenrs in their manufacture, ulaHy warranted in every parleir The "Groveslecn Piano Forlc" i-crclrcd tlie highest aivartl of naerl r overall otlicrs at ilie Celebrated 1Voi:ti's rait: . - tre wrr- exhibited intrUKnt from the best mnkcrs of London, Iuri., Oernaany, PhiiieTpl 1. wore Alt. Iu. York: and a!, at the American In:tituw for n -C?S'ie jear, t3 ilw pwW rrrw both or wci'-a can be seon aUur wr-r.M.nj. aa,BBfa-t3 By the tntroction of lmrroven,ent.s w- o-iike ast.ll Bi..r i rfret Hc w b icbT w ill F1H largely, with a strictly cah fjstem, are enabled to effer at a pnc hica r all eotmeuti.,n. miCi No. , invert Oc.rr?, round corner?. P-osewooJ p?af frr I4 , iO. . i""Ti'U ucuiio, ouu'J svf uir WieawHI Mary iuiia" j . .. ' .. Sbvea Ooisve. round corners, r..i'oiiEotfisXIYeTvle , fa simlleof theabeveeV DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS S2XT RSZ. AND Q w Books, B Y STREET, ZTJ Assortment of lAL AND ) K D rsi - S3 "AlUtt A C, A: -5- rthl i t 5 i '111 o o Q