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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1865)
I PI .Veterr: Chains-, Ii-c:, c A. E. ROWEN CO., ?b k rimir street. .' Crr the roll.-'Vine Tfir.niVnTifti tr ;!FYEi:.S OF YAMUBLL JEWELRY. Jlavin been f ,r J .111? tirre e la the Packet ;-ninef. i i estatli'lMM our rcji ;.tM..u for iiruivt - eciaud r-.;ii!ity, jiiii r,)fesitij peat lif.iiiM!! f.r . elllnj Jf v tlryiniy..!- 0y, we arc fi. fi lent thai we . vr fivj4-Uj.ct:on ip,i to leel disp-ec t pir.n lz u . . " ' ... iHCGC f VTorl Ii of V. a !i c , O E a 'wonCTIa. Cliains, Uf:isv. Vr- A!l to t foi J ivr ONE 1) ( L lr A R. I A C II ! - Without recard to vv-.e ! Xt to be paid for you i.ufw w ii.i you are to receive ! Bpleniid of Articles !!! AH ta bo CclJ . . , i"Qi OrJ2 Dollar ! ! ! -175 VftftJ-ies (aml..;'"uwjy ecrrsrpl. a'td warrante j-ei pect-tiuie kecpx-rVj va'- . Injin prire from 9 20 to $l20oach 225 Lv!ie' VTatoi!i,Pu:iJ G ili Ilua- , iiug CjcC f each S5o Gcnt''i. Silver Watches, $15 t $25 each xx Latest Ktyle Vest and Nock Chains, 4 60 t. 3o earh 6oo Geo' OHforttla Di;inotJ Pius, 2 o u'.'5 eacli 4.n ClilcrnLa Diamond t r Projia, 2 00 t-j 15 eab loo Kn)stoi eaamelled Revolv- jncPliiS, - 6 00 to 25 each Saoo Cuiiaioniia Diamond and Enamelled inv'a Ssrf-Pinc. tipw styles, 6 00 to 15 escb ooo laMjr:ic k,ni fmbiem Pins, J ou to lo eatli Oa!l fccd tricfjets, eue-ravei - - . nud plain k to in eacli Mosaic i et Hf..i , 2 o tu. ? Cacb Caoitto broo hec i i,a uUern8, S 00 to 60 eacb Woo rior.irj)e a J iv Pia ie real artici 4 00 to 1 ea"h Wo Lavaatu PlArpntl-it-jrDropa -3 00 to In ecb f Ccnl Ear Drops, - 4 w trr $ eacb looo ld:!'rhate!iiiChiiri Jet k fcM 15 -Jo 2oecb Soo Genis' Pina, a pe'!t:'l.rtu.eDt 2 1-1 to 15 ecr irxto S.Mltajf S!rv Ktiti c i ' f" Mle 5 eacb Cttida aod SleeTp-Buttus, in t?ts, . vrj' rUb, . ,lw '15 eacli . . .ti 1 i" ' 1 and entrriir i ' fc) J end 1mm iVaUil hu(??".T,yr c.r.R. :ez 3 60 ts lo eacb 6f riiif Jukcti, 4oui.s Iac, riti'.y . .t 3 &.j tj 11 ocU f r Y I ' " . . ' i to 12 ta L ' 6 o to lo cch . TbU J''ur eacb. Certincate. of . illberoid .;vr .l7vt rlaccd in envelopre, tn- red, w4lbont rt-para CTicleTou are to have, bhu i iiccate yon win ue seua -o uu.i - tten 1 Uvptinnal Uh yon fJ ilit rrwr .; i ; XWr Oerttufft'.ps wul? o'Ccrrd fM io an l 'Diie hun-Tfcirty-rlrer $;5; Wxty-flve U-.r . 'icrtiQcate ou the Mred Tol5C V e rilUccd aliog.e DUr J,A. HAFvVEY,,- Magnetic & Clairvoyant, asSrit w. tt. 4A 'a fid 5th tttf : ST. LOUIS, 31 0. : ..: " (POST OFFICE BOX 80S3.) ' TheVomnatural Gift of Clarivoyarit Sight pos H.ed kt tbl wonderful per.u, to such an -' .lar detKi Tici the nwrt ak-jucal T.f the U, "ImttJd rowerne toas in cae wordtn? 1.1 1 P, V i. r 'I'll. Br the aslvtanoeor home boportur l-.Ver hJu eiablca to porcclTe the Cau-e .ua C-uJi- vpt m.S U endowed iUi lit capacity to bfll. .. ' Thla fact the Vxloi b e-n?tTtea in tbasanda .f..,eP ftvn .11 vartn of the wc rl L dur iuc t he last ,,K'. , f.r The fn'lnwvf nsea-lii . ll.ei. JU0S4, r'jriiMrriON asthma. ffv tM. 5rvo'H 8vuu includes. ljFIIjJi.i'O of. "FITA Triti .ne .1 thi l9(-e cl the l.IV3ilU ltajJKTitnd.K.liKE5c Sin iron cue flerci'A Urjv'rIrji. Fc vr.r 3ore c;- accord mg tw'ii,fctTe.-J'y ti the Jvna. . P. "P. Pi TrV.d:jy'a'loiv !lst"Lt)i,:-itt spctdy and tl TbAPcj'o-V K-'nn hr c'to tJM -1-VW y fernoti pro jw"i i-.irhbla br ite w-hole aiedical .Fncutiy, Ml no oi; i-bi.ii'rl ('ciirvf relief until after hem xamined ti XVe Uoctor's Clairvoyant Kve , Vitbout asking vef.isn. be teli lue Came. L-ailn and Cor.-'lti n y and ell Difeaee nl wbvtncr ie"n .rfmi.e ifllf'T. ItJi sunif on the verce of iha grave, aud otns have n.-t waived fuf year, ae io- living to Uvr.f j- to ttie Uoclora Wouderful Skill and Succes. TI Victor 8,verU.e coLiu b:it wliat h has the lii:yto porf?Ti, and will K'vethe mst Complete aat s'acii ntosH wboMineri(ier his treatm-M. !u-:v-:ii Lcaacol ttwnlt the Doctor In pe . n. c-.ji f exrjtn4 nd i.rttribed f.'.r by Eendisg Ij JiMer a tni ie stjtf went rf their ratea. lleferenctt to.c'um. en ru.e'd, Chsertttliy aJ. ' "' ' AteTaAiiA-hiiftofoi e cnisiderni )-u incurable 4ieeae I treat el ith verfect suxo-k in eve rjr In tta'ff hv the IHtv' newly diFt . erci metboil. AU'Cuaea or.CAliCERot ro niiUcr new K.ns tandtr.K, removctl in trui twelve to twei.t y-Xotirhonr? without instrnnieist or rain, by a proctss rcyea'.ed to the Doctor whi;e in the Clairvoyant ttate. which is knwn to no thei person living. ti3-ly GREAT I3IiROVK3ICXT r SE YIi G. XdACHINES. - - v . Ef.!?iF.E EiiUTTLE ; MRCHIHE ! ! ! Patented rebruary 14th, 1S00- . Yzitb miSJUXG VJQlu & JIQSTQA THIS MACHINE ontrucled on enHrely n6w prrtfcrplefof towWaeivui. jpussssiug many rare and variable Iffiprovd:antS.rbHyjng" been- examined by thi mgt f, K.ffWdrtrptna, ami Vfonunced th ba 8ixnpiicit7 aud Perfectioti Oonibinea.- .. It twMt aJruighl netdlc, perpel1dicna action; ia. ,a! -ttea.OCKcr SHCTTLR SIITCn, vLicb ilf'tbcf tinTr1tA V EL; and -s alik-nn beth ides ; yerfoMna perfwl'K-wiagbTl every dtFcri tion of inat'iijfrom L-?itber to the!JUt .n?t.ok Icslif,wTth cotton", linen fcr silk thro id,' from the oM?t tA-tbe Cnest uiuuViu. . Jlaficg seilLerrA V u..CC .WHEEL, and the leufcfoti'ilde'frt.tlthjU tvnras meolh a? gla?ii, cd is J . 4 ' fEoj!Ci,'Uy; cfrciseleps Machine. ; -ranH it'fY . l'iiit CD AT leap power to drive it than a.y ether JlitLIi. iu the market. A firl twelve years t;f nge can work it teadily,witli-oV-fAgascrinjary talieallh: f tKBg'b . nr. J ;Ytronderful Simplicity of con struction rtnders it ulrrcst impossible t-o got out of order, 8ndi GUARANTEE ly tbectapany to gjre entire isJajtion. , r . , jVeresriet'tluily itvite r.l! tLwiTvrtimny desire te rupply tbimsoive w ith a superior" a; tide, to coma aai exauiina lh' UcrivaLed -1fcehinor.' . But in a more especial juanur do "we Solitil' tbe atr&naee .f ' ."'''" 7rcb9 r.t TrJlors, ' Coacli I rkers, lipop iSkirt turers, - - and boson Ilak eis. Gsitr Fitters, t hoe binders; Vest nat Pantaloon Llakers, DreKs Makers. ieligiout and CaaritulAe Iiixt itnticrtf tcill he libe- rnllvrieoh vUk. Prices cf 3I;: IiSne Complete : e. 1, IVmily MaititCj-wuiT Ucmmcr, t eLcr cud lira Ceo CUSK-U 75 P5 :turlv, itS txtpnsioa LV-t JUid'ty.lCuD ICO ptrton u. t.'itt .-.r.i ... t to fit.r ca gmtiAaritcdtorantor?.; fhf nit a 3 States, -whre A'Vta are not' ali-fy - oftabltl.ed. Also for Cuba, ikfcrv, iitra"l "a.-id Some. 'Ainsrica, to Jorn a liberal di'.-ict'wUI be pven'. Terci? invariably Cash oa d;IivtrT. J. McArllior Co., a roaJway, New " ork. A. A Co. . 4 , . l 4 1 ' -4 'acl.i-!ton,St.,i;tton. uiia to. t;..r ., Aent,- --- l';i'f i;h, t.Loui, Mo Teb- ,C5. ly . ; 1 "lost Important Discovery. ixinr.KSTiNtj to agst s fAr.Mrr.s and ladies. . - We are luskind ih j!e tnarbine which c.Vbineg tbobetand rb-ai,eFt poruble Wine cri Cider rres, the Civ the IVrir.ger, and tiio L"r,it J 'jTul Ljs:-r;i-JaAintho world. It i the j re? kJsj tei to making CLkmpaij-n, vb;ch U new rr-rded nonet.f Ibe most imporUas, f. ifeover?j of tbe ege. A g-.od aj-ent wanted in very county, to Lcm we will boii cut fu:h ia tJuceaeiits j to Ir.fure $1030 before 'Cbrut.iut rlc &Qe tuovi'-S apiilicauttn (rrr any c-'tuity 'I"f,W..Lv C.r'T';U l.uiK-u:ai3, ' ""o- Liberty i-T:; N'.'V. T O. JIE H C II AI TSjx A II j! E IV i D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, MO. UAft liX. HANiK AM rOKjTA'LK A LArvtjF IRON., -STEEL.- O JLS3t37 21 INT Gt- : teavy. Hardware; - ' HORSE NAILS'. SAIL-SODS. HOUSE AND ML'Ll-: SHOKS, ANV1L&- ! - -rsniixG.s, n?:uxjvs. .7 . - - .'AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEINS ' CHAINS, WAGON LUXES, SCREW FLAl'ES BOLSTER PLATES, FILES, HASPS, WKEXCHES; SLEI(JE IIAMML'US. HAND HAMMERS, . . SIIOEIXfi IIAMMEKS, PINCHERS, ' 1 NUTS, IIAKKOW TEETH, : " .. WKLL u ii.f:;:LS.AC..AC..AC, I A M EN'AULKl) TO SELL TO - T II B TKAJiE AT. I RICES TH . i DEFV COMPETITION. : CONSTABLE'S IRO AND SKEELEIIOU FWRAS UIGUEST KICE PAID FOR WROCW ! . ' . SCRAP IRON AT , &&Scnd in 1W &raplron:Z ! ' , -AND Jt r.-r,v- r I IlEFOISC TH E ' R ISC. "" HAVING LAID IN A LAKO'H T0Cfe OP-THE -ABOVE- (JOODS,- APrtTT r. Tnw Bit w n TILLS, SJKtSFELIjOWS, M J.(iON ZWA, SHAFTS, POLES, , AXE rj, JiOLNUS, AXE IP.NDEE BROOM HANDLES, -: " PLOW 1. NDLES.-Ac. : "WOODWORKS! I -AI.PO fc-T. JCSEPII, JIO Fobn THE OK'i-V SURE-THING. PHOTAGRAPH USa, - tt,. r . . . - fc.J.ttQCTii." .f. ' .-jtT I A I B ' if E F'U r1 At the i.nm h.Jkatcs, it not or-ly RENEWS th wiwi b if Cic hflir Thc:i thin and falling clT.but i . irrlv RENEW THE COLOR to its oriffina o 'wLcnitisiornifg grey wlite,. wLetherj rwill certainly do i.- claimed for it, a fact . jjch hundred?, l-ay, thou?-it Js who havu u?od f rer.dy and i'.!ir to testify. When one bot t.w is fairly used, ariv ctinaiunity. Sts. reputation -Spreads Li e wiicl Crc," end is tl. best advenise mcnt acd rccoaracnda'Jon we de-ire. In the Lant ern States, vLcrcths "RENEWER" originated, it ie ufc'J baJl VrrtLft4ios i a?n Drc&i. and is In, bo fonndbntKtoiiauukJftiof ViurJlcn, (nliot ttejr bnrber?;) wli'.e Older Men and Women will nol'be without it, as a rxnewcr and reiterative for their grcj loca and bald Lend", which it changes to ttieir entire s:vtifi'tion,- jr ' - a We ate pfltng in theLy of rnn ;aione,'Vp wards of In.t'OO bottW.a inonui .The dra'ers giv ing the liLNLWriUhe pn le'roiito'h cc alPcAhef Hair Preprfttitm? ! -' 1 - J ' -; l If rut fo'kI ij Djugiits in your towna Trjal Uuttlc will be sent you by Express, b.pnrf "receipt of ocedo!lrby mail thus givirs you an opportunity at nrf for restinir its cX'X'Heut virtues. J?" Order Tor Trial Bottlto, mnst be addressed to our Uenoral Ai t for the Northwestern States. CJ A. COOK, Box 5 2 4 , Cbicego, IlL All such orders will receive pr rj.'t attention. ' It, P. HAIJi A CO.. Proprietor, -., Kashna. N. II. The, trade uppli-d at Mann fact nrers Prices by FULLER. FINCH A FI LLER, Wnolcsile Urug-gi.'l-.Ciiioago, llUiiyie. v-m HOOFING.:: . : i . . . It ivV.i .caiy to nail down.' ' ' HOOFING . " Costing ItFs '.ban half as mlcb as Tin. 1 ! si' "ROOFING Moft-dnrable than Tin. "'ROOFING- '.- .U-JL "' " Snitabte for Sfeepcr Sat roofs., , Not injured by beat or told ROOFING - ' Eujily and raj-iily applied.' ' .J The most of tha r4tfcrialsniloyod in Jhe eon stiuctluii of tbia Uoofic, bsv been used in' vari ous nnfs for "roonng,i?tri'o?'8 for ver Cfteeifyeara and our manner of cuiiibiuir. hem into, one firm, imperineablo, uniform fabric, szcured by Patent, increases Vbeir durability, while at the ?ame time being manufactured ly machinery on a large scale, the cost it lessened. Cur Hoof nj ii adopted to buildings of all descriptions, and in all climate?, and can be applied to steep or fl it roofs, old or new and by ordinary workmen at a tri3nj expense. For uniformity of qaaity, completeness of finish, faci.ityof application, che.ipnosa and durability, we inv'P si a .thorough trial. We alio manufac ture : . . . '. ' IIQtJXlD CEMENT, For Leaky Tin and Iron IUnf. ; -Mqi-H cheaper anti more durable than oil paint, as it formt a much heavier body and will 1 0 1 crack run or flake off. COMPOUND CEMENT. For L?aky Hhtrgle noofs,Chiinnoys aud Skylights. A sure n mJy that will often tave tbe cost of a new roof. ' ' ''' " Fnples of Roocng and Oirculars sent by mall cpi lication. ' '" s ' ' ' : o- W' Va uiaL'r lI3 mtde :vrith repcnsible parties who buy to sell g4,in. , '. ' ' ' 'r .-.jfEADY KOOFIXGCO, ;,. JOHN PATrrEUS0,! DEALrii. in- Villi U, XE3IAIIA CCi :.Tl','XKC. I1AS just received a large and well selected .Stock DRUGS; MEDICINES. . , PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, DYE STUFF, BRUSHES, SPONGES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, And evervthicr enicmorly kept in a First Class Drusr Store. Customers will tad his stock complete, which he effi.-i: for CASH at the very lowcgt market prices. r.skiane 1'reecriptions Compounded with the utuotilcj at 11 bt,;.rs. M-rer. Oil., 1315. v9-n28-Cm PICKEL"S' by -he ooen or uarrel, f a superi r r v. Iiy, criikta&tly en Lkud t,. -- . 4. . At JucLStrCCLlN i Sw"AK,8. TOT? F!J'l-A-r!; r r pwy lis ffr' ue.-it inn Tf ipnt ft .theS i 4 chinoij.. " curi worLl vr ThefTmpro,rei llaebtnes a na hufadbei. per rent, af thread and silk, acd make the Lock-tSiitch alike on Loth jid"Si . j ; A 4 They reauiro co instruc They reijuiro co instruction to operate, perfectly. except th'frintcJ directions, . ... r.0i! T: ... . , ,r( ,n r f No chargo In sewing from oao Liai another. r. . Ami rib tnklng apart to clean cr tril. , OurNew Manufactory it now complete with all' its itachinery nn 1 tools enii.'ely now, aud is already rapidly turning out Machin 3 ,which for Leauty and perfection of finish are nor surpassed by any manu facture in the world. . ' . N. B. Should any Machine nrove unsatisfactory, it can be returned and mo ney rt funded. ' Afrents wanted in coud tics not ccnyased bj our own Agents, v . - . ..." ' ' f ." , J " ' , rixixir: ' lyo, s. m '.co. AO. biS BROADWAV, k. V No. -T-y.: I-' i ' . ;to cosvzii-TiwX: ' THE Advertiser Having been Kettored to Health in a few weks, by a very simple remedy, af ter baring fuffurfi Ferern! yenri wiii a .ereneIang Zifott'ioAt ?d -that 4read disease, j uiivu:" wj mane i: iv u icucn-stturerf jie means of enre - r f To aa-wh dHr if, :he wHlsend mv vKti ' -eription used Cef cfrge, ) thnbe airecUon. fur prrpRringar.d using tbe somo. Which 'thev'will MA 1 RRfiv' rO R " CO N TIONV" A STfl -MA'itiUUr.rxiS, ic. The only object of the lirertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the alSicted, an 1 ppread information which he con jeivqs to be invaluable, and he bopes every sufferer ffill ry bi?remtdy,as it will cost them uothing,and nay hrove a Messing. .'arties wishiB5thr-nrew)ptif-wiy pleassadress Rev.EDVj'ARD A WILSON, 5 ?r,i m Williamsburg, Kings Co., NewTorkT 39 Varieties, with Patent Basso Tenuto or I, ' ' - "-' --X C i . 'SCHOOL ORGANS AKDmODEOXS. ' , ? t i Finiskediu -' ' - Elegaiik-Roscivopd, VaSnul c x--'v.oaEi. Cases.. x rAf Crge;fdr Voicing .Shipping. AN ITjIj. i.iAi,LiJ v id testimonials erf tainlR? tull tlcs.-.'Ttion of Btyle, -oerior excel tbe niostXnineiit.ti'riaas,1as to the -eatO any lence i'ar.4Utruia'en!;iTt"t';-1prit;-.n. I In prpeniillR the Automatic Or?an, we lolJi.r an- r.oui.ce.t'createKt.-triumrn in rjsicaV Jni(nwrWt I . of tte ae. During the past Lalf cCuiurj tte rYcicn M ai'i , Germans nave man ufaotnred reed iustrumciits wii SpuMa t)e!low,'8)titwe peiAla'.fr.the -feet-lq opefate, vi tie ; iu?eversea or. e-xaaasuon Bellows, (wbkn is tbe in!y Lell6w Tf-Iiaou? inrftfU- j meats), anio It ia.jli ssittja 'ritini to produce itiej meiiow, run arm musical wu ioc wuiui cur .jubvi u ilm T celebrated. ' '"' ,--i,C.v. i tber objection to this method of blowing wa thai, be th feet beiiig crupied, no opportunity w-ts ot tered for tl:e niHna:i ment of the swell. Wiihm the fast two years, mstrumeDts constructed on tbis Euro pean pi an of "diiiiMe bio vor5," have been nianuf ot uretl in ibis cooutry, and to counteract this diUiuulty (want of a swell) a lever has been projected from the centre of the instrument, to act upon tbe swell, and operated by the knee. Tbe mcenvenienct and contor tion neccsierr ti elVect this object are disaxreeabte nnoph t'a jsertleman, bin to a Ia.!y the use of sacn en bi'Pvndawib nearly Imrpyntle. r 'j - - Oor Ant iatie ctevir-p ob.! difflrnUy entire ly, the simple'act rr haw-jnit -Tti iiwweor lesifurea pn ing the Je.4ied increase or tieci ease iu tbe volume of tone. For seventeen years the snperior excellence cf onr Melodevu ha u. t been qin-i-i u-ncd. and for two years past tUe enw mous rieinaiid h is made it impossible for us to meet our orders promptly. -"VViih our J facilities, we feel warramed in a.sinlifr-our patrous that their orders will be promptly met( aud .solicit a continuance of their patronage. GEO. A. miNCK & CO. Caution ii FurcIiaserN. All f'Ur instruments have up n tte name board, in full. "GEO. A. PRINCE CO." When a dcalcrjrep resentsany other instrumrntaas "tho fame astuTs,-'' it is usually a aicre attempt tjffcl) an inferior ii)itru nient, on which he can niuk.e a large profit. P. S A liberal discount to Churches, Clergymen and School;. ' Address, . GEO A. PKIXCK, H CO-, S9 WitLington St, Or, Chicago, til. GffVA. rP.IXCK i..CO..TXifr!o, it T. May I!t " Mammdtlf' ' ''Stock. OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED mmm mmt KM DRYGOQDSrAIiD PPCER.SIOR i A, ir. Cor. JJahijxndFirrf Streets. Latest Style Ladies Pres and Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, t Dry Goods; Groceries,,.. . r.- - iiat?, inps, " .. Coots, , . f Shoes, Iron, , . -, . :. Nails, Fiour, ? Iiacon,. Queensware, Hardware, Furn iture, Sash, Doort, Window r(JUt5sv.&q, Which he will' sell " CHE AP FOR CAS Hi Call and examine his stock before purcbasbing else wberw 8id . MOLINE .PLOWS, o .lil SI HI On band and to arrive at - roa'aaa' Steel W&oIigvZzU ST JOSEeMQ HA W A A'P :tJ'VUitlA'&i i. !.. 1 rum in la. j t. mnl i 4 WILL keep constantly on hand an assortment tf Entra-nperCnc to Common HT3 ti r. tT-" TTT" T f .-t j And all other articles usually kert In af rst'-rtasa Merchant Flourinz or rSavrMiir. ' ffilffifflMI! S500 fiSfSS EAttv rsk 94. -5,-4 y-rvn I It w-V 1 r . 1 1 ,1 r 1 l a . . 4, 4 7 4. i - . ' . 4 ViiW' .ttC.U tLiJ J 4 . ' ' Xj .A. 2 XX' - R TIT! .11 tcj .. . Iirotraville, March st, , 7 - ir ,4 , V X BR0WNT1LLE, NEBRASKA; . -m' - -4 t ? ti t$ Xij?;- J wViS5fF--u't -tt-' We are the only Authorized Agents . s-.t.iaA ; -In this Land District for ihe following articles : GEORGE. A. PRINCES , ... ... . AUTOMATIC ORGANS ! ! SC33:Oi3)LZ O.RGANS. "iJTbcsc instruments ore beyond question the finest manufactured in 1 " . ; rZes arJ Schools. '.;- i sci e s ; t? s 15, ini.c jj.-.t c;.j 11: iElVTPIltE 'SHUTTLE -"i Wc bavehad one o tl.cse SLicbincs in U33 lor the As srx months and cirr recommend itas beinjr th simplest, easiest worked and least liablo to get out of order and lfcoi-t durable ilacbine we. have ceen. Tbe Loch Stich which it makes is a most complo to imitation of the finest band Fewin.and Vvill not rip orravell ilia -very easy to lc:irn to operate, doc3 its work well and fast and is eiuphat cally a noiseless ilachinc. (See Advertisement.) 1 HORACE WATERS', JV.- -4 HARMGNIUMS, &c., &o. j 1 ,-4. WSeo Ad?eti5enjti40 ,--. 44 rt See Advortitcmcnt. GROVESTEEN'S f These instruments are higuty recommended. We bate shipped a $325 instrument from this firm thi Spring, which is pronounced by eorapetant judges t be the finest instrument ever brought to Nebras ka. See Advertisement. DOT3 V?Z21AiX; Persons desiring' any or the above ar- : tides. wilUind it greaijy to their advan- yiiQpUfathv& ihTGGzh the ADVERTISER AGENCY . Tim " , As 6:T facilities for supplying thera arc T;tte'ajlku rAlI'Cthers.f pfetending. ad A jency are encroaching on our rights. 8)332 CMtM5W , Puh. Advertiser. . InfonnatioiiFrcc: r!. ssnvorssrFFEnEKs. 1 v- . AGEi LEi. AN, cured .of Nervoo? Debility, In omretcn " Trc mat ure Decny and Youthful Error, actuated I ' " dtsii e to brnefit ethers, will be happy to furnish . all wbo-ced it, (free- cf charge,) the recinean.! i''.ction?fcr rnakirg'tbe simple rfcmedy naed inb1eae' 'Sufferers wishing to proil by the LadvertUers bad experience, and jv-eig a enre and valuable remedy can, do so ry au feeing una 3f prceat bis jlace cf business. Tha r.scipe and full inforniaiion of vital inport.nce will to cheer- -., , . No. Kasrau btreet, N. Y. rP.fef"erTouiSttfft't!raof loia sexes will ni tli fa information'inYal'iabla. " -m ' - f r : - f ' la V A 1 4 I tonedcjUctj nibbed and best Hi coji!jv.t Sejp alv,ert.iieinQt.) V5 Liter at t)isccini loCltrgymen, 1 ' CELEBRATED - 1 av a ' T Ii 7' YT." i 7 I it i . ... MANUFACTURING ' C0MPA5I S T V" "OTj'i S, xvX o . MAUFACTUJlfeRS OF COOKINQ .HEATING W,-r"J ImpOTtere of ard Dealers irr T7T DS-OF. TniNEE'S:'- STOCK. ,-rir.v'.T.'-? Stove Dealers and Tir.ncrs can rely upon beiDgsup i -plied at tbe L-west rated ADDRESS: . - . ....... 'i - I '"'IASUFACTURISO CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. 51 -Sm reat distribution , P.Y THE- "" r Tr- . it -.--( r.)n,4 19-5 p. 197 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 4.X, . Or Rosevrood IMjinos. Tflelodeons, Fixe Oil rAi.sTixas.'KNt.HAviN'tid, Silver Ware, Fine Gold and Silver Watches and - ELEGANT JEWELRY, ' CONSISTING OF . J)lamond Pins, Diamond Rings, tiold Bracelets, Coral. . Florentine, Mosaic Jet, Lava and Cameo La ; diea'Sets, Cti id Pens with Gold and Silver ' . fcExteucion Holuiers, Sleeve Buttons, Sets of Studs,' vest and Neck Cb.iins, Plain and Cbasei ' Gold Kin?s, tec, &.C., . . VALUED AT sooooo -P.STRl BUT1()N is made in the followiss Conner: : Certificates nammc; each article and its VALUE are plaeeJ la SEALED KXVKL0PK3, which are well mixed. One of these Euvalopes, containing toe CVr tincateor Order for, some Artia'e, will be delivered at our office, or f eiit hy mail f o ar,y address, without regard to choice, on receipt or iZo Cents. On receiving tbe Certificate the purchaser will see rhat Article it draws, and its value, andean then send One Dollar and receive the Article uamel, or -.i. choose eny on Article on our List of the ssrue rati: ' ' 53"Purch3Sers of our SEALED FWF.I.On .? may, in tL'is marner, obtain an Article IJ-'cr.'A frotr. Gr.c to Five Hundred DWar.' FOR ONE DOLLAR which they need not pay until it is known what is drawn, and its value. Entire Satisfaciion Guamntced in all Cases, ;': ; -ins etjessa gipt association would call V?nli"n to tbe fact-of iti beinjt the Oriel n 1! and Largs; Girt Asoci Uion in the Country. The fcufiines-ccniinuei to W Conducted in a fair and hod orablV ,ni!i"er awta.iarne and prc.ttiy iucrfasin tra't is vrjo; tn.f ont patron appreaate Ihis method of obtwiiHfW aicli "an ct!nr.?.iU9 ' ; L During tbe fast y?ar this Association ?arent a verj larjce nniter.of va;4i.blo irizas to.aiT pirts of th coiJuty. Tnose hn fM'ronize tt will reoeivarhe in' -alue -f their ra-ftmy, a-s Jirticie on our list is worth ; " tT::in One Dollar, retail, aud there are Xi less "v. - " BLA.- t. 45s.intr.wih us itiavle.DPr:d on having Droni. . Portia -- tteaiTije Jwwn :wl pe imuiK tiatv : return, iUiU ,egs l)Vir0,rn mai ,,r exjresj. . sent t,) fcny tea. .rti iliive re. erl(.iv- dr.iw. valuable The, following pv As-.K.i.l!fl:,a aa,j btlr0 ktud.i. prizes iroiu van aiioWKd the use of thei. names ; Uoue, Philadelphia, Peon. i- An.trew Wilson, Cu.-wej. James,riaves. bic nil P-iniinT. vaiue. nv 'tj, value, siuu; js JJi ;itiwiiy , iwii. 4i , r It .Tnn444: lt.irrrt. Mursliall Co.. , v- H;l Pun. fdinA-', iieloiieou vAlae S:0t); fa trick J .Byrnes, ' t 2 7?h St Watch, vulue 1,00 j r . rhas. j. Xfvi - , r C1.0 tr New York, i';3,;io, vaiue, wj,v"i " . .,.,, t nc-c-.. v v value. 3iW.0; -,3uc J.!re- va.ue. SW t-O; Mrs. Ii. Ponnoyer Ci'y Hotel c0 n. Tenn. JU!t3etii, vsluc, iifi; Ocar -i Alio- to- iLltW. lod V.,:s, K9vlMc, Ttnn. Uatch valae F5,C0, Rowland sJ. PaUr.sun, Co. D. W.h lja . Volunteers, Oil Puiminrr. vai; ',' : . Parsons. Springiie'.J .Mass., Me-loa-., 4ittiv. loJ , James 'L'. DesierClty So,oy.r, iyrac:t. .N-I .. GoU Watch vcslue, lo.J,00 ; iJ. s. J.-uies Fly, 1S7 00s ter Strce'cor. B!et-ker, N. V. .Oil. Painting', value, 100; jars J. C. Coles, Grand lUpids, ilcti;in, Si'ver Castor, valce 43.00: Dr J. K. Siuc.r, No. 4 Mam Street Uuca N. T., Framed Eutjravius, value. 2j.I'J ; lion. Lu'herDetmold, Wa.-hiustou, D. C, Oil Puini iutr, value, 100 IK). ' were, we permitted, we might add many names tr the above list, tut many peroogot)jct to our to do lu.w therefore publish .iio umes w.tUjut permis sion.'' f ? r" 1 ' ' ' ' .Letters from various parties throughout thepounfiy acknowledging the re-eipt of very Araluaoie iius, may be seen on Hie at our o3ico. " LIST OF AliTJCI.KS- ToM JSold ibr U:ie Doll r Each Without regard fotJue, nni noftd te paid for u til vouJtuow -40 .W yen u-ill receive. . , ; x ' ' f 10 Klegaut aosew'a Pia ios, wrth from . - f ou 10 oui.m ' 10 Melodeons. Rosewood Cases ia5.00 to 225.C0 6fc Fine Oil Paintings - 25.00 to 100.00 ' 2H) Fine S.eel Eugraricga, Framed 12.00 to 25 00 100 Music Boies 1, . - 1 f - , . r li ifi to 45.00 " t lt'O Silt er r?ev'.)Ivir( Patent Castors I5.t0 tv 4o 00 , 100 Silver Fruit and Gi4.e Baskets , . 1A 00 to 35.00 ' fico Sets Silver Itrt-& J'alie ttwnM if o to 3 .oo ' 100 Gold naming Case Watches ' : to loi.oo : 150 Diamond Rings - - 0o.o to2oo.oo 250 ' 450 Lafts' Gold Watches fi'o to 8.oo Silver Welches ' ' - S5 tCfjo Vesrand STecktbiii-.s - 55 loT?.'Co J.600 j.OCO Pairs Ear nins. (u-r-.v fctyics). l.o-tto, 0.00 3.0C0 G'ld Peftrt Italic Tooth Picks to 8.00 3,CC0 On:x, nud Amethyst l'.:.,cbes 4,00 to 10. 00 3,'or.O, Lava and rittrcntinoiiroyviiea 4jo,.to 6 5 l'000 lis. ;i'5iJ Pins - - 4 04 to 2,000 Fii.e Gold Watch Key - 3 60 to 6,03 6.flo.Ciildre.3'-Arcrte?. " ,-. .6ot.9 -8.oo-! 2 506 8etof Bo6iu".Stnda -.'. . - . l.B. to 5. 00 2,500 Enamlca Sleeve Luttons , . - i.fio to lo.oo 10,ooo Plain Gold ai:d CliacJ Kin -s l.ooto 6.00 6,000 Stone Set and Seal liins 2 5o to lo.oo 6,000 Lockets, all sizfs - .. 2 00 to 7. 00 10000 sets of Ladies' Jewelry - S 2o 00 4 .otT-Watch 4'h arm (each)- - 3 00 to 6. 6.000 Gold Pens, Silver Ex. Cases wto 6 o4 6,000 Gent's Breast ard Srarf Pins 3 co to 2o.oo 4.000 Ladie's New S.yle Belt Burk'es. 4 00 to 6 6 2 000 Cnataiaiue an 1 Gourd Chains 6 00 to 2 00 Gold Thimbles - - . 5. 00 to 7 5o 2,ooo Sets Lidie' Jot and G'd , to 2o.oo lo. 000 Gold Grouses - . 1 5o to 6,00 C, 000 Oval Band Bracelets 6 00 to 2o 00 4,000 Chased B. .oe.eta - 8 00 to 16 00 2 ooo Ball Earorops1 all colors 3. 00 to 6.00 6,oo Fine Gold Pens C.ooto 3, 600 2 000 New Style Jet it G'd E irdrops 3. 00 to 7.oo 2jOOo Gold Pens with Gold Haunted Jthcny Holders - 3 00 to 6 00 ' IS"" A cliancc to obtain any cf Hie above Articles for Jr;s larbypurcIiasiiisaScalcd r.n: c2 opo for 23 els. . . ' FjveS e iled Envelopes will ba 'for 1 004 Eleve'uior 2.00 ; Thirty for 5. ou ; iSixty-tive for 1 One Hundred for $13. 00. Tatcd Kvcrynlicrc. Our 'fa; roc s are desired tii.send Uiit-'d States .4. . e. , ... a money Bucn : is convenivafc.. . 4 jTS aiT tmneccssary. Xiwttiira suon.M ba .ajdrooiej to our Bvx 57Ct. 1V OQco ,for greater, safety. . Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES r.u?t" In cv ery case be ccctmranied by tbe. Ca?h, with tbe 1 r erop ecndlr, and Town, County and itite plain- ly iiU'-n. ljii'i1 ''rs J 1 ttter3 ebould bo addrc;ecd to the ' Box o70G"Post OfaceK New York. Eeal Estate for Sale Wet half cf north west qunr er, Section 2, and stbalf north east, carter, fr quastc-r Section Towu 5 Range 14, c at 1 153 3-4 acres. South west quarter Section 3 Tcwnslip $ JJ 14, ISO acres. . S half south east quarter and north west quarter gouth east quarter See 25 Towa 6 Range 15 east 111 acres Timber LanL - . ' ' Lot 5 and 6 , block 4 Middle Brownvilla. Lot 7BJock22, North Frowr.yille. Lot 14 Block 14, nrownviUc, " : Terms Cash, ai ;.'v to . ' ; . " - M WILLIAM F. WILSON, . .wn. u..iioovErv, 'Septenibrl'5t.lS65, .C:sOrr"t Til PLffl, HIT II, Mn t T T T7TV 1 a 1 S 1 1 i 1 1 a 1 1 k. x BOWEN BROTHERS J COMMISSION . KERCH AI1TS ' ' "AND LEADING JOBBERS IN ' S Notions, - Woolens, JWOFkSTSD GOODS, :tc. I Announce Increased Facilities and arranrre- ments by which their stock will continue ! more Invitin? and extensive, than any ether, put of New York, in the country. They now include a full line cf Leading Domestics by the package, at manufacturers' Prices, and invite the trade "of the Northwest to save Freight and Time by purchases in Chicago. We have 1he Exclusive Sa'e of many brands cf rrpods, are A cents fbr Pittsburrrh EAGLE COTTOM YAR&.-sV tzc.'r.rv .0:ir iTi niisincss is a. ziic.rr.r of our ability to meet the derrrancis cf the at all times. Gooes sent v?on orders, can be returned a our expense', ir not satisfactory., . BOWEN BROTHERS, " 19 421 Lake Street, Chiccga, Illinois., , GEO. A. PRINCE & TO if 1 AUTOFflASIC OBGAHSn SCHOOL, OA:i GUJSLS A N I) MELODEONS!!! Thlrly-FIvc Tliousantl Xow In Us Every Listrumchl warranted for free years For sever tecnvers the ?v; cri jr exf-s"pr:cc of our instruments' h.ts U'-t been q:i',at5ined,'' for twa years rast tbe enoruion. juade it iraj-.-js-siLle fur n? to msetonr order- rt u-ptiy . V. j.:h our incrpa----1 J fucilitic, wr feol warrf p.f'-d in assuring .urj-atr.-ns thattutir tirden will b-i r- uif.tiy tatt, ind Solicit a continuance of their J"A LIRT.TSIi' SISTOVKT' f 3 CLCTGYI Z.V, CUUB- citEd axd pcnooi.3..v " ':"" . .GEO. A. PBTNOH & CO., ButTi-lc, 3. i. -GliO. A. I'KIIiCIi CO., CiiiCf.RO.IIl. , , : An :!hitrated Catabrne. wi:b f.j!. .l:-cr!,.ti.' styles will be ffn lriu to any tuldris;-. . ' ." v. j of DEVLIN: & CO., 12 II O A S3 T5 A y' sS IOKK Wholesale and He in 41 V J -.'4 14 44 Ve Lave so secured t!:c scrvisci of tisU in CUSTOK DEPARTMENT, Whicb is likewi-e suj jjlied witb the Cuest and beet Fabiii-e of til a . . . Home and ForeJsi. Jln licts. Tu tbof'J who wii'u to nulljill be tinl ' ;.- (on at jli. atir.ii ) , SAM PliEH Ol-VGOODS.' With IMrcnorts ff-r lea.urin . w n i"-a . if correctly followed, '.'ill secure a fit in ail ensea. DEVLirrr'co.; 25rcs.dvcy,ccf-.Jifi.ast . VX1 Brofidviy,cor. Wcnea Bi-., f ii V i AGETW S.'J p-T i3-n't'i, f.-'s-ll th improve Jew Ucslrrt-.i ' '..-.nily Cc?7ir?: I.Tsciine!?, lvico ThU .!rU.4-ri! Jr-frt.-lr. ilem. Tuck, Cord, Droid. Uin-i, (Wtbcr, ,Q::il; and E:a broiuer, :;t t btaitifnilv. I ' 1- ;r,i 1 'u Jli! taost durable hi-inner u- el";;nnt:y cnuSiv!, and ia ht only reliabla chc?p '..:.-.. iirj in tli 3 lUuUjt... Ii makes tho " Ei.'ist;.-Lx k :.itch." Every .co&d stitrh fen bo rv.t, rr.d tlio ciotli rcr.r. t b'3 pulled ayart. Evptf Ma.'bvne isvarmntci t'.r f.ra rzre, Addrcs?, DaXM .t CO..U).', ?r.cs iios j 2, Chic-aero, I'll., (rcr,i! at j'i'io::i ."0. i.'. G. Ekcl-r, ccraercf Monroe and D-vo-borD P-Tict. Gliicaf). 5" C.i UT 0 X: V.'e can's i n tha public not to buy Wti.t!ile$ ..Id f i-i ll i-iai i'..:! ii.e, o,d under n s tu !..r , nt ... tbt r' rs. only jreciin-f Hiii nianu!';u.-tt..r . I. real' y praat.o.i ilacbine 5J-3 js. a n. t. AirinoriY a. co., HaiHifai'turei's of Photographic Materials,. Whoitsi: Hiid Ke ii, 501 DUOADWAY, NEW YORK. In xiditk-n to frrr-'j :! bu.-ire?of F!.toril,ic Mi terials, we ere UeaJr4'irtei 1 for tLe followtQ-. viz ; Stereoscopes & &crco$cpIcTJcv.- Of 'tVtPse we hiv an iioir,ene s.rtxe3t, lnc'uIin K"ir S-cn, Arr.erirnn and For?'.cn Cltiea an Land deaf en, r"r- Maiaary, Sus., -ie. ' KvoJvmn Stereosci pes ,i-.r public cr t t!rM eSiiMtica. j CaUlcsua wiil he cnt tt any itfCrcas tn receijti. stamp. . - Photographic Albums, We ere tne first to ir.Srf.dncc the--1 into tLo cniiM . and we manu'peture irirnetie j-i;.i;titie ll preit varied, rar.iog frci CO ceo'i $."0carh. Out Albums h-tve tai- ;rts;n of beir. . ,r in bean ty arid Unribb.i to Any others. 7jr wiil be'aeat b mail, FltKE. oti receipt of pri.-e-"' 'fy-i - .. x- , 1 - .SE ALCt'3 AI AlK TO 0St)Sa.3 : , -,:CARD PnOTOGHAPnk ' : or Csfi-' c 'zr-.v erva-? over nve Tko-iaL difftfer.l fra libit (lc whi-ii ad'. iiv2i a:o cu-iU'. uiUj. being rjiaut-) tt i''-? r.iii l Li;;i3::t A'-uenc in.. viz : a'.-.-ui . H iiKjor-Gii'aA . , '"' -uadr (icueruU, 2T." c ' - l'0 Lien; ; . ! 250 Other t'i.'. ' " ' 75 Xavy OJil'C. C" Statesmen, 10 Divine?, 125 Authors, . 'J Artiits, . r , 125 stva. 1 i - - rcrbei.i'omei 150 Prominent Vj Portraju, . . , 3,Sjou Copies of TiT.i'ks of Art. " IacliKlinc rep'-'xiocti.." of tb9 nrt c crated cn e?avics P f i;i.:s. Siatnes, ie. Clj k-iacl sen I on receipt of Bti.i. IAa Ktr.for Oao' fro.11 oar C4ta;..-.iill be iilied on tLe receipt of. $1.SQ, and feot bv n.ul, Pieo. : " , t-boiAftfaphe-a .! others ord.Tin.; C- ?.. X. "" t.'ea-et emit twtft. live per cit h a-S.iov.nt with their crder. K & n. T. AKTUONT & CO.. - ! AlaunfjiHai er of Puotocraphic Uateri!?. . ..i . - 5J1 BiyAOkVAI, XBW XOKK. ' :- 'L.l" -1 " 4 . L. "-llv . 3-. t7, -J"f ' ;; .: ''X ' ! "' !-ir :-:'...'- - - S .0 AND .V ' .1 ' 02 MISSOURI RIVE 11 Tri- .wp.iiu .juri'i. wosepn, eonnecr" a4 5tJ witbtrtinsouIUnnibal aid ' n . r ins-StJosejh a. n.30 i. M., arrinn t' - . QULCY? CHICAGO c:-ST. LOU : 20" o is: t 2D v. !' On and after May 13th. daily ami c!o,9 c,arc." tioaa frotnitJoh ta AirM-o-f.'Wf rtnn worth, Wyott,.- Kan City. La-vrenwV Jo,R- R Llne'l Lel,ra Sk Joserh S i- A. U Leavenworth 8.00 a.m.. VM,K..a 4i. . rrifTiiM. . "r T ' i.u A. -- - "v u . iwren:e at 5 cj- ' THROUGH TIC2XT3X0?. SALH.' ' by Porter A Doael, Om;.h,D. A7. Hitch.K.cV rD, ciiTJiulfi.E.C. Lewis, l'latt-nu.uth F U'1', ..c-ur i: uiit. t,uy mroncpi' tickets J. money.. . - - .; ; ; -j t Extensive repairs on" tbe ITaxxibat. c. V sfph Railroad, new iron, ties ami aditionaad stack enable them to offer the.eimporUatafl" gea to fsciliute travkjl by this routs. , CW. Mxad, (JeneralSpehaiendnt. -" P. Ii.,GsoAT. General Tiokot A rent. " II 11. CorKTRicnTrG:n'!Frcfght"Tit ILinuihil, Jr n a ft. t - C vrr. HcFrs Ft L-nw,4St, Joseph, SIo: , THEO. HILL; A-'X'Bro -,PELOTTT.7yp The sulscribor respectfully cilTflac alleuti. a DEALERS, TEACHERS, CHURCHES, . SCHOOLS,- " : .1 . And the1 tnMlCfrnc-!y to the above lrtnnnea-i which beii mauafactaruia la every varien of at Pedal Organs, frcxa$225 to $6C0 School 11 . . ? . , 200 to.180 Piano style 3Ieloiieans 150 to 210 Portable : . f 5 to . 110 Send for Descriptive Catalogue, wilh tornu, i.4., tj the tauulacturer, . GVPELOUBET, ITS 7 JE2S3SY. Or to J. . TELTOrr, il Eroad-s-ay, 17. Y. C. METES, 723 Arch I., I'hlLadeip h.a. J.A. TUCK;,, JacLon, l-'i.hii-s. AV. Vv. KI M i". .V LL, 1 12 Lake st. Cbicazo." Wliblbanlo Agonts. 61-ly .-, ' ;?-.'.- G O S L i"N G ' S ! CrllHai;?, r.v i its AComitiSl".. n of .cais Toot Oil usitl Vi.'. c Ivory j:!r.'k. Imparting) i 7T .-liil SI10S LK A HI 55 a tu . np.4.4 ;in:l p'lancy r litmf tually em. ni Ty Ulackiuszs. i' e-i ulied on'- : . '... .) while w.Lli i'!,e-."S"'ii J in :to b; :)!;fo i -i tiiejjHi- UCt'S .1 JeLii'j- fcJUalci u.u., :i. Leather. . Sold- by all Grocer's and Sj.ce Br Jars. Oders received If American Advcr'.isics Aea7 3S9 Brvadway, Xew Torli. , And Wholesaled rt I.Jnr.fncturCr's Do;ot, 134 KcailC6t.,X. 1'. ' f t-6m " or FP.EEPOriT.'TILIITOIS. We, HirkAVtBi:iGUT,Fre4idat.aci Cfll8' CL'ItKIEK, eeretary, of tie American Un rt., Iir.noi., henby ecrtiry-""- gal 4 C?uiiiny i ro-tf i of a caj-ital of ft iSJ . 't-onahurjred thousand d-.ltrs o.-4ir.d tJ'". real estate (..rta at ex n valuat.'-a at-" timo! theair.fUT.t-of sal! cs:i'al. and nt s"BS; bcrcd to ra.-re tba ou t- fi.itrt.'i 01 ? 1 lull I . C1IA'.S L. cu- I .'TATE CF TLl.f'i": .... : I isTErllKXXVX MtVl r.-r.-cSTii'J appcartd t"-!'ore rn Cfrk -f tv C.jurt .i' Coifty, Ilfia-u Vr.'-.t and an- Cosricro ra? ku.wn a. tlie ,1'rojvloa" a3j,'" j tary cf th Aiu'-ricaa In--fn..e' 0:11.-". : irrirstdily sworn accordin to la .j der:.s: aa-i";ltt the ai-ve t,r:V!;l 1 T)-tlL, . - H in i.ict,n.r yjown wc r i. v - . - j, j a f..ct,a sholrrJ lj re rdlVf wid t j. , Sub-iibed and .'vrorn tj btivt ,j:e', ' -! day of July . 1." .. - i rr. jurxEifcLito Clerk of Coun'y toUrt, , . .' A. u c-on C..na7 , U;WSTE. LcrU'V. CEHT1TICAT To Eipire on tne : ofAUTHOSl' of Jantmry, iv'." Tntirnnr Dt'narii'nerjf. U'? fi.. Of Jeff" ritorial Audits. Omaha, nfjj. A'. WEE -IE AS, Oaor0- W.Wilson, Ai-lu- - Ayent, fur the American Insurance witfil it', ir rcr-.rt, in trie ff" f lad i..fhi- Ut ea-c..fy.nhe Act rr C' rj; I a Statement t:pj abowin? it Conditi-.nts " rc.jn.rci tceath SMStiBRof L.v c( tie T-rf;' 1 ''An aot in t " " Arr-oveJ February, l : Tv,t ..tij .a 1. There ncc cftho arora-xi Ait, I, p. in pursu.1 r . . -7dit-r rf th , . ' " 44.1 Territory 01 4 Hlt1( Pi? 1.. lioreilr icniir u-.i ?. - . v. ,,,rt !.4;3 fu!l authority to transact Insuran.! 1a tae ictt. r.-,altho 31at C,J Iiwj of this Tcnilor: narr. ISod. "' - ., j3Jj 1 . I ntf 4 1 , I I w., 1 I" HD'l 1'I liJc . ..4 .Ji i,.., ..... - ti.- afuied, thi the llih Jay..! -- .:;si 1 - - - TefritJ' J. W -'..1 ..11 - tt n in on, C; U 1 if tm " MM tvn.xoT crfr-til & ";. 1. i".'' 1 ir'r J ,,r,:' -fcT r . -4v 44 Di.44. J 1 VATr X T. x , pro: f fV4, I 1 ;lr 'ivy t-45 W"7 4V- - "5 a. ! ir'!."S r. f -..- 4, . . w: Tn-weeklT Tac!:--t fTTi-,v,t -i . U.l.trjejieava Omah"., Council Bln'i .r '3.tb, Nebraska Crty. BrownvUia .n.l ;V''1 44 t . . '"4crniPf., to l.t-n tt V i tr V i 1 ! I 1 i ( i i i