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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1865)
I xfbtaslia Sttiuctitscr ; JOHN L CO LIIAPP, EDITOR. BROWNVILLE, TflLT.SDAY MAT 4, 1555. . The retTel Gen. Johnson has turren I dered his amy JefT. Daris is doing all he can 10 leave the country guerrilla chiefs are asking the privilege 10 surren derand peace is imminent. Under these circumstances the question of "re construction" assumes a rital import ..ance. Many superfluous cdLTitions to the : "main question" have Veen raised and discussed, such es"Territorial vassalage," and "Military occupation" cf the States which have been in rebellion, and re fusing the right cf suffrage to all who had participated in the rebellion. The question in our mind is, would such pcli 'cy engender friendly feelings between the masses of the North and South ? . We think it would not. Tin doctrine of clemency to the masses, death and c:n fiscation to the leaders has been repeat edly put cur present Chief Mag istrate ; it has for its base the very fun damental principle which underlie our Government, that the masses cf the peo ple are the State, and not the petty ru lers, although elected by the people. The masses will remain and form the future cf the Sooth. The effect cf our victory, the knowledge cf our strength, gained in the path f true frerdin, with a knowledge of the cau?e cf the war, will all have a great effect cn the South ern miad, would it be bi tter to add to this Territorial vassalage and military occupation? How would it look in a parent, whose children had been rebel- ..lious, even to the seeking of his life, af ter they had surrendered to'his authori ty, to undress them, but them swaddling clothes, hire a nursefcr ihern, and thus force them togothrough a course cf ba- , byhood, while he sat by them,' armed to the teeth, ready to enforce this, useless humiliation? Such a position, we think, . would be the position of cur Government ihould it attempt either cf the above " plan, and would result in transmitting .and intensifying ir coining generations , any hatred which w be felt by the .; southern people for tha parent Govern ment. It is considered unfair snd do like to strike and wcrry an antagonist who is down and past serious resistance, but the above policy advocated as it is by loyal men in high positions,if carried out, will be an -instance of the greatest government under the sun actuated by a ' dog-like feeling to gratify a mean spiri: of-revenge, which would almost place us on a par with the dirtiest and rnost' un scrupulous rebel leaders. We do not believe that such a course will be adopted by the President. lie ' believes in making "treason odious" by punishing the leaders. . The North has . continually argued that the ignoranco cf the southern masses made them fit tools for the rebel leaders; we still believe . this, and tl ink the best policy is to hang or exile the leaders and enlighten the masses. The southern ports well guard ed and ihey are not capable of doing any serious injury, -but too much vigilance and to many restrictions will seem to them tyranny, and will make them mere eteadfast jn the idea which the leaders taught them that on our part this has been a war for conquest. We believe the States should not be treated as tho' ihey had been out of the Union, but that with just restrictiens to guard the ballot box, the people should elect their offi cers and move along as though they had cot been in rebellion. The rebel leaders in the lower ranks should not be per mitted to hold any effice of trust. All arms and munitions of war taken from hera, and the negro not placed above the white man. ' Gen. Sherman accepted, cf Gen. John ilea, cn the 18ih, terms for the surren der of Johnston's rebel army. These . terms were made conditional with their acceptance by cur. Government. On the 22d they were made the subject cf a Cabinet meeting wbtreaGeneral Grant participated, when they were disapproved of by the President, Gen. Grant and the entire cabinet. Much has been said against Sherman cn account of this unfortunate etepj in ' making too liberal terms for the rebels. We can but wander at his being so com pletely liken in by the rebels, and regret it as it detracts from our beau ideal of a toldier and general. It proves one point conclusively, that the best military lead ers are not the best civil leaders. It will doubtless be, after peace is declared, as it was after the war wnh Mexico, that parties will take up some military heroes for the Presidency for the sake of popu larity. This; spirit Twas also ehown in - tha late canvass for President by.jhe Democratic party running McClellan. We deem Sherman as much superior to McCMkn as the . light cf the sun ii to that cf a penny dip; Red yet we see h:m easily outwitted by third rate rebel diplomats. Good will surely result from this if it prevents the American people from hereafter deifying military heroes and placing them high positions ere they exhibit some marked evidence cf states manship. As it stands .it ' should - not injure Sherman's reputation as a soldier, but should make the people mere care-, ful in elevating military heroes to civil positions. Booth, the assassin of President Lin coln, was captured in a barn about three miles from Port Royal, on the 26ih ult., with an accomplice named Harrold. He refused to surrender, after Harrold had surrendered, and was shot in the head, ana died in about mree noun. ini3 is greatly regretted, as the gnllows is thus cheated, and justice, although it reached him suddenly, seems but half done. Cen. Johnson surrendered his whole rebel army embracing all rebel troops from Raliegh to Ghaltbooche to Gen. kSherman, on the 26ih ult. This, Gen. Grant says, virtually end the war. Gen. Grant has returned to Washington and is applying himself to a reduction of the army any Government expenses. The editor of the Nebraska City News kindly corrects our spelling of the name of Judas Iscariot. Knowing the pecu liar bond of friendship existing between Ajax and the departed. Judas, we stand corrected.. Should we misspell the came cf Jeff. Davis, Booth, or of any of your friends, please correct us. . Hon. S. G. Daily, late Delegate in Congress from this Territory, has been appointed Deputy Collector of Customs m . t V mr l rerl KT -tne rori or new uneans. mis is a good thing for Samuel, and no more than he deserves. He will make an effi cient officer. We, the School Board of the Brown ville City District, have now in process of erection- a School House 4S feet by 60, with. a vestibule 9 by 20, two stories high, with a basement the full size ; two rojms and the basement will be ready to occupy for. School purposes by the 1st of December next. We have now the use cf the Chfittian Reform Church,' which, with cur frame School House, will accommodate 90 scholars. Believing that our population is sufficient, and that our educational interests demand it, we now propose to commence our High or Graded School, under the general super intendent of O. B. Hewett, a graduate of Bowdoin College, and an old and ex perienced teacher, under whose auspices vye hope to huild up one of the best Schools in the country. For particulars, see the prospectus. , L. HOADLEY, J. MTHERSON, Board. T. R. FISHER, . The following was handed to us a few weeks ago but was crowded out until this week : Nebraska is a great Territory ; it has not only a large, growing and mixed pop ulation, every variety of climate and soil, game and stock, but its very oxen havebtccme denominational, if not sec tarian, in name, character and spirit. In 'proof, read the following incident: A minister, travelling along the roach, met a 'stranger'driving a wagon, pulled by four oxen. As the minister approach ed, he heard the driver say, "gee up, PmlyUrian 7" "gee, Campbellite " "haw. Baptist!" "what are you doing. M thodisi " The minister, struck with the singularity of such names being giv en to oxen, remarked : "Stranger, you have strange names for your oxen, and 1 wish to know why thry had such names given them ?" The driver replied: "I call the leader in front Presbyterian, because he is true blue, and never fails; he believes "in pulling through every difficult place, persevering to the end, and then he knows more than all the rest. The one by his. side I eall Campbellite; he does very well when you let him go his own way, until he sees water, and then all the world could not keep him out of it, and there he stands as if his journey was rndd. This off ox. behind, is a real Baptist, for he is all the time after water, and xwill not eat with the other oxen, but is constantly leaning off on one side or the other, and horns..everything that comes near him. The other, which I call Methodist, makes a greater toise and a greater to do, and you would think was pulling all creation, but he dos'ent pull a pound." The. minister having his curiosity grat ified with the explanation given, rode on wandering what he should next hear and see in Nebraska. ' - ' This is no dream, but a fact, as I have heard it, nor am I influenced by dyspep tic feelings in telling the Ecclesiasticle relation of Nebraska Oxen. A True Witness. " The following is the latest from Sec retary Seward and son:- Washington, April 2Sth. To E. M Stanton : I have the honor to report that the . Secretary of State took the usual ride this morning and is free from ain to-night. Mr. F. Seward requested to day that some cne should read' to him, and says he is'much better. His strength is improving moderately and the wounds th fcalp are-healing very, respecia- J. K. Ba rites, Surg1. Hv. President Johnson recommends that the people, throughout the Union, do, on the 25th of May, suspend all business, and assemble in their respective places of worship there to unite in solemn ser vice to Almighty God in memory f Ab raham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. - Since the above was in type, the fol lowing has appeared : Washington, April 28th. Whereas, by my Proclamation of the 23d inst., Thursday the 25th day of next month was recommend as a day for special humiliation and prayer in con sequence of the assassination of Abra ham Lincoln, late Presidant of the Uni ted States; but, whereas my attention Las been called to the fact that the day aforesaid 13 sacred to a large number of christians as one of rejoicing for the as cension of our Savior ; now, therefore, be it known that I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do here I . 1 1 a by suggest, mat tne religious services recommended aforesaid' should be post pontd until Thursday the 1st day of Juns next. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city cf Washington, this the 23th. day of April, A. D., ISS-ix and of the Indepencence of the United States of America the 88th. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President, ; . Wm. Hcktir, Act. Sec. of State. The 'most fearful steamboat disaster that has ever occurred in the history of steamboating. took place on the morning of the 27th ult., about seven miles above Memphis in the blowing up and destruc tion of the steamer Sultana and loss of from 1200 to 1509 passengers. The facts as near as they can be ascer tained are about as follows : The steamer Sultana left New Orleans on Friday evening, the 21st, with about 70 cabin passengers and about 85 em ployees on the boat. At .Vicksburg she remained 3U hours repairing her boilers which were leaking badly before there. She took on board at Vicksburg 1966 lederal soldiers and 35 officers, lately released from prison at Cahawba, Ala bama, and Andersonville, Ga., who were on their way home, or to join their re spective commands. The boat arrived at Memphis last evening and after coaling, proceeded on her way at about 2 o'clock. At aboat 3 o clock a. m. she blew up with a tremendous explosion, and imme diately thereafter caught fire and burned to the water edge. Of 2156 souls on board it is not supposed more than ?00 have been rescued. The scene at Mem phis this morning beggars discription. At about 4 o'clock the river was covered with our poor men struggling for iife and rending the heavens with their shrieks for help. A large number of boats went to their relief and have been constantly engaged until this morning in rescuing the sufferers. Many- have been badly scalded and burned, aiid some have died since they were rescued. One of the pilots and the mate of the boat were rescued, b&t the Captain has not been heard of and is supposed to be lost. The names of the persons lost or saved are at present unknown. Major General- Washburne. immediately organized a board of officers to take testimony in re gard to the affair, who are now briskly engaged with their investigation. Up to 2 o'clock a. m. there had been received, into the hospital 510 persons who were rescued. Of those who re ceived no injury and are at the Soldier's Home, there are from 200 to 300. It is now believed that the number lost will exceed 14C0. The following General Order', No. 77, for reduefng the expenses of military es tablishments, was issued by the War Department, Washington, April 2Sth : 1st. That the chiefs of the respective bureaus of their - departments proceed immediately to reduce the expenses of their respective departments to what is absolutely necessary in view of the im mediate reduction of the forces in the field and garrison, and speedy termina tion of hostilities, and that they seve rally make out statements of reductions they deem practicable. v 2d. That the Quartermaster General discharge allcean transports not re quired to bring home troops in remote departments. All river and railroad transportation will be discharged except that required for necessary supplies to troops, in the field. Purchase of mules, vvagoni and other land transportation will be stopped. Also, purchasing forage ex cept what is required for immediate con sumption. All purchases of railroad construction , transportation will be also stopped. 3d. That the Commissary General of Subsistence discontinue the purchase of supplies in his department, except such as may with'what is cn hand, be requir ed for the forces in the field to the first cf June next. 4th. That the Chief of Ordinance stop all purchase cf arms and ammuni tion and material therefor, and reduce the manufacture of arms and ordinance stores in Government arsenals as rapidly as can be done without injury' to the ser vice.. ,' 5th. That" the Chief Engineer'stop all work on field fortifications and other works, except those for which specific appropriations have been. made by com manders for completion, or that may be required for the proper protection of works in progress. ' " 6th. That all soldiers, in hospitals who require no further medical treatment be honorably discharged from the service, with immediate payment. All officers and enlisted men who have been priso ners of war, and are now oa furlough be in parole camps ; to aH recruits in ren dezvous, except those 'for the regular army," will likewise be favorably dis charged. Alr'onTcers whose duty it is, under the regulations of the service, to make out rolls and other private papers connected with dicharges and payment of soldiers, are directed to make them out without delay, so this order be caV ned into effect immediately. 7th. That the Adjutant General of the army will cause an immediate return to be made by all commanders in the field or garrisons, detachments and post of their respective fcrces, with a view to their immediate Eduction. 8th. Quartermasters, Subsistence. En gineer and Piovolt Marshal Generals de partments will feduce the '"-cumber of clerks and ernDlovees to that 'absolutely required for closing the business of their respective deparlmeits, and will, without delay, report to the Secretary cf War the number requmd of each class or irrade. The Sureem General will mike similar reductions of Surgeon?s nurses and attendants in his bureau. 9th. That the chiefs of the.respective bureaus will immedistely cause proper returns to be made ott or public proper ty in their charge, and statements of pro perty in each that miy be sold upon ad vertisement and pubication without pre judice tg the service. ; -. TOih. That conmanders cf prisons will have rolls maie out of the, name and residence time ard place of capture, and occupation of all prisoners cf war who will take the Wi of allegiance to the United States, to the end that such as are disposed may become good loyal citizens of the United .Steles, and who are,the objects of Execuriveclemenc'Y may be released upon terms the President shaii 6ee, fit and consistent with the public safety. . - . : ; t "V -. '" il ' '. , The following was issued by the Pres ident April 30 ; That all restrictions upon internal domestic and oastwise commercial in tercourse be discontinued in such parts of "the States' of Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia, Florida, Missouri, and so much of Louisiana- as! lies east cf the Missouri river, as shall be embraced within the lines of national military occupation, ex cepting onlytuch restrictions as are im proved by acjs of Congress and regula tions in purs&nce thereof, presented by the Secretarof the Treasury, and ap proved by tip President, and excepting also from e&ct of this order, the fol lowing artics contraband . of war, tq wit: Aarms! amunition and all articles from which jimunition is manufactured ; gray uniforns and cloth, locomotive cars railroad irof, and machinery for opera ting a railrjad telegraph wire, insula tors and insruments for operating tele-" graph lilies . - 1 . P EOS FE O T U S " J " OF THE BrownVfHe ffigS Scfaool. Will compence it3 First Termjor the year 1S65 oi Monday, May the 8th, un der the Superintend ence 6f O. B. Hew ett A. M. a Principal. Who with such assistance, as 'may be - necessary, will also have clarge of the classification, discipline and instruction cf the Prima ry and Intermediate Departments as included in the present arrangement. The Term will continue eleven weeks. RATES OE TUITION. Primary Class - S3 00 -Intermediate- Cla?s S4 00 . Grammar - " $5 00 '-- Advanced " $6 00 t Payable in advance. No Scholar received for less than half the Tjrtn and no allowance made for absence unles at the option cf the Principal. J - Per Ordr of the Board of School Di rectors of Brownville District. 33tf. ne "wIdTe St rrs ee n tT. .MB- J. S: WILLIAMS, Who is the author, lzfl Agent ia Jt. Louis for tlnsfaper, will atteinl t3 making collector) and purchases in that City. OJfict 97 Cncstnut S'.., N. M. Cor Tifth, P. O. JojjOIO. TAKEN UP. ly tht nnrterirSgred liTins fix miTei wet oi rownvllle, on the 15. h day of Fe'jriuiy, 1S65, TwoEmay ilswe. One a Brown By. left eye out, some white on t.rehead and nose, rig'.t hind loot whita saddle and harness marks and sh d all aiocnd, tweeny in ooth shonldeifl, supposed to he 11 years old. The other a Bay mar? both hind feet w hite, stiff tn The left antie joint and love foot, heavy niare and tail, mane 1 viiig on left bide, some hite on nose anp.pased to be 6 year old.. JOIIN P. liANDALL. 3La jL IKT 2D 3 FOR SALE. Some choice tract of Land In Xemaha and Richard, son Cwunties for salej enquire of . II. It. BEAD. BrownTille, April 29th, '65. 9-33 3m SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK. On Saturday Msy 20th. I will o.Ter for ale, ; to the highest bidder, for cash la hnd, In the City of Browa ville, ia Neman County sebraska Territory, one email Brown Pony Mare, supposed to be four years old this spring, and Colt, the Mare has a St;r in the forehead, no other marks or brands, t8k3n np by J B. Swank, and now; In the possession cf JonaB Hacker , appraised at $75,00, . 33-3w. B. T. HUCTJ3. . SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK On Saturday the 20th day of May 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder cash in hand, in the City of Brownville in Nemaha Co. Nebraska Territory three Cows, and Calves; oae Brindle Cow, with line back and whiie face, letter O in the right hip, letter F on the right horn, crop oiTof the right ear anil supposed to be 1C years old, appraised with Calf at 20 dollars. One white Cow, brindle neck, crop off of the right ear, under lpe off of the left ear, letter O. on right hip, supposed to be 8 years old, appraised, wiih Calf aiTweu'.yflve t-u.-8. One red and wl'V speckled. Cow, crop off of the 1.': ear, nnderbit off rf rizht ear the bush end ofla'.l oil', a dim brand on the left hip, ab-jnt 8 years old p ppaised at Twenty DoHars. R. V. HUGUS. WM. H. M'CREERY C A SH VTHOirSALE a'kd retail dealee m Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs, Pure Liquors for Medical purposes. All. kinds of Patent Medicines. COAL OIL LAMPS and CHIMNEYS Blank Books and Stationery, Wall Paper of ' Every Pattern, Window Papers, Cord and Tassels The best Brands of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO and CIGARS, Oysters, Canned Fruits, and a complete. Stock of light end fancy Groceries. THE BEST docket Cutlery Periumerr ' and Toilet Goods. , Having availed himself of the late decline; and making extensive purchases in an Eastern Market, he assumes bit, patrons and the Public that it U to. their advantage ta trade with hint, none but first Class 1HUGS kept. . Call and examine for yourself at the CITY. DRUG STORE South Sast Corcer, tfain and first Street, Brownville Nebraska Territory. . -; . . PiiEscairnoss, and orders Carefully filled at all hours. . 9-3?-h LEEPER & KIDDER'S err- VT O o2- O 2? C? , K! mot. rateated'Febru&ry 12, 1801. This 'well known and valuable Implement for Corn raisins, that all ford and practical Farmers wiiJ have; that has met with such remarkable sale and favor, Is bein? manufactured by the undersigned at Rocfcport Landing Atchison Co 116. and are now prepared to fill all orders they miy re ceive for the. ccmirg season. 'We' have made fome valuable improvements since -last season. We have reduced the bulk or size t,f the machine, and make it in batter proportion, and retain all the valuaS:e points. Wc Claim tie Femwing Important Pom's : 1st'.' The Plr.wm'rfn can ride an! plow wlthont labor.' 21. Any person who can drive a team can manage it. 3i. Crooked rows f Corn are plowed as easily and thoroutbly as straight one:?, the plowman siUiu? to as to observe the corn and see if the work is well done 1.1. Tf I. a tV, a mrtk.f narfApt mill n&fcliral fllOt TT11 - V!U ." J J... I l v " - tion of any plow mad, and does not cramp or tire the Piowman. . ' ; - ' ' 5th. The Plows while In motion are moved with perfect ease. . , , 6th. The PI ws are adjustable to any depth any de- 6th. Adjustible shields to prevent youn; corn front coin? coversu. -StU. It is admirably adapted to plowing in small train, v 9ih. Every Cnltivator 13 well made and. good ma terial, end warranted to do Pood work. TIT ORGAN & MEAD. fiSF Orders addressed to ihe above at North Star Mo., or Iirownville INeb. ler. 1$ 3m 45. GEO. A. PllINCE &C0S PATENT v 4 ' ' ' llITIFMTiC BlfillS! gSO T0 EACH ! 3Q Varieties, with Patent Basso Tenuto or - bub Bas3. . . - ; SCHOOL ORGANS AND 3IEL0DE0NS, - Finished in Elegant ttoncwooa, TTalnnt or Oali Cases. , . JVo Charge for Boxing or Shipping. S35,000 Xott In Use.y? - AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, eon tsiiiing full dtscriptiou or styla. and testimon.ais of the most eminent Musicians, as to the superior 'excel lence of our instruments will be ent free to any address . : ' THE AUT03MTIC ORGAXS. In presenLinf the Automatic Organ, we boldly an nonnce the greatest triumph in iaasical instruments of the ase. During the past half century, the French and Germans have manufactured reed instruments with double bellows, and two pedals for the. feet to operate, but the want of the reversed or. Exhaustion Jiellows, (which is the nly belloVs nsed in cur inst: n ments), mace it impossible for them to produce the mellow, rich and musical tone for which our -instruments sre celebrated. - ... . - . - Another objetion to this method of blowing was that, both feet leini; occupied, n- epportuniry was of ferjd for the niunsement of the swell. Within the past two years, instruments constructed on this Euro pean piau of "double bloors," have been manuf act urea in this country, and to counteract this difflculty (wuut of a t?eil) a lever has been projected from the centre of the instrument, to act upn the swell, and operated by the knee. The inconvenience and contor tion neces-ar? to effect this object are disagreeable ennugh to a gentleman, bui 10 a lady the use of such an appendage is nearly impossible. Oojt Automatic device otiviaies this difflcnlty entire ly, the simpie act cf blowing wiik mure or less force giving the desired increase or decrease in the volume of une. For seventeen years the superior excellence of our JIe!d"BS has net been questioned, and for two years past vli enormons demand li is made it impossible for us to meet our orders promptly. . With our increaa ed facilities, we feel warranted in assuring cur patrons "that their order, will be promptly niet, and soUcit a continuance of their uatronase. GEO. A. PE1NC2 At CO. Cas;lii to JPHrcIiasers. All cur i n-iirumcnta Lavo n.-tn the name board, in full. "GliO. A..i RINCit &. CO." When a Uaaier rep ieen;sai;y oTaer intra!uents as "the same as enrs," it is Ubmliy a mero attempt to seil an inferior intru Uiciit, o which he can make a large prodt. p. S A liberal discount to Churches, Clergymen and Schools. Ad'Iros, Hl. A.PRINCK, k. CO. i 89 Wifhic.eton St, Or, Chicago, 111. GEO. A. fltlNCE &. CO.. Buffalo NY. Mayl;t .IS;;. n.33-v9-yly ' PROF. VON VEBAE'S MB 0Q0PSI 'nev-A rer-aU- VENTIVE 'for which they areN WAEBAIfTED 'in every instance. They are cordially recommended toy 'all Toadies who, from sickness or 'other causes, are unable to undergo 'the perils of accouchment. This remedy iaN DIAMOND DROPS!. Kot an Abortive, but simply .PREVENTIVE. .and is not in the least, injn- .rious to the most delicate .constitutions. - Every . B ottle V arranted. LET EVEBT . LADY THY CT Send Eed Stamp for Circular, or 12.23 for the Bemedy, to C. B. MOXHOE St CO., General Agents, P. O. Drawer 6581, Chicago, Illinois; Office 1S5 South Clark Street. For sale at Wholesale in Chicago, by BTJRNHAM3 & VAN" 6C3AACX, FUXLZa. TTNCH ' St TTJLLEB, LORD & SMITH. CHAS. G. 83H1& BMITH & DWYEH, and H. SCOVILL. LEGAL NOTICE. Daniel Kinn;?on. Wirjam Kinnwos, Senior, Williim Kinaisoa J naior, (Jeoro Klnci'on &n Pegzy Kinnison. wiil take notice, that Etnjinine F. Lnshbaujh as romplahiaDt, has Icd a bill ia chancery, in the District Court of Nemaha L't nnty, Nebraska Territory, against them and David Kin nison Newton Kincison, John Kinnison, Mary Shroaf and Elizabeth Delay, heirs t-f IVily Kinni 8on,decoa5cdin'l Riobard V. Hughea Administrator ofaid Estate, and John L. Carson as defendant. The object and J rayercf said bill is to fjrcclosea, Deed of trust, in tu natura of a mortgage, girea by l'olly Kinnison, deceased, in ber iitetirae to Jchn L. Carson aj trusts, upon tho Soath East Qaarter of Section ( 15) ia T ewnship 8 North of liange 13 East in Nemaha County, Nebraska Terri tory, given to Secre tTio payment of a Bote of $2 iU,00' mer.tloLed in said deed, of trust, and for the sale of EaiJ premises, to pay said note, to com plainatit. And the ?aid Daniel Kinnijon, William Kianison Senior, William Kinnison Junior, George Kinni3on anl I'egy Kinnison are nut: tied that they are required to appear and answer aid bill on cr before the 22d d ay of tnnj A. D . 1S65. Dated April 5th 1855. . CHARLES O.DOT1SEY, 29-4t $13,50. -Sol, for Complainant. Jlecling: or Scliool Examiners. Notioe ia hereby given that the Hoard of School Esaminers of Nemaha County, Nebraska, will hold meetings for the Examination .f Teachers for said i County, at the office cf E. W. Thomas, in Drownviiie, on the 1st Saturday is crery month, between the hoars of one and 3 P.'-M, Applicants for certificates are required to be present at cne o'clock, precisely, or thy cot be examined. . No person need apply at any other time, i v iJy order of the Hoard, E. W. THOMA.?, Clark. April lit, 23-yly THE ONLY. SURE THING. rnoTOGnAPii .i- i - y rlTf Pin As the.raire indicates, it not only RENEW3 th rr.vrtU r,r tha Iiiiir wlim t h 1 Tl 9 lid f Ji' I TJ 2 Of, b U t i c;t;t-: i:PVEv Tin: COLOR to its ori eina hade when it is turning grey or white, whether caused by Jiseae, crrief or old age. It wilrcertanily tio wu-.t is e.simea to which hundrc li, nay, thou-ria who hare used it.are Tco-dy and willing to tesuiy. ou ouo tut.- tle is fairly used, m any community. n irwuoii 'Spreads like wild Ere," ana is tne cess atner jse- In thea3t- "KF.NF.V.'ER" ori'i&atei. it is used by all Your? Ladies as a Preisi ojf . and is to be found on th toiret t.iMes ot 1 ouc -"cn, aisoai ii.-;f hipV,.no r!.;!.i ''.it.-n 8ndVomen will nut be without it, as a renevr?r and restorative for their qroy loci? nji.i bal-i neaus, wnica is. cnan-es to their entirw .atisfaction. We are soiliB' in the city of Eostca alone, up wards of 76.00' bottles per moath , the dealers giv ing the KEEWER the prcferenca over all otaer Hair Prcyrntions. If net so'd ly Dru;?i3t.3 in your torn, a Trial BottU will beaent you by Express, upon receipt of one dollar by mail thus giving you-an opportunity at on.'io for teitirp i.'s excellent virtac-s. '"Orders l'ir Trial Bottles, must be addressed to our Central A.t fi.-r the Northwestern States, C. A. COOK , Eux C521, Chicago, III. -All such orders will receive prompt attention. R. F. HALL & CO., Proprietor?. Nashua, N. II. The trade snrilip.l at JLtrnfdcturers'.Prices by FULLER, FINCH & FULLER, Wholesilo Drug gists, Chicago, Illinois. 25 LEGAL NOTICE. Notlcn is Lcreby given that I will oITer for sale at public nuetioa. at the front entrance of the i'rowEvillo Hous?, in the Citj of Brownville, (that being the building in .which tho-last term of the District Court of the county of Nemaha, ia tho Territory of Nebraska, was held) on the 1st day.- May, A. D. 1S85 ai.I o'clock P.M. Tho following real estate situated in tho County of ?4 vnaha, in the Territory of Nebraska, to wit : Lot y in Liock 4fJ ; Lots II, 13, 15, and 16 in Hloek'33, Lot 16 ia Block 81;" Lets 9, 10, li in Block 1)0; Lot 1, 12, 13 14 in Block 32 ; Lot 4 in Block 35; Lots. 1, I, in Block 45 ; Lots ID, 11 in Block 47; Lot U ii. Vlock 43; Let 13 in Block 71; Lot 9. in Block 73 ; --ts 13, 14, 15, 13, in Block 65 ; in Nemaha City ; also the South East 1-4 of the North Hell 4 of section o4 in lownsuip 5 North of Range 15 East'; also the Sonth East 1-4 of the South West 1-4 of Section 1' Township 4 North of Range 15 East, except to acres oifof th West side thereof ; also a tract of land commencing at a point Su rods North of the South West corner of Sec tion Eighteen (18) in Township 4 Ncrth of Rsngo IS E.iit, thence running East 47 rods, thenoe South 23 1-1 roJj thence Wct 47 rods, thence N 23 1-4 rod 3. t the place of beginning; also Lots 7, auj 8 of the South W'est 1-4 ct Section 21 in Towcship 4 North, of Krg 15 Eajt ; also the North West r.f (he North East 1-4 and-Lot 12 cf Section 32 Township 5, Nurtb, Rarg 18 East, cx-eot twenty (20) acres deed til to Snow. Also the West h.ilf ot the South Wcsi 1-1 and Lots 3 aud 4 ic Se-.-tion 32 Towushirj 5 Ncrth cf range M Eo3t, except t .vea ty acre3 ia the Sath West corner, takea a3 the property of Jerot; Lloovcr 02 an execution and veudi in favor of Samuel A Chambers Executor of the lust will and tosUment of Willi3 11:11 dc ceajed, issued out of tha District Court of the County of NemVaa, in the Territory cf Nebraska, anl to me directed as Sheriff ot said County. Dated 11 arch 27th. IMS. W. G. GLASGOW, Sheriff. 2S-lt 122,50; rilOHATE NOTICE In the matter of the Estate of ilarshal C. Kel ley : Whereas the Trobate Court, in and for Gage county, Neboaska Territory, d;d cn tho 6th day of March, A. D. lSoj.fix and appoint the7taday f August , A. D. 1M55 as the day for the final sottl -ment of the Estate of Marshal C. Kellcy lite of said county and Territory now deceased. Now therefore, !l credits of said Estate, and all parties intreated therein, are hereby notified to present their claims against s;iid Estate, before the said Probato Court , on or borers the 7th day of August, A. D. liioj, or tha same will befo erer barred. Ordered by paid Probate csurt that notice of the above be published for four consecutive ttseks ia the Nebraska Advertiser. Dated Beatrice, March 6th 1S 3. jii!rFi..invr2 Administrator. 23-4t $3,55 LEGAL NOTICE. , Notice is hercly riven," that, pursuant" to an order of sale to na Hri-t-'d, issn?d by the 1 istcr in Chancery. '.f the District Court ot Neniaua Ci.-nnty .Nebraska Territory, in a certain case nhsro in Kath'arica liataichak, by ber next Friend Da vid 11. Mcljtughlin , is Plaintiff, and the unknown heir of Henry Hmith deceased, Henry E. Dum merand Henry il. Atkinson are defendants. I will on Monday, the 1st, day of May, .1SC3. At one o'clock P. M. af.-aid day. offer for sale at public .auction, ot the front dour of the Kr.jWii ville licy ia the City of Erownville in said Coun'yol' NVfoafca, (thr.t -bein the building ia whit-'h the latterui of tk.e s iid District Court was held)the futlowirjr Ileal Estate to wit: the North Eeas'iuarter of &ectiou Thirteen ( li), in Town ship four (4) North, of P.rne fourteen ( 1 1) Ea3t in tiaid Couctv of Nennha. Drownrille ilarch 27th. 18o5. V,'. G. GLASGOW, Sheriff and Special Master in Chancery. 23-4t $13,50. isii.i?! lit: vis, ATTOENEY AT LAW, FAIiIiS CITY. KEERABHA. 53" Will practice in" all ttic Courli jf Neb. ' B. C. HARB'S SKY LIGHT GALLERY Is the place to got yonr Picture. He is prepared to take all fcit,ii "f Picture large sizei utoaraiibs, Kelainotypes. fus. ' He keeps on a wcll-selettei stock ot Albams and Photcgarph g'xids. The new Gallery is north cie of main Street oppo site Jonn-A. P.jR&'a Stcte. Persons win tlo well to eall soon, before getting work il'.ne eUebere. Paili.-titar vnYi ukciiW'.i' . .. rrr.r-..' i f.v mnjitf; ell! Picture?. Dai it-TP'l, bla' k, grteo, oi colors for thi'iron's (ire-,es. or P.aiJi are . J3Y FRED. -.AUGUST, . HAIII, BUT. FIII3T AIID tliCOITD ST3. Oyfterr Cif, Tics, CniSie1, Girder ErC3J, etc. lc, cf fll descriptions courint;y -!i liai.d. GOOD ereJ in tne tet sty and ers:Trt notice. . -Also a krsa3sortmentof Tobacco, Cigars, Juft$,' ' Canned Fruit, Oysters, ix-4-ly Candies, - Crackers, . Raisens, Cur- rants, and a supply cf COTECTIO:,ARIES. LEGAL NOTICE. Barbara A. Syaamire and the unknown licirs of Francois Putignaf-, decasal, will take Dotice that Henry Ilohimon, Adntini.-trator of he Estate sf John. B.- Laurent, deceased, bus commenced a suit on tii Chancery sida of the District Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, in which suit they together with Jasper A. Ware are made defendants. , Thft object cf said suit is to foreclose a certain morfjraije made by th said Franois Puti gant in fat or of tea said John D. Laurent Septem ber, J 1th lS57,ou tha North wet quarter of Sec tion 17 in Township tf north, of Kar.-e li East sit uated in the said County of Nemaha, giaen to se cure the payment of $ 100.CO due to the said Lau rent from said I'atignat threa years from the data of laid mortgage with interest. Ilo prayer of plaintiif is that the said Tand be scU and the pro ceed be applied rst inpayment of th above claim, and that the said defendants be debar J an,d foreclosad of til rlht3 therein. Defendants ara re anircd to answer by the S2J day cf liay, lfcGi. . - ' E. W. THOMAS, ...' , -Scl. for C:rcp'ainant. 2D-4t $13.53. FLOVR, ntr, 2:c. Ptcnaef.. :.. -At McLau;h,i-.i Bwnn' s LEGAL NOTICE No tl, liberty ?iren that 2i ai i October A. D. 1-5' Ear, tM, Jefferson L. Cou:'-i dc iuoa xor -ueann claims arraiagt v"!1 wours oi eiuaaa vuunty , ebrajJtT f't, ail pers-ms haviDg claims ainn . c"7..- notiSed that they are reared t 'e tv "l Court on or befora the above dat be forever barred V - . TJ Udff f MUNROE J. Coi- 3l-4t p'd ""'lAiji' I LEGAL NOTICE: Trial Akin and Eramw D. Allen. . . tico that James O. Carson as ccm-v Ukt EJed billjn chancery, io the Datrici'lf"'1' 1 ' .v 7 - " ' V C . upon the South East qcarter of Sectia 7 ; ?' I ship 5 North of Range 15 East, in NemAv of said premises, made by said Urial i:."" uius d. Anon 01 comfrt.aiiiant. Xae Akin and Erasmus I. Allen will tak . T I 11 . . 3 lr tney are require a to answer soil Em the 22i dav of mav A. D. oa or T , 4 - - ; Isolioitor for Comn!,:' i - Dated April 5th 1335. 23-4: j,!''1 1 XDIa Uab!.)r and Horn, DrtssiaTPuiT" j ooiiiOi. oot.ea socket comte, I.jOj,- I" ri 1 llets, Fiih H..oks anl line, kc. I Wa .14 . -i The nnJersigDcd keep on hand a largt asortae- SATTlHET&OASSIMERESl'ilji For Men and" Boy's Also.tlarjsjikjj HATS -AJSTD CAPS in strain BOOTS" AND SHOES, EnSScr Coats, Legslns & EIaniel UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS. Gent's Fnraisfiffig Of all kiiids tvhich we will sell, . CHEAP FO 11 CASH . We purchased our gocJa since iLe de cline in the Markets and will sell at L-t figure?.- ATKINSON k CO. April 13tl, 125, iC-ly LCul ClllTe W 1 V.i! li'iirtba Swift. 5'ary Ann Pearman, John Fru cis Swift, Wiilum A. wift. NarcU?u C n, Nathan V. Swift, ami others the unkn'iwa l:n of Nathan' W. Swii't, deceased, w.ll taka B,ti?i that Edwin S. D. Harsh, as plaictLf, ha lei 1 l.ill in rhar.fprv in th District Court of flui county, Nebraska Territory, against them u Js- fecdants. Said bill cets fort a toat .'in Swift tnst:ifr with Martha Swift, eiwntaJ Mi delivered to j.UiiitiiT a Deed to lots 7 aJ 3 ii block 109, io the eityof IVru, in. eaaty d Nemaha, which deed tvm accident, iitnjti riled. Tli fbifrtlBd ot sai l bill s to ootain iro.j .j;na y.r.- j title to the said lots in favi-i .f plaint's'!. ( Defendants ara rsquir- ! t answer id bill b cr botora the 22d daT of . a. d.. l"'3. 1 y.'.W. Til O. MA?, . 29-4t-pd ?c.r. rlorCotrplaitiMt. AHEEICAxT HOUSE Front Sireet; between Main and Jl'-V' EROWxNTILLE, SF3PJS"-'" 9 32 I7 LEGAL NO.TE- Kotke i? hereby piren that ;in rw'tw w,a " orderof tte Probata Court of H1 tonry r bra.ska Tt-rritory, I will offer for VauM lion, on in , . . 20th day of May,A. D.lCj,at2oc.oct P. if., ia front of the oR:e of" '. ProltVL the City of Brownville in gai.'CouuV of l83u!J'.f"rf following c!cribed land to wit: W Nrta b.i tiie Koriii Weot qiarter of Fpjtion,' So. U mT' . snip Ho. 4, Nonh of Ban?e 'o. 15 ta. containir acres, s it i! at e in the County of Kemana in ln,"J'. toy cf Nebraska; Said land bet! tea preppj Jyt-cpbine Bail, a minor ender en'liaa'bi?- 33-at7,CO. Cuardiaaor LEGAL "NOTICE. Notice 13 hereby given that! will ?f fjr "l at public auction, at the frnt entrane of Erownvillellocsw, in thoCitjof LrowLTi.., aha County, Xebrsska Territiry oa &''M,J. of May, A. D. IroS.atone cclcck Y. J" lowing real Estate, to wit: So;h "e t,. ter of the South East quarter of Section -in !iip 4 North of Ymjp 15 Easi,ccnUir.ia?c. also let VJ in Dlock b7,Lots 15 and 1 in !." ( Lot 13 in Block 63 in tLa Ciy of S,,': the aboTe property bein suated ia u of Nenab a, Nebraska Terjn'wry . taken 5l3,P ' erty cf V. iiliatn L. Thurfian, on an exec aten - ;.f ror of Landorf ard Koanstine, issaed out District Uurt oftLe County of Nemaha. lrr. of Nebraska, and to mo directed as SherJ County of Xecjiha. 3 1 -ot 3 1 1.QJ W. G.CLASGOSg, - LEGAL NOTICE. Charles IToul will lake Motlre thst -nx? j!' p,rtcbt baa cornmenc?i a auit in Cfcancery, " trict Court, of Netuaha County, Nebraska axiuht the aiJ Charles Moil. T&a oftjw scit is to foreclose a certain r.irmae s1'' V' Or rIW J.Vfiakr i I " ZZ-.K1 tbe South West quarter of Section Win TJ rtn r.ansra 13 lu s iveu to fecira the rirrr.ent ciri " n,.t:r date therewith, tor $2ii,i. -7 . w cr vor of aid Aibrkht Moal t qn rfJ v,ar and answer ou or betora tb 15t! 0xSi Sol. lot Comp'-a1 23-lt $9, p'd $4.53. . ESTIlAY NOTICE. m,s TaVcn cr by the undersigned, living r; N .otith Wetcf Nerr.aha City, Nemaha li-" .;. brajlM Territory, on the 61 d ay of Apni, - , y On-Jllrowa Mara, with bUck spot oa U estcudie'down the leg-about c;;'ht J.-o. 50 5ti,M. liiSlTTf M'cLArbnLIN' A. SWAN are coUiW-'T rr,j,.; adUiiion to their stock of Gncere a.- ware. Taeir ana prices wa 1 u. - aiiV otier njnn." EW Orleans, Ctarilie'i, t'rusbe'l IiJ Ft,'t Ut gars, Golden Syrup Sugar HvnsaaM At TrcLanghl 1 n&JZ LEGAL NOTICE. Th"' n. Marshall, llary C. J J"" and V.'illiain D. Cady.will take a'!6." Earey , 3 com plainant, has filed a bill n in the District Court of Nemafca eoawj- Territory, against them and John L. c.,-t;;j defendants. Tho object and pjer of ?"Vi:ar to foreclose a certain Deed of Trust, f'' cf a Mort-age, aiecuted by Thomas J- John L. Carson, as Trustee, Bpon the o 0 J quarter of Settion eight, in township '1Jj)-ebri ranjje frfteea ea?t, in Nemaha oa.n-pnx Territory, to secure the payment of . r . Note to complainant for $2;0.0 0, sati" Deed of Trut, and for the sale of ee:v to pay said note, and et 13 tscat iJ Deed, of a portion of said Freo;'e.f:,. " f) f"; said Thomas U. liar-hall to a:J " U':!,J r-M-J to far as the same effects tba rrior.,ie,nf eoralaic'aut, and also to bar the a:;ilvVi, sba.Uf her Dower in said Froiser . Thom H. ilarshall ilary C. ilarthU Kara D. Cady ara noticed taat wey- -ef v ar.swr raid bill oa or befora tha f. CIIARLKSU. '-,,,1. oii.if-?r f-r ' ns,):k Dated Apr otb, 1 ?oi 3 tt-!' aniJuU U Carson, as dafaniiot Th ,S and prayer of sail Bill is t foro:Io ac ..; of trut. irv tha natnrn nf a niArj.. " ' a uia:i: couu;7 corajKi iprrif.-, . --'i.v