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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1865)
i I - jtATEbu" ADYLiUisUiii. lIEBBASKA ADVERTISER One square (tea Hi aierlfiiiCCsSiiff.!.!: 1 -5 hit a uai.tiuLa. jtirt;tn -1 Lusiaesi cardfix lints t year Ocecttluiiin oeyear Ona half couita cl jtar ' - -On iuurthl ctiuQiDGD jcar One tihib coluiact na year One cjiuaD six iiitntha -One hail colamn ix monthi Oat fourth Ci,iimn six . One eights fctutsn siin-cliij One- tvluma throe Enths - Oac bait cols an n six c5a.ti v One fourth ti it an three n.ct.ll:l One eighth column three nur.lbi Annouuiirz candidate; fuf t Cc 1 s: If - 13 13 11 t) 3 1 SJ C 31 O 53 C5 :i ca 21 C 1J c :a e 31 C 14 C C CI f CBU6EID ITKBT TBTESDAT BT GEO. T7. HILL' : CO,, iTtrtUer Block, Llaia S't Between 1st & 2d, ! 1 Ay Ay"' ax llVAy AlltraB.ieatajTcrtiieaeLti c;"t tf f!4 ia ai rer.ce. Yearly advertisement qaartr!v in tdvarea . AUkiuJi f Job, ito.k aJCard i rin itg, Ice ?a ibe besi atyl on short notica and rcasi nafcle tersa Snbrij'tin, mud invriab.y, l3 paid inA4vance fw aMk W.irk. ami Ptln and Fancy Job Work, 4,ini tea tyle. and on tburt notice. ac LIBERTY AND .UNION, O E ANrD INSEPARABLE NOW AND FOREVER.' VOL. IX. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, I860. NO. 32. :', X i )f! I ' p i II t X r tl X Kf S 0 A R I) S. CIUs. U. .DJKsEY. BROWNVILLE, TJECUASKA. EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY d AT LAW, SOLICITOR iTlJIIANCEIlY, rifflra crrer .f Main and rri Strepta. BRUWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. ""J. A. 1IEWKS. ATTOFaRfT AT U W -' Solicitor in Chancery, LAND AXD COLLECTING AGENT. BEOWJSiVlLIiE N. T. Kroh 16th, ly. V nTc. TIIUIIMAN, " KlilSIKEGI. ' BROWXVJLLE, XEBRJISKA. Tol9-t2-Ij-pd C. F. STEWART, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUGEOM. orncr: Sooth Fnt 3..:-n-r -f M;u W r--; Sr.rcct DROWM'lIXi:. MJlU tSti t. Crrici IlolRS-7 to 9 k. M.n i I to 2 and P. 4; : 4 v. w Brcwrvire, Nebra.a. Mn.v 5th. lr4- E. S. liUKN's, M. D., PHYSICIAN 6 SUHGEOrj! . Nomnlan. Oily, X'- OKHCK AT Ul.S RI-.MLh.('K. ' July2Sih.lM4. niT-vS-pdly E i i t w 1 1.M1 1 "v : 1 CA B 1 li E'T - M A K E R AND Corner 2i a?j(l Mmn S!rt-t, BF.OWKYIL E. K T. I rr jard H :i'!k 'i''- - W .iJr 'iii r m. 0. W: WIIKi'l .Eli, CABINET-MAKER caiPENTj:, Ilavicg Piriicd up rrmi -iit! IVTaIxi. 6troot, Oa door ab.'. v linlt .ii.cK- I'n.'lnu St'ire, ' prepared to doall kind u woik in bis lire in lh .tt lct and Kyle. 1'ai ti ulxr attTitiue jrivi-u t Cantractn. v9-t:14 fm 'd RICHARD COLLINS, IKtLII I1TET. ACdress Bronrnvillc or Pern, Neb. 18 tf l"ETITcHII TIME SAVES LIKE!' ; LOl'I ,WALDTER, "t bis pt yet, ready tufrtorta ilj wurk.psr w'Dinjj to biebnsinsa. liouse and fign iir.ting.plaT.iD. and pnperbarg '''K! etc. at abort notice, and the xnt apn.vt-.l ' !' T!raj,lclM,b' iOirebitn a cfll. bbop on Main Street, can of AtkiDsor.'? Cioth "8 Mure. ' He ia prepared v. do all Wlxi t o XKT asliinc A S D ' AY J' L CO LOIIINO in u, nf aif n at d rfcci et mj le for cash. iHvs.inftn.i)cmcU, -Millinery & Fancy Goods j jBTpIlE. aia Btwet one door -west ol the Post Office pROlTxyiLaLE, XEKltASKA. Aiapfrior atock of Sr;a and Summer G--ds Jot riTed. Kverytbin? in tbe Miilint-ry line "e'trr,KataBtly on bai.d Dieaa-Makine, Dcimet - .iik aim 4 rimniinc Qnni t oraer. iiarcT),l&65. T9-n-2-Jy MRS. C.W. WILLIAMSON, vIGEJt'T- FOR florenco Sewing MacMnes MAl. STIlCKt, I1CT, 1st and 2nd Oppoaite Mrs. Hew, tfh U .Liner iitoi , Having josl received isinrimKni ..r t h,. PDNie to call and aH! thou, a. ,hev needor.'yta bp a it IT. ."if "'Jn advT,i.rf.a orer all others matin. V.I ' 11 n..iheiea. very rapid Cort... .r7i 'tUchM l j..ina ihe i B- 'nt work with euiH rci;ty. A Ula rnL? . 8o- uu ,cb 'fe. which will le on. 5 b dr Machia- baa Tbei i,t !ln1 lacalculable value. , "i-UeMaa.) ' .2a-or 1 B' VTTORXEYAT LAW Podrij. T0E3I BY ADR AILUI LINCOLN, The following poem, written bj Abrabam Lin coin maty ycara ago, will Le read n w with deep inieiest: Oh, by 1 u.d tbe fj irit 1 mortal bepr' ud? Lik a awilt Ceicg meteor a faM dyir.g clwud A Cah of tbe lightning a break of the wave lie I'Hrsetb frimlife to biamtin th grare. Tbe leaves oftberak and the willow shnll fade, Be scattered around, and together be laid ; A the yung, and tbe old, the low and tbe bigb, r all crumble U dust and together eball lie. Tbe infant a mother attended and loved Tbe mother, thnt infant's afftction who proved; Tbe father that potber hd infant wbobicjt, Ewfb, all are cm ay to tbat dwelling of rest. Tbo ran id cn vbose brow, on whofe cheek, in whose eye, Sbone bfauJ and pleasure her triumphs are by; And alike from tbe xninda of the living erased Are tbe memVies of mortali who loved her and praised. Tin-band of tbe King tbat the seen tre bath borne, The brow of the Priest : that the mitre bath worn, Tbe eye of the 8age, and the heart of the brave, Arc hidden and lost in tbe depth of the grave. The peasant, whose lot was to sow and to reap ; The herdsman, who clitnbed with bia goats up the Steep; The bepgaf, who wandertd in search of bis bread, Have laded an ay like the grass that we tread. S. tbe multitude goes, like tbe flower cr wetd, That Withers away u let others succeed ; So the uiu'.'.iiuJe Guinea, -ven thus we behold, To repeat every tale tbat Las often been told. For we are tbe same our fathers have been ; o bee ti e tame eights our fathers Laveseen; f e drink the same stream , we see tbe fcame sun, And tun the same cturoe cur fathers bavo tun. The thoughts we are thinking .our fathers did tbink ; Fr oi the deMb we are shrinking our fathers did shrink ; -To tbe life we are clinging our fathers did clirg, but it cptds lr-'tii u all like ihe bird ou tbe TLey loved but the story we cannot unfold ; 1 ILev K.orned but .the bart of tbe haughty is eold ; 1 They grieved but no Wail from their tlumben will come ; They joyed-but ihe torgue o( their gladness is dumb. They died-ah 1 they died we, things that are now, Ti fy walk on ihe turf that lies' over their brot Ai.d u-.uks in tceir dwelling a trrnri nt abode, M'-itbe tLinsjH.:hat tbey cti ou their prgriuiage road. Vra, ai d de?j f.r-dency, j leaf u re and pain. Arc mingled together ia aunEbine and raia ; Ai;.i the smile and the Uar, and tbe scug and th dge, St;!! follow ench bthtr like surge up'n surge. 'T the wink of an eye; 'tis the draught q' a . breath, Fr om le blo.'sim ol braitb to the paleness of death, Kiom the gilded saloon to the bie' and the tbroud Ob I by t-bould the sj irit of mortal be proud. T1IE IIOI'SEUOLD DKl'DGE, A REALITY OF Lirf. It was a pleasant day in June in which I call ihe reader's attention to a small but neat cotiage, situated in the suburbs ol a pruviucial town. In a room on a bed lay u woman apparently dying. She was about ihiny years of age, She bf !d by ihe baud a little girl of about four years. This girl was what any one would call a beautiful child; her hair, of a dar; browp fell in catural curls about her white neck ; her eyes were Mack as midnight, from whose depths sLon love for htr mother, for such the dying woman was. The parent laised jier Lead frcm the pillow and tpoke. , Mabel, darling, you must be a. good girl. Your mother is going. Try to meet me in the better world. Good-by. Kits me once before I die.' Mabel held up her lips for the kies f Han her mother, and soiled aloud. Tbe dying woman then, turning to the doctor, who stood at the foot of the bed, said in a feeble voiced 1 have an only brother, a wealthy merchant. Will you write to him when 1 am gone, and tell him his sister. Ma bel Waters is dead 1 Ask him if he will take pity n my little friendless ibild, and lake her as bis pwn; if he will not, ?he n un be thrown upon the charities of the cold woild. Oh if frank werp only here 1' the sighed. What is your brother's address,?1 said the doctor, mildly, She told him, and then sank back up? oa her pjUow and diid, leaving her earthly friends behind. Dr. Willis mi down and wrote a pote to Mr. St. Clair, informing him of his sister's death. Then calling tbe neigh bors from an adjoining roora, ho btde item prepare ner fur br last resting place. We will now direct tbe reader's at tention to a princely mansion, in ; tbe neighborhood. J wonder who this letter is . from ?' said ftjr. St. Chir, as he unfolded a ! u ter just banded hjm by the servant. ' He ran his eye over the conte.u;?; then threw' it aside" and began" pacing the floor. He stopped suddenly in his walk, and. jerking the bellcord, ordered the servant to tell Mrs. St. Clair he av wished to see. her in the library. ,Tbe servant disappeared, and in a moment more Mrs. St. Clair enterted. 1 Read that, and tell rae what you think of it?' She read it in haste, and then said. Why, Henry, I did not know that you had a sister; you never told me.' 'No, 1 never did ; I will now tell you why. When we were both young. I scarce twenty, she eighteen, thn had a lover whom I despised. I talked il her in vain, my father threatened, but all to no purpose. My lister's name . was Frank Waters. H sought my sifter's hand in'marriage ; my father wnld not consent that his only daughter should marrv a man of no fnrmne ; he told her he would du-awn her. J3ut she heeded not my father's threats nor my noih;i ' prayers, nor my own entreaiies. 1 told her if she married hitul fr one, wuulJ never see herfacp again "One nighf in August the eloped. I have. never seen nor heard from her since, umill now.'- But does she think that we shall take her child and take care of her 1 Or does she think we shall divide the estate betweeu her and Arthur 1 Why didu't.i she send hr to the work-house.? Well. May, I cannot h -ar to see my only sister's child goto the workhou. when we have the means to spare for hr comfort.' Th u I suppo the wi.l have to come here; but,' she added, looking from the window, here com-? Arhur; we will hear what he says .' As she spoke, a lad came gallopVg up ihe walk on a powerful bltck ?t?ed. He was somrt fourteen years of fljr, with jt black hair and eyes ; he was bau'k ful to perfection, and that his mother well knew. Mr. St. Clair pulled the bell crd,aud Arthur was soon uhered into the pres- ence of his parents. 'Anhur,' said Mrs. St. Clair, 'do you want your cousin, Mabel Waters, to come here and live ? '1 did x.ot know that I had a cousin said Anhur. in surprise. J will explain it;o you.' said his fath er, After he had finished, h said-" Now what do you think?' 'She will have to stay iu the kitchen,' said Mrs. St. Clair; he shall not min gle wiih us. I do not wish people to know that she is auy kindreu of ours In about anhour after the above con versation the carriage was on its way for the-poor orphan child, It was about the middle of-the afternoon wru-n Mabel arrived at her new home ; ahe had ex pected to hud one as good as her moth er's, but little did she knov that, young as she was, she to be the household drudge. .Months sped by,nd she and Arthur rpet frequently, until they began to make friends with each othef. Little did they kuow what that frienthip would ripeu tj. Still Mbel was kept in the kitch en. ' Ten long years passed, weary yrats to the orphan girl, with no one to say a kind word to her except Anhur. K6w Mabel was juat buddiu into, womanhood. So far she Lad looked upon Arthur as an elder brother, and not until he had re turned from coi.ege did sha know, how dear he was to her, She lovr d him with all the ardour of her woman's na ture. Arthur, who had just eutered in to busines with his lather, returned that love. Many happy hours had the yo-ing lovers spent in the vine-covered arbor in the garden. It was a pleasant June day, twelve years jafter iabel w3 insialled at the St. Clarir's- Mrs. St. Clair was sum moned tq the palo,r q the presence of a tall stranger, 'Have I tlje jdeasure of addressing Mrs. St. Clair V said the stranger, ris ing. YoahTe,' the returned, with a stiff j bow. I heard you had a little pirl in your kitchen by the name of Mabel Waters. I come to bring her news of her sup rioted dead father. Will you call her?' Sirs. Sf Clair sum nMJr4. Mabelf from the kitchen; she arjvarpd before thrn in all tilt-, beauty at-ti uriet? sauntural to her. She was dn-t d in the: plainest rshion ; a plain lihf print, with ?pot- collar and cuflV Tii" man pat with bo piJ bead until . . -le enterpd ;Mhen iJream, exclaimed. uns" as it f ro n V Tbi?.. thn i my o-.jglver', tor. whmu I have sought so long ! My child my lonsr lost M;tbel !' .. , . .". 'O father. MY" fa'.her, is it . indeed you ? And she was clasped to the bo som of her father. Mrs. St.Clfii had stood as one in trance. Could this diiiu2roihed gen tletuafi be the father of their hojsehold drudg-i ? After the first, burst of joy. from the long-.veparat'rd father and daughter, Mr. Frank Waters turned and said, I thank you, Mrs. Sl Clair, for. the care you have taken of my daughter; Dut we will trouble you no wore. Come, Mabel, the carrriage is waiting; g-i your things and come.' , 'But, father, ll must see Arthur first -and here he comes ; aud as the spoke, Artnur came into the room. What, Mabel, going to leaVe m;; ?' fje smd. advancing aud Uc-thng his ba. O Ai .iia; cried Main i, ihis s iuy Atour advaiiced ui once, aul tX'.n- Jud to biui Lis hand. My laiU'j too,! Shall it not be so MabciT . 'Yes. if my "new-found parent will give me up so quickly.' .'We will ail live together, my child.' Need we add, that in two inouins from the ihac when Mubel wu.s made heiiess to the vast fortune her taihtr had accJtnulatt'd in the mines, there was a grand weding at the aSi. Dlau maasion atid Mabel Waters was made the b.ppy wife ct Arthur &t.Cair,- Yankee litaut. A returned Chinese miscionary re lates the follow ihg a i.ecduie, showing the camion of the He says; Duiirg- cne of cm t jicii"iinns f r laiididaus for b?p'.'m"ut Nakaiij.'.. J observed 'hat onr wonmu aid s -mi l.ilt or fo'iT youi pi-i pl" h td ihp sa-nf suMiamf." This t aurif bd to the foliowiug convi-rr hi ion l etviet n mysell au'l one of 'he yonng iiiuii : 'I t bserve you all have th1 same sur name. Ale you niHili'if of ihe same family ?' I ir.quued. 'Yes.' one rej Jif-d : Mlis is mother, and these are ny brothers.' Where is your father ?' I cotinned. . .'He is at bine, aUendirg to his bu siness.' : 'Does hn approve of your enibracing Christianity ?' 'Yes ; He is entirely willing.' Wiiyd'fs not your fa'her hiuisell bec nie a (.'hnsiian ? .'He t-ays it would not do for all the family to embrace Christaniiy.' And why,' I asked, with ome curi osity, 'does be think so?' 'He said that if we all become Christ ian, our heathen- neighbors will take advauiage of that circumstance .to im pose upon us.' 'How. will they dojhat?' I inquired. 'Christians are not allowed to swear or fight, and father says that when our wicked neighbors ascertaiu that we have embraced Christianity, they, will proceed at to mrse us and malm at. n Hei ce, fathr sr to us, "You may alii b .M orne Ch; i; uans. lot I must remain a heat! f n, so as o retilihe on our bad neigblcrs. Yon cau 0 ro met tir.g and worihijp, but I must stay at home to do ihe fighting and cursing for the family,' It is ppoM-d that the answer and ex cuse were saiis-fctory. Most heads diffuse less light than a pumpkin shell with a tallow cardlt in il. Evil speaks as they wish, rather than what they know. He that would enjoy fruit must not gather the flower, . Never open, the door to a little vice, lesi a large ppe should enter also. . . An bom in the morning is worth, two iti the afternoon. ,;, All thiugs are ?oon pr pirif in a well ordered houssu, . However little we may Lave'to do let Ms do that little well. - " Fair dealings is the bond aud cement of society. . - - ' Money is a useful but a tyranic&l mas ter. The last Speech of President Lin coln, Washihgt, April i2. The Executive departments, including the President's mansion, were illumina ted to-night; and adorned with transpar encies and National flags. '' Thousacda of persons flecked , to the Executive mansion. The President, in t espouse to a unanimous 'call, appeared atan upper window and spkeas fol lows: We? meet this evening, not in sorrow, but in gladness of the heart.' The evac uaiion of Petelurg and Richmond, and the rurrendtr of the prircipal insurgent army, 1'ives hopes of righteous and spee dy p ace. whose joyous expression can not be restrained. Iu the'rnid! s4 ihi, however. He irom whom all blessings flow must not be forgotten. A call for a National Thanksgiving is being prepared and will be duly promul gaitd. Nor must those whose harder part-gives us the cause of rejoicing be overlooked. Their honors must not be paralyzed but with the others. I myself was near the front, and had the high pleasure, of transmitting much of the good hmvs to you ; t ut no part of the honor tor '.he pUn or execution i mine. To O-m-ral C:aut, hi? skillful fiicr aiid btave men, ail belongs. The gallant na vy stood "ready. 'but was not in rtach to tak an active part. Py thse rec nt succe-ses -the rp-in-augeration of 'National authority re construction, which has had a large share of thought from the first, is pressed much more clorely upon our attention. It is fraught with great difficulty, unlike the case of war between independent uations. There is no authorized organ for us to ;reat with ; no one man has authority to give up the rebellion for at y other man. We must simply begin with, and mould from the discordant and disorganized el ements. Nor is it a small additional ( barrassment mode, manner, and measure of reeonsi ruction. As a general rule I abstain from rea i ritr repoitsof attacks upon myself ; not i.o btYrv ked by that to which I cannot D'oj-erly flr aiV answer in spite of hi prri'ftution.' however, it comes to my knowledge that I am much cerisurtd for some supposed agency in setting up and seeking to susiain'the new government of Louisiana. In this I have done just so much and no more than the public knows. In the annual message of Dec, 1565 and the accompanying proclamation, I presented a plan of reconstruction as the phrase go'-s, which I promised, if adopted by any Slate, would be acceptable and sus tained by the Executive. . .1 distinctly .taudthat ihis was not the only plan which might possibly be ac ceptable, aid I alsu distinctly protcs-ed ihat ihe Extcu'tvp la tin d no right to say when' .or whether members should be admitted to seats in Congress from such States, This plan was in advance submitted to ihe Cabinet and proved by every mem ber of it. One of them suagested that I thou Id thenaiid iu that conjunction apply the eiimi cipation to the -except parts of Virginia and Louisiana that should drop the suges'ion about apprentice ship for freed people, and that I should omit the proiest against my own power in regard tu the admision of members of Crwqres. Hut even he approved every part an panel f the plnu' which has since b-en cinphytd or touched by the ait;on ol Louisiana. The uew Constitution of Louisianade claring emancipation for t he-whole State, practically applies the "proclamation to the part previously exempted. It does not adopt tLe apprenticeship for freed people, and is silent as it could not be otherwise about the admission of mem bers t Congress, so that it is applied to Louisiana. Evry member of the Cabinet fully approved the plan. The message went to Ccngress. I received many commenda tion!" of the plan; written and verbal,and not a single objection to it from any un til after thft news was received nt Wash ington that the people of Louisiana had berjun a move in accordance with it. I had corresponded yyitb different per sons supposed to be inteiested in seek ing the reconstruction of tbe State gov ernment of Louisiana. When this mes sage of 1563, with the plan before men tioned, reached Nevv Orleans, General Banks wrote me that he was confident that the people, with the aid cf his mili tary co-operation, .would construct stb tantially on that pUn. I wrete him a ad the is unknown. Such has been my only agency in the Louisiana movement. My promi? is made, as I have previously stated; bu' as bad promises are letter broken thn kept. I shall treat this as a bad promise, and break it whenevery I shall be con vinced that keeping it is adverse to the public interest ; but I have not yet b?eu so convinced. I have been shewn letters on this suljoct, supposed to be able cues, in which tha writer expresses a regret my mind ha not seemed to be defi nitely fixed on ihe question whether se ceded Siates, socalitd, are in the Union or out c f it. It would have added astonishment to his regret were he to learn thatN since I have found professed Union men endeav oring toanswer that question, I have purposely .forborne any public expression upon it. It appeaas to me that the ques tion has not been, and is nbt yet, a prac tically national one. and the discussion of it, while it remains practically un natibnal, could have no effect, other than the mischieveiy une of dividing our friends. As yet, whatever may become the question is a bad base of dispute and jrood for no'hing at all. We all njrree tLat the srereded States so tulied, are out of their proper practical relation viih the Union and that the sole object of the Government, civil or military, in regard to those Slates is to again get them in to their proper relation. I believe that it is not only possible, but in fact easier to da this without de claring, or even considering whether 'these Statesliave ever been out of Un ion, or whether finding themselves safe ly at home, it would be utiterly immate rial whether they had been abroad or not. Let's jmn in doing acts nccessaTy to restore the proper practical relation be tween thest Stales aud the Union to each other forever ; after innocently in dulging his own opinion whether, in do in? acis.he brought the States from with out into the Union, or only gave thern proper assistance, they never having been out of it. The amount of Consistency, so to speak on which the Louisiana government rests, would be more satisfactory to nil, if it contained 50 000 or 60,000. or even 2CT.CC0, instead of 1:1.000. as it does. It is also satisfactory to seme that the elec tive franchise is not given to the col ored man. 1 would myself prefer it were now conferred on every intelligent and on i hose who serve our cause as soldiers, still the question i not whether the Louisiana Government as it stands is qui'e all thit is desirable, the question I- will it be wise to take "it as it is, it self to improve it or Hfject and disperse. Can Louisiana be brought into her proper practical relation with the Union by-sustaining or discarding the new Gov- j ernrnent ? lSme 12,000 votes in the I heretofore slave State of Louisiana haw sworn aliegience to the Union, assumed to be the rightful political power of the State, held elections, orgamzt d a State Constitution, giving the bent fit to the public .schools equally to the black and white, and empowering the Legislature to confer the elective franchise upon the colored man. The Legislature has already voted to ratify the Constitutional auK-ndineit re cently passed by Congress, ab.-lijhing sh.vt.iy thri ughout the Union, perpetua tt'd freedom in the State, committed to the very things, and nearly all the things the nation wants, and they ask the na tion's recognition and assistance to make this committal. .. - We have rejected and spurned them: we do cur utmost to disorganize and disperse-them ; we, in fact say to ths white ! man, "You are w.rthle9s and worse ; we will never help you, nor b helped by ; you.'? To the blacks we .'ay,. "This! cup af liberty, which these your old masters held to your lips, we w U dash from you, and leave ycu to the "ihances of gathering tbe spilled and sea :ered contents in some vague and indffinita when, where and how " If this course of discouraging v d par alyzing both the whitaand black has any tendency to bring Louisiana to her prop, er fractional relations with the Union.. I have to far been uualle to perceive it; if, on :he contrary, we recognize ancT sustain the new government of Louisi ana, no converse of all this is made trne. We courage th.3 hearts and serve th? ; arm cf 12,000 to adhere lo their work, and argae for it, and 'fight for it, and j feed it and gcverq jt, and repair it ta 1 n.ipitu success. . The colored man tco, ia eeeicg all united for time, i inspired with vigi lance and energy, and doing to the satn9 er.d gran; that he desires the elective tranchise. .Will he not attain it; ner by saving the already advanced step; to ward it -than by ; movicg" backwards over them? Concede, what tha new government cf Lcuistar.a is enly to what jt should be, as the egg to th fowl, and', we shall sooner havethe fowlly hatchic the-egg ly smaihirg it.' Laugh ter . . ' :. . Again, if we reject Louisiana, we al so reject our vote in favor af the proposed amendment to the National Constitution. To meet this preposition, it has been argued that r.o mere than three-fourths , of those States which have net attempted secession are accessary to ratify aa amendment. - - ' I do not commit' myself agfnst this further then t3 say that euch inferenc woald be questionable and sure to bs persistently questioned which tbe.-ratU hcation by three-fourths cf all the Statei would be unquestionable. :--- I repeat ths question : Can Louisiana be brought into her proper political re lation with the Union by di-cardibg her new State government? That ' which has been said cf Louisiana will apply ta the other State, and yet "so great pg culiarities pertainto each State, r and such important and sudden changes 'ia . the same Stite, and withal so cow and unprecedented to the whole ease, that no exclusive and inflexible plan can safely be prescribed as to the details of collate erals. V Each exclusive ar.d inflexible-' plan wjuld surely become a new ; entangle ment. Important principles may and must be ir.flexible. I am con sidtrlcg, and shall not fail to acf when; satisfied that action will be proper. f - 1 The following account of tha attempt ed asiass.icatron of Secretary : Seward, is probably correct, and forms another chapter to the horrible tragedy enacted in Washington on ihe 14th- It is state ment of Mr. Robinson, a soldier and nurse, v?io was with Sec. Seward, when the attack was made; . t Accorciug to his narrative, FredJSew. ard, Maj. Seward and Mr. Hansel! wera all wounded on the stairway, as hereto 'fore mentioned. ' , As Rolins6n opened ihe door to bara the cause cf the disturbance without, the man struck at his breast. In his hand he had a long knife, the blade was about 12 inches in length and one' inch ia width. Robinson determined to oppaso his prrgrt.?,;iai$f;d his arms ' ta pirry the blow, th'? consequence . was that a wonnd w.s inflicted in the center of hia forehead cljae to the hair,, which .ha wears turned lack, the knife glared, nnd tbe clinched hand in which The man held the di-ger came down upon Mr, Robinson's face and felled hici ia tha floor. , - - Miss Seward at this, juncture', escaped from the room j.nd run to the front win dow, screaming murder. The assassin leaped to the bed where Mr, Seward lay, still apaarently in a helpl?sj condi tion, and gave a tremendous blow at his face. lie missed hi mark, however. and almost fell across Mr. Seward's body. By this time Mr. Robinson had recov ered , jumped on the bed, and. caught hold cf the assajsm'a arm. Whilst was thus attempting to hold the assassin, ihe latter struck Mr. Seward on the left side of the face and then on the right side. Then botii get on to th-ir feet, Robinson still keeping firm hold of him. The assassin reacned his left arm ever Robinson's shoulder and endeavored to force him to the fbor. Finding that h roold not handle Robinson in that' pes; tion he drepped j his pistol jvhich. hi4 been forced against Robintcn't face ia thehand which was arour.d his neck, caught hold of "Robinson's' right arta with his left hand end struck behind Mr. Robinson with Ihe knifeA-They still continued to struggle for a fewno ments, Mr. Rob;n.?aij forcirg totvardt the door, which was open, with the in tention cf throwing hinv over, ihe ban nister. When they b.d wdv reached the doer, Maj. Augustus. Se-.v'ard enter ed lh.3 room. Robinson ctjicd hira'.ot take ihe knife cut cf the r -:in' hand. Mai. L'eward immediately clinched thd ns?assin. The latter'then struck Mr. Robmsoa in the stomach, L nocking him down, broke away frc:n ?.Iaj. Seward and pushed down -stairs. During 'the "sctifile, when he cannot y. Mr. Rob inson rec-iived a v.cui.d quite serious, some two inches ia breadth, oa the up per prt cf thb right shoulder, another a little lower down on the same aide, and " X flight one on the left shoulder. While struggling with the r;an near tha iedtide, he had seized the wrist cf hi light bnnd, in which was the darger, and did not release his hold until knock ed down by the asiassin near ths d:or and after.Maj. Stward had roj t " assistance.