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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1862)
1 . -- . FISH nil fi II VCKlht.rubliher-. TJILUSDA-Y MORNLVG, 3IAV,.2?,.lEf2.. ' !-.- w y1 - y ; v ' .v Then Bp with fnr Cay! let it atrearn rn ike k5r f V. ' ''-,,1.pi ere 1a their granr. Thehad Lanus that'cou'J alrlie, tie tad'ejuls thatcould rlr,r- Aodi iroLS were not born to be ilaveil v . Cp. ap with that banner! where'er it ma j call, 0rvwilHrtebli fully around t ; . A ntion of frctnon that ib"tnent eLa'I Fall' U'kenJUftarrah&'J le trailed en the roucd.i - v. Tfee;Mjra$Ki Contested Election -The debate in the Hpuse of Representatives- ori .thisl case occupies ' fire or six pages in" the Congressional Globe: ' Mr'. Morton displays n good deal of ingenuity irf defending his claim to his seat. Prob Ably "tin oiher man" ia; Nebraska would hare. made the' fame effort.. . The argu ments used' by Morton and his Democrat-, ic friends in Congress, are based upon technipalities! Morton well. knew that Dailyl claimed his.'seat on the ground that a stupenduous fraud was committed; in what. was styled the northern precinct of Lead-qui-court county.v That this fraud Was committed, Daily proved by fonr wit nesses three of them "parties to the cri irinVe., They testify that 122 votes were cast tor; iuortoriDY men only iwo:ot wnom lU'ed iu.the county. ' Many of them roted several limestone cf. them as often as tw'ehty-r-and' then voted for their friends living in Dakota, Iowa, r-St- Louis 1 and other part cf ihe -United States. - One . of the men, i who voted by proxy waa a lame nVgrb fiddler, living 160 miles away i'n low-a (Wo hope Morton's Demo-cj-atic friends will say nothing more about ' negro's 'roticgi) ..Morton .knew. 'very well ;hat thi$ fraud-would, be the crinri pal point on which Daily 'a claims tcra seal ih Congress srbuld 'res : iThou'gh he de jded -ajiy fraud,, he knew that 'the people ttrougtiouS-thd' Territory, -Democrats as well as Republicans admitted iv yet, in the '-contest', he and his friends in Con gress rare content with! trying to impeach Daily's, witnesses, on the ground that at leaiTthrce " cf "them. 'were participants 'in tue,.fraud..VIf "Jie believed the north- ejn precicct cf X'eau-qni-court ' to be a pcpa'.cas. ijeighborhood capable of poling ' 122 Jegal voterj, it would have been very j f&7'id prove it; ' Morton has a' great ; deal tb'say about frauds Sy Daily's friends jn'ranons'Trarts of- theTerritory. Nearly! . every precinct and county in th6 Terri-1 torj giving a llepubllcan "majority ,he claims Should be thrown cut, on somepre text, or. other. r.,- . ( kl hen "members of a legislative body re,tryingVcqntested case it . is their duty to.tJceftain'& near as iLer number :of volet honestly poled for eachTAndidate, wuhoct'referehce to' me re informalities Cf an unimycrtant.charactefron'the part cf toe tfficets of election,; They jshcuJd gjvejhV. ea't'to tin man' who received the mostiegal votes.Sf lhey can ascer tain the fact. .Yet, Morton inhisVpeech inXorgrcss-xays : r 'The'j returns" fr.on " the;. counties - of Doe,-Cass. Johnson, Lancaster, Nema h'a"cnd2Yaihingtpn should all be thrown outr.nnd'theic. .votes deducted from the cpvifitrbe'cause ihie" county clerks returned no j batfact of the Votes cast in each pre- t cinct, as the law requires they' shall.", J . 'During'the debate, ex-Gov Black is tpohen bfandrLis motives-j"n cinng a certifier tejoDajlx impugned by Ex-Gov. RicharJscn.and xjther Democrats.,Mr. Sloorhcadcf rPa., jeplied as fallows ;n i4!;ejec?jr y . t4tMr. 7 1 0 D R 1 1 E.V D.'T n the course of this discussion there:has been- frequent reference -to aiconsiitueut- of ' wine a hravc," a, gallant,. afcd an : able man who ws - tbfr .firM.lo enterttho.intrencbmenl3 cfho -enemy at Yorkto'.vr I allude j to Co!. Samuel Y. Black, late Governor of Nebraska Territory. He isa man of grcut abilitya man of bravery and of it: t egr c -'' :, ; " " : : ":I wbu! J "feel- thaT I Vas'derelicfto my duty ffLrwere to" sit Wre quietly and listt h' li repic'athes thrown upoa the" In tc.::itycf the gchtfenian to' whom I hare ' rtferrf J.'IiwjU'nol so'tit and hear, ftich ie'prfcaches upon.his integrity, ibis' honor, and his honesty. I' indeed thought it a singular prccef Q,ijatllvj2lenlemen 5,Wd .appear, hra wih certifica-.e.of ereciiiri'i re preent the Ten-ry f"e ' iVask.", jl 71 very intimate 'with Coldcel LlaclfV'd ivhile his regiment was cuar- recting an error about to be perpetrated upon that Territory." We have seldom read a debate in Con gress in which there was so much person al abuse induced ia i by Mcrton s friends towards D-i y, E.aclc and Daily's witnesses. VYe que e a portion cf Daily's reply: V . ""-f v ' "There have been a great many things taid in regard to this man Dundy, a friend of mine, with whom I am intimately ac quainted, for the purpose of injuring his ttiLtiiiHt Iljii.-ir---V iuvre -ii,2h-- minded, mores intelligent, more reliable, tnd more honorable man, does not live than this man Dundy. he did not. I believe, knuckle to the Buchanan Ad- nrnTstraticrrrnnd there is- the tin. If he had praised Buchanan and Breckinridge at the proper time, and the Buchanancnd Breckinridge men, ruch as the marshalbf the Territory and Desconde, the brother-ia-lav"of ' Bearregard, and all the leaders they appointed, he would have been treat ed differently. When' those men I have mentioned went cfF south i to join the i southern army, jmy friend Morton,' who acted with them up to that time,, struck c2" and came to Congress to contest a seat, thinking he could . make more money, by coming here than by going, there;, and cow he pilches into the former Governor: of the Territory, wKo isnow"aVthe,head cf his regiment in McCleiIar?s armyi; ' Mrr; RICHARDSON. Do I; under stand the gentleman from Nebraska, as casting the slightest.suspicton, by imputa tion even upon the loyalty and devotion to his country of the contestant here ? Mr. DAILY. I have only this to say. I do hot like to make any charges, and I never would have made a charge in this tvhold case, but would have gone through it: like a gentleman, if they hnd treated me so. But having no merits in their case, theylwere forced, in order tomake aiight tgainst me at all, .to travel outside of the case, arid cas imputations cpon me. And now, I will say that I will make no charge iipon the contestant here; but I will do this, 'may it please the gentleman, from Illinois,-! will .put him inf iht hands of his present .Democratic friends now re maining in the Territory, and I believe the Democrats upon this "floor can vouch for his Democracy-1 ''believe the gen tleman f rem Ohio who is now looking at me; can vouch for the Democracy of Mr. !B!ackmnn. formerly of Ohio, apd now xt Nebraska City T j;.-- 'zzl.-:'i i Mr. COX--Does the gentleman refer tome? . ,,'r n .; ....... . : ;Mr. DAILY. I do.' ; V . ' . :...:' Mr'. COX.-He left my "district some four years ago, and I do not know what his political status- is. If ; he: is , ai. friend of 2the gentleman, l am a little afraid of himr' "Laughter; c: ; t:-c- :t . : Mir. DAILY. That is begging the question.. He is not a' the gentleman but he was" a member, of the convention' that nominated my friend Morton as a candidate for Delegate to this House. and he has written me a "letter which he says I am' at liberty to use, in which he declares that" MortonY,sympa thy with the southern traitors i known and read of all inea, that he would not tnisf any plec6 or at any time", and that he is'scry to eay that he.' voted for him as Delegate. .'Mr. Blackman is cow a captain in the: Union Army.'r He. has taken Ahe other' shoot.: Laughter. r Mr. MORTON. -Mr. Speaker if the sitting member will permit me to make a remark' here, this is a very eerious charge. . Jlr. ' DAILY. I do not make any, charge.1 " I leave the gentleman in the ha"nds of his own political friends. " ' , - Mr,:MORTON.-It is one which I did not expect to hear either upon this floor or anywhere else." - I have simply thii-to say, that towards the close of the Thirty Sixth Congrpss, - when the nation --itself: seemed in the convulsions of ;dissolutionn when amid the roar and 'din cf assemb ling armies, 1 heard the voice of the ven erable z gentleman from" Kentucky. Mr.', Crittenden .sounding calmly and grand-; ly over ana above all the terrible tumult, saying unto the waves of sectional strife, Peace, peace, be still,5' I caught thfc words and echoed them -even upon i the far-ofT -prairies cf ' Nebraska." Itithat may'have been disloyalty, then I am .dis loyal; if that may have been treason,-1 am proud to ;fce! called a traitor a Crit-I tenden traitor. i ' - . r : . v. 3Ir. , DAILY Wilij the r gentleman clcse with prayer ? ; Laughter. X will seud up the letter to be read, "that it 'may be seen tha!LdoJnot'rnakethe"charge,' acd I will s:sv that ,I have got other lt ters, ' all" from reliable Democrats aricf men who were members of Ahe. conven tion which nominated the contestant. " . .,Tp Mr, Daily's proposd for the Clerk to read the letter objection was made by Messrs.: Richardson r.Vallandingham and othersl b The Speaker decided lhai Mr; Daily had a right to'read the letter ; but as objection was made he declined readin it. .. .In another columntwill befound ah ac count cf the death , of Cleveland His early history is shrouded in profound niys- tery-'.-Socse person may:- knovyr his. pa rentage, plater oL.uatmtyi end .early .ta re aff-"and it may: gome day be given to the;worldr 1 At present," the' first lhai is knoVn oY him ' fie "was! an inmate of 'the JefTefsori Citv PenitenliarVf and w I T rr f. . nnlxcw an nno '. tcred near tne cjiy, I toov -occasion to , jeuersouivy a .euucuuaj j, -him why. It was so,- and he' explained It to ilied by Goo" Jackson". Hd f was next rl. j -tliird'satisfactloh, so that I ian . -'with ; 0j j:er . at Campackson under Frost." pxCXUti Jc.ti ;.J great confJencj cast " u , : ' v-'J'.'J LlAr.v' fc . . b. - . . . . Vm ip to l-A eni to Jvansas, lasiAua , my honest vote. JIi.j plaiucd-tha matter in wr r, that the first certificate was-cb- tahicd j'r?:Kfraudf.lect,.cri lo use his own cxrreiy'n,'tl-cgus retufns? " At thetime hi- J i he Certificate hebelieved theinV he .asau'sfiCiiar;d convinced, aher a tl.ircugh infestjgaticn'cf the character cf the returns, th&t "they were' fraudulent and that -wns .3 cuty o-give-a certili cr, i tq.Ce mm '. ad received a lafge fr.s'-riiy cf '.he vc'.cs cf the legal voters cf Tri riicry, ar i his therefore" gave i: irJlr. iv i'v.' . . .. . ; Col 'klzzY. I would alfo'Edd; is a Dim ccrat. quite" as'rank a one 'as r.iy friend frc:n Illinois TvhTha s j a'sTs p "ok e n upon tV-f.V.'.'cU fMr." Richardsc:i,'.n3 he rrrittt ne II? was LCt iu a political c c'jrvc it nrat to do s ide-.z.pslitical.fri:;:.l f;r,ap:li- lical enemy, anjl hotior iiuaicr taas cor- f dtung calling-himself hy thtf came. cfHoort. His career in Kansis, Western - Mi:sou rVihd 'Southern- Npbraska, during Fall'and , Winter? a're well known Prob ally no . pirate, or highway, robber ever was more dreaded tlian Cleveland' was' by arlirgeu po'rtion: cf th cttixena. of. the Missouri ;Vil!ey.; Thousands havq trem Lied at tho.i ! raeatica of his 'name. I He seemed to piece co'valce'on human .life. No man, even among his friends, was safe if he crossed-his jath. ; . - - ' The foliawing comments. on his char acter are from the Leavenworth Censer vaiire:: , r; . .., ' .; ,:'IIe .becani "popular as. a fighting roan at the time Union mea; were hearty le&ily driven from their " borne in the f.'L Ccltirate; Tbcrcaslily; , ; : ' Our reader will pardon us-for a little gratuitous advice, now during the corn planting season. -' Do not 'plant 'more than you can thoroughly cultivate. Corn will stand -drouth" much', better if frequently plowed.' " Some ' think' r that ' frequently turning up the moist .earth causes it to dry sooner. and deeper, but- experience does not' confirm : this theory. - Nothing but the most thorough cultivation in this country can keep the "weeds down. Last year weeds were pretty -easily destroyed, but two and three years ago many fields got a seeding that will take "nine years to eradicate.' .' ;;V ;;CSrcnlar of Jeff. Dails. . r We . give below a few, extracts .from what purports to be a secret circular from Jeff. Davis to the Governors of the Con federate States.:. This circular, it is said, was obtained by ths Union army on the Potomac, and from there'was sent to the press by telegraph. Its 'genuineness is denied by many ; but . whether it came from the pen of the Confederate Presi dent or hot; it shows the aspect of the Confederate cause; ..r .... . .r. r- ? ( Private . and Confidential. ) -.;: .r: :CAfATAi. C. S. A., Richmond, ) r i. -oJ fJ.: -April 18th, 1862. j y ... ;Sia:?It. can no longer be denied that the prospects of success foV the Southern Confederacy "are gloomy and foreboding on every hand. Whether through lack of. skill or the open treachery of the offi cers of -our army and navy it matters not. We have met with disasters and defeat " -With'a Continuance of such results, ere the month shall1 pass away our boasted Confederacy will exi3t only in history. The past shows that we need larger 'dis patriotism! military skill,-per? sonal bravery, and a firm spirit of devo tion to the just cause in which we have enlisted.V Unless 'these requisites devel ope themselves to a "fitting .extent, Ave fight invvain ; unless we have mote cleaf indi cations that the great heart of the people it with us, our efforts' will be futile. 1 - The government is impatient to retrieve the disasters which .have befalleri'us, and that yet fetire us in the fae on every hand; unless the people rally to its ; assistance. McClellan is alreadyonoving on the Poto-, mac.. Halleck's operations in the. South west' are at every step'successful against ui. ; The Federal army and navy already1 menace the metropolis of the Southwest; and thet keys to our granaries. Florida is overrun by Northern invaders, - while wherever we look ; we gazer upon an ad- vaucing army. .; l v . -. ,cIf- our land is to .be overrun and our people, subjugated, . let. us . leave our con querors a smoldering waste to reward them for, their toil and pains.' Burn every hamlef,' village 'and city; "give; the torch freely to your -cotton and houses ; let the products of your lives be la?d waste ; fly yourselves before the invaders when re sistance shall no longer avail..! "j;;-!-.: . : W - mm M A 5 lYe have a letter from" F. S. CaAMri Adjutanj "Nebraska First "Regiment,;in rhich he requests us to make ihefollow-in- siaiernentln regard toJMrl Jotbca's arre$t:..;::. .,;. r c? : ll have to state that by order pf .Col. TriAYta l placed Mr.-Pcwck in arrest; bnt he had tha privileges of ,the camp.- Two i days . 'isiierwards, .. the . Regiment went on board the steamer John Raine,' and on the boat he had the same privil eges and liberty which the other "officers and men had.' He was never placed in prison,, and was released before we left the boa'u" r- j -U) ' ; ' ; : Adjutant Ckamtr also "takes pleasure in stating 'that Mr: Potocic did fight well atTiltsburg;": -: v:ri l-1Vr' ---- border counties of Missouri. He es poused their cause, fought gallantly againsl their rebel persecutors; and his motives were for a comparatively long timet':i5u?,ticr'!d. I lis brfvery macs Jennis n his friend, .;. 1 whc.i tl-2 Firit Cavalry was organized Cleveland becar 3 a Capt-:n. ; . : : . He 3r.turaIr.r-isIav!es- adven turer, and Jer.nison and Anthony,' who had befriended him most, for sufficient causes, got him out of their regiment al most as soon as he was mustered in. -From- tha tt i m e, 5 e p tern be rU ? tjh e-h a ? i been known chieuy as a desperado and robber. One of his first operations was at Kansas 'City, ' where he broke into Northrop and Go's Bank and robbed it of 3,000, A similar attempt.. made. after- nvardsat-Atchison-was a failure." During all these months he -has led a wildstrange life. He seems to .tare made his principal headquarters at Atch ison "and-EI wood Soldiers have-"l)en constantly looking for him, and have twice nearly-captured him, but audacity, brava do, and'like. stealth, have :been his preserves "till bow. . .. ' His band hs never been large, and he often traveled alone. His "skill in dis gaising his appearance anc1 voice were so great that even to those who knew; him well he seemed each day a different man. And this,' too, although he was more than six feet in height, and had a form as straight: as an arrow." .Some persons, blessed with more imagination than brains believe he; led a-charmed life. ..They called him the . ''Phantom Horseman of the Prairie,", and told strange sreries of his prowess and,. good fortune.. How many men he had killed, how; many hor ses he had stolen, .how many houses he had plundered, no one " can tell. c There are hundreds of persons all through the State who sincerely believed that he was an' honorable man; that he was actuated by pure motives; that his courage was genuine, and that he never molested Union - men until . Union men began to hunt him down.'; '; ; It is probabjy true that thewar, which, to a, people .accustomed- to peace, has brought forth such new, and. astounding traits of character; has not yet produced such another marvel as Cleveland a man whose story will be told around the fire side for an hundred years' to corned as one of the most brutal cf villains as one of the most romantic heroes. .':,: 1: - OFFICE AL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Passed at tVs Second 'Sessivn of Hit IKrty- &vmf.h Covaress, ; - " V Pcruc Resolctiom No. 23. J OIST niiSOPUTION to supply the Smith sonian Li!?iit!o:rwith volumes of Wlikci' Kxplciirg Expedition. lie ii resolved l'j the '-.Senate and Ilousa of Iiepresentutives of the United States of Ameri ca in Cfjngrrss assevil-led. That the oface? in charge of the Library of Congress bo and ha i? hersbjriLirected to f arcishrrto thcr oficerrin charge of the Smithsonian Institution a copy of each of the volumes of the Exploring Ex-pediuwi-b Captain Wilkes, cow in tha pos session of the Library. Approved April 24, 1862. Public Resolution No. 29. AU1ESOLUTION explanatory of and in ad 4 dhion to the act of Juno third," eighteen t hundred and fitty-six, granting public land "."to the State of Wisconsin to aid in the con ; struciion of railroads ia said StAte. - Be it resrfved by the Senate and Bouse of Rep resentatives cf tit United States of America in Congress assembled, That the word "norther ljr,"i in the first section of the act entitled "An act granting public lands to the State of : Wis consin to aid in the construction of railroads in said State," approved June third eighteen hundred and fifty-six, 6hall, without forfeiture to taid State or its assigns of any rights or benefits under said act, or exemption from any of the conditions orobligations imposed there by, be construed to authorize the location of tba line of, railroad in said first section pro vided for upon any eligible route within ranges tixteento twenty-three, inclusive, east of the fourth principal meredian. And the line of railroad as now located according to the records of the General - Land Office in pursuance of said act is hereby authorized to Iw changed to e including new'standard preparations, and of all boukvinstrnments, hospital stores, furni ture and other articles required for th8 sick and wounded of the array. In all cue of mereucv ihev mny prov;da such additional ccommodiiions for the si:k and woiui 1j1 cf the army, tnd may transport such n:.- heal aappliLS ju drciim.t.mcei m ly reniter rcces-5-iry, urdcr such reulatioii as r;j.iy hereafter la esLiUished. "and shall ni-ik's promt, t and immediate Usues uxi all special - requisitions made upon them under such circumstances by medical officers ; and the special requisitions fcluli consist simply af a list of the articles .required. thJjni:dities requii-jd, . dated, and. signed by tha medical ofOcen requiring them" Sec. 6. And bo it further enacted. That whenever the inspector general, or any one of the medical inspectors, shall re;xrt an officer of the medical cjrrs as disqualified, by age or otherwise, for promotion to a higher grade, or unfitted for the performance of his profes sional duties, he shall be reported by the sur rrpon r-aiieral for examination to a medical board as provided bv the seventeenth section of the aot approved August third, - eighteen hundred and mxty-ODe. ; Sec. 3. Acd "be it further enacted, Tha the provisions of this act shall continue and bo in force during the existence of the present rebellion and no longer. Provided, however, That, when ilm act shall expire, all ofacenj who bhall have been promoted Irom tne med ical stau cf the armv under thu aut shall re tain their respective rank in the army, with such promotion as they would have been en titled to. Approved, April 1G, 1S32. Pcbl-c No. 52. AN ACT to auihorize tha Pos'master Gene ral to establish branch post ofbes in cities, Be it enacted hi the senate anl Jhustof rep resentatives; c f le United slates of America in Congress assemhled. 1 hat the Postmaster Gen era! bo authorized and directed, vt hen in his iudzment the public interest ot convenience witnm tno above specihea limits : Provided, , may require it, to establishono or moro branch however, That upon the construction of said railroad upoQ"the new line, or of a sufficient part thereof, according to the terms of said act, the State of. Wisconsin, its grantees or assigns, shall receive upon the route originally located, and in the manner prescribed by the fict, the same quantity of lands, and no more or other, except as hereinafter provided for, as it or they would have received if suca railroad had been constructed upon the line originally located. ; Sec. 2. And -bo jt further resolved. That there be and is hereby granted to the Siaie of Visconsin, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of a , -rail road from the twon of Appleton, in said State, to soma point on Green Bay at or near the mouth of Fox river, iu said State, so much of the public iands of the United State3 lying at or near. the mouth of said riverain the county of Brown and State of Wisconsin, knswn as the Fort Howard Mil itary Reserve, as may be required for right of way, tracks, turnouts, depots workshops, ware houses, wharves, and: other railroad uses, not exceeding eighty acre, to be so selected by the State of Wisconsin or her assigns as to exclude the fort therefrom ; Provided, how ever, TEfct if no railroad, be construed and in running order between the termini in this sec tion mentioned within three yeari from the passage of this joint resolution, theo 'his grant shall be void. Sec. 3. And be it1 further resolved That the Secretary of the Iuterior be and ho is hereby authorized to cause all even, sections or parts of even sections of public land that may be brought wnhin bix milts of the new line of railroad, a herein provided for, to ba sold at the same price and in the same man ner as those have been upon the orginally lo cated route of railroad. And all purchasers. or their heirs or assigns, within the six-mile postofSce?, to facilitate the operation of the post office in any city or place which,- m the opinion of. tb.8 Postmaster, raav require such additional accommodations foi the conven ience of the inhabitants ; and it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to presenba the rules and .regulations for tha branch post office which may be established by virtue of this act.: , And the Postmaster General is here by authorized to charge one cent, in addition to the regular postage, for' every letter deposit ed in any branch, post office to be forwarded by mail from the principal office, and which shall be prepaid by stamp, and one ant for every letter deliveied at such branch office, to be paid on delivery: Provided, That no let tershall be sent from the principal office to such branch office for delivery contrary to the request of the . party to whom the same may be addressed : And provided, The expenses of such branch service shall not exceed the receipts oh nccor.nt thereof. , I '' ., Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the tenlli cection of nn act entitled "An act to establish post routes and for other purpose?," apprcved' March third, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, be ar.d hereby is repealed. Approved A jtU 16, '1862. , Public Resolution No.27.j A RESOLUTION transferring the superv'sion of the Capitol extension and the erection of the-new dome to the Department of the , Interior. . Beit reeolved hy the 'Senate ami House of Representatives of tlie United states of Ameri ca in Cwqress AtstmbM,- That-thy super vision of the ; Capital extension and the erec tion of the new dome be and the same is hereby' I ransferre! from the War Department tn Vi rijnartmenf nf t.fin TntvTicir A n,l all mits of the said originally located route,,ineDended moner-vhich haa been hereto- . - who shall he more than six miles from the new lire of route herein authorized, and who have paid the sum of two.dollars.and fifty cents an acre, shall have the right either to x change their locations tipon the line as- first established to the new line, upon the same terms, in like qnanfitie?, and in the same man ner, as on the line first established as afore said, or, at their option, to enter without, fur ther payment, any where within the Menasha land district, in the State of Wisconsin, an ad ditional quantity of publir: land subject to private' entry at one dollar and twenty five cents auacre to the quantity entered by them at two dollars and fitly cents aa acre, so that the lands originally entered by them shall be thus reduced to the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre.- . . Sic. 4. And be it further resolved, That the even sections of public lands reserved' to the United States by the aforesaid act of Juno third, eighteen hundred and fifty-six; along the originally, located route of railroad north of thaeaid town of Appleton, and along which no railroad has been constructed, shall hereafter be sold at one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre. -' , Approved, April 25, 18C2. - ,!: . v " : ,?, 1 -.: ;iPtTBUC No. 51. ;" ; AN ACT to reorganize, and increase the efa - ciency of the medical department of the army, ' ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Am erica in Corgree 8 assembled, That there shall be added to the present medical corps of the army tea surgeons and ten assistant surgeons, to bo'promoted and appointed ond-ir existing lawip twenty medical cadet", and as many hospital stewards as the surgeon general may consider necessary for the public service, and that their pay and that of the hospital ste wards in the volunteer, as well' as the regular service shall be thirty dollars per month, to lie computed from the passage1 of this ac And airmedical cadts in the service shall, in ad dition, to their pay receive on, ration per day either n aiud or commutation,; , Sec. 2., Arid. 16 it further enacted, ' That the surgeOn general to be appointed under this act shall have rank, pay, nnd emoluments of a brigadifr general.: . There shall be one as sistant surgeon general and one inspector gen eral of hospitals, each with the rank pay and emolumerts of a colonel of cavalry,' and the medical ' inspector general shall have,' under the direction of the surgeon general, the su pervision of all that relates to the sanitary, con-, ditioa of he: army, whether in transports, quarters, oV cam ps, and of the hygiene police discipline and efficiency of field and general hospitals, and er such regulations as may here after be established.' ISec'3. And be itifurther enacted, That there shall be eight medical insj ectors, with the rank . pay, and emoluments each of a lieutenant colonel of cavalry, and who shall be charged with the duty of inspecting the sanitary condition of tranjioru. quarters and cam psvpf .field and gsneral hospitals, and. who shall ipport to the medical inspector general, under such regulationg aa may be , hereafter estaKlehed, all circu instances relating to the sanitary condition and wants of tfoons and of hospitals, and to thl skill, efficiency and grod coondut of ,the officers and attendents connec ted with. the medical department.. . , Sec 4. And he it further' enacted That the surgeod'general, the assistant surgeon gen era V medical -inspector general, and medical inspector?, shall immediately, after the passage, of thi.t act be appointed by the President by. and with the consent of the Senate, by selec tion from the medical corps of "tha armyor from the burgeons in the volunteer service, without regard to their rank when so selected, but: wUh sole regard to qualifications. . . -t Sec, 5. And be it further enacted, That medical purveyor shall be charged, under the direction of tha snrgeon general, with tha sa lectiba snd purchase ci alt rasdtod supplies; fore appropriated, and all money which may be hereafter appropriated for either of tha im provements heretofore mentionec, shall be ex landed under the'direction and supervision of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, that no money heretofore appropriated shall bi ex pended upon the Capitol until authorized by Congress, except so much as is necessary to protec: the building from injury by the ele ments and to complete the dome. Approved, April 16, 1862. Public No. 53 AN .ACT making additional appropriations for the naval service for the year ending Juno thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty two. . , . . Be it' enacted ly the Senats aud House of Representatives of the United States of Amer Ci, in Congress assembled: That the follow ing sums' be and they are hereby appropriated to be paid out of any money iu the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the services of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two. For the purchase of vessels and necessary alterations incurred in fitting them for service, two million five hundred and thirty thousand dollars. For the purchase of additional vessels, two millions of dollars, - .'. : For the purchase of nautical instruments, books, maps and charts, twenty thousand dol lars. -- : --- ; -- - For repairs at Observatory, freight, and transportation, three thousand dollars. For the ordnance foundry at th8 Washing ton navy yard, fifty thousaud dollars.. ..... For ordnance, one million dollars. SvC. 2. And he it further enacted, That the sura of seven hundred and eighty-three thousand two hundred and ninety-four dollars, being the amount necessary to ba provided, as estimated by a board appointed for that pur pose, jo pay for and finish the Stevens' bat tery now partially constructed at Hobokin. New Jersey, be and the sama is he. eby ap propriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the immediate completion of said battery; Provided, That in the contract for the completion of said ves sel it shall be stipulated that no part of the money claimed by Edwin A. Stavens to have been heretofore expended by him upon said vessel shall be refunded until the amount of said claim shall bo entabliahed to the satisfac tion of the Secretary of the Navy, and the payment of said sum shail be contingent upon the success of said vessel as an' iron-clad, sea going, war-steamer to bo determined by the President, and such contract shall stipulate the time within which iho vessel shall be completed: Provided nevertheless, That said money shall not be exjended unless the Sec retary of the Navy is of opinion that the same will secure to the public service an efficient 6team battery. - Sec. 3. And ba it further enacted That the Secretary of the Navy bo authorized to com mute the navy ration of coffee and sugar for the extract of coffee combined with milk and sugar, to be procured iath8same manner and under Id e restrictions and guarantees as are preserved meats, pickles butler, and desiccat ed vegetables, if he shall believe it wiil be conductive to "the health and comfort 'cf the navy, and H''t moro expensive to the Govern ment than the present ration, and if it shall be acceptable to the men. - - " Approved, April 17, 1832. Public No. 51. AN ACT makirg ay propria tic ns for the ser . vice of tha Post Office Department for the . .fiscal year ending tha thirtieth of Juno, - eighteen hundred and sixty-three. ' Be it enacted ly the Senate and House cf Representatives cf the Uitned stites cf Amer ica, in Congress asseTnhleJ, That the follow, ing suras be and tha same ia hereby appropria ted, out of any money in the Treasury arsirg from. tha revenues of tha said department, for the service of. the Post office Department for tha rear ending the thirtieth of J una eighteen hundred and sixty-thre?, ia conformity to the act cf the second cf July, ciglteei hundred and thirty-six: - For transportation id tha nails, (inland,) six nillion r-i-.e hundred arul tixty one thou sand dollars. Fcr compensation to poitmisf en. two mil lion two hundred and thirty-four dollars. eight hundred and forty-six thou-tand dollars. For ship, steamboat and way letters, twelva thousand dollars. For office furniture ia post offices, two thou- sand.dcU.ars.. .. . . For advertising, "thirty-six" thousand' dol lars ' For mail bags, seventy fiva thousand dol lars. For wrapping paper, forty-five thousand dollars. For mail locks, keys, and stamps, fifty-six thousand dollars. - For mail depredations and special agentJ, seventy-five thousand dollars. Fur miscellaneous payments, one hundred and eighty-seven thousand dollars. For postage stamps and stamped invehopes ninety thousand dollars. . For payment cf balances due foreign coun tries, two hundred and thirty thousand dol lars. ... - - - For payment to letter carriers, one hundred and fifty-two thousand dollars. For transportation of foreign mail., four hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars. For compensation of twenty-five additional clerks in the Post Office Department, author ized by the "Act to promote the efficiency of the Dead Letter Offi.'e," approved January twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, from the date of their. apjointnient to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty two, eight thousand eight hundred dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That if th e revenues of the Pot Otuce - Department shall be insufficient tometthe appropriations of. this act, then the sum of two million one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may ba and the same is herebv apdronriated, to be paid out of any monev in the treasurv not othenvtsa appropriated, to supply dehc:encie3 in the revenue of the Post Office Department for tha year tha thirtieth June, eighteen hun dred and sixty-three. . Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That tba sum of one million dollars is hereby ap propriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the service of the California central route. Sec. 4. And ba it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acta heretofore pant re quiring that tha Postmaster General in caus ing the transportation of mails by stearruhips between the United States and any foreign port or port?, or between any ports of ths United States, tourhiug at a foreign port. shvd give preference to American over foreign steanhips, whan departing from the sama port for the same destination withiri threa days of each other, ba and tha sama is here by repealed. Sec,-5. And ' bo it further enacted, that the Postmaster General ba and he is hereby authorized )o eatabltsh a coos, mail, not less than semi-monthly, by -twm ewiwsi, V- tween San Francisco, and Crescent City, Cal ifornia, including the ntermediat joints: Pro vided. That -the snm paid for such service shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars per annum. . .-. . Approved April 17, 18G HILL'S err. 1062. DRY G0CD3 i! c- THEODORE niaaer. oat or THE or HiTlT Tin -71 T X 0 St NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LIARTENIA'S VARIETIES. DARIKG AND GRACEFUL FEATS or ' OYMIST-AJSTICS. Mon.i. MARTEN' I A, (lale of Nifclo'i Garden. X. T.) baa tha iteasnrt to announce to tba citizen of tbit place and vicinity, that be will give one i-l hi CN1QCK, CUASTE, anil WtnJer-Excitiog EutertainoieQis, ON SATUItDAY, JIAY 2lh. ISC3, which have received the encomioraaof the Preas through out the CniieJ State ana CacadaJ.anU whicli baa never Deea equanea Card of Admission, ... .23 ct. Childrcu, lict. Doors Opea at 7. Performance at S o'clock J. CLARK WKhhS, AGT. That Bsaererbeea exhibited la a tryembrattnsall the lateotitjim limea. His aioci eabricea Vrj Caads, Ciraeeries, i I2ardirarrf0 3 1 a Catltry, Qaeessfjre Shakers, Coots andSioes, ,9 Dfr and Sasat Glass and ratty, rineTrji FRESH ARRIVAL ! JOHiN G. DUESBR, MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N.T., Takes pleaoare In annonncing that he has now on hand, a large and telect atock of every article ia bis Use, COOK STOVES, Of all the Improved patterns, vlt : Prymonth Rocx, Charter 0k, Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, 4tc, 4.C., &., HEATII7G ST0VE3, 7 - ... . . . Box an1 Parior Stovei of an erdlesa variety. r.m of which areenti'elr new Ue-izn, vij : t'ombine-l " Cook and Parlor Stovti, Rumeilnog J very sice for tmall fatalliee. HEAVY SHEET IRON, . for Su$ar Bciltrt, and LARGE CAST IRO riETTI.ES, from 8 loJ2 (llons Coal end Lart Oil Limpi ; . Ora-a, Copper. anl sheet iron ware;.. " ' Lantern. Snoveia and Japacoed. - - - ' Ware, 3 , a.c. ( jlmonttU Dry Cowls wi;i U c - Irict.v Clngharaf, Laws'. : . Crown and CleacaeJ 2 ' Demcej, Striped Sheens;, C ' . tonade, Hosiery, Clsra The Latest Styles Ilaf Skirt, WoUob, a i Uo ranch ths 1zzr' cf QUEEI7ST7AIU3 ia i ' Country. ' ; . THEO. IE JLzen for the Ua-mtital 4 SV 7 Itaod Pscket I,iae of Stessic May 22, 122. XL , a EeaiDer and He' c MAJftJrACTCBAt; SELF-3EAL1H3 FRUIT CANS! I have procured the flgtit to maaufctare a late ple arwl improved aeif-reaiing Fruit Ca to which Ic&U the attenti. f the public. I p!edxe . myelf to eil these cant at as fair ratee and oa aa ax'ommodatinc term-! aa any other etablishtuetit is thi reaiuQ of the CoOnti-y. -.''. 1 am prepared to pat up gatterii.j and po:'.iii;?, ar.d all other work r mj line at (he ah trteat Soiice. aod ia a workmanliks mianer, which I warrant to fire at: faction. - , ,. . ... . I pledge my$tX.i)ot to ta uderolii In tfc t-jer Country. May 22. 1SS3, nc43-tf. ... .. . . E3TJIAY- POSV. -On the 18b day of K-y. A. D.r IStZ, I tot e? fa tny premae. at L)uU j:)j tn Nemaha county, Nebraka., ene hiack Ktnd Fvny, alxw.t veven yej'-s e)i, wits reacted mane, blaze ia lie tc. right Uind le; white talf wjy tip to the knee, two white auut on the back c-c4Inev by tbo nadlle. JOSEPH CULEitAX. My2i, IS2. BlS-3w pt fee l 63 Th! eehrtM tna-hlie Vi- ; GRAIN AXD GRASS CCTTU't N twlthctandine the DiUreprwenta-" , eated in other machiues. C. H. McC ufactnae at the rate of 8,000 pet 1 ' have bee a!Tect1 dnriog the P-'1 M, the -iicCornuck" ia preeated mf' thao ever tef?-. Af reaper, , IK THIS MAC3! Strength, Durafcilit; Simplicity, jrive It preference over U ethers Lri aiWed, have Biaierillf l01,. , " and aaohviated the viii draashl U d that it io n-w e.xit. ice ,M . ta so lixht that ia aomerous XxutZ7i horse mackia la workod wtta hoi t' fop. ;iotvixG The Kirj of irri will t ai ,.T.L' applied, our Guard and r'fo preven-i r-...iin, matter -. r.. rh.; T1W diviir J"" lodgeii and usi:-! l rrr or J 5 cbiueral. - ..,'-"&aZ There 1 aiaoa treat ada '"rrt J. edse over ia sm-n't a, it t so often, tha aaiu4 ..Xi ' raa tt.rooa al entire harvfit ' wti: the aaKth ediS tnni C5 i if n..t er-r it With a sswta ;-'.. ' asthekr.i'e twtaei auii- ...,M" (;:;r t'" - - ....... Jnrl ll W aud ia the rep"iei - iij 'lt proved fjr lighter thai e jWH. am time frm twelve to l;B'yV:-JKi ' Oar Mower can be ruC ' Isirnportant, ta Uhout m w 670 pc tnd. liha-al rfti"!' I all purtttsew. we woa-d , dlrttt.r.a.;7-'itr, i.iAt. AJk.Wjifciu AkJ ! who ma T.TT"DPnT? riTl T1 A PT7TAT Ubroos;h AiJ-LAJH. V J-V S JiXiJLX W 2.1,. tr tb i owe preferred Patrpblfiti wiii fu. (Jescr'.?'!-" fji ine isrzesi, cesi ana mot rtiUhle Fanhion WajniDe testia.oc.', ca intneworta. wniraina tae larre sad Inest sbwd- j (i.iihiiiit'ciini uiiiiiuer ox 3 rip ecjrrsviuKu, t r,e lateiii f ad most reliable inf rtiiaiiua,threefui:-fizfd Pattern s tor Drees. and a bheet of new iiraid-wurk and Em-1 broiderinK Pattrn. Every 3iuther, Dre-smaker, Mil-j I oer and Lady f'eould baveit. Pnfcli-hfd t 413 Broadway, Kew York, told everywhere or sent fcy 0. HltL. iS- 55 cente. Tearly , wkb a valsahla it pitsiu. j The Saaimei can;Hr sow re1y.- ....... f Kyll, B1 (i