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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1862)
gDTERTISER;.:; ,irERTTncnSDAT BT flSHEB & HACKER, rf stricert Elock, XXain Etreel ObNaTI FISHER ! V . i . f i ' ":" f : .A !' ! .. f. : : ' - : -jii: ?: .1 i 1 VAX ... . . ... . f ...... . f - . f ..." . T : f 1 ..! i i : ! -I I i ::! I . ' .. . t ' ' I j i 2 -it " " . i- or rre trllJ Ve f Bnnbed t $! 60 per of 1" "T E: .v. th artier, not -nc!tl tDtCBSii mvuvvxv --' ' : 1 it :. .. I. : : . : I "LiiERTir aiib uiiioir, oris aitd nrsrznABLD, xiott aiid ronuvsn." .i C?Jt KirtC-sallifttr l3i)ct, f. S lac iitiaal ififttisa - t, t IS u i CJ t 5) C IS i 10 0 J I CsrU. x Ua cf lc, 7 ' Ct coicir.n oi.t7evr - - " Ont culota vt ytr Ojt foortfc coiarca oos jr Ont Hsiti coiaEDO pr ? CI25ll!Ita aixv. - Cnt felf co!o:aB .i ; .oa- -Ca foorth Cvlo&T Si c: i.i Oat tizhiiJ of if..:-i' x ai-r:ii Ootc!bCsa thret J - Oftt tlf color s trt ci.i -Oat f3ort! eo!-:s-. :iir Bontbt - Aanounning Cnlii4:e tar t". a (; ij.-t is k1dcc) - .... S CO i x. i micui u i u-t'uvK - ion- . 3 ic - k ptid for In. ulTSfXce. Xettriy utrtimu r- ;0L. VI. BEOJWNVIIiliE NEBRASKA,' THUESDAY, MAY, 15, 1862. NO. 45. ' i . . I ! . ,'csinbss 01;R LECTIC PHYSICIAII SURGEON,: MILLINERY. , jat ei4 MxJtJW:ia kinds nd cf tiu liJteal iljle. ' Tbo Udies of 5 end ricinity nreccrdially invited U cU 5!ithem. First ioor eait of tht iMbodist ..k.wiWHertw . r,ll7,lSfj2. jL r ' rZlEFAIt-G 1 TI-1IC V ' . - AGAINST TUB i r , ' THE PIKES OP FALL, ' . , :B Frime, A. o. I Insurance, I01DIX lilM.110; i E Jf.'Jl'.iKINSON, : , 30UCIT03-JH' CHAHBERY.' ' OJceeorncT or Mic sod First Sts.; CrownviUo'; 2NT- T- i DR. D- GWIN, JIring prajcntly Located rear hoWNVILLE, : NEBRASKA,-. , h.prtic of Medicine and Surgery; tea- Hi profewiontl services to the afflicted. S , one mite south of town, tn the old Mxon UF HAIiTFO ID, : Tht. Fruits cf the Phcsnix Are manifest in the following statement of T:ts and Fgures, showing the cmonnt equalised public benefit, in the ehupo of losses paid in tht wetl and Sooth, during the past four Tears ; a attbstantial rec ord of a m'I - . ITcXl Tried Corporation. . . 11R7 CO-'" NEBRASKA $1,167 CO 4077 65 i--OHIO.... 40.X77 45 27,622 84 .-INDIANA 27,622 t4 CJ 174 58- .ILLINOIS -69,174 5ft 327,70 (Si MIUAlCAtf ..-32.670 C3 34220 IS- WISCONSIN... 34.220 li 1932:$ 34.... IOWA .'-.'lft,323 34 8653 io....'" MINNESOTA 8.653 10 0 765 00-' KANSAS. .;-9.7C5 0 34 054 SS KENTUCKY'.-... -34,054 36 43C54 DO TENNESSEE 43,054 00 23 832 55-.... MISSISSIPPI- ......102 55 27,693 83 MISSOURI -27,6 83 22 839 4.1 'ARKANSAS -..-..'22.839 43 3,961 63 TEXAS.--f -3,961 98 .555 5 ALABAMA 555 55 Insurances solicited, and policies issued and renew ed in this leading Cornomtion, at fair rates by ,' E. W. THOMAS ; Resident Agent. BtWBTmp, Sept. fi, ISSt). ' Augustus Schoenlieit rTORNEY 1 AT LAW, AUCITORSA?I? CHANCERY, Corner T irwv "ati. fitmU-.i . mnvllle. - - - XcbrasUg K JAMES S. BEDFORD . TTORNEY AT LAW, f AND ' n llastcr rommisNtoRCf In Chancery, i BP.ovTryiLLr, y.;T. T. M. TALBOTTt DENTAL SURGED CT, ring located himself io Bro-wnville, N. T.,tea niproiessiouai services w iuuiuuiuiv. i jobs warranted. ' V ' ''X . ' - CITY LIFBRY STABLE -, AND w . BROWN VILLI?, NEBRASKA. ROGERS: & , brother; AVKOL ."CES to tht public that ha bas purCliimed the Livery StaLiS ni Sloes forvnerlr owned br William Roascii and a ' oJ jfcf-eto Bne uck, and U now piepar ert to aocomajk.a'.e tut public wKU Carrbges, t ;- ' Bar M - SnlTkios. : ' ' c middles Horses ' &C. &C. THE TRAVELLIIIG PUBLIC ; . -;; ! - : - : 'J : - Can ' find at hi Stable ample accommodations for horse, mules or cu le. BKXJAMIK 8t JOSmjA KOGEES. BrowBvtlJe. Oct. lSr 1860. nl6-ylv ocks Watches & Jewelry. J. SCHIJTZ ' ronldsnoounceto tbeiltlseas of BrownvIUe S nd Ticmity that he hs located himself in iBrownville, anJlnTenKeepmR a full assort. uf evcrythir.gia hisliaecf butieis, which' will , Jiwforch. ne-iil alsodo all kinds of re : of clocks, watcbe and Jewelry. All work war k. " '-- - ' vanlSly DWAKD' W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, j AJD Dlicitor in 'Cliancery. Oflce emer of alaiu nd Tirst Streets. jROWN VILLE. NEBRASKA. 1 THOMAS DAYIS7 v CLECTLC PHYSICIAN i BURGEON, iBLE ROCK, NEBRASKA r ' nerercne Dr. D. Owin. BfownvfUei - - 1 r ' LEWIS WALDTER, -OlSE, SIG.V AND ORNAMENTAL' :I1LZR AND PAPER HANGER- lRUWNVlLLErN'T ry t FAIRBANKS' ;S C;A' L'E S OF ALL KIKDS. fA!R3ANKS GREEtlLEAF, t LIKE ST., CHICAGO, corner cf Main tt Walnut Sts, St. JLouia. . ICT 05LT TnE J- WILSON BOLLINGER, AND ounsellor at 'Law r?-5!i?Land Collcctlnsr Jtscnt. tUiillE, GAGE CO.,-NEBRASKA. "'U-practice in thes ;ve al Courts in Gnge and . counties, and will give prompt attention wsine ectriwtpil in him r,.V, iaa 1 articular attctiticfi given to loct- !Ta arrant! on Innrla arf f nllv lrtAl l, 'i RH. A.. TERRY, : "folcsakand Retail Dealer in , rC(n, rield and TIoiTcr Seeds, ''i .MS,A?lsrterri. Blackberries, r'r 0rn"ai Shrvbbtry GenercJly. -ggENT CITY IOWA. ! 'PIOHBEES : -j.aia.-uLrcictor'rT- JOHN L CARS01T ' Successor to Lntlibsnsh & Carson, EEJ . STT 2S E2J LAID AND TAX PAYING Dealer in Coin, C'ncurrent Money, Land . Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Dust ' ' MATN STKRKT.' .BRO.IYA'YfJLLE, : I will give especial attention tohnylns an ' Jelling cx fjinpe on the principal cities of t lie United States and Jturope. Gold Silver, nncurrent Bank; AJilln, and Gold Dust, Collections made on all aocesa.le points, anti proceeds remitted in exchauce at current rates. -A Deposit received on current account, and interest al lowed on special deposits ; OFFICE 3IAIX STllECT, BKTiVEEJtT THE - .Telegraph and tho .V , Land O fliers. REFERENCES:; , Llnd & Brother ' Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Carson &. Co., " " ntser. Dick & Co. . -Bammor, ua. Touns & Carson, , . , . ,. ' Jeo. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Tort, win. T. Stnitbson, Esq., Hanker, J. T, Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d Aud. U. S. Tarlor & Kriesh, Bankers, McClelland, Pre co., Hun. Thomas G. Prattj Hon. Jas. O. Carson, ' P. a. Smalt. Kso., rrts't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Shlf y, A'y at Law, Col. Satn.liitnibletonAU'y at Law,' Jadfte Tbos. Perry, i ' Prof. XJ. Tut iler, v TTasfclnjrtor.D.C. ..- T. " " ' ' Chicane, tll.! ' . , ; St. Louis,- Mo. . Annapolis, Aid. '' MercersburaPa : 'Hagortown, Aid. . . '. . 1 " ' Fasten, If d. " Cumberland, ild navaua, Alabrna. Nov 8, lS60-tf. Moxioy AdLvaucod on PIKES' PEAK GOLD ! I. win receive Pike's;. Peak Gold, and .utivance money upon the same, and pay over balance of proceed as iioon as Mint returns are bad. In all cares, I wl exhibit the printed returns of tbe United States, In"' r Assay onlce. .. -A . JNO. L. CARSON, BULLION AND EXCHANGE BROKER BROWSV1LLE, NEBRASKA. : ' c " REAL ESTATE : .A IT V Collection Office OF - . . , Main, B'lizccn Levte end First Streets. , Particular attention given to the Purchase and Sale ofReal Estate, . Waking Col- ; , lections and Payment otVTaxcs lor Xon-Ucsl- dents. LAND T ARRANT S FOR SALE, for cash and on time.' ' ' 1 LAND WARRANTS LOCATED fo r Eastern Cap italists, on lands selected from personal examination, and a completo Township Hap, showing Stre&nis, Timber, Ac., forwarded witalbe CertiCcatt of loca- Brownville. N.T.Jan. 3. IS3L. , v jl , .PiKc'a Peak, or Uust." r ) piioyisici-WGRS, AND DRY GOODS HOUSE. : BllIT.'T'T? V !C2$L BLUFFS, IOWA. JJPP.DAVIS EUITG ! 'fint-1 a JrT Of-TiVCXTCl T 1rtMI'1,J "ttttir Y.t rest qnaliry cf .UGHTNING. RODS . .: . .. . n. n. march. B It 0 Y7I7 V I L L E, IT. ;T. ...... . . i . .- Hare Just completed their new ensinecs aonse on Main Street, near the U.S. Land OfiK-e, in Brewnville wbere they bave opened out and areoflVtingonthe most fvorbl terms. " Dry Goods, Provisions, Of all Kinds, FLOUR, CONFECTION ARIES, Gil EE' AXXJ DRIED FRUITS,'' Choice Liquors, Cipars, -' And a ''thousand and one,' other tblngs t-verybody needs. ' f CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ErownTi;lt, April 26, ly 4i a V ' a r i S.r-: t , !r a ' .It 3 SE3II-ANNU 1L 'STATK3IENTtlST0-102- CAPITOL and SURPLUS , . - , -. . .. , - Tvlny Xctt. lOOl. ( Cash and cash lteraa, ' " $79,C5S 73 Lnt welUecured -K ,;' ' 1 68,253 20 Btal Katate.'. ' 1 : .-, 16,000 00 3C:6 shares ITartford Back Stoclm - - . S74.859 0O 4C5 Newrork., - ' - '. - 133, S50 00 1010 ". :Bost5a " '? 100 760 00 507 " -other - . 63,088 00 tuitcdStfcte and State ".T " . " 73 357 00 TlartldfcN nven .R. bonds "' S9 700 00 Hartford City Bonds i ; 86.750 00 Couu. EivcrCo.&E.R.Co.Stock' 4,600 00 total Asfata - ... v -$93i.30S3 Total liabilities - r . - , . , . - ,, ,73 2i 2 ' For details of investments, tee lttall Cardi and Cir tulars. i r .. '.-. . ' - Insurances may he effected In this old and substantial Company on very favorable tar a. ' ' PP- JOHN L. CARSON, Agt ! '" :' ' ' BROWKTILLB, K T. ; ! JLwelHn!:s and ?arm Pmperty Insured lor a term cf years at very low rates 3 lyno4) ' . : " ' BROWNYILLE i " I -) THORN, COLEMAIi, CO. 9 jtnnonnce to the traveling pnhllcthst their splendid and commodious Steam Perry rannlng across from . : ; '' : '. i i ."-:'.; j..t " - Broovie, ' ?-nnLs Nebraska: ' ' a. i v. Is one of the best n every respect on the Upper Sfis sonrt river. The Boat makes regalar trips every hour so that no time will be lost In waiting. . .... " The- banks on both Sides or the river r low" and wet; graded wbicb renders unloading nnneceesary at is the case at most other ferries, f n ' . ' " - t- . No fears need be entertained as to difficulties atomear this crossing, as everybody tBTTrts region, on both sides of the riveri Is for the Unioo. tha strongest kind. Our chargertK an Item these hard times are lower than at any other crossing. ' 1 i t '.''' .i ; . Travelers from to Iowa and to the east will find this the nearest and best route i" every : -ret. . , THORN, COLEMAK. CO.' Brownvillc, Nebraska, Sept. 21st 1SSS." '" .1 ;' ; JACOB MAHHON, rllerchot Tailor j BROWNVILLE, ; Calls the attention of Gentlemen desiring new, neat, servlcable. and fashionable .i WEARING-APPAREL,'- :;' t '! : :. :;'." ! I '' -tl '.':!' I .-,!, : : ; TO HIS .v Oi;.- : l : FewStock of Goods JUST: RECEIVE 1s ! - .! it ;-i ::! ' i 'j I: t f;!,'.l'j v.i BROAP CLOTHS, CASSSMERS TESTISaS,. kc. Itc,, ' ..-; ,r i.i , f '-v OF THE TERYXATETT STYLES, j r r- r--r'--, 1 ! Wbicb he will ell or make np, to order, atanpreca dented low prices.' 11 - -- - - -" " " - iThese wistuuf any thing Jahls Una, will do wol to call and examine his stock before investing, aa he pledges himself to hold oat pecqliarly favorable in ducements, " " 'i "i i-' '-v Febroar? 13th. 1862. , - . , ,v . . m STDR ) I LI I rf T?nr i ! TJROYirVTLLE, '"'" "VCTiitney'a Bl3ck," Kaln Street. ' LOOK FOR T HE SIGN. OF THE ELK HOM; and MORTAR J,fj;;;:T;MrRi AXKOUXCES totbe'cititensf ErownvilTe and vioinity tha"( he has removed hia Drug Store froai SiJney,IowitotheCity of lirownville, And baring added thereto au extensive stock of Fresh DraSi'. . - .: . ; . .ii .1 .. ; Chemicals, - - .r -:" ; r Dye Stuffs, i . ! : ; ,"i ' 0 i . Paints and -Oils, f' Pure Wines ttfad Liquors,; : ' For Medical ;Purposes,' ' ' : :' : Hair and Tooth brushes, '. " ' Perfumery, ' ' . . .. . -; Fine Toilet Soap, V :' ,'. ... .j &C.j&C, i&c. Invites the public patronage. -., - - 53-Physlclan's Preecriptions attended to at all honrt bum by Jav and ntbe. brownville, Arrit irth,I86l. - n40-yly ' CHEAP FLOV7XH3 mUITS I will wnd, 1V rnaH, postpaid, 100 MtaLL BTT.BS, mostly reuted TCLirS.fw one dollar, and Large Bulbs of same, for $2. .Cther Bulbs, nm4, low mSi:KBACEOUSPETlESJfIAtS,,er 50 sorts, fine mixed ROSES and other HARDY S A RUBE FRY, br express, or railroad, 4 to 8 dollars per ICO. Nam ed ami pnoiCB FOMS, about doub'.o price; and more in small nel-ud lots in ail, 600 ra-leties. , "FaaM. FRriTs"of all sorts, including Delawarb and OoNCono GaarF-S, equally Teafwiable. . ' 4 ; Ffxit and Crkuiksta'lTpkes, 25 per cenLlow er than umal.. All safely packed, to keep a month, purchas.rscost.: Address. , , ' " " ' '. r The Orcre P. O., Cook Co, Ills. 7 ' J Codes TorIcul!i r.nd Age - 1 If one were to' arrange, tbe library ofa man bo bad always been a read er,1 according , to Ibis growth in , years, how very few books ouM be shifted from tbe, child's 'shelves to tbeboy's, and thenco to the nsans; so rarely do onr book companions grow t:p with us1, so commonly do we outgrow them, and use then cuSy'ts 'mementos of former (layiVOi'tLe'lookswhirensiri irllli Vi tLwaiircro' than;' one stage cf lifc there uro 'very few -which we tnjoy .iaeacb .cf.the stagesJ - Bocks of adventure, for instance, keep their charm through : childhood arid "early youth ; but ,whenrour own .period- of adyenture' arrives," we' find it so much more intense than our boyish dreams, that Robinson Crusoe and bis fellows tose their charms ; --when we pass this stage and resch that ofsteady,' quiet' life, and . especially when we enter that period where we sit tinder our own vine and g'tree, these books regain their old charms, because they reflect former experience, and help us to live our more : . impulsive years. So, ' too, fairy tales are inseparable from child hood, but in youth action finds its poet ry in romance, and it is 5 in the years of riper manhood that these tales, re; cover their enchantment, because it is then that the spirit of childhood with in us begins to reassert itself. , Child hood has no : foreknowledge 'of tbe struggle of youth and the reflection of manhood ; yet, t accompanies each state, and finally regains its ascen dency; not now, however, to be sym bolized by the innocence of infancy, but by the white-robed figures with palms in their hands.- National Quar terly Revieto. . ! ' ' Tlic Bee Moth Its First Appcsr : ;V, ance la this Conntry, It -appears that tbe bee '.moth, al though prevalent in Europe at a much earlier day, did not make its appear- this country till early in the present . century. . Its depredations were discovered ,in .'Massachutts, in 180a. It was first noticed, and de scribed in the Boston JPatriot in the spring of 1806; and it is stated that within "two years of that time, four fifths of all the apiaries in that vici nity. were abandoned. . According ,to Di-;.Kirtland's observations, the ap pearance of ' tho bee moth was not noticed in1 Ohio, until after loZ6. In 1831,,' it bad i spread oyer: tbo "State generally.! j ': ' - Since that time a ere at deal of brain labor1 ha3 beri expended,' in ,'devising means, by which to head off this insect. Numerous hives bave. been gotten up. and presented to the Apiarian; all of which, m the enstimation 6f the in ventors, wercfjast'M thing. . Vie will not attempt a description of. any of these several! inventions, or discover ies, for not one of them was any im provement upon ; the "old ' fashioned straw or box: hives, until the system of. .movable cbmb'frames? was devised and put into use. , . : . r : ; n Langstrotfy in his invaluable Work oa tbe Bee, in speaking, of the moth, makes "the following .remarks,', which are . of special. , interest to every bee keeper i at, the present season. Let every - one who has the; care of bees, read them.- '" ' . ; ! ; ' K ' ' '. ' ul shall now explain why. some stocks .flourish; in spite of neglect, while others, most cared for, fall aprey to the moth, and shall show how; in suitable hive3, and with proper pre cautions,, the moth may be kept from seriously annoying the bees. . A feeblo colony being unable to cover its combs, tbej e,re often filled with the eggs of the ' moth, and, fre quently, their owner becomes aware of their condition only -when their ruin is completed. But how, can the novice know when a stock, in a com mon hive is seriously infested with these all-devouring worms? The dis couraged aspect of the bees plainly indicates that there is trouble of some kind within, and the bottom board will be covered with pieces . of bee-bread mixed with the.ezcrmsnJof the worms, which looks like grains of gunpowder. Earlyjn the Spring, before the stock becomej populouSj the bees should be driven up among their combs by smoke, and the bottom-board cleansed. It too frequently happens that, in the com mon hives, nothing; can be effectually done; even when ; the bee-keeper is aware of the plague, within. With the moveable frames, however, ths combs, and. all parts of the hives, . may be carefully cleansed, and' if a stock is weak or qaeenless, , the proper reme dies may be easily applied. If a fee . InexperieneeS bee-keepers, 'who imagine that a colony is nearly m ined when they find a few worms, should remember that almost every old stock, how ever strong or healthy, has some of these enemies lurking about bis premise I tWbenbcesia the spring prepare their eeUs for brood, tbe bottcxa-board U often covered with small piaces cf comb and boe-bread ; but if these are not mixed with the Uck excrement, they are proofj of industry, instead of aign of rata. -. ble stock cannot be strengthened so as to protect its empty combs, they may be taken away until the, bees are nu merous enough to need them.1 ; ' If the bee-moth were s6 constituted as to require' but' a small amount of heat fcr its fall cbvelcpmcnt, it would beeoriie exceed:: ly.; numerous early in the Spring; nr.d might easily enter. the;Hv?3 , and deposit its eggs where it ptisan : fcr at this season, notcnly i3ttiero no guard maintained by, the bees at night, but large portions "ci their ! comb are quite unprotected.' How doe3 every fact'in the history of the bee, when properly investigated, point with unerring certainty to the wisdom of Him who made'itl' t Combs having no brood, . may. bo smoked with the fumes of burning sul phur, to kill the eggs or worms of the moth. ' If. kept from the bees, they should be carefully protected, in a dry place, from the moth,' and examined occasionally,'1 to be smoked' again if any wam3 1 are found; ' - T .:The most fruitful cause of the rav ages of the moth;8till remains to bs described. If a colony becomes queen less, it mu3t, unless otherwise destroy ed, inevitably fall, a prey to the bee moth.. By watching, in glass1 hives, the proceedings of colonies purposely made queenless, I have ascertained that they make little or no resistance to her Entrance,' and allow her to lay her : eggs ; where she : pleases 1 The worms, after hatching, appear to bave their own way, and are even more . at home than the dispirited bees.515 .How worthless, then, to( a queen less colony, are all the traps and other devices which, of .late, years, have been 'so much, relied upon. r. Any passage which admits a bee is large' enough For the mcth, and if a single female enters such: a hive, she will lay eggs enough to destroy it,:however strong. Under a low estimate,' she would lay at least, two hundred eggs in the hive, and the second generation would count by thousands, while those cf the.tbird will exceed a million. " " Not only do the bees of abopeles3v ly queenless hive make ho effectual opposition to the bee-moth,, but, by their forlorn condition, they positively invite their attacks. She appears to have an instinctive knowledge of their condition, and no art of man can ever keep her out. She will pass by other colonies to get at a queenless one, as if aware that she will find it in the best' cenditions for , the development of -her joung; 'and thus the strongest colonies, after losing their queens, are frequently devoured by the worms, while some small ones, standing by their side, escape unharmed. , It is certain that a queenless hive seldom maintains a guard at the en trance, and does not fill the air with the pleasant voice of happy industry. Eden to our dull ears, the difference between -the hum of a. prosperous hive and the uahappy note of a despairing one, is .often sufficiently, obvious ; may it not .be .even: more so, to the cute senses of the provident mother-moth?": The fact that qneenJess stocks da not oppose an effectual resistance to the raothior worms a fact which I onee thought to be a discovery of ray own-Thai for a long time been well known to the Germans.' Mr. Wag-ier informs me "that their ; best treatises, for many years, speak of this as a settled fact, so that it ha become an axiom that, if a colony is over powered, by robber bees, its owner is not entitled to compensation, as it was, in all likelihood, queenless, and would certainly have been destroyed by the moth. .')'' - ? s T f My attention bas been recently called to an arti ele in the OMo CMoator for 1819, pagelS5Jby Micajah.T. Johnson, in which, after detailing some experiments, he says: 'One thing is certain if bees, from any cause, should lose their queen, acd not hate the means in their power of raising ano ther, tbe miller and the worms soon take possession. I believe no hive is destroyed by worms while an eScientqatea remains lif it.'. . 'this seems to bo the earliest published Dotioo of (his important fact by an Americcn observer. i t i i r --lajjsiskii ' - - Plow deep,1 while sluggards sleep. FftAUffLzy. The advantages of subsoiling have already , become a fixed fact with most if pot all of our practical farmers. They know by experience, many, of them, that inverting the surface, ten or twelve inches in depth produces tho following happy, results :. ! .v 1; The seed of , all weeds being put so dep under the soil that they do not appear soon enough to injure the crop 2." btirring the soil deeply, enabling it the ' better to i withstand drouth ; giving the root3 an opportunity of run ning deep for moisture - 6. Vhen there is a superabundance of wet,' the advantages of sub-soiling are apparent, as the moisture will mora readily settle from the surface.; And last, thoughjict least, the yield of produce is from ten to twenty per cent, greater than can -be obtained on old soils by surface culture.' I have before me the experience of some of our best farmers in this State on thi3 subject, derived from tests on old plowed field from 15 to 23 . years. I will give the extremes on corn, wheat and oats: on corn, fram 15 to 25 bushels more per acre; on wheat, from 7 to 10 bushels; on oats, from 10 to 18 hushels per acre. Now suppose a farmer, should .sub-soil : 80 .acres old prairie for corn, and make only 10 bushels per acre more than if he used the surface plow; he would harvest 800 bushels more corn, which at25ct3. per. bushel would amount , to $200, more than the cost ; of : sub-soiling, leaving the lahd in the right condition for an increased crop of oats, and then wheat with only surface plowing. With these -remarks -on the bene ficiat results,: wd will tctica very brief ly the, modes now adopted by the few who have found that their titles to the soil were good below 6 or 8 inches: 1.' Some use two teams running one common plow in the . same furrow, or plow two furrows in depth. 2. Some use the Michigan sub-soil plow, which is similar' ia it3 work to the former mode, - ! - : 3. Some use a large single plow that will run tea inches in depth, drawn by three horses.. . I consider all these modes as doing the work imperfectly, as by neither i3 there a perfect inver sion of the soil., Still, imperfect as they are, they will all pay better than the continual six in plowing. ' I saw a plow last week inventad by a practical farmer, N. F. Burton, of Plymouth, HI., and patented last October.- (See Patent Book, 1861, No. 2564).! It is. a perfect success as a sub-soil plow. It consists of a surface and sub-soil plow running side by side. Tho surface one running on the land side , just behind the Bub-soil plow, which turns the sub-sou at any re quired depth over the surface soil. The team has a good path, the bottom of the surface furrow, which is an im portant item ;' as well as the complete inversion of the soil. When the im portance of any work is as apparent as that of subsoiling, especially old fields, it is quite essential that we use the best implement to perform the work. Two yoke of oxen. with a boy to drive, is all that i3 required to run the Burton Plow, as it runs on wheels and holds itself, Vcllrr Farmer, i Trora the Iowa Homestead Corn Its Nativity Increased IIcIJ , ; per Acrc,-dc i Of the cereal grains, none is mere extensively cultivated in the United States, than (umaizo") corn. The varieties are very numerous,1 depend ing a great deal upon the character of the soil and climate on which they are grown. No grain may be grown through a wider range of latitude, man . inaian . corn nourishing irom about 40 of Southern to 45 Northern latitude. According to the mean tern perature, it ripens from six weeks to seven months. With the exception of rice, it furnishes the daily food for a larger number of human beings than any other grain. , Corn i3 a native grain of the United States. It was first. 'cultivated on the James River, Virginia, by the Fnglish, in 1608. The mode of culture was similar to that followed by the Indians. As the . science of : Agriculture be comes better understood, the yield of corn per acre increases. It i almost marvelous to see what a span there i3 in' the yield of corn per acre. Ac cording to reliable statistics, it may be put down from 5, to 189 bushels, to the acre. .. In 18o0, .nine competitors in the State of Kentucky, each culti vating ten acres, raised 11,440 bushels, of shelled corn. Some years ago a crop of 170 bushels of shelled corn was actually raised in Madison county, N. Y. These .figures, which are well founded upon facts, are almost suS cient to put the stigma of laziness and bhiftlessness, upon those farmers who. from year to year, are contented, while harvesting from 25 to 40 bushels of corn from an acre. If, Madison co., N. Y., which is in a higher latitude than tho greater part of Iowa, and pos sessing a Eoil much inferior for corn, 170 bushels can be raised from an acre, then no farmer of this State should be contented with an average yield of less man cd cusneis to ina aero. . That could be done during ordinary seasons, on nine-tenths cf tho farms of Iowa, I verily believe. The reason why so many farmers dont raise let ter crops than they now do, is this they are too careless and indifferent in the cultivation - and management cf their farms. T don't want to say that many cf ; them are too lazy. But then pomething more is necessary to raise 189 buihels of corn to the acre, than to pull off the coat, roll up the sleeves, and then "pitch in" blind'. . o make farxninir profitable, the farmer mu3t not just know what to do, but at the same time know tuhj he does it. He should know, chemically speak ing, the 'nature and properties of the soii he cultivates, fronrMay to day ; and the special manures thatTare re quired, by the various crops that he raises; alio, the nature and habit3 of the grasses and cereal plant3 he cultivates, It is almost as philcscphical, nearly as profitable, to expect to rais a 'remunerative crop cf corn, frcn r. field plowed three inches deep, and cultivated accordingly, B3 it would ta to attempt to fatten poultry upn clean rye straw, . In cultivating ccrn so as U xj we ought to have .;:si soil, Ic'J-r cul tivation, and the Ini seed. Ccrn miy bs mad'to grcv upc-'hic:; tny soil, by the sppliciiba cf r.iure, nr.d skillful cultivation. But the r:il whi:i is particularly adapted to it, 13 thit which contains a large per.centsga cf vegetable, mold, is friable and ti:ep,. and is suCciently supplied with moij- , ture by evaporation. Tiairics, alluvial deposits, such as aro fjur.d ' along the Scicta river, in Ohia, may " ba considered tho citufal habitat cf ccrn. . . . The most remarkable Uziz??, fact, in regard to tbe soil cf tha Scioto bottoms, is the exceeding fineness cf its particles. .' r the Flax nrd Lln:n Tr:!:. Belfast, the great emporium c? tV.3 linen trade, last year exported C j.000.CCO. yards of linen and 13,CD,CC3 pounds of, linen and ihread. Next in importance t- the flax industry, is lha trade in sewed muilins, eraployin about a million per sons in Ireland. . Another rr.anufactur' carried on in Belfast is ienportant in tho consumptfcn ' cf . agricultural produce namely, starch-making from wheat. Ten firms use nearly SO.OOO quarters cf th finest red wheat every year. The wheal en starch made by the cli feraemaur procesf, is largely used by bleachers, th gocds retaining their stiffness lor jer than if dressed with the rice and other starch es.-. The. whole cf ths business is at present nearly paralyzed as America was the best marked for Irish linen gacds, very limited quantities cf which hatV been imported during the past mnv months. Cat. Fartntr. HoT7 Hzaltiz. Br.:Gzirr3 Tzzvzi God has so knit tbe mind tzi t?dy together, thatthey p.?t r-d r"1--.? '.:"-i each other. Who h-d r.c; felt that tr.3 state of health givca a coloring to everything that hippcs to him? One man, whose health is deprc-icJ, s:ca hi3 own fireside, that used to burn si cheerily, only covered with gloom and sadness Another, of a bright and joyous mind, in tho full vigor of health, will go forth, and the very desert to that man's eye3 will rpjoic and the very wilderness to his view will blossom as the rose, and tha sad dest strains in naturo will sound to him the mo3t joyou3 and brilliant. A' sufferer goes out and Iook3 on nature, and its roses are all become thorns, it myrtles all look like briars, and Eden, itself seems like a desert, and tha sweetest minstrelsy of the grove and the forest sounds to him like a wild and wailing minor running through all the sounds of nature. Cut Worm and Cora Qrtjb Kiit-' -Br. Asa Fitch," the eminent ento mologist of the N. Y.'State Agricul tural Society, says:' "I doubt net Voa have noticed in plowed fields a larga biacK beetle with most brilliant gslden dots placed in rows on its back. It ia tho Cchsoma calidum of entomcle-ist3v and its eggs produce the rem $mb killer. It i3 a nest inveterate foe cf the cut Worm, grasping the worm in its strong jaws, and m spito cf its vio lent writhing and struggling securely holding it, and when it find? these wcrms plenty, it gorges and surfeits' itself upon them, till it i3 so glutted and distended a3 to be scarcely abla to stir for it never know3 haw to let a cutworm alone when it mect.3 rvith one. - It is continually hunting thes. worms, feeding on nothing else if it can .obtain them. Uoth it and tho golden dotted beetle, which produces it, therefore, should never be harmed." Btwsoaiya TnorcnTS. The sun light makes the violet blossom. No surgeon's instrument can make fioxers blossom, and no hammer can driv them fsrth. But tha sweet, persuad ing sun cm call them cut. A seed is planted. The sun locks, and Willi tha place again, and a gren plant ap pears above the ground ! It looks once mere, and kisses ths place enco more, and a beautiful white blossom unfolds itself! And thu3 it i3 with the sou!. No logic can pry out these devout aspira tions. No philosophy can draw them forth. But let God's sweet, persuad ing soul re3t upon ours awhile, and they come up and blos3om. Th.8 soul is the garden cf the Lord. JT. TF". BeecluT. A Cum: fox SorT Corss. Scraps a piece cf common chalk, and put a pinch to the soft corn, and bind a linen rn up- oo it. Repeat the application during" a, few days, and you will fi:;d it will coma off like a shell and perfectly curtd. The. cure is simple ani eCUawus. Go-Jey. ',' t v-