Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1862)
J .U .Vcckssors to u o KLr,r. I Sales and Forrfen Newspaper f Advertising Agency, i BROADWAY, NEW YORK. P for the "N'KBftASCA AUVEU . :iU - - - Corn Planters. ! p4ieD"t Corn Planters for sale 'at j jj j. Hewitt and Thos, Wil ! ver Cn Monday last, admitted to to practice in the Courts of Ne- i ..r,-L-s. Rer. II. H. Dob u i ?f swill jj t tfemaha City next- Sunday, ''.Tji it half fast ten, a.m.. Also i" day in Aspinwall, at 3r.M. i Jtssc Jo"5'' Esq.; vya? appointed Jus ; oj tjjC p'eate by the County Com ionersftt tleir last session. From r John's experience, he will make a ry eficifct and 'competent Justice. ! Jet Receiver's Office, which was 'sporanly dosed "for the pan few -lis, is ndtv reopened.' Mr. Jamison. It Receiver, is now residing in this city. ne iind Ofice, for the present, is at ' !-e residence of Capt. Barrett. ; ' r ' I Those fond of amusement will Jo well i call upon Mr. Eva Wohtbikc, at Tihaey's Block, where they can be ar. '-iDodatcd with a gentlemanly game of 'liardi, or take comfort with themselves t partaking of any refreshment which 'mundane system may demand. . j See Hill's New Advertisement, in ' oler column. lilr. Hill is now re tiring one of the largest stocks and best '.orimect f Goods ever brought to i-wwlle. Call and see Mr. Hill ; "he -lakeart." and you can get a bargain om Lira if you can from anybody in !.T. ' JAithcr's Home Macaiist for June, I oa our table. A new volume com esces in July. Now is a good .time to bscnlc. There is a moral tone to all j T S. ATnnas wriiincs. v No parent ed fear any corrupting influence from 'eintr-xiuction of the Home Magazine ,;obia family. i la another column will be; found the reniseinent-ol 'MarleniJi's Excelsior t rieties." He -comes here highly re .mended ty those who have seen his n-tmanre. The entertainment will js!t cfU'ire-walking; Varitriluquism iSliht-Gf-hand performances by Mon. .':n?nia. Also jig dancing ty Master Illy WeUs. Lovers of fun will be gViy eijiertained. j Macsieur Car, has for sale a lot of tirJen Seeds of his . own raising, here t Nebraska. Those who want fresh ii, about .which there is no doubt thould D:.ize him. His seed are at the Uar- rShupof Monsieur Hoy. Ur. Car has also over a hundred bush of potatoes, of several varieties, suit- e for teed, which he will sell cheap for DiiTucf Copkt for Nemaha, Judge utir presiding, is now m Session in is City. Session commenced on Mori- ,ay- There is a great , deal of busine:s -ore the Court. Among the Attorneys e notice : ! . I V.II. Taylor,' O. P. Mason, Wm. 'i-earan, H. H. Harding, Seymour, t braska City. . ' j S. Dundy, Iham Ren's, Falls Cityl A. B. Durfee.'Rockport, Mo. : jTta- Williams, Mo.. . ' Written for tit e Nebraska Farmer. . Farmer's CIgIj. ! " fcciTon : As I have not written ,Jre Farmer fur sometime, I thought paid give you a'sketck of our club, iebjre had a Farmer's Club near j's'e'a bridge for somr two or three , ari Ve met on the 12th of Match. .re'orCnized by electing the follow ituireri to serve for one year. Hcsnrs, President. I N. Sake'eks,- Stcrtiary, tvEKHEDT," Cor. Secretary,- Gto, Crow, Treasurer. ... Karch 21st we adopted a new Consti leheririjy the old one" to be defec-te- e prohibit all debating, and each ?te'l his honest opinion, on all mat Urouht before the club. Our regu " 8i?e,.iuT8 RM cnce - jnnnth. but we ,-y meet oftener if we think proper. J'javue the f;rc;er of Nemaha county , .atia co-operate with us in advau sUe interests of our whole calliu!r. ?',',0ur fceeu'n?, April 4uh, we passed the j r bouillons unannaohsly : i.tlQrw., 'PL . . . n k V' we tne raemners ot ,na Valley Farmers1 Club invite the f-Kemahi County to form Far 4 s each neigliborhood as soon Net? Yok, May 17. ! .' A letter from Cumberland yaj 0f ,he 15th tays,4an attempt was made.this af ternoon by the rbe's on our left, to cap ture some - of oar wagons, hundreds of which line the roads between this place and Bucshouse Point; but I cannot learn that they succeeded. During the time the rebels made the attack upon the wag on train, Gen. M'CIellan, accompanied by his staff, was making a reconnoisance; and came in tight of the enemy before he ;was aware of his proximity to them; but by dint of hard riding he escaped and took command of , the force at hand and dispersed the rebels." . . SxaASBcnc, May 1G. Yesterday afternoon a band ol guerril las mad? a dash on the railroad beyond Front Royal and killed one man and took fourteen prisoners, belonging to the 2Sth Pennsylvania. The railroad bridge, fifty feel high and three hundred and fifty feet long, over the North fork of the Shanan-do-ih, was completed to-night.' The track will be laid and trains will run to-morrow morning. The work was completed in forty hours, under the superintendence of .G. W. Nagle, government bridge builder. All is quiet in front to-night. It is currently reported that Gens. Milroy and Schenck are in occupation of Staunton. Cape Girabdeau, May 17. .Dispatches r just received from Colonel Daniel' headquarters, near Bloomfkli. contain accounts of the capture of the no torious Col. Phelan, of Jeff Thompson's gang, and over 100 of his men Fifty of the men, it is said, gave themselves up and expressed a desire to return to a quiet and peaceful life. Phelan's best suit of clothes occupy a conspicuous place in the headquarters at Cape Girardeau. - ' - Wasuinctox, I!ay 17. ' The following was received at the War Department this evening : Williamsburg, May 17. The gun boats Galena, Monitor, Arrooftook, Nau gatuck and Port Royal were repulsed from Fort Darling, seven miles below Richmond, yestereay. A portion of them have returned to Jamestown Island, near this place in James river. There are numbers wounded on board the vessels, including Lieut. Morris. Sevecteen have already been buried. The 100 pound gun on the Naugatuck exploded at toe lire. ' Philadelphia, May 19. The Bulletin contains the following ad ditional from Fortress Monroe: The repulse of the gunboats is gener ally regarced as a very serious affair.- On the Naugatuck 17 were reported kil led, by. tbou.-Kiloio -her fun. -'The boat made a useless fight and was with drawn. The Galena was nddhd with shot, and the loss is supposed to be heavy. The Monitor was struck repeatedly,-but is said to be uninjoaed. .. Affairs are quiet at Norfolk. There have been several attempts lately to as sassinate Union soldiers. Yesterday an affair occurred causing Feme uneasiness. Gol. Brown, of the Indiana Twentieth, stationed at Portsmouth, went out of town in the n orning to take a ride. Soon af terwards his horse came into town with out a rider, and it is feared the Colonel is killed or captured. . . . '. ' Cairo. May 18. , The steamer J. C. Swon, from Pitts burg Landing, has arrived but her news is unimportant. A picket skirmish had taken place last ing nearly two days. The rebels were driven back, but not until they succeeded in burning a bridge over a small stream four miles from Corinth. Twelve of our men are reported wrunded. " . Deserters continue to report the scar city of provisions in the rebel camp, and many of their cattle are starving for wdm of forage. ; " Guerrillas infest the country around Hickman, New Madrid and other points. committing depredations. News from out fleet is to the effect that several rebtl gunboats came round Craig Head Point yesterday to recon noiter. The opened fire as soon as they came in range, and they retired. " ' The gunboat Mound City has been re paired and will go down to-night. Passengers by-ihe bwpn give currency to a rumor that Gen. Bragg is in corti- mand at Corinth. Beaureirard having been tailed into Virginia to organize the rebel army in the vicinity of Richmond WniTE House,' Va;, May 10--"f 1 Army ' commenced moving early this morning in the direction of Richmond, and will encamp some miles in advance of this point. ' Our advance, under Gen Stone, reached the railroad bridge at Cbiekahotniny. yesterday; it is a long; trestle bridge, of only two fpans, which were burned and can be repaired in a very short time. The pickets of the' enemy are guarding tbs whole line of the river in front of Richmond, making it difiicult to obtain any reliable information from that city. - . 1 : Gen. McClellan went 'oh a reconnoi: sance to Chiikahominy to day. The pro gramme of operations in front of Rich mond is said to be decided upon. - - . Washington, May 20. - In the Senate Mr. Sumner gave notice he should to-morrow introduce a resolu tion for the expulsion of Siarke, Seaatur from Oregon. , ' ! Mr. McDougal moved to lake up the Pacific Railroad Bill ; agreed to by 2-1 to 1G, but before the reading vns finished the morning hour expiree., and the confis cation bill was taken up. .; ' , . .. j ; ,'" cucaL e.m.rt . , V. me. and place, to form a Coiiniv .. Club. We earnestly solicit the ia-r rraers o. this matter, be ; i0 QU be greatly to our interest V!, lbe of the Nebraska i -et fr publication. ' T v c R- V, Hcc hes, Preset. ;ke thi rnicr5 ot this county will t! Ilaller into consideration, and rS!r, t1.1 . 'n(ier the present state cf '-'4 Lih d l,mes 0;r prices of produce ,iti!-Vrice8, poods we must do j - cr tv? wiil-be. utterly ruined. T Sakcees. . Hauler's Proclamnllon." , ! The Herald (ihe grrat sensation paper of New York) publishes the following under its telegraphic head: .'. Washikcto, May 1G. ' . The Hunter" proclamation has present en an unavoidable isspe which it is be lieved will result in the breakmg up of the' Cabinet. The President has ex pressed not only dissatisfaction turin dignation. r It. is ascertained that four members of -.the Cabinet sustain the course of Gen. Hunter, but oue at , least of those enumerated is known to enter tain different views. - .' : . It is stated positively that Gen. Hun ter will b; recaLled, and ike characteris tic firmnes of the President will be. ex hibited ia the manner in u'huh he will meet the isiuo thus forced open him, and that hs- will, whether, with or without the support of the Cabinet,' . act substantially wiihyhis" repeatedly -expressed -opinions and intentions. .. V '.. ..... Senator Rice is extremely ill from a severe hemorrage, and , fears are enter tained of his recovery. '. ' Since the above was ia type, later pa pers containing President Lincoln's Proc lamation annulling Hunter's Proclama tion, has been received. 7 We will publish it next week. ' ! J"rom tho Leavenworth ConservatiTe, My 15. ' From the Loyai Indians. - The illegal Order No.B. of Gen. Sturgis has not prevented the organiza tion of the First regiment.; That order stated: "No Indian3 shall be mustered into service in ihis District." and added : 'Thf Military Authorities are hereby required and directed to arrest and brins; to this Post any person or persons acting in violation of ibis order." Y I . Gen. Sturgis sent thpjonctic'n to CcL Coffin by a special messengt;&: We give below the Superintendent's ool reply : ' Leboy, CorrET Co., Kaw., April 2sVl6G2. : ling. ben. o. u ziurgisz. ... Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas: . Dear Sir: A special messenger ar-i rived here last night, from Fort Leaven wonh, with Order No! S, - and contents noted. ' '',;."'. Y1 I would most respectfully inform you that I am acting under the control and direction of the Interior and not of the War Department. I have been endeavor ing to the best of my humble ability to carry out the instructions and wishes' of that Depaitment -all of which . will, I hope, meet with your approbation.' . Your messenger reports himself "strap ped ;" that no funds were given him to pay his expenses; that he had to beg his way down here; ' I have paid his bill here and furnished him with five dollars to get back on. Very respectfully your obedient servant, . YW. G. COFFIN, ' Sup. Indian Affairs. ' How the Brigadier received this reply we are unable to state. , We only know that the work of mustering in the Indians progressed as it had dorre before Order No. 8 was perpetrated. - i The Indians are highly pleased with their arms -and arel delighted with the prospect of a speedy return to thefr own couutry.- . On Monday, when Col. Coffin left, there was a council between these tribes and ihe Osages. There are from 300 to 500 Osages willing to take up arms and go with the Expedition 1o the Indian Territory. . Fall-Leaf "(Fremont's old guide) is raising a company of Delaware?, and part of them have already arrived at Leroy . . I . ry-, .. . r. Cols. Furnas and Wattles and Maj. Ellithorpe have, labored,-with - untiring energy inorganizting the first regiment, and the .Indians have promptly seconded all their efforts.. . ' . Cols. Ritchie, Corwin and Maj. Wright will leave for Leroy immediately, and put the Second regiment on a fighting basis'. Gen. Blunt is extending every pofsiule facility for the early departure of this expedition, and will send with it a .suffi cient force of cavalry and artillery. Dealu oT Cleveland. The Leavenworth Conservative gives the following account of the death of this remarkable Jayhawker: "Lieut.: Walker, of the Sixth, recently made the acquaintance - of Cleveland for the purpose of 'securing his arie.-t. He learned his plans, companions and places of rendezvous. Last Saturday, the 10th inst., while he was with Cleveland in Oasawatomie, he sent to his company for a detachment of men. -On Sunday morning Sergeant Morris reached Osawatomie with tennien. As soon as they had ascertained the where abouts of Cleveland, they surrounded the house. Morris knocked at the door and asked if there was a man there by the name of Cleveland. ' The redoubtable Jayhawker answered the summons in person. He" came to the door with a navy revolver in each hand ; and , one strapped about hii body. Y1' ui ' Y, Moms. 1 nave come here to arrest J Vf I Cleveland. -ThatV iT thing that can't be done by you or any other man. You are too short-wasted.Y I have' done a good mauyTlhingsIn rayTIfe, but I fear no man or set of trien. - ' have come here to'( take your bodyrdead or alive, and I aragoing'todo C.--IVe killed many a man and will do it again if vou attempt to drive me. M-pr Probably you've done a great many things moro than I have, but you can'.t scare me. I am going to take yon.Y : C How(many men have you got 1 . . M. -I have ten. Y i - C I can . raise more than .that at a moment's warning. " : M.'-You needn't "talk about raising men for. I'm going to hard youdead cr alive. .) 1 - , . ' 'Y ;Y " 7 7;: C I don't like to go wiih soldiers.--Get a Lieutenant and I'll go with vou. r Lieut.!Walker wds:ier:i for unci cariic down; he wa3 unarmed: ; Y . C I will go with you, Lieutenantif you will go round by friend of mine.'"' - LieuL Walker'consented and mounted his horse. ;. Cleveland also' mounted; horse,: put spars to him and brok away. The soldier were soon on their horses and In close pursuit of the flying fugitive. Cleveland dismounted at the Pottawato mie, a Lronch "of the! Marias ties Cy?nes. and about a mile from town. He turned, fired several shots' Out of a revolv er, threw that and his watch into the stream and sprang down into the steep bsnk. As the soldiers begahjo close in on him he fired shot after shot from the two re maining revolvers, but with such desper ation and madness that pone of them took effect. . . . .. As he was raising his hand the last time to fire, a private, named Johnson pierced him wiih a Minnie tall, which, entering his person under ihe left shoulder, tore through his ! heart and nearly perforated his bodyi The arm dropped, the tall form fell, and almost instantly 1'ffe was extinct. The soldiers: then carried the lifeless form to Osawatomie, and xleltverrd it to the citizen?, who have since given Cleve land a, burial. - '" ."' ' : ' ' - . MVnn J,"" i- J i.'.A ',.UA... Vssw. Ui. Teirty;two important battles have been fought, in all of-which,-except eightlhat occurred soon afterthe commencement of hostilities, the Union arms were victori ous. - Our losses previous to the battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, were in killed, 2.490 ;',wounded. 4.1CG ; prisoner., 1,440; while the rebel loss has been in killed and wounded, 12,429 ; prisoners, 23,707. There has been during the year innumerable skirmishes, and the. follow ing important battles: - . April 12,13, 1SG1,' 1 Fort Sumpier.SC June 10,, - ; 2 Big Bethel, Va. , . July 5, - ' 3 Carthage, Mo. July 12,' . ' 4 RichMountainTVa July 13, & Carricksford, Va. July 21, G Bull Run, Va. ": August 10r 7 Springfield, Mo. September 20, 8 Lexington, Mo. October 9, 9 Santa Rosa, Fla. October 21, 10 Ball's Bluff, Va. October 21, 11 Frederhtown. Mo November 7, . 12 Pl Royal, S. C. ; November.8. 13 'Biilmout, Mo. ... December 20.Y.' r- 14 Draine'svilleY Va. January 19. 166'2j'15 Mill Spring, Ky. February 6, , .16 Fu Henry, Tpnn. February 7. 8, "' 17 Roanoke, Va. February 13, 16, 18 Ft. Donelson.Ten February24, ' 19 Valverde. 'N. M. March 6, 8, .-., 20 . Pea Jlidge, Ark. March 8, 9, Y . ; , 21 -Hampton Roads. ; March 15,. :82- Newbern; N. C. March 23, ' ' ' 23 Winchester, Va. April 6, 7, 24 Pittsburg Landing April 7, 25 Sur. Island No 10 April 11, ...... 26 Sur. Ft. Puiaski. April 28, 27 Sur. New Orleans April 25, . 28 Sur. Ft. Macon. May 3, , 29 Evacu. Yorktown. May 5, ' 30 Williamsburg. Y 31 Drainesville. ilay 9, . 32 Sur. Norfolk. - NEW ADYERTISEMENS. GEORGIA SUGAR CANE. Ihav for ale a few pound of tbe Whit Georgia Su?ar Cane Seed. , , ... One pouud of it will be stvea to each new Farmer subscriber, or old one wbo Is not in arrears, aod hi n jt received five ppcrK or Ki'.wer or Garden See-l. . , JR. W. rUBJNT A3. Browuville. ; r To Coasuraptives. 1 rl 2 ' THE ADVERTISES. .KATING 5 BEEN RESTOEED to health in a few week ty a very simple remedy, ar ter having snfforcd several .years with a revere lung affection, and that Ured tli.', Cotuumpiiou is anx ious to make known to Li fellow-sufferers tbe mean of eure.' ' ;' : ' - ' " '" : -'' ' ' To all who desire It, he will send a copy of tho pre scription used (free of harjf),'with the directions for preparing and using the fame, which they will find a scbk CUR.r ror Co$t'MpTIoc Asthma', Buoxc'iht li, 4.C The only object ot the advertiser in sending the Piecriptlon is to benefit the afflicted, and vpread infor mation which he conceive tj be invaluable, and be hopes every sufferer vlll try hi remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. . , ' . Parties wishing tne prescrlptlan will please address Kev. EDKAItD A. WILSON', Wiliiambburg, ,' E6-3m.- Kin3 Connty, Xew-Tork. A. CAltU TO YUUNt; LAUlta AND -(iCNTLOIAN., The lubscriber will send T free nf r tin ron t i! whodesire it. the Rccido and d irpntifin fur mulinoi a simple Veyctalle Balm, that will, in from Iwo to eigni aiiy?,reinove riMPtE?, UU)TCnES, I AV, l' RECK lks. Sallow Kss. amd a!I ' J - r VJU VUg HVOO of the Skin, leaving the same as Nature interded it shoud be nft,clettr, month and beautiful. Those deMring tho Ilecipe, with full instructions, directions and advice, will pious call on or address (with re turn P""'ge, J TUOri, F. CHAPMAN. Tractical Chctclst. 831. LL-oad way, New York. Maj 22, 1S52. nt3-2m. . TIILV CONFESSIONS An EXPE11I- . L'XCE OF, A SUFFEIIEIC. Published as a warning, and for the especial bene fit rf Young Men and those who suffer with Nervous Debility, Loss of ileinory, Premature Decvy.Ao ., Ac , by one of those who has cured himself by simple tuenns, after beirt put to great expense and incon venience, through the use of worthless msdici&os prescribed by learned Doctors. . 5-v ; 1 Sinslo copies my be hnd 6f the author, C. A. LAJ1 UEP.T, Esq- Greenpoint. Long enclos ing a post-pfud nddresed envelope. , Ad-lres A. LAMBEP.T, Escr., Urecflpoint. Lohg IslHnd.NY.-- ' - Slay 22, S31a niC-2m. . I'Z -A NNOUN CE31 ENT OF:: PAHSON BP.0VVHL0W!S BOOK. The Subscribers are now publishing a narrative of the Perils, Adventures and SulTerins or THE" REV. W. G. BR0WNL0VV, Among tbo Secessionists of Tennessee. The If anucript Is c ruplne I, and Is now in pre? snd vill be issued about the It or June. Tbe appearance and typography of tbo work will be of tbe ttrt el. nan win up ruijy an i namj.omejy luusirceo wnu Sketches of the scenes referred t, and a finely e. graved STEEIi PORTBAIT OP THE AUTHOH. As tn'lt contents we hive no hesitation in raying that tlie public will be startled at this narrative of tact. It will ly Lure tbe pe'i-ecut Ions and cruelty which marked tbe devcii peuietu of ibe secerbioncun-piracy in Temiet- sce,-tbe dossiers and the rum with which it deva.ta- ledcotnuiumtie ODce properu. and suudered fami lies onto happy ; tnre than all, It wiii expos j tbe bad and reck!e ambition abd tbe relentiesne and blood tliirstiueos by wticlt tbe ringie-i'ler or the cunspiiacy were fcttmuutcii to lueir worst or crime and treason. The i:.irrative is one of personal experience. The an: b.T vouches for tbe a'cuiacy or its stateoients. The public may therefore accept it as ii t ooly a reliable bet a peculiar chapter in the vene:! Mt.ry of tbe times, auiJ"e are cotiBdent that no nii re sinitlcatit, btartlinc, or instructive memorial or the rebellion, in it minute personal and iccial bearing. Is now arcesibie. ' Tbe public are weil aware tbat Air. bbownlow is A bold i-peaking man. In this narrative ot lm adrreriiiK. conipobed mostlT while in custody iu the Jill at Kuox ville, be has uttered Lis thoophtg in language of extra ordinary force and leariessncoi, tcatbiog hi adversa ries even white In iheir power, and appealing to bis countrymen even from his cell, with tie urgency of a martyr. ' .. . .' it vsill be published in i volum, Mmo., katii tonitly bound in ciotlt, of about 4uj pages. Piinied t ii tt'ie paer, and will be braunrully ihui rated with 12 or 15 fine foil pase eiicraviiig Lcideh the Portrait reterted to above. It will i touiaiii a fac-siiuile of tte Parson'b lanious letter to P. Benjamin, w here be teli ibe rebel Secretary ot War (bat he "will do for tbe Southern CiteUeracy what the devil never did, vli. Jeave the btatc." - .- TIIE It ETA I L FKICE WILL EE $1,35. . G. W. CHILDS, PUBLISHER. C28 4. 63 1 Chestnut St., PiUlc!pUia. . APPLEGATE & CoT Publishers, for the Entire, West. . ; l .- fin': 43 Main Slreei. Cinrlnnati. To whom a-l Western orders must be addressed. i Mr. Bioniow request the Western paper to pub lish tac following cjatijn, that the public may not be imposed upon . .' ' ', . . - i " AfClaer & Co.. of Indianapolit, have brousfit out a nlat tiathy book, in cheap form, purporting to be my Lite, Speche and Address. eonnectef with my troubles among Ihe Secersli.nists. Thi ia BOOVS tro duciion, 'doii'g me sre-t irjut:ce, and ly no means reporting me correctly, ei her as to my history or sptcclic ince 2 Korth. 1 am now preparing a genuine N ok f tbe kind, and will bive it out in a few days. TmbihtH ,y Geo' W. -Cbild. .f PtiUadelptd. Appeate UVo:. of Cincinnati, arc toe publUhe. for IbeWfst. I caution the public a?aln.,t tbe bonus con cern, as I t-hall at cnce commence Icxal proceedings aiiinst all concerned is vending it ss well as the pub lher. "- - ' " W, G. ECOtt-XLOW. Philadeepkia, Mat S, ISttt. ; . NOTI! E TO TAX IYEIIS. TbeB-rdor Kqnirinti m for Ibe City of BrownvIUe will meet on Weilie?d.-y e.cning. the third djy or June, lor tbe pnrtMn-e f nui.izin '''e corpratio taxes for tbe Ctty or Brownvinc Tb-e reeling iht"inel aiievel are notified to appear and lv c -iiiyuintk before the Bnard. - - . '.X.. i . " J-U.ilOKKiSoR, Kecvrder. At; 2i, ISC2. n4C-2w pr tee l 6j . . , , XXAil A GHAPE VINES. To year uW. $00 pec htndred ; $150 per taooMnd One yeandd, $10 per iurlred; ttiO per thousand.. Alv a iarpe w-sortmcnt wf Jiurery stock, at price to clseaplo pubiitlr. I. 'CaI kU'i traveling Agents-wanted to sell tree from car Nuvnetes. " " '" - . - VTbo eaie aud Descrtptire Catlozoe famished, to all sppUvaats. A-ldres t. MOODr &. SOX. .. 81-sf Jiiagara Jfurseries, Lociport, It. T. 1? R'O. S PECTUS j or THE ' j tTdntincntal IHbnlh'm ... r .. . , r m There are period, m ihe world' AUUiry marked by extraordinary and vioieut crises sud'leu as iLe break ing forib of a Volcano, or the bursting of a trm ou tne ocean.' These crises sweep away ia a moment the land mark t-f generations. They cull out fre-n taient, aud givetotLe eld a new direction it is then that aw ideas are born, new theories developed. Such peri. -is UemaMtl lre.-ta expnceuis, and aew men for expauders. This Coniineiit bas lately been convulsed by an up heaving so sudden and terrible that tbe relation of mil tueu aud all ciasestow trd each oiber are violently dia turbed, aud people loo it absut for tbe eleiueuta with wbich to swy ice storm and direct the whiilvrlud. Just at present, we do not know what all this 1 to brins lorlh but we do tiiow that great results MTST Cow from sucn extraordinary commotions ' ' At a. jum-ture so solemn ant! so important, there Is a special teed ttst the jnteliectuirrorcoof Ujecoaetry sboBld he Kctive and effljient. It is a time for reat minds to speak their thoughts boldly, and to take posi tion a the advance 'guard. To tbi end. there i a pecil wan: unapplied. It is thst of aa Independent Magazine, which iLaii be open to the Srst intellects vf tbe land, and wbicn shall treat the is.ues presented, and to !e pieseuied to the oouutry. In a tone no wy tempered by part.'sausb'.p. r influenced by fear, favor, or the hope of reward; which shall seize and grapple with tbe m jnteuiou ubjccts that the present disturoel state of atfdir heave to the sarfacc, and wlcu can ml be laid aside or i eglected. To meet this waul, tbe undersigned have commenced, under tbe editorial charge of Charles Goutret JLE Laku, the publication of a new ilaaiine, devoted to Literature and Nstional Policy ' In Politic, it will advocate, with all the force at Its command, measures best adapted to preserve the one. ces aud inteiityof these Uuitei State. It will never yield to the idea of any disruption of this Kepabitc, peaceably or otherwise J and U wiisdiscnsa with honesty and impartiality what iaa. be done to save It. Ia this department, some of the mo. euUDeut statesmen f the time w;il coninbute to its pases. In Literature, it will bo sustsicedby the Vest writers and abiebt thinker of this country. .:. t 5 Among it attractions will be presented, in anoarly. number, a New Seteal of American Life, by Ulcbard a. Kimball, Esq., the very Popular author cf Toe Rove latious of Wall street," 'St. Iger," A seriej vf papers by Ilou. lijrace Greeley, eu3blylng thedistia gabtied auUjor's observations on the arowtu aud de velopment of the Great West. A series of articie by the author of "Through the Cttofl States. containing the resuit of aa extended tottr in the sesbojrd fiiave States, just prior tu tbe breaking oat of the war, and presenting a startling and truthi'ul picture of the real cotidiiion of that region. No pains will be rpared to render the literary attractions or the Contixentax. both brilliant and substantial. The lyrical or descrip tive talent of the most eminent literati have beoa promUed to Itspagosi and nothing will be admitted which wiil rot be disiiiguished by marked energy, orig lnality, and solid btrcugth. Avoiiiug every iuiluonce or association partukiug of clique or coterie, it will be open to all contributions of real merit, even from wri ters differing materially In their vsews; the only limi tation required beinj that of devotion to the Unloi, the and only standard or acceptance, that of iutriusic excellence. , ,,. . .. , , The K'Jiiorlal Department, wiil embrace, la addition to vigorous aud ferless comments on the events of the times, genial gossip with the reader ou all curreut top ics, aud also devote abundant space to the racy speci men of American wit and fanm r, without wbich there can be no pcrrcct cxpobiUon or our national character. A motif tho4 who wiii coctrioute regularly to this ue paitmeut may be mentioued the uame of Charles f. Browne (-'Arteuius Ward") front whom we nave prom ised an entirely new mud oiistua. serie of Sketches of Western Life. ; : - Tbe Continental will be liberal and progressive. without yielding to chimeras and hopes beyond tho gnfrpof tho age j and ii will endeavor to reflect be teeiiugiand iuiereatscf tbe Amtncan peopio, ant to illusti ate both their teriou and humorous peculiari ties. In short; no pain wli! be spared to make the iteprescciauve magazine oi tne ume. .. i, ,w TERMS: "; .. . 13 per year, in advance (postage paid by lie Publish. era,-) two copie for $5; three copies for $6, (postage unpaid); eleven copies ror $20, (postage unpaid ) SinxiC number can be procured of any Mews dealer lu the United States Tue Knickerbocker and. Continental Monthly furnished for one year at $. - - . . . " Arpreclating the importanco of Jiteratcre to the sot dier on duty, the publisher will send the Conitnerifaf gratis, to any regiment Inactive service, bu apylioa tiou beit.g made by its Colonel or Captain ; he will receive aub-criDtiuns from those aa.ii ioc to uruifh it to soldiers iu the- rank at half the ' regular price i but In such case U must be malcd from the office of pub:) cation. ' J. It. G1LMORE. l'.OTremont St., Boston. Chas. O.- Kvass, at P. PutuamV, 532 Broajwiy, New yoik, is authorized to receive Subset Iptlon ia that uty. r- ):i -A ? r'M'f -- .. I I - - - - - . For Sale at Bargains. Two 1 Shuttle Empire Sewiug Machines. M . Tone Franklin Family Sewing Ma:hiue. '-'j ' ? Two Horace Waters' $75 Metodton. ' , Two Krech's Conical Washing Machioes. One No. 1 P. YT. Gate & Co.' Sugar Cane ill Us Evaporators. - - ' Apply at the Advtrliser and Farmer Ct3ce, Brow r till, Nebraska."' ' . March 13th 186 J. ' i a36- FLUSHING. N. Y. Tht celebrated Nurseries Etsblished, 1732. - All kinds or Tree, Pliut, Small Fruits, Grapes, Bulbs, Green-ITouse Plants, Stock. Scb-u. Seed etc., etc., at verj loin rates, to suit the times. Priced Catalogues sent. . March 13th, 1862. ' . (n3S tfj 1 Seeds Prepaid by Llail. V 25 Prettiest Annuals tn Cultivation, : - - $1 00 25 Choice Vegetable Seeds ror the Garden, - t 00 boib to Clubs of Five for $3; To Clubs of Ten for $16; To Club of Twenty ror $25. The NKW JAPAN MI LI ET, with Immense leads, six to ten inchea long '25 cents per largo paper; Kive for $1. I received Genuine Seeds of this new nu valu ablo Millet direct from Japan, bv the Niagara, lat May, and can confidently recommend it as tbe best Millet in cultivation. B. M. WATSOV. nB3 if . Old Colony Nurseries, Plymouth, Mill. Okra or Gumbo Seed. The best substitute for Coffee prepared In the same manner as Coffee. Packages of seed by mail at 10 ct. each. Each package contains seed enough to rai.e a sppply for an ordinary family, 1 ' t ir a t $r t is Seif! ortlors tj n33-tf Caoccnt City, Iowa. v Flower Seds.: ; : Choice varieties, and of very superior quality, SO pa per of which il be sent (post paid) by mail, to any address, for one dollar II. A. TSUXtT, Crescent Cl'y.trtw. March 13th, 1S62 uC6-2m WHO SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS m brownville ? ; ; . SiLLS TUB CHEAPEST GO0CS IN MARKET. WHEHB 13 IT THAT TOU rmCQASB T 11038 FAX ; - ' .CT PJtlNTS? .!, i ! . I AT DEN'S. , ; wnEns do to cur Toua cheap mcslins? AT DEN'S. D E N SELLS TTJK CTIEAPEST BOOT3 AND SH0E3 IX THE VEST. Ali0 TIIK FINEST UAM AND caps, DEN E.EEP3 ON HAND. ,D E N:' S-.: IS THE PLCS TO TRADB HE TAKES TOTTTTPRO. VVCA. AJSD PAYS THK 1U;UEC PEIC. FOH HIUE3 PELTS AND FURS. DON'T FOIIGET THAT D E N Sells the E EST and 'CHEAPEST LIQUOR S . In fact DEIT sella Everything that t is Useful, Cheap arv3 Goc. - :. T6-ai3-ly. JUSTEECEIVED AT . -a, ea U3 tJ..:u.:- u tJ t :: JOHN A. POKN Is noT rcirin- an3 epeciaj oni Va S;r:n; Stock of Goods, tvijl t-f Dry Good 3, . Groceriss. IIat3 and Caps. - Ejota and Shoe", : Iron and raila, r , Flour end Bacon, Queens-are, Hardntiro. . . Furnituro, ... Sash and Door., ! Window G!as3, ' etc., ci;., etc. THilcli I will saU cleap for Cas!i;"br, produce.. Call anJ ci amino 0:7 stock fccforo purcbasinj elsewhere. -. . JJrownville. April 2J,lSo2, n42-6ci ; SVEET POTATO SPROUTS. THE YELLOW IIANSE1I01ID, V ' -. '-'J ! r i ..1 c. a Ly i-i -V. . '. Is the cn!y Variety cf ., : ; SWEET POTATO, That has given entire satisfaction ia the XoHhwest At the proper reason I win have Sweet Potato Snronts of ineNanhewoHd variety, by the I0( , 1,000 or 1,000,000 Orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. , Send in jour orders early. . First come, flr-t served. .. : ,. . .. ... R. W. Ft-RN'AS, : ' . . Brownville, Xebra.-ka. : Currants, Gooselerries, Blackberries,; Raspberries, Strawberries, &c; &c.t &c. Of which we have a laM st.-cK, and we effer thra very low for theFall TradclSBl, and would solicit ttCuraer?. of thoe wiubvim to purchase.- - Enclose stamp, anil seud for Catalotme and Price list. ... EilSIGN & FORD, r5n33-Fv2r3 Onio Nurseries. Toledo, O. Early Sugar Cane Seed. Seed of the Early lmphee, ptit np In pound psck aires an I rent by mail (o-jst-paid ) for 35 eta. This va riety lStl days earlier itun tiie Sorghum. Address, II. A. TERRY, Oescent City. Icwa. March 13th, 1862. . o33-2m Evergreens for the Prairies.' An immcnte stock or yonng Evergreens, Deciduous Ornamental Trees,' Houghton Gootberfies, &c, not ex celled in the Country, are effered by. 1L0 dwten, bun-drCd,-tbousai-d, or ten tbou.-an6. cheaper than kuch plants can be bouphf elsewhere. Packing tare and neat without ex tin char; a. Sampie iUui sent ly express at trifling coh. . . Th'e wishing to purchase should send for our vThole saie Catalogue with directions for the ciaoagomeut of Kverurecua. Address . S. T. KELSET St CO. Great Valley Xursertes, Great Valley, I? . T. : ;; GLEAEO:i'3' . LITERARY COMPANION. An tle;anrt Moral, and Refined Miscellaneous i amuy journal, Di voted to Polite Literaturei Wit and Ilniriir, Prose and Poetic Goais. In politics, and on all sectarian quoj lions, it is ntutral, aud therefore etaphaticaliy A FOK THE 1HLLIOJT, ARO A WELIOME risiTOa Tf THE nojfc CiaCLE. It contains tie f jreirn snd domestic news of the da' , so coude-ni-ed as to pieeat the greatest possible amount of intelligence, - THIS 3IAM3IOTII WEEKLY U printel on fl in white paper, with new and beautiful type, contains tiueen itmidieu rqu.tre incos, and Is a large weekiy p per of aix'cen octavo p?9' An uiu ivalied c rp of contributors are nnder rezalar engagements, and every depirtmeuc Is placet on the niot hiiirbed and perfect system that experience can cevUc. Each number will be beautifully lUustrated. Terms iavariably ia adrauce. 1 snbscribcr, one year, . . i . ; $3 00 ' ) subicrlber, two years, ..... ... . 30) .4 aubscritiors, one year, ...... 6 00 8 mbrciibeis. one year, . ; . . . 12 00 And nc gra' l to tie fteUcr-np of a club ol 8 , , Arter acUii ot S hanbeen aent, the (cetier-cj will have a rifiht to add. at any time, rne or more subscri bers, to begin with hi club at $1 60 each- Specimen Copie will be seat to any one that -wishes to form atluU, or see the pjpar before s jbsc ibing. Sinclo Copies, 4 Cents. : For sale at all the priucipai Periodical Depots In the United States and Canada. PubUbel rvery Saturday, at the corner of Treraont and Uromnell Stiects, Boston, Mass.; by Y. CLE A SO X. MAN uFAGT u?tDTG ' C0UPAI7Y. f- X. i ----- ', 17 " -wy-' ;; . . , . .. ..j' ro VOU WANT STEAtf-EXGISES OU BOHEUS ........ 1 . . . PATENT SrGAR CAXR MTLU. - ' PaTiCXT STKM COIL KVAPOHATOR3, PATBXT PlltB KVAPORATORS, PATENT STAMP MILLS, '. -rot- ., . ; , - . . J ' ' ' ' . , . . ' MICE'S TEAK OIl'LAKE, SUPERIOR. SEND F0H CinCULAHS, With Cuts, andDescriptiaiu.Prlces, etc., et. f! AW MILLS. FLOmiXO SfTLU - .. AXa.tfACClfcUY OP ALL DLSCUlPriON. riTSEND FOR CIRCULARS. P. T. GATES, President. JT. B.A;ents wanted everywhere. Cbicago II. W. Ft' It a AS, AG!-: XT, JJrownviMf, Nebraska, Of whom Circulars and detailed Information can be hd. Atarch 20, 15S2. u3T-ljl ... NOTICE TO PaiuE3IPTOUS. - T. Jacob Gtarinj, Wiirara A. Catal'-1 CiJeon Johnston. Eltner lir.iVM, Ja W. I)!T7y, Jamc J2cAv.,v. AJired Ovci..:b. w.Smiih. li-race m.tu.Jo ,,stsv rd M:.i:un lic.K. y u are f-Try ncdifrt tu apjar j.i thj tar.a UZ; , at Brownvil!, . T., within thirty yi in ra tUte of tb'F polica, ta make aJJiliorwil prwf in- relnfiwn tn ji ar I'r;Ej;,ptii ti ('Ui;uf in aecorddm-o with in-tini.-tif;n from the CommLioner cf the General Laa4 0S-v-ut Washington. ' - KlCilAUU F; CARHET.neterV ' i f PURE DRUGS i 39 r7 T? "A 7 H 7 TT '7 n ? IT to, CO ro 7Z1 CITY DRUG STORE, P. 0. BUJIDIXCS,. A 9 JOHN H. LIAUir.- W1U ten yoa aotbisj wU.'lteU aot iv,Zi. it a - n U-.J-i J Troa til leet UtH Srcila, fce U ta will f.T9 saUj.'iction t alt wbj cay c;i at I'a ESTABLISHMENT. He cat new en hsvA, and t eoistset!y ttcoirlzt a larje inp?iy of all articles wsaU kept la a DBUG- STORE.. Erowttville, MarSh, 13S3. v-cUt ' JMiVIFs'S nllLL.; CHEAP TLOhii . Tor the Array aatl CitUcaa " OF . " . , lit Q-slity cf Flour $2.20. 2nd Qisllty tt.T3. Tot castcta tria4 ta? cnoilt.J pr Sel. ' - - .. . , . A L S O ; r ' Flotir excnas-od for Thet, both tt the VM snd ti my store in Urowaviile. :. Flour, Meal . Soorta and Bran forsilB at tte XI If sad at the principle storos in Krowivl!e. .AlLLVl Si COAT , ."aacary 21, 1SC2. :' OiSces'for Kent.' The old City Drn Store, sn- nrTt P"t of t!C!'r Druj Store, now occupied by Jadj waeier, ure tor rent. Apply to JOUX II. ACS er : AUGUsrt'S snosN'nsiT. STAR CRACICL'II HXXVFACtOllY, ST. JOSEPH, LIO. SEirEY H'DIVITT, Invites the att;n i d cf HercLanU, Orocert.IIj tel Keepers, Uancauep, ini T.-ivXlors to tiie ii;neJ to bis cxtenslTo - . . - Crac&cr lilaniifnctorv-' m .4 He Ii prep?cl to foreJih . , SODA, BOSTON, BUTTER. SUGARD AND PIC NIC CRACKERS' AND PILOT BREAD, At ne!e3ala of HeUi, ad3 at tri-s at si caa beha.ian.Twfcer-. UZSY H'CIVITX. - April 17, l8U-n4l-3a Notice to Creditors All persons knowir Ceoisclves indebted to Dr. A. 3 Tloliaday. by not or book account, will do well to call r.n me and luttie the same before the lh dr ot J.'jy next, aa 1 will after that dateoi!cf ell of his CsM ky pn.s or Law. . A. SCnOKXSriT, Attorney. Brownville, If. T., May 1st, B63. eJ-f Estray- Notice Takea Vp. t Taken op by the subscriber, rc!dimt six miles wists' ofmabaCity, on or about the first or Jan?, I!4I, small iron-cray horse-pooy, aboct era yero. 1, branded "P" In the left kbouider t s-auod by J?ron ILx.ver and W. W. Keeling, on the 8Jth day of Marci. ' 1S6I, at $36 .services of tb horse to pnj fry? ke'. ir.j. If tbe hore is not called lor and property trovtn, or before tte flah day of Jane, 1S5J, w wll t ty zm ' so kl to the Lisost bidder for ah. a: ray r: Ijoa. , . - vra. r.rmwAisx' April 3, 132. 33-l0w t5 TfT fee ..One More Notice. ' All persons InJ'.bted t mo, ei:her cninHyf Account are hereby notileil that they mui py np oa cr T before ifay 1st, lbo3, or nevensity wilt couie: ire to resrtto is.l precis 1 order w CSAt. It Is hr?4 tbi notice will prove snncleot. V. SilGi. Alarrh r.iu. Uu2. (r iJ-tf.) ' Hats, Boots and Shoes. 1 have Jnst received a Xe Sar piy uf Hits, &ota aM Shoes, which 1 wul eil ctieatfer tx tiey wsre evsr r.trjred here before. Call ;u4 sea a. BrowuviUo. April 10, Shingles ! Shinle ! ! 1 would repfc;.fuly Inform tbe ci:!;t' Jexshs (tinty, thai i as!l tulei-r to kej lUi Oiar'ij'. sa piiea wiih gj'ii Cottonwool Shicgies. wn;t.U I will sett f.,rcash; or iznd ia eiciarju Ca'.tls, Ii. t', w heat or Co-.i. ... -- a. i i; -.Currants ! -Currants" ! I hale ieft wuh R. W. Fjrua. B "ownvi'.le. a Ht, Red acd Patch Currant fur at $1 p? d.-T.n ea.a. ilaxci SC, ISii. t3.5-U 3. O. TIIv-aTSOK. It