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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1861)
4 ti t rx rr ; ; ; t I : 3 G Ox, x 1 T 1 V L (' i , r ;. t t J Ar,( T I. i..'. ; :X .. c; .. . -, ' - '. V . ' ' r j c ' 1 . K 1 ft-' ""' , I ;.. t . '- t j . , .r C: . . . x - v '.ia txi it -:.'. v ; v '.'I .ir:. t: ' t f " : . -' 1 i .1 C .'.Li..: ..I J j v-iU i Crc: ) ! v.r. i.x.r t j f ? - 1 - t 1 L 1 J. 1. j .. .. 1i T - -, T i - - r- , f fit . . . , . ; . . .i , i...) v . v 'Jo 1'Aoaai s;tok.s. '-W , v, v .Ui ij WIJ -i Ti e i::- !-.- w Z 1 avc h: " tdr-ft teen cc cv-rxed (f : ? v.;.t A s f.ra cA-s Acrstry in the V. c.t, ;i ::':!:-, shrub, flowers, ix., . : ' - f ' , J l..(-rc 1 : In A wef X ct t'.X x .I",. ; AxAx-y., terry t ;. ; : a.. I X O : CZ Vt'c ir. Axa to 3 . v hxx-t z, Hie area w;-.j j --. - - i . - - : : ;i : . . 1 " " t - i. A - i i. ... I -.4 . y t' t I-. I t : '.'.'.:. tri I'.l : f t: -) :--. r :-. : : a t .c iT..!r.-:' ' r i :i:.:i;lLj ?Le '. t - ,? :.o . 1 , '. i ' tk ' 1 ! s ! : 3 . -i.Lr. t.: ;t . . .r :.:.e j rt i i ' i , r 7 r r r. ! u.-.";ra'. : -.n t.c J r (, C.r, TLT l1f;:J,- tc iL-i T.'If-f i' -ir.!- ttrju.tjt ; . i'tt .1 1 j l':.- '!... ol retrr !fi ItacJ ::,( r t ! : . ; ! '. ,r in ever? r( .' ; :ct. LrcwfiI.e is c1.. 'i.t I a ;r L'. t - a L.. Jb.aiiJ Ci-.:ila. 2.3 tod'n ti'ice, e.-:a:i;cntkn c-f i he ca p i j all -;ltt is i;ct c: "rj to f.? -it to r,r.y cr.e lliat it 5s rseircr frori t-tl-:f rvr.osthan frcn ay tlcr poitt citl.3 I!!- : .'.-. ti.:3 T:f tc vocJ rsl rstir i.' . - 1 :.'. ' (. . ' ::.0'-,r LLi ?. r.siy c!l:c?3. rt- 1 1 -: t;i L . a'.c J f..r r:: i i.y u j "-. 1 '-.e f rr rr t 5 c :. J nre fullj ;t :i Siiti.f.cV:.ri!;u.f tf.ViLl.c. 1 I y il.o iL-.ftjfe t-iVi cf Ut: ytar, aal t !.(? I o:. .I- : t j t tie 5 r-. : . ; t s s-i ::n willfcav? bo car..-? torf : .t ! i ', ir. uor " t. . 1 L refer? w I. J - : . i.. - LI 1 ;vi U Uk fm r,rc'!?. J JIIX COLLI?' JTCX CO., i'ro; rioters ti a a l'crrj Holt. Grcijon lTurt:::r3 V? trct-jtt:: t!.eattpr.ii..r. f l! e jUl.c t the I'lJ ral c -rii'iti.t ( .r.r i:-t.. .L'. i t 1, v; f.ici f :i:i" l.-:ve ; i f j 1 1 tui ul c;";.r;::;. Ov.r t.:i of (. ;c".-:. . Ic l :i 4 ar.J l'!yv, f ri.; riar.ts,, &c, c- :.t : in i ni t of GorncuMs,, 1;, l's.!- xc-, 3'e i !os, Ic;i.trti ( .' c., we tltor f -r ?a!e tP ('.,: :,: J; r;r.srat lover r rkv tiau r.i r.&l, t'.icre ty i ! i! i" il.i-ri v it!. in tLereafi i1 ail. I'.ctt of ttc p rii.t. f. -vrcr a'.l Sniiucr, an! f-r s-: i . ctlvf, torn. im. irii-rr-.- rc rf j:.-w:-r CiT.not la csiCHel. Il2.;.4 tr..? tf a rt rlafs iroriacitl; p hoTj-fi its a; j i-i .laes, whi :h a:J r.',s u-i lacilitis f r lucre;. . . r !-. to mcetar.j rieriiJi-i, iartics slc'd tave ii a !i ars cf tr g wtat tLcy wait ty taauiiig in tiifir c.'; jrly. v.'e ,;;': 1 u the Pr'-ra?aUt:i? Pcpsirtmcnt crrs-dve, and wrr.r t f very urticlo j-urt !.,.-. J cf as to l e pro-l. htror;, LcsU. y, mc;1 rooto-l i.!.v:t, ar.l true to taiae, (:;r (:o:r:; M. ? ni pricoJ cr'aii jrxc-a in A; -il, a-: 1 " :!1 1 '. .rwarJcd Ir r'i.i;i to all h";i!if!. j. a. v.ina:.s:vi.k,4c co., i i. h Arrscuitrrt; n a:. 1 11. V. I i:."iX4.S, 0:.!cc, r.-onvi:!.-;, N.T.. tiecu au:is ,nzc-J Acer.t-. All orders left wliii tLcni v ill tc-civc jToapt attentic-n. n. n. Brncnrs a co. P. S. TIavi: c fiT'lne pits Firci'.llr fc-r t":.e pnrpcFe, vt will l.ave J v:l:.T IHJTATuK i li.nts for Fi-.'.e t the E-.ii:;. '., tt rt : :tr1 jirioes. 11. II. 15. & Cf. Ortp .jn, ilo. reli. 1SC1 Fcbl::3l '.Irr f.:.J cntf ft r- I -. ' L' rc. i've-'i :;; ; ', E . .. r. . . . j : :: it j. i ' , V e 13H' '.' 1 : ..- rt t:.. ! .ivcr.i.wia s-ccc iwi d,::.(i!,:.?i..:a vet: .. t : 4 . . . c - - - - T'. r-. :rf-t.':.. a lr:: er. i vt'.Ic!c;'..-l 11. .Ital...' ClL: .tf, cf r . 3 f r. i - rr, i Jwr.rf; l's .rs.K ti. ; rl i: 1 d:.rf; rs'i.c, " j ' ' ., C- C.rr:r', Ila-j berries r.i.rawl.erritfaajr:.1c,,.bcrrici, j3Te. ..Orrarrental Tree?, nr. J hLrul , CreclLcu.e &ii rIIr rinr.ts, F. sc.0, DaUIa., t To r. !..cli we wor.M l-;avc to call the ottcntic-n eft: j r'jle cf V.VilerB;:L:;ouri, 'tlratla, llaa- ; -Our terns ni'.lle ts'ovr ce asy rullecaU- : ur-TT. j r . -.LLr tf u tL?ex;:riecf traL-crtatics frc". tt.e a t c.a If n', c J. t- t- i '.a-.'iE-e c rc ."u y 1 al c! e 1 r.r.a !' I atLel-;'m.v-rf rr -yv.rtcf the Ur.t ti h fcr w Mcli at!-f.--ecf t-i actual c-v-.-.l c:.;y will 1-? r-r Jo. No cl. v i'.'. le Le f,r ti-eUcli- TCTT Cf T " ' c T! I ..1 to t;.e un 'errirscd A !l co rt. '.'.uii.i .iisa. r.:ireccirc rrcitatttr-t'.::. , . jj.n.n;r.c;iES ico. I 3.03 iJ f. . j :: ai,l Jkrs tree?, cf tte 1 Lardy and i ; : -r- c 5. Tar! i i.' , vi.rce ar 1 . ;....r rutt OS, from Lt U 5 rr 1 :d p. f; 0 r 10") ... ffi t .!.-, ( 10.-J S-i3-tJ .ca f; .crr:ff, j;.n:r.'on, 4.C5 t -.ra- rtrr;;-v, -Kec liue. Le Lt-t - .'.,rl- v, n !.fa 20 j:'y 1 15 J.l'O 3X0 ,'t . :, f-fv V.'C. Cecf-st-P, crimen 1X3 3.1)3 6. CO J m t.-n 1: !ii'l!.t-rr)', -t't C -ten if?.(;3 rm. ia i.t'i terry " to l . : " " u . : :. ir-tr!i I'iP rii.1.!, ik re If iicri.CD 15X0 3.09 ; ' .1 ' 8.!") X ; : l, Currjrt. V- d :rn 1 X0 X J J..k k l.r; '- ? Ct.rr't S.C9 I'M' c-ar OS a: ;lt -('. lit r A !- j ? ir' rci ci'.fr ariclo contained in 2 crseric-3 ul.'y, K.-tLs. l-aiil.a. n.luxcs, &.C., &.c. . A.:im-h, K.K.BACOT. re Creek, Let Co., III. f i I i i i ' ; . - f - i , LJ . S tt e m s. u Is ri'.-w a; rr-.t-j f..-r trars-lf-tiri; trc-i, Kc. me call atu-.t u-i if irec deal its, I'ru.t Grew, ami oiLers wi-Lnigto teautify UeirgrounOs t i c t.r ti iiSi c f i;..7ur.i Orr.arr.crAal Trees, Crap Vines, 7,nl! try, L.scs, be. Also: all tl.e it:i:'.: ; var:c:lc cf Currants, Gocselorrics, ELclcrric?, Ki Ox ,-. r"ir ? ' ; i :tr' . i .. i r at" i I- ? '. . 4 c c - i i A. a -3 i T -s Sr. 'W AJ mJ ;,:ain street, brownyille, n. t. TiXcs i 'c'xsa -e la aanoaaclrs t rsViattslac nowoa tar.l, a larce end select etoclt cf every art.cle Iz lis ll:.o, Or all tic improved ratters $ viz: riyincuth r.ocV-, Charter Oak. Valley Purge, 'Elevated Oven, &c, Eox and Parlor Staves of an cndle.-s variety, some of which are entirely new designs, viz : A combined Cvok biii Parlor ttuves, Rowethins very nice indeed for small facu.ies a HEAYY SHEET IRON FOE SUGAR BOILERS Larno Ca-i Iron Settles from 8 to 22 gallonrj. Ccai. ar.d Lard Oil Ltr:ps; Brass Copper, and sheet Iron "Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, &c MANNED WARE, . I i. . t 4 4 i. I. 4-. k4l ' r. f-.. c. , IVU. t V 4.1.4, 14.1. C-f l.i;h we tare ia- r stock, and we c "cr them very l-'W f...r t! e FoilTraJe ani would solicit the orders tf t'. e ,'.: .. to j i:..:.:i.'! f'ip, aaJ una f t C.."r' m 1 PTi;e List. i.;:..N i uxrt lA.r.-.:;-rv?:.: Ohio Kur.-erics, Tultlo, O. Zrer.-Iy Red:,! PhrJs, 3 to 4. years ell, I.'f.ry cf tho:n &!nii ly fruillrj ia the r.v.r?ery, sr.? r r tCcrci tt $10 i cr LuLirci cr J 75 j cr thou- I I- J IA S 1 ; r liJ. Ln.-e quar.txies at grctlTy r t -.. I r.x It tccvla bo vir.ter jrc-Ucia nz.1 I - t-o r.r.ual crcrs cf fra't. Vc : Cu.'-a. i to C fat i huz'rcJ; 5 to 7 f t S vrr i (.-. Hn-.'yC.r.lir u--, r-rant Honey tackle?, r.Li r r--.ry k in c ' '"-'U at the bwr-t rat-s. IUCIIAIID :,r. CONKLIN. Lvcrrccn J"urscrv, CdJ S-rir.r; Ihrlor k v.. a l.i.4.ij, 80;000 YJilron's iUbany r ' 5 r rrV 1 C f "t a .t t. vi i Aw i w IV. r T'rth?v.:.lf ::ir3 f;r?2,l0 ICOfl. I.nrs cr ..iL i iLsu K-j rvJaccl rates. These k ? c : i- : . r a:;... - J t rown crcn . - .sr.'i jUTicr:,r.T i? cider-, n tri cr:-rs vxh v,'il: e::i;:;y co.', 4 : 7 1X1 L'Xo rt., Chirrs. i . U A- t V V - - I - V 44 4 .4 J .ir. r- t . - 4--4 l . ., V. 4. .. C.--r r..-.'Th.r-rri. r.o;u. c i f r.ijir.rsfal S .rx.llirn O f rc. .j,'. CJ I ! I :N Tf! I TV, IOWA. - . t - ' ; " 7 - ? r r - 7.. ... L.r j 7 c'y .x. r-p- . VI T ( T - Vf . ... 4 4 w A4i V- I4W. A W , V.'- V.'. . 4.) i 1 i. I7.'M'll i .,: u.rular t j their c.xU' '.., if NATIVi: GRAPE VII EG, "t i t o yt --self, j X.r.t?, cro-a In tl r-cn . ! s c: ( c v ...- - 1 i :.--are, 1 ;.,rt, , L.i'X. : d Tit-X:, t - , c. ., i.l.Xts IT. f s tv f :r; 3 Tri: c s. i - n l : t r ' I ' 4 'j -X -. f . 1 w .4-tr . xr..x ,.r-'.rf.i.(',(ft,f!(-!f : t rx na I -.--X-:; - , l.., i J. I : ! . ; , - c, U X . i CX.,i: : i Xs fc" 1 : . . i .: r r ! t e !.:X uo yf ,-j (X' f '. rrc t y ro- a. A t:.e It v f txiu 1... -; ; t,. S1 in 9 r r J : i ;':.:(."".' '. .! ; . ,:-4...vf ;-.':! j . : ( ' are in the " : t if i.i.,.x i.i rx-,! r. it ik.-'..i.t ".-' " ." ' - rr c r c ..-.rly 1 ; : v. .' l n.U-'y. IXr t: '. -. ,-:vc :i t.. v.- - iCvurt. fr all ; ; (.: : ' r c - . '4'. th ' 1 A-I .X . I.. x L r.c . 4 LlcJimotli CaLbr.e. Those who c2?.ire to rake the largest callare ia the wcr.'d, ghoul 1 rocure theJ'arb'chca Jlammcth Drumhead. The Cilia, ire avcrnjes CO ivouncls to the plaat, ar.i latts have Leon pre wo weiphir? over CO pour X- nr. 1 i,zr:t crirj 70 icchfs arcand tho soli i hcii. The Lea is hcing a gocl larger thai, a two Lushel la?kcts Cce j acke cf 3farl!eheal T-Tnrnvioth, 25 certs, ve package ere collar. I do tot aXi tLo ilammcth ly we: rht. Dealers supjlici tt a liberal disccast. I warrarA all seel scat to reach the parohn.'cr. JAMLS J.II. GliECOIiY, t37v5 JlarlkheaJ, Mara. L 1 !(;( - -' ; rx ; r1 r 1 , ...... i 4.-' ) i ' . I tare procn.-cd the right to mm ifaci are a late simple and Improved self-sealics Fruit Canto which I call the attention of the public. All of w!iich I pledge nyself to sell at as fair rates ana on as accomodating terms as anv other establishment in tLis recion cf the country I am prepared to put up jci-ucTi ig and spoutiuft and all other work cf oiy Uae attha shortest notice, and In a workmanlike manner, hich I warrant io give satisfaction. . I pie Ige myself not to be undorsoid in the upper country - - . J. C. . B.-awcvi'Jj, At:?nst, SO - X ' r i j - - 3 - r I J L . i . .:x!4 rrTl T7I 3 . . La.!.! jl iA vi i f if' U i.iikiL ' TO FARIIDES ' Of Kdra::a and 2. IV. ZZssouri: AGAII7 I would call the aftention of the farmers cf Nti-racka and Jdisscurl, to the that I have on hand and am cr..!, :.t".y inancfactoringr, at ray Plow FaXcry, ia tirctva, 0., wasocd, aad every iiatttia cf !, t j-v; it : One a::d Ti o ::;:: cl'lown, 4 -44 4.- i J4. , . JL.ct! ,11:1: r'.vx.D . Com 1'I:::;c;t, Aiul rii'.rroiv TcctHi Toretber n ith evcrj tl irp in th;s liaetsed ly a farmer I ti'nethe re'rofMlilityof saying that my two borse plows will do better woik, in stall. e or any kind cf rouph ground, thin any I manufactcrcd or sold In this npper country. Idy two-horse and prairie j lows will be Ht id, fur cajh. cn terms, such as will place them ia the rc-hchcif every farmer. Idy Tlowg can be cltainf-d from my accnt at Iowa Point, K. T., Brownville, Nodaway county, Marietta, Bush Bottom, Holt county, Lrownville. X. T., and For est cxy. MaitTix ncrriiAr. N. B. All kinds cf repairing djae wiia neatness and dispatch, cn Literal t orins. Oregon, Ho. , Iday, li;;J. Tlicodore Kill, Agent At BrownviUe.-N. T., keeps onhand a general assort ment cf Huffman's Plows. Erownville, -day, 1 jCD, jy xjotuati) Slssodafton A r.tntvoln.t Imt isuf'on ff.'.i?.,?;,r ly tirciil Lt.-dou-r.t'rt,forte liclitf cftKt S k or.d rested, t" m t!h I irUnt end Fnidtn.ic Difaes. end t - ecu-Hy Jjr Hie Cure of tiaeaet cf IKe Sexual IlilDICALi ABVICr: piven pr.atis, ty the Actirp S'Tceon, to t..l who spr ly ty letter, with a lcscripti;n cf their c rXXi.m. .-,ve, ccc.r3UT,, L ilutsof l.fe, ito..) and incases cf extreme poverty, Mcdir.nes lumi-htd free of charra. Valuj-lle Bepirts cn Epc-rmslpTrh n, bt-I other d't f-aes of the Orns. atdtn the NEW REilE 1.1113 frplcyel la th? I . .n-y. sent t.. the aSXtted ins.alci Irttorenvel res, irre oi c ! jrpe. Two or three It imps fi,r pasture w.ll tef.ccopta!.!a. Address Pit. J. SKILLIN' IlOnnirOV, Acting Sai roon, 11 -wf,:d Asi-c at: on. Ko. 2, South Niuth Street, PI: lade !; hi a, Pa. l's c- !-r of t'.e l-iro.--..r. I.;.:1. A D. Ill; AUI W ELL, Pres. Cro. PAinrrnT.r), he:'; . C-'ti ! c- 1 1, 1; u. Llo-yly !i!h-:.i i 1 '"'"" ""jj C2 i -i mZ i .. mmmwe .4 ' 4 n n "A 2 Xi ! n n n U) is D v' , J A3 " Aj : x' " c .3 J v-J -iJ J "V ' 4 , J r" , I ,1 . , i . tt 4.ta L4ik 44 W.44. 444 4 &, 4' 1 ;r-Mriin Catawba Wine, Charapaine Vvrine, Ciaret Vvine, - Old Rye, Old Bourbon. Irish Whiskey, Porter, Gin Cock Tail, . Saddle Bag Whisky, Blue Lick, ' ' Eoker's Bitters, Pale Brandy, , Curraco, cc. n r"3 in n 1 . 1 - ! 1 " li )S U. 4 i. .i . j r. 2 . . . A r" 'J ' Jm jiik. V iO 4 Plates. Cm in;, jiii i, -3 dT 5 s T EVAFOEATOES IX. J7. in tie l (" vt p -v X; ; ,'i , tf' J , AX ; v ' 1 -: ; ! to !., : X " ; r i. ifrut;..;.; rr i . . : . ; : , , ' t : t : ; T t ! e d:o . vXX ' ;( r la; ; . X : X t: : : i , ; ro c ! Ilv jp- - ; 1 ' -s i :t a -i : ,.r ; . ..- --,u r, tvi . (0 f;. :' .. very f t; c '---i- t i ' ' ? ' r . r t, ; i t : e ; - .tcr ;. c-.-i e . 's. t " 3 ..;.. tt 1 1' ' ' s ! '.., cn t"; X ..'.! n I C . X lu t v "' ''?;'!! P ; 1 ' 4 A. V .! 4 i. - 4 . X . 4 - . .. . 4 i . I . . v. .. V, ... I :. 1. , x ?--v .;, Ohio, tt' p cn!y tX jMistmett 1 1 '.s '.!, r 1 c . .1 '..X ve It in tlimanr- fii-tir? of tor -":o S !,c,r f.Xlls, Tc raters, iic, ly '-Ai I f.n f I. ". tarr rsiaX..X rc :sia those m:::h cca-c-lari.clrj. tx.e IKTi-X-KSj-fariXll and Ai vsratv were swaj I tie Pirst Ti cr u.:;:, at the Ohio .'. i:e i'alr; an 1 the I i,-t;t boner at tlx Prrti States , rcu:: f n lry, silver rsf Xil. I s- onllint lrr..-.iSt. :,' r.i:.:i'. -r.s J.c r:t rrn M.-m ::ri end Sov.:::i--n 1 c (. : 1 no otter to is ait then tetter i -X r r in 1 e . r ctht rwi-e. C T Tl x 1 !T " 1'"'' it: T" 1 1 V""ii litv i4i.i J...JviJ 1.1 l,ll.-.,.1ln,.liluM.I. Xo 0 Ore V. Vertical 1X11; riMesfroiallS ' to f, ,: f . IX s is cf jah'e j cr h r ; prK? . $il o 1 '::e ; r -Vc 1 !;.:; "t ia :.i ij it) r .X .. ct j. 00 3 or L...T J jii.o to : " .t IXi 1 ; c t! :a I c-a y, , do 2 'i'voi ' cVi 1 t o..! t :---,- ; !'r, 3 ta CO r Xh--: - ( ( .' f trr 1 ;:r ; : . It iXXt 0 to 8 ch -r Vi'-L'.il ' '. .i'. e :-'carf !''r'."cs f .': i-i:jt?:i. jjilk'i;-.' iioc ; rrto.;r,l.(!rjr c.r.'.'; Sft co .woh t- V tt:c3i (itr..r'c!)rep-es fro- . t to '.. til lens cf ju.ct ; er u.t ; b-vvy dri't irj) COS 1 'T !. - Vcrti-".' '-'"-Xer1'-c 'y-tra- c ty frc:.s 1 5 Mi: -'ill 1" s j : r h-ar 113 do6 To h rv. X. r ; VX . p ctre -.:) ?r tta l t y a f :. t.. 'X :c X , i.j H.-.i v.-n cr cX f r 1 'ir, pre .. 1 ircuijta UgalXcscr j ... ? j cr ! ''.-r 133 do 7 Two 1 rc X rhcr.t?.!, with vertical shsft t i ; y it '.crt ). v. rke 1 ty Lv-:s sir.iO si Ve : :..v,:t c s i:X 1 1 1 X"-X is per hcur TOD to 12J5 d 3 I'.vr ' Xt t -'X-'" i fen-c-) clt- . ' ' t ; ' ' 1 . rc ...r : ' ' ul .' e r ! e r ' l r 'X 1 X .-. 'ojfr !...:rs 23f d,? t vw ... . , r. p?i-; Ltx. -j- 3:.: ; : j. r t ? s-. f -.tier, rc . ;r r-. r tl '.' 1 c':, 'l v :Xr .it .ty w,.jkc r aero" f'CS 1 f !' 1:: v w 4 - - , f ' , 4 ' ' t Li ' O; A; L:i..i:. At ::x- itt'xiu x,.:e. c.r;A . 1 1. ; A C-x'A -k iUuL-iviLl, Decanters, , Gcblets, Wine Glasses, Fruit Dishes, Pitchers fee, 4 " ' ' ' X' I.. a;.. - A i b m m- iw b '-wi A t J V.. .J L . . v P T" Cj o lJ n L.J J 4i bJ J M S Tar Rir.'rs, C'-i-t Tl -' Firxrcr Fiing?, iiuitiv'ti, Breast Pins, CvC, vtvC. t . "V . f, J r s i , Than was ever before cfTarcd in this 1 1 A : v. w j j ATX 3 A L:.rj3ix::x c : C:x::: i ; r i at tiu: , . -X'i i;. i 1 ' t- r a vi-r Ty 4 i j . 1 X- 7 c r A " - B 0W NVILLE, Wc Have Just Received and Opened Host IlaniUcent ': O : r ,fx - i : ,A r r -r r . f LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ZEPHYR HOOFS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SHAWLS AND SCARFS. Cutlery and .Quecnswarc, 1 n n n r. fj tJ rr ,p i a And Choice G 11 O C FRIES. P i Larsest Assortment of n ifif'-'fi' j M1 t":A f" 4 I 4.3 GIl083, 4 t M A i- rer evened in Brownvilh and no mistake ! Caps from 23c to to 3,50. We can Fit Gents ia Suits frcm $5 to $c0 9 P "TT T r-T TT H TTT D 17 Saddles and Harness, Oil Cloi2is and Carpciinr, BLANKETS FROM SI oO TO S7 53 Iron, Hails and Castings GLOVES Ladies Riding, Kid and Silk. Gent3 Gauntlets, Buckikia and Dixvin. Ussi Qualities cf i 1 A i mi-fh in 1 ? ? 1 4 ; ' i p I' MH Mili 111 'I u And C, -4 -I 4 ft- 4. 4. 4. , W W 4 y 4 ...A - :nt cf LIGHT GROCERIES S;x:Ii a.3 lO '.V. i: i - . - , 5 1 ; ' '.f ; Th- if I'.C- 4 a Tt e:.":r-'C:;:e t ; : : : r) ; - " :: :' " ' f t h" w - ; r r"f ' . w i-c:r X if j ; '.'4 -t tl..? I. : i i' '''T tr:. X ' C . tl..,-.. and o-: : : -.::i re... ' : s:.t;e-t t-.i a r,' t ci.!- -- i, i . - .x7 ..' , ; ' ' l.i.i i'ei,.:rs .y i.-., .-, X. , ; 'T a; '.:?, 9-.! ........... iT ..j'.e ...... , u-r J suits i:t Cavs f f 1 1 ; e r ; -i:i ill ,.'.! j ', L- j . r-i i ; . r rri a.-... -ivf i r-e rer.-j.ri.,; ,a v,, h Tv. : ' . .-y. , jrv.- : , , -. . X Iira:.,nof the U.rt, IX...:erAc.. .:': C'-l . -' x t :. e ;. 1 n f. .. , '.'T ly iw - t i 1 W 4U .Xr'' have ! wi:i c-: ' n r: : u. :-t.j -T-.'s .J PP-lLf u t " - .li . "" . " '-: K.. I A. .'' . ire , .... 4 4 i . 1 4. 4.' i-4 4. , -Xx . . .44 Gir:rer, v Wi j wvwe ALSO, mJ. Uc. o'.ii..L 4..4.w,i CT HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. D 4 . ' ' 4) - 4 4V. fc t i fcrf- rf-. 9 --if v f . .... . . . JJ ' , Mercury, ini::.;e:7.., . ,x , . . s . r' arduous of sjAr?.tj t:i;:a. v. b v f" July 5, IX), ly 1SG1 PcCORMICK'S A'-- V' V 44 III 3 knowledge cf the trad? a-. 5 w t ts of th? r n "'a of pcR-wnville and vicir.i'y enahies hlai to n: iU-? j ; om expressly : t th! 5 r.i-v i;a a-'; aa examiruXon cf bis St.k, fi?-... r a-arel to will le able to satisfy ia q-r.iXty, style r... X pri ;cs. m-mi 4i . 4. A4( ,4 Kb V f .. r t -.-4J41 &mu-- t& 44, WHITJIEY'S BLOCK L...-J . t ... . . : J l a ; 4 X.. - auiiu.icXiirccl CHICAGO, ILLS. TTi:pnve Tl:lTs,:i Zzf .. rx4 -o,rr,'j. .-ir; o orcr 4,CA rrA X-. Ja,, s'r,-a rox I!.:) ';t 5,X H;i 'A. A3ar-;:r, tla "A-C rA" Lw le,a ,f n tha Ai-.Ti'-Ka p-A'.ij Lr tha Ax tc-'y T,in j-'j durir-T tAt tL::e ? -v'-jil r-'x: n tvX.A lj uYi'orU' 1., A vi.Lit,;; L: t;.) y i-X la crea,!r:;c: X.::;.-n,2;i t; h,-.- 'cf -j j-. r-"el ia the t.?vX o Ah ' ' '- '- -i ' . X- - i i ' v ' ' " ' ' ' TV icrxc-r iZ .1 ia t.:j r-i.-t.-A f.r E r r. ti. The r?:rvr.AtA.rt3 r.U Ij tArsi"'.''. thit th 3 MiiCAruXXi was a XA A3'-"t, t .X Is z.y an!?--, Ajr .A i.V - j h j X- cr;t X - d y." ' ." 1 will jriv?." ' ;:--X erx: : L ia .-J vo..iJ lm-.-.x-j ; U. .It cf i i; i. . , nr. i E':.3 ;s;:Xh; i.;::o iri....:! rrUi l rr r - r :: j 'h::jcL t:t h..-, j I rj ' ' ct...l d.:;L thr.vt sca7:r!,ar.if,r IA!, ths -IL C -nick" j r-Ax I -hi.'iwi." tha cvir LtAro. A".4--.r The partnership heretofore esis:!:.; u-..;..t tf n-:9 and style of Lusr.b31.n & Carsoa at 3rownvi'.:, 2,'e braslc, was, on the first day of Xoverrd cr, :xs. 1tX v mutnal consent, by the withdraw ai of H. Y. L".X.Ij";"i. John L. Carson will settle the ur.iXXvsc, -n?i::s t.t the old firm and coatlne the Larkihg m l u XTaiij Agency business as heretofore at the oil st.-r; l. JTov. 1st, i;c . Jon:;, l. cAi'.oo:,-. Ia severing my business connein with mv ix . irt- cer, I deem this a proper crrort unity of cxpre-.-ir'(r r.ry thanks for the pstron:i?e t e- :owe ! npc.n our'ttrni, eiiri the period In which w.j were c-r.-.r red la lns:asi It aif.. rd 3 me much pleasure also to ft.mnin('l t the. favorsbleconsideration of the friends of the old firm mv successor in business, jfr. Caraou. & sMtv.nm in otp4 way worthy of the coed ienca ar-i s-rr-ort. i t ,t. rri m. iaatlnjr put lie. f. LrsfiDArcn. SiriPLICITY, STRFNGTII ANDDU EALILITV ccr.r:r 1 ii t) iXxr . , vrlllt) i'a ci;t:'.' f ? wtr'r, w: ;h enn-tmy ct" vitrr : r ) it th-3 T ..:..'. res cv'.r a.'; cAs.'s. 1--,(-- T ,,,rr; - . ''-..j f. -. , tlia s v' r, ir. Ti I : . X. i ..-.-) ti t:.-3 r. . .:: ih? : .:! r 1 rahcr, ia thar-.Tr the divcr, th js rXX:; tl. weight wher-3 it sh ..'. I I-', R-.i rX.''.v:.-. the rA crtMhcf ih 3 rt.; . f cr"'T w Eli-Lt in Artiih;a cf th '.. ths Cj. r ! and oth-.r in-.- r t :r:; :tX a. A : 1, i3 rc,X aenel the direct d.-iv -h a;-.l s AX iX-l tbe e 1 ' cira." : X t.-.3t r..!.;;7 r. . ure uj ti.iJ it d i..).l,v TSict. Th- J-r -Lt cf t'.'i i: -5pr is si i'ht A ia nh: ir.-- .:.. ;!. l.rr :.. ur-h'.-r; z..t. LX ii w.A.I I i to h s-i-.i. n. -sr. josepii, jo. 4 -V 4 4.- 4- 444, m f j" Vrf1 , -- .t- , 44 I '..",'- ity &.4 r'L'Tp.i Tin "Tl" FrcvrnviUe, Aurut, GO, ISC J. AJ -. d. O iu. 1- OO-,.. k -4vi. Ca.Ti is Aai ai out Store, ar.i cn terns c favoralh as these' cf any ether House in the Vnct. All Kinds cf niiiti i ' i A J ' ( ' j A s M 1 I I I t! WW Jm mmm.-J Ma a 4. W .i iU J.J Tailbetaieain esulitrsa i cut rent prices. Cono Ono S Ooxxx.o 1.12 1 J T7e are to sell at lo.?er pXces and jive t-itv-r larjains thua ever tc'.-ro. v .iiiill lit v .. V Iji j Ixr-TUlccM?, I3CD.- ji-15' Two Extensive lYcolen Factcrlcs SUCCE S -3FUL OPlAdAIt) X, ONE NEYv: AND FITTED UP With all the Latest Fine Improvements. TTe are rrepftred to raana.raetaro' to order, an J Lave for sa!j tho fA. iwin- Goods: . w (,.J, .. wiw 4..i 4ifc. TWEEDS, FL.IJS'.VELS WHITE, COLO IAD, STKII'xD AND ILAIX icullptl im.sftj'.s, ciiAorix Viiiio cM-i AVxcc, 1 1-2 Yards viU. FULLED CLOTH, Blankets cf ali Kin !?.:;! nil Q::alil!:, YARNS OF ALL SIZEri AND COLORS, - Warranted all Good j cf ths test caterial. 27 Wre wO eichacgs the above Goods f :r T7o.A or cash. Fancy 711:7 to CrTrr. We will pavcaAi f:r any tcLl; cf Wccl.r.t J.;irket rrices. Flour co titaailj cn h.arcl f jrsAe. The test' r:-' pai-I for wheat. N.LUEL & SO H. LUI1LL &. D IXON AuTust,23, ISA). rTYT" "7 rr"" fvt--, t-;,-,. S-4 J .i. A -ij J. K.J U4..1Ui.l4iii Sironq, Vr'cll-roc.ied One Year CXM'Xr- $1; 0! I 1 10 $2.C. J -;r i-x.'r :re ; vers, trie", be art 7 tros-i, J.2 fs x M.h'cr ;r$, l f j 1.5.). ALXO nnevincs cf Allen's r.ew white flyhrl 1, Am a. C'.ra, Concord, Clinic i, C v ", T' .-tf .-j, 'llcr' :'., llartf-.rd, PToliitc, Lrsut, Le N.n-, I.y hj, I.' ::-1, tario. ttcteeca, I:, rers'e Tiev J.'yl-r. 1, IX j l-.r's L . . To-Kalon, Union VXi .-p. ice. Compactly grown hjlm-ar-s, with aXtihrrX f n eiTo'is roots, carefully picked l.i mors, eovelvrc-1 ia o.l sil'i, and sent p.-si paid, to any pirtcfthe Union, t-n reccirt cf $1 eii h. I;3'..o'.;;iS and Cutiwh n cf : r:r a- ! t-,-a j p irs' cro-, tl;. foreira vines f t Grater.-!, lix-. : .-r:--., Ii.a.i.err:H Stt" Xerrif , No., all at tie lowest rates, j"'e';I f r a c;:j. ',r. CAJtrrxr.L, rxa-rarc-, o. Oct1I3,n!:0. nhrX.i. ,4 J ', . , 4 4 ST'. Vf - 4 '. ' i :'- B , "1 .4, r i X ! i ,? . x .. r e t : " I''l S W- I J 0 4 , 4 . . ii , . . I lii.M.V.j Tteir.teh'niof IAI sill l Aani fxl; ?tj .! to uayttMt trT.t itrray su": Ax A to. ThO 'A iiientatl- 'i ..f the LXA, i-j h.A'r.-;j a,-I ct-i-cation wii'a t n an i r-M, i.'.' - :i i i ra cf ta-tiv3 r-yit iractsf'all'j ia o-;. r l A..'ui:-T, th-u fcnallirc3 to 'o-jio-l vcori, with cn, even, wcrki.t w. l!. Oiir Ir.rrcvel Gvard c: 1 TaitrJ Cd.'rjr. cTccfu illy f reverts t-.'i A -r. to mt:-r '-it ths cc-diAa cf the rri vAila currew dif.Ar j r.i S'.'V!;.ra:r'j tt.Ly I A' i at. 1 V.zrUl cXrer yrg-a..f whore other r::l.i:-'3 f;i!. Thcroij' also a Trt.u cd rati'S incur inrraXi siekle e.I-3 over th :;t t th, as it tloei ct r-j'iir sharjenix! so cfxAas sivlc tias. OarM.; will frc;tt :rX!y run th.- : ;h aa cat ire t..tT:. "J ' cn t c rcee ;rX r i r vX:: ' t ? sta- oth e-A Et;t ground c:..;cf 1 i .X;-, l;:..!Xl t: r. '.. - A?" h c the dn u -t t ir.---. .-a.i the kA'a t'""' "4 ! Our a.-ai..:.:t iu-.!' r-.i, a.-.i ia rej .'. tr-i-'J ii pAt the f-.t! t f A A, proved fu- l:,;ht-:r thta: )Iowcr,ci::i t - at th sue tiaa ttf elre U cxhteen t . i .-r. Oar y. .wepenn Iatji w.rb cr witi-nt the r:el thisis i:r: -:- i;T. r.-. i wiAcat AsreX, w ' i bat ab'-ut CTj 1 -uaA. Ia alllti'.a to the Try liter U w.vTar.'-ee ?:eati all prrc-haser?, vre would say' m h-n t-.f-.r. ti -f icers who rc? di-iro it, jr. at XArtj to w.r! Kut'cir.? thr v - the harvest, with arty other, " keep, ar. i ; -7 j r. t A c r.a ; reXTt i. J '.';-t with f,U d i-n-;.; a of irxr-v-settto testXa-T.iA.-, '.:-.. eaa ti tii'r.vp ;.' --a J r t . 4 . .- i 4 . 4 T'tT 1 I . ' " t i ...iX.,.. ilILL, a."M Xrcvnvi: d.Atrr..' 'i.t, April 1. IXi. A ;! I i J 4V -J -4-1 X i Ul.J I ....llu.. . U.. .. - W4. . ciz!:ei. iii.4i cx; c-f ti.'ifi..-X,, "1 --1 -T 4-4. j.. -r- ' - r-4 1 - f- " ' T 1 i t ? ' ' - 1: - , f- -t-,. A . - , J J M. A 4 A... J J - J I . . .1,. Lecdrr .rts at id-J.c ) yer M., r -c L.r 'y u- - rt--I to the tr A ; sX-ctoH, 10. ''3 per 1. L.A.c ' rcLail. I'-r-.-i' . TAV A,r X-AA.rXAI. I'lact?, 41 centi each, ret XI. Cherries, 25 cents ct-Ai, rx XI. OaisT, 2- cents t-i.-h, rchXl. (Aosiherric, 75 cert '.i per d -t., Ih;n-h:on See A't Pear treei, 41 ccrtx .t.i.;L, s t j - I.irl. l'ear tree', Z 3 er,r.ts ci-'-. D-!.rf. Ftrawherrh-', 2 p - r X I.huharhAlJstJ r,;rL-cnAeJ, LA:-,th. Tha above ca-el tr:e3 rti r.c.'.v pr: ir rcp-.n etir own, stz 1 -,T3 e -rAdcr thera ve-y :'..-. 1L prrpnex-r j at' t -.1. a Aa been r irraltllc'-, i:r!x:t c, Cellars, TTIifrS Lashes, Lir-7, Git ths, Crcinls, CI irr :x i c.t J Xc; : r J , Curh and Pert lii'.i, Rhr rc -i;:r., -JJ7 irt;xx.y FhrArix- Hair CccrAntly cn II'-'- la order t salt aX, I icih? h !rt--: t f.-cta pc-reet. iXd I havecX.irs frcra CXc.X'.j c.-S. nailer-; irtA.i c. 'l.t3 cr.cli i WILL CZLIi; Ad LOT,-, if-ctlcTar than asyct.3 t::!h cf Zi. Jcxi, UJ rritA'A" r..r. "th.A - in yy Ht-JtA-H f-1 J 3 f-mA V'T their adrxnA" "3 to "iv? r-.3 ' c."dd tc ? jolt;; w. : :iddl::to.v, . yc-ars a.( t cr 7 t I r- - ."tcrsrri ?3,tho crdiirat v.-t and n: -. .- ' :' an-1 durir. th is tlrae, t. ave m.t.i-i it a L : -colAct fmia tho racst tc rr.-et ' ly-,:. ,- c:Xdr.A:tcl to this ci;-i t-j. All crd.TJ, aee.-Tnp.ani- 1 l;.y c. Ar, : !' -'I a." !Af): " A i' 1 i j ( i. . . a c ; i rui's ; :. to -i c. A:l tti fcr IfT wh-ia c Ul frco cf c ...... . er t j . . . t ' 4 TV. C. DOLE, 0:'rc Pranch, Chnixd i ... O. P 4.4 M p 1 15 vr,....., ,f -;.-A. I !:hr-? Aw J ? t1- i A- Fall ..v. V:. (' A 1 - 1 4 f f ' (,. .'-- 1 . t -. X: sc".t tJ iX X1 Jia. XI.