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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1861)
O lllll HiuMi .THE','. ADVERTISER, ' . . : FURNAS '& LI? ANNA, Secoai Story Stnciler'a Block, Mala Street, . 'iiuoivivviiLxr:, v. t. ouuuu mtmummaa rrwa. TERMS: T f ottrtr,t pai1 in advance, - - - - $2 00 11 " " it paid attbe endof 6 racDtba 2 60 . ' ' '. " 12 3 CO -.,, f,f 12 rr more will Le f crrUvbed at $1 60 per , aer.e. : i V ! , s ' I ,v I ' A I vAiVP A v if r XeyAoV Ay NX r I i I TUB AD' 7 ' f Y ft j M ! f.- MA i V VX ' NX 'NX 'X 'NX AXNX i j ? 1 I 1 i Ay A? A A- i 7i! i i ! J i J La V at::o or" a v A va f "Free lo Form ana Resale ALL tlielr Domestic Instlfnflocs in lUcIr own iraj, snhject cnlj to Hie Constitution of t nc I'nltea States: ie jMrr(!3 !in?r!p);aris J;,ri!'?, - l EjcU iii i.,n'.iaef tia, .--- i :. .;ir, r.rt r.v-fcts, -...- j u iu: .'r.i of tt i iotir Ie .tef ?, a oatCil i;: ioirf(f, --! te-liaif t' ;:orn ce rir, u.'S rj'ia rl)!u-;aci.e jfr - . - - , i'-?f:;r.,4C..!6!ssrjjtri ..... It l'rtCii!3-rtiiiin.,B',ii, ....... 5 ' One bilf C-Ma-na tx u:m!t. ..... i ('je (nr:h C'!uiiai bK.-r i: ., ..... !J r,;tlh Cilaian u ti'ic;ii, ..... i lriCol'.i"nt!!rt mn-,!b. ...... 7 :- T4:f C Samntbreetj -.:;.. . - . - IJ ..jrih Citit.ia tfcr;- a!i::, . - . . J) Oitei.:Mij Colanin e.-" .irs. .... 6 ' i -j r . I I t i VOL. V. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 23,1861. UUSIK'ES'S CARDS. V. J0HNS0S A. iCHOEKHEIT "Johnson & Sclioenhcit " ATTORNEYS AT LAV, AND ' SOLICITOUS IN CHANCERY, r,irncr First and Main Streets, Corner nrounvillc. . - - Vcbraslta Dlt D- GWIN, llavic pcrraancnlly located in mjOWNVlLLE, NEBRASKA, ' Fcr theVractice of Marine tod Surgery, ten- hi, professional ,erviceE to tbe aCiCtcd ' office on Main Street. ncr3 AS. HO L LAD AY, M. D. Serffilty ih.t be bn re ed the practice or Urdlclnc. Snrscry, & Obstetrics . rei. 24, '. as.y T TTW. TIPTON Attorney at Law, 7. D. N. THOMPSON, Justice .of. the Peace am. lu.fcc. omce nri u' WITH IT-. - : JOHil L CARS0II . -S jSl 330" 23 H. . . lSd iVNu tax mm Pfflcr in Com, L'ncwrrcr- Monty, Land Warrants: Exchange, end Gold Vust IlUOlVVlLl!i:1, SCUtt'ASKA. . i.t .iiKniiiin tnbnvlnz and hcIHdk ex- ' r' rnl,pd ate. and ! fTDuat UCoUm ;.Tna.le on .11 acccssable points, 1 a UUH, -u,r , , .wn0 .t rurrpilt rates. iurVenionnt, and interest al tun ei on special deionti. OFFICE, nil RTHEET. DCTffCW THE lAxndOtaccs. ) R EF E R E A Lind k DrotbeV J. W. Cart-on k CO., Hinor. li"-fc & Co. y .m.g K Carson. Jew. TUni..n Mawtl, C" Jo. t J. T. Steven. ESQ.. Alt J V.f 'g jnL Sf Caliper. Lat 3d Aild. L. S Turlor &. trip;U, Vuker, MoCeilind,Pye co. B .n. Tbon8 V Trajt, p. K. smalt. E.q.. Pren'tS. Bant, r.,i. r.eo. S-rtiy, a t (...Sam.lUMetonAtfyat Lar, JiK'ire Tb. Teiry, Pr.-.-f. H. Tutwiler, CES: .Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Washington, D. C. J t 4 Ctileaco, til. Lonis, M. Annar'll, Md. Mercertibnrii Pa ' llapertown, Aid. ' Kxt-ton, MJ. Cximtierland, M1 Iiaviiii.i, AUI nia Soy 8, Ibb0-tf . ATTOUNKY. AT LAW, AND, ni Master ComihioiiCr In ( , itUlu y .. L. HUGHE., n0.VBV . i n i Y SAINT L0U13 - " MISbUU1 jirnn & iioiaoay. No. 140, rrl Street, Produce anil' Commission Powell, Levy tJ-enon, - M-J0..ra' Tulles cV Frlelgb, - T. & J. Curd.'. " ." 4. Nave, McCrd &.C?. " " " . Unnvl &. Saxton . - AND BIIIDERY, COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. WILLIAM F. KITER. May 17. 1S60. . PEASE &T0WLER, BLACKSMITHS, -rTator 0troot, BROWNNILLE, NEBRASKA. hare recentlT locatiH In tk! place and solicit a share tfSKtroJiM. Tbelr-orkand price. nno t ,.v. a;ti.f. ct,cn. Pr,-e. for IV-r aboeing all Tound with stw hoea. Dec. 30 g D. A. C O X S T A CLE, IMPORTER AXD PI4LIB I! IRON, STEEL. NAILS, castings, springs, axles, files UEXjXiO W 23 , BLACKS MIT II ' S TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff. Third Street, between Felix and Edmond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. Wbich he fell at St. LonisTriceefor cash. ' Highest Price PaiiTfor Scrap Iron. December 1, lSS9.-ly. PIKESJ PEAK GOLD! Hnlil and - I.fcC. " - ftntey npon tbe same, and ray oTer balance of prwMii '0Bas Mint returas are had. In all ease. I ibiuttbe printed return t tie United Stated Mic, W Away cftlce. JNO. L. CARSON, BULLION AND EXCHANGE BROKER BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Clocks, Watches & Jewelry T SPTTTTTZ OL "WoBdanaonneetothe-itiiena of Brownvllle Wil vlcinitT that be h located hincif in Brownville. ardiniendokeecin? a full assort, of even-thin in h-a'lneof hninehf. which will "l lew fur cash. He wi: 1 alto do all klnas of re ,"r'nuf ciocta, watciiesandjcwAlry. AU work war 3alSIj CHARTER OAK Life Insurance Company, Harliord, Conn. Incorporated by (he State of Connecticut, Capital Slotli. $200,GC0. "WithUreand i nere am n;rurjtlu receipt s.s!' It invested nndr t';e f aucti n and aj jircralof the Lomptrollerof I ullic Accoutt. OITTCKRS AX1) DIRECTORS: JAMMSC. V.'AI.KLr.Y, PrcM.lent. JOHN L. US'j;:, Vice rrcriJeat. KLTAS OILL. S-retarv. E. D.DICKC KM AN, General A gent. Dixir:cTor.s: Alfred Hill, Daniel I'iiillljis,, U. I!lodret. J. A.l'.atler. T.. I). Diekennsn X.Wlieaton, .Sam.t'cit. NcIjod ilxlliner, James U. u alkley. S. T. Hirefford ,M D. Conultin? "hyicinii A. S. II.ll;id:iy,M I). Medical Kxatninr. ppliciit ion k received Vv K.W. Kl'UNA Ajr't . n8-tf lirownviU jf.T. Johns & Crosley, SOLE M A K I" F A CTCRKRS OF THE IMPROTED CSTTA FKitClIA CEMENT ROOFING, the Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use. IT IS FIRE ,IXD WATER PROOF It can be applied t new anil old roof of all kinds, and U nhingle rurg without removing the 6bingle. The cost is only one-third of Tin, and is twice as durable. Gutta Percha Cement For preporrlnjr and repairing tin and other metal roofs t everp description, nni its (treat e'ai-Ucity in not In jured by the contraction and expansion of meta:a, and Will not crack in cold or Run in wann weather. These materials have been thoronphly tested In Xew Tork and all parts of the Southern and Wetern iitates. and we can give abundant proof of all we claim intneir favor They are readily applied by ordinary laborers, ut trifl ing expense. "NO HEAT IS REQUIRED." These materials are put vp ready for use and for Shipping to all parti of the Couutry, with fall printed directions for application. Full descriptive circulars will be fur nished on application by mail, or in per son, at our principal cflicc,- 510, BROADWAY, (Opposite St. Nicholas Hntel ) NEW TORK, JOHNS Jc CROSLEY. Feb. 23, 1SGI. AGENTS WANTED. 6roo- SPRIKtt FAS53IOMS. 1859 IIAX.WIIAI, & ST. JOSEPH 11. R. t r-" r FALL ARRAXCSEJiEXTS. WiralcTraln leaves St. Joseph at - . 6:00 EveniuR Train leaves tin do - - 6 -10 St. J.'jepbis rcichodby the "Western Stace Line. raseenrrs una ilreome sta?inp by tM roote Ujii.v connection made at Hannibal wiih alljllastern nuu cuui ih-iii iroaim anrcrrfCKets. J T D Havwood, Stip't., Hannibal. D u Sawix, General Acrent, St. Joe P B Ghoat, G. Ticket Agent, Han'la Tnro. Hill, G. T. Ag't, Brownville November 2 i. 1669. REAL ESTATE a ir d Collection Office O F MRS. IIEWETT, MAIN STREET, nROlTXTILI, NEURASStA. Annoisnces to the laciies of Brownvllle and vicinity ihiii fclieh just receiveU her SPUING STOCK MILLINERY GOODS, To which the calis particular attention. TTer goods are of the eery late.-l ttj le aud are offered at tn jtually low prices. April, 1560. FAIRBANKS' ETAXDAED ISCALE s OF ALL KISDS. -FWRBftllK? & GREESJLEAFj 11'2 LAKE ST., CSISCAfiO, And corner cf M:iiu & Walnut Sts. Kt. Louis. f-TiVX ONLY THE GENUINE. .. OjS-.3fX. Curnett, Willintn K-enin. a id Jarae 1 itlunden. (the latter. lon seedsman in the cm ploy of Mcoor Landnth A Son ; havs united under th Crm of JOHN GANNETT i CO. TOR THE FKOECCTION OF THE Agricultural Implement AND SF.F.D RUSINESS. They will constantly keep on hand a full mpplyof LandrdlCs Warranted Garden beats, all fresh, and of tbe la?t year's prowth. To bo obtained at tho old h-.uso at l'Liladeli-bii. . 3 r !,;- e.t.. , f (:rden Seeds exclu- IMI1IPIIIIIII- '"" r..... , r Five to those. They will keep very larga itoek of Ml Implements and .lucmnery in EVUItiCINQ ALL THE LEAPING ARTICLES IM THK TK1DE, OF THK BEST MlMmiiM. lrntim of their friends. inCTPUIKH uoi" , , i and of all thoe who have d-alt at the branch how of LANrnrrn A Son. at St. Loui. Our rne- tha-l .!:m;-o with the time, ana we hope to tiof j all wba call on u, as to the quaiiij in Our Tware Cah, ijni to cirrcni. JOHN GARNETT & CO., ,2n4 ST. LOUIS, MO. CTNTLEMEN'S WEAR JACOB MAKOtlN, MERCHANT TAILOR; RROXTXTIEEE, IVKR-lAalXA, Has jost returned ftvm St. Lou U j:L an euuro new f took of LATEST STYLES Of Oood for tJer.tletacn wertr, which he will make to order at short notice, and in a manner be warrants t be satis! :u-tory. His stock consist in purt rf black, eoii red ana mixed cloths; l-l:ck, colored and mixed doekin; Mack, colored, lan.-y and mixed C.iimers; fine Kentucky Jt-ans, Chetk. Ccttonden. Lin.-c.?, dr.l hc" duck. Satins Vetin,'s, Braids ButU n?, cords Ae, He return? Li? thank o the pentlein of thu i laeeaiid vk-inity f.r their past liberal patron, and reprwtfully invito thetn to call and examine h; new'-tock. He feel conCler.t that in the fu ture m in tbe j.asi, be will bo able to give entire sat isfaction. Brownville, March 21, lSGO.-ly T. M. TALBOTT, DENTAL SURGEON", Having located himself in Lrownville, X. T., tea dcrshis professional services to tlieconicar.nity. All jobs warranted. 27- 7t7" Seciro27c2.? BOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Main, Between Lev.e and First Streets. ParlictzJar attention given to llic Purcliasc ami Kale ofRcal Estate, 3a!inpr Col lections and Paymcixt of Taxes Tor Vcn-TlcsI- dent n. LAND W ATIHAXTS FOR SALE, for cash nd on time. LAND WARRANTS LOCATED forEastemCap- itolists.on lands elvtel from personal examination, and a complete Township Map, showing Streams, Timber, forwarded with the Certificate of location. Brown ville.N. T. Jan. 3. 1351. yl , J -.-xi...i!5tr.,:-! - FEED YOURSELVES! New Eating Saloon. BENJ. WHYTB, IIa opened a new Eating nou so on JIain street, next d.xr to the U. S. Laud Office in Brownvillc, where "VLr.xaxx. Zt-Cocvlrs CAN BE HAD AT ALL HOU 11 S. All kinds of game served np as desired, at tbe shortest notice. Oysters, Quails, Prairie Chickens, Fish, Venison, Pies, Cakes, Hot Coffee. Sweet and.But'.er Milk, Mush and Milk, and all such. Como ixxicL f3oo TWTo ! ! bb. 7, isci. uat TY LIVBRY STABLE AND BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ROGERS & BROTHER. AKKOCN'CES to the public that he has purchased the Livery Stable ami Stock formerly owned by William Russell and added thereto fine and is now prepar ed to accoinmHlate the public with O.irrLtges, Buggies, Sulkies, Saddles Horses THE TRAVELLING PCBLIO Can at his Stable ample accomoiouations (or horse, mules or cattle. BENJAMIX & JOSnUX R0GEB3. Brownvillc, Oct. 19, I860. nlo-yly "Iilcs Peak, or Bust." PROVISION STOBG AKD DRY GOODS HOUSE. 11, T-S-axixi ettroot, BE0W17VILLE, II. Tf J. 1BI3IEIEY Co nave Jnst completed their new business house on Vain Street, near the U.S. Land Office, in Jirownville where they haveopened out and areofiering on the most farurable terms, Dry Goods, Provisions, Of all Kin-Is, FLOUR, CONFECT10NARIES, CRCEX AXD DRIED FIll'ITS, Choice Liquors, Cigars, And a "thousand and one," other things everybody needs. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Brownvllle. Apri' 26. ly . THOMAS DAVIS, ECLECTICiPHYSICIAH SURGEON, TABLE ROCK, NEBRASKA. Reference, Dr. D. 0m, Lrownvuie. Arnl II.'fiT. iW-Iv Well Buckets and Wheels J.J. TlirKMANUson baniabtcf No.IWc'.l Buckets and Wheels. Erowmille, April II, CL n-JT TELEGRAPHIC. From the Bulletin tf Friday, ilay I7th. secessiomists arrested it Missouri. ANOTHER ATTEMPT AT RIOT II BALTIMORE! Washington's Remains Removed Difficulty Apprehended in Louisville! Traitors chow their Ivlettlo at Tt Llccroo - M. Sr. Louis. May 17th, A nri. v- r .t iiiu xemocrai or mis morning gives an account of the capture of several se cessiomsts at Toiosi and DeSota, Wash mgton county, on Wednesday of this week, by a company of U S soldiers sent out from the Arsenal by Gen Lyon and commanded by Capt Cole. Some Union men had been driven out of Washington county and their lives threatened by se cesslbnists, therefore, Gen Lyon sent the detachment of soldiers over to protect tnem. I he company under Capt Cole arrived at Potosi at 3 o'clock Wednesday morning, and at once threw a detachment of sentinels around the town; trnards were then stationed around the dwellings of the most prominent secessionists and shortly after daylight some 150 men formed themselves and were marched off to the court house. Here the prisoners were formed in line and by the assistance of a gentleman, who had been driven out of Potosi and who knew all the inhabi tants of the place, the Union men were recognized and released, amounting to over half of thosp taken prisoners. Some 50 of the secessionists were also released on parole of honor, after subscribing the usual oath not to take up arms against the U S, ard nine of the leaders were march ed off to the cars. The Guard there made a descent on a lead manufactory and captured near 400 pigs which belonged to a man who had been iurmshing lead to the Southern army. The man's name is John Dean and is now a prisoner at the rsenal. It appears that Dean had been in the habit of hauling the lead with his own team to the Arkansas line and selling to the secessionists for the Southern army, ine Lrnara capturea several pist- s, rifles, shot guns and a quantity of se cession uniforms most of them unfinished and some uniform cloth. On their way ba'ck to St Louis Captain Cole's company halted at DeSoto, Jeffer son county, where there was to be a se cession meeting and flag raised. Here they found a company of cavalry drilling, which seeing the U b troops immediate ly fled leaving 30 horses, which were cap tured by the troops and placed under guard. The secession pole was soon made to carry the stars and stripes at its top. A flag of the Southern Confederacy found in the town was captured, and then the troops marched toward St Louis with their prisoners and booty. The names of the secessionists taken prisoner are John Dean. W A Matthews. Stephen II Duuk- in, Wm J Slater, G B Clark, Ed Wil cughby, L W Casey, Patrick Doyle, N Burke, editor Potosi mines, Ur wyatt of Jefferson county, and D Smith, of Vic toria. The secession meeting at Deboto was to have been addressed by prominent Southern Rights politicians from St Louis and other places of the State The Democrat also gives an account of the manner in which E M Joel, Mail Agent on the Pacific R R was served by sothern rights men at Osage river on Tuesday last. When the train stopped Joel was taken to the river and thrown in, he then swam ashore, but was again thrown in and came near being drowned but was finally taken out and released after much hard usage. In consequence of the treatment of the mail agent the mails on the Pacific road have been sus pended for the present. " New York 16th. The Herald states that on the 17th ult., the war dapartment ssued orders directing the commanders of Fort Smith, Ark., Forts Cobb, Gibson and Washita to evacuate and repair with their troops and government property to Ft Leavenworth, and authorizing the oc cupation cf those posts by Arkansas vol- unteers caneu oui uy iuc x icsmcui uisi proclamation. This explains the aban donment of Ft Smith by its federal gar rison sometime since. The Government to day received ad vices from the squadron off Ft Pickens. There was no change of military status ; the squadron in accordance with instruc tions had put a stop to the landing of ves sels from Mobile and IS Urleans with supplies for the rebel army, being a com- .... . i. plete blockade. It appears me reDei troops had been almost wholly supplied with provisions from tacse iwo ports, tne stopping of their supplies at this time will it is thought operate most disastrously to the troops, as they were but poorly sup plied before. . ... ... . j . t The World's VVasmngtonaispaicn says the police have been required to take the oath cf alleigance. Another spy has been ?rrested in the Pa camp. It was rumored the a troops were en camped in the rear of Arlington heights two miles from Washington, the rumor is not credited, although the troops were ordered to sleep on their arms with the artillery on the alert with double shotted Suns- , . . There was anouier attempt ai nut m rratt street, Baltimore, on the occasion of the pisae of the Djylstown guard with the Ringgcld battery, and the fact being known, every man had a loaded riCe which deterred any serious movement. uiiuroore, mjix lutn. me r l and Mass troops withdrew from federal hil their this morning taking one half of battery with them, and returned to the Relay House. A gentleman, who gives us a report c the removal of the remains of Washing ton, says that it was done on the ground that the ?orth was about to do tae same New York, ..lay lGth. A private let ler from the wife of a leading politician of the Confederate Government to a friend in this city reads as follows : Northerners need have no expectation in regrff d to the bones of Washington. We will see that they are not desecrated by the touch of abolition hands. They are our sacred inheritance. Louisville, May 16th. Street rumors say there is likely to be difficulty here be tween the opposing parties on the advent of Col Anderson. New York, May 16th. A special dis patch to the Commercial says it is report- d here that the Va secessionists have erected batteries at Aquia creek to pre vent approoch to Richmond. Certain developments indicate that gov ernment will make a decisive demonstra tion in a short time. The World's dispatch says it is believed that 10,000 Pennsvlvanians are moving towards Maryland. The transfer of Butler to fortress Mon roe, and sending there large qnantitiesof ammunition ana stores, is believed to in dicate important movements. Advices from fortress Monroe state that a band of secessionists from Hamp ton sent a deputation to Col Demmick de manding sole possession of the roads lead ing across the dyke which has been late- y under guard ; Demmick's reply was that he would give the rebels ten minutes to disperse ; two companies were ordered northward and two cannon were planted o as to sweep the entire distance, the Col, watch in hand, watched the expira tion of the time, when not a rebel was to be seen. 200 Mass troops took posses sion of the dyke and bridge.' Cincinnati, May 16th. Col Anderson arrived this afternoon and wa3 met at the depot by a committee of the city council. Mayor Hatch tendered the hospitalities of the ciiy, to which Col Anderson brief- y replied. He was then escorted through the principal streets by the home guards and an immense throng of citizens gene rally. Everywhere along the whole line of marbh the most hearty expressions of welcome were given. At camp Dennison the soldiers were drawn up in line pre senting arms as the train passed. Uol Andprson is the guest of his brother Lary Anderson. Harrisburg, May 16th.-It is novr re ported that Col Anderson simply tol Gov Curtain as a report, not a3 fact, that John C Rreckinri Jge was to take a federal com mand under him. ExGov Geary is spoken of an Briga dier General of Pa. Seventy-five members of the House of the Pa Legislature head by the Speaker iave tendered their services to the Gov ernment. Frca the Bulletin of Saturday, May ISth. 1,500 Troops at Jefferson City, Mo. FEDERAL HILL, MD., EVACUAT ED! The Alexandria Precinct, Va , for tlic InionI Important Letter from the Secretary of Mate I Traitors at Harpers Ferry Erecting Fortifications on tho Md-, side ! Capture of a Submarine Boat at Phila. ADAMS' EXPRESS CO. STOPPED! England Arms The Traitors! II A2PEHS FTIISY TO BE ATTACHED WITHI2I TEN LAYS! M. St. Lottis, May 17, P. Advices from Jefferson city state that ,500 state troops gathered from Cole and the neighboring counties are station ed at that place to defena it from an at tack, four pieces of artillery are there. Mai-Gen Price has issued orders direct ing the Brig-Gen's of the several districts organize the militia of the State and report to head quarters. Mai Geo G Wagoman, U b A m this city, has resigned, capt J j jveiton suc ceeds in the duties cf the chief commis- ary of subsistance of the military de partment of the west. New York, May 17. A detachment cf US troops arrived here yesterday from fortress Monroe .and went to Governors Island, they report the garrison at Mon roe in good health and well supplied with all necessaries. The artillery school was in vigorous progress, the regiments being daily exercised at the guns. The Times Washington dispatch says no more troops except for the war will be ordered in this direction, troops for the short service will however be at cepted f y: the present for western services. Gen Scott is in receipt of important dispatches from Ft McIIenry arid from Maj Morris and Gen Cadwallader. He sent this morning full instructions to the latter as to the policy he is to pursue at Baltimore. Federal hill is entirely de serted bv order of Gen Cadwallader whtyj has taken up poskiaa for his camp ne-r Ft McIIenry. The removal frcm Fede ral Hill, which is the surest an 1 most available bight commanding the city, i severely -censured by many military men but is generally liked by the people of that vicinity. It is said that Ccl Jones who led the Mass C.h through Baltimore c:i the 10th ult. will succeed Gen Rutler in the Bri Generalship. Col Jcnes' scout3 Lave three or four times come in sight of the secesson outposts. A party cf them come very near being cut off by the enemy last eight, they made some important discov eries in regard to the position of tho se cessionists. Gentlemen from Alexandria visited the President this morning and assured him that if protected at the polls the pecplo cf that precinct would give a large vote against secession. Citizens of the seceeded States in order to obtain patents for inventions must lake oath cf alleigance to the U S. The- following' important letter was yesterday written by the Sec cf State : Washicgtonten, IGth.Sir: I have received your letter of yesterday's date asking me to give you in writting my reasons for considering an acceptance on your part of "Gov Letcher's proposition to purchase steamships Yorktown and Jamestown, re cently seized by his orders and now in h: possession, an act of treason. With this request I readily comply: An insur rection has broken out in several States of this Union including Va., designed to overthrow the government cf the U S. The executive authorities ure parties to that insurrection and so are public ene-1 mies; their action in seizing or buying vessels to be employed m the execution of the decision is not merely without author ity of law but is treason. It i3 treason for any person to give aid or comfort to j public enemies. To sell vessels to them, which it is their purpdse to use as ships of war, is to give them aid or comfort. To receive money from "them in payment for vessels which they have seized for these purposes would be to convert the unlawful seizure into a sale and would subject the party offending to the pains and penalties of treason and the govern ment would not hesitate to bring the of fender to punishment. Signed, W II SEWARD To G Ilemecker. Frankfort, Ky., May 17. The Houso yesterday concurred in the Senate bill egalizing the suspension of specie pay ment by the Ky banks. The House pas set resolutions that Ky should maintain strict nuirality during the present contest, an 1 approving of the Governor's refusal to furnish troops to the federal govern ment under existing circumstanses. Louisville, May 17. The official re turns from SO counties show the Union vote for delegate to the Border State Convention to be 60,561 with IS counties to hear from. New York, May 17. In less than ten days Gen Butler will have more than ten thousand men under his command at rt Monroe and a squadron adequate to the support of the land forces. -This demon stration looks to the possession cf public property at Gosport. New York, May 17. The WorkTs dispatch from Washington says that pas sengers via Harpers Ferry report the rebels erecting fortifications on the Md side. St. Locis, May 19, A. M. New York, May 17. A communica tion to the press signed by W P Smith says the reported destruction cf the . i a- r T- r bridges on the JJ c u ll n is unirue, as also a report in a N Y paper that he had asked Gen Scott to take military posses sion ot the road. Tbe capitol buildings will be cleared of troops by the 1st of June and renovated for the extra session of Congress. The Mich regiment arrived here in good condition being the first body of western troops which has reached the capitol. nnapohs, May 17. Une hundred men with two cannot left on a steamer for the purpose cf retaking the light ships on great Wyconic river. W ashington, May 17. ihe Charleston Courier reports that on the 12th inst a British bargue was refused entrance into that port by the Niagara. Two British ships were also ordered off; another was . pursued but run into .hoal water and was towed up to the city. A British ship was boarded but was finally permitted to pa:;s. New York. May 17. The U b steam er Crusader at Havana from Key West eported that the yacht Wanderer was taken by the U S "steamer St Louis. Philadelphia, May 17. An excitement was created this morning by the seziure j cf a submarine boat the invention of De villero, a Frenchman. On going the river it struck an island. Four men were fcuud n board. Devillero said he was taking it to the navy yard to teit.but the officers there disclaimed any knowl edge cf hi:n. The boat was constructed some time since for raising wrecks ar.d other submarine works, but was never put to active use. It is cigar shaped made cf iron and is thirty feet long. It supplies it3 own air and wnl be useful in mining under a fleet. Mr Ilerbers, Superintendent cf Mt Vernon, says there i3 no foundation for the report that the remains cf Washing ton have been removed from their rt-sticg placij. BrigGen Mansfield to-day iisued an orderas fellows: I ordered by the U-!e-grah the azent3 cf the Adams express cc:, at Philadelphia, New York nndBilt .i:more that in the future no express mat ter, inclusive cf letter?, will be permitted to go South of this city into Va. Col Stone, by my crdcr, seized the express matter ar.d stepped oil ccr.tratar. 1 and permitted th.. rest to c j forward. The N Y IleraU's c:r rejpen states tl.t it Las teen par tially decided that Jt:f Davb is to .ako command at Richmond, Tho grct?5t discontent is felt ly the rebel troops' for want cf a re'iille hoad and has hi 1 its influence cn Davif. It is al.o stated :h:t it has been seriously discussed in secret sesion to remove the teat cf government to Richmond, but the intimation h.ivirg been received cf the intention t tal.o possession cf that city it v.os dcer;:l ad visable not to go so far north at prciort. A gentleman says he waa ir.fcrm.d by Gov Letcher of the truth cf the statemea that arms had been received at N Orleans frcm England. A committee cf New Yorkers headfd by Astor assured thu government yester day that money shall not bo wanting u:i til the rebellion i3 suppressed. Washington, May 2G. A messcngor from the South says that additional rein forcements were sent up by the rebels to day. There is a great complaint among. them of a scarcity of powder. A demon stration at Norfolk it is thought will takes place this week. A prominent cff.c'al said to-day there would be an attack on Harpers Ferry within ten days. The trial of spies here show that thy were ser.thy the rebels to aid deserters from tho army T From the Bulletiaof JfonJir, lUy, CO. I '-l n it t rnr vrrn t err t rn? "'-"'- GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION ! LIISSOUTwI TO S3 S3AL? wrrn sui.rr.iAr.iL.T ? Hannibal and Si. Joe Railroad ? la taken Possession cf by Government! C0LLTCT02S TO EH ATrOKTCZD TO?. Z2VJ. nto7 POSTS f SENATOR DOUGLAS VERY SICX ! rcdcral Troops rircd on at 1Ty comic Hlvcr! Virginia (a It Attacked Soon III Omaha, N". TM May LU Governor's Proclamation. Wiixheas, The President cf the U S has issued his proclamation "calling into the service of the U San additional f.rca of infantry and cavalry to servo for a period of 3 years unles3 previously dis charged, and the Secretary cf War havin g assigned one regiment to the Territory cf Nebraska; Now, therefore, I, Alvin Saunders, Governor cf the Territory of Nebraska, do issue tbia proclamation and hereby call upon the militia of the Territory im mediately to form in the different coun ties volunteer companies with a riew of entering the service cf the U S nr.dcr the aforesaid call. Companies when formed will proceed to td'?ct captain anl two lieutenants. The" number of men re quired in each company will be riada known as soon as instruction3 arc receiv ed from the War Department; but it i3 ' supposed now that it will not beles3 than'' 7S men. As soon a3 a company has form--ed and ha3 elected it3 officers the captain will report the same to tho Adj't Gea'a office. Efforts arc being made to trample tho stars and stripes the emblem cf our lib erties in the dust; traitors are in tho land busily engaged in trying to over throw the government; and information ha3 been received that thess tame trait ors are endeavoring to incite on iaraiioa of our frontier by a savage fee. In view of these facts, I invoke the aid cf every lover of his country and hij home to coma promptly forward to sustaia and protect ' the same. Done at Omaha, thia ISth day cf May, 1501. Signed, . ALVIN SAUNDERS, Got. cf Neb. Ter. . St. Louis, May 15, P. M, Washington, May 18. The President called the Cabinet to-day in great haito and they were in session cne hour. Sec retary Seward left the White Houso and proceeded to the quarters cf Gen Batlt-r, and not finding the latter, dispatched cn3 of the Gen's aid3 ia pursuit cf Lin. Tho interview lasted some time. It is evident from appearance that ths government intends dealing with Mh.-curi ia the same manner it has with Maryland as evidence cf this the government La3 concluded to take charg3 cf the Hat.iiilal and St Joseph II R and employ i: fcr government purpose3. The government ha3 determined to ap point collectors fcr the different southern port3, and is engaged in .electing men cf energy to fill them. The duties will be collected ca beard men cf war whatever may be the opinion cf legal authorities . here or elsewhere. The President ha3 cemmis-icned Mr Sickles to raise a divi-ioa cf C0.C00 men to report ia 10 days. The country rc3y net generally les aware that at this moment an agent cf tho French Emperor is traveling tho South by the name cf Baroche. lie is instruct ed that he is simply collecting in:cnntin for the commercial bureau for ths ter cf public works, but this is, he is a political more than a commercial agent, and hh die itches regularly for warded to Pari3 necessarily exerche great inflacrce ever tho cf tho emprcr. Chicago, May IS. Sen Dc'.ass Ves been very ill wi:h typhoid fever ever l-:::c3 he returned to this city, ar.d fears are en tertained by hio friends that he will r.ot recover. v York, "lav 13. A rpech! 11